{ "AS": { "id": "AS", "name": { "en": "Against the Shadow", "es": "Contra la Sombra", "fr": "Contre l'Ombre" }, "context": "standard", "extendsFromSetId": null, "isReleased": true, "imageBaseUrl": { "en": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/en-remaster\/as\/", "es": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/es-remaster\/as\/", "fr": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/DavRupprecht\/meccg-fr\/as\/", "enOriginal": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/en-original\/as\/", "esOriginal": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/es-original\/as\/" }, "cards": { "AS-1": { "id": "AS-1", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Bûrat", "es": "Bûrat", "de": "Bûrat", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Bûrat", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "prowess": "5", "body": "8", "race": "Troll", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any non-Under-deeps Ruins & Lairs", "es": "Cualquier Ruinas y Guaridas que no sea un Lugar de las Profundidades" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of “Bert”.<\/i> May not be included with a starting company. May be played on the same turn Tûma and\/or Wûluag is played. Discard on a body check result of 8. +1 prowess against Dwarves. Tap Bûrat to untap Tûma or Wûluag if at the same site. If Tûma and\/or Wûluag is in his company, Bûrat’s mind is reduced by one.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de “Berto”.<\/i> No puede ser incluido en una compañía inicial. Puede ser jugado en el mismo turno que Tûma y\/o Wûluag. Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8. +1 al poder contra Enanos. Gira a Bûrat para enderezar a Tûma o a Wûluag si se encuentran en el mismo lugar. Si Tûma y\/o Wûluag se encuentran en su compañía, la mente de Bûrat se reduce en uno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Burat.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-2": { "id": "AS-2", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Mauhúr", "es": "Mauhúr", "de": "Mauhúr", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Mauhûr", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "6", "race": "Orc", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Dol Guldur", "es": "Dol Guldur" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Leader. <\/i>Discard on a body check result of 9. +2 direct influence against Orcs and Orc factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Líder. <\/i>Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +2 a su influencia directa contra Orcos y facciones de Orcos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Mauhúr and his lads are in the forest, and they should turn up any time now.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻLas gentes de Mauhúr están en el bosque, y se presentarán en cualquier momento.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Mauhur.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-3": { "id": "AS-3", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Mîonid", "es": "Mîonid", "de": "Mîonid", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Míonid", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "race": "Man", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Variag Camp", "es": "Campamento Variag" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +2 direct influence against any faction playable at Variag Camp.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +2 a su influencia directa contra cualquier facción jugable en el Campamento Variag.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Many of the Wainriders… passed south of Mordor and made alliance with men of Khand and of Near Harad…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Muchos de los Aurigas se encaminaron al sur de Mordor y se aliaron con los hombres de Khand y del Cercano Harad...” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Mionid.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-4": { "id": "AS-4", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Perchen", "es": "Perchen", "de": "Perchen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Perchen", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "3", "race": "Man", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Dunnish Clan-hold", "es": "Fuerte Dunledino" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +3 direct influence against any faction playable at Dunnish Clan-hold.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +3 a su influencia directa contra cualquier facción jugable en el Fuerte Dunlendino.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Dunland and Dunlending are the names that the Rohirrim gave them, because they were swarthy and dark-haired…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Oscuros es el nombre que los Rohirrim les dieron, porque eran cetrinos y de cabellos negros...”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Perchen.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Stephen Schwartz" }, "AS-5": { "id": "AS-5", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Tûma", "es": "Tûma", "de": "Tûma", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Tûma", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "6", "race": "Troll", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any non-Under-deeps Ruins & Lairs", "es": "Cualquier Ruinas y Guaridas que no sea un Lugar de las Profundidades" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of “Tom”.<\/i> May not be included with a starting company. May be played on the same turn Bûrat and\/or Wûluag is played. Discard on a body check result of 8. +1 prowess against Dwarves. Tap Tûma to untap Bûrat or Wûluag if at the same site. If Bûrat and\/or Wûluag is in his company, Tûma’s mind is reduced by one.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de “Tom”.<\/i> No puede ser incluido en una compañía inicial. Puede ser jugado en el mismo turno que Bûrat y\/o Wûluag. Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8. +1 al poder contra Enanos. Gira a Tûma para enderezar a Bûrat o a Wûluag si se encuentran en el mismo lugar. Si Bûrat y\/o Wûluag se encuentran en su compañía, la mente de Tûma se reduce en uno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Tuma.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-6": { "id": "AS-6", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Wûluag", "es": "Wûluag", "de": "Wûluag", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Wûluag", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "race": "Troll", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any non-Under-deeps Ruins & Lairs", "es": "Cualquier Ruinas y Guaridas que no sea un Lugar de las Profundidades" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of “William”.<\/i> May not be included with a starting company. May be played on the same turn Bûrat and\/or Tûma is played. Discard on a body check result of 8. +1 prowess against Dwarves. Tap Wûluag to untap Bûrat or Tûma if at the same site. If Bûrat and\/or Tûma is in his company, Wûluag’s mind is reduced by one.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de “Guille”.<\/i> No puede ser incluido en una compañía inicial. Puede ser jugado en el mismo turno que Bûrat y\/o Tûma. Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8. +1 al poder contra Enanos. Gira a Wûluag para enderezar a Bûrat o a Tûma si se encuentran en el mismo lugar. Si Bûrat y\/o Tûma se encuentran en su compañía, la mente de Wûluag se reduce en uno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Wuluag.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-7": { "id": "AS-7", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Alatar the Hunter", "es": "Alatar el Cazador", "de": "Alatar der Jäger", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Alatar the Hunter", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "6*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{f}{F}", "body": "9", "prowess": "13", "race": "Maia", "subtype": "Creature\/Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Maia" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestation of Alatar. <\/i>Two strikes. Attacker chooses defending characters. Detainment and -3 prowess against hero companies. Discard this card if Alatar<\/i> comes into play. As a creature, may also be played keyed to Andrast, Old Pûkel Gap, Anfalas, Lamedon, Lebennin, Belfalas, or Anórien; or at sites in these regions. As a permanent-event, all Maia attacks: receive +1 prowess and +1 strike and<\/b> attacker chooses defending characters. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestación de Alatar. <\/i>Dos golpes. El atacante elige a los personajes defensores. Retención y -3 al poder contra compañías de héroes. Descarta esta carta si Alatar <\/i>entra en juego.<\/i><\/p>

Como criatura, también puede ser jugado situado en: Andrast, Desfiladero del Viejo Púkel, Anfalas, Lamedon, Lebennin, Belfalas, o Anórien; o en los lugares de dichas regiones.<\/p>

Como suceso permanente, todos los ataques de Maiar reciben +1 al poder y +1 golpe y<\/b> el atacante elige a los personajes objetivo. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AlatartheHunter.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "AS-8": { "id": "AS-8", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Durin’s Folk", "es": "Pueblo de Durin", "de": "Durins Volk", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Durin's Folk", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "5", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{b}", "body": "-", "prowess": "8", "race": "Dwarves", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Dwarves.<\/i> Five strikes. Detainment and -2 prowess against hero companies. May also be played keyed to The Shire.<\/p>", "es": "

Enanos.<\/i> Cinco golpes. Retención y -2 al poder contra compañías de héroes. También pueden ser jugados situados en La Comarca.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Fathers would beg us to take their sons as apprentices, and pay us handsomely, especially in food supplies, which we never bothered to grow or find for ourselves.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los padres nos rogaban que tomásemos a sus hijos como aprendices y nos pagaban bien, sobre todo con provisiones, pues nosotros nunca sembrábamos, ni buscábamos comida.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DurinsFolk.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Daniel Horne" }, "AS-9": { "id": "AS-9", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Dwarven Travelers", "es": "Viajeros Enanos", "de": "Reisende Zwerge", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Dwarven Travelers", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "1*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{b}{R}{B}", "body": "-", "prowess": "8", "race": "Dwarves", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Dwarves.<\/i> Three strikes. Detainment against hero and covert companies. Maia hazard creatures may be keyed to Border-holds [{B}] or Ruins & Lairs [{R}] against any company that has faced Dwarven Travelers<\/i> this turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Enanos.<\/i> Tres golpes. Retención contra compañías de héroes o encubiertas. Las adversidades-criatura Maiar pueden ser situadas en Bastiones Fronterizos [{B}] o en Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}] contra cualquier compañía que se haya enfrentado a los Viajeros Enanos<\/i> este turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘We must away, ere break of day… To find our long-forgotten gold.’” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… a reclamar el oro hace tiempo olvidado, hemos de ir, antes de que el día nazca.ʼ” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DwarvenTravelers.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "AS-10": { "id": "AS-10", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Galadhrim", "es": "Galadhrim", "de": "Galadhrim", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Galadhrim", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "7", "prowess": "11", "race": "Elves", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Elves.<\/i> Three strikes. Detainment and -2 prowess against hero companies. Playable keyed to Lindon, Rhudaur, Wold & Foothills, or Anfalas; or at non-Haven sites in these regions. Each character wounded by Galadhrim<\/i> must discard all items he bears.<\/p>", "es": "

Elfos.<\/i> Tres golpes. Retención y -2 al poder contra compañías de héroes. Pueden ser jugados situados en: Lindon, Rhudaur, Páramo y Colinas, o Anfalas; o en los lugares que no sean Refugios de dichas regiones. Cada personaje herido por los Galadhrim<\/i> debe descartar todos los objetos que lleve consigo.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… they dwell now deep in the woods and far from the northern border.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… ahora moran en las profundidades de los bosques, y lejos de la frontera septentrional.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Galadhrim.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Rebecca Guay" }, "AS-11": { "id": "AS-11", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Gandalf the White Rider", "es": "Gandalf el Jinete Blanco", "de": "Gandalf der weiße Reiter", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Gandalf the White Rider", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "6*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{f}{F}", "body": "9", "prowess": "13", "race": "Maia", "subtype": "Creature\/Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Maia" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestation of Gandalf. <\/i>Two strikes. Detainment and -3 prowess against hero companies. Discard this card if Gandalf<\/i> comes into play. As a creature, may also be played keyed to Arthedain, The Shire, Rhudaur, Lindon, Wold & Foothills, or Anfalas; or at sites in these regions. As a permanent-event, the hazard limit against all overt minion companies is increased by one. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestación de Gandalf. <\/i>Dos golpes. Retención y -3 al poder contra compañías de héroes.<\/p>

Descarta esta carta si Gandalf<\/i> entra en juego.<\/i><\/p>

Como criatura, también puede ser jugado situado en: Arthedain, La Comarca, Rhudaur, Lindon, Páramo y Colinas, o Anfalas; o en los lugares de dichas regiones.<\/p>

Como suceso permanente, el límite de adversidades contra todas las compañías descubiertas de servidores aumenta en uno. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GandalftheWhiteRider.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "AS-12": { "id": "AS-12", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Knights of the Prince", "es": "Caballeros del Príncipe", "de": "Leibgarde des Prinzen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Knights of the Prince", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "4", "marshallingPoints": "3*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "8", "prowess": "10", "race": "Dúnedain", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Dúnedain. <\/i>Four strikes. Detainment against hero companies. Playable at Anfalas, Belfalas, Lamedon, Lebennin, or Anórien; or at sites in these regions. Unless the attack is canceled, all untapped characters in defending company are tapped following this attack.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Dúnedain. <\/i>Cuatro golpes. Retención contra compañías de héroes. Jugable en: Anfalas, Belfalas, Lamedon, Lebennin, o Anórien; o en los lugares de dichas regiones. A menos que el ataque sea cancelado, todos los personajes de la compañía defensora son girados después del ataque.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… tall men and proud with sea-grey eyes.” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… hombres altos y orgullosos, con los ojos grises como el mar.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "KnightsofthePrince.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "AS-13": { "id": "AS-13", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Lady of the Golden Wood", "es": "La Dama del Bosque Dorado", "de": "Herrin des Goldenen Waldes", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Lady of the Golden Wood", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "3*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "10", "prowess": "12", "race": "Elves", "subtype": "Creature\/Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Elf. Manifestation of Galadriel. <\/i>One strike. Detainment against hero companies. As a creature, may be played keyed to Wold & Foothills; or at sites in this region. As a permanent-event, all effects are automatically canceled which allow a minion player to search through or look at any portion of his play deck or discard pile outside of the normal sequence of play. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Elfo. Manifestación de Galadriel. <\/i>Un golpe. Retención contra compañías de héroes.<\/p>

Como criatura, puede ser jugada situada en Páramo y Colinas; o en los lugares de dicha región.<\/p>

Como suceso permanente, anula todos los efectos que permitan a un jugador servidor buscar o mirar en cualquier parte de su mazo de juego o pila de descartes fuera de la secuencia normal de juego. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LadyoftheGoldenWood.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Rebecca Guay" }, "AS-14": { "id": "AS-14", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Lord of the Carrock", "es": "Señor de la Carroca", "de": "Herr des Carrock", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Lord of the Carrock", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "9", "prowess": "16", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature\/Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Man. Manifestation of Beorn. <\/i>One strike. Detainment against hero companies. As a creature, may be played keyed to Anduin Vales, Woodland Realm, Western Mirkwood, Wold & Foothills, High Pass, or Redhorn Gate; or at sites in these regions. As a permanent-event, all influence attempts against Man factions are modified by -2. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Hombre. Manifestación de Beorn. <\/i>Un golpe. Retención contra compañías de héroes.<\/p>

Como criatura, puede ser jugado situado en: Valles del Anduin, Reino del Bosque, Oeste del Bosque Negro, Páramo y Colinas, Paso Alto, o Entrada al Cuerno Rojo; o en los lugares de dichas regiones.<\/p>

Como suceso permanente, todos los intentos de influencia contra facciones de Hombres son modificados con un -2. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LordoftheCarrock.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Stephen Hickman" }, "AS-15": { "id": "AS-15", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Lord of the Haven", "es": "Señor de los Puertos", "de": "Círdan der Schiffsbauer", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Lord of the Haven", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "3*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "9", "prowess": "13", "race": "Elves", "subtype": "Creature\/Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Elf. Manifestation of Círdan. <\/i>One strike. Detainment against hero companies. As a creature, may be played keyed to Lindon or any Coastal Sea [{c}] region; or at sites in these regions. As a short-event, tap up to two target characters in one company at a site in, or moving through, a Coastal Sea [{c}] region.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Elfo. Manifestación de Círdan. <\/i>Un golpe. Retención contra compañías de héroes.<\/p>

Como criatura, puede ser jugado situado en Lindon o cualquier región de Costa [{c}]; o en los lugares de dichas regiones.<\/p>

Como suceso breve, gira hasta dos personajes objetivo en una compañía situada en, o que se esté moviendo a través de, una región de Costa [{c}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LordoftheHaven.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "David A. Cherry" }, "AS-16": { "id": "AS-16", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Master of the House", "es": "Señor de la Casa", "de": "Herr des Hauses", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Master of the House", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "3*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "9", "prowess": "14", "race": "Elves", "subtype": "Creature\/Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Elf. Manifestation of Elrond. <\/i>One strike. Detainment against hero companies. As a creature, may be played keyed to Rhudaur, Arthedain, High Pass, The Shire, or Cardolan; or at sites in these regions. As a permanent-event, each player at the end of each turn may bring one Elf creature from his discard pile to his hand. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Elfo. Manifestación de Elrond. <\/i>Un golpe. Retención contra compañías de héroes. Como criatura, puede ser jugado situado en: Rhudaur, Arthedain, Paso Alto, La Comarca, o Cardolan; o en los lugares de dichas regiones.<\/p>

Como suceso permanente, cada jugador al final de cada turno puede coger una criatura Elfo de su pila de descartes y ponerla en su mano. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "MasteroftheHouse.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "AS-17": { "id": "AS-17", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Pallando the Soul-keeper", "es": "Pallando el Guardián de las Almas", "de": "Pallando der Seelenwächter", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Pallando the Soul-keeper", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "6*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{f}{F}", "body": "9", "prowess": "13", "race": "Maia", "subtype": "Creature\/Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Maia" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestation of Pallando. <\/i>Two strikes. Detainment and -3 prowess against hero companies. Discard this card if Pallando<\/i> comes into play. As a creature, may also be played keyed to Lindon, Númeriador, Arthedain, or Cardolan; or at sites in these regions. As a permanent-event, the next non-Ringwraith minion discarded from play is instead eliminated. Discard when a minion is so eliminated.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestación de Pallando. <\/i>Dos golpes. Retención y -3 al poder contra compañías de héroes. Descarta esta carta si Pallando <\/i>entra en juego.<\/p>

Como criatura, también puede ser jugado situado en: Lindon, Numeriador, Arthedain, o Cardolan; o en los lugares de dichas regiones.<\/p>

Como suceso permanente, el siguiente servidor (que no sea Espectro del Anillo) que sea descartado, en su lugar es eliminado. Descartar cuando un servidor es eliminado de esta manera.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "PallandotheSoulkeeper.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Rebecca Guay" }, "AS-18": { "id": "AS-18", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Radagast the Tamer", "es": "Radagast el Domador", "de": "Radagast der Tierfreund", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Radagast the Tamer", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "6*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{f}{F}", "body": "9", "prowess": "13", "race": "Maia", "subtype": "Creature\/Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Maia" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestation of Radagast. <\/i>Two strikes. Detainment and -3 prowess against hero companies. Discard this card if Radagast<\/i> comes into play. As a creature, may also be played keyed to Southern Mirkwood, Western Mirkwood, Woodland Realm, Heart of Mirkwood, or Rhosgobel. As a permanent-event, all companies moving in Southern Mirkwood, Western Mirkwood, Woodland Realm, and\/or Heart of Mirkwood have their hazard limit increased by one. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestación de Radagast. <\/i>Dos golpes. Retención y -3 al poder contra compañías de héroes. Descarta esta carta si Radagast <\/i>entra en juego.<\/p>

Como criatura, también puede ser jugado situado en: Sur del Bosque Negro, Oeste del Bosque Negro, Corazón del Bosque Negro, Reino del Bosque, o Rhosgobel.<\/p>

Como suceso permanente, aumenta en uno el límite de adversidades de todas las compañías que se muevan por: Sur del Bosque Negro, Oeste del Bosque Negro, Reino del Bosque, y\/o Corazón del Bosque Negro. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "RadagasttheTamer.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Zina Saunders" }, "AS-19": { "id": "AS-19", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Saruman the Wise", "es": "Saruman el Sabio", "de": "Saruman der Weise", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Saruman the Wise", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "6*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{f}{F}", "body": "9", "prowess": "13", "race": "Maia", "subtype": "Creature\/Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Maia" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestation of Saruman. <\/i>Three strikes. Detainment and -3 prowess against hero companies. Discard this card if Saruman<\/i> comes into play. As a creature, may also be played keyed to Gap of Isen, Rohan, Enedhwaith, or Old Pûkel-land; or at sites in these regions. As a permanent-event, all ring items give one additional corruption point. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Maia. Manifestación de Saruman. <\/i>Tres golpes. Retención y -3 al poder contra compañías de héroes.<\/p>

Descarta esta carta si Saruman <\/i>entra en juego.<\/i><\/p>

Como criatura, también puede ser jugado situado en: Desfiladero del Isen, Rohan, Enedhwaith, y Tierra del Viejo Púkel; o en los lugares de dichas regiones.<\/p>

Como suceso permanente, todos los objetos anillos proporcionan un punto de corrupción adicional. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "SarumantheWise.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "AS-20": { "id": "AS-20", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Steward’s Guard", "es": "Guardia del Senescal", "de": "Wächter des Truchsessen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Steward's Guard", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "5", "marshallingPoints": "1*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "-", "prowess": "8", "race": "Dúnedain", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Dúnedain.<\/i> Five strikes. Detainment against hero and covert companies. May be played keyed to Wold & Foothills, Rohan, Anórien, Lebennin, Brown Lands, Dagorlad, Ithilien, or Harondor.<\/p>", "es": "

Dúnedain.<\/i> Cinco golpes. Retención contra compañías de héroes o encubiertas. Pueden ser jugados situados en: Páramo y Colinas, Rohan, Anórien, Lebennin, Tierras Pardas, Dagorlad, Ithilien, o Harondor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘By our valour… the terror of Morgul kept at bay; and thus alone are peace and freedom maintained in the lands behind us, bulwark of the West.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Nuestro valor… ha contenido el terror de Morgul, y solo así han sido aseguradas la paz y la libertad en las tierras que están detrás de nosotros, el baluarte del Oeste.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "StewardsGuard.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "AS-21": { "id": "AS-21", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Stout Men of Gondor", "es": "Valientes Hombres de Gondor", "de": "Standhafte Männer von Gondor", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Stout Men of Gondor", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "6", "marshallingPoints": "1*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "-", "prowess": "7", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Men. <\/i>Six strikes. Detainment against hero and covert companies. May be played keyed to Old Pûkel-land, Old Pûkel Gap, Andrast, Anfalas, Lamedon, Belfalas, Lebennin, Anórien, or Rohan; or at sites in these regions.<\/p>", "es": "

