swagger: '2.0' info: description: >- OpenAPI 2.0
    Business Archetypes The `Quantity` archetype represents an amount of something measured according to some standard of measurement. ## Standards compliance
SI International System of Units—Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM).
Unicode CLDR Unicode Common Locale Data Repository provides locales-specific patterns for formatting, parsing, spelling aloud, and handling traditional/archiac numbers.
--- ## Business archetypes defined "A business archetype is a primordial thing that occurs consistently and universally in business domains and business software systems." (Arlow & Neustadt, [_Enterprise patterns and MDA: building better software with archetype patterns and UML_](https://www.amazon.com/Enterprise-Patterns-MDA-Building-Archetype/dp/032111230X), 2006, p. 5) ## Explore other business archetype patterns [Open a Swagger-UI](http://api.swindle.net/swagger-ui/#/) instance, then copy and paste the following Swagger specification URLs into the "Explore" text field and select the "Explore" button for additional APIs. 1. `Locale`: http://api.swindle.net/archetypes/v1/schemas/locales/locales.yaml 2. `Money`: http://api.swindle.net/archetypes/v1/schemas/money/money.yaml 3. `Party`: http://api.swindle.net/archetypes/v1/schemas/parties/parties.yaml 4. `Quantity`: http://api.swindle.net/archetypes/v1/schemas/quantities/quantities.yaml --- ## About version: 1.0.0 title: Quantity contact: name: Greg Swindle url: 'https://github.com/commonality' license: name: Apache License 2.0 url: 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html' host: api.swindle.net basePath: /archetypes/v1/quantities tags: - name: Systems Of Units description: Represents a set of related Units defined by a standard such as SI. - name: SI (International System of Units) description: Standard weights and measures maintained by SI. - name: Labor description: 'Contains a set of labor-related measures, e.g., WorkHour.' schemes: - http - https externalDocs: description: >- Enterprise patterns and MDA: building better software with archetype patterns and UML url: >- https://www.amazon.com/Enterprise-Patterns-MDA-Building-Archetype/dp/032111230X paths: /systems-of-units: get: tags: - Systems Of Units summary: Retrieve all systems of units. description: Retrieve a list of all `SystemOfUnits`. produces: - application/json - application/xml operationId: getSystemsOfUnits responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SystemOfUnits' post: tags: - Systems Of Units summary: Create an new SystemOfUnits. description: Create an new `SystemOfUnits`. consumes: - application/json - application/xml produces: - application/json - application/xml operationId: createSystemOfUnits parameters: - in: body name: body description: The `SystemOfUnits` to be added. required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SystemOfUnits' responses: '201': description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SystemOfUnits' '/systems-of-units/{name-of-system}': get: tags: - Systems Of Units summary: Retrieve a specific system of units by name. description: >- Retrieve a specific `SystemOfUnits` using its `nameOfSystem` property's _case-sensitive_ value. produces: - application/json - application/xml operationId: getSystemOfUnitsByName parameters: - in: path name: name-of-system description: >- The name of the system of units, e.g., "SI" for the International System of Units (SI).

**Case-sensitivity**: `name-of-system's` value is **case-sensitive**. For example, "SI" will return data, but lower-case "si" will result in an HTTP status code of 404 (`NotFoundError`). required: true type: string responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: >- http://api.swindle.net/archetypes/v1/schemas/quantities/system-of-units.yaml '/systems-of-units/SI/base-units/{name}': get: tags: - SI (International System of Units) summary: Retrieve a metric or unit by its SI name. description: >- Retrieve a specific `SiBaseUnit` using its `name` property's _case-sensitive_ value. produces: - application/json - application/xml operationId: getSiBaseUnitByName parameters: - in: path name: name description: >- The `name` of the `SiBaseUnit`, e.g., "`metric`".

**Case-sensitivity**: `name's` value is **case-sensitive**. For example, "`ampere`" will return data, but capitalized "`Meter`" will result in an HTTP status code of 404 (`NotFoundError`). required: true type: string enum: - ampere - candela - kelvin - kilogram - meter - mole - second responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SiBaseUnit' /systems-of-units/labor: post: tags: - Labor summary: Create an new Unit of Labor. description: >- Create an new `Unit` of Labor.

**Standards for `name` assignments.**

When creating a new `Unit`, follow these rules for the value of `Unit's` `name` property: