/* TileViewer HTML5 client Version: 3.0.2 This plugin is tested with following dependencies * JQuery 1.7+ * JQuery.HotKeys * Brandon Aaron's (http://brandonaaron.net) mousewheel jquery plugin 3.0.3 * Circular-Slider (https://github.com/princejwesley/circular-slider) * HammerJS (http://hammerjs.github.io) [In progress] The MIT License Copyright (c) 2011 Soichi Hayashi (https://sites.google.com/site/soichih/) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************** MODIFIED TO WORK WITH CollectiveAccess and Tilepic format February 2012 by SK ANNOTATIONS SUPPORT ADDED April 2013 by SK MORE ANNOTATIONS SUPPORT ADDED October-December 2013 by SK HAPPY HAPPY IMAGE ROTATION SUPPORT ADDED April 2014 by SK USER INTERFACE OVERHAUL January-February 2015 by SK ***************** */ (function($){ var methods = { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initializes if it's not already initialized init: function (options) { jQuery.widget.bridge('uitooltip', $.ui.tooltip); methods.tileCounts = undefined; var defaults = { // Setup and display options id: 'tileviewer', src: null, empty: "#cccccc", //color of empty (loading) tile - if no subtile is available zoomSensitivity: 16, thumbnail: false,//display thumbnail debug: false, maximumPixelsize: 4,//set this to >1 if you want to let user to zoom image after reaching its original resolution toolbar: ['zoomIn', 'zoomOut', 'pan', 'toggleAnnotations', 'rect', 'point', 'polygon', 'measure', 'lock', 'separator', 'overview', 'rotation', 'expand', 'separator', 'list', 'download', 'help', 'key'], toolbarIcons: { 'pan': '', 'toggleAnnotations': '', 'rect': '', 'point': '', 'polygon': '', 'measure': '', 'lock': '', 'overview': '', 'rotation': '', 'expand': '', 'list': '', 'download': '', 'help': '', 'key': '', 'zoomIn': '', 'zoomOut': '' }, // HTML for icons to use for toolbar in place of Font-Awesome icons; can be tags, text, Etc. tooltips: { 'pan': 'Pan around image', 'toggleAnnotations': 'Show/hide annotations', 'rect': 'Rectangle annotation tool', 'point': 'Point annotation tool', 'polygon': 'Polygon annotation tool', 'measure': 'Measure features', 'lock': 'Lock annotations', 'overview': 'Show/hide image overview', 'rotation': 'Rotate image', 'expand': 'Fit image to window', 'list': 'Show/hide annotation sidebar', 'download': 'Download image', 'help': 'Help', 'key': 'Color key', 'zoomIn': 'Zoom in', 'zoomOut': 'Zoom out', 'rotationReset': 'Reset rotation' }, tooltipClass: 'tileviewerTooltipFormat', uiIcons: { 'zoomIn': '', 'zoomOut': '', 'lock': '', 'delete': '', 'close': '' }, annotationLoadUrl: null, annotationSaveUrl: null, helpLoadUrl:null, // Annotations useAnnotations: true, // display annotation tools + annotations displayAnnotations: true, // display annotations on load lockAnnotations: false, // lock annotations on load - will display but cannot add, remove or drag existing annotations lockAnnotationText: false, // lock annotation text on load - will display text but not be editable showAnnotationTools: true, // show annotation tools on load annotationTextDisplayMode: 'mouseover', // how to display annotation text: 'simultaneous' = show all annotation text all the time; 'mouseover' = show annotation text only when mouse is over the annotation or it is selected; 'selected' = show annotation text only when it is selected annotationColor: "#000000", //"EE7B19", annotationColorSelected: "#CC0000", highlightPointsWithCircles: true, // draw circles around point label locations? allowDraggableTextBoxesForRects: true, // allow draggable text boxes for rectangular annotations? addPointAnnotationMode: false, addRectAnnotationMode: false, addPolygonAnnotationMode: false, addMeasureAnnotationMode: false, panMode: true, annotationEditorPanel: null, // instance of ca.panel to open full annotation editor in annotationEditorUrl: null, // url to load full annotation editor form annotationEditorLink: 'More', // content of full annotation editor link annotationDisplayMode: 'center', // perimeter, center annotationDisplayModeCenterColor: "rgba(175, 0, 0, 0.4)", // when perimeter is "center", the color/opacity of the dot used to mark the center, as an rgba() string allowAnnotationList: true, // use annotation list annotationList: false, // is annotation list currently displayed? allowAnnotationSearch: true, // allow annotation search option in annotation list; only available if annotation list is allowed annotationPrefixText: '', defaultAnnotationText: '', // initial value for newly created annotations emptyAnnotationLabelText: "Enter your annotation", // text to display when there is no annotation text in label emptyAnnotationEditorText: "Type text. Drag to position.", showEmptyAnnotationLabelTextInTextBoxes: true, useKey: false, // annotation color key showKey: false, // Image zooming toolbarZooming: false, sliderZooming: true, // Image rotation allowRotation: true, rotation: false, // show rotation slider? // Image download mediaDownloadUrl: null, // url to download of media // Measurements enableMeasurements: true, // show measurement tool and prompt to set image scale scale: null, // measurement scale factor measurementUnits: null, // measurement units to display imageScaleControlFirstSetText: "
A scale must be set for this image before measurements can be evaluated.
Enter the length with units (mm, cm, m, km, in, ft, miles, etc.) of the currently selected measurement below.
", imageScaleControlChangeSettingText: "
This image is scaled at %1.
To change scale enter the length with units (mm, cm, m, km, in, ft, miles, etc.) of the currently selected measurement below.
" }; if (options.annotationLoadUrl && (options.annotationLoadUrl.substr(0, 1) === '#')) { options.enableMeasurements = false; // no measurements allowed when saving annotations locally } return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); // // Convert string to boolean // var stringToBoolean = function(s){ switch(s.toLowerCase().trim()){ case "true": case "yes": case "1": return true; case "false": case "no": case "0": case null: return false; default: return Boolean(s); } } // force user-provided options to boolean when required jQuery.each(defaults, function(k, v) { if ((typeof v == 'boolean') && (options[k] !== undefined) && (typeof options[k] !== 'boolean')) { options[k] = stringToBoolean(options[k]); } }); options = $.extend(defaults, options);//override defaults with options $this.data("options", options); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now we can start initializing // If the plugin hasn't been initialized yet.. var view = $this.data("view"); if(!view) { var layer = { info: null, //current view offset - not absolute pixel offset xpos: 0, ypos: 0, //number of tiles on the current level xtilenum: null, ytilenum: null, //current tile level/size (size is usually 128-256) level: null, tilesize: null, thumb: null, //thumbnail image loader: { loading: 0, //actual number of images that are currently loaded max_loading: 6, //max number of image that can be loaded simultaneously tile_count: 0, //number of tiles in tile dictionary (not all of them are actually loaded) max_tiles: 200 //max number of images that can be stored in tiles dictionary }, tiles: [] //tiles dictionary }; //layer definition $this.data("layer", layer); var view = { canvas: document.createElement("canvas"), // main canvas where image is drawn thumbCanvas: document.createElement("canvas"), // small canvas where optional thumbnail view (aka "navigator") is drawn controls: document.createElement("div"), annotationContainer: document.createElement("div"), annotationTextBlocks: [], annotationTextEditor: document.createElement("div"), mode: null, //current mouse left button mode (pan, sel2d, sel1d, etc..) pan: { //pan destination xdest: null,//(pixel pos) ydest: null,//(pixel pos) leveldest: null, }, select: { x: null, y: null, width: null, height: null }, hammer: null, // touch event detection (if Hammer.js is available) rotation: 0, // degrees rotated annotations: [], // annotations list changedAnnotations: [], // indices of annotations that need to be saved annotationAreas: [], annotationsToSave: [], annotationsToDelete: [], isSavingAnnotations: false, // flag indicating save is pending //current mouse position (client pos) xnow: null, ynow: null, mousedown: false, dragAnnotation: null, // index of annotation currently being dragged selectedAnnotation: null, // index of annotation currently selected mouseOverAnnotation: null, // index of annotation mouse is currently over framerate: null,//current framerate (1000 msec / drawtime msec) needdraw: false, //flag used to request for frameredraw diagonalWidth: null, // diagonal width of viewer area canvasOverscanX: null, canvasOverscanY: null, polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex: null, // index of polygone being built; null if no polygon is being built currently /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal functions draw: function() { view.needdraw = false; if(layer.info == null) { return; } var start = new Date().getTime(); var ctx = view.canvas.getContext("2d"); view.canvas.width = view.diagonalWidth; view.canvas.height = view.diagonalWidth; view.draw_tiles(ctx); switch(view.mode) { case "pan": if(options.thumbnail) { jQuery(view.thumbCanvas).show(); view.draw_thumb(ctx); } else { jQuery(view.thumbCanvas).hide(); } break; } if (options.rotation) { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerToolbarRotation").show(); } else { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerToolbarRotation").hide(); } if (options.annotationList) { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList").show(); } else { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList").hide(); } if (options.showKey) { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerKey").show(); } else { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerKey").hide(); } view.update_controls(); if (options.useAnnotations) { view.draw_annotations(); } }, load_annotations: function() { if (!options.useAnnotations || !options.annotationLoadUrl || !options.annotationLoadUrl.trim()) { return; } if (options.annotationLoadUrl.substr(0,1) !== '#') { jQuery.getJSON(options.annotationLoadUrl, function(data) { view.load_annotation_data(data); }); } else { try { var data = jQuery(options.annotationLoadUrl).val(); if (data) view.load_annotation_data(JSON.parse(data)); } catch(e) { view.load_annotation_data(''); } } }, load_annotation_data: function(data) { view.annotations = []; view.annotationTextBlocks = []; jQuery.each(data, function(k, v) { if (!v) { return; } if (v['scale'] && v['measurementUnits']) { options.scale = v['scale']; options.measurementUnits = v['measurementUnits']; jQuery(".tileviewerImageScaleControls div.tileviewerImageScaleControlText").html(options.imageScaleControlChangeSettingText.replace("%1", "1" + options.measurementUnits + " = " + (options.scale.toFixed(2) * 100) + "% of width")); return; } if (!v['annotation_id']) { return; } v['index'] = k; v['x'] = parseFloat(v['x']); v['y'] = parseFloat(v['y']); v['w'] = parseFloat(v['w']); v['h'] = parseFloat(v['h']); v['tx'] = parseFloat(v['tx']); v['ty'] = parseFloat(v['ty']); v['tw'] = parseFloat(v['tw']); v['th'] = parseFloat(v['th']); if (v['label'] == '[BLANK]') { v['label'] = ''; } // create text block var textBlock = document.createElement("div"); jQuery(textBlock).attr('id', 'tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' + k).addClass("tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock").data("annotationIndex", k).html(options.annotationPrefixText + (v['label'] ? v['label'] : (options.showEmptyAnnotationLabelTextInTextBoxes ? options.emptyAnnotationLabelText : ''))); jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' + k).remove(); jQuery(view.annotationContainer).append(textBlock) if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode == 'simultaneous') { view._make_annotation_text_block_draggable('#tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' + k); } v['textBlock'] = textBlock; view.annotations.push(v); }); view.draw_annotations(); if (options.allowAnnotationList) { view.update_annotation_list(); } jQuery(view.canvas).parent().trigger('tileviewer:loadAnnotations', {'viewer': jQuery("#" + options.id)}); }, /** * Record annotation changes for subsequent commit */ save_annotations: function(toSave, toDelete) { if (!options.useAnnotations) { return; } for(var i in toSave) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(i)) { continue; } i = parseInt(i); view.annotationsToSave.push(view.annotations[parseInt(toSave[i])]); } for(var i in toDelete) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(i)) { continue; } i = parseInt(i); view.annotationsToDelete.push(view.annotations[parseInt(toDelete[i])].annotation_id); } view.commit_annotation_changes(); }, /** * Write annotations to database */ commit_annotation_changes: function() { if (!options.useAnnotations) { return; } if (view.isSavingAnnotations) { if (options.debug) { console.log("Cannot commit now; save is pending"); console.trace(); } return false; } if ((view.annotationsToSave.length == 0) && (view.annotationsToDelete.length == 0)) { if (options.debug) { console.log("Cannot commit now; nothing to save"); } return false; } view.isSavingAnnotations = true; if (options.debug) { console.log("Commit " + view.annotationsToSave.length + " annotations to " + (options.annotationSaveUrl ? options.annotationSaveUrl : "LOCAL"), view.annotationsToSave, view.annotationsToDelete); } // strip out textBlock pointer because it causes jQuery errors with getJSON var annotationsToSave = []; jQuery.each(view.annotationsToSave, function(k, v) { var a = jQuery.extend({}, v); a['textBlock'] = null; annotationsToSave.push(a); }); if (options.annotationSaveUrl.substr(0,1) !== '#') { jQuery.post(options.annotationSaveUrl, { save: annotationsToSave, delete: view.annotationsToDelete }, function(data) { view._update_annotations_after_commit(data['annotation_ids'], annotationsToSave); jQuery.each(view.annotationsToDelete, function(k, v) { view.annotations[v] = null; }); view.isSavingAnnotations = false; }, 'json'); } else { var ids = []; jQuery.each(view.annotationsToDelete, function(k, v) { view.annotations[v-1] = null; }); jQuery.each(view.annotations, function(k, v) { if (!v) { return; } if(!v['annotation_id']) { v['annotation_id'] = k + 1; } ids.push(v['annotation_id']); }); view._update_annotations_after_commit(ids, annotationsToSave); if (options.annotationSaveUrl.substr(0,1) == '#') { var filteredAnnotations = []; var i = 0; jQuery.each(view.annotations, function(k, v) { if (v) { v['index'] = i; v['annotation_id'] = i + 1; filteredAnnotations.push(v); i++; } }); jQuery(options.annotationSaveUrl).val(JSON.stringify(filteredAnnotations)); } view.isSavingAnnotations = false; } jQuery(view.canvas).parent().trigger('tileviewer:saveAnnotations', {'viewer': jQuery(view.canvas).parent()}); }, _update_annotations_after_commit: function(annotation_ids, annotationsToSave) { for(var index in annotation_ids) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(index)) { continue; } if (!view.annotations[index]) { continue; } view.annotations[index]['annotation_id'] = annotation_ids[index]; var i = view.changedAnnotations.indexOf(index); if (i !