Hombres.<\/i> Seis golpes. Retención contra compañías de héroes o encubiertas. Pueden ser jugados situados en: Tierra del Viejo Púkel, Desfiladero del Viejo Púkel, Andrast, Anfalas, Lamedon, Belfalas, Lebennin, Anórien, o Rohan; o en los lugares de dichas regiones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘But still we fight on, holding all the west shores of Anduin; and those who shelter behind us give us praise…’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Pero continuamos la lucha, defendiendo toda la costa occidental del Anduin, y quienes buscan refugio detrás de nosotros nos alaban.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "StoutMenofGondor.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Ron Walotsky" }, "AS-22": { "id": "AS-22", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Trolls from the Mountains", "es": "Trolls de las Montañas", "de": "Bergtrolle", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Trolls from the Mountains", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{w}", "body": "5", "prowess": "12", "race": "Trolls", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Trolls.<\/i> Three strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Trolls.<\/i> Tres golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘For a couple o’ pins,’ says Troll, and grins…‘ I’ll eat thee too, and gnaw thy shins.’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻUn poco más,ʼ dijo el troll sonriendo, ʻy a ti también te comeré y roeré las tibias. ¡Un bocado de carne fresca me caerá bien! Te clavaré los dientes ahora mismo.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TrollsfromtheMountains.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-23": { "id": "AS-23", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "A Lie in Your Eyes", "es": "Una mentira en tus ojos", "de": "Verräterische Augen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "A Lie in Your Eyes", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an untapped non-Ringwraith, non-Wizard character.<\/i><\/b> Your opponent may either: tap the character, tap an ally the character controls, or choose for you to make a roll. If the result is greater than the character’s mind plus 6, the character is discarded (along with all non-follower cards he controls).<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje enderezado que no sea Espectro del Anillo ni Mago.<\/i><\/b> Tu oponente puede: girar el personaje, girar un aliado que controle el personaje, o elegir que tú hagas una tirada. Si el resultado es superior a la mente del personaje más seis, el personaje es descartado (junto con todas las cartas que controle que no sean seguidores).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘That won’t do… What did you see, and what did you say?’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻEso no basta… ¿Qué es lo que viste, y qué es lo que dijiste?ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ALieinYourEyes.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Zina Saunders" }, "AS-24": { "id": "AS-24", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Alone and Unadvised", "es": "Solo y Sin Consejo", "de": "Allein und ratlos", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Alone and Unadvised", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "4", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption.<\/i> Playable on a non-Wizard, non-Ringwraith character in a company with 3 or fewer characters.<\/i><\/b> Target character makes a corruption check at the end of his movement\/hazard phase for each region he moved through. All of his corruption checks are modified by adding the number of characters in his company. During his organization phase, the character may tap to attempt to remove this card. Make a roll—if the result is greater than 6, discard this card. Discard this card if his company has 4 or more characters. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción.<\/i> Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Mago ni Espectro del Anillo en una compañía con tres o menos personajes.<\/i><\/b> El personaje objetivo hace un chequeo de corrupción al final de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades por cada región por la que se haya movido a través. Todos sus chequeos de corrupción son modificados añadiendo el número de personajes en su compañía. Durante su fase de organización, el personaje puede girarse para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 6, descarta esta carta. Descarta esta carta si su compañía tiene 4 o más personajes. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AloneandUnadvised.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "AS-25": { "id": "AS-25", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Come at Need", "es": "Acudir en Momentos Difíciles", "de": "Komm' zur rechten Zeit", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Come at Need", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable if you have an ally able to be attacked in your hand.<\/i><\/b> When this card is played, place one ally from your hand “off to the side” with it (the ally gives no marshalling points). The ally must be able to be attacked. If an opponent’s company moves to a site where the ally is playable, it faces a single-strike attack (with no type) with the attributes of the ally, except the prowess is increased by 7. The attack is detainment if the ally and the company are both minion or both hero; and this card is discarded afterwards. If defeated, discard this card and place the ally in your opponent’s marshalling point pile—he receives the ally’s marshalling points as kill points. You may return the ally to your hand and discard this card during your organization phase.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable si tienes un aliado que pueda ser atacado en tu mano.<\/i><\/b> Cuando esta carta es jugada, coloca un aliado que esté en tu mano “a un lado” con ella (el aliado no proporciona puntos de victoria). El aliado debe poder ser atacado. Si una compañía de tu oponente se mueve a un lugar donde el aliado es jugable, se enfrenta a un ataque de un golpe (sin tipo) con los atributos del aliado, excepto su poder que aumenta en 7. El ataque es de retención si el aliado y la compañía son ambos servidores o héroes; y esta carta es descartada a continuación. Si es derrotado, descarta esta carta y coloca el aliado en la pila de puntos de victoria de tu oponente—recibe los puntos de victoria del aliado como puntos por muertes. Puedes devolver el aliado a tu mano y descartar esta carta durante tu fase de organización.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ComeatNeed.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "AS-26": { "id": "AS-26", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Early Harvest", "es": "Cosecha temprana", "de": "Frühe Ernte", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Early Harvest", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a faction that is normally playable at a Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}] (except Army of the Dead).<\/i><\/b> Make a roll modified by -1 if the faction is a minion faction. Return the faction to opponent’s hand if the result plus the normal marshalling points the faction gives is greater than 12.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una facción que normalmente sea jugable en un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] (excepto El Ejército de los Muertos).<\/i><\/b> Haz una tirada modificada con un -1 si la facción es de servidores. Devuelve la facción a la mano de tu oponente si el resultado más los puntos de victoria que normalmente otorga la<\/p>

facción es superior a 12.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the vines were laden… and everywhere there was so much corn that at Harvest every barn was stuffed.” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… las viñas estaban llenas… y en todos lados había tanto trigo que al cosecharlo todos los graneros estaban llenos a rebosar.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "EarlyHarvest.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "AS-27": { "id": "AS-27", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Enchanted Stream", "es": "Arroyo Encantado", "de": "Verzauberter Strom", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Enchanted Stream", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a moving company with at least one Wilderness <\/i><\/b>[{w}] in its site path.<\/i><\/b> A ranger in the company can tap to cancel this card before it resolves. The company cannot voluntarily split or move to a new site unless it taps all of its untapped characters to a maximum of two during its organization phase. Discard during any organization phase if the company is at a Haven\/Darkhaven [{DH}].<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo con al menos una Tierra Salvaje <\/i><\/b>[{w}] en su itinerario.<\/i><\/b> Un montaraz en la compañía puede girarse para cancelar esta carta antes de que se resuelva. Durante su fase de organización, la compañía no puede dividirse voluntariamente ni moverse hasta un nuevo lugar a menos que gire todos sus personajes enderezados hasta un máximo de dos. Descartar durante cualquier fase de organización si la compañía se encuentra en un Refugio\/Refugio Oscuro [{DH}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "EnchantedStream.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "AS-28": { "id": "AS-28", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Fealty Under Trial", "es": "Fidelidad Puesta a Prueba", "de": "Rrüfung des Treueeids", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Fealty Under Trial", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a minion in a Darkhaven<\/i><\/b> [{DH}] or Barad-dûr.<\/i><\/b> Make a roll adding the marshalling points (as though they were stored) and corruption points of all items and events played with target minion. All items and storable events played with target minion are then automatically stored (no corruption checks are made). Then, if the result was greater than 15, discard the minion (and all other cards played with him).<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un servidor que se encuentre en un Refugio Oscuro<\/i><\/b> [{DH}] o en Barad-dûr.<\/i><\/b> Haz una tirada y añade los puntos de victoria (como si estuvieran almacenados) y los puntos de corrupción de todos los objetos y sucesos jugados sobre el servidor objetivo. Todos los objetos y sucesos almacenables jugados sobre el servidor son almacenados automáticamente (sin hacer chequeos de corrupción). A continuación, si el resultado fue superior a 15, descarta el servidor (y todas las demás cartas jugadas sobre él).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FealtyUnderTrial.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-29": { "id": "AS-29", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "FEAR! FIRE! FOES!", "es": "¡Peligro! ¡Fuego! ¡Enemigos!", "de": "Furcht! Feuer! Feinde!", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "FEAR! FIRE! FOES!", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Free-hold <\/i><\/b>[{F}] or Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}]. An additional automatic-attack is created at the site this turn: 5 strikes with 8 prowess (detainment, no attack type). Alternatively, playable on a detainment automatic-attack a minion company is facing.<\/i><\/b> The attack becomes normal (not detainment) and has -1 prowess.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Bastión Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}] o un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}]. Se crea un ataque automático adicional en el lugar este turno: 5 golpes de poder 8 (retención, el ataque no tiene tipo).<\/p>

Alternativamente, jugable sobre un ataque automático de retención al que se enfrente una compañía de servidores<\/i><\/b>. El ataque se vuelve normal (no de retención) y tiene un -1 al poder.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The Brandybucks were blowing the Horn-call of Buckland…” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los Brandigamo estaban tocando el cuerno de llamada de Los Gamos…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FEARFIREFOES.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Michael Kucharski" }, "AS-30": { "id": "AS-30", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Full of Froth and Rage", "es": "Rabiosas y Echando Espuma", "de": "Schäumende Raserei", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Full of Froth and Rage", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

All Spider and Animal attacks receive +2 prowess. Discard if a Spider or Animal attack is defeated. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Todos los ataques de Arañas y Animales reciben +2 al poder. Descartar si un ataque de Arañas o Animales es derrotado. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… hairy legs waving, nippers and spinners snapping, eyes popping, full of froth and rage.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… agitando las piernas peludas, chasqueando las pinzas, los ojos desorbitados, rabiosas, echando espuma.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FullofFrothandRage.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "AS-31": { "id": "AS-31", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Near to Hear a Whisper", "es": "Cerca para Escuchar un Susurro", "de": "Unmittelbare Nähe", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Near to Hear a Whisper", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Any agent may attack a company at his site at the start of the site phase if the company chooses not to enter the site. May be revealed on-guard if the company chooses not to enter the site. Discard when any play deck is exhausted. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cualquier agente puede atacar a una compañía que se encuentre en el mismo lugar al principio de la fase de lugares si la compañía decide no entrar en el lugar. Puede ser revelada como una carta en guardia si la compañía elige no entrar en el lugar. Descartar cuando se agote algún mazo de juego. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘He can smell us, perhaps. And he can hear as keen as Elves, I believe. I think he has heard something now: our voices probably.’” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻTal vez pueda olernos. Y tiene un oído tan fino como el de los elfos, dicen. Me parece que ha oído algo ahora: nuestras voces probablemente.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "NeartoHearaWhisper.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "AS-32": { "id": "AS-32", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "One Foe to Breed a War", "es": "Un Enemigo al que Declarar la Guerra", "de": "Es braucht Feinde für einen Krieg", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "One Foe to Breed a War", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a wounded non-Wizard, non-Ringwraith character.<\/i><\/b> The next time target character would otherwise heal, discard this card instead. Attacking player may always assign the first strike of any attack to this character (unless Alatar moves into the company to face a strike). Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje herido que no sea Mago ni Espectro del Anillo.<\/i><\/b> La próxima vez que el personaje objetivo debiera curarse, descarta esta carta en lugar de curarlo. El jugador atacante siempre puede asignar el primer golpe de cualquier ataque sobre este personaje (a menos que Alatar se mueva hasta su compañía para enfrentarse a un golpe). No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Where will wants not, a way opens, so we say… and so I have found for myself.’” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻDonde no falta voluntad, siempre hay un camino, decimos nosotros… y yo mismo he podido comprobarlo.ʼ” <\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OneFoetoBreedaWar.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Stephen Hickman" }, "AS-33": { "id": "AS-33", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Pilfer Anything Unwatched", "es": "Hurtar Algo sin Ser Visto", "de": "Was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Pilfer Anything Unwatched", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an untapped agent.<\/i><\/b> Tap the agent. Make a roll for a character in play of your choice with a home site the same as the agent’s current site. To the roll add 5 if the agent’s current site is also the agent’s home site. If the result is greater than the character’s mind plus 5, the character is returned to his player’s hand (one item may be transferred to another character in the same company). Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un agente enderezado.<\/i><\/b> Gira el agente. Haz una tirada por un personaje en juego que tú elijas cuyo lugar natal sea el mismo que el lugar actual del agente. Añade 5 a la tirada si el lugar actual del agente es también su lugar natal. Si el resultado es superior a la mente del personaje más 5, el personaje es devuelto a la mano de su jugador (uno de sus objetos puede ser transferido a otro personaje en la misma compañía). No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "PilferAnythingUnwatched.jpg", "rarity": "U1", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "AS-34": { "id": "AS-34", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Power Built by Waiting", "es": "Fortalecidos por la Espera", "de": "Geduld ist Macht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Power Built by Waiting", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Tap during a company’s movement\/hazard phase to increase the hazard limit against that company by one. This card does not untap during your untap phase. You may use two against a company’s hazard limit to untap this card.<\/p>", "es": "

Gira esta carta durante la fase de movimiento\/adversidades de una compañía para aumentar su límite de adversidades en uno. Esta carta no se endereza durante tu fase de enderezamiento. Puedes reducir en dos el límite de adversidades contra una compañía para enderezar esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘And perils known and unknown will grow as we go on.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻY a medida que avancemos nos iremos encontrando<\/i><\/p>

con más peligros…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "PowerBuiltbyWaiting.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "AS-35": { "id": "AS-35", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Returned Beyond All Hope", "es": "Regresar Más Allá de Toda Esperanza", "de": "Entgegen aller Hoffnung", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Returned Beyond All Hope", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

As a short-event, bring one hazard creature of the following type from your discard pile to your hand: Maia, Elf, Dwarf, or Dúnedain. Alternatively, as a short-event, bring a Maia permanent-event from active play to your hand. Alternatively, as a permanent-event, make a roll—if the result is greater than 8, bring an eliminated Elf or Maia hazard creature to its owner’s discard pile and<\/b> place this card in your opponent’s marshalling point pile, otherwise, discard this card.<\/p>", "es": "

Como suceso breve, pon en tu mano una adversidad criatura que se encuentre en tu pila de descartes y sea<\/p>

del tipo: Maia, Elfo, Enano, o Dúnedain.<\/p>

Alternativamente, como suceso breve, pon en tu mano un suceso permanente Maia que esté en juego.<\/p>

Alternativamente, como suceso permanente haz una<\/p>

tirada—si el resultado es superior a 8, pon una criatura Elfo o Maia eliminada en la pila de descartes de su propietario y<\/b> coloca esta carta en la pila de puntos de victoria de tu oponente; de lo contrario, descarta esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ReturnedBeyondAllHope.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "AS-36": { "id": "AS-36", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Ride Against the Enemy", "es": "Cabalgar Contra el Enemigo", "de": "Ritt gegen den Feind", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Ride Against the Enemy", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company moving through a Wilderness <\/i><\/b>[{w}] if you have a character in your hand.<\/i><\/b> Reveal the character. A single-strike hazard creature attack is made on the company with the attributes of the revealed character, except the prowess is increased by 7. Other cards have no effect on this attack. The attack is detainment if the revealed character and the company are both minion or both hero. If defeated, place the character in your opponent’s marshalling point pile— he receives the character’s marshalling points as kill points. Otherwise, discard the character.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se mueva a través de una Tierra Salvaje <\/i><\/b>[{w}] si tienes un personaje en la mano.<\/i><\/b> Revela el personaje. La compañía se enfrenta a un ataque de un golpe con los atributos del personaje revelado, con la excepción de que su poder aumenta en 7. Otras cartas no tienen efecto sobre este ataque. El ataque es de retención si el personaje revelado y la compañía son ambos servidores o héroes. Si es derrotado, coloca el personaje en la pila de puntos de victoria de tu oponente, que recibe los puntos de victoria del personaje como puntos por muerte. En caso contrario, descarta el personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "RideAgainsttheEnemy.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "AS-37": { "id": "AS-37", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Short Legs Are Slow", "es": "Las Piernas Cortas Son Lentas", "de": "Kurze Beine sind langsam", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Short Legs Are Slow", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

This card affects companies with at least as many Hobbits as non-Hobbit characters.<\/i><\/b> The number of region cards affected companies can play is reduced by one (normally from four to three). Affected companies cannot use starter movement if region movement is being used in the game. Cannot be duplicated. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Esta carta afecta a las compañías que tengan al menos tantos personajes Hobbits como personajes no Hobbits.<\/i><\/b> El número de cartas de regiones que pueden jugar las compañías afectadas se reduce en uno (normalmente de cuatro a tres). Las compañías afectadas no pueden utilizar el movimiento básico si se está utilizando el movimiento a través de regiones en la partida. No puede ser duplicada. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ShortLegsAreSlow.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "AS-38": { "id": "AS-38", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Slip Treacherously", "es": "Deslizarse Traicioneramente", "de": "Im Stich gelassen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Slip Treacherously", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Tap all untapped items in play. Items effects not requiring tapping apply normally.<\/p>", "es": "

Gira todos los objetos enderezados en juego. Los efectos de objeto que no requieran ser girados se aplican normalmente.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Whether it was an accident, or a last trick of the ring before it took a new master, it was not on his finger.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Fuese un accidente o el último truco del anillo antes de tomar nuevo amo, no lo tenía en el dedo.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SlipTreacherously.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-39": { "id": "AS-39", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Summons from Long Sleep", "es": "Despertar de un Sueño Profundo", "de": "Erweckt aus tiefem Schlaf", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Summons from Long Sleep", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

This card reserves up to one Dragon or Drake hazard creature at a time. To reserve a Dragon or Drake creature, place it face up “off to the side” with this card (not counting against the hazard limit). You may play a reserved creature as though it were in your hand. Discard this card after the reserved creature attacks. A reserved Dragon or Drake receives +2 prowess when attacking.<\/p>", "es": "

Esta carta reserva hasta una adversidad-criatura Dragón o Draque cada vez. Para reservar una<\/p>

criatura Dragón o Draque, colócala boca arriba “a un lado” junto a esta carta (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades). Puedes jugar una criatura reservada como si estuviera en tu mano. Descarta esta carta después de que una criatura reservada ataque. Un Dragón o Draque reservado recibe +2 al poder cuando ataque.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "SummonsfromLongSleep.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "AS-40": { "id": "AS-40", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Trouble on All Borders", "es": "Problemas en Todos los Frentes", "de": "Unruhe an allen Grenzen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Trouble on All Borders", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a unique faction in play.<\/i><\/b> Any company moving through the region containing a site where the faction is playable, or through any region adjacent to this one, faces an attack. The attack is the same type as the faction and has 4 strikes with 8 prowess. The attack is detainment if the company and faction are both minion or both hero. Cannot be duplicated on a given faction. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una facción única en juego.<\/i><\/b> Cualquier compañía que se mueva a través de la región que contiene el lugar donde la facción es jugable, o a través de una región adyacente a dicha región, debe enfrentarse a un ataque. El ataque es del mismo tipo que la facción y tiene 4 golpes de poder 8. El ataque es de retención si la compañía y la facción son ambos servidores o héroes. No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma facción. Descartar cuando se agote un mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TroubleonAllBorders.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "AS-41": { "id": "AS-41", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Turning Hope to Despair", "es": "La Esperanza se Torna Desesperación", "de": "Aus Hoffnung wird Verzweiflung", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Turning Hope to Despair", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company facing a non-detainment attack from: Undead, Nazgûl, or Maia; <\/i><\/b>does not count against the hazard limit.<\/i> If the attack is not defeated, each character in the company makes a roll and adds his mind. If the result is less than 11, the character splits off from the company and forms his own company with the same site path as his original company. The character faces a separate movement\/hazard phase this turn with a hazard limit of one.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se enfrente a un ataque que no sea de retención de: Muertos Vivientes, Nazgûl, o Maia; <\/i><\/b>no cuenta para el límite de adversidades.<\/i> Si el ataque no es derrotado, cada personaje de la compañía hace una tirada y suma su mente. Si el resultado es inferior a 11, el personaje se separa de la compañía y forma su propia compañía con el mismo itinerario que la compañía original. El personaje se enfrenta a una fase de movimiento\/adversidades independiente este turno, con un límite de adversidades de uno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TurningHopetoDespair.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Margaret Organ-Kean" }, "AS-42": { "id": "AS-42", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Unhappy Blows", "es": "Golpes Desgraciados", "de": "Unglückliche Hiebe", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Unhappy Blows", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company containing both Dwarves and Elves, or both Orcs and Trolls.<\/i><\/b> Make a roll and subtract five (seven for Orcs and Trolls). If available, your opponent must choose and return to his hand any number of Elves and Dwarves (or Orcs and Trolls) in the company whose total mind equals or exceeds this result. Items played with these characters are also returned to opponent’s hand. Cannot be duplicated on a given turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que contenga Elfos y Enanos, o bien Orcos y Trolls.<\/i><\/b> Haz una tirada y restar cinco (siete para Orcos y Trolls). Si es posible, tu oponente debe elegir y devolver a su mano cualquier número de Elfos y Enanos (u Orcos y Trolls) en la compañía cuya suma total de mente iguale o supere el resultado. Los objetos que haya jugados sobre dichos personajes también regresan a la mano del oponente. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "UnhappyBlows.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Matthew Innis" }, "AS-43": { "id": "AS-43", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Will Shaken", "es": "Voluntad Debilitada", "de": "Erschütterter Wille", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Will Shaken", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "-2", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

This card cannot be played.<\/i><\/b> If your opponent looks at cards from your hand (due to the use of one of his cards or abilities) and sees Will Shaken<\/i>, place this card in his marshalling point pile. He loses two miscellaneous marshalling points. Your opponent may skip his turn in order to place this card in your discard pile.<\/p>", "es": "

