StringEncode ============ Encodes text. "Encode" in this context refers to HTML entities or URL encoding, not character encodings. Most of these commands work in both directions (e.g. you can encode *to* html entities, or *from* html entities). - Html entities - Css (e.g. unicode characters) - Xml entities - Json strings - Urls - Base64 encoding - Hash: Md5, Sha256, Sha512 - Regex escape - SQL 'LIKE' escape - Hexadecimal / Decimal - Unicode Hexadecimal representation This plugin was intended to be used with selections, but if you *don't* have any text selected, it will act on *the entire document*. This can be handy (if you're base64-encoding a file, for instance), but also have unintended consequences. For instance, you probably should not use `URL Decode` on an entire text document. You can also encode the clipboard, use the `string_encode_paste` command, and you will be presented with a menu to choose the encoding, and the clipboard will be encoded and inserted. Installation ------------ 1. Using Package Control, install "StringEncode" Or: 1. Open the Sublime Text Packages folder - OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ - Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ - Linux: ~/.Sublime Text 3/Packages/ or ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages 2. clone this repo 3. Install keymaps for the commands (see Example.sublime-keymap for my preferred keys) Commands -------- `string_encode_paste`: Converts the clipboard to the desired encoding. `html_entitize`: Converts characters to their HTML entity `html_deentitize`: Converts HTML entities to a character `url_encode`: Uses urllib.quote to escape special URL characters. - Accepts an `old_school` argument (default: `True`). Setting it to `False` will return `%20` instead of `+` when encoding spaces. `url_decode`: Uses urllib.unquote to convert escaped URL characters `json_escape`: Escapes a string and surrounds it in quotes, according to the JSON encoding. `json_unescape`: Unescapes a string (include the quotes!) according to JSON encoding. `base64_encode`: Uses base64 to encode into base64 `base64_decode`: Uses base64 to decode from base64 `md5_encode`: Uses sha package to create md5 hash `sha256_encode`: Uses sha package to create sha256 hash `sha512_encode`: Uses sha package to create sha512 hash `escape_regex`: Escapes regex meta characters `escape_like`: Escapes SQL-LIKE meta characters `safe_html_entitize`: Converts characters to their HTML entity, but preserves HTML reserved characters `safe_html_deentitize`: Converts HTML entities to a character, but preserves HTML reserved characters `xml_entitize`: Converts characters to their XML entity `xml_deentitize`: Converts XML entities to a character