currency: type: object properties: id: type: string example: btc-bitcoin description: ID of coin on name: type: string example: Bitcoin description: Name of the cryptocurrency symbol: type: string example: BTC description: Symbol of the cryptocurrency rank: type: integer example: 1 description: Current ranking of the cryptocurrency. If `is_active` is false the `rank` is 0 is_new: type: boolean example: false description: Flag indicating if the currency was added within the last 5 days is_active: type: boolean example: true description: Flag indicating if the currency is active, which means that we can calculate the current price and volume type: type: string example: coin description: Type of the cryptocurrency. Currently supported values are `coin` and `token` coin_extended: type: object properties: id: type: string example: btc-bitcoin description: ID of coin on name: type: string example: Bitcoin description: Name of the cryptocurrency symbol: type: string example: BTC description: Symbol of the cryptocurrency parent: type: "#/coin_parent" example: {"id":"eth-ethereum","name":"Ethereum", "symbol":"ETH"} nullable: true description: "This field is deprecated. Use `contracts` field instead" rank: type: integer example: 1 description: Current coin ranking position on is_new: type: boolean example: false description: Flag indicating if the currency was added within the last 5 days is_active: type: boolean example: true description: Flag indicating if the currency is active, which means that we can calculate the current price and volume type: type: string example: coin description: Type of the cryptocurrency. Currently supported values are `coin` and `token` logo: type: string example: "" description: Logo image URL tags: type: array items: $ref: "tags.yml#/tag_simplified" description: "The array of tags to which this coin was assigned on" team: type: array items: $ref: "people.yml#/person_with_position" description: "The cryptocurrency founding and/or developing team" description: type: string example: "Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and worldwide payment system. It is the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central bank or single administrator." nullable: true description: "Text description of the cryptocurrency" message: type: string description: "An important message about current status of the cryptocurrency" open_source: type: boolean example: true description: Set to true if the cryptocurrency is Open Source project hardware_wallet: type: boolean example: true description: Set to true if the cryptocurrency is supported by any hardware wallet started_at: type: string example: "2009-01-03T00:00:00Z" nullable: true description: "Launch date of the cryptocurrency" development_status: type: string example: Working product nullable: true description: Development status of the cryptocurrency - if it is a working project, beta version, just an idea, etc. proof_type: type: string example: Proof of work nullable: true description: "Cryptocurrency proof type: Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, etc." org_structure: type: string example: Decentralized nullable: true description: "The cryptocurrency organization structure: centralized, decentralized, hierarchical, flat, etc." hash_algorithm: type: string example: SHA256 nullable: true description: Name of the hash algorithm used by the cryptocurrency contract: type: string nullable: true description: "This field is deprecated. Use `contracts` field instead" platform: type: string nullable: true description: "This field is deprecated. Use `contracts` field instead" contracts: type: array items: $ref: "#/contract" links: $ref: "#/coin_links" links_extended: type: array items: $ref: "#/link_extended" example: - url: type: explorer - url: type: reddit stats: subscribers: 1009135 - url: type: source_code stats: contributors: 730 stars: 36613 - url: type: website description: Contains all links of the `{coin_id}` coin together with statistics for some of them, e.g. number of twitter followers, reddit subscribers, telegram members or github repository stars and contributors whitepaper: $ref: "whitepaper.yml#/whitepaper" first_data_at: type: string description: Date of the first available ticker data for the coin. RFC3999 (ISO-8601) format example: "2018-10-03T11:48:19Z" last_data_at: type: string description: Date of the last available ticker data for the coin. RFC3999 (ISO-8601) format example: "2019-05-03T11:00:00" coin_parent: type: object properties: id: type: string example: eth-ethereum name: type: string example: Ethereum symbol: type: string example: ETH contract: type: object properties: contract: type: string description: The contract identifier, which is usually its address platform: type: string description: "ID of the contract platform. For Ethereum contracts it is `eth-ethereum`, for Tron `trx-tron`, etc." type: type: string description: "Type of the contract. Currently supported values are: `ERC20`, `BEP2`, `TRC10`, `TRC20`, `Stellar Asset`, `Other`" required: - contract - platform - type coin_links: type: object properties: explorer: type: array items: string example: ["", "", "", ""] nullable: true description: "List of links to blockchain explorers, if any" facebook: type: array items: string example: [""] nullable: true description: "List of links to Facebook pages of the cryptocurrency, if any" reddit: type: array items: string example: [""] nullable: true description: List of links to Reddit communities and profiles, if any source_code: type: array items: string example: [""] nullable: true description: List of links to source code repositories, if any website: type: array items: string example: [""] nullable: true description: List of the cryptocurrency websites, if any youtube: type: array items: string example: [""] nullable: true description: List of links to Youtube channels of the cryptocurrency, if any medium: type: array items: string example: null nullable: true description: List of links to Medium profiles of the cryptocurrency, if any link_extended: type: object properties: url: type: string description: The link URL type: type: string description: "Type of the link: `website`, `reddit`, `source_code`, etc." stats: type: object additionalProperties: type: number description: An object containing the link stats like `subscribers` (for reddit), `followers` (for twitter), `members` (for telegram), `stars`, `contributors` (for source code) required: - url - type twitter: type: object properties: date: type: string description: Publish date of the tweet. RFC3999 (ISO-8601) format example: "2018-10-03T11:48:19Z" user_name: type: string description: Twitter profile user name example: bitcoincoreorg user_image_link: type: string description: Twitter profile user image URL status: type: string description: Tweet content example: Bitcoin Core 0.17.0 Released is_retweet: type: boolean description: Flag indicating whether it is a retweet of someone else's tweet example: false retweet_count: type: integer description: Number of retweets of this tweet like_count: type: integer description: Number of likes of this tweet status_link: type: string description: Tweet URL status_id: type: string description: Tweet ID media_link: type: string descripiton: "Link to this tweet media: image, video, etc." nullable: true youtube_link: type: string description: "Link to Youtube video shared in this tweet" nullable: true coins_ohlcv: type: object properties: time_open: type: string description: RFC3999 (ISO-8601) format example: "2018-03-01T00:00:00Z" time_close: type: string description: RFC3999 (ISO-8601) format example: "2018-03-01T23:59:59Z" open: type: number example: 856.012 nullable: true high: type: number example: 880.302 nullable: true low: type: number example: 851.92 nullable: true close: type: number example: 872.2 nullable: true volume: type: integer example: 1868520000 nullable: true market_cap: type: integer example: 83808161204 nullable: true