#!/usr/bin/env python """ Launch a Docker image with Ubuntu and LXDE window manager, and automatically open up the URL in the default web browser. It also sets up port forwarding for ssh. """ # Author: Xiangmin Jiao from __future__ import print_function import sys import subprocess import time import os owner = "compdatasci" proj = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split('_')[0] image = owner + '/' + proj + "-desktop" tag = "" projdir = "project" workdir = "project" config = proj + '_' + 'tag' + '_config' def parse_args(description): "Parse command-line arguments" import argparse # Process command-line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', help='The Docker image to use. ' + 'The default is ' + image + '.', default=image) parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag', help='Tag of the image. The default is latest. ' + 'If the image already has a tag, its tag prevails.', default=tag) parser.add_argument('-v', '--volume', help='A data volume to be mounted at ~/" + projdir + ". ' + 'The default is ' + proj + '_project.', default=proj + "_project") parser.add_argument('-w', '--workdir', help='The starting work directory in container. ' + 'The default is ~/' + workdir + '.', default=workdir) parser.add_argument('-p', '--pull', help='Pull the latest Docker image. ' + 'The default is not to pull.', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-r', '--reset', help='Reset configurations to default.', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-c', '--clear', help='Clear the project data volume (please use with caution).', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-d', '--detach', help='Run in background and print container id', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', help='Size of the screen. The default is to use ' + 'the current screen size.', default="") parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-browser', help='Do not start web browser', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-N', '--nvidia', help='Mount the Nvidia card for GPU computation. ' + '(Linux only, experimental, sudo required).', action='store_true', default="") parser.add_argument('-V', '--verbose', help='Enable verbose mode and print debug info to stderr.', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='Disable screen output (some Docker output cannot be disabled).', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-A', '--args', help='Additional arguments for the "docker run" command. ' + 'Useful for specifying additional resources or environment variables.', default="") args = parser.parse_args() # Append tag to image if the image has no tag if args.image.find(':') < 0: if not args.tag: pass else: args.image += ':' + args.tag return args def random_ports(port, n): """Generate a list of n random ports near the given port. The first 5 ports will be sequential, and the remaining n-5 will be randomly selected in the range [port-2*n, port+2*n]. """ import random for i in range(min(5, n)): yield port + i for i in range(n - 5): yield max(1, port + random.randint(-2 * n, 2 * n)) def id_generator(size=6): """Generate a container ID""" import random import string chars = string.ascii_lowercase return proj + "-" + (''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))) def find_free_port(port, retries): "Find a free port" import socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) for prt in random_ports(port, retries + 1): try: sock.bind(("", prt)) sock.close() return prt except socket.error: continue return '' def wait_net_service(port, timeout=30): """ Wait for network service to appear. """ import socket for _ in range(timeout * 10): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(("", port)) except socket.error: sock.close() time.sleep(0.1) continue else: sock.close() time.sleep(3) return True def get_screen_resolution(): """Obtain the local screen resolution.""" try: if sys.version_info.major > 2: import tkinter as tk else: import Tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() width, height = root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight() return str(width) + 'x' + str(height) except: return "" def handle_interrupt(container): """Handle keyboard interrupt""" try: print("Press Ctrl-C again to stop the server: ") time.sleep(5) print('Invalid response. Resuming...') except KeyboardInterrupt: print('*** Stopping the server.') subprocess.Popen(["docker", "exec", container, "killall", "my_init"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": import webbrowser import platform import glob args = parse_args(description=__doc__) if args.quiet: def print(*args, **kwargs): "Do nothing" pass def stdout_write(*args, **kwargs): "Do nothing" pass def stderr_write(*args, **kwargs): "Do nothing" pass else: def stdout_write(*args, **kwargs): "Call sys.stderr.write" sys.stdout.write(*args, **kwargs) def stderr_write(*args, **kwargs): "Call sys.stderr.write" sys.stderr.write(*args, **kwargs) pwd = os.getcwd() homedir = os.path.expanduser('~') if platform.system() == "Linux": if subprocess.check_output(['groups']).find(b'docker') < 0: print('You are not a member of the docker group. Please add') print('yourself to the docker group using the following command:') print(' sudo addgroup $USER docker') print('Then, log out and log back in before you can use Docker.') sys.exit(-1) uid = str(os.getuid()) if uid == '0': print('You are running as root. This is not safe. ' + 'Please run as a regular user.') sys.exit(-1) else: uid = "" try: if args.verbose: stdout_write("Check whether Docker is up and running.