#! /usr/bin/env python # def ksub_to_comp ( ns, ks, bs ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## KSUB_TO_COMP converts a K-subset to a composition. # # Discussion: # # There is a bijection between K subsets and compositions. # # Because we allow a composition to have entries that are 0, we need # to implicitly add 1 to each entry before establishing the bijection. # # Let BS be a KS subset of a set of the integers 1 through NS. # # Then let # NC = NS - KS, # KC = KS + 1, # and define # AC(1) = BS(1) - 1; # AC(2:KC-1) = BS(2:KC-1) - BS(1:KC-2) - 1; # AC(KC) = NS - BS(KS). # # Then AC is a composition of NC into KC parts. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 10 May 2015 # # Parameters: # # Input, integer NS, the size of the set. # # Input, integer KS, the size of the subset. # # Input, integer BS(KS), the entries of the K-subset, in increasing order. # # Output, integer NC, the composition sum. # # Output, integer KC, the number of parts of the composition. # # Output, integer AC(KC), the parts of the composition. # import numpy as np nc = ns - ks kc = ks + 1 ac = np.zeros ( kc ) ac[0] = bs[0] - 1 for i in range ( 1, kc - 1 ): ac[i] = bs[i] - bs[i-1] ac[kc-1] = ns - bs[ks-1] return nc, kc, ac def ksub_to_comp_test ( ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## KSUB_TO_COMP_TEST tests KSUB_TO_COMP. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 10 May 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # from ksub_random2 import ksub_random2 print '' print 'KSUB_TO_COMP_TEST' print ' KSUB_TO_COMP returns the composition corresponding to a K subset.' ns = 14 ks = 4 seed = 123456789 for i in range ( 0, 5 ): print '' bs, seed = ksub_random2 ( ns, ks, seed ) print ' KSUB:', for j in range ( 0, ks ): print ' %2d' % ( bs[j] ), print '' nc, kc, ac = ksub_to_comp ( ns, ks, bs ) print ' COMP:', for j in range ( 0, kc ): print ' %2d' % ( ac[j] ), print '' # # Terminate. # print '' print 'KSUB_TO_COMP_TEST:' print ' Normal end of execution.' return if ( __name__ == '__main__' ): from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) ksub_to_comp_test ( ) timestamp ( )