--- title: Folks I Look up to author: Colton Grainger date: 2018-07-04 revised: 2019-05-27 --- Few of my ideas are original, especially those dealing with the material design and organization of this site. Thanks for style sheets, existential motivation, and technical HOWTOs: + [Philip Guo](http://pgbovine.net/) + [Matt Might](http://matt.might.net/) + [Issa Rice](http://issarice.com) - Much credit to Issa Rice for forging a really crisp style sheet. (I even use a variant of the headers when taking notes by hand.) I've pulled multiple features from his site: headers, CC0 licensing, and general modus operandi. Thanks for encouragement: - [Vi Hart](http://vihart.com/vi-hart-faq/) - [Evelyn Eastmon](http://www.evelyneastmond.com/) - [Nikki Case](http://blog.ncase.me/) Thanks for feedback on tone, voice, and *making human* [Iser's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Iser) implied reader: + [Dave R.](https://www.collegeofidaho.edu/directory/david-rosoff) + [Megan D.](https://www.collegeofidaho.edu/directory/megan-dixon) + [Eric S.](https://www.collegeofidaho.edu/directory/eric-spencer) + [Steve M.](https://www.collegeofidaho.edu/directory/steve-maughan) To give credit for the idea to create `quamash.net`^[The domain name refers to *Cammassia quamash*, e.g., from the OED, 1814 *Lewis & Clarke's Exp.* The Chopunnish are now dispersed in villages...for the purpose of collecting quamash.] - W. Caleb McDaniel's [academic wiki](http://wiki.wcaleb.rice.edu/) - Joachim Breitner's [MitScriebWiki](http://mitschriebwiki.nomeata.de/) - Issa Rice's [Updates](https://issarice.wordpress.com/) - Michael Pacer's [Qualifying Exam Materials](https://mpacer.org/qualifying-exam-materials/#/qualifying-exam-written-portion/) - Michael Goerz's [Studies](https://michaelgoerz.net/studies/) -