/** * jquery.jsForm.controls * ---------------------- * UI Controls and Field validation * @version 1.3 * @class * @author Niko Berger * @license MIT License GPL */ ;(function( $, window, undefined ){ "use strict"; const JSFORM_INIT_FUNCTIONS = {}; // remember initialization functions const JSFORM_MAP = {}; // remember all forms /** * handlebars extension (+simple date format) */ if(typeof Handlebars !== "undefined") { Handlebars.registerHelper("currency", function(data){ if(!data) return $.jsFormControls.Format.currency(0); return $.jsFormControls.Format.currency(data); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("dec", function(data){ if(!data) return ""; return $.jsFormControls.Format.decimal(data); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("percent", function(data){ if(!data) return "0"; return $.jsFormControls.Format.decimal(data*100); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("date", function(data){ if(!data) return ""; return $.jsFormControls.Format.date(data); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("time", function(data){ if(!data) return ""; return $.jsFormControls.Format.time(data); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("datetime", function(data){ if(!data) return ""; return $.jsFormControls.Format.dateTime(data); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("dateTime", function(data){ if(!data) return ""; return $.jsFormControls.Format.dateTime(data); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("timespan", function(data){ if(!data) return ""; return $.jsFormControls.Format.humanTime(data); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("humanTime", function(data){ if(!data) return ""; return $.jsFormControls.Format.humanTime(data); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("byte", function(data){ if(!data) return ""; return $.jsFormControls.Format.byte(data); }); Handlebars.registerHelper("integer", function(data){ if(!data) return ""; return $.jsFormControls.Format.integer(data); }); } function JsFormControls(element) { this.element = element; // init the dom functionality this._domInit(); } /** * init the dom. This can be called multiple times. * this will also enable "add", "insert" and "delete" for collections * @private */ JsFormControls.prototype._domInit = function() { const location = $(this.element); // validation // check required (this is the first check) location.find("input.mandatory,textarea.mandatory").on("keyup", function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass("mandatory")) { return; } // check for "null" as value as well if($(this).val().length > 0 && $(this).val() !== "null") { $(this).addClass("valid").removeClass("invalid"); } else { $(this).removeClass("valid").addClass("invalid"); } }); location.find("input.mandatory,textarea.mandatory").on("change", function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass("mandatory")) { return; } if($(this).hasClass("object")) { if($(this).data().pojo) { $(this).addClass("valid").removeClass("invalid"); } else { $(this).removeClass("valid").addClass("invalid"); } return; } // check for "null" as value as well if($(this).val().length > 0 && $(this).val() !== "null") { $(this).addClass("valid").removeClass("invalid"); } else { $(this).removeClass("valid").addClass("invalid"); } }).change(); location.find("select.mandatory").change(function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass("mandatory")) { return; } // check for "null" as value as well if($(this).val() !== null && $(this).val() !== "null" && $(this).val().length > 0) { $(this).addClass("valid").removeClass("invalid"); } else { $(this).removeClass("valid").addClass("invalid"); } }).change(); // show datepicker for all inputs location.find("input.date").each(function() { let dateformat = null; const format = $(this).attr("data-format"); const $this = $(this); if(window.flatpickr) { window.flatpickr($this[0], { enableTime: false, allowInput: true, time_24hr: false, dateFormat: i18n.flatpickrDate, onOpen: [function(a,b,inst){ inst.jumpToDate(new Date()); inst.setDate(new Date()); }] }); } else if($this.datepicker) { // get date format if(typeof format !== "undefined") { dateformat = format; } else if(typeof i18n !== "undefined") { dateformat = i18n.jqdate; } // jquery ui if(dateformat) $(this).datepicker({dateFormat: dateformat}); else $(this).datepicker(); } }); // date-time picker location.find("input.dateTime").each(function(){ let dateformat = null; let format = $(this).attr("data-format"); const $this = $(this); if(window.flatpickr) { window.flatpickr($(this)[0], { enableTime: true, time_24hr: true, allowInput: true, dateFormat: i18n.flatpickrDateTime, minuteIncrement: 15, onOpen: [function(a,b,inst){ if($this.val() === '') inst.jumpToDate(new Date()); else { const curDate = $.jsFormControls.Format.asDate($this.val()); inst.jumpToDate(curDate); inst.setDate(curDate, true); } }] }); } else if($this.datetimepicker && $this.hasClass("form-control")) { if(format) { dateformat = format; } else if(typeof i18n !== "undefined") { dateformat = i18n.momentDate; } // convert to group const id = "DTID_" + $(this).attr("name").replace('.', '_'); const group = $('
'); group.attr("id", id); $this.parent().append(group); $this.addClass("datetimepicker-input") .attr("data-target", "#" + id); const addendum = $('
' + '
' + '
'); group.append($this); group.append(addendum); addendum.attr("data-target", "#" + id); // jquery ui if(dateformat) $(this).datetimepicker({format: "DD.MM.YYYY " + " HH:mm"}); else { $(this).datetimepicker(); } } else if($(this).jqxDateTimeInput) { $(this).data().valclass = "jqxDateTimeInput"; const options = { showTimeButton:true }; if($(this).attr("data-width")) { options.width = Number($(this).attr("data-width")); } else { options.width = $(this).width(); } // jqwidget if(format) options.formatString = format; else { // get date format if(typeof i18n !== "undefined") { dateformat = i18n.date; } else if($(document).data().i18n?.date) dateformat = $(document).data().i18n.date; options.formatString = dateformat.shortDateFormat + " HH:mm"; } $(this).jqxDateTimeInput(options); } }); // show time location.find("input.time").each(function(){ if(window.flatpickr) { window.flatpickr($(this)[0], { enableTime: true, noCalendar: true, dateFormat: "H:i", time_24hr: true, minuteIncrement: 15, onOpen: [function(a,b,inst){ if($(inst._input).val() !== '') { const [hour, minutes] = $(inst._input).val().split(':'); $('#flatpickr-time').find('.flatpickr-hour').val(hour); $('#flatpickr-time').find('.flatpickr-minute').val(minutes); } }] }); } else if($(this).clockpicker && $(this).parent().hasClass("clockpicker")) { $(this).attr("type", "text"); $(this).parent().clockpicker({ autoclose: true }); } else if($(this).datetimepicker) { $(this).datetimepicker(); } else if($(this).jqxDateTimeInput) { // jqwidget $(this).jqxDateTimeInput({formatString: 'HH:mm', showTimeButton: true, showDateButton:false}); $(this).data().valclass = "jqxDateTimeInput"; } }); // input validation (number) const numberRegexp = /^[0-9.,-]+$/; location.find("input.number").keyup(function(){ let val = $(this).val(); if($(this).hasClass("currency") && val) val = $.jsFormControls.Format._getNumber(val); if(val.length == 0) { return; } if($(this).hasClass("autoclean")) { $(this).val(val.replace(/[^0-9.,-]/g, "")); } else if(numberRegexp.test(val)) { $(this).addClass("valid").removeClass("invalid"); } else { $(this).removeClass("valid").addClass("invalid"); } }).keyup(); // currency formatting (add decimal) location.find("input.currency").each(function(){ $(this).on("change blur", function(){ const val = $(this).val(); if(val.length > 0) { $(this).val($.jsFormControls.Format.currency($.jsFormControls.Format._getNumber(val))); } }); $(this).focus(function(){ const val = $(this).val(); if(val.length > 0) { $(this).val($.jsFormControls.Format._getNumber(val)); } $(this).select(); }); }); location.find("input.percent").change(function(){ const cval = $(this).val(); if(cval.length > 0) { $(this).val($.jsFormControls.Format.decimal($.jsFormControls.Format._getNumber(cval))); } $(this).focus(function(){ const val = $(this).val(); if(val.length > 0) { $(this).val($.jsFormControls.Format._getNumber(val)); } $(this).select(); }); }); // decimal formatting (add decimal) location.find("input.decimal").change(function(){ const val = $(this).val(); if(val.length > 0) { $(this).val($.jsFormControls.Format.decimal($.jsFormControls.Format._getNumber(val))); } }); // variable unit location.find("input.vunit").change(function(){ let val = $(this).val(); if(val.length > 0) { // save the actual data val = $.jsFormControls.Format._getNumber(val); $(this).data().val = val; $(this).val($.jsFormControls.Format.vunit(val, $(this).attr("data-unit"))); } }); const integerRegexp = /\D+$/; location.find("input.integer").keyup(function(){ const val = $(this).val(); if(val.length == 0) return; if($(this).hasClass("autoclean")) { $(this).val(val.replace(/\d/g, "")); } else if(integerRegexp.test($(this).val())) { $(this).addClass("valid").removeClass("invalid"); } else { $(this).removeClass("valid").addClass("invalid"); } }).keyup(); // regular expression location.find("input.regexp").each(function(){ $(this).keyup(function(){ if($(this).hasClass("autoclean")) { $(this).data("regexp", new RegExp($(this).attr("data-regexp"), 'g')); } else { $(this).data("regexp", new RegExp($(this).attr("data-regexp"))); } const val = $(this).val(); if(val.length > 0) { const regexp = $(this).data("regexp"); if($(this).hasClass("autoclean")) { $(this).val(val.replace(regexp, "")); } else if(regexp.test($(this).val())) { $(this).addClass("valid").removeClass("invalid"); } else { $(this).removeClass("valid").addClass("invalid"); } } else if(!