#!/bin/bash RELEASEFILE="https://github.com/coin2fly/coin2flycore/releases/download/v0.12.1.5/coin2flycore-" SENTINELGIT="https://github.com/coin2fly/sentinelLinux.git" # leave empty if coin has no sentinel daemon="coin2flyd" cli="coin2fly-cli" stopcli="stop" archive_path="coin2flycore-" core_dir=".coin2flycore" config_path="$core_dir/coin2fly.conf" node_user="coin2fly" mainnet="12225" disablewallet="" # risky, a lot of coins that implement zerocoin/darksend functionality break the daemon with this # this variable is used to keep track of the upgrades to our environment checkpoint="20180323" installer_checkpoint="/home/$node_user/$core_dir/.installer_checkpoint" # other variables DISTRO=$(lsb_release -s -c) export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # environment setup, make it pretty tred=$(tput setaf 1); tgreen=$(tput setaf 2); tyellow=$(tput setaf 3); tblue=$(tput setaf 4); tmagenta=$(tput setaf 5); tcyan=$(tput setaf 6); treset=$(tput sgr0); tclear=$(tput clear); twbg=$(tput setab 7) # clear the screen, my ladies echo "$tclear" echo -e "\n$tmagenta""Masternode Install Script for $daemon$treset\n" # checking for current user id, we should be running as root if (( EUID != 0 )); then echo -e "$tred""I need to be root to run this. Please switch to root with $twbg sudo -i $treset$tred or log in directly as root, then run the command again.$treset\n" exit 1 fi if [[ $(lsb_release -s -i) != "Ubuntu" ]]; then echo "$tred""This doesn't seem to be Ubuntu. Distribution is unsuported.\n""$treset" exit 1 fi # Checking if there's a running daemon already BINPID=$(pidof $daemon) if (( BINPID )); then echo "Found $tcyan$daemon$treset running with:" echo " * PID: $tyellow$BINPID$treset." BINPATH=$(readlink -f /proc/"$BINPID"/exe) echo " * Path: $tyellow$BINPATH$treset." BINUID=$(awk '/^Uid:/{print $2}' /proc/"$BINPID"/status) BINUSER=$(getent passwd "$BINUID" | awk -F: '{print $1}') echo " * Running as: $tyellow$BINUSER$treset." echo " * Running under: $tyellow$DISTRO$treset." echo "------------------------------" echo "Can not continue in this state. Exiting." exit 1 fi function randpw { < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-16};echo; } function do_updates { echo -e "Bringing your system up2date." apt update DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt upgrade -yq DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -yq python-virtualenv virtualenv git } function do_swap { phymem=$(free -m|awk '/^Mem:/{print $2}') swap=$(free -m|awk '/^Swap:/{print $2}') if (( phymem < 1536 && swap == 0 )); then echo -e "You seem to have less than 1.5GB RAM and no Swap. I'm adding a$tyellow 2GB Swap File$treset." fallocate -l 2048M /swapfile chmod 0600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile echo "/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi } function install_sentinel { if [[ $SENTINELGIT ]]; then cat <<- EOF > /tmp/install_sentinel.sh #!/bin/bash cd - git clone $SENTINELGIT sentinel cd sentinel /usr/bin/virtualenv ./venv ./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt crontab -l | { cat; echo "* * * * * cd ~/sentinel && ./venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py 2>&1 >> ~/sentinel-cron.log" ;} | crontab - EOF chmod +x /tmp/install_sentinel.sh su - "$node_user" -c "/tmp/install_sentinel.sh" fi } function download_unpack_install { # grabbing the new release FILENAME=$(basename "$RELEASEFILE") echo "Downloading package:" curl -LJO -k "$RELEASEFILE" -o "$FILENAME" # unpacking in /usr/local/bin, we're unpacking only the daemon and cli, don't need the rest tar -C /usr/bin/ -xzf "$FILENAME" --strip-components 2 "$archive_path$daemon" "$archive_path$cli" # remove the archive, keep it clean rm -f "$FILENAME" # making sure the files have the correct permission, maybe someone cross-compiled and moved to a non-posix filesystem chmod +x /usr/bin/{"$daemon","$cli"} # setting up wrappers so the user never calls the binary directly as root cat <<- EOF > /usr/local/bin/"$daemon" #!/bin/bash echo -e "\n" echo -e "Please$tred do not$treset run the daemon manually. Use$tyellow systemctl start $daemon$treset as$tred root$treset to start it (or$tgreen restart$treset)." echo -e "\n" if (( EUID == 0 )); then if [[ "\$@" =~ "reindex" ]]; then echo "It seems that you are trying to reindex the blockchain database. Please use$tyellow systemctl start $daemon-reindex$treset to do this." echo "I will do this for you this time." exec systemctl start $daemon-reindex exit 0 fi echo "Please do not attempt to run the daemon as$tred root$treset. Switch to the $tgreen$node_user$treset user with:$tyellow su - $node_user$treset." if (( \$# == 0 )); then exec su - $node_user -c "/usr/bin/$daemon" else printf -v string '%q ' "\$@"; exec su - $node_user -c "/usr/bin/$daemon \$string" fi else if (( $(pidof $daemon) )); then echo "$tcyan$daemon is already running." exit 1 fi if (( \$# == 0 )); then exec /usr/bin/$daemon else printf -v string '%q ' "\$@"; exec /usr/bin/$daemon "\$string" fi fi EOF chmod +x /usr/local/bin/"$daemon" } function install_cronjob { echo "Installing extra cronjob." crontab -l | { cat; echo "SHELL=/bin/bash" ;} | crontab - crontab -l | { cat; echo "*/15 * * * * (( (\$(curl -s http://explorer.coin2fly.com/api/getblockcount) - \$(coin2fly-cli getblockcount)) > 10 )) && systemctl restart coin2flyd-reindex" ;} | crontab - } function setup_initial_config { mkdir -p /home/"$node_user"/"$core_dir" current_ip=$(curl -s https://v4.ifconfig.co/) cat <<- EOF > /home/"$node_user"/"$config_path" #---- rpcuser=rpc-$node_user rpcpassword=$(randpw) rpcallowip= rpcthreads=8 rpcport=12228 #---- listen=1 server=1 daemon=1 maxconnections=256 logtimestamp=1 #-------------------- externalip=$current_ip bind=$current_ip #-------------------- EOF chown "$node_user":"$node_user" -R /home/"$node_user"/ # also copy the rpc= to root's config, so root can use the rpc client mkdir -p ~/"$core_dir" grep rpc /home/"$node_user"/"$config_path" > ~/"$config_path" } function get_key_update_config { if [[ ! "$MNKEY" ]]; then echo -n "We are generating a new private key: " sleep 10 # just giving a chance to non-ssd VPS to catch-up, if we just started this for the first time genkey=$(su - "$node_user" -c "/usr/bin/$cli masternode genkey") else echo -n "We are using the provided key: " genkey="$MNKEY" fi echo "$tyellow$genkey$treset" echo "masternode=1" >> /home/"$node_user"/"$config_path" echo "masternodeprivkey=$genkey" >> /home/"$node_user"/"$config_path" } function create_upstart_conf { echo -e "Installing an $tyellow upstart$treset init file to keep our daemon running & auto-restarting.\n" echo -e "$tred""Please keep in mind this is not tested, so it may not work at all. You should be using the recommended linux distribution instead.$treset\n" cat <<- EOF > /etc/init/"$daemon".conf # $daemon - job file description "$daemon init script" # When to start the service start on runlevel [2345] # When to stop the service stop on runlevel [016] # Automatically restart process if crashed respawn expect fork setuid $node_user setgit $node_user exec /usr/bin/$daemon -daemon $disablewallet EOF echo -e "To manually stop/start the $daemon daemon, do:" echo -e " Start:$tyellow start $daemon$treset" echo -e " Stop:$tyellow stop $daemon$treset" echo -e "\n" start "$daemon" } function create_systemd_unit { echo "Installing a $tyellow systemd$treset service file to keep our daemon running & auto-restarting." cat <<- EOF > /lib/systemd/system/"$daemon".service [Unit] Description=$daemon's masternode daemon After=network.target [Service] User=$node_user Group=$node_user Type=forking ExecStart=/usr/bin/$daemon -daemon $disablewallet ExecStop=/usr/bin/$cli $stopcli OnFailure=$daemon-reindex.service Restart=always TimeoutStopSec=60s TimeoutStartSec=30s StartLimitInterval=120s StartLimitBurst=5 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF cat <<- EOF > /lib/systemd/system/"$daemon"-reindex.service [Unit] Description=$daemon's reindex After=network.target OnFailure=$daemon.service Conflicts=$daemon.service [Service] User=$node_user Group=$node_user Type=forking ExecStart=/usr/bin/$daemon -daemon -reindex $disablewallet ExecStop=/usr/bin/$cli $stopcli Restart=always TimeoutStopSec=60s TimeoutStartSec=30s StartLimitInterval=120s StartLimitBurst=5 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable "$daemon" systemctl start "$daemon" echo -e "To manually stop/start $tcyan$daemon$treset, please use:" echo -e " Start:$tyellow systemctl start $daemon$treset." echo -e " Stop:$tyellow systemctl stop $daemon$treset." echo -e "\n" } do_updates do_swap # add the user, doh adduser --quiet $node_user --disabled-password --gecos '' # download & install the binaries to their correct places, including wrappers download_unpack_install # run the daemon for the first time setup_initial_config su - $node_user -c "/usr/bin/$daemon $disablewallet -daemon" # \o/ just wait a bit sleep 3 # let's go ahead and do the fancy key stuff get_key_update_config # stop the daemon su - $node_user -c "/usr/bin/$cli stop" echo -e "\n" install_sentinel # proceeding... if [[ $DISTRO == "xenial" || $DISTRO == "artful" || $DISTRO == "zesty" || $DISTRO == "bionic" ]]; then create_systemd_unit elif [[ $DISTRO == "trusty" ]]; then create_upstart_conf else echo -e "$tred""We have no idea what Ubuntu version you are using (how did you even get this far?), so we're just gonna set up a cronjob for you to start the daemon\n$treset" crontab -l -u "$node_user" | { cat; echo "@reboot /usr/bin/$daemon -reindex $disablewallet" ;} | crontab -u "$node_user" - su - "$node_user" -c "/usr/bin/$daemon -reindex $disablewallet" fi install_cronjob # set checkpoint echo "$checkpoint" > "$installer_checkpoint" echo -e "\n" echo -e "Masternode setup is done on this side. You should go back to your Wallet and add this line to your$tgreen masternode.conf$reset file:\n" echo -e "$tyellow""MN1 $tgreen$current_ip:$mainnet $genkey$tmagenta txhash txindex$treset\n" echo -e " * replace:$tmagenta txhash$treset and$tmagenta index$treset with your correct values from$tblue masternode outputs$treset" echo -e " *$tyellow MN1$treset can be anything you want, just keep it in one word\n" echo -e "After you edit the$tgreen masternode.conf$treset file and restart your wallet, you can$tmagenta start alias$treset from the Masternode Tab in the wallet.\n"