+++ date = "2016-10-19T19:09:32Z" description = "CoreDNS-002 Release Notes." release = "002" tags = ["Release", "002", "Notes"] title = "CoreDNS-002 Release" author = "coredns" +++ CoreDNS-002 has been [released](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/releases)! CoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins, where each plugin implements a DNS feature. ## What is New * `-port` was renamed to `-dns.port` to avoid clashing with Caddy's `-port` (which was renamed to `http.port`). * Lumberjack logger was removed, this means no built in log rotation; use an external tool for that. * Brushed up GoDoc for all packages. * Brushed up all READMEs to be more standard and look like manual page. * Golint-ed and go vet-ed the code - these can now (somewhat) useful tools before submitting PRs. * Add more tests and show test coverage on submitting/PRs. * Various Corefile parsing bugs fixed, better syntax error detection. ## Plugin improvements: * plugin/root: a root plugin, same usage as in [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/docs/root). See plugin/root/README.md for its use in CoreDNS. This makes stanzas like this shorter: ~~~ txt .:53 { file /etc/coredns/zones/db.example.net example.net file /etc/coredns/zones/db.example.org example.org file /etc/coredns/zones/db.example.com example.com } ~~~ Can be written as: ~~~ txt .:53 { root /etc/coredns/zones file db.example.net example.net file db.example.org example.org file db.example.com example.com } ~~~ * plugin/auto: similar to the *file* plugin, but automatically picks up new zones. The following Corefile will load all zones found under `/etc/coredns/org` and be authoritative for `.org.`: ~~~ corefile . { auto org { directory /etc/coredns/org } } ~~~ * plugin/file: handle wildcards better. * plugin/kubernetes: TLS support for kubernetes and other improvements. * plugin/cache: use an LRU cache to make it memory bounded. Added more option to have more control on what is cached and for how long. The cache stanza was extended: ~~~ txt . { cache { success CAPACITY [TTL] denial CAPACITY [TTL] } } ~~~ See plugin/cache/README.md for more details. * plugin/dnssec: replaced go-cache with golang-lru in dnssec. Also adds a `cache_capacity`. option in dnssec plugin so that the capacity of the LRU cache could be specified in the config file. * plugin/logging: allow a response class to be specified on log on responses matching the name *and* the response class. For instance only log denials for example.com: ~~~ corefile . { log example.com { class denial } } ~~~ * plugin/proxy: performance improvements. # Contributors The following people helped with getting this release done: Chris O'Haver, Manuel de Brito Fontes, Miek Gieben, Shawn Smith, Silas Baronda, Yong Tang, Zhipeng Jiang. If you want to help, please check out one of the [issues](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/issues/) and start coding! For documentation and help, see our [community page](https://coredns.io/community/).