+++ title = "CoreDNS-1.5.2 Release" description = "CoreDNS-1.5.2 Release Notes." tags = ["Release", "1.5.2", "Notes"] release = "1.5.2" date = 2019-07-03T07:35:47+01:00 author = "coredns" +++ The CoreDNS team has released [CoreDNS-1.5.2](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/releases/tag/v1.5.2). Small bugfixes and a change to Caddy's import path (mholt/caddy -> caddyserver/caddy). Doing a release helps plugins deal with the change better. # Plugins * For all plugins that use the `upstream` directive it use removed from the documentation; it's still accepted but is a noop. Currently these plugins use CoreDNS to resolve external queries. * The [*template*](/plugins/template) plugin now supports meta data. * The [*file*](/plugins/file) plugin closes the connection after an AXFR. It also loads secondary zones lazily on startup. ## Brought to You By bcebere, John Belamaric, JINMEI Tatuya, Miek Gieben, Timoses, Yong Tang. ## Noteworthy Changes * plugin/file: close correctly after AXFR (https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/2943) * plugin/file: load secondary zones lazily on startup (https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/2944) * plugin/template: support metadata (https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/2958) * build: Update Caddy to 1.0.1, and update import path (https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/2961) * plugins: set upstream unconditionally (https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/2956) * tls: hardening (https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/2938)