+++ title = "CoreDNS-1.1.4 Release" description = "CoreDNS-1.1.4 Release Notes." tags = ["Release", "1.1.4", "Notes"] release = "1.1.4" date = "2018-06-19T09:39:29+01:00" author = "coredns" +++ We are pleased to announce the [release](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/releases/tag/v1.1.4) of CoreDNS-1.1.4! This release has a few enhancements in the plugins, and a few (Docker) improvements. # Core As said in the [1.1.3 Release Notes](/2018/05/24/coredns-1.1.3-release/), we are making the `-log` command line flag a noop. This is also a heads up that in the next release - 1.2.0 - the current *etcd* plugin will be replaced by a new plugin that supports etcd3, see this [pull request](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/1702). The Docker image is now built using a multistage build. This means the final image is based on `scratch` *and* all architectures now have certificates in the image (not just the amd64 one). # Plugins We are also deprecating: * the *reverse* plugin has been removed, but we allow it still in the configuration. * the `google_https` protocol has been a noop in the *proxy* plugin. In the next release (1.2.0) this code will removed completely. Further more: * *file* now always queries local zones when trying to find a CNAME target. * *log* will now always log in seconds (not micro, or milliseconds). * *forward* erases expired connection after some time. ## Contributors The following people helped with getting this release done: Francois Tur, Malcolm Akinje, Mario Kleinsasser, Miek Gieben, Ruslan Drozhdzh, Yong Tang. For documentation see our (in progress!) [manual](/manual). For help and other resources, see our [community page](https://coredns.io/community/).