Action Swf can create swf files. The program is a set of objects made with O Language. A swf with actionscript example is in the example folder for static o language. The libactionswf-dev actionswf.h is for c/c++ language and import.oh are the imports for o language. The files and has the main functions that can be used; functions from can be used in rare situations. When using the debug_log flag at swf_new_ex, action,action_sprite,swf_sprite_done calls are logged. The syntax is as follow: SpriteId ActionInitBool TextLinesNumber TextLines {*NumberAXsNumberB1-NumberBN} Or: SpriteId (here is a blank row) (another one, here is a ShowFrame) Or: SpriteId (blank row) FinalSpriteId Where: SpriteId or 0 for root. ActionInitBool is a 0/1 digit. FinalSpriteId is the id in the swf these are at prexx_flags: TextLinesNumber is the number of lines that TextLines has. TextLines is the text like in action[_sprite] call. * NumberA1-NumberAN lines from TextLinesNumber s is ,/|^*@ and NumberBX: example 1F,,F -> 3 actions, first is an action with ACTIONRECORDHEADER of 0x1F Length, second has ActionCode < 0x80, third has Length 0xF