--- title: Software I Use author: Colton Grainger revised: 2018-07-01 --- To track software I use. I reference folks who I have based my configuration off of. ([dotfiles](https://github.com/coltongrainger/dotfiles) on github) ## in use - debian buster - xmonad > Joachim Breitner. ["Real World Haskell Applications"](https://www.joachim-breitner.de/blog/606-Real_World_Haskell_Applications). - vim > Issa Rice. ["Vim"](https://issarice.com/vim). - mutt/gmail > Matt Might. ["Productivity hints, tips, hacks and tricks for graduate students and professors"](http://matt.might.net/articles/productivity-tips-hints-hacks-tricks-for-grad-students-academics/). - google hangouts > Philip Guo. ["PG Podcast - Episode 27 - Roger Peng on being a podcasting professor"](http://pgbovine.net/PG-Podcast-27-Roger-Peng.htm). - emacs org-mode > Issa Rice. ["Emacs"](https://issarice.com/emacs). - [Oxford English Dictionary](http://users.datarealm.com/xywwweb/oed.shtml) :) > Gary Snyder. ["The Practice of the Wild" (pdf)](https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/The-Practice-of-the-Wild-by-Gary-Snyder.pdf). - ScheduleOnce > Stephanie Weirich. . - `git` - deluge - [SAGE](https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/index.html) > Dave Rosoff. [Sage Math Cloud is the Way and the Truth](https://github.com/daverosoff/daverosoff.github.io/blob/master/blog/_posts/2016-12-14-teaching-cplusplus-in-smc.md#sagemathcloud-is-the-way-and-the-truth). - [jupyter notebook]() - firefox - greasemonkey > Matt Might. ["Greasemonkey scripts for NSF's Fastlane"](http://matt.might.net/articles/greasemonkey-scripts-for-nsf-fastlane/). - tmux - bash - urxvt - jeykll > ["6 tips for low-cost academic blogging"](http://matt.might.net/articles/how-to-blog-as-an-academic/). > > ["Get Started With GitHub Pages (Plus Bonus Jekyll)"](https://24ways.org/2013/get-started-with-github-pages/). - gimp - imagemagick - exiftool - audacity - ghostscript viewer - mupdf - rsync - duplicity - gitit ## trial mode - [tmsu](https://tmsu.org/) - haykll - mnemosyne - anki > I tried Anki on a tip from another farm-hand at Sonnwendhof Biofarm in Baden-Württemburg. - newsbeuter - arbtt - PreTeXt > Robert Breezer. ["PreTeXt Author's Guide"](http://mathbook.pugetsound.edu/doc/author-guide/html/pretext-author-guide.html). - jupyterhub/nbgrader > Kristen M. Thyng. [How to use JupyterHub with nbgrader](http://kristenthyng.com/blog/2016/09/07/jupyterhub+nbgrader/). > > Carol Willing. ["Webinar: Jupyter as a Gateway for Scientific Collaboration and Education"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QipkhnBS6hw&feature=youtu.be&t=19m46s). ## old - virtual DJ > I'm sworn off it. ## meta - Issa Rice's [Software](https://issarice.com/software) - Matt Might's [uses this](https://usesthis.com/interviews/matt.might/) > The guiding philosophy behind my setup is to make it easy to do the things > I should be doing, and hard to do the things I shouldn't. - Christine Yen's [uses this](https://usesthis.com/interviews/christine.yen/) > And finally, I keep my laptop stickers minimal but collect them profusely > on my laptop case (which, many layers ago, was a bubblewrap mailing > envelope) - Gwern's [Choosing Software](https://www.gwern.net/Choosing-Software) - John Regehr's ["Basic Toolbox"](https://blog.regehr.org/archives/1578) includes - a version control system - a text editor - a graphing program - a presentation tool - an interactive debugger - a generic build system - a scripting language - a shell language - a systems language - a workhorse language - a pocket calculator