/** * Z-Wave Door/Window Sensor * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Updates: * ------- * 02-18-2016 : Initial commit * 03-11-2016 : Due to ST's v2.1.0 app totally hosing up SECONDARY_CONTROL, implemented a workaround to display that info in a separate tile. * 08-27-2016 : Modified the device handler for my liking, primarly for looks and feel. * 02-11-2017 : Put battery info into the main tile instead of a separate tile. * */ // for the UI metadata { // Automatically generated. Make future change here. definition (name: "My Ecolink Doorbell Sensor", namespace: "jscgs350", author: "SmartThings") { capability "Contact Sensor" capability "Sensor" capability "Battery" capability "Configuration" } // UI tile definitions tiles(scale: 2) { multiAttributeTile(name:"contact", type: "lighting", width: 6, height: 4, canChangeIcon: true){ tileAttribute ("device.contact", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") { attributeState "closed", label: "Ding Dong", icon: "st.Home.home30", backgroundColor: "#53a7c0" attributeState "open", label: "Ding Dong", icon: "st.Home.home30", backgroundColor: "#53a7c0" } tileAttribute ("device.battery", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL") { attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}% battery', icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/constjs/jcdevhandlers/master/img/battery-icon-614x460.png") } } standardTile("blankTile", "statusText", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 1, height: 1) { state "default", label:'', icon:"http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/secondary/device-activity-tile@2x.png" } valueTile("statusText", "statusText", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 5, height: 1) { state "statusText", label:'${currentValue}', backgroundColor:"#ffffff" } main "contact" details(["contact", "blankTile", "statusText"]) } } def parse(String description) { def result = null if (description.startsWith("Err 106")) { if (!state.sec) { log.debug description } else { result = createEvent( descriptionText: "This sensor failed to complete the network security key exchange. If you are unable to control it via SmartThings, you must remove it from your network and add it again.", eventType: "ALERT", name: "secureInclusion", value: "failed", isStateChange: true, ) } } else if (description != "updated") { def cmd = zwave.parse(description, [0x20: 1, 0x25: 1, 0x30: 1, 0x31: 5, 0x80: 1, 0x84: 1, 0x71: 3, 0x9C: 1]) if (cmd) { result = zwaveEvent(cmd) } } return result } def updated() { def cmds = [] if (!state.MSR) { cmds = [ zwave.manufacturerSpecificV2.manufacturerSpecificGet().format(), "delay 1200", zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpNoMoreInformation().format() ] } else if (!state.lastbat) { cmds = [] } else { cmds = [zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpNoMoreInformation().format()] } response(cmds) } def configure() { delayBetween([ zwave.manufacturerSpecificV2.manufacturerSpecificGet().format(), batteryGetCommand() ], 6000) } def sensorValueEvent(value) { def statusTextmsg = "" def timeString = new Date().format("MM-dd-yy h:mm a", location.timeZone) if (value) { log.debug "Front doorbell activity!" statusTextmsg = "Doorbell last rang: "+timeString sendEvent("name":"statusText", "value":statusTextmsg) createEvent(name: "contact", value: "closed", descriptionText: "$device.displayName activity!") } else { log.debug "Front doorbell activity!" statusTextmsg = "Doorbell last rang: "+timeString sendEvent("name":"statusText", "value":statusTextmsg) createEvent(name: "contact", value: "open", descriptionText: "$device.displayName activity!") } } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicReport cmd) { sensorValueEvent(cmd.value) } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) { sensorValueEvent(cmd.value) } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.switchbinaryv1.SwitchBinaryReport cmd) { sensorValueEvent(cmd.value) } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.sensorbinaryv1.SensorBinaryReport cmd) { sensorValueEvent(cmd.sensorValue) } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.sensoralarmv1.SensorAlarmReport cmd) { sensorValueEvent(cmd.sensorState) } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.notificationv3.NotificationReport cmd) { def result = [] if (cmd.notificationType == 0x06 && cmd.event == 0x16) { result << sensorValueEvent(1) } else if (cmd.notificationType == 0x06 && cmd.event == 0x17) { result << sensorValueEvent(0) } else if (cmd.notificationType == 0x07) { if (cmd.v1AlarmType == 0x07) { // special case for nonstandard messages from Monoprice door/window sensors result << sensorValueEvent(cmd.v1AlarmLevel) } else if (cmd.event == 0x01 || cmd.event == 0x02) { result << sensorValueEvent(1) } else if (cmd.event == 0x03) { result << createEvent(descriptionText: "$device.displayName covering was removed", isStateChange: true) result << response(zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpIntervalSet(seconds:4*3600, nodeid:zwaveHubNodeId)) if(!state.MSR) result << response(zwave.manufacturerSpecificV2.manufacturerSpecificGet()) } else if (cmd.event == 0x05 || cmd.event == 0x06) { result << createEvent(descriptionText: "$device.displayName detected glass breakage", isStateChange: true) } else if (cmd.event == 0x07) { if(!state.MSR) result << response(zwave.manufacturerSpecificV2.manufacturerSpecificGet()) result << createEvent(name: "motion", value: "active", descriptionText:"$device.displayName detected motion") } } else if (cmd.notificationType) { def text = "Notification $cmd.notificationType: event ${([cmd.event] + cmd.eventParameter).join(", ")}" result << createEvent(name: "notification$cmd.notificationType", value: "$cmd.event", descriptionText: text, displayed: false) } else { def value = cmd.v1AlarmLevel == 255 ? "active" : cmd.v1AlarmLevel ?: "inactive" result << createEvent(name: "alarm $cmd.v1AlarmType", value: value, displayed: false) } result } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.wakeupv1.WakeUpNotification cmd) { def event = createEvent(descriptionText: "${device.displayName} woke up", isStateChange: false) def cmds = [] if (!state.MSR) { cmds << zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpIntervalSet(seconds:4*3600, nodeid:zwaveHubNodeId).format() cmds << zwave.manufacturerSpecificV2.manufacturerSpecificGet().format() cmds << "delay 1200" } if (!state.lastbat || now() - state.lastbat > 53*60*60*1000) { cmds << batteryGetCommand() } else { cmds << zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpNoMoreInformation().format() } [event, response(cmds)] } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport cmd) { def map = [ name: "battery", unit: "%" ] if (cmd.batteryLevel == 0xFF) { map.value = 1 map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} has a low battery" map.isStateChange = true } else { map.value = cmd.batteryLevel } state.lastbat = now() [createEvent(map), response(zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpNoMoreInformation())] } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) { def result = [] def msr = String.format("%04X-%04X-%04X", cmd.manufacturerId, cmd.productTypeId, cmd.productId) log.debug "msr: $msr" updateDataValue("MSR", msr) retypeBasedOnMSR() result << createEvent(descriptionText: "$device.displayName MSR: $msr", isStateChange: false) if (msr == "011A-0601-0901") { // Enerwave motion doesn't always get the associationSet that the hub sends on join result << response(zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId)) } else if (!device.currentState("battery")) { if(msr == "0086-0102-0059") state.sec = 1 result << response(batteryGetCommand()) } result } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.securityv1.SecurityMessageEncapsulation cmd) { def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand([0x20: 1, 0x85: 2, 0x70: 1]) // log.debug "encapsulated: $encapsulatedCommand" if (encapsulatedCommand) { state.sec = 1 zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCommand) } } def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.Command cmd) { createEvent(descriptionText: "$device.displayName: $cmd", displayed: false) } def batteryGetCommand() { def cmd = zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet() if (state.sec) { cmd = zwave.securityV1.securityMessageEncapsulation().encapsulate(cmd) } cmd.format() } def retypeBasedOnMSR() { switch (state.MSR) { case "0086-0002-002D": log.debug("Changing device type to Z-Wave Water Sensor") setDeviceType("Z-Wave Water Sensor") break case "011F-0001-0001": // Schlage motion case "014A-0001-0001": // Ecolink motion case "0060-0001-0002": // Everspring SP814 case "0060-0001-0003": // Everspring HSP02 case "011A-0601-0901": // Enerwave ZWN-BPC log.debug("Changing device type to Z-Wave Motion Sensor") setDeviceType("Z-Wave Motion Sensor") break } }