\n") img = subprocess.check_output(['docker', 'images', '-q', args.image]) except: stderr_write("Docker failed. Please make sure docker was properly " + "installed and has been started.\n") sys.exit(-1) if args.pull or not img: try: if args.verbose: stdout_write("Pulling latest docker image " + args.image + '.\n') err = subprocess.call(["docker", "pull", args.image]) except BaseException: err = -1 if err: sys.exit(err) # Delete dangling image if img and subprocess.check_output(['docker', 'images', '-f', 'dangling=true', '-q']).find(img) >= 0: subprocess.Popen(["docker", "rmi", "-f", img.decode('utf-8')[:-1]]) docker_user = "ubuntu" docker_home = "/home/" + docker_user if args.reset: try: if args.verbose: stdout_write("Removing old docker volume " + config + ".\n") output = subprocess.check_output( ["docker", "volume", "rm", "-f", config]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: stderr_write(e.output.decode('utf-8')) volumes = ["-v", pwd + ":" + docker_home + "/shared", "-v", config + ":" + docker_home + "/.config"] if os.path.exists(homedir + "/.gnupg"): volumes += ["-v", homedir + "/.gnupg" + ":" + docker_home + "/.gnupg"] # Mount .gitconfig to Docker image if os.path.isfile(homedir + "/.gitconfig"): volumes += ["-v", homedir + "/.gitconfig" + ":" + docker_home + "/.gitconfig_host"] if args.volume: if args.clear: try: if args.verbose: stdout_write( "Removing old docker volume " + config + ".\n") output = subprocess.check_output(["docker", "volume", "rm", "-f", args.volume]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: stderr_write(e.output.decode('utf-8')) volumes += ["-v", args.volume + ":" + docker_home + "/" + projdir] if args.workdir[0] == '/': volumes += ["-w", args.workdir] else: volumes += ["-w", docker_home + "/" + args.workdir] stderr_write("Starting up docker image...\n") if subprocess.check_output(["docker", "--version"]). \ find(b"Docker version 1.") >= 0: rmflag = "-t" else: rmflag = "--rm" # Determine size of the desktop if not args.size: size = get_screen_resolution() if not size: # Set default size and disable webbrowser size = "1440x900" args.no_browser = True else: size = args.size # Generate a container ID container = id_generator() envs = ["--hostname", container, "--env", "RESOLUT=" + size, "--env", "HOST_UID=" + uid] # Find a free port for ssh tunning port_ssh = str(find_free_port(2222, 50)) if not port_ssh: stderr_write("Error: Could not find a free port.\n") sys.exit(-1) envs += ["-p", "" + port_ssh + ":22"] # Create directory .ssh if not exist if not os.path.exists(homedir + "/.ssh"): os.mkdir(homedir + "/.ssh") volumes += ["-v", homedir + "/.ssh" + ":" + docker_home + "/.ssh"] devices = [] if args.nvidia: for d in glob.glob('/dev/nvidia*'): devices += ['--device', d + ':' + d] # Start the docker image in the background and pipe the stderr port_http = str(find_free_port(6080, 50)) port_vnc = str(find_free_port(5950, 50)) if not port_http or not port_vnc: stderr_write("Error: Could not find a free port.\n") sys.exit(-1) cmd = ["docker", "run", "-d", rmflag, "--name", container, "--shm-size", "2g", "-p", "" + port_http + ":6080", "-p", "" + port_vnc + ":5900"] + \ envs + volumes + devices + args.args.split() + \ ['--security-opt', 'seccomp=unconfined', args.image, "startvnc.sh >> " + docker_home + "/.log/vnc.log"] if args.verbose: stdout_write(' '.join(cmd[:-1]) + ' "' + cmd[-1] + '"\n') subprocess.call(cmd) wait_for_url = True # Wait for user to press Ctrl-C while True: try: if wait_for_url: # Wait until the file is not empty while not subprocess.check_output(["docker", "exec", container, "cat", docker_home + "/.log/vnc.log"]): time.sleep(1) p = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "exec", container, "tail", "-F", docker_home + "/.log/vnc.log"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # Monitor the stdout to extract the URL for stdout_line in iter(p.stdout.readline, ""): ind = stdout_line.find("http://localhost:") if ind >= 0: # Open browser if found URL url = stdout_line.replace(":6080/", ':' + port_http + "/") stdout_write(url) passwd = stdout_line[url.find('password=') + 9:] stdout_write("\nFor a better experience, use VNC Viewer (" + 'http://realvnc.com/download/viewer)\n' + "to connect to localhost:%s with password %s\n" % (port_vnc, passwd)) stdout_write("You can also run 'ssh -X -p " + port_ssh + " " + docker_user + "@localhost'" + " to log into the container\n" + "using an authorized key in " + homedir + "/.ssh/authorized_keys.\n") if not args.no_browser: wait_net_service(int(port_http)) webbrowser.open(url[ind:-1]) p.stdout.close() p.terminate() wait_for_url = False break else: stdout_write(stdout_line) if args.detach: print('Started container ' + container + ' in background.') print('To stop it, use "docker stop ' + container + '".') sys.exit(0) print("Press Ctrl-C to stop the server.") time.sleep(1) # Wait until the container exits or Ctlr-C is pressed subprocess.check_output(["docker", "exec", container, "tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]) sys.exit(0) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: try: # If Docker process no long exists, exit if args.verbose: stdout_write( "Check whether docker container is running.\n") if not subprocess.check_output(['docker', 'ps', '-q', '-f', 'name=' + container]): stdout_write('Docker container ' + container + ' is no longer running\n') sys.exit(-1) else: time.sleep(1) continue except subprocess.CalledProcessError: stderr_write('Docker container ' + container + ' is no longer running\n') sys.exit(-1) except KeyboardInterrupt: handle_interrupt(container) continue except KeyboardInterrupt: handle_interrupt(container) except OSError: sys.exit(-1)