#! /usr/bin/env python #*****************************************************************************80 def fem1d_heat_explicit ( x_num, x, t, dt, k_fun, rhs_fun, bc_fun, \ element_num, element_node, quad_num, mass, u ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## FEM1D_HEAT_EXPLICIT: finite element method, 1D heat, explicit time steps. # # Discussion: # # This program solves # # dUdT - k * d2UdX2 = f(X,T) # # over the space interval [A,B], with boundary conditions # # U(A,T) = UA(T), # U(B,T) = UB(T), # # and over the time interval [T0,T1], with initial conditions # # U(X,T0) = U0(X) # # and specified functions k(X,T) and f(X,T). # # The code uses the finite element method to approximate the # second derivative in space, and an explicit forward Euler approximation # to the first derivative in time. # # For a test function Vi, we write # # dUdt Vi = k * d2Udx2 * Vi + f(x,t) * Vi # # Int dUdt Vi = Int k * d2Udx2 * Vi + f(x,t) * Vi # = Int - k * dUdx * dVidx + f(x,t) * Vi # # Take the forward Euler approximation to the derivative: # # Int ( U(x,t+dt) - U(x,t) ) / dt * Vi = Int ( - k * dUdx * dVidx + f(x,t) * Vi ) # # Now, assume the finite element projection: # # U(x,t) = sum ( uj * Vj ) # U(x,t+dt) = sum ( u_newj * Vj ) # F(x,t) = sum ( fj * Vj ): # # Then the equation can be rewritten as: # # Sum ( Int ( Vi Vj ) * ( u_newj - uj ) / dt ) = # Sum ( Int ( - k * dVidx dVjdx uj + Vi * Vj * fj ) ) # # and the collection of equations for all the Vi in our basis becomes: # # M * ( dudt ) = ( - K * u + b ) # u_new = u + dt * dudt # # or, symbolically, as: # # u_new = u + dt * inverse ( M ) * ( - K * u + b ) # # Here "M" is the standard finite element mass matrix, "K" is the standard # finite element stiffness matrix, and "b" the standard finite element right # hand side. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 02 February 2012 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # # Parameters: # # Input, integer X_NUM, the number of points to use in the spatial dimension. # # Input, real X(X_NUM), the coordinates of the nodes. # # Input, real T, the current time. # # Input, real DT, the size of the time step. # # Input, real K_FUN(), a function to evaluate the heat conductivity. # # Input, real RHS_FUN(), a function to evaluate the right hand side. # # Input, real BC_FUN(), a function to set the Dirichlet conditions. # # Input, integer ELEMENT_NUM, the number of elements. # # Input, integer ELEMENT_NODE(2,ELEMENT_NUM), the nodes belonging to # each element. # # Input, integer QUAD_NUM, the number of quadrature points to use. # # Input, sparse real MASS(NODE_NUM,NODE_NUM), the mass matrix. # # Input, real U(X_NUM), the solution at time T. # # Output, real U_NEW(X_NUM), the solution at time T + dT. # from assemble_fem import assemble_fem from fem1d_heat_explicit_cfl import fem1d_heat_explicit_cfl import numpy as np # # Check stability condition. # k_vec = k_fun ( x_num, x, t ) cfl = fem1d_heat_explicit_cfl ( x_num, k_vec, x, dt ) # # Compute the spatial finite element information. # a, b = assemble_fem ( x_num, x, element_num, element_node, \ quad_num, t, k_fun, rhs_fun ) # # The system we wnat to solve is # # MASS * dudt = - A * u + b # # Add "-A*u" to the right hand side; # rhs = - np.dot ( a, u ) for i in range ( 0, x_num ): rhs[i] = rhs[i] + b[i] # # Now solve MASS * dudt = - A * u + b # dudt = np.linalg.solve ( mass, rhs ) # # Set u_new = u + dt * dudt. # u_new = np.zeros ( x_num ) for i in range ( 0, x_num ): u_new[i] = u[i] + dt * dudt[i] # # Impose boundary conditions on u_new. # u_new = bc_fun ( x_num, x, t + dt, u_new ) return u_new