#!/usr/bin/env python """Translation of fortran 77 rkf45 to python via matlab """ from numpy import * from sys import exit def r8_rkf45 ( f, neqn, y, yp, t, tout, relerr, abserr, flag ): """ y, yp, t, flag = r8_rkf45 ( f, neqn, y, yp, t, tout, relerr, abserr, flag ) #******************************************** # ## R8_RKF45 carries out the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method (double precision). # # Discussion: # # This routine is primarily designed to solve non-stiff and mildly stiff # differential equations when derivative evaluations are inexpensive. # It should generally not be used when the user is demanding # high accuracy. # # This function integrates a system of NEQN first-order ordinary differential # equations of the form: # # dY(i)/dT = F(T,Y(1),Y(2), ... ,Y(NEQN)) # # where the Y(1:NEQN) are given at T. # Typically the subroutine is used to integrate from T to TOUT but it # can be used as a one-step integrator to advance the solution a # single step in the direction of TOUT. On return, the parameters in # the call list are set for continuing the integration. The user has # only to call again (and perhaps define a new value for TOUT). # # Before the first call, the user must # # * supply the function F(T,Y) to evaluate the right hand side YP; # # * initialize the parameters: # NEQN, Y(1:NEQN), T, TOUT, RELERR, ABSERR, FLAG. # In particular, T should initially be the starting point for integration, # Y should be the value of the initial conditions, and FLAG should # normally be +1. # # Normally, the user only sets the value of FLAG before the first call, and # thereafter, the program manages the value. On the first call, FLAG should # normally be +1 (or -1 for single step mode.) On normal return, FLAG will # have been reset by the program to the value of 2 (or -2 in single # step mode), and the user can continue to call the routine with that # value of FLAG. # # (When the input magnitude of FLAG is 1, this indicates to the program # that it is necessary to do some initialization work. An input magnitude # of 2 lets the program know that that initialization can be skipped, # and that useful information was computed earlier.) # # The function returns with all the information needed to continue # the integration. If the integration reached TOUT, the user need only # define a new TOUT and call again. In the one-step integrator # mode, returning with FLAG = -2, the user must keep in mind that # each step taken is in the direction of the current TOUT. Upon # reaching TOUT, indicated by the output value of FLAG switching to 2, # the user must define a new TOUT and reset FLAG to -2 to continue # in the one-step integrator mode. # # In some cases, an error or difficulty occurs during a call. In that case, # the output value of FLAG is used to indicate that there is a problem # that the user must address. These values include: # # * 3, integration was not completed because the input value of RELERR, the # relative error tolerance, was too small. RELERR has been increased # appropriately for continuing. If the user accepts the output value of # RELERR, then simply reset FLAG to 2 and continue. # # * 4, integration was not completed because more than MAXNFE derivative # evaluations were needed. This is approximately (MAXNFE/6) steps. # The user may continue by simply calling again. The function counter # will be reset to 0, and another MAXNFE function evaluations are allowed. # # * 5, integration was not completed because the solution vanished, # making a pure relative error test impossible. The user must use # a non-zero ABSERR to continue. Using the one-step integration mode # for one step is a good way to proceed. # # * 6, integration was not completed because the requested accuracy # could not be achieved, even using the smallest allowable stepsize. # The user must increase the error tolerances ABSERR or RELERR before # continuing. It is also necessary to reset FLAG to 2 (or -2 when # the one-step integration mode is being used). The occurrence of # FLAG = 6 indicates a trouble spot. The solution is changing # rapidly, or a singularity may be present. It often is inadvisable # to continue. # # * 7, it is likely that this routine is inefficient for solving # this problem. Too much output is restricting the natural stepsize # choice. The user should use the one-step integration mode with # the stepsize determined by the code. If the user insists upon # continuing the integration, reset FLAG to 2 before calling # again. Otherwise, execution will be terminated. # # * 8, invalid input parameters, indicates one of the following: # NEQN <= 0; # T = TOUT and |FLAG| /= 1; # RELERR < 0 or ABSERR < 0; # FLAG == 0 or FLAG < -2 or 8 < FLAG. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 05 April 2011 # # Author: # # Original FORTRAN77 version by Herman Watts, Lawrence Shampine. # MATLAB version by John Burkardt and then to Python by Peter Monk # # Reference: # # Erwin Fehlberg, # Low-order Classical Runge-Kutta Formulas with Stepsize Control, # NASA Technical Report R-315, 1969. # # Lawrence Shampine, Herman Watts, S Davenport, # Solving Non-stiff Ordinary Differential Equations - The State of the Art, # SIAM Review, # Volume 18, pages 376-411, 1976. # # Parameters: # # Input, function F, a user-supplied function to evaluate the # derivatives dYdT(T), of the form: # def f ( t, y ): # # return(yp) # # Input, integer NEQN, the number of equations to be integrated. # # Input/output, real Y(NEQN), the current solution vector at T. # # Input/output, real YP(NEQN), the current value of the # derivative of the dependent variable. The user should not set or alter # this information% # # Input/output, real T, the current value of the independent # variable. # # Input, real TOUT, the output point at which solution is # desired. TOUT = T is allowed on the first call only, in which case # the routine returns with FLAG = 2 if continuation is possible. # # Input, real RELERR, ABSERR, the relative and absolute # error tolerances for the local error test. At each step the code # requires: # abs ( local error ) <= RELERR * abs ( Y ) + ABSERR # for each component of the local error and the solution vector Y. # RELERR cannot be "too small". If the routine believes RELERR has been # set too small, it will reset RELERR to an acceptable value and return # immediately for user action. # # Input/output, integer FLAG, indicator for status of integration. # On the first call, set FLAG to +1 for normal use, or to -1 for single # step mode. On return, a value of 2 or -2 indicates normal progress, # while any other value indicates a problem that should be addressed. # """ global abserr_save, flag_save, h, init, kflag, kop, nfe, relerr_save try: abserr_save except NameError: abserr_save = -1.0 h = -1.0 flag_save = -1000 init = -1000 kflag = -1000 kop = -1 nfe = -1 relerr_save = -1.0 maxnfe = 3000000 remin = 1.0E-12 # # Check the input parameters. # if ( neqn < 1 ): flag = 8 print 'neqn=',neqn return(y, yp, t, flag) if ( relerr < 0.0 ): flag = 8 print 'relerr=',relerr return(y, yp, t, flag) if ( abserr < 0.0 ): flag = 8 print 'abserr=',abserr return(y, yp, t, flag) if ( flag == 0) or (8 < flag) or ( flag < -2 ): flag = 8 print 'flag=',flag return(y, yp, t, flag) mflag = abs ( flag ) # # Is this a continuation call? # if ( mflag != 1 ): if ( t == tout) and ( kflag != 3 ): flag = 8 print 't=',t,'tout=',tout,'kflag=',kflag return(y, yp, t, flag) if ( mflag == 2 ): if ( kflag == 3 ): flag = flag_save mflag = abs ( flag ) elif ( init == 0 ): flag = flag_save elif ( kflag == 4 ): nfe = 0 elif ( kflag == 5) and (abserr == 0.0 ): print '' print 'R8_RKF45 - Fatal error!' print ' KFLAG = 5 and ABSERR = 0.' error ( 'R8_RKF45 - Fatal error!') elif ( kflag == 6) and (relerr <= relerr_save) and (abserr <= abserr_save ): print '' print 'R8_RKF45 - Fatal error!' print ' KFLAG = 6 and' print ' RELERR <= RELERR_SAVE and' print ' ABSERR <= ABSERR_SAVE' error ( 'R8_RKF45 - Fatal error!') # # FLAG = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8. # else: if ( flag == 3 ): flag = flag_save if ( kflag == 3 ): mflag = abs ( flag ) elif ( flag == 4 ): nfe = 0 flag = flag_save if ( kflag == 3 ): mflag = abs ( flag ) elif ( flag == 5) and ( 0.0 < abserr ): flag = flag_save if ( kflag == 3 ): mflag = abs ( flag ) # # Integration cannot be continued because the user did not respond to # the instructions pertaining to FLAG = 5, 6, 7 or 8. # else: print '' print 'R8_RKF45 - Fatal error!' print ' Integration cannot continue because the user' print ' did not respond to the instructions pertaining' print ' to the output