#! /usr/bin/env python # def gray_rank2 ( gray ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## GRAY_RANK2 ranks a Gray code. # # Discussion: # # In contrast to GRAY_RANK, this routine is entirely arithmetical, # and does not require access to bit testing and setting routines. # # # Given the number GRAY, its ranking is the order in which it would be # visited in the Gray code ordering. The Gray code ordering begins # # Rank Gray Gray # (Dec) (Bin) # # 0 0 0000 # 1 1 0001 # 2 3 0011 # 3 2 0010 # 4 6 0110 # 5 7 0111 # 6 5 0101 # 7 4 0100 # 8 12 0110 # etc # # This routine is given a Gray code, and has to return the rank. # # Example: # # Gray Gray Rank # (Dec) (Bin) # # 0 0 0 # 1 1 1 # 2 10 3 # 3 11 2 # 4 100 7 # 5 101 6 # 6 110 4 # 7 111 5 # 8 1000 15 # 9 1001 14 # 10 1010 12 # 11 1011 13 # 12 1100 8 # 13 1101 9 # 14 1110 11 # 15 1111 10 # 16 10000 31 # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 27 May 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # # Parameters: # # Input, integer GRAY, the Gray code to be ranked. # # Output, integer RANK, the rank of GRAY, and the integer whose Gray # code is GRAY. # from sys import exit if ( gray < 0 ): print '' print 'GRAY_RANK2 - Fatal error!' print ' Input value of GRAY < 0.' exit ( 'GRAY_RANK2 - Fatal error!' ) if ( gray == 0 ): rank = 0 return rank # # Find TWO_K, the largest power of 2 less than or equal to GRAY. # k = 0 two_k = 1 while ( 2 * two_k <= gray ): two_k = two_k * 2 k = k + 1 rank = two_k last = 1 gray = gray - two_k while ( 0 < k ): two_k = ( two_k // 2 ) k = k - 1 next = ( two_k <= gray and gray < two_k * 2 ) if ( next ): gray = gray - two_k if ( next != last ): rank = rank + two_k last = 1 else: last = 0 return rank def gray_rank2_test ( ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## GRAY_RANK2_TEST tests GRAY_RANK2. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 27 May 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # from gray_unrank2 import gray_unrank2 print '' print 'GRAY_RANK2_TEST' print ' GRAY_RANK2 ranks a Gray code;' print '' print ' R = RANK' print ' G = GRAY_UNRANK2(RANK)' print ' R2 = GRAY_RANK2(GRAY_UNRANK2(RANK))' print '' print ' R G R2' print '' for rank in range ( 0, 25 ): gray = gray_unrank2 ( rank ) rank2 = gray_rank2 ( gray ) print ' %6d %6d %6d' % ( rank, gray, rank2 ) # # Terminate. # print '' print 'GRAY_RANK2_TEST:' print ' Normal end of execution.' return if ( __name__ == '__main__' ): from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) gray_rank2_test ( ) timestamp ( )