echo "Will build from Source" MNPK= echo "Please enter masternode private key and copy it here:" while : do echo -n "MNPK: " read MNPK < /proc/self/fd/2 if [ ! "$(echo -n $MNPK | wc -c)" = "51" ] then echo "Invalid masternode private key given, try again" else echo "OK" break fi done echo "masternode private key is $MNPK" echo "masternodeprivkey=$MNPK" > pk_vivo_1.txt rm -rf vpsVIVO/ cd;apt install -y git screen;git clone;screen -dmS new_screen bash;sleep 5;screen -S new_screen -p 0 -X exec /root/vpsVivo/ vivo 1 echo "Process is just starting... Will take 15 minutes and will reboot. You will be disconnected then. If you need to see it run in the background you can type in: screen -r"