+++ date = "2017-02-22T21:26:11Z" description = "CoreDNS-006 Release Notes." tags = ["Release", "006", "Notes"] release = "006" title = "CoreDNS-006 Release" author = "coredns" +++ CoreDNS-006 has been [released](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/releases/tag/v006)! CoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins, where each plugin implements a DNS feature. # What is New # Core Move CoreDNS to together with several other repos. This will be the new home for CoreDNS development. Fixed: * Fix hot-reloading. This would fail with `[ERROR] SIGUSR1: listen tcp :53: bind: address already in use`. * Allow removal of core plugin, see comments in [plugin.cfg](https://github.com/miekg/coredns/blob/master/plugin.cfg). ## Plugin improvements ### New * *reverse* plugin: allows CoreDNS to respond dynamically to an PTR request and the related A/AAAA request. ### Improvements/changes * *proxy* a new `protocol`: `grpc`: speak DNS over gRPC. Server side impl. resides [in this out of tree plugin](https://github.com/coredns/grpc). * *file* additional section processing for MX and SRV queries. * *prometheus* fix hot reloading * *trace* various improvements # Contributors The following people helped with getting this release done: John Belamaric, Miek Gieben, Richard Hillmann, Yong Tang, If you want to help, please check out one of the [issues](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/issues/) and start coding! For documentation and help, see our [community page](https://coredns.io/community/).