Bracketeer ========== Some bracket manipulation, selection, and insertion commands. Installation ------------ 1. Using Package Control, install "Bracketeer" Or: 1. Open the Sublime Text Packages folder - OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ - Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ - Linux: ~/.Sublime Text 3/Packages/ or ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages 2. clone this repo 3. Install keymaps for the commands (see Example.sublime-keymap for my preferred keys) Commands -------- `bracketeer`: Surrounds selected text with braces (or quotes - anything, really), and prevents indentation mishaps. `bracketeer_indent`: Indents sensibly - allows a clever use of enter, indent, and '{' to surround code in '{}'. See example below. `bracketeer_goto`: Goes to the matching bracket - either opener, closer, or *both* (creates two cursors). `bracketeer_select`: Searches for matching brackets and selects what is inside, or expands the selection to include the brackets. Keybindings ----------- Open your key bindings file and add the bindings you want. For example: ###### [Example.sublime-keymap]( In depth -------- ### Command: `bracketeer` > Default key combination: any opening bracket or quote character, possibly combined with `select` and `replace` options Options: `braces`: *Required* String with open/close characters, or list of `[open, close]`. Default key bindings support: * `{}` * `[]` * `()` * `<>` * `«»` * `‹›` * `""` * `''` * `“”` * `‘’` * `\`\`` `select`: *Default: false* Whether to select the text after brackets are inserted. Sublime Text usually *does* keep the text selected, so this command emulates that behavior. The example keymap file has these mapped to `["ctrl+[", bracket]` `replace`: If the selection is contained inside bracket characters, they will be replaced with new brackets. For example, to change curly brackets to square brackets: 1. Use `bracketeer_select` to select inside the curly brackets 2. Press `"ctrl+alt+[", "["` (from Example.sublime-keymap) and '(text)' changes to '[text]' The default Sublime Text command re-indents text after pressing a bracket key, and it looks really silly to me. This plugin indents sensibly. Helpful in languages that use curlies, e.g. `C`, `Java`, `PHP`. In addition, the "super+]" indent command is modified (using `bracketeer_indent`) so that the first and last lines are not indented. Makes it easy to add curly braces. Select some lines of code, with a blank line above and below. Or, if you like your braces on the same line as the `if|while|do`, put the start of the selection at the end of that line. Press `super+]`, then press "{". The block of code will be indented, leaving the code highlighted, then you can surround it in braces. 1. if ( a ) 2. echo NULL; # add blank lines 1. if ( a ) 2. 3. echo NULL; 4. # select text 1. if ( a ) 2. | 3. echo NULL; 4. | # press super+] 1. if ( a ) 2. | 3. echo NULL; 4. | # press { 1. if ( a ) 2. { 3. echo NULL;| # notice, the cursor moves *inside* the new brackets 4. } If you prefer "Kernigan and Ritchie" style brackets, start the selection on the previous line 1. if ( a ) 2. echo NULL; 3. # select text 1. if ( a )| 2. echo NULL; 3. | # press super+] 1. if ( a )| 2. echo NULL; 3. | # press { 1. if ( a ) { # a space is inserted before the '{' (unless it's already there!) 2. echo NULL;| # and again, the cursor moves *inside* the new brackets 3. } ### Command: `bracketeer_indent` > Default key combination is super+] If the first line of selected text is empty (and keep in mind this *ignores* whatever text is to the left of the selection, so not necessarily an empty line), that line will not be indented. See example usage above. ### Command: `bracketeer_select` > Default key combination is ctrl+shift+[ Expands the current region to include text *within* brackets, and if pressed again to include the brackets themselves. I will use '|' as the caret or selection start and end points: 1. do_something([1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}])| # move caret into the 'test' string 1. do_something([1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'te|st'}]) # press ctrl+shift+[ # the first bracket it finds is the '}', so it will match {}s # notice it will ignore the '{', which would otherwise look like the matching brace 1. do_something([1, '[', {|'brace':'{', 'test'|}]) # press ctrl+shift+[ # adds the {} to the selection 1. do_something([1, '[', |{'brace':'{', 'test'}|]) # press ctrl+shift+[ # selects between the []s. 1. do_something([|1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}|]) # press ctrl+shift+[ # selects the []s. 1. do_something(|[1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}]|) # press ctrl+shift+[ # selects the ()s. It would have expanded to select *between* the (), but that is what the selection already *was to start with* 1. do_something|([1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}])| # press ctrl+shift+[ # does nothing. No more brackets to match! 1. do_something|([1, '[', {'brace':'{', 'test'}])|