package main import ( "C" "bytes" "compress/gzip" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "regexp" "time" "unsafe" ) // Import vendor libraries import ( "" "" jsoniter "" "" ) //export FLBPluginRegister func FLBPluginRegister(def unsafe.Pointer) int { return output.FLBPluginRegister(def, "coralogix", "Send output to Coralogix") } //export FLBPluginInit func FLBPluginInit(plugin unsafe.Pointer) int { // Get output parameters endpoint := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "Endpoint") privateKey := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "Private_Key") appName := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "App_Name") subName := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "Sub_Name") appNameKey := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "App_Name_Key") subNameKey := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "Sub_Name_Key") timeKey := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "Time_Key") logKey := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "Log_Key") hostKey := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "Host_Key") debug := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "Debug") // Debug output log.SetPrefix("[CORALOGIX] ") log.Println("Initialize sending to Coralogix...") log.Printf("Private_Key = ********-****-****-****-******%s\n", privateKey[len(privateKey)-6:]) // Check Coralogix endpoint if endpoint == "" { endpoint = "" } // Check Private Key privateKeyPattern, _ := regexp.Compile("[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}") if privateKey == "" || !privateKeyPattern.MatchString(privateKey) { log.Println(" ERROR: invalid Private_Key!") return output.FLB_ERROR } // Check Application name if appName == "" { appName = "NO_APP_NAME" } // Check Subsystem name if subName == "" { subName = "NO_SUB_NAME" } // Check debug status if debug == "On" { log.Printf("The Application Name %s and Subsystem Name %s from the Fluent-Bit, has started to send data.", appName, subName) } // Pass output configuration to context output.FLBPluginSetContext(plugin, map[string]string{ "endpoint": endpoint, "private_key": privateKey, "app_name": appName, "sub_name": subName, "app_name_key": appNameKey, "sub_name_key": subNameKey, "time_key": timeKey, "log_key": logKey, "host_key": hostKey, "debug": debug, }) return output.FLB_OK } //export FLBPluginFlush func FLBPluginFlush(data unsafe.Pointer, length, tag *C.char) int { return output.FLB_OK } //export FLBPluginFlushCtx func FLBPluginFlushCtx(ctx, data unsafe.Pointer, length, tag *C.char) int { // Get plugin instance configuration config := output.FLBPluginGetContext(ctx).(map[string]string) // Get Coralogix endpoint URL endpoint, exists := os.LookupEnv("CORALOGIX_LOG_URL") if !exists { endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/logs/rest/singles", config["endpoint"]) } // Get hostname hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { hostname = "localhost" } // Create Fluent-Bit decoder decoder := output.NewDecoder(data, int(length)) // Build records batch var batch []interface{} for { // Extract record ret, _, record := output.GetRecord(decoder) if ret != 0 { break } // Convert record to JSON jsonRecord, err := jsoniter.MarshalToString(toStringMap(record)) if err != nil { log.Printf(" ERROR: %v\n", err) continue } // Parse timestamp timestamp, err := dateparse.ParseAny(extractField(jsonRecord, config["time_key"], time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))) if err != nil { timestamp = time.Now() } // Add record to batch batch = append(batch, map[string]interface{}{ "applicationName": extractField(jsonRecord, config["app_name_key"], config["app_name"]), "subsystemName": extractField(jsonRecord, config["sub_name_key"], config["sub_name"]), "computerName": extractField(jsonRecord, config["host_key"], hostname), "timestamp": timestamp.UnixNano() / 1000000, "text": extractField(jsonRecord, config["log_key"], jsonRecord), }) } jsonBatch, _ := jsoniter.Marshal(batch) // Compress data var buffer bytes.Buffer zipper, err := gzip.NewWriterLevel(&buffer, 9) zipper.Write(jsonBatch) zipper.Close() if err != nil { log.Println(" ERROR: cannot compress the data:", err) return output.FLB_RETRY } // Build request request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, endpoint, &buffer) request.Close = true request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") request.Header.Set("Content-Encoding", "gzip") request.Header.Set("private_key", config["private_key"]) if err != nil { log.Println(" ERROR: cannot build request:", err) return output.FLB_RETRY } // Send records batch if config["debug"] == "On" { log.Printf(" INFO: Sending %d records...\n", len(batch)) } client := &http.Client{Timeout: 30 * time.Second} response, err := client.Do(request) if err != nil { log.Println(" ERROR: cannot send logs batch:", err) return output.FLB_RETRY } else if response.StatusCode != 200 { log.Println(" ERROR: cannot send logs batch:", response.StatusCode) return output.FLB_RETRY } return output.FLB_OK } //export FLBPluginExit func FLBPluginExit() int { return output.FLB_OK } //export FLBPluginExitCtx func FLBPluginExitCtx(ctx unsafe.Pointer) int { return output.FLB_OK } // toStringMap recursively goes through the slice and converts []byte // to string so that jsonitor.MarshalToString/json.Marshal don't // encode []byte to Base64. func toStringSlice(slice []interface{}) []interface{} { var s []interface{} for _, v := range slice { switch t := v.(type) { case []byte: s = append(s, string(t)) case map[interface{}]interface{}: s = append(s, toStringMap(t)) case []interface{}: s = append(s, toStringSlice(t)) default: s = append(s, t) } } return s } // toStringMap recursively goes through the map and converts []byte // to string so that jsonitor.MarshalToString/json.Marshal don't // encode []byte to Base64. func toStringMap(record map[interface{}]interface{}) map[string]interface{} { m := make(map[string]interface{}) for k, v := range record { key, ok := k.(string) if !ok { continue } switch t := v.(type) { case []byte: m[key] = string(t) case map[interface{}]interface{}: m[key] = toStringMap(t) case []interface{}: m[key] = toStringSlice(t) default: m[key] = v } } return m } // extractField extracts field value from record func extractField(jsonRecord string, key string, def string) string { if key == "" { return def } jq := gojsonq.New().FromString(jsonRecord) result := jq.Find(key) if jq.Error() != nil { log.Printf(" WARNING: cannot extract field %s from record: %v\n", key, jq.Errors()) return def } switch t := result.(type) { case string: return t default: subRecord, err := jsoniter.MarshalToString(result) if err != nil { log.Printf(" WARNING: cannot extract field %s from record: %v\n", key, err) return def } return subRecord } } func main() {}