Mon Nov 17 11:29:32 2014 FEM1D_HEAT_EXPLICIT_TEST Python version. Test the FEM1D_HEAT_EXPLICIT library. FEM1D_HEAT_EXPLICIT_TEST01: The time dependent 1D heat equation is Ut - k * Uxx = f(x,t) for space interval A <= X <= B with boundary conditions U(A,t) = UA(t) U(B,t) = UB(t) and time interval T0 <= T <= T1 with initial condition U(X,T0) = U0(X). To compute an approximate solution: the interval [A,B] is replace by a discretized mesh Xi a set of finite element functions PSI(X) are determined, the solution U is written as a weighted sum of the basis functions, the weak form of the differential equation is written, a time grid Tj is imposed, and time derivatives replaced by an explicit forward Euler first difference, The continuous PDE has now been transformed into a set of algebraic equations for the coefficients C(Xi,Tj). Number of X nodes = 21 X interval = [ 0.000000, 1.000000 ] X step size = 0.050000 Number of T steps = 401 T interval = [ 0.000000, 80.000000 ] T step size = 0.200000 Number of elements = 20 Number of quadrature points = 3