Checklist - [ ] Title of this PR is meaningful: e.g. "Adding my_nifty_package", not "updated meta.yaml". - [ ] License file is packaged (see [here]( for an example). - [ ] Source is from official source. - [ ] Package does not vendor other packages. (If a package uses the source of another package, they should be separate packages or the licenses of all packages need to be packaged). - [ ] If static libraries are linked in, the license of the static library is packaged. - [ ] Package does not ship static libraries. If static libraries are needed, [follow CFEP-18]( - [ ] Build number is 0. - [ ] A tarball (`url`) rather than a repo (e.g. `git_url`) is used in your recipe (see [here]( for more details). - [ ] GitHub users listed in the maintainer section have posted a comment confirming they are willing to be listed there. - [ ] When in trouble, please check our [knowledge base documentation]( before pinging a team.