Esta carta no puede ser jugada.<\/i><\/b> Si tu oponente mira las cartas de tu mano (debido al uso de una de sus cartas o habilidades) y ve Voluntad Debilitada<\/i>, coloca esta carta en su pila de puntos de victoria. Tu oponente pierde dos puntos de victoria de la categoría “otros”. Tu oponente puede optar por saltarse su turno para colocar esta carta en tu pila de descartes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“For he knew...the thread upon which his doom now hung.” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Pues ahora conocía… el hilo del que pendía su destino.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WillShaken.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Jeffrey Reitz" }, "AS-44": { "id": "AS-44", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "All the Bells Ringing", "es": "Todas las Campanas al Vuelo", "de": "Alle Glocken läuten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "All the Bells Ringing", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during opponent’s site phase before strikes are assigned on a hero company at a Free-hold <\/i><\/b>[{F}] or Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}] if a minion company attacks. <\/i><\/b>The attack is canceled and the minion company must face all automatic-attacks of the site—which attack normally, not as detainment. Afterwards, the minion company may attack the hero company again.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de lugares de tu oponente antes de asignar los golpes en una compañía de héroes que se encuentre en un Bastión Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}] o un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] si está siendo atacada por una compañía de servidores. <\/i><\/b>El ataque es cancelado y la compañía de servidores debe enfrentarse a todos los ataques automáticos del lugar—que atacan normalmente, no como retención. A continuación, la compañía de servidores puede atacar de nuevo a la compañía de héroes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AlltheBellsRinging.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "AS-45": { "id": "AS-45", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Alliance of Free Peoples", "es": "Alianza de los Pueblos Libres", "de": "Bündnis freier Völker", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Alliance of Free Peoples", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

If at least one hero Dwarf faction, one hero Elf faction, and one hero Man faction is in play, all hero Dwarf factions, hero Elf factions, and hero Man factions give an additional marshalling point. Discard when any hero Dwarf faction, hero Elf faction, or hero Man faction is discarded from play. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Si hay en juego al menos una facción de Enanos de héroes, una facción de Elfos de héroes, y una facción de Hombres de héroes, todas las facciones de héroes de Enanos, Elfos, y Hombres proporcionan un punto de victoria adicional. Descartar cuando cualquier facción de héroes de Enanos, Elfos, u Hombres sea descartada del juego. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘I beheld the last combat on the slopes of orodruin, where Gil-galad died, and Elendil fell, and Narsil broke beneath him; but Sauron himself was overthrown…’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻFui testigo del último combate en las laderas del Orodruin donde murió Gil-Galad y cayó Elendil y Narsil se le quebró bajo el cuerpo, pero Sauron fue derrotado…ʼ” <\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AllianceofFreePeoples.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Stefano Baldo" }, "AS-46": { "id": "AS-46", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Biter and Beater!", "es": "¡Mordedora y Demoledora!", "de": "Beißer und Schläger", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Biter and Beater!", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company facing an Orc attack or in combat with an overt company. Also playable during opponent’s site phase.<\/i><\/b> Every Sword of Gondolin, Orcrist<\/i>, and Glamdring<\/i> in target company give an additional +2 prowess bonus and lower the body of strikes their bearers face by 1.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se enfrente a un ataque de Orcos o que esté en combate contra una compañía descubierta. También jugable durante la fase de lugares del oponente.<\/i><\/b> Cada Espada de Gondolin<\/i>, Orcrist<\/i>, y Glamdring<\/i> en la compañía objetivo reciben un +2 al poder adicional y reducen la resistencia de los golpes a los que se enfrenten sus portadores en 1.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“They knew the sword at once… the goblins called it simply Biter. They hated it…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Reconocieron la espada al momento… los trasgos la llamaban simplemente Mordedora. La odiaban...”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "BiterandBeater.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Daniel Frazier" }, "AS-47": { "id": "AS-47", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Drughu", "es": "Drughu", "de": "Drughu", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Drughu", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a hero company during your organization phase if you discard a ranger character from your hand.<\/i><\/b> All characters in the company this turn receive +2 prowess against attacks keyed to Wilderness [{w}] and<\/b> during combat at Ruins & Lairs [{R}]. Cannot be duplicated on a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía de héroes durante tu fase de organización y si te descartas de un personaje montaraz de tu mano.<\/i><\/b> Todos los personajes en la compañía reciben un +2 al poder este turno contra ataques situados en Tierras Salvajes [{w}] y<\/b> durante combates en Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}]. No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Each company was guided by a wild woodman… the thickets offered to the Riders their last hope of cover before they went into open battle…” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Cada una de las compañías de los Rohirrim llevaba como guía un Hombre Salvaje de los Bosques...” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Drughu.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "April Lee" }, "AS-48": { "id": "AS-48", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Farmer Maggot", "es": "Granjero Maggot", "de": "Bauer Maggot", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Farmer Maggot", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>If one of your companies faces an attack while at a site in The Shire, Arthedain, or Cardolan, you may immediately replace its site card with another site card in The Shire, Arthedain, or Cardolan (from your location deck). If your company takes this option, the attack is canceled and this card is discarded.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Si una de tus compañías se enfrenta a un ataque mientras se encuentra en un lugar de La Comarca, Arthedain, o Cardolan, puedes reemplazar inmediatamente su carta de lugar por otra carta de lugar situada en La Comarca, Arthedain, o Cardolan (de tu mazo de lugares). Si tu compañía elige hacer esto, el ataque es cancelado y esta carta es descartada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Be off!’ I said. ‘There are no Bagginses here… but you can go by the road this time.’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ¡Váyase!ʼ, le ordené, ʻNo hay aquí ningún Bolsón… es mejor que vuelva, pero esta vez por la calzada.ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FarmerMaggot.jpg", "rarity": "R1", "artist": "Lissanne Lake" }, "AS-49": { "id": "AS-49", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Glamour of Surpassing Excellance", "es": "Encanto de Excelencia Incomparable", "de": "Bemerkenswerte Gastfreundschaft", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company at a Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}] or Free-hold <\/i><\/b>[{F}]. Make a roll for each hazard permanent-event on characters in the company. Discard each hazard whose roll is greater than the number normally needed to remove it as printed on the card (ignoring all modifiers and conditions). If no number is given, the permanent-event is discarded if its result is greater than 8. Cannot be included in a Fallen-wizard's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se encuentre en un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] o un Bastión Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}]. Haz una tirada por cada adversidad de suceso permanente que haya sobre los personajes de la compañía. Descarta cada adversidad cuya tirada sea superior al número impreso en la carta que normalmente sea necesario para eliminarla (ignorando todos los modificadores y condiciones). Si no hay ningún número, el suceso permanente es descartado si el resultado es superior a 8. No se puede incluir en un mazo de Mago Renegado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GlamourofSurpassingExcellance.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "AS-50": { "id": "AS-50", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Mount Slain", "es": "Montura Eliminada", "de": "Erschlagenes Reittier", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Mount Slain", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during any player’s turn if a strike against one of your companies from a Ringwraith attack or Nazgûl creature fails. <\/i><\/b>If still in active play following its body check, discard the Ringwraith.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante el turno de cualquier jugador si un golpe contra una de tus compañías procedente de un ataque de un Espectro del Anillo o de una<\/i><\/b><\/p>

criatura Nazgûl falla. <\/i><\/b>Si todavía está en juego después de su chequeo de resistencia, descarta el Espectro del Anillo.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Their horses must have perished, and without them they are crippled.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los caballos tienen que haber muerto, y sin ellos son como impedidos.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "MountSlain.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Zina Saunders" }, "AS-51": { "id": "AS-51", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "No Strangers at this Time", "es": "No Queremos Extranjeros en estos Tiempos", "de": "Keine Fremden in diesen Tagen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "No Strangers at this Time", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the site phase on a Free-hold <\/i><\/b>[{F}] or Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}] if you have played a faction there. <\/i><\/b>This site is never discarded and never untaps for you. All detainment attacks at all versions of this site against minion companies instead attack normally. Against minion companies, each version of this site has an additional automatic-attack: an exact copy including all modifications of the first automatic-attack listed on its card. Cannot be duplicated on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre un Bastión Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}] o un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] si has jugado una facción en el lugar. <\/i><\/b>Este lugar nunca es descartado y nunca se endereza para ti. Todos los ataques de retención en todas las versiones de este lugar contra compañías de servidores atacan de forma normal. Contra compañías de servidores, cada versión de este lugar tiene un ataque automático adicional: una copia exacta, incluyendo todas las modificaciones, del primer ataque automático indicado en su carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "NoStrangersatthisTime.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "AS-52": { "id": "AS-52", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Orc-mail", "es": "Cota de Malla Orca", "de": "Orkkleidung", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Orc-mail", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company containing only Hobbits and\/or Dwarves.<\/i><\/b> Target company may not be attacked by an overt minion company. If an overt minion company at the same site as the target company moves, you may replace the target company’s site card with your copy of the minion company’s new site (if this site is in your location deck or in play) when this new site is revealed. At the start of each of your opponent’s site phases, make a roll. If the result plus the number of minion characters at the same site is greater than 12, discard this card.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que contenga solo Hobbits y\/o Enanos.<\/i><\/b> La compañía objetivo no puede ser atacada por una compañía de servidores descubierta. Si una compañía de servidores descubierta se encuentra en el mismo lugar que la compañía objetivo y se mueve, puedes reemplazar la carta de lugar de la compañía objetivo por tu copia del nuevo lugar de la compañía de servidores (si el lugar está en tu mazo de lugares o en juego) cuando ese nuevo lugar es revelado. Al principio de cada fase de lugares de tu oponente, haz una tirada. Si el resultado más el número de personajes servidores en el mismo lugar es superior a 12, descarta esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Orcmail.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "AS-53": { "id": "AS-53", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Power Against the Shadow", "es": "Poder Contra la Sombra", "de": "Macht gegen den Schatten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Power Against the Shadow", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during opponent’s site phase on a company being attacked by a minion company. <\/i><\/b>All heroes receive +3 prowess until the end of the turn. Cannot be duplicated on a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de lugares de tu oponente sobre una compañía que esté siendo atacada por una compañía de servidores. <\/i><\/b>Todos los héroes reciben un +3 al poder hasta el final del turno.<\/p>

No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… and against both the Seen and the Unseen they have great power.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y tienen grandes poderes contra lo Visible y lo Invisible.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "PowerAgainsttheShadow.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Rebecca Guay" }, "AS-54": { "id": "AS-54", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Safe from the Shadow", "es": "A Salvo de la Sombra", "de": "Sicher vor dem Schatten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Safe from the Shadow", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Hero characters may store resources (items and events) during the end-of-turn phase as though it were their organization phase. Cannot be duplicated. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Los personajes héroes pueden almacenar recursos (objetos y sucesos) durante la fase de final de turno como si se tratase de la fase de organización. No puede ser duplicada. Descartar cuando se agote algún mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Frodo was now safe in the Last Homely House east of the Sea.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Frodo estaba ahora a salvo en la Última Casa Simple al Este del Mar.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SafefromtheShadow.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "John Howe" }, "AS-55": { "id": "AS-55", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Spies Feared", "es": "Espías Temidos", "de": "Furcht vor Spionen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Spies Feared", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Scout or ranger only. <\/i>Playable on a Shadow-hold <\/i><\/b>[{S}] if one of your scouts is there or on a Ruins & Lairs <\/i><\/b>[{R}] if one of your rangers is there.<\/i><\/b> An automatic-attack is created at all versions of the site against minion companies: Orcs — 5 strikes with 8 prowess (detainment). Additionally, automatic-attacks at all versions of the site are duplicated (including the new one) against all companies. Discard when site is discarded or returned to your location deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo exploradores o montaraces. <\/i>Jugable sobre un Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}] si uno de tus exploradores está allí o sobre unas Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}] si uno de tus montaraces está allí.<\/i><\/b> Se crea un ataque automático en todas las versiones del lugar contra las compañías de servidores: Orcos — 5 golpes de poder 8 (retención). Además, los ataques automáticos de todas las versiones del lugar se duplican (incluyendo el nuevo) contra todas las compañías. Descartar cuando el lugar sea descartado o vuelva al mazo de localizaciones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "SpiesFeared.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "AS-56": { "id": "AS-56", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Sun Unveiled", "es": "El Sol al Descubierto", "de": "Die Sonne entschleiert", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Sun Unveiled", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a character at a Free-hold <\/i><\/b>[{F}] if Gates of Morning is in play.<\/i><\/b> Remove all hazard permanent-events on the character and, if tapped, untap him.<\/p>

Cannot be included in a Fallen-wizard's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje en un Bastión Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}] si están en juego las Puertas del Amanecer.<\/i><\/b> Elimina todas las adversidades de suceso permanente que haya jugadas sobre el personaje y, si está girado, enderézalo.<\/p>

No se puede incluir en un mazo de Mago Renegado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“And the Shadow departed, and the Sun was unveiled, and light leaped forth…” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Y la Sombra desapareció, y el Sol quedó al descubierto, <\/i><\/p>

y la luz cayó como un torrente…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheSunUnveiled.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "AS-57": { "id": "AS-57", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Tower Raided", "es": "Torre Arrasada", "de": "Ausgeraubte Feste", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Tower Raided", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "6", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the site phase on an untapped Shadow-hold <\/i><\/b>[{S}] if your company there: bears an item worth at least 2 marshalling points, contains an untapped scout, and discards for no effect a Stolen Knowledge card it controls.<\/i><\/b> Tap the site and discard the item. Company faces an attack: Orcs — 4 strikes with 8 prowess. By the end of the site phase, tap a scout in the company or discard this card. If this card is not discarded, all versions of this site are now Ruins & Lairs [{R}], and no factions are playable there. Discard this card when the site is discarded or returned to your location deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre un Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}] enderezado si tu compañía que se encuentra allí: es portadora de un objeto que valga al menos dos puntos de victoria, contiene un explorador enderezado y se descarta sin efecto de una carta de Conocimiento Robado que controle.<\/i><\/b> Gira el lugar y descarta el objeto. La compañía se enfrenta a un ataque: Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 8. Al final de la fase de lugares, gira un explorador en la companía o descarta esta carta. Si esta carta no es descartada, todas las versiones de este lugar son ahora unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}], y no se pueden jugar facciones en el lugar. Descarta esta carta cuando el lugar sea descartado o vuelva al mazo de localizaciones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TowerRaided.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "AS-58": { "id": "AS-58", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Angmarim", "es": "Angmarim", "de": "Angmarim", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Angmarim", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of minion Angmarim. <\/i>Playable at Carn Dûm <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 11 (Muster<\/i> has no effect on this attempt). Standard Modifications:<\/i> Wizards (-5), Men (+1).<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de los Angmarim servidores. <\/i>Jugable en Carn Dûm <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo deinfluencia es superior a 11 (Acantonamiento<\/i> no tiene efecto sobre este intento). Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Magos (-5), Hombres (+1).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘They sought refuge from the vile creatures spawned by the Shadow.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻBuscaban refugio de las viles criaturas creadas por la Sombra.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Angmarim.jpg", "rarity": "R1", "artist": "Ron Walotsky" }, "AS-59": { "id": "AS-59", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Haradrim", "es": "Haradrim", "de": "Haradrim", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Haradrim", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of minion Haradrim. <\/i>Playable at Southron Oasis <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 9. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Wizards (-5), Dúnedain (-2), Elves (-2), Dwarves (-2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de los Haradrim servidores.<\/i> Jugable en el Oasis Sureño<\/i><\/b> si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 9. Modificaciones Estándar: <\/i>Magos (-5), Dúnedain (-2), Elfos (-2), Enanos (-2)<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘They eat as well as anyone, for they trade at the crossroads of great roads and powerful kingdoms.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻComen tan bien como los demás, pues comercian en las encrucijadas de los grandes caminos y de los reinos más poderosos.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Haradrim.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "AS-60": { "id": "AS-60", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Wain-easterlings", "es": "Aurigas", "de": "Ostlinge der Pferdesteppe", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Wain-easterlings", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of minion Wain- easterlings. <\/i>Playable at Easterling Camp <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 8. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Wizards (-5), Dúnedain (-2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de los Aurigas servidores. <\/i>Jugable en Campamento Oriental<\/i><\/b> si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 8. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Magos (-5), Dúnedain (-2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Their homes, their wain-borne palaces made of tapestries, everything moves according to the seasons or fortunes on the battlefield.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻSus hogares, sus palacios tirados por carros y hechos de tapices, todo se mueve siguiendo el ciclo de las estaciones o la fortuna del campo de batalla.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Waineasterlings.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Val Mayerik" }, "AS-61": { "id": "AS-61", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Petty-dwarves", "es": "Enanos Mezquinos", "de": "Kleinzwerge", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Petty-dwarves", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Dwarf" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of minion Petty- dwarves. <\/i>Playable at The Worthy Hills <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 10. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Elves (-2), Dwarves (+2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de los Enanos Mezquinos servidores. <\/i>Jugable en Las Colinas Meritorias <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 10. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Elfos (-2), Enanos (+2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“In times past, the Petty-dwarves offered enemies shelter in their hidden halls as ransom for their threatened lives.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“En tiempos pasados, los Enanos Mezquinos ofrecieron a sus enemigos refugio en sus estancias ocultas como rescate por sus vidas amenazadas.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Pettydwarves.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "AS-62": { "id": "AS-62", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Angmarim", "es": "Angmarim", "de": "Angmarim", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Angmarim", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Carn Dûm <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 10. Once in play, the number required to influence this faction is 0.<\/p>

Standard Modifications:<\/i> Easterlings (+2), Hillmen (+2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en Carn Dûm <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 10.<\/p>

Una vez en juego, el número necesario para influir esta facción es 0. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Orientales (+2), Montañeses (+2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Descendants of the warriors who once manned the walls of Carn Dûm, these proud fighters patrolled the ruins of the fortress in after ages.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Descendientes de los guerreros que antaño vigilaban desde las murallas de Carn Dûm, estos orgullosos soldados patrullaron las ruinas de aquella fortaleza durante eras.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Angmarim2.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "AS-63": { "id": "AS-63", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Haradrim", "es": "Haradrim", "de": "Haradrim", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Haradrim", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Southron Oasis <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 9. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Southrons (+2), Variags of Khand (-2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en el Oasis Sureño<\/i><\/b> si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 9. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Sureños (+2), Variags de Khand (-2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a great but cruel race that dwelt in the wide, dry lands south of Mordor and the Ethir Anduin.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… una raza grande pero cruel que moraba en las <\/i><\/p>

amplias y secas tierras al sur de Mordor y del Ethir Anduin.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Haradrim2.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "AS-64": { "id": "AS-64", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Nûrniags", "es": "Nûrniags", "de": "Nûrniags", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Nûrniags", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "5", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of minion Nûrniags. <\/i>Playable at Nûrniag Camp <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 13 (Muster<\/i> has no effect on this attempt). Standard Modifications:<\/i> Wizards (-5), Men (+1).<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de los Nûrniags servidores. <\/i>Jugable en el Campamento Nûrniag <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 13 (Acantonamiento<\/i> no tiene efecto sobre este intento). Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Magos (-5), Hombres (+1).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘They read the wind and the land like storied scribes.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻLeen el viento y la tierra como si fueran versados escribanos.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Nurniags.jpg", "rarity": "R1", "artist": "Stephen Schwartz" }, "AS-65": { "id": "AS-65", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Petty-dwarves", "es": "Enanos Mezquinos", "de": "Kleinzwerge", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Petty-dwarves", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Dwarf" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at The Worthy Hills <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 11.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en Las Colinas Meritorias<\/i><\/b> si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 11.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The Noegyth Nibin feared all and loved none, and coveted everything.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los Noegyth Nibin temían a todos, no amaban a nadie y lo codiciaban todo. Odiaban y temían a los Orcos, pero también odiaban a los Eldar, sobre todo a los Exiliados, porque los Noldor, decían, les habían robado sus tierras y hogares.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Pettydwarves2.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Stephan Peregrine" }, "AS-66": { "id": "AS-66", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Wain-easterlings", "es": "Aurigas", "de": "Ostlinge der Pferdesteppe", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Wain-easterlings", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Easterling Camp <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 9. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Easterlings (+2), Nûriags (-2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en el Campamento Oriental <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 9. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Orientales (+2), Nûriags (-2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… stronger and better armed than any that had appeared before. They journeyed in great wains, and their chieftains fought in chariots.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… pero eran más fuertes y estaban mejor armados que ningún otro que hubiera aparecido antes. Viajaban en grandes carromatos, y sus capitanes luchaban en cuadrigas.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Waineasterlings2.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Stephen Schwartz" }, "AS-67": { "id": "AS-67", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Woses of the Eryn Vorn", "es": "Woses del Eryn Vorn", "de": "Wasa aus dem Eryn Vorn", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Woses of the Eryn Vorn", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Wose" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of minion Woses of the Eryn Vorn. <\/i>Playable at The Worthy Hills <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 10. Standard Modifications:<\/i> none.<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de los Woses del Eryn Vorn servidores. <\/i>Jugable en Las Colinas Meritorias <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 10.<\/p>

Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> ninguna.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… wild men, with little hair and painted skin, who breathe life into stone.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… hombres salvajes, con poco pelo y la piel pintada, que imbuyen vida en la piedra.ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WosesoftheErynVorn.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "AS-68": { "id": "AS-68", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Bow of the Galadhrim", "es": "Arco de los Galadhrim", "de": "Bogen der Galadhrim", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Bow of the Galadhrim", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "1", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Major Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> The following effect applies only if the bearer is an Elf Warrior. In company versus company combat, make a roll before strikes are assigned for each non-unique minion ally in the company the bearer is facing. If the result for an ally is greater than the ally’s mind plus five, discard the ally.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> El siguiente efecto sólo se aplica si el portador es un Elfo guerrero. En combate de compañía contra compañía, haz una tirada antes de asignar los golpes por cada aliado servidor que no sea único en la compañía a la que se enfrenta el portador. Si el resultado es superior a la mente del aliado más cinco, el aliado es descartado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "

“… más largo y fuerte que los arcos del Bosque Negro, y la cuerda era de cabellos élficos.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "BowoftheGaladhrim.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Rebecca Guay" }, "AS-69": { "id": "AS-69", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Ithil-stone", "es": "La Piedra de Ithil", "de": "Der Ithilstein", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Ithil-stone", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "4", "marshallingPoints": "5", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item", "keywords": [ "Palantír" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Palantír. <\/i>Playable at Barad-dûr.<\/i><\/b> When a character taps to play Ithil-stone<\/i>, make a roll. If the result plus the number of scouts in his company is greater than 9, The Ithil-stone<\/i> is successfully played. Otherwise, the bearer is eliminated and The Ithil-stone<\/i> is placed in your out-of-play pile. Bearer makes a corruption check at the end of each of his untap phases. Bane of the Ithil-stone<\/i> is discarded and cannot be played. If The Lidless Eye<\/i> is in play, its player’s hand size decreases by two.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Palantír. <\/i>Jugable en Barad-dûr.<\/i><\/b> Cuando un personaje es girado para jugar La Piedra de Ithil<\/i>, haz una tirada. Si el resultado más el número de exploradores en su compañía es superior a 9, La Piedra de Ithil<\/i> es jugada con éxito. De lo contrario, el portador es eliminado y La Piedra de Ithil<\/i> es colocada en tu pila de fuera de juego. El portador hace un chequeo de corrupción al final de cada una de sus fases de enderezamiento. El Daño de la Piedra de Ithil<\/i> es descartada y no puede ser jugada. Si está en juego El Ojo sin Párpado<\/i>, la mano de su jugador se reduce en dos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheIthilstone.jpg", "rarity": "R1", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "AS-70": { "id": "AS-70", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Jewel of Beleriand", "es": "Joya de Beleriand", "de": "Juwel von Beleriand", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Jewel of Beleriand", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Minor Item", "keywords": [ "Hoard Item" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Hoard item.<\/i> Tap this item and make a roll —if the result is greater than 6, the bearer untaps if tapped. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Objeto de botín.<\/i> Gira este objeto y haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 6, el portador se endereza si estaba girado. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… the embodiment of spirit of the magical fruit from the golden trees of Aman.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… la personificación del espíritu del fruto mágico de <\/i><\/p>

los árboles dorados de Aman.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "JewelofBeleriand.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "N. Taylor Blanchard" }, "AS-71": { "id": "AS-71", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Balrog", "es": "El Balrog", "de": "Der Balrog", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Balrog", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "9", "prowess": "13", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Warrior", "mind": "6", "keywords": [ "Spawn" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Balrog of Moria. <\/i>Playable by a non-Ringwraith character at the Under-gates.<\/i><\/b> Its controlling character's company is overt. Discard this ally if its company moves from a non-Under-deeps site to a non-Under-deeps site. During your organization phase, your opponent makes a roll and subtracts two. If the result is greater than the mind of this ally’s controlling character, the character is eliminated. Cannot be included in a Balrog's\/Fallen-wizard's deck and cannot be played if your opponent is a Balrog player.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación del Balrog de Moria. <\/i>Jugable por un personaje que no sea Espectro del Anillo en Las Puertas de las Profundidades. <\/i><\/b>La compañía del personaje que lo controla es descubierta. Descarta este aliado si su compañía se mueve desde un lugar que no sea de las Profundidades hasta otro lugar que no sea de las Profundidades. Durante tu fase de organización, tu oponente debe hacer una tirada y restar 2. Si el resultado es superior a la mente del personaje que controla este aliado, el personaje es eliminado. No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog\/Mago Renegado y no puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheBalrog.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "AS-72": { "id": "AS-72", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Black Horse", "es": "Caballo Negro", "de": "Schwarzes Pferd", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Black Horse", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "body": "6", "prowess": "4", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Warrior", "mind": "2" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Ringwraith at a Darkhaven<\/i><\/b> [{DH}] (does not tap the site). <\/i>Each Black Horse<\/i> in your Ringwraith’s company allows you to play one Ringwraith follower who requires no direct influence to control. If each Ringwraith in a company has a Black Horse<\/i>, the company is in Black Rider mode and may freely move (using starter movement). You may include up to nine copies of this card in your play deck and sideboard combined. Return its controller to your hand if Black Horse <\/i>leaves active play.<\/p>

Cannot be included in a Balrog's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Espectro del Anillo en un Refugio Oscuro<\/i><\/b> [{DH}] (no gira el lugar). <\/i>Cada Caballo Negro<\/i> en la compañía de tu Espectro del Anillo te permite jugar un Espectro del Anillo seguidor que no requiere influencia directa para ser controlado. Si cada Espectro del Anillo en una compañía tiene un Caballo Negro<\/i>, la compañía se encuentra en modo de Jinete Negro y puede moverse libremente (usando el movimiento básico). Puedes incluir hasta nueve copias de esta carta combinadas entre tu mazo de juego y tu baraja complementaria. Devuelve a su controlador a tu mano si el Caballo Negro<\/i> abandona el juego activo. No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "BlackHorse.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "AS-73": { "id": "AS-73", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Creature of an Older World", "es": "Criatura de un Mundo más Antiguo", "de": "Kreatur einer vergangenen Welt", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Creature of an Older World", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Warrior", "mind": "3" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable on your Ringwraith at a tapped or untapped Barad-dûr <\/i><\/b>(does not tap the site)<\/i>. Its controlling character's company is overt. Your Ringwraith receives +2 prowess. If your Ringwraith is the only character in his company and there are not other allies, the company is in Fell Rider mode and may move freely (using starter movement). Tap this ally to: cancel a strike against your Ringwraith or<\/b> to assign your Ringwraith’s strikes against a hero company as you choose before hero strikes are assigned. Return your Ringwraith to your hand if this ally leaves active play. Cannot be included in a Balrog's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable sobre tu Espectro del Anillo en Barad-dûr girado o enderezado <\/i><\/b>(no gira el lugar)<\/i>. La compañía del personaje que lo controla es descubierta. Tu Espectro del Anillo recibe +2 al poder. Si tu Espectro del Anillo es el único personaje de su compañía y no hay otros aliados, la compañía se encuentra en modo Jinete Maligno y puede moverse libremente (usando el movimiento básico). Gira este aliado para: cancelar un golpe contra tu Espectro del Anillo o<\/b> asignar los golpes de tu Espectro del Anillo a tu elección contra una compañía de héroes antes de que los golpes de los héroes sean asignados. Devuelve tu Espectro del Anillo a tu mano si este aliado abandona el juego activo. No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "CreatureofanOlderWorld.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "AS-74": { "id": "AS-74", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Great Bats", "es": "Grandes Murciélagos", "de": "Große Fledermäuse", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Great Bats", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Ally", "mind": "1" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable at a tapped or untapped Shadow-hold<\/i><\/b> [{S}]. Its controlling character's company is overt. May not be attacked. Discard this ally if its controlling character is wounded. Tap this ally to remove the effect of an attack against its controlling character’s company that states: “attacker chooses defending characters.” Cannot be duplicated in a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable en un Bastión de la Sombra<\/i><\/b> [{S}] girado o enderezado.<\/i><\/b> La compañía del personaje que lo controla es descubierta. No puede ser atacado. Descarta este aliado si el personaje que lo controla es herido. Gira este aliado para eliminar el efecto de un ataque contra la compañía del personaje que lo controla que indique: “el atacante elige a los personajes defensores”. No puede ser duplicado en una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GreatBats.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Val Mayerik" }, "AS-75": { "id": "AS-75", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Great Lord of Goblin-gate", "es": "Gran Señor de la Puerta de los Trasgos", "de": "Großer Herrscher Orkstadts", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Great Lord of Goblin-gate", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "7", "prowess": "5", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Ally", "mind": "3" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Goblin-gate. <\/i><\/b>Orc. Manifestation of The Great Goblin.<\/i><\/p>

Its controlling character's company is overt. Tap to give +2 prowess to all Orcs in its company: against one attack or<\/b> in company versus company combat.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Jugable en La Puerta de los Trasgos. <\/i><\/b>Orco. Manifestación de El Gran Trasgo.<\/i> La compañía del personaje que lo controla es descubierta. Gira este aliado para dar +2 al poder a todos los Orcos de su compañía contra un ataque o<\/b> en un combate de compañía contra compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“He was in such a rage that he jumped off his seat and himself rushed at Thorin with his mouth open.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Tenía tanta rabia que saltó del asiento y se lanzó con<\/i><\/p>

la boca abierta hacia Thorin.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GreatLordofGoblingate.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-76": { "id": "AS-76", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Regiment of Black Crows", "es": "Regimiento de Cuervos Negros", "de": "Regiment schwarzer Krähen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Regiment of Black Crows", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Ally", "mind": "1" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable at a tapped or untapped non-Under-deeps Ruins & Lairs<\/i><\/b> [{R}]. Its controlling character's company is overt. May not be attacked. Discard this ally if its controlling character is wounded. Tap this ally to cancel a hazard creature attack against his company not keyed to a site and to put the creature’s card back into its player’s hand. Cannot be duplicated in a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable en un lugar de Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}] enderezado o girado que no sea un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> La compañía del personaje que lo controla es descubierta. No puede ser atacado. Descarta este aliado si el personaje que lo controla es herido. Gira este aliado para cancelar un ataque contra su compañía de una adversidad-criatura que no esté situado en un lugar y poner la adversidad-criatura en la mano de su jugador. No puede ser duplicado sobre una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "RegimentofBlackCrows.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Pamela Shanteau" }, "AS-77": { "id": "AS-77", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Above the Abyss", "es": "Sobre el Abismo", "de": "Über dem Abgrund", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Above the Abyss", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a tapped non-Ringwraith character if your opponent is a Wizard and your Ringwraith is in play. <\/i><\/b> Untap target character.<\/p>

Cannot be included in a Balrog's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje girado que no sea un Espectro del Anillo si tu oponente es un Mago y tu Espectro del Anillo está en juego. <\/i><\/b>Endereza el personaje objetivo.<\/p>

No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… in the dark they could not see a descent, until they came on it and put their feet out into emptiness.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… en la oscuridad no podían ver un camino de descenso hasta que se encontraron con él y sus pies se encontraron con el vacío.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AbovetheAbyss.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "AS-78": { "id": "AS-78", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Ash Mountain Deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos de las Montañas de la Ceniza", "de": "Tiefen der Aschenberge", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Ash Mountain Deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Ranger only. <\/i>Playable during the organization phase on a ranger.<\/i><\/b> If his company uses region movement, it may move as if the following pairs of regions were adjacent: Dagorlad and Gorgoroth, Horse Plains and Gorgoroth. The company faces a detainment attack at the beginning of its movement\/hazard phase: Orcs — four strikes with 6 prowess.<\/p>

Alternatively, if the site moved to is in one of the regions listed above, the hazard limit is reduced by two (to a minimum of two).<\/p>", "es": "

Solo montaraces. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre un montaraz.<\/i><\/b> Si su compañía utiliza el movimiento a través de regiones, puede moverse como si las siguientes parejas de regiones fuesen adyacentes: Dagorlad y Gorgoroth, Llanuras de los Caballos y Gorgoroth. La compañía se enfrenta a un ataque de retención al principio de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades: Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 6.<\/p>

Alternativamente, si el lugar al que se ha movido la compañía se encuentra en una de las regiones mencionadas anteriormente, el límite de adversidades se reduce en dos (hasta un mínimo de dos).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheAshMountainDeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-79": { "id": "AS-79", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Dark Power", "es": "El Poder Oscuro", "de": "Die Dunkle Macht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Dark Power", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable if you are Sauron.<\/i><\/b> +3 to an influence check against a faction. If the check is not successful, shuffle the faction into your play deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable si eres Sauron.<\/i><\/b> +3 a un chequeo de influencia contra una facción. Si el chequeo no tiene éxito, baraja la facción en tu mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘But don’t forget: the enemies don’t love us any more than they love Him, and if they get topsides on Him, we’re done too.’” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻPero no lo olvides: los enemigos no nos aman a nosotros más de lo que le aman a Él, y si se enfrentan a él, también lo harán con nosotros.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheDarkPower.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "Michael Astrachan" }, "AS-80": { "id": "AS-80", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Dark Tryst", "es": "Cita Oscura", "de": "Düstere Zusammenkunft", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Dark Tryst", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Draw three cards and remove this card from the game.<\/p>", "es": "

Roba tres cartas y elimina esta carta del juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Unclad, unmounted, and invisible—yet bearing terror with their presence—the Nazgûl passed over Anduin to receive mounts and raiment on the river’s west shore.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Desnudos, sin montura e invisibles —aunque acompañados del terror que imponía su presencia—, los Nazgûl cruzaron el Anduin para recibir monturas y vestimentas en la ribera occidental del río.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DarkTryst.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "John Howe" }, "AS-81": { "id": "AS-81", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Driven as by a Madness", "es": "Empujados por la Locura", "de": "Wie vom Wahnsinn getrieben", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Driven as by a Madness", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "magic": "Spirit-magic", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Magic. Spirit-magic. <\/i>Playable on a spirit-magic-using character facing an attack.<\/i><\/b> All characters in his company receive +2 prowess and -1 body against the attack. Unless he is a Ringwraith, character makes a corruption check modified by -3. Cannot be duplicated against a given attack.<\/p>", "es": "

Magia. Magia espiritual. <\/i>Jugable sobre un personaje que pueda utilizar magia espiritual y se enfrente a un ataque.<\/i><\/b> Todos los personajes de su compañía reciben +2 al poder y -1 a la resistencia contra el ataque. A menos que sea un Espectro del Anillo, el personaje debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -3. No puede ser duplicada contra un mismo ataque.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a great fear fell on all, defender and foe alike…” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un gran miedo cayó sobre ellos, tanto atacantes como defensores…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DrivenasbyaMadness.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "Zina Saunders" }, "AS-82": { "id": "AS-82", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Eye Never Sleeping", "es": "Ojo que Nunca Duerme", "de": "Nie schlafendes Auge", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Eye Never Sleeping", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable if you are Sauron.<\/i><\/b> Cancel one hazard creature attack.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable si eres Sauron.<\/i><\/b> Cancela un ataque de una adversidad-criatura.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“There was an eye in the Dark Tower that did not sleep.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Y entonces sintió el Ojo. Había un ojo en la Torre Oscura, un ojo que no dormía, y ese ojo no ignoraba que él estaba mirándolo.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "EyeNeverSleeping.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "AS-83": { "id": "AS-83", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Faithless Steward", "es": "Senescal Desleal", "de": "Untreuer Truchsess", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Faithless Steward", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "marshallingPoints": "(3)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an agent character at a Darkhaven <\/i><\/b>[{DH}] who has a Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}] or Free-hold <\/i><\/b>[{F}] as a home site.<\/i><\/b> If target character is unwounded and at one of his Border-hold [{B}] or Free-hold [{F}] home sites, no factions can be played at any version of that site and you receive this card’s marshalling points. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje agente que se encuentre en un Refugio Oscuro <\/i><\/b>[{DH}] y que tenga como lugar natal un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] o un Bastión Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}]. Si el personaje objetivo no está herido y se encuentra en uno de sus lugares natales que sea un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] o un Bastión Libre [{F}], no se pueden jugar facciones en ninguna manifestación de ese lugar y recibes los puntos de victoria de esta carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FaithlessSteward.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Lissanne Lake" }, "AS-84": { "id": "AS-84", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Far Below the Deepest Delvings", "es": "Más Abajo que las Profundas Moradas", "de": "Weit unter den tiefsten Grabungen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Far Below the Deepest Delvings", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the movement\/hazard phase on a company moving to an Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> At the end of its movement\/hazard phase, target company attempts to move to an additional site. Another site card is played and another movement\/hazard phase immediately follows.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de movimiento\/adversidades sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo hacia un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> Al final de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades, la compañía objetivo puede intentar moverse a un lugar adicional. Se juega otra carta de lugar y se realiza inmediatamente otra fase de movimiento\/adversidades.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Abajo, más abajo que las más profundas moradas de los Enanos, unas criaturas sin nombre roen el mundo.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FarBelowtheDeepestDelvings.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-85": { "id": "AS-85", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Great Eye", "es": "El Gran Ojo", "de": "Das große Auge", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Great Eye", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable if you are Sauron.<\/i><\/b> The hazard limit against all companies is decreased by one (to a minimum of two). If this card is in play, you can discard it to target and cancel the play of a hazard event played by your opponent before it resolves. This cannot be used against an on-guard card. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable si eres Sauron.<\/i><\/b> El límite de adversidades contra todas las compañías se reduce en uno (hasta un mínimo de dos). Si esta carta está en juego, puedes descartarla para hacer objetivo y cancelar la puesta en juego de una adversidad de suceso por parte de tu oponente antes de que sea resuelta. No puede ser utilizada contra una carta en guardia. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… a dirty treacherous fool. But the Great Eye is on him.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… un sucio cerdo traidor. Pero el Gran Ojo le vigila…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheGreatEye.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "AS-86": { "id": "AS-86", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Hail of Darts", "es": "Lluvia de Dardos", "de": "Pfeilregen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Hail of Darts", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the organization phase on a company.<\/i><\/b> Until the end of turn, each character tapping in support gives a +3 modification to prowess instead of the normal +1. Cannot be duplicated on a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía durante la fase de organización.<\/i><\/b> Hasta el final de turno, cada personaje girado para apoyar da una modificación de +3 al poder en lugar del +1 normal. No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Arrows thick as the rain came whistling over the battlements…” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Una densa lluvia de flechas cayó silbando sobre las almenas…” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HailofDarts.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Val Mayerik" }, "AS-87": { "id": "AS-87", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Hoard Well-searched", "es": "Botín Bien Buscado", "de": "Durchwühlter Drachenschatz", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Hoard Well-searched", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Scout only. <\/i>Playable during the site phase on a company with a scout at a tapped site that contains a hoard.<\/i> <\/b>A minor or major item may be played.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo exploradores. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre una compañía con un explorador en un lugar girado que contenga un botín.<\/i> <\/b>Se puede jugar un objeto menor o mayor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… but always he searched from side to side for something which he could not find.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… pero siempre buscaba de un lado a otro algo que no podía encontrar.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HoardWellsearched.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "AS-88": { "id": "AS-88", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Hold Rebuilt and Repaired", "es": "Fuerte Reconstruido y Reparado", "de": "Festung erneuert und repariert", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Hold Rebuilt and Repaired", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the site phase on a non-Dragon’s lair, non-Under-deeps Ruins & Lairs <\/i><\/b>[{R}]. The site becomes a Shadow-hold [{S}] and all automatic-attacks become detainment. Discard this card when the site is discarded or returned to its location deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre unas Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}] que no sean Guarida de Dragón ni un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> El lugar se convierte en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] y todos sus ataques automáticos pasan a ser de retención. Descarta esta carta cuando el lugar sea descartado o vuelva al mazo de localizaciones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Smoke rises once more from Orodruin that we call Mount Doom.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "" }, "image": "HoldRebuiltandRepaired.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-89": { "id": "AS-89", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Hounds of Sauron", "es": "Sabuesos de Sauron", "de": "Hunde Saurons", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Hounds of Sauron", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "magic": "Shadow-magic", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Magic. Shadow-magic. <\/i>Playable during the site phase by a shadow-magic using character in lieu of declaring an attack against a hero company.<\/i><\/b>The hero company faces an attack of Wolves — 4 strikes with 8 prowess. Alternatively, playable on a non-automatic attack against a shadow-magic using character.<\/i><\/b> The number of strikes of the attack is reduced to one. Unless he is a Ringwraith, the shadow-magic user makes a corruption check modified by -4.<\/p>", "es": "

Magia. Magia de las sombras. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre un personaje que pueda utilizar magia de las sombras y en lugar de declarar un ataque contra una compañía de héroes.<\/i><\/b>La compañía de héroes debe enfrentarse a un ataque de Lobos — 4 golpes de poder 8. Alternativamente, jugable sobre un ataque que no sea automático contra un personaje que pueda usar magia de las sombras.<\/i><\/b> El número de golpes del ataque se reduce a 1.<\/p>