$(this).hasClass("mandatory")) { // if not mandatory: nothing is valid $(this).removeClass("invalid").addClass("valid"); } }).keyup(); $(this).change(function(){ $(this).keyup(); }); }); /* mardown wysiwyg */ location.find("textarea.markdownedit").each(function(){ // create div let $text = $(this); let editContainer = $('
'); editContainer.insertBefore($text); editContainer.css('height', $text.css('height')); // if fullEdit = true -> show all otherwise just simple formatting $text.data().editor = new toastui.Editor({ el: editContainer.get(0), toolbarItems: $text.data().fullEdit ? [ ['heading', 'bold', 'italic', 'quote'], ['ul', 'ol', 'task', 'indent', 'outdent'], ['table'] ] : [ ['bold', 'italic', 'quote'], ['ul', 'ol'] ], height: $text.height() + "px", //height: "450px", initialEditType: 'wysiwyg', initialValue: $('#PsychTextArea').val(), hideModeSwitch:true, events: { change: function() { $text.val($text.data().editor.getMarkdown()); $text.change(); } } }); // hide textarea $(this).hide(); $text.on("fill", function(){ console.log("filling", $text.val()); $text.data().editor.setMarkdown($text.val()); }); }); /* rotatestate stontrol */ location.find("input.rotatestate").each(function(){ let states = $(this).attr("data-state-values"); let defaultClass = $(this).attr("data-state-class"); // no need to continue if there are no states if(!states) { return; } try { states = JSON.parse(states); } catch (ex) { // do not need to continue if we cannot parse the states return; } const stateControl = $(""); if($(this).attr("title")) { stateControl.attr("title", $(this).attr("title")); } if($(this).attr("data-state-style")) { stateControl.attr("style", $(this).attr("data-state-style")); } stateControl.data("states", states); stateControl.data("control", this); stateControl.data("activeState", null); $(this).data("control", stateControl); if(defaultClass) { stateControl.addClass(defaultClass); } // click on the control starts rotating stateControl.click(function(){ const cState = $(this).data().activeState; const cStates = $(this).data().states; const control = $(this).data().control; let newState = null; if(cState !== null) { // go to the 'next' state for(let i = 0; i < cStates.length; i++) { if(cStates[i].value === cState.value) { // last element if(i === cStates.length - 1) { newState = cStates[0]; } else { newState = cStates[i+1]; } break; } } } else { // no state yet - set the first entry as state newState = cStates[0]; } $(control).attr("value", newState.value); // trigger change $(control).change(); }); // make sure to update state if the value is changed $(this).change(function(){ const control = $($(this).data().control); const cState = control.data().activeState; const cStates = control.data().states; if(cState !== null) { // remove "old state" control.removeClass(cState['class']); } // add new State const val = $(this).val(); $.each(cStates, function(){ if(this.value === val) { control.data().activeState = this; if(this.title) { control.attr("title", this.title); } control.addClass(this['class']); return false; } }); }); // trigger initial state $(this).change(); $(this).after(stateControl); $(this).hide(); }); }; /** * validate a given form * @return true if the form has no invalid fields, false otherwise */ JsFormControls.prototype.validate = function() { // validation $(".required,.regexp,.date,.mandatory,.number,.validate", this.element).change(); // check for invalid fields return $(".invalid", this.element).length <= 0; }; /** * destroy the jsformcontrols and its resources. * @private */ JsFormControls.prototype.destroy = function( ) { return $(this.element).each(function(){ $(this).removeData('jsFormControls'); }); }; // init and call methods $.fn.jsFormControls = function ( method ) { // Method calling logic if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) { return this.each(function () { if (!