# Default values for Traefik image: # -- Traefik image host registry registry: docker.io # -- Traefik image repository repository: traefik # -- defaults to appVersion tag: "" # -- Traefik image pull policy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # -- Add additional label to all resources commonLabels: {} # # Configure the deployment # deployment: # -- Enable deployment enabled: true # -- Deployment or DaemonSet kind: Deployment # -- Number of pods of the deployment (only applies when kind == Deployment) replicas: 1 # -- Number of old history to retain to allow rollback (If not set, default Kubernetes value is set to 10) # revisionHistoryLimit: 1 # -- Amount of time (in seconds) before Kubernetes will send the SIGKILL signal if Traefik does not shut down terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60 # -- The minimum number of seconds Traefik needs to be up and running before the DaemonSet/Deployment controller considers it available minReadySeconds: 0 ## Override the liveness/readiness port. This is useful to integrate traefik ## with an external Load Balancer that performs healthchecks. ## Default: ports.traefik.port # healthchecksPort: 9000 ## Override the liveness/readiness host. Useful for getting ping to respond on non-default entryPoint. ## Default: ports.traefik.hostIP if set, otherwise Pod IP # healthchecksHost: localhost ## Override the liveness/readiness scheme. Useful for getting ping to ## respond on websecure entryPoint. # healthchecksScheme: HTTPS ## Override the readiness path. ## Default: /ping # readinessPath: /ping # Override the liveness path. # Default: /ping # livenessPath: /ping # -- Additional deployment annotations (e.g. for jaeger-operator sidecar injection) annotations: {} # -- Additional deployment labels (e.g. for filtering deployment by custom labels) labels: {} # -- Additional pod annotations (e.g. for mesh injection or prometheus scraping) # It supports templating. One can set it with values like traefik/name: '{{ template "traefik.name" . }}' podAnnotations: {} # -- Additional Pod labels (e.g. for filtering Pod by custom labels) podLabels: {} # -- Additional containers (e.g. for metric offloading sidecars) additionalContainers: [] # https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/unix_socket/?tab=host # - name: socat-proxy # image: alpine/socat:1.0.5 # args: ["-s", "-u", "udp-recv:8125", "unix-sendto:/socket/socket"] # volumeMounts: # - name: dsdsocket # mountPath: /socket # -- Additional volumes available for use with initContainers and additionalContainers additionalVolumes: [] # - name: dsdsocket # hostPath: # path: /var/run/statsd-exporter # -- Additional initContainers (e.g. for setting file permission as shown below) initContainers: [] # The "volume-permissions" init container is required if you run into permission issues. # Related issue: https://github.com/traefik/traefik-helm-chart/issues/396 # - name: volume-permissions # image: busybox:latest # command: ["sh", "-c", "touch /data/acme.json; chmod -v 600 /data/acme.json"] # securityContext: # runAsNonRoot: true # runAsGroup: 65532 # runAsUser: 65532 # volumeMounts: # - name: data # mountPath: /data # -- Use process namespace sharing shareProcessNamespace: false # -- Custom pod DNS policy. Apply if `hostNetwork: true` # dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet dnsConfig: {} # nameservers: # - # this is an example # searches: # - ns1.svc.cluster-domain.example # - my.dns.search.suffix # options: # - name: ndots # value: "2" # - name: edns0 # -- Additional imagePullSecrets imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: myRegistryKeySecretName # -- Pod lifecycle actions lifecycle: {} # preStop: # exec: # command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 40"] # postStart: # httpGet: # path: /ping # port: 9000 # host: localhost # scheme: HTTP # -- Set a runtimeClassName on pod runtimeClassName: # -- Pod disruption budget podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false # maxUnavailable: 1 # maxUnavailable: 33% # minAvailable: 0 # minAvailable: 25% # -- Create a default IngressClass for Traefik ingressClass: enabled: true isDefaultClass: true # name: my-custom-class core: # -- Can be used to use globally v2 router syntax # See https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v3.0/migration/v2-to-v3/#new-v3-syntax-notable-changes defaultRuleSyntax: # Traefik experimental features experimental: # -- Enable traefik experimental plugins plugins: {} # demo: # moduleName: github.com/traefik/plugindemo # version: v0.2.1 kubernetesGateway: # -- Enable traefik experimental GatewayClass CRD enabled: false ## Routes are restricted to namespace of the gateway by