== -1) { view.changedAnnotations.splice(i, 1); } view.annotationsToSave = []; view.annotationsToDelete = []; view.needdraw = true; if (options.allowAnnotationList) { view.update_annotation_list(); } // reload annotation list because annotations have changes } // put new text into overlays for(var i in annotationsToSave) { var index = annotationsToSave[i]['index']; if (!jQuery.isNumeric(i)) { continue; } if (!jQuery.isNumeric(index)) { continue; } if (annotation_ids[index]) { jQuery("#tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_" + index).html(options.annotationPrefixText + (annotationsToSave[i]['label'] ? annotationsToSave[i]['label'] : (options.showEmptyAnnotationLabelTextInTextBoxes ? options.emptyAnnotationLabelText : ''))); } } view.isSavingAnnotations = false; }, _get_annotation_by_index: function(index, returnArrayIndex) { var annotationsToCheck = jQuery.extend(true, [], view.annotations); index = parseInt(index); for(var i in annotationsToCheck) { if (!annotationsToCheck[i]) { continue; } if (parseInt(annotationsToCheck[i]['index']) === index) { return returnArrayIndex ? i : annotationsToCheck[i]; } } return null; }, _make_annotation_text_block_draggable: function(id) { var index = jQuery(this).data('annotationIndex'); jQuery(id).show().draggable({ drag: function(e) { var index = jQuery(this).data('annotationIndex'); if ((options.lockAnnotationText) || (parseInt(view.annotations[index]['locked']) == 1)) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } if( index != null && view.annotations[index] && ( (view.annotations[index].type == 'point') || (view.annotations[index].type == 'poly') || (view.annotations[index].type == 'measure') || ((view.annotations[index].type == 'rect') && options.allowDraggableTextBoxesForRects) ) ) { var pos = jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' +index).position(); var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); view.annotations[index].tx = ((pos.left + view.canvasOverscanX - layer.xpos)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; view.annotations[index].ty = ((pos.top + view.canvasOverscanY - layer.ypos)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; view.draw(); } }, stop: function(e) { var index = jQuery(this).data('annotationIndex'); var pos = jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' + index).position(); var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); view.annotations[index].tx = ((pos.left + view.canvasOverscanX - layer.xpos)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; view.annotations[index].ty = ((pos.top + view.canvasOverscanY - layer.ypos)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; view.save_annotations([index], []); view.draw(); }}).mouseup(function(e) { view.isAnnotationResize = view.isAnnotationTransformation = view.mousedown = view.dragAnnotation = null; }); }, init_context_properties: function(ctx) { ctx.shadowOffsetX = 1; ctx.shadowOffsetY = 1; ctx.shadowBlur = 2; ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,255, 255, 1.0)'; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.fillStyle = '#0c0'; }, // // Update annotations list with current content // update_annotation_list: function() { var annotationList = document.createElement("ol"); jQuery(annotationList).addClass('tileviewerAnnotationList'); var annotationsToDraw = jQuery.extend(true, [], view.annotations); var selectedAnnotation = view.selectedAnnotation; for(var i in annotationsToDraw) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(i)) { continue; } var annotation = annotationsToDraw[i]; if (!annotation) { continue; } jQuery(annotationList).append("
  • " + (annotation['label'] ? annotation['label'] : '<Empty>') + "
  • "); jQuery(annotationList).find('.tileviewerAnnotationListItem_' + annotation['annotation_id']).data('annotation', annotation).bind('click', function(e) { var offset = $(view.canvas).offset(); var x = e.pageX - offset.left; var y = e.pageY - offset.top; var curAnnotation = jQuery(this).data('annotation'); var center = view.get_annotation_center(curAnnotation); view.pan.xdest = center['x']; view.pan.ydest = center['y']; view.pan.level = layer.level; view.selectedAnnotation = curAnnotation['index']; view.open_annotation_text_editor(curAnnotation); view.needdraw = true; return; }); } if (jQuery(annotationList).find("li").length > 0) { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList .tileviewerAnnotationListContent").empty().append(annotationList); var s = jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList div.tileviewerAnnotationListSearch input.tileviewerAnnotationListSearch").val(); if (s) { view.search_annotation_list(s); } } else { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList .tileviewerAnnotationListContent").empty().append("

    " + "No annotations" + "

    "); } view.update_key(); }, update_key: function() { if (!options.useKey) { return; } var annotationsToCheck = jQuery.extend(true, [], view.annotations); var key = {}; for(var i in annotationsToCheck) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(i)) { continue; } var annotation = annotationsToCheck[i]; if (!annotation) { continue; } if (annotation.key && annotation.key.color && annotation.key.idno && !key[annotation.key.idno]) { key[annotation.key.idno] = "
  • " + annotation.key.name + "
  • "; } } // update key var keyList = '', keyHeight = 50; jQuery.each(key, function(k, v) { keyList += v; keyHeight += 30;}); if (keyList) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlKey").show(); jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerKey").css('height', keyHeight + "px").html("


      " + keyList + "
    "); if (options.showKey) { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerKey").show(); } } else { // No key if(options.showKey) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlKey").click(); } jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlKey").hide(); } }, search_annotation_list: function(s) { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList .tileviewerAnnotationListContent .tileviewerNoAnnotationMessage").remove(); if (!s) { jQuery($this).find("ol.tileviewerAnnotationList li").show(); return; } jQuery($this).find("ol.tileviewerAnnotationList li").each(function(k, v) { var t = jQuery(v).text(); var re = new RegExp(s, "i"); (t.match(re)) ? jQuery(this).show() : jQuery(this).hide(); }); if (jQuery($this).find("ol.tileviewerAnnotationList li:visible").length == 0) { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList .tileviewerAnnotationListContent").append("

    " + "No annotations found" + "

    "); } }, // // Begin ANNOTATIONS: draw outlines // get_annotation_center: function(annotation) { var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); var layerWidth = layer.info.width/factor; // The actual width of the layer on-screen var layerHeight = layer.info.height/factor; // The actual height of the layer on-screen var layerMag = layer.tilesize/256; // Current layer magnification factor switch(annotation.type) { case 'rect': var x= ((annotation.x/100) * layerWidth); var y= ((annotation.y/100) * layerHeight); var w= (annotation.w/100) * layerWidth; var h= (annotation.h/100) * layerHeight; return { x: x + (w/2), y: y + (h/2) }; break; case 'point': x = (((parseFloat(annotation.x))/100) * layerWidth); y = (((parseFloat(annotation.y))/100) * layerHeight); return { x: x, y: y }; break; case 'poly': case 'measure': var minX = null, minY = null, maxX = null, maxY = null; for(var pointIndex in annotation.points) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(pointIndex)) { continue; } var c = annotation.points[pointIndex]; x = (((parseFloat(c.x))/100) * layerWidth); y = (((parseFloat(c.y))/100) * layerHeight); if ((x < minX) || (minX === null)) { minX = x; } if ((x > maxX) || (maxX === null)) { maxX = x; } if ((y < minY) || (minY === null)) { minY = y; } if ((y > maxY) || (maxY === null)) { maxY = y; } } return { x: minX + ((maxX-minX)/2), y: minY + ((maxY-minY)/2) }; break; } return null; }, draw_annotations: function() { if (!options.useAnnotations || !options.displayAnnotations) { jQuery(".tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock").fadeOut(100); return; } var ctx = view.canvas.getContext("2d"); var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); var layerWidth = layer.info.width/factor; // The actual width of the layer on-screen var layerHeight = layer.info.height/factor; // The actual height of the layer on-screen var layerMag = layer.tilesize/256; // Current layer magnification factor view.init_context_properties(ctx); // draw annotations view.annotationAreas = []; // Reorder annotations for drawing, putting selected on last (so it's on top) var annotationsToDraw = jQuery.extend(true, [], view.annotations); var selectedAnnotation = view.selectedAnnotation; for(var i in annotationsToDraw) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(i)) { continue; } var annotation = annotationsToDraw[i]; if (!annotation) { continue; } // is annotation the current selection? if (selectedAnnotation == i) { ctx.strokeStyle = options.annotationColorSelected; if(options.allowAnnotationList) { // highlight in annotation list jQuery($this).find("li.tileviewerAnnotationListItem_" + annotation['annotation_id']).addClass('tileviewerAnnotationListItemSelected'); } } else { ctx.strokeStyle = ((annotation.key && annotation.key.color) ? annotation.key.color : options.annotationColor); jQuery($this).find("li.tileviewerAnnotationListItem_" + annotation['annotation_id']).removeClass('tileviewerAnnotationListItemSelected'); } //annotationTextDisplayMode // do drawing var areaMultiplier = 1; switch(annotation.type) { case 'rect': var x= ((annotation.x/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; var y= ((annotation.y/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; var w= (annotation.w/100) * layerWidth * layerMag; var h= (annotation.h/100) * layerHeight * layerMag; ctx.beginPath(); if ((options.annotationDisplayMode == 'perimeter') || (selectedAnnotation == i) || (view.mouseOverAnnotation == i)) { ctx.strokeRect(x, y, w, h); } else { // if no outline draw dot at center var r = w/10; if (r < 20) { r = 20; } ctx.arc(x + (w/2), y + (h/2), r, 0,2*Math.PI); ctx.fillStyle = (annotation.key && annotation.key.color) ? view.hexToRGBA(annotation.key.color, 0.4) : options.annotationDisplayModeCenterColor; ctx.fill(); } if (selectedAnnotation == i) { // draw drag knobs ctx.beginPath(); // Upper left ctx.arc(x,y, 3, 0, 2*Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x,y + h, 3, 0, 2*Math.PI); // Lower left ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); // Upper right ctx.arc(x + w,y, 3, 0, 2*Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x + w,y + h, 3, 0, 2*Math.PI); // Lower right ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); // Upper middle ctx.arc(x + (w/2), y, 3, 0, 2*Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); // Left middle ctx.arc(x, y + (h/2), 3, 0, 2*Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); // Right middle ctx.arc(x + w, y + (h/2), 3, 0, 2*Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); // Lower middle ctx.arc(x + (w/2), y + h, 3, 0, 2*Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); } areaMultiplier = 1.2; // make rects easier to select // stick if (options.allowDraggableTextBoxesForRects && ((selectedAnnotation == i) || (view.mouseOverAnnotation == i) || (options.annotationTextDisplayMode === 'simultaneous'))) { var tx = ((parseFloat(annotation.tx)/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; var ty = ((parseFloat(annotation.ty)/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; if (annotation.tx < annotation.x) { tx += $(annotation['textBlock']).width(); } if (annotation.ty < annotation.y) { ty += $(annotation['textBlock']).height(); } ctx.beginPath(); if (tx >= x + (w/2)) { x += w; } if (ty > y + (h/2)) { y += h; } ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(tx, ty); ctx.strokeStyle = '#444'; ctx.stroke(); } break; case 'point': // circle around point ctx.beginPath(); x = (((parseFloat(annotation.x))/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; y = (((parseFloat(annotation.y))/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; r = (((annotation.w)/100) * layerWidth * layerMag); areaMultiplier = 3; // make pins easier to select // Optionally draw circles around end of stick if (options.highlightPointsWithCircles) { ctx.arc(x, y, r * (areaMultiplier/2), 0,2*Math.PI); ctx.fillStyle = (selectedAnnotation == i) ? "rgba(175, 0, 0, 0.30)" : (annotation.key && annotation.key.color) ? view.hexToRGBA(annotation.key.color, 0.4) : options.annotationDisplayModeCenterColor; ctx.fill(); } var tx = ((parseFloat(annotation.tx)/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; var ty = ((parseFloat(annotation.ty)/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).width(jQuery(annotation.textBlock).width()); var width = (selectedAnnotation == i) ? jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).width() : jQuery(annotation.textBlock).width(); var height = (selectedAnnotation == i) ? jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).height() : jQuery(annotation.textBlock).height(); if (tx + (width/2) < x) { // to the left if (ty + (height/2) < y) { // to the top tx += width; ty += height; } else { // to the bottom tx += width; } } else { // to the right if (ty + (height/2) < y) { // to the top ty += height; } else { // to the bottom // noop } } // is text for selected annotation off screen? if((view.selectedAnnotation != null) && view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation]) { var sx = ((view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation].tx/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.xpos; var sy = ((view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation].ty/100) * ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.ypos; if (sx < 0) { tx += (Math.abs(sx) / ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))); } if (sx > jQuery($this).width()) { tx += (Math.abs(jQuery($this).width()) / ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))); } if (sy < 0) { tx += (Math.abs(sy) / ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))); } if (sy > jQuery($this).width()) { ty += (Math.abs(jQuery($this).height()) / ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))); } } // stick if ((selectedAnnotation == i) || (view.mouseOverAnnotation == i) || (options.annotationTextDisplayMode === 'simultaneous')) { ctx.beginPath(); var t = Math.atan((ty - y)/(tx - x)); ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(tx, ty); ctx.strokeStyle = '#444'; ctx.stroke(); } break; case 'poly': case 'measure': var x = (((parseFloat(annotation.x))/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; var y = (((parseFloat(annotation.y))/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; if (annotation.points && jQuery.isArray(annotation.points)) { if ((options.annotationDisplayMode == 'perimeter') || (selectedAnnotation == i) || (view.mouseOverAnnotation == i)) { if ((annotation.type === 'measure') && annotation.points && annotation.points[1]) { // Measure: draw perpendicular cross-line var x1 = (((parseFloat(annotation.points[0].x))/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; var y1 = (((parseFloat(annotation.points[0].y))/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; var x2 = (((parseFloat(annotation.points[1].x))/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; var y2 = (((parseFloat(annotation.points[1].y))/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; var slope = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1); var angle = Math.atan(slope) + (Math.PI/2); var angleInDegrees = 360 * (angle/(Math.PI * 2)); var l = ((5/100) * layerWidth * layerMag); ctx.save(); ctx.lineWidth = 4; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1 - ((l/2) * Math.cos(angle)), y1-((l/2) * Math.sin(angle))); ctx.lineTo(x1 + ((l/2) * Math.cos(angle)), y1+((l/2) * Math.sin(angle))); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x2 - ((l/2) * Math.cos(angle)), y2-((l/2) * Math.sin(angle))); ctx.lineTo(x2 + ((l/2) * Math.cos(angle)), y2+((l/2) * Math.sin(angle))); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); // Measure: draw quantity var m = null; if (options.scale) { // Scale is percent of total image *width* for one unit of physical measure (Eg. 1mm = 10% of image width) var w = (x2 - x1)/layerWidth/layerMag; var w_scaled = w / (options.scale); var h = (y2 - y1)/layerHeight/layerMag; var h_scaled = h / ((layerWidth/layerHeight) * (options.scale)); //console.log("xs", options.scale, "ys", (layerWidth/layerHeight) * (options.scale), layerWidth, layerHeight, layerMag); var d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(w_scaled, 2) + Math.pow(h_scaled, 2)); m = d.toFixed(2) + options.measurementUnits; } else { m = 'Needs scale set'; } ctx.save(); ctx.translate((x2 + x1)/2, (y2 + y1)/2); ctx.rotate(angle - (Math.PI/2)); ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.font = "24px Arial"; ctx.fillStyle = '#333'; ctx.fillText(m, 0, 24); ctx.restore(); if (selectedAnnotation == i) { jQuery(".tileviewerImageScaleControls").show(); } } else { jQuery(".tileviewerImageScaleControls").hide(); } // Draw points for(var pointIndex in annotation.points) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(pointIndex)) { continue; } var c = annotation.points[pointIndex]; x = (((parseFloat(c.x))/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; y = (((parseFloat(c.y))/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x,y, 3, 0, 2*Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); } // Draw lines between points ctx.save(); if (annotation.type == 'measure') { if (!ctx.setLineDash) { ctx.setLineDash = function () {} } ctx.setLineDash([2,3]); } ctx.beginPath(); var startX = x = (((parseFloat(annotation.points[0].x))/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; var startY = y = (((parseFloat(annotation.points[0].y))/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; ctx.moveTo(x, y); for(var pointIndex in annotation.points) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(pointIndex)) { continue; } var c = annotation.points[pointIndex]; x = (((parseFloat(c.x))/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; y = (((parseFloat(c.y))/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; ctx.lineTo(x, y); } if(annotation.points.length >= 3) { ctx.lineTo(startX, startY); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } else { // if no outline draw dot at center var minX = null, minY = null, maxX = null, maxY = null; for(var pointIndex in annotation.points) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(pointIndex)) { continue; } var c = annotation.points[pointIndex]; x = (((parseFloat(c.x))/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; y = (((parseFloat(c.y))/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; if ((x < minX) || (minX === null)) { minX = x; } if ((x > maxX) || (maxX === null)) { maxX = x; } if ((y < minY) || (minY === null)) { minY = y; } if ((y > maxY) || (maxY === null)) { maxY = y; } } ctx.beginPath(); var r = (maxX - minX)/10; if (r < 20) { r = 20; } ctx.arc(minX + ((maxX-minX)/2), minY + ((maxY-minY)/2), r, 0,2*Math.PI); ctx.fillStyle = (annotation.key && annotation.key.color) ? view.hexToRGBA(annotation.key.color, 0.4) : options.annotationDisplayModeCenterColor; ctx.fill(); } // Stick if ((selectedAnnotation == i) || (view.mouseOverAnnotation == i) || (options.annotationTextDisplayMode === 'simultaneous')) { var tx = ((parseFloat(annotation.tx)/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; var ty = ((parseFloat(annotation.ty)/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; // find boundaries var minX = null, minY = null; var minD = null; var extents = {minX: null, minY: null, maxX: null, maxY: null}; for(var pointIndex in annotation.points) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(pointIndex)) { continue; } var c = annotation.points[pointIndex]; var px = (((parseFloat(c.x))/100) * layerWidth * layerMag) + layer.xpos; var py = (((parseFloat(c.y))/100) * layerHeight * layerMag) + layer.ypos; var d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(py - ty, 2) + Math.pow(px - tx, 2)); if ((minD == null) || (minD > d)) { minD = d; minX = px; minY = py; } if ((extents.minX == null) || (c.x < extents.minX)) { extents.minX = c.x; } if ((extents.maxX == null) || (c.x > extents.maxX)) { extents.maxX = c.x; } if ((extents.minY == null) || (c.y < extents.minY)) { extents.minY = c.y; } if ((extents.maxY == null) || (c.y > extents.maxY)) { extents.maxY = c.y; } } view.annotations[annotation.index].x = extents.minX; view.annotations[annotation.index].y = extents.minY; view.annotations[annotation.index].w = extents.maxX - extents.minX; view.annotations[annotation.index].h = extents.maxY - extents.minY; if (annotation.tx < annotation.x) { tx += $(annotation['textBlock']).width(); } if (annotation.ty < annotation.y) { ty += $(annotation['textBlock']).height(); } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(minX, minY); ctx.lineTo(tx, ty); ctx.strokeStyle = '#444'; ctx.stroke(); } } break; case 'circle': if (options.debug) { console.log("Circle annotations not supported (yet)"); } break; default: if (options.debug) { console.log("Invalid annotation type: " + annotation.type); } break; } var a = { index: i, type: annotation.type, startX: parseFloat(annotation.x), endX: parseFloat(annotation.x) + parseFloat(annotation.w), startY: parseFloat(annotation.y), endY: parseFloat(annotation.y) + parseFloat(annotation.h), width: parseFloat(annotation.w), height: parseFloat(annotation.h), tstartX: parseFloat(annotation.tx), tendX: parseFloat(annotation.tx) + parseFloat(annotation.tw), tstartY: parseFloat(annotation.ty), tendY: parseFloat(annotation.ty) + parseFloat(annotation.th), twidth: parseFloat(annotation.tw), height: parseFloat(annotation.th), textBlock: annotation.textBlock }; if (areaMultiplier > 1) { var dw = (annotation.w * (areaMultiplier - 1)); var dh = (annotation.h * (areaMultiplier - 1)); a.startX -= (dw/2); a.endX += (dw/2); a.startY -= (dh/2); a.endY += (dh/2); }; view.annotationAreas[i] = a; } view.update_textbox_position(); }, // // End ANNOTATIONS: draw outlines // // // Begin ANNOTATIONS: draw text // update_textbox_position: function(e) { if (!options.useAnnotations || !options.displayAnnotations) { return; } if (view.selectedAnnotation == null) { $(view.annotationTextEditor).css("display", "none"); if($('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').is(':focus')) { $('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').blur(); } } var offset = $(view.canvas).offset(); if (!e) { e = { pageX:0, pageY: 0 }; } var x = e.pageX - offset.left; var y = e.pageY - offset.top; var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); var x_relative = ((x - layer.xpos)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; var y_relative = ((y - layer.ypos)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; var buttonDiameter = (15/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; var inAnnotation = null; for(var i in view.annotationAreas) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(i)) { continue; } var inAnnotation = view.annotationAreas[i]; if(!inAnnotation) { continue; } var sx = ((inAnnotation['tstartX']/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.xpos - view.canvasOverscanX; var sy = ((inAnnotation['tstartY']/100) * ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.ypos - view.canvasOverscanY; var w = ((inAnnotation['width']/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))); var h = ((inAnnotation['height']/100) * ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))); if (view.annotations[i] && (view.annotations[i].type == 'point')) { w = ((10/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))); } if (view.annotations[i] && (view.annotations[i].type == 'rect') && !options.allowDraggableTextBoxesForRects) { sy += 3; // add gutter between rect annotation and its text block } // TODO: is it off screen? // TODO: FIX THIS - POSITIONING IS OFF // Adjust label placement to account for image rotation if (view.rotation > 0) { var a = (360-view.rotation) * (Math.PI/180); var cosTheta = Math.cos(a); var sinTheta = Math.sin(a); // find center of view port (rotation is about that point) var centerX = jQuery($this).width()/2; var centerY = jQuery($this).height()/2; // make center the zero origin (I realize this is unnecessary but it makes me happy) sx -= centerX; sy = centerY - sy; // rotate the text location about the origin var ssx = ((cosTheta * sx) - (sinTheta * sy)); var ssy = ((sinTheta * sx) + (cosTheta * sy)); // transform the origin back to a pixel location (this also makes me happy) sx = ssx + centerX; sy = centerY - ssy; } // update position live on scroll var mw = (w > 100) ? w : 100; var showAnnotation = false; if (inAnnotation['tendY'] < inAnnotation['endY']) { if ((inAnnotation.index == view.selectedAnnotation) && !options.lockAnnotationText) { // in selected annotation $(view.annotationTextEditor).css("display", "block").css("left", sx + 'px').css('top', sy + 'px'); } else { $(inAnnotation['textBlock']).css("left", sx + 'px').css('top', sy + 'px').css('max-width', mw + 'px'); if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode === 'simultaneous') { showAnnotation = true; } } } else { if ((inAnnotation.index == view.selectedAnnotation) && !options.lockAnnotationText) { $(view.annotationTextEditor).css("display", "block").css("left", sx + 'px').css('top', sy + 'px'); } else { $(inAnnotation['textBlock']).css("left", sx + 'px').css('top', sy + 'px').css('max-width', mw + 'px'); if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode === 'simultaneous') { showAnnotation = true; } } } //if (view.selectedAnnotation == null) { if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode === 'simultaneous') { showAnnotation = true; } //} if ((options.annotationTextDisplayMode === 'selected') && (view.selectedAnnotation == i)) { showAnnotation = true; } if ((options.annotationTextDisplayMode === 'mouseover') && ((view.mouseOverAnnotation == i) && (view.selectedAnnotation != i))) { showAnnotation = true; } // Is text box off screen? if (sx > jQuery($this).width()) { showAnnotation = false; } else { if (sy > jQuery($this).height()) { showAnnotation = false; } } if (jQuery(inAnnotation['textBlock']).is(':visible') && !showAnnotation) { jQuery(inAnnotation['textBlock']).fadeOut(250); } else { if (!jQuery(inAnnotation['textBlock']).is(':visible') && showAnnotation) { jQuery(inAnnotation['textBlock']).fadeIn(250); } } } }, // // End ANNOTATIONS: draw text // drag_annotation: function(i, dx, dy, clickX, clickY) { if (!options.useAnnotations || !options.displayAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations) { return; } if (parseInt(view.annotations[i]['locked']) == 1) { return; } var offset = jQuery(view.canvas).offset(); var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); clickX -= layer.xpos; clickY -= layer.ypos; var annotationX = (((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)) * (view.annotations[i].x/100)); var annotationY = ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)) * (view.annotations[i].y/100); var annotationW = ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)) * (view.annotations[i].w/100); var annotationH = ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)) * (view.annotations[i].h/100); var annotationtX = (((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)) * (view.annotations[i].tx/100)); var annotationtY = ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)) * (view.annotations[i].ty/100); var annotationtW = ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)) * (view.annotations[i].tw/100); var annotationtH = ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)) * (view.annotations[i].th/100); var rClickX = ((clickX)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; var rClickY = ((clickY)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; if (view.annotations[i]['type'] == 'rect') { // rects resizing // Scaling var rMinAllowedWidth = 0.5; var rMinAllowedHeight = 0.5; if(!view.isAnnotationTranslation) { if (((Math.abs(clickX - annotationX) < 5) && (Math.abs(clickY - annotationY) < 5)) || (view.isAnnotationResize == 'LU')) { view.isAnnotationResize = 'LU'; var d = view.annotations[i].x - rClickX; if(view.annotations[i].w + d < rMinAllowedWidth) { return; } view.annotations[i].x = rClickX; //view.annotations[i].tx = rClickX; view.annotations[i].w += d; d = view.annotations[i].y - rClickY; if((d == 0) || (view.annotations[i].h + d < rMinAllowedHeight)) { return; } view.annotations[i].y = rClickY; view.annotations[i].h += d; view.annotations[i].ty = view.annotations[i].y + view.annotations[i].h; jQuery("body").css('cursor', 'nw-resize'); view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.draw(); return; } if (((Math.abs(clickX - (annotationX + annotationW)) < 5) && (Math.abs(clickY - annotationY) < 5)) || (view.isAnnotationResize == 'RU')) { view.isAnnotationResize = 'RU'; var d = rClickX - (view.annotations[i].x + view.annotations[i].w); if(view.annotations[i].w + d < rMinAllowedWidth) { return; } view.annotations[i].w += d; d = view.annotations[i].y - rClickY; if((d==0) || (view.annotations[i].h + d < rMinAllowedHeight)) { return; } view.annotations[i].y = rClickY; view.annotations[i].h += d; //view.annotations[i].ty = view.annotations[i].y + view.annotations[i].h; jQuery("body").css('cursor', 'ne-resize'); view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.draw(); return; } if (((Math.abs(clickX - annotationX) < 5) && (Math.abs(clickY - (annotationY + annotationH)) < 5)) || (view.isAnnotationResize == 'LD')) { view.isAnnotationResize = 'LD'; var d = view.annotations[i].x - rClickX; if(view.annotations[i].w + d < rMinAllowedWidth) { return; } view.annotations[i].x = rClickX; //view.annotations[i].tx = rClickX; view.annotations[i].w += d; d = rClickY - (view.annotations[i].y + view.annotations[i].h); if((d==0) || (view.annotations[i].h + d < rMinAllowedHeight)) { return; } view.annotations[i].h += d; //view.annotations[i].ty = view.annotations[i].y + view.annotations[i].h; jQuery("body").css('cursor', 