# Guidelines for contributing to this project Any constructive contributions – bug reports, pull requests (code or documentation), suggestions for improvements, and more – are welcome. ## Discussions Discussion is welcome either on the [combine-discuss Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-GB#!forum/combine-discuss) or by creating a new issue in the [GitHub tracker for this repository](https://github.com/combine-org/Community-guidelines/issues). ## Conduct Everyone is asked to read and respect the [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) before participating directly in this project. ## How to contribute text, edits, and other materials ### Using GitHub (doesn't require knowing Git) 1. Fork the codebase, for example to https://github.com/YOUR-GITHUB-ACCOUNT/Community-guidelines (click the **Fork** button in the upright corner of the page) 1. Click the link for one of the files 1. Click the **Edit** button, then make some edits 1. Add a commit summary and (optionally) an extended description 1. Click the **Commit Changes** button 1. Create a pull request by clicking the **Pull Request** button at the top of the main page of your copy of the repository ### Using Git 1. Fork the codebase, for example to https://github.com/YOUR-GITHUB-ACCOUNT/Community-guidelines 1. Clone your fork locally (`git clone git@github.com:YOUR-GITHUB-ACCOUNT/Community-guidelines.git my-community-guidelines`) 1. Create a branch to hold your changes (`git checkout -b my-changes`) 1. Commit the changes you've made (`git commit -am "Some descriptive text around what you've added"`) 1. Push your branch to GitHub (`git push origin my-changes`) 1. Create a pull request, for example at https://github.com/YOUR-GITHUB-ACCOUNT/Community-guidelines/pull/new/master ## License [![CC0](http://i.creativecommons.org/p/zero/1.0/80x15.png) Licensed under CC0](http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) ## Acknowledgments Portions of this file were originally borrowed from the [code4lib anti-harassment policy repository](https://github.com/code4lib/code-of-conduct) on GitHub. Their content is licensed under CC0. Subsequent modifications were made by COMBINE members as indicated in the GitHub commit history.