flag warning FLAG = 5, 6, 7 or 8.' error ( 'R8_RKF45 - Fatal error!') # # Save the input value of FLAG. # Set the continuation flag KFLAG for subsequent input checking. # flag_save = flag kflag = 0 # # Save RELERR and ABSERR for checking input on subsequent calls. # relerr_save = relerr abserr_save = abserr # # Restrict the relative error tolerance to be at least # # 2 * EPS + REMIN # # to avoid limiting precision difficulties arising from impossible # accuracy requests. # relerr_min = 2.0 * finfo(double).eps + remin # # Is the relative error tolerance too small? # if ( relerr < relerr_min ): relerr = relerr_min flag = 3 kflag = 3 return(y, yp, t, flag) dt = tout - t # # Initialization: # # Set the initialization completion indicator, INIT; # set the indicator for too many output points, KOP; # evaluate the initial derivatives; # set the counter for function evaluations, NFE; # estimate the starting stepsize. # if ( mflag == 1 ): init = 0 kop = 0 yp = f ( t, y ) nfe = 1 if ( t == tout ): flag = 2 return(y, yp, t, flag) if ( init == 0 ): init = 1 h = abs ( dt ) toln = 0.0; for k in range(0,neqn): tol = relerr * abs ( y[k] ) + abserr if ( 0.0 < tol ): toln = tol ypk = abs ( yp[k] ) if ( tol < ypk * h**5 ): h = ( tol / ypk )**0.2 if ( toln <= 0.0 ): h = 0.0 h = max ( h, 26.0 * finfo(double).eps * max ( abs ( t ), abs ( dt ) ) ); if ( flag < 0 ): flag_save = - 2 else: flag_save = + 2 # # Set the stepsize for integration in the direction from T to TOUT. # if ( dt < 0.0 ): h = - abs ( h ) else: h = + abs ( h ) # # Test to see if too may output points are being requested. # if ( 2.0 * abs ( dt ) <= abs ( h ) ): kop = kop + 1 # # Unnecessary frequency of output. # if ( kop == 2000 ): kop = 0 print 'Unnecessary frequency of output.' flag = 7 return(y, yp, t, flag) # # If we are too close to the output point, then simply extrapolate and return. # if ( abs ( dt ) <= 26.0 * finfo(double).eps * abs ( t ) ): t = tout y = y + dt * yp yp = f ( t, y ) nfe = nfe + 1 flag = 2 print 'too close' return(y, yp, t, flag) # # Initialize the output point indicator. # output = 0 # # To avoid premature underflow in the error tolerance function, # scale the error tolerances. # scale = 2.0 / relerr ae = scale * abserr # # Step by step integration. # while ( 1 ): hfaild = 0 # # Set the smallest allowable stepsize. # hmin = 26.0 * finfo(double).eps * abs ( t ) # # Adjust the stepsize if necessary to hit the output point. # # Look ahead two steps to avoid drastic changes in the stepsize and # thus lessen the impact of output points on the code. # dt = tout - t if ( 2.0 * abs ( h ) > abs ( dt ) ): # # Will the next successful step complete the integration to the output point? # if ( abs ( dt ) <= abs ( h ) ): output = 1 h = dt else: h = 0.5 * dt # # Here begins the core integrator for taking a single step. # # The tolerances have been scaled to avoid premature underflow in # computing the error tolerance function ET. # To avoid problems with zero crossings, relative error is measured # using the average of the magnitudes of the solution at the # beginning and end of a step. # The error estimate formula has been grouped to control loss of # significance. # # To distinguish the various arguments, H is not permitted # to become smaller than 26 units of roundoff in T. # Practical limits on the change in the stepsize are enforced to # smooth the stepsize selection process and to avoid excessive # chattering on problems having discontinuities. # To prevent unnecessary failures, the code uses 9/10 the stepsize # it estimates will succeed. # # After a step failure, the stepsize is not allowed to increase for # the next attempted step. This makes the code more efficient on # problems having discontinuities and more effective in general # since local extrapolation is being used and extra caution seems # warranted. # # Test the number of derivative function evaluations. # If okay, try to advance the integration from T to T+H. # while ( 1 ): # # Have we done too much work? # if ( maxnfe < nfe ): flag = 4 kflag = 4 return(y, yp, t, flag) # # Advance an approximate solution over one step of length H. # f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6 = r8_fehl( f, neqn, y, t, h, yp ) f1 = f6.copy() nfe = nfe + 5 # # Compute and test allowable tolerances versus local error estimates # and remove scaling of tolerances. The relative error is # measured with respect to the average of the magnitudes of the # solution at the beginning and end of the step. # eeoet = 0.0 for k in range(0,neqn): et = abs ( y[k] ) + abs ( f1[k] ) + ae if ( et <= 0.0 ): flag = 5 return(y, yp, t, flag) ee = abs( ( -2090.0 * yp[k] + ( 21970.0 * f3[k] - 15048.0 * f4[k] )) \ + ( 22528.0 * f2[k] - 27360.0 * f5[k] ) ) eeoet = max ( eeoet, ee / et ) esttol = abs ( h ) * eeoet * scale / 752400.0 if ( esttol <= 1.0 ): break # # Unsuccessful step. Reduce the stepsize, try again. # The decrease is limited to a factor of 1/10. # hfaild = 1 output = 0 if ( esttol < 59049.0 ): s = 0.9 / esttol**0.2 else: s = 0.1 h = s * h if ( abs ( h ) < hmin ): flag = 6 kflag = 6 return(y, yp, t, flag) # # We exited the loop because we took a successful step. # Store the solution for T+H, and evaluate the derivative there. # t = t + h y = f1.copy() yp = f ( t, y ) nfe = nfe + 1 # # Choose the next stepsize. The increase is limited to a factor of 5. # If the step failed, the next stepsize is not allowed to increase. # if ( 0.0001889568 < esttol ): s = 0.9 / esttol**0.2 else: s = 5.0 if ( hfaild ): s = min ( s, 1.0 ) if ( h < 0.0 ): h = - max ( s * abs ( h ), hmin ) else: h = + max ( s * abs ( h ), hmin ) # # End of core integrator # # Should we take another step? # if ( output ): t = tout flag = 2 return(y, yp, t, flag) if ( flag <= 0 ): break # # One step integration mode. # flag = - 2 return(y, yp, t, flag) def r8_fehl ( f, neqn, y, t, h, yp ): """ #*****************************************************************************80 # ## R8_FEHL takes one Fehlberg fourth-fifth order step. # # Discussion: # # This routine integrates a system of NEQN first order ordinary differential # equations of the form # dY(i)/dT = F(T,Y(1:NEQN)) # where the initial values Y and the initial derivatives # YP are specified at the starting point T. # # The routine advances the solution over the fixed step H and returns # the fifth order (sixth order accurate locally) solution # approximation at T+H in array S. # # The formulas have been grouped to control loss of significance. # The routine should be called with an H not smaller than 13 units of # roundoff in T so that the various independent arguments can be # distinguished. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 30 August 2010 # # Author: # # Original FORTRAN77 version by Herman Watts, Lawrence Shampine. # MATLAB version by John Burkardt. # # Reference: # # Erwin Fehlberg, # Low-order Classical Runge-Kutta Formulas with Stepsize Control, # NASA Technical Report R-315, 1969. # # Lawrence Shampine, Herman Watts, S Davenport, # Solving Non-stiff Ordinary Differential Equations - The State of the Art, # SIAM Review, # Volume 18, pages 376-411, 1976. # # Parameters: # # Input, function F, a user-supplied function to evaluate the # derivatives dYdT, of the form: # # function yp = f ( t, y ) # # Input, integer NEQN, the number of equations to be integrated. # # Input, real Y(NEQN), the current value of the # dependent variable. # # Input, real T, the current value of the independent # variable. # # Input, real H, the step size to take. # # Input, real YP(NEQN), the current value of the # derivative of the dependent variable. # # Output, real F1(NEQN), F2(NEQN), F3(NEQN), F4(NEQN), # F5(NEQN), derivative values needed for the computation. # # Output, real S(NEQN), the estimate of the solution at T+H. # """ ch = h / 4.0 f5 = y + ch * yp f1 = f ( t + ch, f5 ) ch = 3.0 * h / 32.0 f5 = y + ch * ( yp + 3.0 * f1 ) f2 = f ( t + 3.0 * h / 8.0, f5 ) ch = h / 2197.0 f5 = y + ch * ( 1932.0 * yp + ( 7296.0 * f2 - 7200.0 * f1 ) ) f3 = f ( t + 12.0 * h / 13.0, f5 ) ch = h / 4104.0 f5 = y + ch * (( 8341.0 * yp - 845.0 * f3) + ( 29440.0 * f2 - 32832.0 * f1 ) ) f4 = f ( t + h, f5 ) ch = h / 20520.0 f1 = y + ch * ( ( -6080.0 * yp + ( 9295.0 * f3 - 5643.0 * f4 ) ) + \ ( 41040.0 * f1 - 28352.0 * f2 ) ) f5 = f ( t + h / 2.0, f1 ) # # Ready to compute the approximate solution at T+H. # ch = h / 7618050.0 s = y + ch * ( ( 902880.0 * yp + ( 3855735.0 * f3 - 1371249.0 * f4 ) ) \ + ( 3953664.0 * f2 + 277020.0 * f5 ) ) return(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, s) def error(string): """ Simple error handling """ print string exit('Fatal error')