$(this).data('jsFormControls')) { $(this).data('jsFormControls', new JsFormControls( this, method )); } }); } else { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); // only one - return directly if(this.length == 1) { const jsFormControls = $(this).data('jsFormControls'); if (!jsFormControls) return; if(method.indexOf("_") !== 0 && jsFormControls[method]) { return jsFormControls[method](...args); } $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.jsFormControls' ); return false; } return this.each(function () { const jsFormControls = $.data(this, 'jsFormControls'); if (!jsFormControls) return; if(method.indexOf("_") !== 0 && jsFormControls[method]) { return jsFormControls[method](...args); } else { $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.jsFormControls' ); return false; } }); } }; /** * global jsForm function for intialization */ $.jsFormControls = function ( name, initFunc ) { let jsForms; // initFunc is a function -> initialize if(typeof initFunc === "function") { // call init if already initialized jsForms = JSFORM_MAP[name]; if(jsForms) { $.each(jsForms, function(){ initFunc(this, $(this.element)); }); } // remember for future initializations JSFORM_INIT_FUNCTIONS[name] = initFunc; } else { // call init if already initialized jsForms = JSFORM_MAP[name]; if(jsForms) { const method = initFunc; const args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 ); $.each(portlets, function(){ this[method](...args); }); } } }; $.jsFormControls.Format = { /** * format a string based on the classes in a dom element. * This will also set a proccessor to "revert" the data */ format: function(ele, cdata) { let $ele = $(ele); if($ele.hasClass("dateTime") || $ele.hasClass("datetime")) { if(isNaN(cdata)) return cdata; return $.jsFormControls.Format.dateTime(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("date")) { if(isNaN(cdata)) return cdata; return $.jsFormControls.Format.date(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("time")) { if(isNaN(cdata)) return cdata; return $.jsFormControls.Format.time(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("currency")) { return $.jsFormControls.Format.currency(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("select")) { if(!cdata) return ""; if(!$ele.data().options || !$ele.data().options[cdata]) return cdata; // use "options" to convert return $ele.data().options[cdata]; } else if($ele.hasClass("bool")) { if(!cdata) return $ele.data().false || ''; return $ele.data().true || (i18n ? i18n.label.yes : 'X'); } else if($ele.hasClass("byte")) { if(isNaN(cdata)) return cdata; return $.jsFormControls.Format.byte(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("decimal")) { $ele.data().processor = $.jsFormControls.Format.getDecimal; return $.jsFormControls.Format.decimal(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("vunit")) { // save the actual data $(this).data().val = cdata; $ele.data().processor = $.jsFormControls.Format.getVunit; return $.jsFormControls.Format.vunit(cdata, $ele.attr("data-unit")); } else if($ele.hasClass("percent")) { $ele.data().processor = $.jsFormControls.Format.getPercent; return $.jsFormControls.Format.percent(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("percentage")) { $ele.data().processor = $.jsFormControls.Format.getPercent; return $.jsFormControls.Format.percent(cdata) + "%"; } else if($ele.hasClass("humantime")) { $ele.data().processor = $.jsFormControls.Format.getHumanTime; return $.jsFormControls.Format.humanTime(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("timespan")) { return $.jsFormControls.Format.timespan(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("phone")) { return $.jsFormControls.Format.phone(cdata); } else if($ele.hasClass("timeday")) { if(!cdata) return cdata; return $.jsFormControls.Format.time(Number(cdata*24*3600000)); } else if($ele.hasClass("humantimeday")) { if(!cdata) return cdata; $ele.data().processor = $.jsFormControls.Format.getHumanTime; return $.jsFormControls.Format.humanTime(Number(cdata*24*3600000)); } return cdata; }, /** * internal function that tries to identify where the value is. * This is necessary to support direct call, jqGrid and slickGrid * @param row * @param cell * @param value * @param columnDef * @param dataContext * @private */ _getValue: function(row, cell, value, _columnDef, _dataContext) { // if value is undefined: this is probably a direct call if(typeof cell === "undefined" && typeof value === "undefined") { return row; } // check for slickGrid: row/cell/value if(!isNaN(row) && typeof cell !