default. ## https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1beta1.FromNamespaces # namespacePolicy: All # certificate: # group: "core" # kind: "Secret" # name: "mysecret" # -- By default, Gateway would be created to the Namespace you are deploying Traefik to. # You may create that Gateway in another namespace, setting its name below: # namespace: default # Additional gateway annotations (e.g. for cert-manager.io/issuer) # annotations: # cert-manager.io/issuer: letsencrypt ## Create an IngressRoute for the dashboard ingressRoute: dashboard: # -- Create an IngressRoute for the dashboard enabled: true # -- Additional ingressRoute annotations (e.g. for kubernetes.io/ingress.class) annotations: {} # -- Additional ingressRoute labels (e.g. for filtering IngressRoute by custom labels) labels: {} # -- The router match rule used for the dashboard ingressRoute matchRule: PathPrefix(`/dashboard`) || PathPrefix(`/api`) # -- Specify the allowed entrypoints to use for the dashboard ingress route, (e.g. traefik, web, websecure). # By default, it's using traefik entrypoint, which is not exposed. # /!\ Do not expose your dashboard without any protection over the internet /!\ entryPoints: ["traefik"] # -- Additional ingressRoute middlewares (e.g. for authentication) middlewares: [] # -- TLS options (e.g. secret containing certificate) tls: {} healthcheck: # -- Create an IngressRoute for the healthcheck probe enabled: false # -- Additional ingressRoute annotations (e.g. for kubernetes.io/ingress.class) annotations: {} # -- Additional ingressRoute labels (e.g. for filtering IngressRoute by custom labels) labels: {} # -- The router match rule used for the healthcheck ingressRoute matchRule: PathPrefix(`/ping`) # -- Specify the allowed entrypoints to use for the healthcheck ingress route, (e.g. traefik, web, websecure). # By default, it's using traefik entrypoint, which is not exposed. entryPoints: ["traefik"] # -- Additional ingressRoute middlewares (e.g. for authentication) middlewares: [] # -- TLS options (e.g. secret containing certificate) tls: {} updateStrategy: # -- Customize updateStrategy: RollingUpdate or OnDelete type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 0 maxSurge: 1 readinessProbe: # -- The number of consecutive failures allowed before considering the probe as failed. failureThreshold: 1 # -- The number of seconds to wait before starting the first probe. initialDelaySeconds: 2 # -- The number of seconds to wait between consecutive probes. periodSeconds: 10 # -- The minimum consecutive successes required to consider the probe successful. successThreshold: 1 # -- The number of seconds to wait for a probe response before considering it as failed. timeoutSeconds: 2 livenessProbe: # -- The number of consecutive failures allowed before considering the probe as failed. failureThreshold: 3 # -- The number of seconds to wait before starting the first probe. initialDelaySeconds: 2 # -- The number of seconds to wait between consecutive probes. periodSeconds: 10 # -- The minimum consecutive successes required to consider the probe successful. successThreshold: 1 # -- The number of seconds to wait for a probe response before considering it as failed. timeoutSeconds: 2 # -- Define Startup Probe for container: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/#define-startup-probes # eg. # `startupProbe: # exec: # command: # - mycommand # - foo # initialDelaySeconds: 5 # periodSeconds: 5` startupProbe: providers: kubernetesCRD: # -- Load Kubernetes IngressRoute provider enabled: true # -- Allows IngressRoute to reference resources in namespace other than theirs allowCrossNamespace: false # -- Allows to reference ExternalName services in IngressRoute allowExternalNameServices: false # -- Allows to return 503 when there is no endpoints available allowEmptyServices: false # ingressClass: traefik-internal # labelSelector: environment=production,method=traefik # -- Array of namespaces to watch. If left empty, Traefik watches all namespaces. namespaces: [] # - "default" kubernetesIngress: # -- Load Kubernetes Ingress provider enabled: true # -- Allows to reference ExternalName services in Ingress allowExternalNameServices: false # -- Allows to return 503 when there is no endpoints available allowEmptyServices: false # ingressClass: traefik-internal # labelSelector: environment=production,method=traefik # -- Array of namespaces to watch. If left empty, Traefik watches all namespaces. namespaces: [] # - "default" # Disable cluster IngressClass Lookup - Requires Traefik V3. # When combined with rbac.namespaced: true, ClusterRole will not be created and ingresses must use kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation instead of spec.ingressClassName. disableIngressClassLookup: false # IP used for Kubernetes Ingress endpoints publishedService: enabled: false # Published Kubernetes Service to copy status from. Format: namespace/servicename # By default this Traefik service # pathOverride: "" file: # -- Create a file provider enabled: false # -- Allows Traefik to automatically watch for file changes watch: true # -- File content (YAML format, go template supported) (see https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/providers/file/) content: "" # http: # routers: # router0: # entryPoints: # - web # middlewares: # - my-basic-auth # service: service-foo # rule: Path(`/foo`) # # -- Add volumes to the traefik pod. The volume name will be passed to tpl. # This can be used to mount a cert pair or a configmap that holds a config.toml file. # After the volume has been mounted, add the configs into traefik by using the `additionalArguments` list below, eg: # `additionalArguments: # - "--providers.file.filename=/config/dynamic.toml" # - "--ping" # - "--ping.entrypoint=web"` volumes: [] # - name: public-cert # mountPath: "/certs" # type: secret # - name: '{{ printf "%s-configs" .Release.Name }}' # mountPath: "/config" # type: configMap # -- Additional volumeMounts to add to the Traefik container additionalVolumeMounts: [] # -- For instance when using a logshipper for access logs # - name: traefik-logs # mountPath: /var/log/traefik logs: general: # -- By default, the logs use a text format (common), but you can # also ask for the json format in the format option # format: json # By default, the level is set to ERROR. # -- Alternative logging levels are DEBUG, PANIC, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, and INFO. level: INFO access: # -- To enable access logs enabled: false ## By default, logs are written using the Common Log Format (CLF) on stdout. ## To write logs in JSON, use json in the format option. ## If the given format is unsupported, the default (CLF) is used instead. # format: json # filePath: "/var/log/traefik/access.log ## To write the logs in an asynchronous fashion, specify a bufferingSize option. ## This option represents the number of log lines Traefik will keep in memory before writing ## them to the selected output. In some cases, this option can greatly help performances. # bufferingSize: 100 ## Filtering # -- https://docs.traefik.io/observability/access-logs/#filtering filters: {} # statuscodes: "200,300-302" # retryattempts: true # minduration: 10ms # -- Enables accessLogs for internal resources. Default: false. addInternals: fields: general: # -- Available modes: keep, drop, redact. defaultmode: keep # -- Names of the fields to limit. names: {} ## Examples: # ClientUsername: drop headers: # -- Available modes: keep, drop, redact. defaultmode: drop # -- Names of the headers to limit. names: {} ## Examples: # User-Agent: redact # Authorization: drop # Content-Type: keep metrics: ## -- Enable metrics for internal resources. Default: false addInternals: ## -- Prometheus is enabled by default. ## -- It can be disabled by setting "prometheus: null" prometheus: # -- Entry point used to expose metrics. entryPoint: metrics ## Enable metrics on entry points. Default=true # addEntryPointsLabels: false ## Enable metrics on routers. Default=false # addRoutersLabels: true ## Enable metrics on services. Default=true # addServicesLabels: false ## Buckets for latency metrics. Default="0.1,0.3,1.2,5.0" # buckets: "0.5,1.0,2.5" ## When manualRouting is true, it disables the default internal router in ## order to allow creating a custom router for prometheus@internal service. # manualRouting: true # datadog: # ## Address instructs exporter to send metrics to datadog-agent at this address. # address: "" # ## The interval used by the exporter to push metrics to datadog-agent. Default=10s # # pushInterval: 30s # ## The prefix to use for metrics collection. Default="traefik" # # prefix: traefik # ## Enable metrics on entry points. Default=true # # addEntryPointsLabels: false # ## Enable metrics on routers. Default=false # # addRoutersLabels: true # ## Enable metrics on services. Default=true # # addServicesLabels: false # influxdb2: # ## Address instructs exporter to send metrics to influxdb v2 at this address. # address: localhost:8086 # ## Token with which to connect to InfluxDB v2. # token: xxx # ## Organisation where metrics will be stored. # org: "" # ## Bucket where metrics will be stored. # bucket: "" # ## The interval used by the exporter to push metrics to influxdb. Default=10s # # pushInterval: 30s # ## Additional labels (influxdb tags) on all metrics. # # additionalLabels: # # env: production # # foo: bar # ## Enable