# Svelte Syntax Highlighting Sublime Text Syntax highlighting for [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/) components. ### Install - Via Package Control: search for `Svelte`. - Manual: clone this repo into your Sublime `Packages` folder. --- ### Supported Scripts ##### TypeScript ```html ``` or ```html ``` ##### CoffeeScript ```html ``` ##### LiveScript ```html ``` ##### Babel ```html ``` ### Supported Styles ##### Sass ```html ``` ##### Sass (SCSS) ```html ``` ##### Less ```html ``` ##### Stylus ```html ``` ##### PostCSS ```html ``` **NOTE:** You still need to install corresponding packages for pre-processors (e.g. SASS, Typescript) to get proper syntax highlighting for them. --- ### Special Thanks Huge thanks to the Vue.js folks for their [Vue Syntax Highlight](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-syntax-highlight/) package from which a _ton_ of solutions for this package came. And, obviously, the biggest thanks to Rich Harris for making something as awesome as [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/). ### License [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)