A menos que sea un Espectro del Anillo, el personaje que ha usado la magia de las sombras debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -4.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "HoundsofSauron.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Rebecca Guay" }, "AS-90": { "id": "AS-90", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Join With That Power", "es": "Unirse a ese Poder", "de": "Verbündet Euch mit dieser Macht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Join With That Power", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Diplomat only.<\/i> One influence check or corruption check by a character in a diplomat’s company receives a bonus equal to the number of characters in the company minus one. Cannot be duplicated on a given check.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo diplomáticos.<\/i> Un chequeo de influencia o un chequeo de corrupción realizado por un personaje en la compañía del diplomático recibe una bonificación igual al número de personajes en la compañía menos uno. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo chequeo.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… only in the mouths of emissaries sent from Mordor to deceive the ignorant.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… solo en la boca de los emisarios enviados desde Mordor para engañar a los ignorantes.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "JoinWithThatPower.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Alan Pollack" }, "AS-91": { "id": "AS-91", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Legendary Stair", "es": "Escalera Legendaria", "de": "Legendäre Stufen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Legendary Stair", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

During the organization phase, reveal the new site of a company planning to move whose site of origin is untapped. This card is playable if the company’s new site is an Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> At the end of the turn, the company may replace its new site card with its site of origin card.<\/p>", "es": "

Durante la fase de organización, revela el nuevo lugar de una compañía que pretende moverse y cuyo lugar de origen esté enderezado. Esta carta es jugable si el nuevo lugar de la compañía es un Lugar de las Profundidades. <\/i><\/b>Al final del turno, la compañía puede reemplazar su nueva carta de lugar por su carta de lugar de origen.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… . Many have said that it was never made save in legend…’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻMuchos dicen que nunca fue construida salvo en las leyendas…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LegendaryStair.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Douglass Chaffee" }, "AS-92": { "id": "AS-92", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Misty Mountain Deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos de las Montañas Nubladas", "de": "Tiefen des Nebelgebirges", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Misty Mountain Deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Ranger only. <\/i>Playable during the organization phase on a ranger.<\/i><\/b> If his company uses region movement, it may move as if the following pairs of regions were adjacent: Rhudaur and Anduin Vales, Rhudaur and Wold & Foothills, Hollin and Wold & Foothills, Hollin and Fangorn, Dunland and Fangorn.<\/p>

Alternatively, if the site moved to is in one of the regions listed above, the hazard limit is reduced by two (to a minimum of two).<\/p>", "es": "

Solo montaraces. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre un montaraz.<\/i><\/b> Si su compañía utiliza el movimiento a través de regiones, puede moverse como si las siguientes parejas de regiones fuesen adyacentes: Rhudaur y Valles del Anduin, Rhudaur y Páramo y Colinas, Acebeda y Páramo y Colinas, Acebeda y Fangorn, Tierras Brunas y Fangorn.<\/p>

Alternativamente, si el lugar al que se ha movido la compañía se encuentra en una de las regiones mencionadas anteriormente, el límite de adversidades se reduce en dos (hasta un mínimo de dos).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheMistyMountainDeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "David Martin" }, "AS-93": { "id": "AS-93", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Mountains of Shadow Deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos de las Montañas de la Sombra", "de": "Tiefen des Schattengebirges", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Mountains of Shadow Deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Ranger only. <\/i>Playable during the organization phase on a ranger.<\/i><\/b> If his company uses region movement, it may move as if the following pairs of regions were adjacent: Ithilien and Gorgoroth, Ithilien and Nurn, Harondor and Nurn. The company faces a detainment attack at the beginning of its movement\/hazard phase: Orcs — 4 strikes with 6 prowess.<\/p>

Alternatively, if the site moved to is in one of the regions listed above, the hazard limit is reduced by two (to a minimum of two).<\/p>", "es": "

Solo montaraces. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre un montaraz.<\/i><\/b> Si su compañía utiliza el movimiento a través de regiones, puede moverse como si las siguientes parejas de regiones fuesen adyacentes: Ithilien y Gorgoroth, Ithilien y Nurn, Harondor y Nurn. La compañía se enfrenta a un ataque de retención al principio de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades: Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 6.<\/p>

Alternativamente, si el lugar al que se ha movido la compañía se encuentra en una de las regiones mencionadas anteriormente, el límite de adversidades se reduce en dos (hasta un mínimo de dos).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheMountainsofShadowDeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "David Kooharian" }, "AS-94": { "id": "AS-94", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Orders from Lugbúrz", "es": "Órdenes de Lugbúrz", "de": "Befehle von Lugburz", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Orders from Lugbúrz", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "playableAsStartingMinorItem": true }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company.<\/i><\/b> May be played with a starting company in lieu of a minor item. This company may contain a Troll leader in addition to another leader. +1 to all corruption checks by followers of Troll leaders in this company. Discard if Ren is your Ringwraith or when a leader leaves the company. Cannot be duplicated on a given company. Cannot be included in a Balrog's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía.<\/i><\/b> Puede ser jugada con una compañía inicial en lugar de un objeto menor. La compañía puede contener un Troll líder además de otro líder. +1 a todos los chequeos de corrupción de los seguidores de los Trolls líderes en esta compañía.<\/p>

Descartar si tu Espectro del Anillo es Ren o cuando un líder abandone la compañía. No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma compañía. No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘A great cave-troll, I think, or more than one.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "" }, "image": "OrdersfromLugburz.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "AS-95": { "id": "AS-95", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Our Own Wolves", "es": "Nuestros Propios Lobos", "de": "Unsere eigenen Wölfe", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Our Own Wolves", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "magic": "Spirit-magic", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Magic. Spirit-magic. <\/i>Playable on a company with a spirit-magic using character facing an attack.<\/i><\/b> Each wolf ally (War-wolf<\/i>, War-warg<\/i>, or The Warg-king<\/i>) receives +3 prowess against the attack. Following the attack, the controller of each Wolf ally faces an attack: (no type) one strike with the ally’s normal prowess +3. If the strike of an attack is successful, discard the Wolf ally. Unless he is a Ringwraith, the spirit-magic-using character makes a corruption check modified by -3.<\/p>", "es": "

Magia. Magia espiritual. <\/i>Jugable sobre una compañía con un personaje que pueda utilizar magia espiritual y que se enfrente a un ataque.<\/i><\/b> Cada aliado Lobo (Lobo de Guerra<\/i>, Huargo de Guerra,<\/i> o El Rey Huargo<\/i>) recibe un +3 al poder contra el ataque. Tras el ataque, el personaje que controle a cada aliado Lobo se enfrenta a un ataque: (sin tipo) un golpe con el poder normal del aliado +3. Si el golpe de uno de estos ataques tiene éxito, descarta el aliado Lobo. A menos que sea un Espectro del Anillo, el personaje que ha utilizado magia espiritual debe realizar un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -3.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "OurOwnWolves.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "AS-96": { "id": "AS-96", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Padding Feet", "es": "Pies Acolchados", "de": "Tappende Füße", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Padding Feet", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the site phase on a lone scout minion (no other characters or allies in his company) at the same site as an opponent hero company containing a Hobbit.<\/i><\/b> Also playable on a lone minion controlling Stinker<\/i> (discard this card if Stinker<\/i> leaves the company). If during a following site phase target character is at the same site as the Hobbit, tap this card (site must be entered). This card never untaps. If then during a following site phase, target character is at the same site as the Hobbit, invert this card (rotate it 180˚) (site must be entered). If inverted, this card may be stored at a Darkhaven [{DH}]—only if stored do you receive its marshalling points. Cannot be included in a Balrog's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre un explorador servidor que esté solo (sin personajes o aliados en su compañía) en el mismo lugar que una compañía de héroes de tu oponente que contenga un Hobbit.<\/i><\/b> También jugable sobre un servidor que esté solo y que controle a Bribón<\/i> (descarta esta carta si Bribón<\/i> abandona la compañía). Si durante una fase de lugares posterior, el personaje objetivo se encuentra en el mismo lugar que el Hobbit, gira esta carta (la compañía debe entrar en el lugar). Esta carta nunca se endereza. Si, durante una fase de lugares posterior, el personaje se encuentra en el mismo lugar que el Hobbit invierte esta carta (gírala 180º). Si esta carta está invertida, puede ser almacenada en un Refugio Oscuro [{DH}]—solo recibes sus puntos de victoria si es almacenada. No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "PaddingFeet.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "AS-97": { "id": "AS-97", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Powers Too Dark and Terrible", "es": "Poderes Demasiado Oscuros y Terribles", "de": "Mächte so dunkel und so schrecklich", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Powers Too Dark and Terrible", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable if you are Sauron.<\/i><\/b> Once each of your turns, you may choose any character you control bearing a mind ring or special item ring to use sorcery, spirit-magic, or shadow-magic for the purposes of playing one magic card. Additionally, the corruption checks for all hero spells are modified by -1. Cannot be duplicated. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable si eres Sauron.<\/i><\/b> Una vez en cada uno de tus turnos, puedes elegir cualquier personaje que<\/p>

controles y sea portador de un anillo mental o un objeto especial de anillo para que pueda utilizar brujería, magia espiritual o magia de las sombras con el propósito de jugar una carta de magia. Además, los chequeos de corrupción para todos los sortilegios de héroes son modificados con un -1. No puede ser duplicada. Descartar cuando se agote algún mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "PowersTooDarkandTerrible.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "AS-98": { "id": "AS-98", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Riven Gate", "es": "Puerta Hendida", "de": "Gebrochenes Tor", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Riven Gate", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "magic": "Sorcery", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Magic. Sorcery. <\/i>Playable on a sorcery-using character when facing the automatic-attack at a Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}]. All automatic-attacks at the site are canceled, and any influence attempt against a faction at the site this turn is modified by +2. Unless he is a Ringwraith, he makes a corruption check modified by -4.<\/p>", "es": "

Magia. Brujería. <\/i>Jugable sobre un personaje que pueda utilizar brujería cuando se enfrente a un ataque automático en un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}]. Todos los ataques automáticos del lugar son cancelados, y cualquier intento de influencia contra una facción en el lugar este turno es modificado con un +2. A menos que sea un Espectro del Anillo, el personaje debe realizar un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -4.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "RivenGate.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Eric David Anderson" }, "AS-99": { "id": "AS-99", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Sack Over the Head", "es": "Saco en la Cabeza", "de": "Sack über den Kopf", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Sack Over the Head", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Troll minion whose company is attacking a hero company with at least one Dwarf or Hobbit.<\/i><\/b> For each successful strike against a Dwarf or Hobbit, the character is not wounded, but rather placed “off to the side” with this card. Discard if no characters are placed with this card. Target Troll cannot move to a Darkhaven [{DH}]. At the start of your turn, make a roll for each character placed with this card. If the result is greater than 8, the character is eliminated. If target Troll is wounded or removed from active play, discard this card and <\/b>the surviving Dwarves and Hobbits form a company at the Troll’s current site or new site.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un servidor Troll cuya compañía esté atacando a una compañía de héroes con al menos un Enano o un Hobbit.<\/i><\/b> Por cada golpe con éxito contra un Enano o un Hobbit, el personaje no es herido sino “colocado a un lado” con esta carta. Descartar si no hay ningún personaje con esta carta. El Troll objetivo no puede moverse hasta un Refugio Oscuro [{DH}]. Al principio de tu turno, haz una tirada por cada personaje colocado con esta carta. Si el resultado es superior a 8, el personaje es eliminado. Si el Troll objetivo es herido o eliminado del juego, descarta esta carta y<\/b> los Hobbits y Enanos supervivientes forman una compañía en el lugar actual del Troll o en su nuevo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "SackOvertheHead.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "AS-100": { "id": "AS-100", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Steeds", "es": "Monturas", "de": "Rösser", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Steeds", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the organization phase on a moving covert company.<\/i><\/b> The hazard limit is decreased by two (to a minimum of 2). The prowess of any hazard creatures played against the company this turn is modified by +1.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre una compañía encubierta que se vaya a mover.<\/i><\/b> El límite de adversidades se reduce en dos (hasta un mínimo de dos). El poder de cualquier adversidad-criatura jugada contra la compañía durante este turno es modificado con un +1.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… they carry off what they can, choosing always the black horses…’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… se llevan todo lo que pueden, eligiendo siempre a los caballos negros.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Steeds.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Margaret Organ-Kean" }, "AS-101": { "id": "AS-101", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Tokens to Show", "es": "Pruebas de Muestra", "de": "Vielsagende Beweise", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Tokens to Show", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Minion characters may store resources (items and events) during the end-of-turn phase as though it were their organization phase. Cannot be duplicated. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Los personajes servidores pueden almacenar recursos (objetos y sucesos) durante la fase de final de turno como si fuese su fase de organización. No puede ser duplicada. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… he held up first a short sword such as Sam had carried, and next a grey cloak with an elven-brooch, and last the coat of mithril-mail…” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… primero la espada corta de Sam, luego una capa gris con un broche élfico, y por último la cota de malla de mithril…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TokenstoShow.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "AS-102": { "id": "AS-102", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Tormented Earth", "es": "La Tierra Atormentada", "de": "Gepeinigte Erde", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Tormented Earth", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "magic": "Sorcery", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Magic. Sorcery.<\/i> Playable on a sorcery-using character facing a non-automatic-attack.<\/i><\/b> Cancels the attack or<\/b> gives the attack<\/p>

-3 prowess, your choice. Unless he is a Ringwraith, character makes a corruption check modified by -4. Cannot be duplicated against a given attack.<\/p>", "es": "

Magia. Brujería.<\/i> Jugable sobre un personaje que pueda utilizar brujería y se enfrente a un ataque que no sea automático.<\/i><\/b> Cancela el ataque o<\/b> da -3 al poder del ataque, a tu elección. A menos que sea un Espectro del Anillo, el personaje debe realizar un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -4. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo ataque.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… as if… smitten with a shower of bolts and huge slingstones.” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… como si hubiera sido golpeada por una ráfaga de rayos y unas enormes piedras.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheTormentedEarth.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-103": { "id": "AS-103", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Treason the Greatest Foe", "es": "Traicionar al Mayor Enemigo", "de": "Verrat, der größte Feind", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Treason the Greatest Foe", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the site phase on a minion if a non-Wizard hero is at the same site and the hero and minion have the same home site.<\/i><\/b> Make a roll. If the result plus target minion’s unused direct influence is greater than the hero’s mind plus his player’s unused general influence, discard the hero (and all non-follower cards he controls) and place this card in your marshalling point pile. Otherwise, discard this card.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre un servidor si se encuentra en el mismo lugar que un héroe que no sea Mago y si tanto el héroe como el servidor tienen el mismo lugar natal.<\/i><\/b> Haz una tirada. Si el resultado más la influencia directa libre del servidor objetivo es superior a la mente del héroe más la influencia general libre de su jugador, descarta al héroe (y todas las cartas que controle que no sean seguidores) y coloca esta carta en tu pila de puntos de victoria. De lo contrario, descarta esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TreasontheGreatestFoe.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "AS-104": { "id": "AS-104", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Tribute Garnered", "es": "Tributo Recogido", "de": "Gezollter Tribut", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Tribute Garnered", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a faction in play.<\/i><\/b> That faction gives an additional miscellaneous marshalling point. Cannot be duplicated on a given faction. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una facción en juego.<\/i><\/b> Esa facción proporciona un punto de victoria adicional de la categoría “otros”. No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma facción. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… and out of the East men were moving endlessly: swordsmen, spearmen, bowmen upon horses, chariots of chieftains and laden wains.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y desde el Este llegaban hombres continuamente: espadachines, lanceros, arqueros a caballo, carros de jefes y carretas cargadas de equipo.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TributeGarnered.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "AS-105": { "id": "AS-105", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Undeeps of Anduin", "es": "Las Grutas del Anduin", "de": "Die Untiefen des Anduin", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Undeeps of Anduin", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Ranger only. <\/i>Playable during the organization phase on a ranger.<\/i><\/b> If his company uses region movement, it may move as if the following pairs of regions were adjacent: Rohan and Dagorlad, Anórien and Dagorlad, Lebennin and Ithilien, Lebennin and Harondor.<\/p>

Alternatively, if the site moved to is in one of the regions listed above, the hazard limit is reduced by two (to a minimum of two).<\/p>", "es": "

Solo montaraces. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre un montaraz.<\/i><\/b> Si su compañía utiliza el movimiento a través de regiones, puede moverse como si las siguientes parejas de regiones fuesen adyacentes: Rohan y Dagorlad, Anórien y Dagorlad, Lebennin e Ithilien, Lebennin y Harondor.<\/p>

Alternativamente, si el lugar al que se ha movido la compañía se encuentra en una de las regiones mencionadas anteriormente, el límite de adversidades se reduce en dos (hasta un mínimo de dos).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndeepsofAnduin.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "David Martin" }, "AS-106": { "id": "AS-106", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Under-roads", "es": "Los Caminos Subterráneos", "de": "Die unterirdischen Straßen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-roads", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

The roll required for minions to move between adjacent Under-deeps sites is decreased by 3. Discards and prohibits the subsequent play of The Way is Shut<\/i>.<\/p>", "es": "

La tirada necesaria para moverse entre Lugares de las Profundidades adyacentes se reduce en 3 para servidores. Descarta e impide la puesta en juego posterior de El Camino Está Cerrado<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Rivulets of liquid rock spilled into the molten river, which wound its way beneath basalt arches.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Riachuelos de roca líquida se precipitaban en el río fundido, que se abría camino a través de las arcadas de basalto.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheUnderroads.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-107": { "id": "AS-107", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Use Your Legs", "es": "Usa Tus Piernas", "de": "Lanze des Verrats", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Use Your Legs", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "(3)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an Orc minion whose company is attacking a hero company with at least one Hobbit.<\/i><\/b> For each successful strike against a Hobbit, the character is not wounded, but rather placed “off to the side” with this card. Discard if no characters are placed with this card. Make a roll during your end-of-turn phase. If the result is less than 7, discard this card. If target Orc is wounded or removed from active play, discard this card. If this card is discarded, the surviving Hobbits immediately form a company at the Orc’s current site or new site. MPs are awarded if stored at Barad-dûr, and the Hobbits are then eliminated. Cannot be included in a Balrog's\/Fallen-wizard's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un servidor Orco cuya compañía esté atacando a una compañía de héroes con al menos un Hobbit.<\/i><\/b> Por cada golpe con éxito contra un Hobbit, el personaje no es herido sino “colocado a un lado” con esta carta. Descartar si no hay ningún personaje con esta carta. Haz una tirada durante tu fase de final de turno. Si el resultado es inferior a 7, descarta esta carta. Si el Orco objetivo es herido o eliminado del juego, descarta esta carta. Si esta carta es descartada, los Hobbits supervivientes forman inmediatamente una compañía en el lugar actual del Orco o en su nuevo lugar. Obtienes los puntos de victoria de esta carta si es almacenada en Barad-dûr (tras eso, los Hobbits son eliminados). No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog\/Mago Renegado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "UseYourLegs.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Alan Lee" }, "AS-108": { "id": "AS-108", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Well-preserved", "es": "Bien Conservado", "de": "Gut gerüstet", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Well-preserved", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "magic": "Shadow-magic", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Magic. Shadow-magic. <\/i>Playable on a wounded character in a company with a shadow-magic-using character.<\/i><\/b> Wounded character becomes untapped with -1 to body. Discard at the end of his untap phase if at a Darkhaven [{DH}]. Unless the shadow-magic-user is a Ringwraith, he<\/p>

makes a corruption check modified by -3.<\/p>", "es": "

Magia. Magia de las sombras. <\/i>Jugable sobre un personaje herido en una compañía con un personaje que pueda utilizar magia de las sombras.<\/i><\/b> El personaje herido es enderezado, con un -1 a la resistencia. Descartar al final de su fase de enderezamiento si se encuentra en un Refugio Oscuro [{DH}]. A menos que el personaje que ha utilizado la magia de las sombras sea un Espectro del Anillo, debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -3.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Wellpreserved.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "AS-109": { "id": "AS-109", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The White Mountain Cavern-ways", "es": "Las Grutas de las Montañas Blancas", "de": "Höhlenänge des Weißen Gebirges", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The White Mountain Cavern-ways", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Ranger only. <\/i>Playable during the organization phase on a ranger.<\/i><\/b> If his company uses region movement, it may move as if the following pairs of regions were adjacent: Old Pûkel-land and Anfalas, Rohan and Lamedon, Rohan and Anfalas, Anórien and Lamedon. Alternatively, if the site moved to is in one of the regions listed above, the hazard limit is reduced by two (to a minimum of two).<\/p>", "es": "

Solo montaraces. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre un montaraz.<\/i><\/b> Si su compañía utiliza el movimiento a través de regiones, puede moverse como si las siguientes parejas de regiones fuesen adyacentes: Tierra del Viejo Púkel y Anfalas, Rohan y Lamedon, Rohan y Anfalas, Anórien y Lamedon.<\/p>