== "undefined" && typeof value !== "undefined") { return value; } }, /** * format boolean into an ui-icon * @param value true or false * @returns the ui-icon span */ checkBox: function(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) { value = $.jsFormControls.Format._getValue(row, cell, value, columnDef); if(value) { return ' '; } return ' '; }, /** * take a string and convert it into a number * @private */ _getNumber: function(num) { if (!num) { return null; } // default number format let numberformat = { groupingSeparator: ",", decimalSeparator: "." }; let pre = null, post = null; if(typeof i18n !== "undefined" && i18n.number) { numberformat = i18n.number; if(i18n.currency) { pre = i18n.currency.prefix; post = i18n.currency.suffix; } } else if(typeof $ !== "undefined" && $(document).data().i18n?.number) { numberformat = $(document).data().i18n.number; if($(document).data().i18n.currency) { pre = $(document).data().i18n.currency.prefix; post = $(document).data().i18n.currency.suffix; } } // make sure num is a string num = "" + num; // check for currency pre/postfix if(pre?.length > 0 && num.indexOf(pre) === 0) { num = num.substring(pre.length); } if(post?.length > 0 && num.indexOf(post) > 0) { num = num.substring(0, num.length - post.length); } // get rid of spaces num = num.trim(); // first check: only grouping and 2 positions afterwards const gs = num.indexOf(numberformat.groupingSeparator); // get rid of the grouping seperator (if any exist) if(gs !== -1) { if(gs >= num.length - 3) { if(numberformat.groupingSeparator !== ".") num = num.replaceAll(numberformat.groupingSeparator, "."); } else { num = num.replaceAll(numberformat.groupingSeparator, ""); } } // now convert the decimal seperator into a "real" decimal if(numberformat.decimalSeparator !== '.' && num.indexOf(numberformat.decimalSeparator) !== -1) { num = num.replaceAll(numberformat.decimalSeparator, "."); } // let javascript to the conversion to a number return Number(num); }, /** * @private */ _pad: function(val) { return ((val < 10) ? "0" : "") + val; }, /** * try parsing a string to date using i18n and libraries such as moment or luxon */ asDate: function(value) { const d = $.jsFormControls.Format.asMoment(value); // null if(!d) return null; // luxon if(d.toJSDate) return d.toJSDate(); // moment.js if(d.toDate) return d.toDate; // already date return d; }, /** * use luxon or moment.js to parse a datestring. * this will use: * - predefined i18n formats (strict mode) * - default momentjs (non-strict) * */ asMoment: function(value) { let m = null; const formats = [i18n.date.format + " " + i18n.date.timeFormat, i18n.date.dateTimeFormat, i18n.date.format, i18n.date.longDateFormat, i18n.date.timeFormat, // add common formats: "d.M.y H:m", "d.M.y", "d/M/y H:m", "d/M/y"]; if(value.toFormat) return value; // luxon parsing if(typeof luxon !== "undefined") { if(luxon.DateTime.isDateTime(value)) return value; //console.log("parsing ", value, formats, i18n.date) if(!isNaN(value)) { if(value.getTime) return luxon.DateTime.fromJSDate(value); return luxon.DateTime.fromMillis(value); } if(value.year) return luxon.DateTime.formObject(value); formats.forEach(function(format){ if(m) return false; try { const cur = luxon.DateTime.fromFormat(value, format); if(cur.isValid) { m = cur; return false; } } catch (ex) { // ignore } }); if(!m) { console.log("unable to parse " + value, formats); m = luxon.DateTime.fromISO(value); } return m; } // moment.js parsing if(typeof moment !== "undefined") { for(let i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) formats[i] = moment().toMomentFormatString(formats[i]); $.each(formats, function(){ if(m) return false; const cur = moment(value, this, true); if(cur.isValid()) { m = cur; return false; } }); if(!m) { m = moment(value); } } // try date if(!m) { return new Date(value); } m.toFormat = m.format; return m; }, asNumber: function(value) { return $.jsFormControls.Format._getNumber(value); }, /** * normalize phone number */ phone: function(phoneNumber) { if (!phoneNumber) { return phoneNumber; } // Remove all non-numeric characters except + phoneNumber = phoneNumber.replace(/[^0-9+]/g, ''); // Convert numbers starting with 00 to + if (phoneNumber.startsWith("00")) { phoneNumber = "+" + phoneNumber.slice(2); } // If the number doesn't start with +, it's likely a local number, return as is if (!phoneNumber.startsWith("+")) { return phoneNumber; } // Extract country code let countryCode, remainingNumber; if (phoneNumber.startsWith("+1")) { countryCode = "1"; remainingNumber = phoneNumber.slice(2); } else { const countryCodeLengths = [2, 3]; // European and other international country codes can be 2 or 3 digits long for (let len of countryCodeLengths) { countryCode = phoneNumber.slice(1, len + 1); // Skip the leading + remainingNumber = phoneNumber.slice(len + 1); if (remainingNumber.length > 0) { break; } } } let formattedNumber; if (countryCode === "1") { // Format North American numbers: +1 XXX-XXX-XXXX formattedNumber = remainingNumber.