tickers: get: tags: - Tickers summary: Get tickers for all active coins description: | Returns price data of all active cryptocurrencies on coinpaprika.com: * identity (`id`, `name`, `symbol`) * ranking (`rank`) * supplies (`circulating_supply`, `total_supply`, `max_supply`) * [beta coefficient](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/beta.asp) (`beta_value`) * price data in a given currency (price, volumes, market cap, price changes, ath) **Available on the following API plans:** - Free - there is no `circulating supply` field in the Free plan. If you need this field, use another API plan. - Starter - Pro - Business - Enterprise **Maximum number of assets returned depending on the selected API plan:** | Plan | Assets | |------------|-------------------------------------| | Free | 2000 | | Starter | No limits | | Pro | No limits | | Business | No limits | | Enterprise | No limits | **Update interval:** - 3 minutes for Starter, Pro, Business, Enterprise plans - On average 5 minutes for Free x-codeSamples: - lang: 'cURL' label: 'CLI' source: | curl --request GET \ --url 'https://api.coinpaprika.com/v1/tickers' operationId: "getTickers" parameters: - $ref: "../parameters/tickers.yml#/quotes" responses: 200: description: "successful operation" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "../schemas/tickers.yml#/tick" 429: description: "too many requests" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/errors.yml#/tooManyRequestsError" tickers_by_id: get: tags: - Tickers summary: Get ticker for a specific coin description: | Returns price data of a single cryptocurrency on coinpaprika.com: * identity (`id`, `name`, `symbol`) * ranking (`rank`) * supplies (`circulating_supply`, `total_supply`, `max_supply`) * [beta coefficient](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/beta.asp) (`beta_value`) * price data in a given currency (price, volumes, market cap, price changes, ath) **Available on the following API plans:** - Free - there is no `circulating supply` field in the Free plan. If you need this field, use another API plan. - Starter - Pro - Business - Enterprise **Update interval:** - 3 minutes for Starter, Pro, Business, Enterprise plans - On average 5 minutes for Free x-codeSamples: - lang: 'cURL' label: 'CLI' source: | curl --request GET \ --url 'https://api.coinpaprika.com/v1/tickers/btc-bitcoin' operationId: "getTickersById" parameters: - $ref: "../parameters/coins.yml#/coin_id" - $ref: "../parameters/tickers.yml#/quotes" responses: 200: description: "successful operation" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/tickers.yml#/tick" 404: description: "not found" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/errors.yml#/idNotFoundError" 429: description: "too many requests" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/errors.yml#/tooManyRequestsError" tickers_historical: get: tags: - Tickers summary: Get historical ticks for a specific coin description: | Returns historical values of `price`, `volume_24h`, `market_cap` for a given cryptocurrency on coinpaprika.com: **Available history range depending on the selected API plan:** | Interval | `interval` param values | Free | Starter | Pro | Business | Enterprise | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | Daily | `24h`, `1d`, `7d`, `14d`, `30d`, `90d`, `365d` | last 1 year | last 5 years | unlimited | unlimited | unlimited | | Hourly | `1h`, `2h`, `3h`, `6h`, `12h` | last 1 day | last 30 days | last 90 days | last 365 days | unlimited | | 5-minute | `5m`, `10m`, `15m`, `30m`, `45m` | none | last 7 days | last 30 days | last 365 days | unlimited | **Update interval:** Every 5 minutes. x-codeSamples: - lang: 'cURL' label: 'CLI' source: | curl --request GET \ --url 'https://api.coinpaprika.com/v1/tickers/btc-bitcoin/historical?start=2019-01-01&interval=1d' operationId: "getTickersHistoricalById" parameters: - $ref: "../parameters/coins.yml#/coin_id" - $ref: "../parameters/tickers.yml#/historical_start" - $ref: "../parameters/tickers.yml#/historical_end" - $ref: "../parameters/tickers.yml#/historical_limit" - $ref: "../parameters/tickers.yml#/historical_quote" - $ref: "../parameters/tickers.yml#/historical_interval" responses: 200: description: "successful operation" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/tickers.yml#/historical_ticks" 404: description: "not found" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/errors.yml#/idNotFoundError" 429: description: "too many requests" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/errors.yml#/tooManyRequestsError" 400: description: "invalid parameters"