Sat Jan 17 22:02:31 2015 NS3DE_TEST Python version Test the NS3DE library. R8VEC_AMAX_TEST R8VEC_AMAX computes the maximum absolute value entry in an R8VEC. Input vector: 0 -5.63163 1 9.12635 2 6.59018 3 1.23391 4 -1.69386 5 -8.67763 6 -4.84844 7 -7.80086 8 -9.12342 9 2.67931 Max Abs = 9.12635 R8VEC_AMAX_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8VEC_AMIN_TEST R8VEC_AMIN computes the minimum absolute entry in an R8VEC. Input vector: 0 -5.63163 1 9.12635 2 6.59018 3 1.23391 4 -1.69386 5 -8.67763 6 -4.84844 7 -7.80086 8 -9.12342 9 2.67931 Min Abs = 1.23391 R8VEC_AMIN_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8VEC_MAX_TEST R8VEC_MAX computes the maximum entry in an R8VEC. Input vector: 0 -5.63163 1 9.12635 2 6.59018 3 1.23391 4 -1.69386 5 -8.67763 6 -4.84844 7 -7.80086 8 -9.12342 9 2.67931 Max = 9.12635 R8VEC_MAX_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8VEC_MIN_TEST R8VEC_MIN computes the minimum entry in an R8VEC. Input vector: 0 -5.63163 1 9.12635 2 6.59018 3 1.23391 4 -1.69386 5 -8.67763 6 -4.84844 7 -7.80086 8 -9.12342 9 2.67931 Min = -9.12342 R8VEC_MIN_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8VEC_PRINT_TEST R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC. Here is an R8VEC: 0 123.456 1 5e-06 2 -1e+06 3 3.14159 R8VEC_PRINT_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8VEC_UNIFORM_AB_TEST R8VEC_UNIFORM_AB computes a random R8VEC. -1 <= X <= 5 Initial seed is 123456789 Random R8VEC: 0 0.31051 1 4.73791 2 3.97706 3 2.37017 4 1.49184 5 -0.603288 6 0.545467 7 -0.340259 8 -0.737026 9 2.80379 R8VEC_UNIFORM_AB_TEST: Normal end of execution. UVWP_ETHIER_TEST Estimate the range of velocity and pressure at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the cube centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1.0, Parameter A = 0.785398 Parameter D = 1.5708 Minimum Maximum U: -2.96676 1.47141 V: -3.10466 1.53906 W: -3.00826 1.36061 P: 0.00587719 5.50593 UVWP_ETHIER_TEST: Normal end of execution. RESID_ETHIER_TEST Sample the Navier-Stokes residuals at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the cube centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1.0, Parameter A = 0.785398 Parameter D = 1.5708 Minimum Maximum Ur: 0 4.44089e-15 Vr: 0 3.55271e-15 Wr: 0 3.55271e-15 Pr: 0 3.33067e-16 RESID_ETHIER_TEST: Normal end of execution. NS3DE_TEST: Normal end of execution. Sat Jan 17 22:02:31 2015