'sw-resize'); view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.draw(); return; } if (((Math.abs(clickX - (annotationX + annotationW)) < 5) && (Math.abs(clickY - (annotationY + annotationH)) < 5)) || (view.isAnnotationResize == 'RD')) { view.isAnnotationResize = 'RD'; var d = rClickX - (view.annotations[i].x + view.annotations[i].w); if(view.annotations[i].w + d < rMinAllowedWidth) { return; } view.annotations[i].w += d; d = rClickY - (view.annotations[i].y + view.annotations[i].h); if((d==0) || (view.annotations[i].h + d < rMinAllowedHeight)) { return; } var b= view.annotations[i].h; view.annotations[i].h += d; //view.annotations[i].ty = view.annotations[i].y + view.annotations[i].h; jQuery("body").css('cursor', 'se-resize'); view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.draw(); return; } if ((Math.abs(clickX - annotationX) < 5) || (view.isAnnotationResize == 'L')) { view.isAnnotationResize = 'L'; var d = view.annotations[i].x - rClickX; if((d==0) || (view.annotations[i].w + d < rMinAllowedWidth)) { return; } view.annotations[i].x = rClickX; //view.annotations[i].tx = rClickX; view.annotations[i].w += d; jQuery("body").css('cursor', 'w-resize'); view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.draw(); return; } if ((Math.abs(clickX - (annotationX + annotationW)) < 5) || (view.isAnnotationResize == 'R')) { view.isAnnotationResize = 'R'; var d = rClickX - (view.annotations[i].x + view.annotations[i].w); if((d==0) || (view.annotations[i].w + d < rMinAllowedWidth)) { return; } view.annotations[i].w += d; jQuery("body").css('cursor', 'e-resize'); view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.draw(); return; } if ((Math.abs(clickY - annotationY) < 5) || (view.isAnnotationResize == 'U')) { view.isAnnotationResize = 'U'; var d = view.annotations[i].y - rClickY; if((d==0) || (view.annotations[i].h + d < rMinAllowedHeight)) { return; } view.annotations[i].y = rClickY; view.annotations[i].h += d; //view.annotations[i].ty = view.annotations[i].y + view.annotations[i].h; jQuery("body").css('cursor', 'n-resize'); view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.draw(); return; } if ((Math.abs(clickY - (annotationY + annotationH)) < 5) || (view.isAnnotationResize == 'D')) { view.isAnnotationResize = 'D'; var d = rClickY - (view.annotations[i].y + view.annotations[i].h); if((d==0) || (view.annotations[i].h + d < rMinAllowedHeight)) { return; } view.annotations[i].h += d; //view.annotations[i].ty = view.annotations[i].y + view.annotations[i].h; jQuery("body").css('cursor', 's-resize'); view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.draw(); return; } } } if ((view.annotations[i]['type'] == 'poly') || (view.annotations[i]['type'] == 'measure')) { // Handle dragging of points to resize/reshape polygon if(view.mouseClickedOnControlPoint != null) { var dx = (parseFloat(rClickX) - parseFloat(view.annotations[i].points[view.mouseClickedOnControlPoint].x)); var dy = (parseFloat(rClickY) - parseFloat(view.annotations[i].points[view.mouseClickedOnControlPoint].y)); view.annotations[i].points[view.mouseClickedOnControlPoint].x += dx; view.annotations[i].points[view.mouseClickedOnControlPoint].y += dy; view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.isAnnotationResize = true; view.draw(); } } if (!view.isAnnotationResize) { // Translation of annotations across image var origX = parseFloat(view.annotations[i].x); var origY = parseFloat(view.annotations[i].y); // note offset of mouse from edge of annotation at start of drag if (!view.isAnnotationTranslation) { view.dragOffsetX = parseFloat((((clickX - ((view.annotations[i].x/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)))))/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100); view.dragOffsetY = parseFloat((((clickY - ((view.annotations[i].y/100) * ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256)))))/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100); } view.annotations[i].x = parseFloat(((view.dragAnnotationLastCoords.x - layer.xpos)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100); view.annotations[i].y = parseFloat(((view.dragAnnotationLastCoords.y - layer.ypos)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100); switch(view.annotations[i].type) { case 'rect': if ((view.dragOffsetX != null) && (view.dragOffsetY != null)) { view.annotations[i].x -= view.dragOffsetX; view.annotations[i].y -= view.dragOffsetY; } view.annotations[i].tx += (view.annotations[i].x - origX); view.annotations[i].ty += (view.annotations[i].y - origY); break; case 'poly': case 'measure': var dx = parseFloat((((view.dragAnnotationLastCoords.x - layer.xpos)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100) - origX); var dy = parseFloat((((view.dragAnnotationLastCoords.y - layer.ypos)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100) - origY); if ((view.dragOffsetX != null) && (view.dragOffsetY != null)) { view.annotations[i].x -= view.dragOffsetX; view.annotations[i].y -= view.dragOffsetY; } if (view.annotations[i].points && jQuery.isArray(view.annotations[i].points)) { for(var pointIndex in view.annotations[i].points) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(pointIndex)) { continue; } view.annotations[i].points[pointIndex].x = parseFloat(view.annotations[i].points[pointIndex].x) + dx - view.dragOffsetX; view.annotations[i].points[pointIndex].y = parseFloat(view.annotations[i].points[pointIndex].y) + dy - view.dragOffsetY; } } view.annotations[i].tx += (view.annotations[i].x - origX); view.annotations[i].ty += (view.annotations[i].y - origY); break; } view.make_annotation_dirty(i); view.isAnnotationTranslation = true; view.draw(); } return; }, add_annotation: function(type, x, y) { if (!options.useAnnotations || !options.displayAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations) { return; } // create text block var textBlock = document.createElement("div"); var t = options.annotationPrefixText + (options.defaultAnnotationText ? options.defaultAnnotationText : (options.showEmptyAnnotationLabelTextInTextBoxes ? options.emptyAnnotationLabelText : '')); jQuery(textBlock).attr('id', 'tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' + view.annotations.length).addClass("tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock").data("annotationIndex", view.annotations.length).html(t); jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' + view.annotations.length).remove(); jQuery(view.annotationContainer).append(textBlock); if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode == 'simultaneous') { jQuery(textBlock).show(); } var w = jQuery($this).width(); var h = jQuery($this).height(); switch(type) { default: case 'rect': var lw = w/((layer.info.tilesize * layer.xtilenum) + layer.tilesize_xlast); var defaultWidth = 0.20 * lw * 100; // default width of rect is 20% of visible screen width if (defaultWidth <= 0) { defaultWidth = 10; } var lh = h/((layer.info.tilesize * layer.ytilenum) + layer.tilesize_ylast); var defaultHeight = 0.2 * lh * 100; // default width of rect is 20% of visible screen height if (defaultHeight <= 0) { defaultHeight = 10; } view.annotations.push({ type: type, x: x, y: y, w: defaultWidth, h: defaultHeight, index: view.annotations.length, tx: x, ty: y + defaultHeight, tw: defaultWidth, th: (120/layer.info.width) * 100, label: options.defaultAnnotationText, textBlock: textBlock }); break; case 'point': var lw = w/((layer.info.tilesize * layer.xtilenum) + layer.tilesize_xlast); var defaultWidth = 0.01 * lw * 100; // default width of rect is 1% of visible screen width if (defaultWidth <= 0) { defaultWidth = 10; } var lh = h/((layer.info.tilesize * layer.ytilenum) + layer.tilesize_ylast); var defaultHeight = 0.10 * lh * 100; // default width of rect is 10% of visible screen height if (defaultHeight <= 0) { defaultHeight = 10; } view.annotations.push({ type: type, x: x, y: y, w: defaultWidth, h: defaultHeight, index: view.annotations.length, tx: x + 3, ty: y + 3, tw: 10, th: (120/layer.info.width) * 100, label: options.defaultAnnotationText, textBlock: textBlock }); break; case 'poly': var lw = w/((layer.info.tilesize * layer.xtilenum) + layer.tilesize_xlast); var defaultWidth = 0.20 * lw * 100; // default width of rect is 20% of visible screen width if (defaultWidth <= 0) { defaultWidth = 10; } var defaultTxOffset = 0.25 * lw * 100; // default width of rect is 25% of visible screen width if (defaultTxOffset <= 0) { defaultTxOffset = 10; } var lh = h/((layer.info.tilesize * layer.ytilenum) + layer.tilesize_ylast); var defaultTyOffset = 0.10 * lh * 100; // default width of rect is 10% of visible screen height if (defaultTyOffset <= 0) { defaultTyOffset = 10; } view.annotations.push({ type: type, x: x, y: y, w: 0, h: 0, index: view.annotations.length, tx: x + defaultTxOffset, ty: y + defaultTyOffset, tw: defaultWidth, th: (120/layer.info.width) * 100, label: options.defaultAnnotationText, textBlock: textBlock, points:[{x: x, y: y}] }); break; case 'measure': // TODO: does this actually need to be distinct from poly? var lw = w/((layer.info.tilesize * layer.xtilenum) + layer.tilesize_xlast); var defaultWidth = 0.20 * lw * 100; // default width of rect is 20% of visible screen width if (defaultWidth <= 0) { defaultWidth = 10; } var defaultTxOffset = 0.25 * lw * 100; // default width of rect is 25% of visible screen width if (defaultTxOffset <= 0) { defaultTxOffset = 10; } var lh = h/((layer.info.tilesize * layer.ytilenum) + layer.tilesize_ylast); var defaultTyOffset = 0.10 * lh * 100; // default width of rect is 10% of visible screen height if (defaultTyOffset <= 0) { defaultTyOffset = 10; } view.annotations.push({ type: type, x: x, y: y, w: 0, h: 0, index: view.annotations.length, tx: x + defaultTxOffset, ty: y + defaultTyOffset, tw: defaultWidth, th: (120/layer.info.width) * 100, label: options.defaultAnnotationText, textBlock: textBlock, points:[{x: x, y: y}] }); break; } view.save_annotations([view.annotations.length-1], []); if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode == 'simultaneous') { // Make just-created annotation text block draggable view._make_annotation_text_block_draggable('#tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' + (view.annotations.length-1)); } view.draw_annotations(); // Select just-created annotation jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' + (view.annotations.length-1)).click(); if ((type != 'poly') && (type != 'measure')) { // Revert current tool to pan jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage").click(); } view.update_key(); return view.annotations.length - 1; // return index of newly added annotation }, add_annotation_point: function(type, x, y) { if (!options.useAnnotations || !options.displayAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations) { return; } if (view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex === null) { return; } var w = jQuery($this).width(); var h = jQuery($this).height(); if(!view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex]) { return; } if (parseInt(view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex]['locked']) == 1) { return; } switch(type) { case 'measure': view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex].points.push({x: x, y: y}); view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex]['label'] = $('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').val(); // set in-progress text in label field // measurements only have two points (for now, at least... maybe forever) if (view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex].points.length >= 2) { view.save_annotations([view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex], []); view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex = null; // Revert current tool to pan jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage").click(); } break; default: case 'poly': view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex].points.push({x: x, y: y}); view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex]['label'] = $('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').val(); // set in-progress text in label field if (view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex].points.length >= 3) { view.save_annotations([view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex], []); } break; } view.draw_annotations(); }, insert_annotation_point: function(i, pointIndex, x, y) { if (!options.useAnnotations || !options.displayAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations) { return; } if (parseInt(view.annotations[i]['locked']) == 1) { return; } if (!view.annotations[i]) return; view.annotations[i].points.splice(pointIndex + 1, 0, {x: x, y: y}); view.annotations[i]['label'] = $('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').val(); // set in-progress text in label field view.make_annotation_dirty(i); }, delete_annotation: function(i) { if (!options.useAnnotations || !options.displayAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations) { return; } if (!view.annotations[i]) return; if (parseInt(view.annotations[i]['locked']) == 1) { return; } view.save_annotations([], [i]); $('#tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock_' + i).remove(); view.annotations[i] = null; if (view.selectedAnnotation == i) { view.selectedAnnotation = null; } // Hide any annotation text boxes if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode !== 'simultaneous') { jQuery('.tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock').css("display", "none"); } jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).css("display", "none").blur(); view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex = null; view.needdraw = true; view.update_key(); }, delete_annotation_point: function(i, pointIndex) { if (parseInt(view.annotations[i]['locked']) == 1) { return; } if (view.annotations[i] && view.annotations[i]['points'] && view.annotations[i]['points'][pointIndex] && (view.annotations[i]['points'].length >= 4)) { view.annotations[i]['points'].splice(pointIndex, 1); view.make_annotation_dirty(i); } }, mouse_is_in_annotation: function(x,y,e) { var mX = parseFloat(x); var mY = parseFloat(y); var foundAnnotation = false; jQuery.each(view.annotationAreas, function(k, v) { if(!v) { return true; } view.mouseClickedOnControlPoint = null; switch(v['type']) { case 'measure': case 'poly': // are we clicking on a line or point? var points = view.annotations[k].points; if (view.isAnnotationTranslation && (k == view.selectedAnnotation)) { return true; } var segments = points.slice(); segments.push({x: segments[0].x, y: segments[0].y}); // add end point so auto-added final segment can be clicked-upon var sumOfPointAngles = 0; // sum of angle between x,y and each pair of coordinates in the polygon; will be zero if we're outside the polygon or 2*PI (or close to it) if we're inside for(var pointIndex in segments) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(pointIndex)) { continue; } pointIndex = parseInt(pointIndex); if (pointIndex+1 > segments.length) { break; } var p1 = segments[pointIndex]; var p2 = segments[pointIndex+1]; if (!p1 || !p2) { continue; } p1.x = parseFloat(p1.x); p1.y = parseFloat(p1.y); p2.x = parseFloat(p2.x); p2.y = parseFloat(p2.y); // point? var pointTolerance = 0.9; if ( (Math.abs(mX - parseFloat(p1.x)) < pointTolerance) && (Math.abs(mY - parseFloat(p1.y)) < pointTolerance) ) { foundAnnotation = v; if (e && (e.type == 'mousedown') && e.altKey) { view.delete_annotation_point(v.index, pointIndex); } view.mouseClickedOnControlPoint = pointIndex; return false; } if ( (Math.abs(mX - parseFloat(p2.x)) < pointTolerance) && (Math.abs(mY - parseFloat(p2.y)) < pointTolerance) ) { foundAnnotation = v; if (e && (e.type == 'mousedown') && e.altKey) { view.delete_annotation_point(v.index, pointIndex + 1); } view.mouseClickedOnControlPoint = pointIndex + 1; return false; } // line? var lineTolerance = 1.0; var xIsAsymphotic = ((p2.x - p1.x) == 0); var yIsAsymphotic = ((p2.y - p1.y) == 0); var dx = xIsAsymphotic ? 0 : (mX - p1.x)/(p2.x - p1.x); var dy = yIsAsymphotic ? 0 : (mY - p1.y)/(p2.y - p1.y); if ( ( (Math.abs(dx - dy) < lineTolerance) && (((mX >= (p1.x - (lineTolerance)) && (mX <= p2.x + (lineTolerance))) || ((mX >= p2.x - (lineTolerance)) && (mX <= p1.x + (lineTolerance))))) && (((mY >= p1.y - (lineTolerance)) && (mY <= p2.y + (lineTolerance))) || ((mY >= p2.y - (lineTolerance)) && (mY <= p1.y + (lineTolerance)))) ) ) { foundAnnotation = v; if (e && (e.type == 'mousedown') && e.altKey) { view.insert_annotation_point(v.index, pointIndex, mX, mY); } return false; } sumOfPointAngles += view.get_point_angle(p1.x - x,p1.y - y,p2.x - x, p2.y - y); } // Are we within the polygon? // If we are inside the polygon this will be 2*PI (or very close to it with rounding errors) // If we are outside the polygone this will be zero if ((Math.abs(sumOfPointAngles) > 6) && ((Math.abs(sumOfPointAngles) - (2 * Math.PI)) < 0.01)) { // Allow for rounding errors foundAnnotation = v; } break; default: if ( (v['startX'] <= mX) && (v['endX'] >= mX) && (v['startY'] <= mY) && (v['endY'] >= mY) ) { foundAnnotation = v; return false; } break; } }); if (view.mouseOverAnnotation != foundAnnotation.index) { view.mouseOverAnnotation = foundAnnotation.index; view.needdraw = true; } return foundAnnotation; }, mouse_is_in_annotationText: function(x,y) { var mX = x; var mY = y; var foundAnnotation = false; jQuery.each(view.annotationAreas, function(k, v) { if ( (v['tstartX'] <= mX) && (v['tendX'] >= mX) && (v['tstartY'] <= mY) && (v['tendY'] >= mY) ) { foundAnnotation = v; return false; } }); return foundAnnotation; }, // // Wrap up any in-progress annotation (only polygons can be "in-progress" currently) // complete_in_progress_annotation: function() { if (view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex && view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex]) { var p = view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex]; if ((p.type == 'poly') && (p.points.length < 3)) { // Polygon annotation must have at least 3 points to be saved view.delete_annotation(view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex); } if ((p.type == 'measure') && (p.points.length < 2)) { // Measure annotation must have at least 2 points to be saved view.delete_annotation(view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex); } } view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex = null; }, _make_annotation_text_editor_draggable: function(inAnnotation) { var curAnnotation = view._get_annotation_by_index(inAnnotation['index']); //view.annotations[inAnnotation['index']]; jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).draggable(); if ( (curAnnotation.type == 'point') || (curAnnotation.type == 'poly') || (curAnnotation.type == 'measure') || (options.allowDraggableTextBoxesForRects && (curAnnotation.type == 'rect')) ) { // Allow dragging of text for point and polygon annotations jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).draggable("enable"); } else { // All other annotation types are not draggable jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).draggable("disable"); } }, open_annotation_text_editor: function(inAnnotation) { jQuery("#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel").blur(); // ensure previously entered annotation text is saved if (options.lockAnnotationText) { return; } if (!inAnnotation || !options.displayAnnotations) { if (options.debug) { console.log("Failed to open annotation text editor"); } return; } var curAnnotation = view._get_annotation_by_index(inAnnotation['index']); //view.annotations[inAnnotation['index']]; var sx = ((inAnnotation['tstartX']/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.xpos; var sy = ((inAnnotation['tendY']/100) * ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.ypos; var sw = (((inAnnotation['tendX']/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.xpos) - sx - 10; // 10 = 2 * 5px padding // Set editing form var tText = (curAnnotation['label'] ? curAnnotation['label'] : options.emptyAnnotationEditorText); t = "
    0) ? "CHECKED='1'" : '') + "/> " + options.uiIcons['lock'] + "
    "; if (options.annotationEditorUrl && curAnnotation['annotation_id']) { t += "" + options.annotationEditorLink + ""; } t += "" + options.uiIcons['delete'] + ""; t += "
    "; // Position text editor box, set text and make visible jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).css("left", sx + 'px').css('top', sy + 'px').html("
    " + options.uiIcons['close'] + "
    " + t + "
    ").css('width', sw + 'px').css("display", "block"); if (!curAnnotation['label']) { jQuery("#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel").on("focus", function(e) { jQuery(this).html(""); }); } jQuery("#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel").on("change", function(e) { view.save_annotation_text_editor_change(); }); jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationLockedButton').on("change", function(e) { var i = view._get_annotation_by_index(inAnnotation['index'], true); view.annotations[i]['locked'] = (jQuery(this).is(":checked") == 1) ? 1 : 0; jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).data('dirty', view.annotations[i]); view.save_annotations([inAnnotation['index']], []); if (view.annotations[i]['locked'] == 0) { view._make_annotation_text_editor_draggable(view.annotations[i]); jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerAnnotationDeleteButton').show(); jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerFullAnnotationEditorLink').show(); jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').prop('disabled', false); } else { jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).draggable("disable"); jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerAnnotationDeleteButton').hide(); jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerFullAnnotationEditorLink').hide(); jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').prop('disabled', true); } }); jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').bind("keydown", function(e) { // Mark as needing to be saved jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).data('dirty', inAnnotation); }); jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerAnnotationCloseButton').bind("click", function(e) { view.selectedAnnotation = null; view.draw(); }); jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerAnnotationDeleteButton').bind("click", function(e) { if (view.selectedAnnotation !== null) { view.delete_annotation(view.selectedAnnotation); } }); jQuery("#tileviewerAnnotationLockedButton").change(); }, save_annotation_text_editor_change: function() { var inAnnotation; if(inAnnotation = jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).data('dirty')) { // Save changed text label jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).data('dirty', null); var i = view._get_annotation_by_index(inAnnotation['index'], true); if(i == null) { return; } // annotation has been deleted console.log("edit" ,i); view.annotations[i]['label'] = jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').val(); view.make_annotation_dirty(inAnnotation['index']); view.save_annotations([inAnnotation['index']], []); //view.draw(); view.draw_annotations(); } }, make_annotation_dirty: function(i) { if (view.changedAnnotations.indexOf(i) === -1) { view.changedAnnotations.push(i); } }, annotation_is_dirty: function(i) { return (view.changedAnnotations.indexOf(i) >= 0); }, get_dirty_annotation_list: function(i) { return view.changedAnnotations; }, clear_dirty_annotation_list: function(i) { view.changedAnnotations = []; }, show_controls: function(s) { options.displayAnnotations = s; if (!s) { jQuery(view.controls).fadeOut(100); jQuery(".tileviewerToolbarRotation").fadeOut(100); } else { jQuery(view.controls).fadeIn(100); jQuery(".tileviewerToolbarRotation").fadeIn(100); } view.needdraw = true; view.draw(); }, get_tool_tip: function(t) { if (options.tooltips && options.tooltips[t]) { return options.tooltips[t]; } return ''; }, update_controls: function() { if (!$(view.controls).html()) { jQuery(view.controls).append("
    "); var d = $(view.controls).find(".tileviewerToolbarCol"); view.tools = {}; if (options.toolbarZooming) { view.tools['zoomIn'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['zoomIn'] + ""; view.tools['zoomOut'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['zoomOut'] + ""; } view.tools['pan'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['pan'] + ""; if (options.useAnnotations && options.showAnnotationTools && !options.lockAnnotations) { view.tools['point'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['point'] + ""; view.tools['rect'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['rect'] + ""; view.tools['polygon'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['polygon'] + ""; if (options.enableMeasurements) { view.tools['measure'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['measure'] + ""; } view.tools['lock'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['lock'] + ""; } if (options.useAnnotations && options.showAnnotationTools && options.useKey) { view.tools['key'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['key'] + ""; } view.tools['overview'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['overview'] + ""; view.tools['expand'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['expand'] + ""; if (options.helpLoadUrl) { view.tools['help'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['help'] + ""; } if (options.useAnnotations && options.showAnnotationTools) { view.tools['toggleAnnotations'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['toggleAnnotations'] + ""; } if (options.mediaDownloadUrl) { view.tools['download'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['download'] + ""; } if (options.allowRotation) { view.tools['rotation'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['rotation'] + ""; } if (options.allowAnnotationList && options.showAnnotationTools) { view.tools['list'] = "" + options.toolbarIcons['list'] + ""; } for(var k=0; k < options.toolbar.length; k++) { switch(options.toolbar[k]) { case 'separator': d.append("
    "); break; default: d.append(view.tools[options.toolbar[k]]); break; } } // // Tools // if (options.toolbarZooming) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlZoomInImage, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomOutImage").css("opacity", 0.5); } jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage").click(function() { options.addPointAnnotationMode = options.addPolygonAnnotationMode = options.addRectAnnotationMode = options.addMeasureAnnotationMode = false; options.panMode = !options.panMode; view.complete_in_progress_annotation(); view.draw(); if (options.panMode) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlAddRectAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPointAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPointAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPolygonAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddMeasureAnnotation"). css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); }); if (options.useAnnotations && options.showAnnotationTools) { // // Rectangular annotation // jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlAddRectAnnotation").click(function() { if (!options.displayAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations) { return; } options.addRectAnnotationMode = !options.addRectAnnotationMode; options.addPointAnnotationMode = options.addPolygonAnnotationMode = options.addMeasureAnnotationMode = false; options.panMode = false; view.complete_in_progress_annotation(); view.draw(); if (options.addRectAnnotationMode) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPointAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPointAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPolygonAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddMeasureAnnotation"). css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); if (!options.addRectAnnotationMode) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage").click(); } }).css("opacity", 0.5); // // Point annotation // jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlAddPointAnnotation").click(function() { if (!options.displayAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations) { return; } options.addPointAnnotationMode = !options.addPointAnnotationMode; options.addRectAnnotationMode = options.addPolygonAnnotationMode = options.addMeasureAnnotationMode = false; options.panMode = false; view.complete_in_progress_annotation(); view.draw(); if (options.addPointAnnotationMode) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage, #" + options.id + "ControlAddRectAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPolygonAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddMeasureAnnotation"). css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); if (!options.addPointAnnotationMode) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage").click(); } }).css("opacity", 0.5); // // Polygon annotation // jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlAddPolygonAnnotation").click(function() { if (!options.displayAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations) { return; } options.addPolygonAnnotationMode = !options.addPolygonAnnotationMode; options.addRectAnnotationMode = options.addPointAnnotationMode = options.addMeasureAnnotationMode = false; options.panMode = false; view.complete_in_progress_annotation(); view.draw(); if (options.addPolygonAnnotationMode) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage, #" + options.id + "ControlAddRectAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPointAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddMeasureAnnotation"). css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); if (!options.addPolygonAnnotationMode) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage").click(); } }).css("opacity", 0.5); // // Measure annotation // jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlAddMeasureAnnotation").click(function() { if (!options.displayAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations) { return; } options.addMeasureAnnotationMode = !options.addMeasureAnnotationMode; options.addRectAnnotationMode = options.addPolygonAnnotationMode = options.addPointAnnotationMode = false; options.panMode = false; view.complete_in_progress_annotation(); view.draw(); if (options.addMeasureAnnotationMode) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage, #" + options.id + "ControlAddRectAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPointAnnotation, #" + options.id + "ControlAddPolygonAnnotation"). css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); if (!options.addMeasureAnnotationMode) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage").click(); } }).css("opacity", 0.5); // // Lock annotations // jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlLockAnnotations").click(function() { options.lockAnnotations = options.lockAnnotationText = !options.lockAnnotations; if (options.lockAnnotations) { view.selectedAnnotation = null; } view.draw(); if (options.lockAnnotations) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } }).css("opacity", 0.5); } // // Overview // jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlOverview").click(function() { options.thumbnail = !options.thumbnail; view.draw(); if (options.thumbnail) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } }).css("opacity", 0.5); // // Rotation // if (options.allowRotation) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlRotation").click(function() { options.rotation = !options.rotation; view.draw(); if (options.rotation) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } }).css("opacity", 0.5); } // // Annotation list // if (options.allowAnnotationList) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlAnnotationList").click(function() { options.annotationList = !options.annotationList; view.draw(); if (options.annotationList) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } }).css("opacity", 0.5); } // // Key // if (options.useKey) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlKey").click(function() { options.showKey = !options.showKey; view.draw(); if (options.showKey) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } }).css("opacity", 0.5); } // // Toggle annotations // jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlToggleAnnotations").click(function() { options.displayAnnotations = !options.displayAnnotations; view.draw(); if (options.displayAnnotations) { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } }).css("opacity", 1.0); // Download if (options.mediaDownloadUrl) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlDownload").click(function() { window.location = options.mediaDownloadUrl; }).mouseover(function() { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); }).mouseleave(function() { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); }).css("opacity", 0.5); } // // Fit to screen // jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlFitToScreen").click(function() { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0); var w = jQuery($this).width(); var h = jQuery($this).height(); //set initial level/size to fit the entire view var min = Math.min(w, h)/layer.info.tilesize; //number of tiles that can fit layer.level = layer.info._maxlevel - Math.floor(min) - 1; if (layer.level < 1) { layer.level = 0; } // level can't be less than zero layer.tilesize = layer.info.tilesize; view.recalc_viewparams(); layer.tilesize = Math.min((w/layer.xtilenum), (h/layer.ytilenum)); // center image var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level) * layer.info.tilesize / layer.tilesize; layer.xpos = view.canvas.clientWidth/2-layer.info.width/2/factor; layer.ypos = view.canvas.clientHeight/2-layer.info.height/2/factor; view.draw(); if (options.sliderZooming) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ZoomSlider").slider({value: view.current_zoom() * 100}); } jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); }).mouseover(function() { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); }).mouseleave(function() { jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); }).css("opacity", 0.5); // // Help // if (options.helpLoadUrl) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlHelp").click(function() { if (!jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerHelpPanel').length) { jQuery($this).append("
    "); jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerHelpPanel").css("left", ((jQuery($this).width() - jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerHelpPanel").width())/2)+"px").css("top", ((jQuery($this).height() - jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerHelpPanel").height())/2) + "px").load( options.helpLoadUrl, function(e) { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerHelpPanel div.close a").on('click', function(e) { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlHelp").click(); }); } ); jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { if(!jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerHelpPanel').is(":visible")) { jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerHelpPanel').fadeIn(250); jQuery(this).css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } else { jQuery($this).find('.tileviewerHelpPanel').fadeOut(250); jQuery(this).css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } } }).css("opacity", 0.5); } // // Image measurement scaling controls // if (options.enableMeasurements) { jQuery($this).append("
    " + options.imageScaleControlFirstSetText + "
    "); jQuery('#tileviewerImageScaleSet').on('click', function(e) { if (!((view.selectedAnnotation !== null) && (view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation]))) { return; } var m = jQuery('#tileviewerImageScaleInput').val(); var w = view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation].w/100; var h = view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation].h/100; // Save scale factor if (options.annotationSaveUrl.substr(0, 1) !== '#') { jQuery.getJSON(options.annotationSaveUrl, { 'measurement': m, 'width': w, 'height': h}, function(data) { options.scale = data.scale; options.measurementUnits = data.measurementUnits; view.needdraw = true; jQuery(".tileviewerImageScaleControls div.tileviewerImageScaleControlText").html(options.imageScaleControlChangeSettingText.replace("%1", "1" + options.measurementUnits + " = " + (options.scale.toFixed(2) * 100) + "% of width")); }); } else { } e.preventDefault(); return false; }); jQuery('#tileviewerImageScaleInput').val(''); // Hide it by default jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerImageScaleControls").css("display", "none"); } // // Rotation // jQuery($this).append("
    "); var r = jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerToolbarRotation"); // Hide it by default jQuery(r).css("display", "none"); r.append("
    "); jQuery(view.canvas) .css("-webkit-transform-origin", "50% 50%") .css("-moz-transform-origin", "50% 50%") .css("-o-transform-origin", "50% 50%") .css("-ms-transform-origin", "50% 50%"); view.circularSlider = jQuery("#" + options.id + "RotationSlider").CircularSlider({ min : 0, max: 359, value : 0, labelSuffix: "°", slide : function(ui, value) { view.rotation = value; jQuery(view.canvas) .css("-webkit-transform", "rotate(" + value + "deg)") .css("-moz-transform", "rotate(" + value + "deg)") .css("-o-transform", "rotate(" + value + "deg)") .css("-ms-transform", "rotate(" + value + "deg)"); view.update_textbox_position(); } }); jQuery('.jcs-value').bind('click', function(e) { view.circularSlider.setValue(0); e.stopPropagation(); }); // // Annotation list // jQuery($this).append("
    "); if (options.allowAnnotationSearch) { jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList").append("
    "); jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList div.tileviewerAnnotationListSearch input.tileviewerAnnotationListSearch").bind("keyup change", function(e) { view.search_annotation_list(jQuery(this).val()); }).wrap('').after($('').click(function() { $(this).prev('input').val('').focus(); view.search_annotation_list(''); })); } jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList").append("
    "); jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerAnnotationList").css("display", "none"); // // Color key // if (options.useKey) { jQuery($this).append("
    "); jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerKey").append("
    "); jQuery($this).find(".tileviewerKey").css("display", "none"); } // // Zooming // if (options.sliderZooming) { jQuery($this).append("
    "); var z = $($this).find(".tileviewerToolbarZoom"); // center it jQuery(z).css("left", ((jQuery($this).width() - 500)/2) + "px"); z.append("" + options.uiIcons['zoomIn'] + ""); z.append("" + options.uiIcons['zoomOut'] + ""); z.append("
    "); jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlZoomIn").css("opacity", 0.5); jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlZoomOut").css("opacity", 0.5); view.minZoom = (jQuery($this).width()/layer.info.width); if (view.minZoom > (t = jQuery($this).height()/layer.info.height)) { view.minZoom = t; } view.minZoom *= 0.8; jQuery("#" + options.id + "ZoomSlider").slider({ min: view.minZoom * 100, max: 100, slide: function(e, ui) { var w = jQuery($this).width(); var h = jQuery($this).height(); view.zoom(ui.value/100, w/2, h/2); }}); } // Handle toolbar and slider zoom controls jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlZoomIn, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomInImage").mousedown(function() { view.mousedown = true; var w = jQuery($this).width(); var h = jQuery($this).height(); jQuery('#' + options.id + "ControlZoomIn, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomInImage").css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); jQuery('#' + options.id + "ControlZoomOut, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomOutImage").css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); view.interval = setInterval(function() { if (!view.mousedown) { clearInterval(view.interval); jQuery('#' + options.id + "ControlZoomIn, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomInImage").css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); jQuery('#' + options.id + "ControlZoomOut, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomOutImage").css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } view.change_zoom(20, w/2, h/2); }, 50); }); jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlZoomOut, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomOutImage").mousedown(function() { view.mousedown = true; var w = jQuery($this).width(); var h = jQuery($this).height(); jQuery('#' + options.id + "ControlZoomIn, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomInImage").css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); jQuery('#' + options.id + "ControlZoomOut, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomOutImage").css("opacity", 1.0).addClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); view.interval = setInterval(function() { if (!view.mousedown) { clearInterval(view.interval); jQuery('#' + options.id + "ControlZoomIn, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomInImage").css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); jQuery('#' + options.id + "ControlZoomOut, #" + options.id + "ControlZoomOutImage").css("opacity", 0.5).removeClass('tileviewerControlSelected'); } view.change_zoom(-20, w/2, h/2); }, 50); }); jQuery(document).bind('keypress.] keypress.= keypress.Shift_+', function() { // zoom in using keyboard "]" or "+" var w = jQuery(view.canvas).width(); var h = jQuery(view.canvas).height(); view.change_zoom(15, w/2, h/2); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keypress.[ keypress.- keypress.Shift__', function() { // zoom out using keyboard "[" or "-" var w = jQuery(view.canvas).width(); var h = jQuery(view.canvas).height(); view.change_zoom(-15, w/2, h/2); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.left', function() { var p = view.get_destination_from_center_with_rotation(-50, 0); view.pan.xdest = p.x; view.pan.ydest = p.y; view.pan.level = layer.level; view.pan(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.right', function() { var p = view.get_destination_from_center_with_rotation(50, 0); view.pan.xdest = p.x; view.pan.ydest = p.y; view.pan.level = layer.level; view.pan(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.up', function() { var p = view.get_destination_from_center_with_rotation(0, -50); view.pan.xdest = p.x; view.pan.ydest = p.y; view.pan.level = layer.level; view.pan(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.c keydown.Shift_c', function() { // show/hide controls jQuery(view.controls).fadeToggle(100); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.down', function() { var p = view.get_destination_from_center_with_rotation(0, 50); view.pan.xdest = p.x; view.pan.ydest = p.y; view.pan.level = layer.level; view.pan(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.d keydown.Shift_d', function() { if (!options.useAnnotations || options.lockAnnotations || !options.displayAnnotations) { return; } if (view.selectedAnnotation !== null) { view.delete_annotation(view.selectedAnnotation); view.selectedAnnotation = null; view.draw(); } return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.n keydown.Shift_n', function() { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlOverview").click(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.h keydown.Shift_h', function() { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlFitToScreen").click(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.tab', function() { view.show_controls(!options.displayAnnotations); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.r keydown.Shift_r', function() { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlAddRectAnnotation").click(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.p keydown.Shift_p', function() { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlAddPointAnnotation").click(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.y keydown.Shift_y', function() { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlAddPolygonAnnotation").click(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.space', function() { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage").click(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.l keydown.Shift_l', function() { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlLockAnnotations").click(); return false; }); jQuery(document).bind('keydown.o keydown.Shift_o', function() { jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlRotation").click(); return false; }); // // Touch events // // TODO // // Tool tips // // tool bar tooltips jQuery(".tileviewerControl").uitooltip({'tooltipClass' : options.tooltipClass, 'hide': false, 'position': { 'my': "right top+5", 'at': "left top", 'collision': "flipfit" }}); // rotation reset button tooltip //if (options.tooltips && options.tooltips['rotationReset']) { // jQuery('.jcs-value').attr('title', options.tooltips['rotationReset']).uitooltip({'tooltipClass' : options.tooltipClass, 'hide': false}); //} } }, draw_tiles: function(ctx) { //display tiles var xmin = Math.max(0, Math.floor(-layer.xpos/layer.tilesize)); var ymin = Math.max(0, Math.floor(-layer.ypos/layer.tilesize)); var xmax = Math.min(layer.xtilenum, Math.ceil((view.canvas.clientWidth-layer.xpos)/layer.tilesize)); var ymax = Math.min(layer.ytilenum, Math.ceil((view.canvas.clientHeight-layer.ypos)/layer.tilesize)); for(var y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) { for(var x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) { view.draw_tile(ctx,x,y); } } }, draw_thumb: function(ctx) { var mcontext = view.thumbCanvas.getContext("2d"); // set shadow mcontext.shadowOffsetX = 3; mcontext.shadowOffsetY = 3; mcontext.shadowBlur = 4; mcontext.