+++ title = "example" description = "*example* - prints 'example' on every query received." weight = 10 tags = [ "plugin" , "example" ] categories = [ "plugin", "external" ] date = "2017-07-25T21:57:00+08:00" repo = "https://github.com/coredns/example" home = "https://github.com/coredns/example/blob/master/README.md" +++ ## Description The example plugin prints "example" on every query received. It serves as documentation for writing CoreDNS plugins. ## Syntax ~~~ txt example ~~~ ## Metrics If monitoring is enabled (via the *prometheus* directive) the following metric is exported: * `coredns_example_request_count_total{server}` - query count to the *example* plugin. The `server` label indicated which server handled the request, see the *metrics* plugin for details. ## Health This plugin implements dynamic health checking. It will always return healthy though. ## Examples In this configuration, we forward all queries to and print "example" whenever we receive a query. ``` corefile . { forward . example } ``` ## Also See See the [manual](https://coredns.io/manual).