Alternative autocompletion ========================== This plugin adds an autocompletion command to Sublime Text that acts similarly to TextMate: * Hitting the autocomplete key will attempt to complete the current word by looking at similar words in the current document. * Hitting the autocomplete key multiple times will cycle through the available words. * The last autocomplete position is remembered, so you can perform an autocompletion, move the cursor around, move back to where you were, and continue cycling through the completions. * Candidate completions are selected prioritized by distance to the cursor. The plugin improves on TextMate in one respect: If no candidates are found, the plugin reverts to using a simple fuzzy, case-insensitive matching algorithm that is similar to Sublime's file/class matching algorithm. For example, typing `appc` might match `ApplicationController`. Compatibility ------------- Sublime Text 3 only Installation ------------ 1. Open the Sublime Text Packages folder - OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ - Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ - Linux: ~/.Sublime Text 3/Packages/ or ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages 2. clone this repo 3. Install keymaps for the commands (see Example.sublime-keymap for my preferred keys) Limitations ----------- Currently does not work with multiple selections. License ------- Copyright 2011 Alexander Staubo. MIT license. See `LICENSE` file for license. Modified by Colin Gray