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/, "$1-$2-$3"); } else { // Format other international numbers with spaces every 3 digits (this can be customized) formattedNumber = remainingNumber.replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1 "); } return `+${countryCode} ${formattedNumber.trim()}`; }, /** * convert a number to a byte */ byte: function(bytes) { if (bytes === "" || !bytes || isNaN(bytes)) { return bytes; } const unit = 1024; if (bytes < unit) return bytes + " B"; const exp = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit)); const pre = "KMGTPE".charAt(exp-1) + "B"; return Math.round(bytes*10 / Math.pow(unit, exp))/10 + pre; }, /** * variable unit. this works by prefixing k(kilo) m(mega) g(giga) t(tera) */ vunit: function(value, unit) { if (value === "" || !value || isNaN(value)) { return value; } let neg = value < 0; if(neg) value *= -1; if(value < 1000) { return (neg?'-':'') + $.jsFormControls.Format.decimal(value) + ' ' + unit; } const un = 1000; const exp = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.log(un)); const pre = "kmgtpe".charAt(exp-1) + unit; return (neg?'-':'') + $.jsFormControls.Format.decimal(Math.round(value*100 / Math.pow(un, exp))/100) + ' ' + pre; }, /** * @private */ decimal: function(num) { if (num === "" || !num || isNaN(num)) { return num; } // get number format let numberformat; if(typeof i18n !== "undefined" && i18n.number) { numberformat = i18n.number; } else if(typeof $ !== "undefined" && $(document).data().i18n?.number) { numberformat = $(document).data().i18n.number; } let n = num; const c = (Math.abs(num - Math.floor(num)) > 0.005) ? 2 : 0; const d = numberformat?.decimalSeparator || '.'; const t = numberformat?.groupingSeparator || ','; const i = parseInt(n = Math.abs( + n || 0).toFixed(c), 10) + ""; const il = i.length; const j = il > 3 ? il % 3 : 0; // convert to a nice number for display return (num<0 ? "-" : "") + (j ? i.substring(0, j) + t : "") + i.substring(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : ""); }, /** * @private */ integer: function(num) { if (num === "" || !num || isNaN(num)) { return num; } // default number format let numberformat; if(typeof i18n !== "undefined" && i18n.number) { numberformat = i18n.number; } else if(typeof $ !== "undefined" && $(document).data().i18n?.number) { numberformat = $(document).data().i18n.number; } // convert to a nice number for display let n = num; const t = numberformat?.groupingSeparator || ','; const i = parseInt(n = Math.abs( + n || 0), 10) + ""; const il = i.length; const j = il > 3 ? il % 3 : 0; return (num<0 ? "-" : "") + (j ? i.substring(0, j) + t : "") + i.substring(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t); }, getDecimal: function(val) { if (val === "") { return 0; } return $.jsFormControls.Format.asNumber(val); }, getVunit: function(val) { if (num === "") { return 0; } return Number(val); }, percent: function(num) { if (num === "" || !num || isNaN(num)) { return num; } return $.jsFormControls.Format.decimal(num*100); }, getPercent: function(val) { if (!val || val === "") { return 0; } if(val.indexOf("%") !== -1) val = val.substring(0, val.length-1); const num = $.jsFormControls.Format.getDecimal(val); return Number(num) / 100; }, /** * @private */ currency: function(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) { value = $.jsFormControls.Format._getValue(row, cell, value, columnDef); if(!value) { if(cell) { return " "; } value = 0; } let num = $.jsFormControls.Format.decimal(value); // check for currency let pre = null, post = null; if(typeof i18n !== "undefined") { if(i18n.currency) { pre = i18n.currency.prefix; post = i18n.currency.suffix; } } else if($(document).data().i18n?.number) { if($(document).data().i18n.currency) { pre = $(document).data().i18n.currency.prefix; post = $(document).data().i18n.currency.suffix; } } if(pre) num = pre + num; if(post) num = num + post; return num; }, /** * @private */ dateTime: function(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) { value = $.jsFormControls.Format._getValue(row, cell, value, columnDef); if(!value) { if(cell) { return " "; } return ""; } return (this.date(value) + " " + this.time(value)); }, /** * @private */ date: function(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) { value = $.jsFormControls.Format._getValue(row, cell, value, columnDef); if(!value || value === "") { if(cell) { return " "; } return ""; } if(isNaN(value)) return value; const d = new Date(); d.setTime(value); let year = d.getYear(); if(year < 1900) { year += 1900; } // get date format let dateformat = null; if(typeof i18n !