#! /usr/bin/env python # def moulton_set ( n ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## MOULTON_SET sets weights for Adams-Moulton quadrature. # # Discussion: # # Adams-Moulton quadrature formulas are normally used in solving # ordinary differential equations, and are not suitable for general # quadrature computations. However, an Adams-Moulton formula is # equivalent to approximating the integral of F(Y(X)) between X(M) # and X(M+1), using an implicit formula that relies on known values # of F(Y(X)) at X(M-N+1) through X(M), plus the unknown value at X(M+1). # # Suppose the unknown function is denoted by Y(X), with derivative F(Y(X)), # and that approximate values of the function are known at a series of # X values, which we write as X(1), X(2), ..., X(M). We write the value # Y(X(1)) as Y(1) and so on. # # Then the solution of the ODE Y' = F(X,Y) at the next point X(M+1) is # computed by: # # Y(M+1) = Y(M) + Integral ( X(M) < X < X(M+1) ) F(Y(X)) dX # = Y(M) + H * Sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) W(I) * F(Y(M+2-I)) approximately. # # Note that this formula is implicit, since the unknown value Y(M+1) # appears on the right hand side. Hence, in ODE applications, this # equation must be solved via a nonlinear equation solver. For # quadrature problems, where the function to be integrated is known # beforehand, this is not a problem, and the calculation is explicit. # # In the documentation that follows, we replace F(Y(X)) by F(X). # # # The Adams-Moulton formulas require equally spaced data. # # Here is how the formula is applied in the case with non-unit spacing: # # Integral ( A <= X <= A+H ) F(X) dX = # H * Sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) W(I) * F ( A - (I-2)*H ), # approximately. # # The integral: # # Integral ( 0 <= X <= 1 ) F(X) dX # # The quadrature rule: # # Sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) W(I) * F ( 2 - I ) # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 18 April 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # # Reference: # # Milton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun, # Handbook of Mathematical Functions, # National Bureau of Standards, 1964, # page 915 ("Lagrangian Integration Coefficients"). # # Jean Lapidus and John Seinfeld, # Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, # Academic Press, 1971. # # Daniel Zwillinger, editor, # Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, # 30th Edition, # CRC Press, 1996. # # Parameters: # # Input, integer N, the order. # N must be between 1 and 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20. # # Output, real X(N), the abscissas. # # Output, real W(N), the weights. # W(1) is the weight at X = 1, W(2) the weight at X = 0, and so on. # The weights are rational. The weights are not symmetric, and # some weights may be negative. They should sum to 1. # import numpy as np from sys import exit x = np.zeros ( n ) w = np.zeros ( n ) if ( n == 1 ): d = 1.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 1.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 2 ): d = 2.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 1.0, \ 1.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 3 ): d = 12.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 5.0, \ 8.0, \ - 1.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 4 ): d = 24.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 9.0, \ 19.0, \ - 5.0, \ 1.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 5 ): d = 720.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 251.0, \ 646.0, \ - 264.0, \ 106.0, \ - 19.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 6 ): d = 1440.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 475.0, \ 1427.0, \ - 798.0, \ 482.0, \ - 173.0, \ 27.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 7 ): d = 60480.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 19087.0, \ 65112.0, \ - 46461.0, \ 37504.0, \ - 20211.0, \ 6312.0, \ - 863.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 8 ): d = 120960.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 36799.0, \ 139849.0, \ - 121797.0, \ 123133.0, \ - 88547.0, \ 41499.0, \ - 11351.0, \ 1375.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 9 ): d = 3628800.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 1070017.0, \ 4467094.0, \ - 4604594.0, \ 5595358.0, \ - 5033120.0, \ 3146338.0, \ - 1291214.0, \ 312874.0, \ - 33953.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 10 ): d = 7257600.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 2082753.0, \ 9449717.0, \ - 11271304.0, \ 16002320.0, \ - 17283646.0, \ 13510082.0, \ - 7394032.0, \ 2687864.0, \ - 583435.0, \ 57281.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 12 ): d = 958003200.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 262747265.0, \ 1374799219.0, \ -2092490673.0, \ 3828828885.0, \ -5519460582.0, \ 6043521486.0, \ -4963166514.0, \ 3007739418.0, \ -1305971115.0, \ 384709327.0, \ -68928781.0, \ 5675265.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 14 ): d = 5230697472000.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 1382741929621.0, \ 8153167962181.0, \ -15141235084110.0, \ 33928990133618.0, \ -61188680131285.0, \ 86180228689563.0, \ -94393338653892.0, \ 80101021029180.0, \ -52177910882661.0, \ 25620259777835.0, \ -9181635605134.0, \ 2268078814386.0, \ -345457086395.0, \ 24466579093.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 16 ): d = 62768369664000.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 16088129229375.0, \ 105145058757073.0, \ -230992163723849.0, \ 612744541065337.0, \ -1326978663058069.0, \ 2285168598349733.0, \ -3129453071993581.0, \ 3414941728852893.0, \ -2966365730265699.0, \ 2039345879546643.0, \ -1096355235402331.0, \ 451403108933483.0, \ -137515713789319.0, \ 29219384284087.0, \ -3867689367599.0, \ 240208245823.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 18 ): d = 64023737057280000.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 15980174332775873.0, \ 114329243705491117.0, \ -290470969929371220.0, \ 890337710266029860.0, \ -2250854333681641520.0, \ 4582441343348851896.0, \ -7532171919277411636.0, \ 10047287575124288740.0, \ -10910555637627652470.0, \ 9644799218032932490.0, \ -6913858539337636636.0, \ 3985516155854664396.0, \ -1821304040326216520.0, \ 645008976643217360.0, \ -170761422500096220.0, \ 31816981024600492.0, \ -3722582669836627.0, \ 205804074290625.0 \ ] ) elif ( n == 20 ): d = 102181884343418880000.0 w = np.array ( [ \ 24919383499187492303.0, \ 193280569173472261637.0, \ -558160720115629395555.0, \ 1941395668950986461335.0, \ -5612131802364455926260.0, \ 13187185898439270330756.0, \ -25293146116627869170796.0, \ 39878419226784442421820.0, \ -51970649453670274135470.0, \ 56154678684618739939910.0, \ -50320851025594566473146.0, \ 37297227252822858381906.0, \ -22726350407538133839300.0, \ 11268210124987992327060.0, \ -4474886658024166985340.0, \ 1389665263296211699212.0, \ -325187970422032795497.0, \ 53935307402575440285.0, \ -5652892248087175675.0, \ 281550972898020815.0 \ ] ) else: print '' print 'MOULTON_SET - Fatal error!' print ' Illegal value of N = %d' % ( n ) print ' Legal values are 1 through 10,' print ' or 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20.' exit ( 'MOULTON_SET - Fatal error!' ) for i in range ( 0, n ): w[i] = w[i] / d for i in range ( 0, n ): x[i] = float ( 1 - i ) return x, w def moulton_set_test ( ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## MOULTON_SET_TEST tests MOULTON_SET. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 18 April 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # print '' print 'MOULTON_SET_TEST' print ' MOULTON_SET sets the abscissas and weights' print ' for an Adams-Moulton quadrature rule.' print '' print ' Order W X' print '' for n in range ( 1, 11 ): x, w = moulton_set ( n ) print '' print ' %8d' % ( n ) for i in range ( 0, n ): print ' %12g %12g' % ( w[i], x[i] ) # # Terminate. # print '' print 'MOULTON_SET_TEST:' print ' Normal end of execution.' return if ( __name__ == '__main__' ): from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) moulton_set_test ( ) timestamp ( )