import discord import pyrebase import datetime from dotenv import load_dotenv #setup environment variables load_dotenv() #discord auth token token = "discord token" #firebase auth variables config = { "apiKey": "apikey", "authDomain": "", "databaseURL": "", "storageBucket": "" } #which users are being tracked trackedusers = {"green": 0, "blue": 0, "red": 2, "yellow": 0}; #whether the bot is on or not on = True #set up the firebase environment firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config) #get the database db = firebase.database() #find the tracked user from database and store it locally users = db.child("users").get() trackedusers = users.val() #intialize discord client = discord.Client() #when the bot connects @client.event async def on_ready(): #print some stuff to confirm it's connected guild = discord.utils.get(client.guilds, name="Yuuko's Mad Ramblings") print( f'{client.user} is connected to the following guild:\n' f'{}(id: {})' ) #On a message @client.event async def on_message(message): global on #if the bot was the one who sent it, ignore if == client.user: return #split the message on ":" #If it finds one of the messages of the form #c:text #d:text #l:text #then it's a pluralkit command, so ignore check = message.content.split(":") if check[0] == "c": pass elif check[0] == "d": pass elif check[0] == "l": pass else: #split the message on spaces messagebits = message.content.split(" ") #t!color adds users to tracking based on color if messagebits[0] == 't!color': #if the message has atleast two parts if len(messagebits) >=2: #first bit is the color color = messagebits[1] if color in trackedusers.keys(): #If it has three parts if len(messagebits) == 3: #the three part can be an @user, so find the user'sname and save them to tracked users if "@" in messagebits[2]: id = int(messagebits[2].lstrip("<@!").rstrip(">")) print(message.guild.get_member(id).name) trackedusers[color] = message.guild.get_member(id).name db.child("users").update(trackedusers) #Send confirmation await"Understood, "+message.guild.get_member(id).name+" will be " + color) #otherwise it's just a name, so save that else: name = messagebits[2] trackedusers[color] = name db.child("users").update(trackedusers) #send confirmation await"Understood, "+name+" will be " + color) #otherwise it's just two parts, so the send must want to be assigned, so save them elif len(messagebits) == 2: id = trackedusers[color] = id db.child("users").update(trackedusers) #send confirmation await"yes you will be " + color) #If the user asked t!ready, reply with ready elif messagebits[0] == 't!ready': await"Ready! :^)") #t!rebuild repulls the user database to trackedusers elif messagebits[0] == 't!rebuild': update = db.child("users").get().val() for key in update.keys(): trackedusers[key] = update[key] #t!users simply replies with the users in trackedusers elif messagebits[0] == "t!users": for key in trackedusers: await + " : " + trackedusers[key]) #t!clear clears the database of all messages elif messagebits[0] == "t!clear": db.child("messages").remove() db.child("messages").push( {"user": "green", "count": 0}) await"db has been clear!") #t!on turns the tracking on elif messagebits[0] == "t!on": on = True await"Discozy is on!") #t!off turns the tracking off elif messagebits[0] == "t!off": on = False await"Discozy is off :(") #if the system is not on, don't track messages elif not on: pass #on any other message else: #If it's from a tracked member for key in trackedusers.keys(): if == trackedusers[key]: #add their message to the database db.child("messages").push({"user": key, "count": len(message.content.split(" "))})