#!/bin/bash #run this from COPO folder, not setup_scripts # create postgres database, user and permissions POSTGRES_USER=copo_user POSTGRES_DB=copo POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password sudo -u postgres createuser -s $POSTGRES_USER sudo -u postgres createdb $POSTGRES_DB #psql postgres -c "alter user $POSTGRES_USER with encrypted password '$POSTGRES_PASSWORD';" sudo -u postgres psql postgres -c "alter user $POSTGRES_USER with encrypted password '$POSTGRES_PASSWORD';" #psql postgres -c "grant all privileges on database $POSTGRES_DB to $POSTGRES_USER ;" sudo -u postgres psql postgres -c "grant all privileges on database $POSTGRES_DB to $POSTGRES_USER ;" #psql postgres -c "ALTER USER $POSTGRES_USER CREATEDB;" sudo -u postgres psql postgres -c "ALTER USER $POSTGRES_USER CREATEDB;" # run django/copo setup functions python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py makemigrations chunked_upload python manage.py makemigrations allauth python manage.py migrate python manage.py setup_groups python manage.py setup_schemas python manage.py createcachetable python manage.py social_accounts # setup allauth social accounts....N.B. you should have environmental variables set for $ORCID_CLIENT_ID and $ORCID_SECRET export PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD; psql -h 'localhost' -U $POSTGRES_USER -d 'copo' -c 'DELETE FROM socialaccount_socialapp_sites' export PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD; psql -h 'localhost' -U $POSTGRES_USER -d 'copo' -c 'DELETE FROM django_site' export PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD; psql -h 'localhost' -U $POSTGRES_USER -d 'copo' -c 'DELETE FROM socialaccount_socialapp' export PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD; psql -h 'localhost' -U $POSTGRES_USER -d 'copo' -c "INSERT INTO django_site (id, domain, name) VALUES (1, 'www.copo-project.org', 'www.copo-project.org')" # export PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD; psql -h 'localhost' -U $POSTGRES_USER -d 'copo' -c "INSERT INTO socialaccount_socialapp (id, provider, name, client_id, secret, key) VALUES (1, 'orcid', 'Orcid', '$ORCID_CLIENT_ID', '$ORCID_SECRET', '')" export PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD; psql -h 'localhost' -U $POSTGRES_USER -d 'copo' -c 'INSERT INTO socialaccount_socialapp_sites (id, socialapp_id, site_id) VALUES (1, 1, 1)'