usage: type: object description: Monthly usage for the API key properties: message: type: string example: limited plan description: "`limited plan` if the number of requests is limited in the current plan or `unlimited plan` if there is no limit on the number of requests" current_month: $ref: "#/current_month" current_month: type: object description: Requests made and left stats properties: requests_made: type: number example: 18 description: "Number of requests made in the current month. If a plan has no limit on the number of requests, e.g., `Enterprise` plan, then the value of `requests_made` is -1" requests_left: type: number example: 499982 description: "Number of requests left in the current month. If a plan has no limit on the number of requests, e.g., `Enterprise` plan, then the value of `requests_left` is -1" info: type: object properties: plan: type: string example: pro description: Name of the API plan plan_started_at: type: string description: A date when the plan started in RFC3999 (ISO-8601) format example: "2022-09-16T10:17:24Z" plan_status: type: string example: active description: "Status of the plan. There are 3 possible statuses: `active` - the subscription is active; `past_due` - the subscription payment failed. If payment is not made within 7 days, then the subscription will expire; `inactive` - the subscription is inactive." portal_url: type: string example: description: API Customer Portal URL usage: $ref: "#/usage"