@ECHO OFF REM -- Redtamarin Windows Environment Setup REM -- This will install the following: REM -- 1) Cygwin REM -- https://cygwin.com/ REM -- 2) Cygwin Packages REM -- bash,bash-completion,mintty,ncurses,which, REM -- nano,wget,hostname,openssh REM -- 3) apt-cyg - Cygwin Package Manager REM -- https://github.com/transcode-open/apt-cyg REM -- 4) Wpkg - Microsoft Windows Packager REM -- http://windowspackager.org/ SETLOCAL REM -- Change to the directory of the executing batch file CD %~dp0 ECHO *** Redtamarin Windows Environment Setup PAUSE REM -- Detect 64-bit or 32-bit system SET WINBIT=32 IF "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "AMD64" ( SET WINBIT=64 ) ELSE IF "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" == "AMD64" ( SET WINBIT=64 ) IF "%WINBIT%" == "64" ( SET CYGWIN_URL=https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe ) ELSE ( SET CYGWIN_URL=https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe ) REM -- Download Cywin setup exe ECHO *** Downloading Cygwin SET TARGET_EXE=%~dp0setup.exe SET DOWNLOAD_CMD="(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile( '%CYGWIN_URL%', '%TARGET_EXE%' )" PowerShell.exe -Command "%DOWNLOAD_CMD%" REM -- Configure our paths REM -- by default we use a US mirror in California REM -- other mirrors can be found https://cygwin.com/mirrors.html SET SITE=http://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/ SET LOCALDIR=%LOCALAPPDATA%/cygwin SET ROOTDIR=C:/cygwin SET APTCYG_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/corsaair/redtamarin/master/extras/cygwin/apt-cyg REM -- These are the cygwin packages we will install SET PACKAGES=bash,bash-completion,mintty,ncurses,which SET PACKAGES=%PACKAGES%,nano,wget,hostname,openssh REM -- Install Cygwin and default packages ECHO *** Installing Cygwin ECHO *** and default packages ECHO *** %PACKAGES% ECHO *** wait for the Cygwin installer to complete setup.exe -q -D -L -d -g -o -s %SITE% -l "%LOCALDIR%" -R "%ROOTDIR%" -C Base -P %PACKAGES% PAUSE ECHO *** Cygwin and packages installed REM -- Install Apt-cyg ECHO *** Downloading and Installing apt-cyg set PATH=%ROOTDIR%/bin;%PATH% %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c 'wget -P /bin %APTCYG_URL%' %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c 'chmod +x /bin/apt-cyg' ECHO *** apt-cyg installed PAUSE REM -- Configure Cygwin ECHO *** to configure Cygwin we need to open another window ECHO *** this will create your home directory for Cygwin ECHO *** in the other window wait for the files to be created ECHO *** then type 'exit' and ENTER to close it PAUSE start cmd.exe /C %ROOTDIR%/Cygwin.bat ECHO *** Cygwin is now configured PAUSE REM -- Install WPKG ECHO *** Downloading and Installing wpkg REM -- even if flagged as 'amd64' this is 32-bit executable REM -- PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive SET WPKG_URL=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/unigw/wpkg/1.0.0/wpkg-1.0.0-amd64.exe %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c 'wget %WPKG_URL%' %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c 'chmod +x wpkg-1.0.0-amd64.exe' ECHO *** follow the wpkg installer instructions wpkg-1.0.0-amd64.exe PAUSE ECHO *** wpkg installed PAUSE ECHO *** Configuring wpkg for cygwin %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c 'cp /cygdrive/c/WPKG/wpkg_static.exe /bin/wpkg.exe' %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c "echo $'' >> ~/.bash_profile" %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c "echo $'# Redtamarin Windows Environment Setup' >> ~/.bash_profile" %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c "echo $'export WPKG_OPTIONS=\'--root c:/cygwin --admindir c:/WPKG/var/lib/wpkg\'' >> ~/.bash_profile" %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c "echo $'' >> ~/.bash_profile" %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c "echo $'' >> ~/.profile" %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c "echo $'# Redtamarin Windows Environment Setup' >> ~/.profile" %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c "echo $'export WPKG_OPTIONS=\'--root c:/cygwin --admindir c:/WPKG/var/lib/wpkg\'' >> ~/.profile" %ROOTDIR%/bin/bash.exe -c "echo $'' >> ~/.profile" ECHO *** wpkg configured for cygwin ECHO *** see WPKG_OPTIONS in ~/.profile and ~/.bash_profile ECHO. ECHO. ECHO *** Redtamarin Windows Environment Setup ECHO *** COMPLETE for Windows %WINBIT%-bit ECHO. ECHO *** Next Step: go in Apps and open a Cygwin Terminal IF "%WINBIT%" == "64" ( ECHO $ wget redtamarin_x.y.z_win64.deb ECHO $ wpkg -i redtamarin_x.y.z_win64.deb ) ELSE ( ECHO $ wget redtamarin_x.y.z_win32.deb ECHO $ wpkg -i redtamarin_x.y.z_win32.deb ) ENDLOCAL PAUSE EXIT /B 0