search: get: summary: Search description: | Returns currencies, exchanges, icos, people, tags on for a given search query. **Available on the following API plans:** - Free - Starter - Pro - Business - Enterprise **Update interval:** Every 1 minute. x-codeSamples: - lang: 'cURL' label: 'CLI' source: | curl --request GET \ --url '' tags: - Tools parameters: - $ref: "../parameters/tools.yml#/search_query" - $ref: "../parameters/tools.yml#/search_category" - $ref: "../parameters/tools.yml#/search_modifier" - $ref: "../parameters/tools.yml#/search_limit" responses: 200: description: "successful operation" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/tools.yml#/search_results" 429: description: "too many requests" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/errors.yml#/tooManyRequestsError" 400: description: "invalid parameters" price_converter: get: summary: Price converter description: | Converts a set amount of base currency to quote currency. **Available on the following API plans:** - Free - Starter - Pro - Business - Enterprise **Update interval:** Every 1 minute. x-codeSamples: - lang: 'cURL' label: 'CLI' source: | curl --request GET \ --url '"e_currency_id=eth-ethereum&amount=1.2' tags: - Tools parameters: - $ref: "../parameters/tools.yml#/converter_base_currency_id" - $ref: "../parameters/tools.yml#/converter_quote_currency_id" - $ref: "../parameters/tools.yml#/converter_amount" responses: 200: description: "successful operation" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/tools.yml#/price_converter_response" 429: description: "too many requests" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../schemas/errors.yml#/tooManyRequestsError" 400: description: "invalid parameters"