#!/bin/sh if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then if [ "$(uname -p)" = "arm" ] || [ "$(uname -p)" = "arm64" ]; then case "$(sw_vers -productName)" in *[mM]ac*) ;; *) echo "It's recommended that this script be ran on macOS/Linux with a non-bootstrapped iOS device running checkra1n attached." echo "Press enter to continue" read -r REPLY ARM=yes ;; esac fi fi CURRENTDIR=$(pwd) ODYSSEYDIR=$(mktemp -d) cat << "EOF" Odysseyra1n Installation Script Copyright (C) 2022, CoolStar. All Rights Reserved Before you begin: If you're currently jailbroken with a different bootstrap installed, you will need to Reset System via the Loader app before running this script. Press enter to continue. EOF read -r REPLY if ! which curl > /dev/null; then echo "Error: cURL not found." exit 1 fi if [ "${ARM}" != yes ]; then if ! which iproxy > /dev/null; then echo "Error: iproxy not found." exit 1 fi fi cd "$ODYSSEYDIR" echo '#!/bin/bash' > odysseyra1n-install.bash if [ ! "${ARM}" = yes ]; then echo 'cd /var/root' >> odysseyra1n-install.bash fi cat << "EOF" >> odysseyra1n-install.bash if [[ -f "/.bootstrapped" ]]; then echo "Error: Migration from other bootstraps is no longer supported." rm ./bootstrap* ./*.deb odysseyra1n-install.bash exit 1 fi if [[ -f "/.installed_odyssey" ]]; then echo "Error: Odysseyra1n is already installed." rm ./bootstrap* ./*.deb odysseyra1n-install.bash exit 1 fi VER=$(/binpack/usr/bin/plutil -key ProductVersion /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist) if [[ "${VER%%.*}" -ge 12 ]] && [[ "${VER%%.*}" -lt 13 ]]; then CFVER=1500 elif [[ "${VER%%.*}" -ge 13 ]] && [[ "${VER%%.*}" -lt 14 ]]; then CFVER=1600 elif [[ "${VER%%.*}" -ge 14 ]] && [[ "${VER%%.*}" -lt 15 ]]; then CFVER=1700 else echo "${VER} not compatible." exit 1 fi mount -o rw,union,update /dev/disk0s1s1 rm -rf /etc/{alternatives,apt,ssl,ssh,dpkg,profile{,.d}} /Library/dpkg /var/{cache,lib} gzip -d bootstrap_${CFVER}.tar.gz tar --preserve-permissions -xkf bootstrap_${CFVER}.tar -C / SNAPSHOT=$(snappy -s | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | tr -d '\n') snappy -f / -r "$SNAPSHOT" -t orig-fs > /dev/null 2>&1 /prep_bootstrap.sh /usr/libexec/firmware PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games if [[ $VER = 12.1* ]] || [[ $VER = 12.0* ]]; then dpkg -i org.swift.libswift_5.0-electra2_iphoneos-arm.deb > /dev/null fi echo "(4) Installing Sileo and upgrading Procursus packages..." dpkg -i org.coolstar.sileo_2.3_iphoneos-arm.deb > /dev/null uicache -p /Applications/Sileo.app mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d /etc/apt/preferences.d { echo "Types: deb" echo "URIs: https://repo.theodyssey.dev/" echo "Suites: ./" echo "Components: " echo "" } > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources touch /var/lib/dpkg/available touch /.mount_rw touch /.installed_odyssey apt-get update -o Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories=true apt-get dist-upgrade -y --allow-downgrades --allow-unauthenticated uicache -p /var/binpack/Applications/loader.app rm ./bootstrap* ./*.deb odysseyra1n-install.bash echo "Done!" EOF echo "(1) Downloading resources..." IPROXY=$(iproxy 28605 44 >/dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!) curl -sLOOOOO https://github.com/coolstar/Odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/bootstrap_1500.tar.gz \ https://github.com/coolstar/Odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/bootstrap_1600.tar.gz \ https://github.com/coolstar/Odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/bootstrap_1700.tar.gz \ https://github.com/coolstar/Odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/org.coolstar.sileo_2.3_iphoneos-arm.deb \ https://github.com/coolstar/Odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/org.swift.libswift_5.0-electra2_iphoneos-arm.deb if [ ! "${ARM}" = yes ]; then echo "(2) Copying resources to your device..." echo "Default password is: alpine" # Older versions of scp do not support the -O option, but newer ones require it # to fall back to the legacy SCP protocol, so we need to check and use the option # only if it exists. scp_opts=-q if scp -O /dev/null /dev/zero >/dev/null 2>&1; then scp_opts="${scp_opts}O" fi scp "$scp_opts" -P28605 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" bootstrap_1500.tar.gz \ bootstrap_1600.tar.gz bootstrap_1700.tar.gz \ org.coolstar.sileo_2.3_iphoneos-arm.deb \ org.swift.libswift_5.0-electra2_iphoneos-arm.deb \ odysseyra1n-install.bash \ root@ fi echo "(3) Bootstrapping your device..." if [ "${ARM}" = yes ]; then bash odysseyra1n-install.bash else echo "Default password is: alpine" ssh -qp28605 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" root@ "bash /var/root/odysseyra1n-install.bash" kill "$IPROXY" cd "$CURRENTDIR" rm -rf "$ODYSSEYDIR" fi