metrics on entry points. Default=true # # addEntryPointsLabels: false # ## Enable metrics on routers. Default=false # # addRoutersLabels: true # ## Enable metrics on services. Default=true # # addServicesLabels: false # statsd: # ## Address instructs exporter to send metrics to statsd at this address. # address: localhost:8125 # ## The interval used by the exporter to push metrics to influxdb. Default=10s # # pushInterval: 30s # ## The prefix to use for metrics collection. Default="traefik" # # prefix: traefik # ## Enable metrics on entry points. Default=true # # addEntryPointsLabels: false # ## Enable metrics on routers. Default=false # # addRoutersLabels: true # ## Enable metrics on services. Default=true # # addServicesLabels: false otlp: # -- Set to true in order to enable the OpenTelemetry metrics enabled: false # -- Enable metrics on entry points. Default: true addEntryPointsLabels: # -- Enable metrics on routers. Default: false addRoutersLabels: # -- Enable metrics on services. Default: true addServicesLabels: # -- Explicit boundaries for Histogram data points. Default: [.005, .01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10] explicitBoundaries: # -- Interval at which metrics are sent to the OpenTelemetry Collector. Default: 10s pushInterval: http: # -- Set to true in order to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector using HTTP. enabled: false # -- Format: ://:. Default: http://localhost:4318/v1/metrics endpoint: # -- Additional headers sent with metrics by the reporter to the OpenTelemetry Collector. headers: ## Defines the TLS configuration used by the reporter to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector. tls: # -- The path to the certificate authority, it defaults to the system bundle. ca: # -- The path to the public certificate. When using this option, setting the key option is required. cert: # -- The path to the private key. When using this option, setting the cert option is required. key: # -- When set to true, the TLS connection accepts any certificate presented by the server regardless of the hostnames it covers. insecureSkipVerify: grpc: # -- Set to true in order to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector using gRPC enabled: false # -- Format: ://:. Default: http://localhost:4318/v1/metrics endpoint: # -- Allows reporter to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector without using a secured protocol. insecure: ## Defines the TLS configuration used by the reporter to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector. tls: # -- The path to the certificate authority, it defaults to the system bundle. ca: # -- The path to the public certificate. When using this option, setting the key option is required. cert: # -- The path to the private key. When using this option, setting the cert option is required. key: # -- When set to true, the TLS connection accepts any certificate presented by the server regardless of the hostnames it covers. insecureSkipVerify: ## -- enable optional CRDs for Prometheus Operator ## ## Create a dedicated metrics service for use with ServiceMonitor # service: # enabled: false # labels: {} # annotations: {} ## When set to true, it won't check if Prometheus Operator CRDs are deployed # disableAPICheck: false # serviceMonitor: # metricRelabelings: [] # - sourceLabels: [__name__] # separator: ; # regex: ^fluentd_output_status_buffer_(oldest|newest)_.+ # replacement: $1 # action: drop # relabelings: [] # - sourceLabels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name] # separator: ; # regex: ^(.*)$ # targetLabel: nodename # replacement: $1 # action: replace # jobLabel: traefik # interval: 30s # honorLabels: true # # (Optional) # # scrapeTimeout: 5s # # honorTimestamps: true # # enableHttp2: true # # followRedirects: true # # additionalLabels: # # foo: bar # # namespace: "another-namespace" # # namespaceSelector: {} # prometheusRule: # additionalLabels: {} # namespace: "another-namespace" # rules: # - alert: TraefikDown # expr: up{job="traefik"} == 0 # for: 5m # labels: # context: traefik # severity: warning # annotations: # summary: "Traefik Down" # description: "{{ $labels.pod }} on {{ $labels.nodename }} is down" ## Tracing # -- https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/observability/tracing/overview/ tracing: # -- Enables tracing for internal resources. Default: false. addInternals: otlp: # -- See https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v3.0/observability/tracing/opentelemetry/ enabled: false http: # -- Set to true in order to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector using HTTP. enabled: false # -- Format: ://:. Default: http://localhost:4318/v1/metrics