tag_simplified: type: object properties: id: type: string example: blockchain-service description: ID of the tag name: type: string example: Blockchain Service description: Name of the tag coin_counter: type: integer example: 160 description: "Number of coins with this tag" ico_counter: type: integer example: 80 description: "Number of ico projects with this tag" tag: type: object properties: id: type: string example: blockchain-service description: ID of the tag name: type: string example: Blockchain Service description: Name of the tag coin_counter: type: integer example: 160 description: "Number of coins with this tag" ico_counter: type: integer example: 80 description: "Number of ico projects with this tag" description: type: string example: "A solution for companies wanting to build, host and use their own blockchain apps, smart contracts and functions on the blockchain." type: type: string example: functional coins: type: array items: string nullable: true example: ["dcr-decred","hc-hypercash","nxs-nexus"] icos: type: array items: string nullable: true example: ["kodakcoin-kodakone","acad-academy"]