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'; var vOffset = jQuery($this).height() - layer.thumb.height; var hOffset = jQuery($this).width() - layer.thumb.width; // Size and position thumbnail view jQuery(view.thumbCanvas).css('position', 'absolute').css('left', hOffset + 'px').css('top', (vOffset - 40) + 'px').attr('width', layer.thumb.width).attr('height', layer.thumb.height); // Draw thumbnail image mcontext.drawImage(layer.thumb, 0, 0, layer.thumb.width, layer.thumb.height); // Draw current view var rect = view.get_viewpos(); var factor = layer.thumb.height/layer.info.height; mcontext.strokeStyle = '#ff0000'; mcontext.lineWidth = 1; var x = rect.x*factor; var y = rect.y*factor; var w = rect.width*factor; var h = rect.height*factor; // Don't let highlight rect extend past thumbnail 'cos that'd be ugly if (x < 0) { w = w + x; x = 0; } if (y < 0) { h = h + y; y = 0; } if ((x + w) > layer.thumb.width) { w = layer.thumb.width - x; } if ((y + h) > layer.thumb.height) { h = layer.thumb.height - y; } mcontext.strokeRect(x, y, w, h); }, draw_tile: function(ctx,x,y) { var tileid = x + y*layer.xtilenum; var url = options.src + methods.getTilepicTileNum(layer.level, tileid, layer); var img = layer.tiles[url]; var dodraw = function() { var xsize = layer.tilesize; var ysize = layer.tilesize; if(x == layer.xtilenum-1) { xsize = (layer.tilesize/layer.info.tilesize)*layer.tilesize_xlast; } if(y == layer.ytilenum-1) { ysize = (layer.tilesize/layer.info.tilesize)*layer.tilesize_ylast; } ctx.drawImage(img, Math.floor(layer.xpos+x*layer.tilesize), Math.floor(layer.ypos+y*layer.tilesize), Math.ceil(xsize),Math.ceil(ysize)); } if(img == null) { view.loader_request(url); } else { if(img.xloaded) { img.timestamp = new Date().getTime(); dodraw(); //good.. we have the image.. dodraw return; } else { //not loaded yet ... update timestamp so that this image will get loaded soon img.timestamp = new Date().getTime(); } } //meanwhile .... draw subtile instead var xsize = layer.tilesize; var ysize = layer.tilesize; if(x == layer.xtilenum-1) { xsize = (layer.tilesize/layer.info.tilesize)*layer.tilesize_xlast; } if(y == layer.ytilenum-1) { ysize = (layer.tilesize/layer.info.tilesize)*layer.tilesize_ylast; } //look for available subtile of the highest quaility var down = 1; var factor = 1; while(layer.level+down <= layer.info._maxlevel) { factor <<=1; var xtilenum_up = Math.ceil(layer.info.width/Math.pow(2,layer.level+down)/layer.info.tilesize); var subtileid = Math.floor(x/factor) + Math.floor(y/factor)*xtilenum_up; var url = options.src + methods.getTilepicTileNum(layer.level+down, subtileid, layer); var img = layer.tiles[url]; if(img && img.xloaded) { //crop the source section var half_tilesize = layer.info.tilesize/factor; var sx = (x%factor)*half_tilesize; var sy = (y%factor)*half_tilesize; var sw = half_tilesize; if(x == layer.xtilenum-1) sw = layer.tilesize_xlast/factor; var sh = half_tilesize; if(y == layer.ytilenum-1) sh = layer.tilesize_ylast/factor; ctx.drawImage(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, Math.floor(layer.xpos+x*layer.tilesize), Math.floor(layer.ypos+y*layer.tilesize), Math.ceil(xsize),Math.ceil(ysize)); img.timestamp = new Date().getTime();//we should keep this image.. return; } //try another level down++; } }, loader_request: function(url) { var img = new Image(); img.xloaded = false; img.xloading = false; img.level_loaded_for = layer.level; img.request_src = url; img.timestamp = new Date().getTime(); img.onload = function() { this.xloaded = true; this.xloading = false; if(this.level_loaded_for == layer.level) { view.needdraw = true; } layer.loader.loading--; view.loader_load(null); }; layer.tiles[url] = img; layer.loader.tile_count++; view.loader_load(img); view.loader_shift(); }, loader_load: function(img) { //if we can load more image, load it if(layer.loader.loading < layer.loader.max_loading) { if(img == null) { //find the latest image to load (unless specified) var latest_img = null; for (var url in layer.tiles) { img = layer.tiles[url]; if(img.xloaded == false && (img.xloading == false) && (latest_img == null || img.timestamp > latest_img.timestamp)) { latest_img = img; } } img = latest_img; } if(img != null) { //start loading! img.src = img.request_src; layer.loader.loading++; img.xloading = true; view.loader_load(); //recurse to see if we can load more image } } }, loader_shift: function() { //if we have too many images in the dictionary... remove oldest used image if(layer.loader.tile_count >= layer.loader.max_tiles) { var oldest_img = null; for (var url in layer.tiles) { img = layer.tiles[url]; if(img.xloaded == true && (oldest_img == null || img.timestamp < oldest_img.timestamp)) { oldest_img = img; } } if(oldest_img != null) { //get rid of this guy delete layer.tiles[oldest_img.src]; layer.loader.tile_count--; } } }, recalc_viewparams: function() { var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); //calculate number of tiles on current level layer.xtilenum = Math.ceil(layer.info.width/factor/layer.info.tilesize); layer.ytilenum = Math.ceil(layer.info.height/factor/layer.info.tilesize); //calculate size of the last tile layer.tilesize_xlast = layer.info.width/factor%layer.info.tilesize; layer.tilesize_ylast = layer.info.height/factor%layer.info.tilesize; if(layer.tilesize_xlast == 0) layer.tilesize_xlast = layer.info.tilesize; if(layer.tilesize_ylast == 0) layer.tilesize_ylast = layer.info.tilesize; }, //get current pixel coordinates of the canvas window get_viewpos: function() { var factor = Math.pow(2, layer.level)*layer.info.tilesize/layer.tilesize; return { x: ((-layer.xpos + view.canvasOverscanX)*factor), y: ((-layer.ypos + view.canvasOverscanY)*factor), width: (view.canvas.clientWidth - (view.canvasOverscanX * 2))*factor, height: (view.canvas.clientHeight - (view.canvasOverscanY * 2)) *factor }; }, //calculate pixel position based on client x/y client2pixel: function(client_x, client_y) { var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level) * layer.info.tilesize / layer.tilesize; var pixel_x = Math.round((client_x - layer.xpos)*factor); var pixel_y = Math.round((client_y - layer.ypos)*factor); return {x: pixel_x, y: pixel_y}; }, //calculate pixel position on the center center_pixelpos: function() { return view.client2pixel(view.canvas.clientWidth/2, view.canvas.clientHeight/2); }, // get_destination_from_center_with_rotation: function(offsetX, offsetY) { var p = view.center_pixelpos(); var a = view.rotation * (Math.PI/180); var dx = offsetX; var dy = offsetY; dxx = dx * Math.cos(a); dxy = dy * Math.sin(a); dyx = dy * Math.cos((2*Math.PI) - a); dyy = dx * Math.sin((2*Math.PI) - a); dx = dxx + dxy; dy = dyx + dyy; p.x += dx; p.y += dy; return p; }, // Return the angle between two vectors on a plane // The angle is from vector 1 to vector 2, positive anticlockwise // The result is between -PI and PI get_point_angle: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var dtheta, theta1, theta2; theta1 = Math.atan2(y1,x1); theta2 = Math.atan2(y2,x2); dtheta = theta2 - theta1; while (dtheta > Math.PI) dtheta -= (2 * Math.PI); while (dtheta < (-1 * Math.PI)) dtheta += (2 * Math.PI); return dtheta; }, zoom: function(zoom, x, y) { var maxZoom = options.maximumPixelsize; if (zoom < 0) { return; } if (zoom > maxZoom) { return; } var w = jQuery(view.canvas).width(); var h = jQuery(view.canvas).height(); var targetWidth = layer.info.width * zoom; // effective width we want var l = 0; // level 0 = full resolution var s = layer.info.width; // The width at level 0 // Find first level with resolution lower than our target while((s > targetWidth) && (l<=layer.info._maxlevel)) { s /= 2; l++; } if (l > 0) { l--; s *= 2; } var f = targetWidth/s; //*before* changing tilesize, adjust offset so that we will zoom into where the cursor is var dist_from_x0 = x - layer.xpos; var dist_from_y0 = y - layer.ypos; var delta_zoom = zoom - (view.current_zoom()); var lw = (layer.tilesize * layer.xtilenum) + layer.tilesize_xlast; var lh = (layer.tilesize * layer.ytilenum) + layer.tilesize_ylast; var dlw = layer.info.width * delta_zoom; var dlh = layer.info.height * delta_zoom; layer.xpos -= (dist_from_x0/lw) * dlw; layer.ypos -= (dist_from_y0/lh) * dlh; layer.level = l; layer.tilesize = layer.info.tilesize * f; view.recalc_viewparams(); jQuery("#" + options.id + "ZoomSlider").slider({value: view.current_zoom() * 100}); view.needdraw = true; }, current_zoom: function() { var tw = layer.info.width; var cw = (layer.tilesize * layer.xtilenum) + layer.tilesize_xlast; var x = (100 - (100/(Math.pow(2, layer.level))))/100; return (1-x)*layer.tilesize/256; }, change_zoom: function(delta, x, y) { var w = jQuery($this).width(); var h = jQuery($this).height(); var cl = layer.level; var ctilesize = layer.tilesize; var cxtilenum = layer.xtilenum; var cytilenum = layer.ytilenum; var cxpos = layer.xpos; var cypos = layer.ypos; //ignore if we've reached min/max zoom if(layer.level == 0 && layer.tilesize+delta > layer.info.tilesize*options.maximumPixelsize) { return false; } // Don't allow zooming smaller than window var ts = ((layer.tilesize + delta) > 16) ? layer.tilesize + delta : layer.tilesize; if ((delta < 0) && ((ts * (layer.xtilenum)) < w) && ((ts * (layer.ytilenum)) < h)) { return false; } //*before* changing tilesize, adjust offset so that we will zoom into where the cursor is var dist_from_x0 = x - layer.xpos; var dist_from_y0 = y - layer.ypos; layer.xpos -= (dist_from_x0/layer.tilesize)*delta; layer.ypos -= (dist_from_y0/layer.tilesize)*delta; // Don't allow scrolling offscreen if ( (layer.xpos > w) || (layer.ypos > h) || (layer.xpos < (-1 *(layer.tilesize * layer.xtilenum))) || (layer.ypos < (-1 *(layer.tilesize * layer.ytilenum))) ) { layer.xpos = cxpos; layer.ypos = cypos; layer.level = cl; view.pan.xdest = 0; view.pan.ydest = 0; view.pan.level = cl; view.needdraw = true; view.pan(); return; } if ((layer.tilesize + delta) > 16) { layer.tilesize += delta; } //adjust level if(layer.tilesize > layer.info.tilesize) { //level down if(layer.level > 0) { layer.level--; layer.tilesize /= 2; //we can't use bitoperation here.. need to preserve floating point view.recalc_viewparams(); } } else { if(layer.tilesize < layer.info.tilesize/2) { //level up if(layer.level < layer.info._maxlevel) { layer.level++; layer.tilesize *= 2; //we can't use bitoperation here.. need to preserve floating point view.recalc_viewparams(); } } } jQuery("#" + options.id + "ZoomSlider").slider({value: view.current_zoom() * 100}); view.needdraw = true; }, pan: function() { var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); // convert pan destination to client coordinates var xdest_client = ((view.pan.xdest) * (layer.tilesize/256)) + layer.xpos; var ydest_client = ((view.pan.ydest) * (layer.tilesize/256)) + layer.ypos; var dx = (view.canvas.clientWidth/2) - xdest_client; var dy = (view.canvas.clientHeight/2) - ydest_client; var dist = Math.sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy)); // pan to destination if(dist >= 0.1) { layer.xpos += dx / 10; layer.ypos += dy / 10; } if(dist < 0.1) { // && level_dist < 0.1) { // reached destination view.pan.xdest = view.pan.ydest = null; } view.needdraw = true; }, inside: function(xt,yt,x,y,w,h) { if(xt > x && xt < x + w && yt > y && yt < y + h) return true; return false; }, is_touch_device: function() { return (('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.MaxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0)); }, // // Convert hex color to RGB with alpha // hexToRGBA: function(h,a) { if(h.substr(0,1) == '#') { h = h.substr(1); } var r, g, b; switch(h.length) { case 6: r = parseInt(h.substr(0,2), 16); g = parseInt(h.substr(2,2), 16); b = parseInt(h.substr(4,2), 16); break; case 3: r = parseInt(h.substr(0,1), 16); g = parseInt(h.substr(1,1), 16); b = parseInt(h.substr(2,1), 16); break; default: return null; break; } if (isNaN(a = parseFloat(a))) { a = 1; } if ((a < 0) || (a > 1)) { a = 1; } return "rgba(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ", " + a + ")"; } };//view definition $this.data("view", view); if (view.is_touch_device() && (typeof Hammer === 'function')) { view.hammer = new Hammer(view.canvas, {}); } //setup views $this.addClass("tileviewer"); // // Make canvas width and height equal to diagonal width of viewer area. This ensures the // canvas is large enough to cover the viewer area when being rotated // view.diagonalWidth = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow($this.width(), 2) + Math.pow($this.height(), 2))); view.canvasOverscanX = Math.floor((view.diagonalWidth - jQuery($this).width())/2); view.canvasOverscanY = Math.floor((view.diagonalWidth - jQuery($this).height())/2); $(view.canvas).css("width", view.diagonalWidth + "px").css("height", view.diagonalWidth + "px") .css("position", "absolute") .css("left", -1 * Math.floor((view.diagonalWidth - $this.width())/2) + "px") // center canvas .css("top", -1 * Math.floor((view.diagonalWidth - $this.height())/2) + "px"); $this.append(view.canvas); $this.append(view.thumbCanvas); $(view.status).addClass("status"); $this.append(view.status); $(view.controls).addClass("viewerControls"); $this.append(view.controls); $this.append(view.annotationContainer); var annotationContainer = jQuery(view.annotationContainer); // // Begin ANNOTATIONS: init text editor // $(view.annotationTextEditor).addClass("tileviewerAnnotationTextEditor"); $(view.annotationTextEditor).on("blur", function(e) { var inAnnotation; if(inAnnotation = jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).data('dirty')) { // Save changed text label jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).data('dirty', null); var annotation = view._get_annotation_by_index(inAnnotation['index']); if(!annotation) { return; } // annotation has been deleted annotation['label'] = jQuery('#tileviewerAnnotationTextLabel').val(); view.make_annotation_dirty(inAnnotation['index']); view.save_annotations([inAnnotation['index']], []); view.draw(); } }); annotationContainer.append(view.annotationTextEditor); $(view.annotationTextEditor).draggable(); $(view.annotationTextEditor).draggable({ drag: function(e) { if( view.selectedAnnotation != null && view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation] && ( (view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation].type == 'point') || (view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation].type == 'poly') || (view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation].type == 'measure') || ((view.annotations[view.selectedAnnotation].type == 'rect') && options.allowDraggableTextBoxesForRects) ) ) { var pos = jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).position(); var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); var i = view.selectedAnnotation; view.annotations[i].tx = ((pos.left + view.canvasOverscanX - layer.xpos)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; view.annotations[i].ty = ((pos.top + view.canvasOverscanY - layer.ypos)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; view.draw(); } // e.preventDefault(); }, stop: function(e) { var pos = jQuery(view.annotationTextEditor).position(); var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); var i = view.selectedAnnotation; view.annotations[i].tx = ((pos.left + view.canvasOverscanX - layer.xpos)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; view.annotations[i].ty = ((pos.top + view.canvasOverscanY - layer.ypos)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; view.save_annotations([view.selectedAnnotation], []); view.draw(); //e.preventDefault(); }}).mouseup(function(e) { view.isAnnotationResize = view.isAnnotationTransformation = view.mousedown = view.dragAnnotation = null; }); // Add click handler for textBlocks jQuery(document).on("click", "div.tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock", function(e) { if(options.lockAnnotationText) { return; } var offset = $(view.canvas).offset(); if (!e) { e = { pageX:0, pageY: 0 }; } var x = e.pageX - offset.left; var y = e.pageY - offset.top; view.selectedAnnotation = jQuery(this).data("annotationIndex"); view.needdraw = true; view.open_annotation_text_editor(view.annotationAreas[view.selectedAnnotation]); return false; }); layer.info = options.info; //calculate metadata var v1 = Math.max(layer.info.width, layer.info.height)/layer.info.tilesize; layer.info._maxlevel = Math.ceil(Math.log(v1)/Math.log(2)); var w = jQuery($this).width(); //jQuery(view.canvas).width(); var h = jQuery($this).height(); //jQuery(view.canvas).height(); //set initial level/size to fit the entire view var min = Math.min(w, h)/layer.info.tilesize; //number of tiles that can fit layer.level = layer.info._maxlevel - Math.floor(min) - 1; if (layer.level < 1) { layer.level = 0; } // level can't be less than zero layer.tilesize = layer.info.tilesize; view.recalc_viewparams(); layer.tilesize = Math.min((w/layer.xtilenum), (h/layer.ytilenum)); // center image var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level) * layer.info.tilesize / layer.tilesize; layer.xpos = view.canvas.clientWidth/2-layer.info.width/2/factor; layer.ypos = view.canvas.clientHeight/2-layer.info.height/2/factor; //cache level0 image (so that we don't have to use the green rect too long..) var url = options.src + methods.getTilepicTileNum(layer.info._maxlevel, 0, layer); view.loader_request(url); view.recalc_viewparams(); view.needdraw = true; //load thumbnail layer.thumb = new Image(); layer.thumb.src = options.src+methods.getTilepicTileNum((layer.info._maxlevel), 0, layer) // http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ // requestAnim shim layer by Paul Irish window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(/* function */ callback, /* DOMElement */ element){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); var draw_thread = function() { requestAnimFrame(draw_thread); if(view.pan.xdest) { if (!view.isAnnotationResize && !view.isAnnotationTranslation) { view.pan(); } } if(view.needdraw) { view.draw(); } }; draw_thread(); if (options.useAnnotations) { // load annotations view.load_annotations(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Event handlers $(view.canvas).dblclick(function(e) { if( (view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex !== null) && (view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex]) && (view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex].type == 'poly') && (view.annotations[view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex].points.length >= 2) ) { // // Complete polygon on double-click // view.complete_in_progress_annotation(); view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex = null; jQuery("#" + options.id + "ControlPanImage").click(); } }); // Mousedown on thumbnail $(view.thumbCanvas).mousedown(function(e) { if (options.thumbnail) { var offset = $(view.thumbCanvas).offset(); var x = e.pageX - offset.left; var y = e.pageY - offset.top; // Handle scrolling due to click on the overview var tw = layer.thumb.width; var th = layer.thumb.height; var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); if ((x >= 0) && (x <= tw) && (y >= 0) && (y <= th)) { view.pan.xdest = ((x/tw) * layer.info.width / factor); view.pan.ydest = ((y/th) * layer.info.height / factor); view.pan.level = layer.level; view.needdraw = true; return; } } }); // Mousedown on primary canvas $(view.canvas).mousedown(function(e) { var offset = $(view.canvas).offset(); var x = e.pageX - offset.left; var y = e.pageY - offset.top; var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); var x_relative = ((x - layer.xpos)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; var y_relative = ((y - layer.ypos)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; var buttonDiameter = (15/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; if (options.useAnnotations) { // // Handle annotations // view.dragAnnotation = view.isAnnotationResize = view.isAnnotationTranslation = null; jQuery("body").css('cursor', 'auto'); var curAnnotation = null; if (!options.lockAnnotations && options.displayAnnotations) { if (curAnnotation = view.mouse_is_in_annotation( x_relative, y_relative, e )) { view.selectedAnnotation = view.dragAnnotation = curAnnotation.index; view.dragAnnotationLastCoords = {x: x, y: y}; view.needdraw = true; } else { jQuery(".tileviewerImageScaleControls").hide(0); // Add annotation? if (options.addRectAnnotationMode) { view.add_annotation('rect', x_relative, y_relative); return; } if (options.addPointAnnotationMode) { view.add_annotation('point', x_relative, y_relative); return; } if (options.addPolygonAnnotationMode || options.addMeasureAnnotationMode) { if(view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex === null) { view.polygonInProgressAnnotationIndex = view.add_annotation((options.addMeasureAnnotationMode ? 'measure' : 'poly'), x_relative, y_relative); } else { view.add_annotation_point((options.addMeasureAnnotationMode ? 'measure' : 'poly'), x_relative, y_relative); } return; } view.selectedAnnotation = null; // deselect current annotation view.needdraw = true; } } } // // Begin ANNOTATIONS: mousedown handler // if (options.useAnnotations && !options.lockAnnotationText) { // // Adjust annotation visibility on mousedown // var inAnnotation = null; if (inAnnotation = view.mouse_is_in_annotation(x_relative, y_relative)) { var sx = ((inAnnotation['tstartX']/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.xpos; var sy = ((inAnnotation['tendY']/100) * ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.ypos; var sw = (((inAnnotation['tendX']/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.xpos) - sx - 10; // 10 = 2 * 5px padding var t = ''; if (view.selectedAnnotation == inAnnotation['index']) { view.open_annotation_text_editor(inAnnotation); } } if(!view.selectedAnnotation) { if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode !== 'simultaneous') { $('.tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock').css("display", "none"); } } // Adjust text box position to reflect current view view.update_textbox_position(e); } // // End ANNOTATIONS: mousedown handler // view.mousedown = true; //mode specific extra info switch(view.mode) { case "pan": view.pan.xdest = null;//cancel pan view.pan.xhot = x - layer.xpos; view.pan.yhot = y - layer.ypos; document.body.style.cursor="move"; break; case "zoom_in": view.interval = setInterval(function() { if (!view.mousedown) { clearInterval(view.interval); } view.change_zoom(30, x, y); }, 50); break; case "zoom_out": view.interval = setInterval(function() { if (!view.mousedown) { clearInterval(view.interval); } view.change_zoom(-30, x, y); }, 50); break; } return false; }); //we want to capture mouseup on whole document - not just canvas $(document).mouseup(function(){ document.body.style.cursor="auto"; view.mousedown = false; // // Begin ANNOTATIONS: mouseup handler // view.dragAnnotation = view.isAnnotationResize = view.isAnnotationTranslation = null; if(view.annotation_is_dirty(view.selectedAnnotation)) { view.save_annotations([view.selectedAnnotation], []); } // // End ANNOTATIONS: mouseup handler // jQuery("body").css('cursor', 'auto'); }); $(view.canvas).mousemove(function(e) { var offset = $(view.canvas).offset(); var x = e.pageX - offset.left; var y = e.pageY - offset.top; view.xnow = x; view.ynow = y; var factor = Math.pow(2,layer.level); var x_relative = ((x - layer.xpos)/((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; var y_relative = ((y - layer.ypos)/((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) * 100; if(layer.info == null) { return false; } // // Begin ANNOTATIONS: mousemove handler // if (options.useAnnotations) { // // Drag annotation? // if (!options.lockAnnotations && options.displayAnnotations && view.dragAnnotation) { view.drag_annotation(view.dragAnnotation, Math.ceil(x - view.dragAnnotationLastCoords.x), Math.ceil(y - view.dragAnnotationLastCoords.y), x, y); view.dragAnnotationLastCoords.x = x; view.dragAnnotationLastCoords.y = y; return; } // // Are we over a label? // var inAnnotation = null; if (options.displayAnnotations) { if ((options.annotationTextDisplayMode === 'mouseover') && (inAnnotation = view.mouse_is_in_annotation(x_relative, y_relative, e))) { var sx = ((inAnnotation['tstartX']/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.xpos; var sy = ((inAnnotation['tendY']/100) * ((layer.info.height/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.ypos; var sw = (((inAnnotation['tendX']/100) * ((layer.info.width/factor) * (layer.tilesize/256))) + layer.xpos) - sx - 10; // 10 = 2 * 5px padding if ((view.selectedAnnotation == inAnnotation['index']) && !options.lockAnnotationText) { $(view.annotationTextEditor).css("display", "block"); $(inAnnotation['textBlock']).fadeOut(250); } else { // Mouseover non-selected annotation if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode !== 'simultaneous') { $(inAnnotation['textBlock']).fadeIn(250); } if (view.selectedAnnotation == null) { $(view.annotationTextEditor).fadeOut(250); } } } else { if (options.annotationTextDisplayMode !== 'simultaneous') { $('.tileviewerAnnotationTextBlock').fadeOut(250); if((view.selectedAnnotation) && !options.lockAnnotationText) { $(view.annotationTextEditor).fadeIn(250); } } } } } // // End ANNOTATIONS: mousemove handler // if(view.mousedown) { //dragging switch(view.mode) { case "pan": if (!options.panMode) { break; } // don't allow panning if disabled layer.xpos = x - view.pan.xhot; layer.ypos = y - view.pan.yhot; view.draw(); //TODO - should I call needdraw instead? break; } } else { //just hovering switch(view.mode) { case "pan": break; } } //view.update_status(); //mouse position change doesn't cause view update.. so we have to call this //return false; }); $(view.canvas).bind("mousewheel.tileviewer", function(e, delta) { view.pan.xdest = view.pan.ydest = view.pan.leveldest = null;//cancel pan delta = delta*options.zoomSensitivity; var offset = $(view.canvas).offset(); view.change_zoom(delta, e.pageX - offset.left, e.pageY - offset.top); return false; }); } methods.setmode.call($this, {mode: "pan"}); }); //for each }, //public / init /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // zoom: function (options) { return this.each(function() { var view = $(this).data("view"); view.change_zoom(options.delta,0,0,0,0); }); }, */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // refresh annotation data from server refreshAnnnotations: function() { var view = $(this).data("view"); view.selectedAnnotation = null; view.load_annotations(); }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // call this if everytime you resize the container (TODO - can't it be automated?) resize: function (options) { return this.each(function() { var view = $(this).data("view"); view.canvas.width = options.width; view.canvas.height = options.height; view.needdraw = true; }); }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Override current options options: function(options) { return this.each(function() { var current_options = $(this).data("options"); $.extend(current_options, options); var view = $(this).data("view"); view.needdraw = true; }); }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get current options getOption: function(option) { return this.each(function() { var current_options = $(this).data("options"); return current_options[option]; }); }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // use this to animate the view (or zoom) pan: function (options) { return this.each(function() { var view = $(this).data("view"); view.pan.xdest = options.x; view.pan.ydest = options.y; view.pan.leveldest = options.level; }); }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // use this toggle thumbnail view on and off toggleThumbnail: function () { return this.each(function() { var current_options = $(this).data("options"); current_options.thumbnail = !current_options.thumbnail; var view = $(this).data("view"); view.draw(); }); }, /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // use this to jump to the destination pos / zoom setpos: function (options) { return this.each(function() { var layer = $(this).data("layer"); var view = $(this).data("view"); layer.xpos = options.x; layer.ypos = options.y; layer.level = Math.round(options.level); //TODO process sub decimal value }); }, */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // use this to animate the view (or zoom) getpos: function () { //get current position var view = $(this).data("view"); var layer = $(this).data("layer"); var pos = view.center_pixelpos(); pos.level = Math.round((layer.level + layer.info.tilesize/layer.tilesize-1)*1000)/1000; return pos; }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set current mouse mode setmode: function(options) { return this.each(function() { var current_options = $(this).data("options"); var view = $(this).data("view"); switch(options.mode) { case "pan": break; case "zoom_in": break; case "zoom_out": break; default: if (options.debug) { console.log("unknown mode:" + options.mode); } return; } view.mode = options.mode; view.needdraw = true; }); }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convert viewer level/tile specification into Tilepic tile number getTilepicTileNum: function(level, tile, layer) { if (level < 0) { return; } var w = parseInt(layer.info.width); var h = parseInt(layer.info.height); var ts = parseInt(layer.info.tilesize); var l = parseInt(layer.info.levels); if (!methods.tileCounts) { var map = []; var lt = 0; var tc = 0; while ((w >= ts) || (h >= ts)) { var nx = Math.ceil(w/ts); var ny = Math.ceil(h/ts); map[lt] = nx*ny; tc += map[lt]; w = Math.ceil(w/2.0); h = Math.ceil(h/2.0); lt++; } map[lt] = 1; methods.tileCounts = map.reverse(); // tilepic layers are recorded in an order opposite tileviewer methods.tileTotal = tc; } var c = 1; // our Tilepic parser always puts a tiny thumb as the first tile, which we want to skip since tileviewer doesn't encode a counterpart alevel = l - level - 2; for(i=0; i