endpoint: # -- Additional headers sent with metrics by the reporter to the OpenTelemetry Collector. headers: ## Defines the TLS configuration used by the reporter to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector. tls: # -- The path to the certificate authority, it defaults to the system bundle. ca: # -- The path to the public certificate. When using this option, setting the key option is required. cert: # -- The path to the private key. When using this option, setting the cert option is required. key: # -- When set to true, the TLS connection accepts any certificate presented by the server regardless of the hostnames it covers. insecureSkipVerify: grpc: # -- Set to true in order to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector using gRPC enabled: false # -- Format: ://:. Default: http://localhost:4318/v1/metrics endpoint: # -- Allows reporter to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector without using a secured protocol. insecure: ## Defines the TLS configuration used by the reporter to send metrics to the OpenTelemetry Collector. tls: # -- The path to the certificate authority, it defaults to the system bundle. ca: # -- The path to the public certificate. When using this option, setting the key option is required. cert: # -- The path to the private key. When using this option, setting the cert option is required. key: # -- When set to true, the TLS connection accepts any certificate presented by the server regardless of the hostnames it covers. insecureSkipVerify: # -- Global command arguments to be passed to all traefik's pods globalArguments: - "--global.checknewversion" - "--global.sendanonymoususage" # # Configure Traefik static configuration # -- Additional arguments to be passed at Traefik's binary # All available options available on https://docs.traefik.io/reference/static-configuration/cli/ ## Use curly braces to pass values: `helm install --set="additionalArguments={--providers.kubernetesingress.ingressclass=traefik-internal,--log.level=DEBUG}"` additionalArguments: [] # - "--providers.kubernetesingress.ingressclass=traefik-internal" # - "--log.level=DEBUG" # -- Environment variables to be passed to Traefik's binary env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace # - name: SOME_VAR # value: some-var-value # - name: SOME_VAR_FROM_CONFIG_MAP # valueFrom: # configMapRef: # name: configmap-name # key: config-key # - name: SOME_SECRET # valueFrom: # secretKeyRef: # name: secret-name # key: secret-key # -- Environment variables to be passed to Traefik's binary from configMaps or secrets envFrom: [] # - configMapRef: # name: config-map-name # - secretRef: # name: secret-name ports: traefik: port: 9000 # -- Use hostPort if set. # hostPort: 9000 # # -- Use hostIP if set. If not set, Kubernetes will default to, which # means it's listening on all your interfaces and all your IPs. You may want # to set this value if you need traefik to listen on specific interface # only. # hostIP: # Defines whether the port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or # NodePort. # # -- You SHOULD NOT expose the traefik port on production deployments. # If you want to access it from outside your cluster, # use `kubectl port-forward` or create a secure ingress expose: default: false # -- The exposed port for this service exposedPort: 9000 # -- The port protocol (TCP/UDP) protocol: TCP web: ## -- Enable this entrypoint as a default entrypoint. When a service doesn't explicitly set an entrypoint it will only use this entrypoint. # asDefault: true port: 8000 # hostPort: 8000 # containerPort: 8000 expose: default: true exposedPort: 80 ## -- Different target traefik port on the cluster, useful for IP type LB # targetPort: 80 # The port protocol (TCP/UDP) protocol: TCP # -- Use nodeport if set. This is useful if you have configured Traefik in a # LoadBalancer. # nodePort: 32080 # Port Redirections # Added in 2.2, you can make permanent redirects via entrypoints. # https://docs.traefik.io/routing/entrypoints/#redirection # redirectTo: # port: websecure # (Optional) # priority: 10 # # -- Trust forwarded headers information (X-Forwarded-*). # forwardedHeaders: # trustedIPs: [] # insecure: false # # -- Enable the Proxy Protocol header parsing for the entry point # proxyProtocol: # trustedIPs: [] # insecure: false # # -- Set transport settings for the entrypoint; see also # https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/entrypoints/#transport transport: respondingTimeouts: readTimeout: writeTimeout: idleTimeout: lifeCycle: requestAcceptGraceTimeout: graceTimeOut: keepAliveMaxRequests: keepAliveMaxTime: websecure: ## -- Enable this entrypoint as a default entrypoint. When a service doesn't explicitly set an entrypoint it will only use this entrypoint. # asDefault: true port: 8443 # hostPort: 8443 # containerPort: 8443 expose: default: true exposedPort: 443 ## -- Different target traefik port on the cluster, useful for IP type LB # targetPort: 80 ## -- The port protocol (TCP/UDP) protocol: TCP # nodePort: 32443 ## -- Specify an application protocol. This may be used as a hint for a Layer 7 load balancer. # appProtocol: https # ## -- Enable HTTP/3 on the entrypoint ## Enabling it will also enable http3 experimental feature ## https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/entrypoints/#http3 ## There are known limitations when trying to listen on same ports for ## TCP & UDP (Http3). There is a workaround in this chart using dual Service. ## https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/47249#issuecomment-587960741 http3: enabled: false # advertisedPort: 4443 # # -- Trust forwarded headers information (X-Forwarded-*). # forwardedHeaders: # trustedIPs: [] # insecure: false # # -- Enable the Proxy Protocol header parsing for the entry point # proxyProtocol: # trustedIPs: [] # insecure: false # # -- Set transport settings for the entrypoint; see also # https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/entrypoints/#transport transport: respondingTimeouts: readTimeout: writeTimeout: idleTimeout: lifeCycle: requestAcceptGraceTimeout: graceTimeOut: keepAliveMaxRequests: keepAliveMaxTime: # ## Set TLS at the entrypoint ## https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/entrypoints/#tls tls: enabled: true # this is the name of a TLSOption definition options: "" certResolver: "" domains: [] # - main: example.com # sans: # - foo.example.com # - bar.example.com # # -- One can apply Middlewares on an entrypoint # https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/overview/ # https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/entrypoints/#middlewares # -- /!\ It introduces here a link between your static configuration and your dynamic configuration /!\ # It follows the provider naming convention: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/providers/overview/#provider-namespace # middlewares: # - namespace-name1@kubernetescrd # - namespace-name2@kubernetescrd middlewares: [] metrics: # -- When using hostNetwork, use another port to avoid conflict with node exporter: # https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/wiki/Default-port-allocations port: 9100 # hostPort: 9100 # Defines whether the port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or # NodePort. # # -- You may not want to expose the metrics port on production deployments. # If you want to access it from outside your cluster, # use `kubectl port-forward` or create a secure ingress expose: default: false # -- The exposed port for this service exposedPort: 9100 # -- The port protocol (TCP/UDP) protocol: TCP # -- TLS Options are created as TLSOption CRDs # https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/https/tls/#tls-options # When using `labelSelector`, you'll need to set labels on tlsOption accordingly. # Example: # tlsOptions: # default: # labels: {} # sniStrict: true # custom-options: # labels: {} # curvePreferences: # - CurveP521 # - CurveP384 tlsOptions: {} # -- TLS Store are created as TLSStore CRDs. This is useful if you want to set a default certificate # https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/https/tls/#default-certificate # Example: # tlsStore: # default: # defaultCertificate: # secretName: tls-cert tlsStore: {} service: enabled: true ## -- Single service is using `MixedProtocolLBService` feature gate. ## -- When set to false, it will create two Service, one for TCP and one for UDP. single: true type: LoadBalancer # -- Additional annotations applied to both TCP and UDP services (e.g. for cloud provider specific config) annotations: {} # -- Additional annotations for TCP service only annotationsTCP: {} # -- Additional annotations for UDP service only annotationsUDP: {} # -- Additional service labels (e.g. for filtering Service by custom labels) labels: {} # -- Additional entries here will be added to the service spec. # -- Cannot contain type, selector or ports entries. spec: {} # externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster # loadBalancerIP: "" # clusterIP: "" loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] # - # - ## -- Class of the load balancer implementation # loadBalancerClass: service.k8s.aws/nlb externalIPs: [] # - ## One of SingleStack, PreferDualStack, or RequireDualStack. # ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack ## List of IP families (e.g. IPv4 and/or IPv6). ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dual-stack/#services # ipFamilies: # - IPv4 # - IPv6 ## additionalServices: {} ## -- An additional and optional internal Service. ## Same parameters as external Service # internal: # type: ClusterIP # # labels: {} # # annotations: {} # # spec: {} # # loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] # # externalIPs: [] # # ipFamilies: [ "IPv4","IPv6" ] autoscaling: # -- Create HorizontalPodAutoscaler object. enabled: false # minReplicas: 1 # maxReplicas: 10 # metrics: # - type: Resource # resource: # name: cpu # target: # type: Utilization # averageUtilization: 60 # - type: Resource # resource: # name: memory # target: # type: Utilization # averageUtilization: 60 # behavior: # scaleDown: # stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 # policies: # - type: Pods # value: 1 # periodSeconds: 60 persistence: # -- Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims # ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/ # It can be used to store TLS certificates, see `storage` in certResolvers enabled: false name: data # existingClaim: "" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 128Mi # storageClass: "" # volumeName: "" path: /data annotations: {} # -- Only mount a subpath of the Volume into the pod # subPath: "" # -- Certificates resolvers configuration certResolvers: {} # letsencrypt: # # for challenge options cf. https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/https/acme/ # email: email@example.com # dnsChallenge: # # also add the provider's required configuration under env # # or expand then from secrets/configmaps with envfrom # # cf. https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/https/acme/#providers # provider: digitalocean # # add futher options for the dns challenge as needed # # cf. https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/https/acme/#dnschallenge # delayBeforeCheck: 30 # resolvers: # - # - # tlsChallenge: true # httpChallenge: # entryPoint: "web" # # It has to match the path with a persistent volume # storage: /data/acme.json # -- If hostNetwork is true, runs traefik in the host network namespace # To prevent unschedulabel pods due to port collisions, if hostNetwork=true # and replicas>1, a pod anti-affinity is recommended and will be set if the # affinity is left as default. hostNetwork: false # -- Whether Role Based Access Control objects like roles and rolebindings should be created rbac: enabled: true # If set to false, installs ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding so Traefik can be used across namespaces. # If set to true, installs Role and RoleBinding instead of ClusterRole/ClusterRoleBinding. Providers will only watch target namespace. # When combined with providers.kubernetesIngress.disableIngressClassLookup: true and Traefik V3, ClusterRole to watch IngressClass is also disabled. namespaced: false # Enable user-facing roles # https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/#user-facing-roles # aggregateTo: [ "admin" ] # List of Kubernetes secrets that are accessible for Traefik. If empty, then access is granted to every secret. secretResourceNames: [] # -- Enable to create a PodSecurityPolicy and assign it to the Service Account via RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding podSecurityPolicy: enabled: false # -- The service account the pods will use to interact with the Kubernetes API serviceAccount: # If set, an existing service account is used # If not set, a service account is created automatically using the fullname template name: "" # -- Additional serviceAccount annotations (e.g. for oidc authentication) serviceAccountAnnotations: {} # -- The resources parameter defines CPU and memory requirements and limits for Traefik's containers. resources: {} # requests: # cpu: "100m" # memory: "50Mi" # limits: # cpu: "300m" # memory: "150Mi" # -- This example pod anti-affinity forces the scheduler to put traefik pods # -- on nodes where no other traefik pods are scheduled. # It should be used when hostNetwork: true to prevent port conflicts affinity: {} # podAntiAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # - labelSelector: # matchLabels: # app.kubernetes.io/name: '{{ template "traefik.name" . }}' # app.kubernetes.io/instance: '{{ .Release.Name }}-{{ .Release.Namespace }}' # topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname # -- nodeSelector is the simplest recommended form of node selection constraint. nodeSelector: {} # -- Tolerations allow the scheduler to schedule pods with matching taints. tolerations: [] # -- You can use topology spread constraints to control # how Pods are spread across your cluster among failure-domains. topologySpreadConstraints: [] # This example topologySpreadConstraints forces the scheduler to put traefik pods # on nodes where no other traefik pods are scheduled. # - labelSelector: # matchLabels: # app: '{{ template "traefik.name" . }}' # maxSkew: 1 # topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname # whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule # -- Pods can have priority. # -- Priority indicates the importance of a Pod relative to other Pods. priorityClassName: "" # -- Set the container security context # -- To run the container with ports below 1024 this will need to be adjusted to run as root securityContext: capabilities: drop: [ALL] readOnlyRootFilesystem: true allowPrivilegeEscalation: false podSecurityContext: # /!\ When setting fsGroup, Kubernetes will recursively change ownership and # permissions for the contents of each volume to match the fsGroup. This can # be an issue when storing sensitive content like TLS Certificates /!\ # fsGroup: 65532 # -- Specifies the policy for changing ownership and permissions of volume contents to match the fsGroup. fsGroupChangePolicy: "OnRootMismatch" # -- The ID of the group for all containers in the pod to run as. runAsGroup: 65532 # -- Specifies whether the containers should run as a non-root user. runAsNonRoot: true # -- The ID of the user for all containers in the pod to run as. runAsUser: 65532 # # -- Extra objects to deploy (value evaluated as a template) # # In some cases, it can avoid the need for additional, extended or adhoc deployments. # See #595 for more details and traefik/tests/values/extra.yaml for example. extraObjects: [] # This will override the default Release Namespace for Helm. # It will not affect optional CRDs such as `ServiceMonitor` and `PrometheusRules` # namespaceOverride: traefik # ## -- This will override the default app.kubernetes.io/instance label for all Objects. # instanceLabelOverride: traefik # -- Traefik Hub configuration. See https://doc.traefik.io/traefik-hub/ hub: # Name of Secret with key 'token' set to a valid license token. # It enables API Gateway. token: apimanagement: # -- Set to true in order to enable API Management. Requires a valid license token. enabled: admission: # -- WebHook admission server listen address. Default: "". listenAddr: # -- Certificate of the WebHook admission server. Default: "hub-agent-cert". secretName: metrics: opentelemetry: # -- Set to true to enable OpenTelemetry metrics exporter of Traefik Hub. enabled: # -- Address (host:port) of the collector endpoint. Default: "localhost:4318". address: # -- Boundaries of latency metrics. Default: " 0.005000, 0.010000, 0.025000, 0.050000, 0.100000, 0.250000, 0.500000, 1.000000, 2.500000, 5.000000, 10.000000 " explicitBoundaries: # -- Enables gRPC for the OpenTelemetry collector. Default: false. grpc: # -- Additional headers to send to the collector. Default: {}. headers: # -- Enable insecure schemes on metric endpoints. Default: false. insecure: # -- Collector endpoint path. Default: "". path: # -- Interval between metric exports. Default: "10s". pushInterval: tls: # -- Path to the certificate authority used for the secured connection. ca: # -- Path to the public certificate used for the secure connection. cert: # -- Path to the private key used for the secure connection. key: # -- When insecureSkipVerify is set to true, the TLS connection accepts any certificate presented by the server. Default: false. insecureSkipVerify: ratelimit: redis: # -- Enable Redis Cluster. Default: true. cluster: # -- Database used to store information. Default: "0". database: # -- Endpoints of the Redis instances to connect to. Default: "". endpoints: # -- The username to use when connecting to Redis endpoints. Default: "". username: # -- The password to use when connecting to Redis endpoints. Default: "". password: sentinel: # -- Name of the set of main nodes to use for main selection. Required when using Sentinel. Default: "". masterset: # -- Username to use for sentinel authentication (can be different from endpoint username). Default: "". username: # -- Password to use for sentinel authentication (can be different from endpoint password). Default: "". password: # -- Timeout applied on connection with redis. Default: "0s". timeout: tls: # -- Path to the certificate authority used for the secured connection. ca: # -- Path to the public certificate used for the secure connection. cert: # -- Path to the private key used for the secure connection. key: # -- When insecureSkipVerify is set to true, the TLS connection accepts any certificate presented by the server. Default: false. insecureSkipVerify: # Enable export of errors logs to the platform. Default: true. sendlogs: