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									<h1>Bash-like shell</h1>
									<p>A very simple bash-like shell implementation ( C, Unix).</p>
								<div class="image main"><img src="images/bashexample1.jpg" alt="" /><em></em></div>
									The result of my first group coding project and easily my biggest project to date. Implements I/O redirection, piping, and a very simplified version of 
									background processing, as well as four builtin commands: cd, echo, exit, and jobs.
									<a href="https://github.com/comacrae/bashshell">Check out the source code or try it yourself!</a>
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									<h1>Data Cache Simulator</h1>
									<p>A Data Cache Simulator created for a computer design and architecture course (C++).</p>
								<div class="image main"><img src="images/cdaproj1.png" alt="" /><em>Example run on tcsh shell</em></div>
									This program simulates a datacache using a LRU (least recently used) replacement algorithm and a write-back and write-allocate policy.
									<a href="https://github.com/comacrae/datacachesim">Check out the source code or try it yourself!</a>

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									<h1>SQL CRUD Server in Flask</h1>
									<p>Database and webpages for a restuarant review server (Python and HTML).</p>
								<div class="image main"><img src="images/py.jpg" alt="" /><em>Example run on my Linux machine (Mint distro)</em></div>
									A set of python modules which create an SQL database for restaurant reviews and allow a user to interact with the database through html pages and Flask functions.
									<a href="https://github.com/comacrae/pythonflasksql">Check out the source code or try it yourself!</a>
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									<h1>Server Simulator with Password Encryption</h1>
									<p>A program simulating a server implemented with hashtables which stores a username an encrypted password (C++).</p>
								<div class="image main"><img src="images/dump1.jpg" alt="" /><em>Example run on tcsh shell</em></div>
									This program simulates a server containing usernames and encrypted passwords, implemented using a hashtable. Besides adding users/passwords, you can view the server's contents
									within the terminal or print the formatted contents to a file.
									<a href="https://github.com/comacrae/serversim">Check out the source code or try it yourself!</a>
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									<h1>This Website!</h1>
									<p>This is my first "manually-coded" website</p>
									I am a believer in learning by doing, and this website is a fantastic example of the success (and fun!) you can have with that attitude. Following some 
									<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-RLu_8kwA0">guides</a> on Youtube and elsewhere, I was able to take a template from <a href="https://html5up.net">HTML5 UP</a> 
									and tailor it to my needs and desires. It forced me to experiment with CSS (which I had never touched before) and was a really great way to merge my creative side with coding. 
									All images were sourced from 
									<a href="https://unsplash.com/">Unsplash</a>. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like help with making a site of your own.
									<a href="https://github.com/comacrae/comacrae.github.io">Check out the source code for this site!</a>

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									<li><a href="https://github.com/comacrae" class="icon brands alt fa-github"><span class="label">GitHub</span></a></li>

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