Fri Apr 10 22:31:34 2015 SQUARE_GRID_TEST Python version: Test the SQUARE_GRID library. R82COL_PRINT_PART_TEST R82COL_PRINT_PART prints an R82COL. Output with MAX_PRINT = 2 0 11.000000 12.000000 1 21.000000 22.000000 ...more entries... Output with MAX_PRINT = 5 0 11.000000 12.000000 1 21.000000 22.000000 2 31.000000 32.000000 .... .............. .............. 9 101.000000 102.000000 Output with MAX_PRINT = 25 0 11.000000 12.000000 1 21.000000 22.000000 2 31.000000 32.000000 3 41.000000 42.000000 4 51.000000 52.000000 5 61.000000 62.000000 6 71.000000 72.000000 7 81.000000 82.000000 8 91.000000 92.000000 9 101.000000 102.000000 R82COL_PRINT_PART_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8MAT_PRINT_TEST R8MAT_PRINT prints an R8MAT. Here is an R8MAT: Col: 0 1 2 3 4 Row 0 : 11 12 13 14 15 1 : 21 22 23 24 25 2 : 31 32 33 34 35 3 : 41 42 43 44 45 Col: 5 Row 0 : 16 1 : 26 2 : 36 3 : 46 R8MAT_PRINT_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8MAT_PRINT_SOME_TEST R8MAT_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8MAT. Here is an R8MAT: Col: 3 4 5 Row 0 : 14 15 16 1 : 24 25 26 2 : 34 35 36 R8MAT_PRINT_SOME_TEST: Normal end of execution. R8MAT_WRITE_TEST: Test R8MAT_WRITE, which writes an R8MAT to a file. Created file "r8mat_write_test.txt". R8MAT_WRITE_TEST: Normal end of execution. TIMESTAMP_TEST: Python version: TIMESTAMP prints a timestamp of the current date and time. Fri Apr 10 22:31:34 2015 TIMESTAMP_TEST: Normal end of execution. SQUARE_GRID_DISPLAY_TEST: SQUARE_GRID_DISPLAY displays a grid of points in a quadrilateral. Graphics data saved in file "square_grid_display.png" SQUARE_GRID_DISPLAY_TEST: Normal end of execution. SQUARE_GRID_COUNT_TEST: SQUARE_GRID_COUNT can count the points in a grid over a quadrilateral with NS(I) grid points in the I-th direction. NS NG -------------- ( 1, 1 ) 4 ( 1, 2 ) 6 ( 1, 3 ) 8 ( 1, 5 ) 12 ( 2, 1 ) 6 ( 2, 2 ) 9 ( 2, 3 ) 12 ( 2, 5 ) 18 ( 4, 1 ) 10 ( 4, 2 ) 15 ( 4, 3 ) 20 ( 4, 5 ) 30 ( 8, 1 ) 18 ( 8, 2 ) 27 ( 8, 3 ) 36 ( 8, 5 ) 54 SQUARE_GRID_COUNT_TEST: Normal end of execution. TRIANGLE_GRID_POINTS_TEST: TRIANGLE_GRID_POINTS defines a triangular grid with M*N points on a side, based on a quadrilateral. Input value of M is 10 Input value of N is 8 Number of grid points will be 99 Quadrilateral vertices: Col: 0 1 Row 0 : 0 1 1 : 3 2 2 : 4 5 3 : 1 3 Part of the grid point array: 0 0.000000 1.000000 1 0.300000 1.100000 2 0.600000 1.200000 3 0.900000 1.300000 4 1.200000 1.400000 5 1.500000 1.500000 6 1.800000 1.600000 7 2.100000 1.700000 8 2.400000 1.800000 9 2.700000 1.900000 10 3.000000 2.000000 11 0.125000 1.250000 12 0.425000 1.362500 13 0.725000 1.475000 14 1.025000 1.587500 15 1.325000 1.700000 16 1.625000 1.812500 17 1.925000 1.925000 .... .............. .............. 98 4.000000 5.000000 Data written to the file "square_grid_points.xy". Graphics data saved in file "square_grid_points.png" SQUARE_GRID_POINTS_TEST: Normal end of execution. SQUARE_GRID_TEST: Normal end of execution. Fri Apr 10 22:31:35 2015