Tue Apr 30 21:20:57 2013 KRONROD_TEST PYTHON version. Test the KRONROD library. KRONROD_TEST01 Request KRONROD to compute the Gauss rule of order 3, and the Kronrod extension of order 3+4=7. Compare to exact data. KRONROD returns 3 vectors of length 4 I X WK WG 1 0.960491 0.104656 0.000000 2 0.774597 0.268488 0.555556 3 0.434244 0.401397 0.000000 4 0.000000 0.450917 0.888889 Gauss Abscissas Exact Computed 1 -0.774597 -0.774597 2 0.000000 -0.000000 3 0.774597 0.774597 Gauss Weights Exact Computed 1 0.555556 0.555556 2 0.888889 0.888889 3 0.555556 0.555556 Gauss Kronrod Abscissas Exact Computed 1 -0.960491 -0.960491 2 -0.774597 -0.774597 3 -0.434244 -0.434244 4 0.000000 -0.000000 5 0.434244 0.434244 6 0.774597 0.774597 7 0.960491 0.960491 Gauss Kronrod Weights Exact Computed 1 0.104656 0.104656 2 0.268488 0.268488 3 0.401397 0.401397 4 0.450917 0.450917 5 0.401397 0.401397 6 0.268488 0.268488 7 0.104656 0.104656 KRONROD_TEST02 Request KRONROD to compute the Gauss rule of order 4, and the Kronrod extension of order 4+5=9. KRONROD returns 3 vectors of length 5 I X WK WG 1 0.976560 0.062977 0.000000 2 0.861136 0.170054 0.347855 3 0.640286 0.266798 0.000000 4 0.339981 0.326949 0.652145 5 0.000000 0.346443 0.000000 KRONROD_TEST03 Call Kronrod to estimate the integral of a function. Keep trying until the error is small. Error tolerance satisfied with N = 7 Coarse integral estimate = 1.5644 Fine integral estimate = 1.56441 Error estimate = 1.08086e-05 Actual error = 1.08087e-05 KRONROD_TEST Normal end of execution. Tue Apr 30 21:20:57 2013