+++ title = "CoreDNS-1.0.6 Release" description = "CoreDNS-1.0.6 Release Notes." tags = ["Release", "1.0.6", "Notes"] draft = false release = "1.0.6" date = "2018-02-21T11:10:29+00:00" author = "coredns" enabled = "default" +++ We are pleased to announce the [release](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/releases/tag/v1.0.6) of CoreDNS-1.0.6! This release has bug fixes, documentation fixes, polish and new plugins. ## Core We've moved to a OWNERS model, where each plugin (and CoreDNS itself) now has an OWNERS file listing people involved with this code. ## Plugins * The *startup* and *shutdown* plugin are **deprecated** (but working and included) in this release in favor of the *on* plugin. If you use them, this is the moment to move to [*on*](/explugins/on). * A plugin called [*forward*](https://coredns.io/plugins/forward) has been included in CoreDNS, this was, up until now, an external plugin. Supports DNS-over-TLS and has different way of health checking an upstream. * The [*proxy*](https://coredns.io/plugins/proxy) plugin has a new policy, *first* which always chooses the first healthy upstream host. It also contains an important fix where a non-health checked target could be mark unhealthy forever. * We now support zone transfers in the [*kubernetes*](https://coredns.io/plugins/kubernetes) plugin. * The [*bind*](https://coredns.io/plugins/bind) now supports multiple listening addresses. * Bugfixes, improvements and documentation fixes in various other plugins. ## Contributors The following people helped with getting this release done: Chris O'Haver, Francois Tur, Freddy, Harshavardhana, John Belamaric, Miek Gieben, Pat Moroney, Paul Greenberg, Sandeep Rajan, Tobias Schmidt, Uladzimir Trehubenka, Yong Tang. For documentation and help, see our [community page](https://coredns.io/community/).