== "undefined") dateformat = i18n.date; else if($(document).data().i18n?.date) dateformat = $(document).data().i18n.date; if($.format) { return $.format.date(d, dateformat.shortDateFormat); } else return this._pad(d.getDate()) + "." + this._pad((d.getMonth()+1)) + "." + this._pad(year); }, /** * @private */ time: function(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) { value = $.jsFormControls.Format._getValue(row, cell, value, columnDef); if(!value || value === "") { if(cell) { return " "; } return ""; } if(isNaN(value)) return value; const d = new Date(); d.setTime(value); let timeFormat = "HH:mm"; if(typeof i18n !== "undefined") { if(i18n.timeFormat) timeFormat = i18n.timeFormat; else if (i18n.date?.timeFormat) timeFormat = i18n.date.timeFormat; } else if($(document).data().i18n && typeof $(document).data().i18n.timeFormat !== "undefined") timeFormat = $(document).data().i18n.timeFormat; if($.format) return $.format.date(d, timeFormat); else return this._pad(d.getHours()) + ":" + this._pad(d.getMinutes()); // + ":" + pad(d.getSeconds()); don't need seconds }, /** * * @param value a string value to format * @param allowms true to allow komma (i.e. 00.00) * @return something in the form of 00:00.00 * @private */ timespan: function(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) { value = $.jsFormControls.Format._getValue(row, cell, value, columnDef); if(!value) value = "0"; const tokens = value.split(":"); let allowkomma = false; // check each token for(let i=0; i 0) { out += h + "h "; // ignore seconds and milliseconds if we have hours s = 0; value = 0; } if (m > 0) { out += m + "m "; // ignore milliseconds value = 0; } if (s > 0) { out += s + "s "; value = 0; } if (value > 0) { out += value + "ms"; } // trim output return out.trim(); }, /** * convert a string with a time in human format back to a long. * This works for any combination of * Xh Xm xs xms * * @param val the value to convert */ getHumanTime: function(val) { if(!val || val === "") return 0; // go through val let result = 0; let num = ""; let tu = ""; let mult = val.charAt(0) === '-' ? -1 : 1; const convert = function(){ if(num === "") { return; } const curNum = Number(num); switch(tu) { case "ms": case "mill": result += curNum; break; case "s": case "secs": result += curNum * 1000; break; case "": case "m": case "min": case "minute": result += curNum * 60000; break; case "h": case "hour": result += curNum * 3600000; break; case "d": case "day": case "days": result += curNum * 24 * 3600000; break; } // reset tu = ""; num = ""; }; for(let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { const c = val.charAt(i); switch(c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if(tu !== "") { // convert the old number convert(); } num += c; break; case 'm': case 'i': case 'n': case 's': case 'h': case 'o': case 'u': case 'r': case 'a': case 'e': case 'c': case 'y': case 'd': tu += c; break; default: // ignore } } // one more convert - just in case we missed something convert(); return result*mult; } }; })( jQuery, window ); /** * @returns the trimmed string */ String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); }; /* check start of a string */ String.prototype.startsWith = function(str) { if((this === null) || (this.length <= 0)) return false; if((str === null) || (str == "null") || (str.length <= 0)) return false; if(this.substr(0, str.length) == str) return true; return false; }; /* check start of a string */ String.prototype.startsWithIgnoreCase = function(str) { if((this === null) || (this.length <= 0)) return false; if((str === null) || (str == "null") || (str.length <= 0)) return false; if(this.substr(0, str.length).toLowerCase() == str.toLowerCase()) return true; return false; }; /* check end of a string */ String.prototype.endsWith = function(str) { if((this === null) || (this.length <= 0)) return false; if((str === null) || (str == "null") || (str.length <= 0) || (str.length > this.length)) return false; if(this.substr(this.length - str.length) == str) return true; return false; };