#! /usr/bin/env python # def bashforth_set ( n ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## BASHFORTH_SET sets abscissas and weights for Adams-Bashforth quadrature. # # Discussion: # # Adams-Bashforth quadrature formulas are normally used in solving # ordinary differential equations, and are not really suitable for # general quadrature computations. However, an Adams-Bashforth formula # is equivalent to approximating the integral of F(Y(X)) between X(M) # and X(M+1), using an explicit formula that relies only on known values # of F(Y(X)) at X(M-N+1) through X(M). For this reason, the formulas # have been included here. # # Suppose the unknown function is denoted by Y(X), with derivative # F(Y(X)), and that approximate values of the function are known at a # series of X values, which we write as X(1), X(2), ..., X(M). We write # the value Y(X(1)) as Y(1) and so on. # # Then the solution of the ODE Y'=F(X,Y) at the next point X(M+1) is # computed by: # # Y(M+1) = Y(M) + Integral ( X(M) < X < X(M+1) ) F(Y(X)) dX # = Y(M) + H * Sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) W(I) * F(Y(M+1-I)) approximately. # # In the documentation that follows, we replace F(Y(X)) by F(X). # # The integral: # # Integral ( 0 <= X <= 1 ) F(X) dX. # # The quadrature rule: # # Sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) W(I) * F ( 1 - I ), # # The Adams-Bashforth formulas require equally spaced data. # # Here is how the formula is applied in the case with non-unit spacing: # # Integral ( A <= X <= A+H ) F(X) dX = # H * Sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) W(I) * F ( A - (I-1)*H ), # approximately. # # The reference lists the second coefficient of the order 8 Adams-Bashforth # formula as # w(2) = -1162169.0 / 120960.0 # but this should be # w(2) = -1152169.0 / 120960.0 # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 16 April 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # # Reference: # # Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun, # Handbook of Mathematical Functions, # National Bureau of Standards, 1964. # # Jean Lapidus, John Seinfeld, # Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, # Academic Press, 1971. # # Daniel Zwillinger, editor, # Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, # 30th Edition, # CRC Press, 1996. # # Parameters: # # Input, integer N, the order. # N should be between 1 and 10, or 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20. # # Output, real X(N), the abscissas. # # Output, real W(N), the weights. # W(1) is the weight at X = 0, W(2) the weight at X = -1, # and so on. The weights are rational, and should sum to 1. Some # weights may be negative. # import numpy as np from sys import exit x = np.zeros ( n ) w = np.zeros ( n ) if ( n == 1 ): d = 1.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 1.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 2 ): d = 2.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 3.0, \ - 1.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 3 ): d = 12.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 23.0, \ - 16.0, \ 5.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 4 ): d = 24.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 55.0, \ - 59.0, \ 37.0, \ - 9.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 5 ): d = 720.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 1901.0, \ - 2774.0, \ 2616.0, \ - 1274.0, \ 251.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 6 ): d = 1440.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 4277.0, \ - 7923.0, \ 9982.0, \ - 7298.0, \ 2877.0, \ - 475.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 7 ): d = 60480.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 198721.0, \ - 447288.0, \ 705549.0, \ - 688256.0, \ 407139.0, \ - 134472.0, \ 19087.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 8 ): d = 120960.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 434241.0, \ - 1152169.0, \ 2183877.0, \ - 2664477.0, \ 2102243.0, \ - 1041723.0, \ 295767.0, \ - 36799.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 9 ): d = 3628800.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 14097247.0, \ -43125206.0, \ 95476786.0, \ -139855262.0, \ 137968480.0, \ -91172642.0, \ 38833486.0, \ -9664106.0, \ 1070017.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 10 ): d = 7257600.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 30277247.0, \ -104995189.0, \ 265932680.0, \ -454661776.0, \ 538363838.0, \ -444772162.0, \ 252618224.0, \ -94307320.0, \ 20884811.0, \ -2082753.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 12 ): d = 958003200.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 4527766399.0, \ -19433810163.0, \ 61633227185.0, \ -135579356757.0, \ 214139355366.0, \ -247741639374.0, \ 211103573298.0, \ -131365867290.0, \ 58189107627.0, \ -17410248271.0, \ 3158642445.0, \ -262747265.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 14 ): d = 5230697472000.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 27511554976875.0, \ -140970750679621.0, \ 537247052515662.0, \ -1445313351681906.0, \ 2854429571790805.0, \ -4246767353305755.0, \ 4825671323488452.0, \ -4204551925534524.0, \ 2793869602879077.0, \ -1393306307155755.0, \ 505586141196430.0, \ -126174972681906.0, \ 19382853593787.0, \ -1382741929621.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 16 ): d = 62768369664000.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 362555126427073.0, \ -2161567671248849.0, \ 9622096909515337.0, \ -30607373860520569.0, \ 72558117072259733.0, \ -131963191940828581.0, \ 187463140112902893.0, \ -210020588912321949.0, \ 186087544263596643.0, \ -129930094104237331.0, \ 70724351582843483.0, \ -29417910911251819.0, \ 9038571752734087.0, \ -1934443196892599.0, \ 257650275915823.0, \ -16088129229375.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 18 ): d = 64023737057280000.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 401972381695456831.0, \ -2735437642844079789.0, \ 13930159965811142228.0, \ -51150187791975812900.0, \ 141500575026572531760.0, \ -304188128232928718008.0, \ 518600355541383671092.0, \ -710171024091234303204.0, \ 786600875277595877750.0, \ -706174326992944287370.0, \ 512538584122114046748.0, \ -298477260353977522892.0, \ 137563142659866897224.0, \ -49070094880794267600.0, \ 13071639236569712860.0, \ -2448689255584545196.0, \ 287848942064256339.0, \ -15980174332775873.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 20 ): d = 102181884343418880000.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 691668239157222107697.0, \ -5292843584961252933125.0, \ 30349492858024727686755.0, \ -126346544855927856134295.0, \ 399537307669842150996468.0, \ -991168450545135070835076.0, \ 1971629028083798845750380.0, \ -3191065388846318679544380.0, \ 4241614331208149947151790.0, \ -4654326468801478894406214.0, \ 4222756879776354065593786.0, \ -3161821089800186539248210.0, \ 1943018818982002395655620.0, \ -970350191086531368649620.0, \ 387739787034699092364924.0, \ -121059601023985433003532.0, \ 28462032496476316665705.0, \ -4740335757093710713245.0, \ 498669220956647866875.0, \ -24919383499187492303.0 \ ] ) else: print '' print 'BASHFORTH_SET - Fatal error!' print ' Illegal value of N = %d' % ( n ) print ' Legal values are 1 through 10,' print ' or 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20.' exit ( 'BASHFORTH_SET - Fatal error!' ) for i in range ( 0, n ): w[i] = w[i] / d for i in range ( 0, n ): x[i] = - float ( i ) return x, w def bashforth_set_test ( ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## BASHFORTH_SET_TEST tests BASHFORTH_SET. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 15 April 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # print '' print 'BASHFORTH_SET_TEST' print ' BASHFORTH_SET sets the abscissas and weights' print ' for an Adams-Bashforth quadrature rule.' print '' print ' Order W X' print '' for n in range ( 1, 11 ): x, w = bashforth_set ( n ) print '' print ' %8d' % ( n ) for i in range ( 0, n ): print ' %12g %12g' % ( w[i], x[i] ) # # Terminate. # print '' print 'BASHFORTH_SET_TEST:' print ' Normal end of execution.' return if ( __name__ == '__main__' ): from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) bashforth_set_test ( ) timestamp ( )