## onyx-kafka Onyx plugin providing read and write facilities for Kafka. This plugin automatically discovers broker locations from ZooKeeper and updates the consumers when there is a broker failover. This plugin version is *only compatible with Kafka 0.9+*. Please use [onyx-kafka-0.8](https://github.com/onyx-platform/onyx-kafka-0.8) with Kafka 0.8. #### Installation In your project file: ```clojure [org.onyxplatform/onyx-kafka ""] ``` In your peer boot-up namespace: ```clojure (:require [onyx.plugin.kafka]) ``` #### Functions ##### read-messages Reads segments from a Kafka topic. Peers will automatically be assigned to each of the topics partitions, unless `:kafka/partition` is supplied in which case only one partition will be read from. `:onyx/min-peers` and `:onyx/max-peers` must be used to fix the number of the peers for the task to the number of partitions read by the task. NOTE: The `:done` sentinel (i.e. batch processing) is not supported if more than one partition is auto-assigned i.e. the topic has more than one partition and `:kafka/partition` is not fixed. An exception will be thrown if a `:done` is read under this circumstance. Catalog entry: ```onyx-gen-doc {:display :catalog-entry :model :onyx.plugin.kafka/read-messages :width 80 :merge-additions {:onyx/name :read-messages :onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.kafka/read-messages :onyx/type :input :onyx/medium :kafka :kafka/force-reset? true :kafka/consumer-opts :gen-doc-ignore :kafka/start-offsets {p1 offset1, p2 offset2} :onyx/min-peers <> :onyx/max-peers <> :onyx/batch-size 100 :onyx/doc "Reads messages from a Kafka topic"}} ``` Lifecycle entry: ```onyx-gen-doc {:display :lifecycle-entry :model :onyx.plugin.kafka/read-messages} ``` ###### Attributes ```onyx-gen-doc {:display :attribute-table :model :onyx.plugin.kafka/read-messages :columns :columns/default} ``` ##### write-messages Writes segments to a Kafka topic using the Kafka "new" producer. Catalog entry: ```onyx-gen-doc {:display :catalog-entry, :model :onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages, :width 200, :merge-additions {:kafka/zookeeper "", :onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages, :onyx/medium :kafka, :kafka/request-size 307200, :onyx/type :output, :onyx/name :write-messages, :kafka/topic "topic", :kafka/serializer-fn :my.ns/serializer-fn, :onyx/doc "Writes messages to a Kafka topic", :onyx/batch-size batch-size}} ``` Lifecycle entry: ```onyx-gen-doc {:display :lifecycle-entry :model :onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages} ``` Segments supplied to a `:onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages` task should be in in the following form: `{:message message-body}` with optional partition, topic and key values. ```clojure {:message message-body :key optional-key :partition optional-partition :topic optional-topic} ``` ###### Attributes ```onyx-gen-doc {:display :attribute-table :model :onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages :columns :columns/default} ``` #### Test Utilities A take-segments utility function is provided for use when testing the results of jobs with kafka output tasks. take-segments reads from a topic until a :done is reached, and then returns the results. Note, if a `:done` is never written to a topic, this will hang forever as there is no timeout. ```clojure (ns your-ns.a-test (:require [onyx.kafka.utils :as kpu])) ;; insert code to run a job here ;; retrieve the segments on the topic (def results (kpu/take-segments (:zookeeper/addr peer-config) "yourtopic" your-decompress-fn)) (last results) ; :done ``` #### Embedded Kafka Server An embedded Kafka server is included for use in test cases where jobs output to kafka output tasks. Note, stopping the server will *not* perform a [graceful shutdown](http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#basic_ops_restarting) - please do not use this embedded server for anything other than tests. This can be used like so: ```clojure (ns your-ns.a-test (:require [onyx.kafka.embedded-server :as ke] [com.stuartsierra.component :as component])) (def kafka-server (component/start (ke/map->EmbeddedKafka {:hostname "" :port 9092 :broker-id 0 :num-partitions 1 ; optional log dir name - randomized dir will be created if none is supplied ; :log-dir "/tmp/embedded-kafka" :zookeeper-addr ""}))) ;; insert code to run a test here ;; stop the embedded server (component/stop kafka-server) ``` #### Development To benchmark, start a real ZooKeeper instance (at and Kafka instance, and run the following benchmarks. Write perf, single peer writer: ``` TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL=info lein test onyx.plugin.output-bench-test :benchmark ``` Read perf, single peer reader: ``` TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL=info lein test onyx.plugin.input-benchmark-test :benchmark ``` Past results are maintained in `dev-resources/benchmarking/results.txt`. #### Contributing Pull requests into the master branch are welcomed. #### License Copyright © 2015 Michael Drogalis Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.