Alternativamente, si el lugar al que se ha movido la compañía se encuentra en una de las regiones mencionadas anteriormente, el límite de adversidades se reduce en dos (hasta un mínimo de dos).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheWhiteMountainCavernways.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "AS-110": { "id": "AS-110", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "World Gnawed by the Nameless", "es": "Mundo Roído por Seres Innombrables", "de": "Welt von Namenlosen Erschaffen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "World Gnawed by the Nameless", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the movement\/hazard phase on a company moving to an Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> At the end of its movement\/hazard phase, target company attempts to move to an additional Under-deeps site which it has not attempted to move to yet this turn. Another site card is played and a movement\/hazard phase immediately follows. Return this card to your hand. All hazard creatures the company faces this turn keyed to Shadow-holds [{S}] attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de movimiento\/adversidades sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo hacia un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> Al final de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades, la compañía objetivo puede intentar moverse a un Lugar de las Profundidades adicional al que no haya intentado moverse todavía este turno. Se juega otra carta de lugar y se realiza inmediatamente otra fase de movimiento\/adversidades. Devuelve esta carta a tu mano. Todas las adversidades-criatura a las que se enfrente la compañía este turno situadas en un Bastión de la Sombras [{S}] atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "WorldGnawedbytheNameless.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "AS-111": { "id": "AS-111", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Asdriags", "es": "Asdriags", "de": "Asdriags", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Asdriags", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Nûrniag Camp <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 10. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Nûrniags (+2), Variags of Khand (+2), Balchoth (-2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en el Campamento Nûrniag <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 10. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Nûrniags (+2), Variags de Khand (+2), Balchoth (-2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Always one and the same, horse and rider, even though every warrior owns two or more mounts.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Siempre eran uno y su compañero, jinete y montura, aunque cada guerrero poseyera dos o más caballos.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Asdriags.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "AS-112": { "id": "AS-112", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Bairanax Roused", "es": "Bairanax Despierto", "de": "Bairanax erwacht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Bairanax Roused", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Dragon" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of Bairanax. <\/i>Playable at Ovir Hollow <\/i><\/b>if the influence check is greater than 11. Modifications:<\/i> influencer discards a major item (+3) or a greater item (+6).<\/p>

All attacks by manifestations of Bairanax against any of your companies are canceled. Any company moving in Withered Heath, Gundabad, Anduin Vales, and\/or Grey Mountain Narrows faces one attack: Dragon — 2 strikes at 14\/7 (attacker chooses defending characters).<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de Bairanax. <\/i>Jugable en el Hueco Ovir <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 11. Modificaciones:<\/i> el personaje que realiza el chequeo de influencia se descarta de un objeto mayor (+3) o de un gran objeto (+6).<\/p>

Todos los ataques de cualquier manifestación de Bairanaxcontra tus compañías son cancelados. Cualquier compañía que se mueva por: Brezal Marchito, Gundabad, Valles del Anduin, y\/o Pasos de las Montañas Grises, se enfrenta a un ataque: Dragón — 2 golpes de 14\/7 (el atacante elige a los personajes defensores).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "BairanaxRoused.jpg", "rarity": "R1", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "AS-113": { "id": "AS-113", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Black Númenóreans", "es": "Númenóreanos Negros", "de": "Schwarze Númenórer", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Black Númenóreans", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Dúnadan" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Gobel Mírlond <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 8. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Umbarean Corsairs (+2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en Gobel Mírlond <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 8. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Corsarios de Umbar (+2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Proud and eager for wealth, they colonized and conquered and laid many men under tribute.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Orgullosos y hambrientos de riquezas, colonizaron y conquistaron, sometiendo a muchos hombres bajo sus impuestos.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "BlackNumenoreans.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "AS-114": { "id": "AS-114", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Corsairs of Rhûn", "es": "Corsarios de Rhûn", "de": "Korsaren von Rhûn", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Corsairs of Rhûn", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Raider-hold <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 9. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Easterlings (+2), Men of Dorwinion (-2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en el Fuerte de Forajidos <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 9. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Orientales (+2), Hombres de Dorwinion (-2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… some would join forces with the Easterlings, either out of greed for spoil, or in furtherance of feuds among their princes.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y algunos se sumaban a las fuerzas de los Hombres del Este, fuera por la codicia del botín o por apoyar las querellas entre los príncipes.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CorsairsofRhun.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "AS-115": { "id": "AS-115", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Daelomin Roused", "es": "Daelomin Despierta", "de": "Daelomin erwacht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Daelomin Roused", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Dragon" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of Daelomin. <\/i>Playable at Dancing Spire <\/i><\/b>if influence check is greater than 12. Modifications:<\/i> influencer discards a major item (+3) or a greater item (+6).<\/p>

All attacks by manifestations of Daelomin against any of your companies are canceled. Any company moving in Withered Heath, Grey Mountain Narrows, Iron Hills, and\/or Northern Rhovanion faces one attack: Dragon — 3 strikes at 13\/8 (attacker chooses defending characters).<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de Daelomin. <\/i>Jugable en la Cima Danzarina <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 12. Modificaciones: <\/i>el personaje que realiza el chequeo de influencia se descarta de un objeto mayor (+3) o de un gran objeto (+6).<\/p>

Todos los ataques de cualquier manifestación de Daelomin contra tus compañías son cancelados. Cualquier compañía que se mueva por: Brezal Marchito, Pasos de las Montañas Grises, Colinas de Hierro, y\/o Norte de Rhovanion, se enfrenta a un ataque: Dragón — 2 golpes de 13\/8 (el atacante elige a los personajes defensores).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DaelominRoused.jpg", "rarity": "R1", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-116": { "id": "AS-116", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Eärcaraxë Roused", "es": "Eärcaraxë Despierta", "de": "Eärcaraxë erwacht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Eärcaraxë Roused", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Dragon" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of Eärcaraxë. <\/i>Playable at Isle of the Ulond <\/i><\/b>if the influence check is greater than 11. Modifications:<\/i> influencer discards a major item (+2) or a greater item (+5).<\/p>

All attacks by manifestations of Eärcaraxë against any of your companies are canceled. Any company moving in Andrast Coast, Bay of Belfalas, Eriadoran Coast, and\/or Andrast faces one attack: Dragon — 2 strikes at 17\/7 (attacker chooses defending characters).<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de Eärcaraxë. <\/i>Jugable en la Isla del Ulond <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 11.<\/p>

Modificaciones:<\/i> el personaje que realiza el chequeo de influencia se descarta de un objeto mayor (+2) o de un gran objeto (+5).<\/p>

Todos los ataques de cualquier manifestación de Eärcaraxë contra tus compañías son cancelados. Cualquier compañía que se mueva por: Costa de Andrast, Bahía de Belfalas, Costa de Eriador, y\/o Andrast, se enfrenta a un ataque: Dragón — 2 golpes de 17\/7 (el atacante elige a los personajes defensores).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "EarcaraxeRoused.jpg", "rarity": "R1", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-117": { "id": "AS-117", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Itangast Roused", "es": "Itangast Despierto", "de": "Itangast erwacht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Itangast Roused", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "6", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Dragon" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of Itangast. <\/i>Playable at Gold Hill <\/i><\/b>if the influence check is greater than 15. Modifications:<\/i> influencer discards a major item (+4) or a greater item (+8).<\/p>

All attacks by manifestations of Itangast against any of your companies are canceled. Any company moving in Withered Heath, Iron Hills, Northern Rhovanion, and\/or Grey Mountain Narrows faces one attack: Dragon — 3 strikes at 18\/8.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de Itangast. <\/i>Jugable en la Colina Dorada <\/i><\/b>Si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 15. Modificaciones:<\/i> el personaje que realiza el chequeo de influencia se descarta de un objeto mayor (+4) o de un gran objeto (+8).<\/p>

Todos los ataques de cualquier manifestación de Itangastcontra tus compañías son cancelados. Cualquier compañía que se mueva por: Brezal Marchito, Norte de Rhovanion, Pasos de las Montañas Grises, y\/o Colinas de Hierro se enfrenta a un ataque: Dragón — 3 golpes de 18\/8.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ItangastRoused.jpg", "rarity": "R1", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "AS-118": { "id": "AS-118", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Leucaruth Roused", "es": "Leucaruth Despierta", "de": "Leucaruth erwacht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Leucaruth Roused", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Dragon" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of Leucaruth. <\/i>Playable at Irerock <\/i><\/b>if the influence check is greater than 12. Modifications:<\/i> influencer discards a major item (+3) or a greater item (+6).<\/p>

All attacks by manifestations of Leucaruth against any of your companies are canceled. Any company moving in Withered Heath, Northern Rhovanion, Iron Hills, and\/or Grey Mountain Narrows faces one attack: Dragon — 2 strikes at 16\/8.<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de Leucaruth. <\/i>Jugable en la Roca de la Ira <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 12. Modificaciones:<\/i> el personaje que realiza el chequeo de influencia se descarta de un objeto mayor (+3) o de un gran objeto (+6).<\/p>

Todos los ataques de cualquier manifestación de Leucaruthcontra tus compañías son cancelados. Cualquier compañía que se mueva por Brezal Marchito, Norte de Rhovanion, Colinas de Hierro, y\/o Pasos de las Montañas Grises se enfrenta a un ataque: Dragón — 2 golpes de 16\/8.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LeucaruthRoused.jpg", "rarity": "R1", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "AS-119": { "id": "AS-119", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Morgul-orcs", "es": "Orcos de Morgul", "de": "Morgul-Orks", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Morgul-orcs", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Orc" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Minas Morgul <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 8.<\/p>

Once in play, the number required to influence this faction is 0. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Ungol-orcs (-2), Orcs of Angmar (+2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en Minas Morgul <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 8.<\/p>

Una vez en juego, el número necesario para influir esta facción es 0. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Orcos de Ungol (-2), Orcos de Angmar (+2)<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… in spite of Shelob they were forced to use it often as the swiftest way from the Dead City over the mountains.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… a pesar de Ella-laraña se veían obligados a utilizarlo a menudo, pues era el camino más rápido desde la Ciudad de los Muertos, al otro lado de las montañas.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Morgulorcs.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-120": { "id": "AS-120", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Nûriags", "es": "Nûriags", "de": "Nûriags", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Nûriags", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Man" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Variag Camp <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 9. Standard Modifications:<\/i> Haradrim (+2), Southrons (-2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en el Campamento Variag <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 9. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Haradrim (+2), Sureños (-2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“They swift masters of the steppe, following the course of nearly traceless paths and always knowing where to find sweet water.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Son los rápidos amos de la estepa, que siguen el curso de senderos imposibles de distinguir y siempre saben dónde encontrar agua dulce” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Nuriags.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "AS-121": { "id": "AS-121", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Orcs of Dol Guldur", "es": "Orcos de Dol Guldur", "de": "Orks von Dol Guldur", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Orcs of Dol Guldur", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Orc" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Dol Guldur <\/i><\/b> if the influence check is greater than 8.<\/p>

Once in play, the number required to influence this faction is 0.<\/p>

Standard Modifications:<\/i> Orcs of Moria (-2), Orcs of the Red Eye (+2).<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en Dol Guldur <\/i><\/b>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 8.<\/p>

Una vez en juego, el número necesario para influir esta facción es 0. Modificaciones Estándar:<\/i> Orcos de Moria (-2), Orcos del Ojo Rojo (+2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Three times Lórien had been assailed from Dol Guldur…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Tres veces había sido atacado Lórien desde Dol Guldur...” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OrcsofDolGuldur.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "AS-122": { "id": "AS-122", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Ancient Black Axe", "es": "Antigua Hacha Negra", "de": "Alte schwarze Axt", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Ancient Black Axe", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "4", "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at any Under-deeps Shadow-hold<\/i><\/b> [{S}]. Weapon.<\/i> +2 direct influence. Warrior only:<\/i> +3 prowess (to a maximum of 11); -1 to strike’s body; tap this item to make a character at the same site automatically pass a corruption check. When this item becomes tapped, bearer makes a corruption check.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. Jugable en un Bastión de la Sombra<\/i><\/b> [{S}] de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b>Arma.<\/i> +2 a la influencia directa. Solo guerreros:<\/i> +3 al poder (hasta un máximo de 11); -1 a la resistencia del golpe; gira este objeto para hacer que un personaje que se encuentre en el mismo lugar pase un chequeo de corrupción automáticamente. Cuando este objeto es girado, el portador debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AncientBlackAxe.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "AS-123": { "id": "AS-123", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Dwarven Ring of Thélor’s Tribe", "es": "Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Thélor", "de": "Zwergenring von Thélors Volk", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Dwarven Ring of Thélor's Tribe", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "3(5)", "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item", "keywords": [ "Dwarven Ring" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Dwarven Ring. <\/i>Playable only with a gold ring and after a test indicates a Dwarven Ring. Values in parentheses apply to a Dwarf bearer. Tap a Dwarf bearer to search your play deck and\/or your discard pile for any one or two minor items; place these items in your hand and reshuffle your play deck. Bearer then makes a corruption check modified by +2.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Anillo Enano. <\/i>Solo puede ser jugado con un anillo de oro y después de que un examen indique un Anillo Enano.<\/i><\/b> Los valores entre paréntesis se aplican a un portador Enano. Gira un portador Enano para buscar en tu mazo de juego y\/o tu pila de descartes uno o dos objetos menores; coloca estos objetos en tu mano y vuelve a barajar el mazo de juego. El portador debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un +2.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DwarvenRingofThelorsTribe.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "AS-124": { "id": "AS-124", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Dwarven Ring of Thrár’s Tribe", "es": "Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Thrár", "de": "Zwergenring von Thrárs Volk", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Dwarven Ring of Thrár's Tribe", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "3(5)", "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item", "keywords": [ "Dwarven Ring" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Dwarven Ring. <\/i>Playable only with a gold ring and after a test indicates a Dwarven Ring. Values in parentheses apply to a Dwarf bearer. Tap a Dwarf bearer to search your play deck and\/or your discard pile for any one or two minor items; place these items in your hand and reshuffle your play deck. Bearer then makes a corruption check modified by +2.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Anillo Enano. <\/i>Solo puede ser jugado con un anillo de oro y después de que un examen indique un Anillo Enano.<\/i><\/b> Los valores entre paréntesis se aplican a un portador Enano. Gira un portador Enano para buscar en tu mazo de juego y\/o tu pila de descartes uno o dos objetos menores; coloca estos objetos en tu mano y vuelve a barajar el mazo de juego. El portador debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un +2.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DwarvenRingofThrarsTribe.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "AS-125": { "id": "AS-125", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Goblin Earth-plumb", "es": "Sonda de Trasgo", "de": "Senkblei der Orks", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Goblin Earth-plumb", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Minor Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable only on an Orc or Troll.<\/i><\/b> +1 to all rolls required for bearer’s company to move to adjacent Under-deeps sites.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo se puede jugar sobre un Orco o un Troll.<\/i><\/b> +1 a todas las tiradas de la compañía del portador necesarias para moverse a Lugares de las Profundidades adyacentes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Now goblins are cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted. They make no beautiful things, but they make many clever ones… . It is not unlikely that they invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Ahora bien, los trasgos son crueles, malvados y de mal corazón. No hacen nada bonito, pero sí muchas cosas ingeniosas… Es probable que ellos hayan inventado algunas de las máquinas que desde entonces preocupan al mundo…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GoblinEarthplumb.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "AS-126": { "id": "AS-126", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Helm of Fear", "es": "Yelmo del Miedo", "de": "Helm der Furcht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Helm of Fear", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at a tapped or untapped Barad-dûr and only on your Ringwraith <\/i><\/b>(does not tap the site). <\/i>This item only affects a Ringwraith. Tap this item to cancel an attack against the Ringwraith’s company. May not cancel combat with a hero company. All body checks against the bearer are modified by -1.<\/p>

Cannot be included in a Balrog's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Jugable en Barad-dûr, girado o enderezado sobre tu Espectro del Anillo <\/i><\/b>(no gira el lugar)<\/i>. Este objeto solo afecta a un Espectro del Anillo. Gira este objeto para cancelar un ataque contra la compañía del Espectro del Anillo. No puede cancelar un combate contra una compañía de héroes. Todos los chequeos de resistencia contra el portador son modificados con un -1. No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a helm like a crown that flickered with a perilous light.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un yelmo como una corona que parpadeaba con una luz peligrosa.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HelmofFear.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "N. Taylor Blanchard" }, "AS-127": { "id": "AS-127", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Iron Shield of Old", "es": "Antiguo Escudo de Hierro", "de": "Alter Eisenschild", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Iron Shield of Old", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "corruption": "3", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Shield.<\/i> Playable at any Under-deeps Shadow-hold <\/i><\/b>[{S}] or Ruins & Lairs <\/i><\/b>[{R}]. +2 to all rolls required for bearer’s company to move to adjacent Under-deeps sites. Warrior only:<\/i> tap this item to make one strike against its bearer ineffectual (i. e., the strike neither succeeds nor fails).<\/p>", "es": "

Escudo.<\/i> Jugable en un Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}] o unas Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}] de las Profundidades<\/i><\/b>. +2 a todas las tiradas realizadas por la compañía del portador para moverse a los Lugares de las Profundidades adyacentes. Solo guerreros:<\/i> gira este objeto para hacer que un golpe contra su portador no tenga efecto (es decir, no tiene éxito ni falla).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Morgoth’s troops were shod with iron and iron-shielded…” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Las tropas de Morgoth estaban protegidas con hierro y equipadas con hierro…” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "IronShieldofOld.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "AS-128": { "id": "AS-128", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Necklace of Girion", "es": "Collar de Girion", "de": "Halsschmuck von Girion", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Necklace of Girion", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "3", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item", "keywords": [ "Hoard Item" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at The Lonely Mountain.<\/i><\/b> Bearer receives +3 direct influence against Men and Man factions. If bearer is at a Border-hold [{B}] during the site phase, he can make a corruption check, and, if successful, discard this item to play up to 3 non-unique minor and\/or major items with his company. Characters need not tap to receive these items.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Jugable en La Montaña Solitaria.<\/i><\/b> El portador recibe +3 a la influencia directa contra Hombres y facciones de Hombres. Si el portador se encuentra en un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] durante la fase de lugares, puede hacer un chequeo de corrupción y, si tiene éxito, descartar este objeto para poner en juego hasta 3 objetos menores y\/o mayores que no sean únicos en su compañía. Los personajes no necesitan girarse para recibir dichos objetos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "NecklaceofGirion.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "AS-129": { "id": "AS-129", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Old Treasure", "es": "Viejas Joyas", "de": "Alter Schatz", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Old Treasure", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Minor Item", "keywords": [ "Hoard Item" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Hoard item.<\/i> +1 direct influence. Discard this item to give +4 direct influence to bearer until the end of the turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Objeto de botín.<\/i> +1 a la influencia directa. Descarta este objeto para dar +4 a la influencia directa del portador hasta el final del turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… somewhere where there’s good loot nice and handy…’” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… en algún lugar donde haya un buen botín a mano…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OldTreasure.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "N. Taylor Blanchard" }, "AS-130": { "id": "AS-130", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Records Unread", "es": "Registros sin Leer", "de": "Ungelesene Schriften", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Records Unread", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Minor Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Cannot be included with a starting company. Discard: to untap a Shadow-hold [{S}] or<\/b> to make Information playable at any Shadow-hold [{S}]. Cannot be duplicated in a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

No puede ser incluido en una compañía inicial. Descarta: para enderezar un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] o<\/b> para hacer que se pueda jugar Información en cualquier Bastión de la Sombra [{S}]. No puede ser duplicado en una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘And yet there lie in his hoards many records that few now can read… for their scripts and tongues have become dark to later men.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻY sin embargo hay allí en sus archivos muchos documentos que ya pocos son capaces de leer, ni siquiera los maestros, pues la escritura y la lengua se han vuelto oscuras para los hombres más recientes.ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "RecordsUnread.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "AS-131": { "id": "AS-131", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Secret Book", "es": "Libro Secreto", "de": "Geheimes Buch", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Secret Book", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Minor Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Cannot be included with a starting company. Discard: to untap a Free-hold [{F}] or Border-hold [{B}] or<\/b> to make Information playable at any Ruins & Lairs [{R}]. Cannot be duplicated in a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

No puede ser incluido en una compañía inicial. Descarta: para enderezar un Bastión Libre [{F}] o un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] o<\/b> para hacer que se pueda jugar Información en cualquier Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}]. No puede ser duplicado en una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘I must be the only one in the Shire, besides you Frodo, that has ever seen the old fellow’s secret book.’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻDebo ser la única persona en toda la Comarca, además de ti, Frodo, que ha visto el libro secreto del viejo Bilbo.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SecretBook.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "AS-132": { "id": "AS-132", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Thong of Fire", "es": "Látigo de Fuego", "de": "Feuerpeitsche", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Thong of Fire", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "3", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Greater Item", "keywords": [ "Hoard Item" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Hoard item. Weapon.<\/i> May only be borne by a character with a prowess of 6 or more. Warrior only:<\/i> +1 body; +1 prowess; if bearer chooses not to tap against a strike, he receives no prowess penalty.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Objeto de botín. Arma.<\/i> Solo puede portarlo un personaje con un poder de 6 o más. Solo guerreros:<\/i> +1 a la resistencia; +1 al poder; si el portador decide no girarse contra un golpe, no recibe ninguna penalización al poder.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The fallen Fire-spirits of the Elder Days bore sorcerous weapons, all lost when the hosts of the West claimed the victory…” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los espíritus de fuego caídos durante los Días Antiguos empuñaban armas embrujadas, todas las cuales se perdieron cuando las huestes del Oeste alcanzaron la victoria final…” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ThongofFire.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "AS-133": { "id": "AS-133", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Thrall-ring", "es": "Anillo Esclavo", "de": "Versklavender Ring", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Thrall-ring", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "corruption": "2", "subtype": "Minor Item", "keywords": [ "Mind Ring" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Mind Ring.<\/i> -1 to mind to a minimum of 1, +1 to direct influence. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Anillo Mental.<\/i> -1 a la mente hasta un mínimo de 1, +1 a la influencia directa del portador. No puede ser duplicado sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“As it encircles the finger it ensnares the mind.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“En cuanto rodea el dedo, esclaviza la mente del portador.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Thrallring.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "AS-134": { "id": "AS-134", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Thrór’s Map", "es": "Mapa de Thrór", "de": "Thrórs Landkarte", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Thror's Map", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Minor Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Discard Thrór’s Map<\/i> to untap a site with a Dragon automatic-attack.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Descarta el Mapa de Thrór<\/i> para enderezar un lugar con un ataque automático de Dragón.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘He was witless and wandering, and had forgotten almost everything except the map and the key.’” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻHabía perdido el juicio e iba de un lado para otro, y había olvidado casi todo excepto el mapa y la llave.ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ThrorsMap.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Jeffrey Reitz" }, "AS-135": { "id": "AS-135", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Troth-ring", "es": "Anillo de Fidelidad", "de": "Ring der Treue", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Troth-ring", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "corruption": "2", "subtype": "Minor Item", "keywords": [ "Mind Ring" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Mind Ring.<\/i> -1 to mind to a minimum of 1, -1 to all body checks against bearer. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Anillo Mental.<\/i> -1 a la mente hasta un mínimo de 1, -1 a todos los chequeos de resistencia contra el portador. No puede ser duplicado sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Those who hunger for dominion are themselves enslaved. Power makes a dangerous supper.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Quienes ansían dominar a los demás acaban esclavizados ellos mismos. El poder supone un alimento muy peligroso.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Trothring.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "AS-136": { "id": "AS-136", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Usriev of Treachery", "es": "Usriev Traidor", "de": "Benutze deine Beine", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Usriev of Treachery", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Major Item", "keywords": [ "Hoard Item" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Hoard item.<\/i> Weapon.<\/i> May only be born by a character with a prowess of 5 or more. Warrior only:<\/i> +1 prowess to a maximum of 8 (+2 against Elves to a maximum of 9); if you assign a strike to the bearer, you may choose to assign a second strike to the bearer. The bearer faces an additional strike sequence.<\/p>", "es": "

Objeto de botín.<\/i> Arma.<\/i> Solo puede portarlo un personaje con un poder de 5 o más. Solo guerreros:<\/i> +1 al poder hasta un máximo de 8 (+2 contra Elfos hasta un máximo de 9); si asignas un golpe al portador, puedes optar por asignar un segundo golpe al portador. El portador se enfrenta a una secuencia de golpes adicional.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "UsrievofTreachery.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Pat Morrissey" }, "AS-137": { "id": "AS-137", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Cirith Gorgor", "es": "Cirith Gorgor", "de": "Cirith Gorgor", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Cirith Gorgor", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Lórien", "draw": "3", "region": "Udûn", "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater)", "drawOpponent": "5", "autoAttack": "Orcs - 5 strikes with 8 prowess, Trolls - 2 strikes with 10 prowess", "sitePath": "{w}{s}{f}{w}{s}{d}{d}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Haven:<\/i><\/b> Lórien<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 5 strikes with 8 prowess
(2nd) Trolls — 2 strikes with 10 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Lórien<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 5 golpes de poder 8
(2º) Trolls — 2 golpes de poder 10<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“This was Cirith Gorgor, the Haunted Pass, the entrance to the land of the Enemy.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Era Cirith Gorgor, el Paso Maldito, la entrada a la tierra del Enemigo.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CirithGorgor.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "AS-138": { "id": "AS-138", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Geann a-Lisch", "es": "Geann a-Lisch", "de": "Geann a-Lisch", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Geann a-Lisch", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Edhellond", "draw": "2", "region": "Old Pûkel-land", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major)", "special": "Any man hazard creature can be played here.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Men - 4 strikes with 8 prowess", "sitePath": "{w}{w}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Haven:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Men — 4 strikes with 8 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Man hazard creature can be played at this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Hombres — 4 golpes de poder 8<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier adversidad-criatura de Hombres puede ser jugada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Here lived tall Adan captains who once sailed near the lights of the Undying Lands.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻAllí vivían altos capitanes edain que antaño navegaron cerca de las luces de las Tierras Imperecederas.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GeannaLisch.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Eric David Anderson" }, "AS-139": { "id": "AS-139", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Gobel Mírlond", "es": "Gobel Mírlond", "de": "Gobel Mírlond", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Gobel Mírlond", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Edhellond", "draw": "2", "region": "Harondor", "siteType": "{B}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Men - 4 strikes with 9 prowess (detainment)", "sitePath": "{w}{f}{c}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Haven:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Men — 4 strikes with 9 prowess (detainment)<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b><\/p>

Hombres — 4 golpes de poder 9 (retención)<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… could be seen in clear weather even on the coasts of Gondor or far out upon the western sea.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… en un día despejado podía verse desde las costas de Gondor o desde la costa occidental.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GobelMirlond.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Eric David Anderson" }, "AS-140": { "id": "AS-140", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Nûrniag Camp", "es": "Campamento Nûrniag", "de": "Lager der Nûrniags", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Nûrniag Camp", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Edhellond", "draw": "3", "region": "Nurn", "siteType": "{S}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major)", "drawOpponent": "5", "autoAttack": "Men - 4 strikes with 7 prowess", "sitePath": "{w}{f}{c}{w}{s}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Haven:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Men — 4 strikes with 7 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Hombres — 4 golpes de poder 7<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘With spring comes water and flowers and festivals, where their little horses and precious arrows perform miracles.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻCon la primavera llegan el agua y las flores y los festivales, en los cuales sus pequeños caballos y sus preciosas flechas realizan verdaderos milagros.ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "NurniagCamp.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Michael Astrachan" }, "AS-141": { "id": "AS-141", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Raider-hold", "es": "Fuerte de Forajidos", "de": "Bollwerk der Banditen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Raider-hold", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Lórien", "draw": "3", "region": "Horse Plains", "siteType": "{B}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "drawOpponent": "4", "autoAttack": "Men - 4 strikes with 9 prowess (detainment)", "sitePath": "{w}{s}{s}{s}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Haven:<\/i><\/b> Lórien<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Men — 4 strikes with 9 prowess (detainment)<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Lórien<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b><\/p>

Hombres — 4 golpes de poder 9 (retención)<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘It looks like a rock from afar, and tales of murder ward away those who might draw close by.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻDesde lejos sólo parece una roca, y los relatos de asesinatos ahuyentan a quienes podrían llegar a acercarse demasiado.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Raiderhold.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Eric David Anderson" }, "AS-142": { "id": "AS-142", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Worthy Hills", "es": "Las Colinas Meritorias", "de": "Die Ehrwürdigen Hügel", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Worthy Hills", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Rivendell", "draw": "1", "region": "Cardolan", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Information", "special": "You may tap a sage and a scout during the site phase to untap this site.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Men - each character faces 1 strike at 9 (detainment)", "sitePath": "{w}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Haven:<\/i><\/b> Rivendell<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information<\/p>

Men — each character faces 1 strike with 9 prowess (detainment).<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> During the site phase, you may tap two characters to untap this site—one a sage, one a scout.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Rivendel<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Hombres — cada personaje se enfrenta a
1 golpe de poder 9 (retención)<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Durante la fase de lugares, puedes girar dos personajes para enderezar este lugar: uno debe ser un sabio y el otro un explorador.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Everything seemed to be alive and threatening, as if a blooming malice was creeping up the slopes.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Todo parecía estar vivo y constituir una amenaza, como si una malicia floreciente estuviera arrastrándose por sus laderas.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheWorthyHills.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Douglass Chaffee" }, "AS-143": { "id": "AS-143", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Dancing Spire", "es": "Cima Danzarina", "de": "Felsnadel", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Dancing Spire", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Dol Guldur", "draw": "2", "region": "Withered Heath", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Dragon - 2 strikes with 11 prowess", "sitePath": "{d}{w}{w}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)<\/p>

Dragon — 2 strikes with 11 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Dragón — 2 golpes con poder 11<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… he knew how evil and danger had thriven in the Wild, since the dragons had driven men from the lands…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… sabía como el mal y el peligro habían invadido las Tierras Ásperas desde que los dragones habían expulsado a los hombres de sus tierras…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DancingSpire.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-144": { "id": "AS-144", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Eagles’ Eyrie", "es": "Nido de las Águilas", "de": "Adlerhorst", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Eagles' Eyrie", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Dol Guldur", "draw": "1", "region": "Anduin Vales", "siteType": "{F}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major)", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Animals - 2 strikes with 10 prowess (attacker chooses defending characters)", "sitePath": "{d}{s}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Animals — 2 strikes with 10 prowess
(attacker chooses defending characters)<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Animales — 2 golpes de poder 10 (el atacante elige a los personajes defensores).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The eagles had brought up dry boughs for fuel, … rabbits, hares, and a small sheep.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Las águilas habían traído unos arbustos secos para el fuego, y conejos, liebres, y una pequeña oveja.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "EaglesEyrie.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "AS-145": { "id": "AS-145", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Edhellond", "es": "Edhellond", "de": "Edhellond", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Edhellond", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Geann a-Lisch", "draw": "3", "region": "Anfalas", "siteType": "{F}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.", "drawOpponent": "5", "autoAttack": "Elves - 4 strikes with 7 prowess; Dúnedain - 3 strikes with 10 prowess", "sitePath": "{w}{w}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Geann a-Lisch<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Elves — 4 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Dúnedain — 3 strikes with 10 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Geann a-Lisch<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Elfos — 4 golpes de poder 7
(2º) Dúnedain — 3 golpes de poder 10<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> El límite de adversidades de cualquier compañía que se mueva hasta este lugar aumenta en 2. Una compañía de servidores no puede atacar a otra compañía en este lugar. Un Espectro del Anillo no puede moverse hasta este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Edhellond.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "John Howe" }, "AS-146": { "id": "AS-146", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Framsburg", "es": "Framsburgo", "de": "Framsburg", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Framsburg", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Dol Guldur", "draw": "1", "region": "Anduin Vales", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor)", "special": "The first minor item played at this site each turn does not tap the site. Contains a hoard.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Men - 1 strike with 10 prowess", "sitePath": "{d}{s}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor)<\/p>

Men — 1 strike with 10 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> The first minor item played at this site each turn does not tap the site. Contains a hoard.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Hombres — 1 golpe de poder 10<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> El primer objeto menor jugado en este lugar cada turno no gira el lugar. Contiene un botín.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… they… drove away the remnants of the people of Angmar on the east side of the Mountains.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… expulsaron a los escasos descendientes del pueblo de Angmar que residían en la ladera oriental de las Montañas.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Framsburg.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "AS-147": { "id": "AS-147", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Gem-deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos de las Gemas", "de": "Die Gemmen-Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Gem-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Glittering Caves (0), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (6)", "draw": "2", "region": "Gap of Isen", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, gold ring)", "special": "Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may be played at this site.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Undead (1st attack) - 3 strikes with 9 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Glittering Caves (0), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (6)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Undead — 3 strikes with 9 prowess;
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-
attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}].<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead creature or
Pûkel-creature may be played at this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Cavernas Resplandecientes (0), Las Profundidades Pûkel (9), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (6)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 9
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad-criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda
ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes o Criatura Pûkel puede ser jugada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheGemdeeps.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Larry Elmore" }, "AS-148": { "id": "AS-148", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Gold Hill", "es": "Colina Dorada", "de": "Goldhügel", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Gold Hill", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Dol Guldur", "draw": "2", "region": "Withered Heath", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Dragon - 1 strike with 15 prowess", "sitePath": "{d}{w}{w}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)<\/p>

Dragon — 1 strike with 15 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Dragón — 1 golpe de poder 15<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Up there, in the lone peak, you’ll find more than just ice and rock. It’s full of gold! Of course, there’s a price…’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻAllá arriba, en el pico solitario, encontrarás algo más que hielo y rocas. ¡Está lleno de oro! Naturalmente, tiene un precio…ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GoldHill.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "AS-149": { "id": "AS-149", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Grey Havens", "es": "Puertos Grises", "de": "Die Grauen Anurten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Grey Havens", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Carn Dûm", "draw": "2", "region": "Lindon", "siteType": "{F}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Elves - 3 strikes with 8 prowess; Elves - 2 strikes with 10 prowess", "sitePath": "{s}{w}{f}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Elves — 3 strikes with 8 prowess
(2nd) Elves — 2 strikes with 10 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site.
A Ringwraith may not move to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Elfos — 3 golpes de poder 8
(2º) Elfos — 2 golpes de poder 10<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> El límite de adversidades de cualquier compañía que se mueva hasta este lugar aumenta en 2. Una compañía de servidores no puede atacar a otra compañía en este lugar. Un Espectro del Anillo no puede moverse hasta este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GreyHavens.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "AS-150": { "id": "AS-150", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Himring", "es": "Himring", "de": "Himring", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Himring", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Geann a-Lisch", "draw": "3", "region": "Elven Shores", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "An overt company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Undead - 1 strike with 8 prowess; each character wounded must make a corruption check modified by -2", "sitePath": "{w}{c}{c}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Geann a-Lisch<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Undead — 1 strike with 8 prowess;
each character wounded must make
a corruption check modified by -2<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> An overt company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Geann a-Lisch<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Muertos Vivientes — 1 golpe de poder 8;
cada personaje herido debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -2<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Una compañía descubierta debe girar un personaje enderezado (si hay alguno) si este lugar es revelado como su nueva carta de lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Himring.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-151": { "id": "AS-151", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Irerock", "es": "Roca de la Ira", "de": "Zornfels", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Irerock", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Dol Guldur", "draw": "2", "region": "Withered Heath", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Dragon - 1 strike with 14 prowess", "sitePath": "{d}{w}{w}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)<\/p>

Dragon — 1 strike with 14 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Dragón — 1 golpe de poder 14<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Its name is well given, for if you survive the climb and the cold and the wind, the worm awaits.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻSu nombre es muy apropiado, pues si sobrevives a la ascensión y al frío y al viento, allá arriba te aguarda el gusano.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Irerock.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-152": { "id": "AS-152", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Iron-deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos de Hierro", "de": "Die Eisen-Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Iron-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Carn Dûm (0), The Under-leas (5), The Under-vaults (6)", "draw": "1", "region": "Angmar", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor)", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Trolls - 3 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm (0), The Under-leas (5), The Under-vaults (6)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor)<\/p>

Trolls — 3 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm (0), Los Prados Subterráneos (5), Las Bóvedas Subterráneas (6)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Trolls — 3 golpes de poder 10 (retención)<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Everything was iron-red, as if all the rocks were bleeding.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Todo era del color del hierro al rojo, como si todas las rocas estuvieran sangrando.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheIrondeeps.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-153": { "id": "AS-153", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Isle of the Ulond", "es": "Isla del Ulond", "de": "Insel der lebenden Toten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Isle of the Ulond", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Geann a-Lisch", "draw": "2", "region": "Andrast Coast", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major)", "special": "An overt company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Dragon - 1 strike with 14 prowess", "sitePath": "{w}{w}{c}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Geann a-Lisch<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Dragon — 1 strike with 14 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> An overt company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this
site is revealed as its new site.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Geann a-Lisch<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Dragón — 1 golpe de poder 14<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Una compañía descubierta debe girar un personaje enderezado (si hay alguno) si este lugar es revelado como su nueva carta de lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "IsleoftheUlond.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Douglass Chaffee" }, "AS-154": { "id": "AS-154", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Isles of the Dead That Live", "es": "Islas de los Muertos que Viven", "de": "Insel der Ulond", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Isles of the Dead That Live", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Geann a-Lisch", "draw": "1", "region": "Eriadoran Coast", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, gold ring)", "special": "A covert company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Undead - 2 strikes with 8 prowess; each character wounded must make a corruption check modified by -2", "sitePath": "{w}{c}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Geann a-Lisch<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, gold ring)<\/p>

Undead — 2 strikes with 8 prowess;
each character wounded must make
a corruption check modified by -2<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> A covert company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Geann a-Lisch<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Muertos Vivientes — 2 golpes de poder 8;
cada personaje herido debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -2<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Una compañía encubierta debe girar un personaje enderezado (si hay alguno) si este lugar es revelado como su nueva carta de lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "IslesoftheDeadThatLive.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Douglass Chaffee" }, "AS-155": { "id": "AS-155", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Lórien", "es": "Lórien", "de": "Lórien", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Lórien", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Dol Guldur", "draw": "2", "region": "Wold & Foothills", "siteType": "{F}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)", "special": "Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.", "drawOpponent": "4", "autoAttack": "Elves - 4 strikes with 8 prowess; Elves - 3 strikes with 9 prowess; Elves - 2 strikes with 10 prowess", "sitePath": "{d}{s}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (3):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Elves — 4 strikes with 8 prowess
(2nd) Elves — 3 strikes with 9 prowess
(3rd) Elves — 2 strikes with 10 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (3):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Elfos — 4 golpes de poder 8
(2º) Elfos — 3 golpes de poder 9
(3º) Elfos — 2 golpes de poder 10<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> El límite de adversidades de cualquier compañía que se mueva hasta este lugar aumenta en 2. Una compañía de servidores no puede atacar a otra compañía en este lugar. Un Espectro del Anillo no puede moverse hasta este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Lorien.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "AS-156": { "id": "AS-156", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Old Forest", "es": "Bosque Viejo", "de": "Alter Wald", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Old Forest", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Carn Dûm", "draw": "2", "region": "Cardolan", "siteType": "{B}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Maia - 2 strikes with 15 prowess (cannot be canceled)", "sitePath": "{s}{w}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Maia (cannot be canceled) — 2 strikes with
15 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Maia (no puede ser cancelado)
— 2 golpes de poder 15<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Very few people live in these parts, unless they have come here since I was last down this way, which is some years ago. But there is somebody that I know of, who lives not far away.’” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻMuy poca gente vive en estos parajes, a menos que hayan venido desde la última vez que estuve aquí abajo, hace ya varios años. Pero conozco a alguien que vive no muy lejos.ʼ” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OldForest.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "AS-157": { "id": "AS-157", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Ovir Hollow", "es": "Hueco Ovir", "de": "Talsenke von Ovir", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Ovir Hollow", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Dol Guldur", "draw": "2", "region": "Grey Mountain Narrows", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Dragon - 1 strike with 12 prowess", "sitePath": "{d}{w}{w}{s}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Dragon — 1 strike with 12 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Dragón — 1 golpe de poder 12<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“From out of the hollow came a cry, the song of an angry white bear, a warning of cold doom.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“De uno de los huecos salió un grito, la canción de un oso blanco furioso, un aviso de la perdición fría que aguardaba en su interior.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OvirHollow.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-158": { "id": "AS-158", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Pûkel-deeps", "es": "Las Profundidades Pûkel", "de": "Die Pûckel-Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Pûkel-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Dunharrow (0), The Gem-deeps (9), The Sulfur-deeps (9)", "draw": "2", "region": "Rohan", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)", "special": "Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may be played at this site.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Pûkel-creature (1st attack) - 2 strikes with 11 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Dunharrow (0), The Gem-deeps (9), The Sulfur-deeps (9)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2): <\/i><\/b>
(1st) Pûkel-creature – 2 strikes with 11 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one non-unique hazard creature from his hand
normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}].<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may be played at this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> El Sagrario (0), Los Subterráneos de las Gemas (9), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (9)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2): <\/i><\/b>
(1º) Criatura Pûkel — 2 golpes de poder 11
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad-criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda
ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes o Criatura Pûkel puede ser jugada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ThePukeldeeps.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "AS-159": { "id": "AS-159", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Rhosgobel", "es": "Rhosgobel", "de": "Rhosgobel", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Rhosgobel", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Dol Guldur", "draw": "1", "region": "Southern Mirkwood", "siteType": "{F}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor)", "special": "If the Wizard card Radagast is in play, the automatic-attacks are removed.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Maia - 1 strike with 13 prowess; Maia - 1 strike with 13 prowess", "sitePath": "{d}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Maia — 1 strike with 13 prowess
(2nd) Maia — 1 strike with 13 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> If the Wizard card Radagast<\/i> is
in play, the automatic-attacks are
removed.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Maia — 1 golpe de poder 13
(2º) Maia — 1 golpe de poder 13<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Si la carta de Mago Radagast<\/i> está en juego, los ataques automáticos son eliminados.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Rhosgobel.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "AS-160": { "id": "AS-160", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Rivendell", "es": "Rivendel", "de": "Bruchtal", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Rivendell", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Carn Dûm", "draw": "1", "region": "Rhudaur", "siteType": "{F}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)", "special": "Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site. A Ringwraith may not move to this site.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Elves - 4 strikes with 8 prowess; Dúnedain - 3 strikes with 10 prowess", "sitePath": "{s}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Elves — 4 strikes with 8 prowess
(2nd) Dúnedain — 3 strikes with 10 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any company moving to this site has its hazard limit increased by 2. A minion company may not attack another company at this site.
A Ringwraith may not move to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Elfos — 4 golpes de poder 8
(2º) Dúnedain — 3 golpes de poder 10<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> El límite de adversidades de cualquier compañía que se mueva hasta este lugar aumenta en 2. Una compañía de servidores no puede atacar a otra compañía en este lugar. Un Espectro del Anillo no puede moverse hasta este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Rivendell.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "AS-161": { "id": "AS-161", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Sulfur-deeps", "es": "Las Profundidades Sulfurosas", "de": "Die Schwefel-Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Sulfur-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Dol Guldur (0), The Under-courts (4), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (4), The Under-galleries (7)", "draw": "1", "region": "Southern Mirkwood", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor)", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Trolls - 2 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur (0), The Under-courts (4), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (4), The Under-galleries (7)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor)<\/p>

Trolls — 2 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur (0), Los Palacios de las Profundidades (4), Las Profundidades Pûkel (9), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (4), Las Galerías Subterráneas (7)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Trolls — 2 golpes de poder 10 (retención)<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Amidst the stench all our silver turned black and all our party turned back.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻEn medio de aquel hedor, toda nuestra plata quedó ennegrecida y todo nuestro grupo decidió volver atrás.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheSulfurdeeps.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Douglass Chaffee" }, "AS-162": { "id": "AS-162", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Tolfalas", "es": "Tolfalas", "de": "Tolfalas", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Tolfalas", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Minas Morgul", "draw": "2", "region": "Mouths of the Anduin", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater*) *-Scroll of Isildur only", "special": "An overt company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Undead - 3 strikes with 7 prowess; each character wounded must make a corruption check modified by -2", "sitePath": "{s}{w}{w}{c}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Minas Morgul<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater*)<\/p>

*—Scroll of Isildur<\/i> only<\/p>

Undead — 3 strikes with 7 prowess;
each character wounded must make a
corruption check modified by -2<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> An overt company must tap an untapped character (if available) if this site is revealed as its new site.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Minas Morgul<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes*) *—solo el Pergamino de Isildur<\/i><\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 7;
cada personaje herido debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -2<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Una compañía descubierta debe girar un personaje enderezado (si hay alguno) si este lugar es revelado como su nueva carta de lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Tolfalas.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Larry Elmore" }, "AS-163": { "id": "AS-163", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Under-courts", "es": "Los Palacios de las Profundidades", "de": "Unterirdische Hallen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-courts", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Barad-dûr (0), The Sulfur-deeps (4), The Under-galleries (4)", "draw": "1", "region": "Gorgoroth", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor)", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Trolls - 3 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Barad-dûr (0), The Sulfur-deeps (4), The Under-galleries (4)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor)<\/p>

Trolls — 3 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Barad-dûr (0), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (4), Las Galerías Subterráneas (4)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Trolls — 3 golpes de poder 10 (retención)<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Walls too high to measure descended into pits too deep to fathom.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Muros demasiados altos para ser medidos descendían hacia pozos demasiado profundos para ser examinados.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheUndercourts.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "AS-164": { "id": "AS-164", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Under-galleries", "es": "Las Galerías Subterráneas", "de": "Unterirdische Stollen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-galleries", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Any site in Udûn (0), The Sulfur-deeps (7), The Under-courts (4)", "draw": "2", "region": "Ûdun", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor)", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Trolls - 4 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Any site in Udûn (0), The Under-courts (4), The Sulfur-deeps (7)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor)<\/p>

Trolls — 4 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment)<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier lugar en Ûdun (0), Los Palacios de las Profundidades (4), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (7)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Trolls — 4 golpes de poder 10 (retención)<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Here were bred countless, unspeakable things.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Allí se habían criado incontables e innombrables criaturas.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheUndergalleries.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-165": { "id": "AS-165", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Under-gates", "es": "Las Puertas de las Profundidades", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Tore", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-gates", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Moria (0), The Gem-deeps (6), The Sulfur-deeps (4), The Under-grottos (7), The Under-leas (5)", "draw": "2", "region": "Redhorn Gate", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{S}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Non-Nazgul creatures played at this site attack normally, not as detainment. If a manifestation of Balrog of Moria is in play or defeated, the first automatic-attack is canceled.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Balrog (1st attack) - 2 strikes with 16 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Ruins and Lairs" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Moria (0), The Under-grottos (7), The Gem-deeps (6), The Sulfur-deeps (4), Under-leas (5)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Balrog — 2 strikes with 16 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one
non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed
to a Ruins & Lairs [{R}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Non-Nazgûl creatures played at this site attack normally, not as detainment. If a manifestation of Balrog of Moria<\/i> is in play or defeated, the first automatic-attack is canceled.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Moria (0), Las Grutas Subterráneas (7), Los Subterráneos de las Gemas (6), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (4), Los Prados Subterráneos (5)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Balrog — 2 golpes de poder 16
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad-criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda ser
situada normalmente en unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas que no sean Nazgûl jugadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención. Si alguna manifestación del Balrog de Moria<\/i> está en juego o ha sido derrotada, el primer ataque automático es cancelado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndergates.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Larry Elmore" }, "AS-166": { "id": "AS-166", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Under-grottos", "es": "Las Grutas Subterráneas", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Grotten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-grottos", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Goblin-gate (0), The Under-gates (7), The Under-leas (7)", "draw": "1", "region": "High Pass", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, gold ring)", "special": "When a gold ring is tested in a company at this site, the result of the roll is modified by +1.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Orcs (1st attack) - 4 strikes with 7 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Goblin-gate (0), The Under-leas (7), The Under-gates (7)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 4 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one
non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally
keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> When a gold ring is tested in a company at this site, the result of the roll is modified
by +1.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> La Puerta de los Trasgos (0), Los Prados Subterráneos (7), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (7)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 7
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad-criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda ser
situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cuando un anillo de oro es examinado por una compañía en este lugar, el resultado de la tirada es modificado con un +1.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndergrottos.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "AS-167": { "id": "AS-167", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Under-leas", "es": "Los Prados Subterráneos", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Felder", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-leas", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Mount Gundabad (0), The Iron-deeps (5), The Under-gates (5), The Under-grottos (7), The Under-vaults (6)", "draw": "2", "region": "Gundabad", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{S}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Non-Nazgul creatures played at this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Orcs (1st attack) - 5 strikes with 7 prowess (detainment against overt company); (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic- attack one non- unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Ruins and Lairs" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Mount Gundabad (0), The Iron-deeps (5), The Under-grottos (7), The Under-gates (5), The Under-vaults (6)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 5 strikes with 7 prowess (detainment against
overt company)
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-
unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Ruins & Lairs [{R}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Non-Nazgûl creatures played at this site attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Monte Gundabad (0), Los Subterráneos de Hierro (5), Las Grutas Subterráneas (7), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (5), Las Bóvedas Subterráneas (6)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 5 golpes de poder 7 (retención contra compañías
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad-criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda ser
situada normalmente en unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas que no sean Nazgûl jugadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUnderleas.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "AS-168": { "id": "AS-168", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "The Under-vaults", "es": "Las Bóvedas Subterráneas", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Gewölbe", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-vaults", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Mount Gram (0), The Iron-deeps (6), The Under-leas (6)", "draw": "1", "region": "Angmar", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Any Undead creature may be played at this site.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Undead (1st attack) - 3 strikes with 8 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Mount Gram (0), The Iron-deeps (6), The Under-leas (6)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Undead — 3 strikes with 8 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-
attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead creature may be played at this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Monte Gram (0), Los Subterráneos de Hierro (6), Los Prados Subterráneos (6)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 8
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático
una adversidad-criatura de su mano que no sea única y
pueda ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes puede ser jugada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndervaults.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-169": { "id": "AS-169", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Weathertop", "es": "Cima de los Vientos", "de": "Wetterspitze", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Weathertop", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Carn Dûm", "draw": "1", "region": "Arthedain", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Information", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Wolves - 2 strikes with 6 prowess", "sitePath": "{s}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information<\/p>

Wolves — 2 strikes with 6 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Lobos — 2 golpes de poder 6<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘…in the first days of the North Kingdom, they built a great watch-tower on Weathertop, Amon Sûl they called it.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… en los primeros días del Reino Norte, construyeron una gran fortaleza de vigilancia en la Cima de los Vientos, o Amon Sûl, como la llamaban.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Weathertop.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "AS-170": { "id": "AS-170", "set": "AS", "name": { "en": "Wellinghall", "es": "Sala del Manantial", "de": "Quellhall", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Wellinghall", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Dol Guldur", "draw": "2", "region": "Fangorn", "siteType": "{F}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Awakened Plant - 2 strikes with 10 prowess, Awakened Plant - 2 strikes with 10 prowess", "sitePath": "{d}{s}{w}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Darkhaven:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Awakened Plant – 2 strikes with 10 prowess
(2nd) Awakened Plant – 2 strikes with 10 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio Oscuro más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Árbol Animado — 2 golpes de poder 10
(2º) Árbol Animado — 2 golpes de poder 10<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“A little stream escaped from the springs above… tinkling down the sheer face of the wall, pouring in sheer drops, link a fine curtain…” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Un pequeño arroyo se escapaba de los manantiales de más arriba… tintineando por la pared del muro, cayendo gota a gota, formando una fina cortina de agua…” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Wellinghall.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Angus McBride" } }, "order": 5 }, "BA": { "id": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Balrog", "es": "El Balrog", "fr": "Le Balrog" }, "context": "standard", "extendsFromSetId": null, "isReleased": true, "imageBaseUrl": { "en": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/en-remaster\/ba\/", "es": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/es-remaster\/ba\/", "fr": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/DavRupprecht\/meccg-fr\/ba\/", "enOriginal": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/en-original\/ba\/", "esOriginal": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/es-original\/ba\/" }, "cards": { "BA-1": { "id": "BA-1", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Strider", "es": "Trancos", "de": "Streicher", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Strider", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "prowess": "6", "body": "9", "race": "Dúnadan", "mind": "8", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Bree", "es": "Bree" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of Aragorn II.<\/i> You may bring Aragorn II into play with Strider’s company, removing Strider from the game and automatically transferring all cards on Strider to Aragorn II. +3 direct influence against the Rangers of the North<\/i> faction. Tap Strider to search your discard pile for any one item, ally, or faction playable at his current site. You may bring it to your hand. The site must be in Arthedain, Cardolan, Rhudaur, or The Shire.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de Aragorn II.<\/i> Puedes jugar Aragorn II en la compañía de Trancos eliminando a Trancos del juego y transfiriendo automáticamente todas las cartas jugadas sobre Trancos a Aragorn II. +3 a la influencia directa contra la facción de los Montaraces del Norte<\/i>. Gira a Trancos para buscar en tu pila de descartes un objeto, aliado, o facción jugable en su lugar actual. Puedes ponerlo en tu mano. El lugar debe estar situado en Arthedain, Cardolan, Rhudaur, o La Comarca.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Strider.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "David L. Sexton" }, "BA-2": { "id": "BA-2", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Azog", "es": "Azog", "de": "Azog", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Azog", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "6", "race": "Orc", "mind": "7", "directInfluence": "1", "keywords": [ "Leader" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Moria, The Under-gates", "es": "Moria, Las Puertas de las Profundidades" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Balrog specific. Leader. <\/i>Discard on a body check result of 9. +3 direct influence against Orcs and Orc factions. +2 direct influence against Balrog specific characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Específica del Balrog. Líder. <\/i>Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +3 a su influencia directa contra Orcos y facciones de Orcos. +2 a su influencia directa contra personajes específicos del Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… he was a great Orc with a huge iron-clad head, and yet agile and strong.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… era un gran Orco con una enorme cabeza guarne- cida de hierro… ágil y fuerte.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Azog.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-3": { "id": "BA-3", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Balrog", "es": "El Balrog", "de": "Der Balrog", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Balrog", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "specific": "Balrog", "body": "11", "prowess": "8", "race": "Balrog", "subtype": "Spawn", "directInfluence": "6", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "The Under-gates", "es": "Las Puertas de las Profundidades" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of Balrog of Moria.<\/i> Discard all other manifestations of Balrog of Moria<\/i> when this card comes into play. +3 to the roll for his company to move between adjacent Under-deeps sites. The Balrog’s prowess is only modified by -1 when not tapping to face a strike. He may not have any followers and may not use region or starter movement.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación del Balrog de Moria.<\/i> Descarta todas las demás manifestaciones del Balrog de Moria<\/i> cuando esta carta entre en juego. +3 a todas las tiradas de su compañía para moverse entre Lugares de las Profundidades adyacentes. El poder de El Balrog solo es modificado con un -1 cuando no se gira para enfrentarse a un golpe. No puede tener seguidores y no puede usar el movimiento básico ni a través de regiones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheBalrog.jpg", "rarity": "C6", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "BA-4": { "id": "BA-4", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Bolg", "es": "Bolgo", "de": "Bolg", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Bolg", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "7", "race": "Orc", "mind": "7", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Leader" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Moria, The Under-gates", "es": "Moria, Las Puertas de las Profundidades" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Balrog specific. Leader. <\/i>Discard on a body check result of 9. +3 direct influence against Orcs and Orc factions. +2 direct influence against Balrog specific characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Específica del Balrog. Líder. <\/i>Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +3 a su influencia directa contra Orcos y facciones de Orcos. +2 a su influencia directa contra personajes específicos del Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Bolg of the North is coming.’” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻAhí llega Bolgo del Norte, cuyo padre, ¡oh, Dáin!, mataste en Moria...ʼ” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Bolg.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "David L. Sexton" }, "BA-5": { "id": "BA-5", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Bûthrakaur", "es": "Bûthrakaur", "de": "Bûthrakaur", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Bûthrakaur", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout\/Ranger", "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "8", "race": "Troll", "mind": "9", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Leader" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Moria, The Under-gates", "es": "Moria, Las Puertas de las Profundidades" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Balrog specific. Leader. Manifestation of Bûthrakaur the Green. <\/i>Discard on a body check result of 9. +3 direct influence against Trolls, Orcs, Troll factions, and Orc factions. +3 direct influence against Balrog specific characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Específica del Balrog. Líder. Manifestación de Bûthrakaur el Verde. <\/i>Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +3 a su influencia directa contra Trolls, Orcos, facciones de Trolls y facciones de Orcos. +3 a su influencia directa contra personajes específicos del Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“A huge arm and shoulder, with a dark skin of greenish scales, was thrust through the widening gap.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Un brazo y un hombro voluminosos, de piel oscura, escamosa y verde, aparecieron en la abertura, ensanchándola.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Buthrakaur.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "BA-6": { "id": "BA-6", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Crook-legged Orc", "es": "Orco Patizambo", "de": "Krummbeiniger Orc", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Crook-legged Orc", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "race": "Orc", "mind": "2", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "any non-Dark-hold Under-deeps site", "es": "Cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades que no sea un Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 7.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 7.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… score of others like him: long-armed crook-legged Orcs.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y detrás una veintena de otros como él: orcos patizambos de brazos largos.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CrookleggedOrc.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-7": { "id": "BA-7", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Hill-troll", "es": "Troll de las Colinas", "de": "Hügel-Troll", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Hill-troll", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior", "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "5", "race": "Troll", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "any non-Dark-hold Under-deeps site", "es": "Cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades que no sea un Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 7.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 7.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… clad only in close-fitting mesh of horny scales, or maybe that was their hideous hide; but they bore round bucklers huge and black and wielded heavy hammers in their knotted hands.” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… no llevaban otra vestimenta que una malla ceñida de escamas córneas, o quizás esto fuera la repulsiva piel natural de las criaturas; blandían escudos enormes… empuñaban martillos pesados.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Hilltroll.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "BA-8": { "id": "BA-8", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Mountain-maggot", "es": "Gusano de Montaña", "de": "Berg-Made", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Mountain-maggot", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior", "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "race": "Orc", "mind": "1", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "any non-Dark-hold Under-deeps site", "es": "Cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades que no sea un Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 7.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 7.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘There’s only one thing these maggots can do: they can see like gimlets in the dark.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻHay una sola cosa que puedan hacer estos gusanos: tienen ojos que penetran como taladros en la oscuridad.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Mountainmaggot.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Steve Luke" }, "BA-9": { "id": "BA-9", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Umagaur", "es": "Umagaur", "de": "Umagaur", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Umagaur", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat\/Sage", "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "7", "race": "Troll", "mind": "9", "directInfluence": "2", "keywords": [ "Leader" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Moria, The Under-gates", "es": "Moria, Las Puertas de las Profundidades" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Balrog specific. Leader. Manifestation of Umagaur the Pale.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 9. +2 direct influence against Trolls, Orcs, Troll factions, and Orc factions. +3 direct influence against Balrog specific characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Específica del Balrog. Líder. Manifestación de Umagaur el Pálido. <\/i>Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +2 a su influencia directa contra Trolls, Orcos, facciones de Trolls y facciones de Orcos. +3 a su influencia directa contra personajes específicos del Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The great troll-chief that smote him down…” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "" }, "image": "Umagaur.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Allen G. Douglas" }, "BA-10": { "id": "BA-10", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Beorning Skin-changers", "es": "Cambiapieles Beórnidas", "de": "Beorninger Pelzwechsler", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Beorning Skin-changers", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}", "body": "-", "prowess": "10", "race": "Animals,Men,Bears", "subtype": "Creature\/Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Animals. Men.<\/i> Bears.<\/i> Two strikes. As a creature, playable only against minion companies. May also be keyed to Anduin Vales, Western Mirkwood, Wold & Foothills; and to sites in these regions. Alternatively, playable as a short-event against a moving hero company.<\/i><\/b> Unless the company contains Beorn or an untapped warrior with prowess greater than 4, it must return to its site of origin.<\/p>", "es": "

Animales. Hombres.<\/i> Osos.<\/i> Dos golpes. Como criatura, solo puede ser jugada contra compañías de servidores. Puede ser situada en: Valles del Anduin, Oeste del Bosque Negro, Páramo y Colinas; y en todos los lugares en estas regiones.<\/p>

Alternativamente, jugable como un suceso breve contra una compañía de héroes que se esté moviendo.<\/i><\/b> A menos que la compañía contenga a Beorn o un guerrero enderezado con un poder superior a 4, debe regresar a su lugar de origen.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "BeorningSkinchangers.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-11": { "id": "BA-11", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Carrion Feeders", "es": "Carroñeros", "de": "Aasfresser", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Carrion Feeders", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{s}{R}{S}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "strikes": "1\/each wounded", "race": "Animals", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Animals.<\/i> Each wounded character faces one strike. All body checks resulting from successful strikes are modified by an additional +1. Each untapped character in the company may tap to cancel a strike against a wounded character.<\/p>", "es": "

Animales.<\/i> Cada personaje herido se enfrenta a un golpe. Todos los chequeos de resistencia como resultado de un golpe con éxito son modificados con un +1 adicional. Cada personaje enderezado en la compañía puede girarse para cancelar un golpe contra un personaje herido.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the great bats swirled about the heads and ears of elves and men, or fastened vampire-like on the stricken.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… los grandes murciélagos revoloteaban aún alrededor de las cabezas y los oídos de hombres y elfos, o se precipitaban como vampiros sobre las gentes caídas.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CarrionFeeders.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-12": { "id": "BA-12", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Olog Warlords", "es": "Caudillos Olog", "de": "Olog-Kriegsherr", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Olog Warlords", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{s}{d}{S}{D}", "body": "4", "prowess": "10", "race": "Trolls", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Trolls.<\/i> Three strikes (playable only against hero companies).<\/p>", "es": "

Trolls.<\/i> Tres golpes (jugable solo contra compañías de héroes).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… these fell creatures would bite the throats of those that they threw down.” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y cayó bajo los golpes; y el gran jefe de los trolls que lo había derribado se inclinó sobre él, extendiendo una garra ávida; pues esas criaturas horrendas tenía<\/i><\/p>

la costumbre de morder en el cuello a los vencidos.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OlogWarlords.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "BA-13": { "id": "BA-13", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Shelob’s Brood", "es": "Hijas de Ella-laraña", "de": "Kankra`s Brut", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Shelob's Brood", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "4", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "", "body": "-", "prowess": "8", "race": "Spiders", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Spiders.<\/i> Four strikes. Playable at any Under-deeps site or surface site thereof.<\/p>", "es": "

Arañas.<\/i> Cuatro golpes. Jugable en cualquier Lugar<\/p>

de las Profundidades o lugar de superficie.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Far and wide her lesser broods, bastards of the miserable mates… spread…” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los retoños, bastardos de compañeros miserables de su propia progenie, que ella destinaba a morir, se esparcían por doquier de valle en valle, desde las Ephel Dúath<\/i><\/p>

hasta las colinas del Este, y hasta el Dol Guldur y las fortalezas del Bosque Negro.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ShelobsBrood.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Steven Cavallo" }, "BA-14": { "id": "BA-14", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Black Vapour", "es": "Vapor Negro", "de": "Schwarzer Dunst", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Black Vapour", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Target any effect (declared earlier in the same chain of effects) that would cancel a Spider attack. Make a roll and add the attack’s prowess. If the result is greater than 14, the effect is canceled and the attack receives +1 prowess. Alternatively, +1 prowess to a Spider attack. This card may be revealed as an on-guard card for either effect.<\/p>", "es": "

Elige como objetivo cualquier efecto (declarado anteriormente en la misma cadena de efectos) que pueda cancelar un ataque de Arañas. Haz una tirada y añade el poder del ataque. Si el resultado es superior a 14, el efecto es cancelado y el ataque recibe +1 al poder.<\/p>

Alternativamente, +1 al poder de un ataque de Arañas. Esta carta puede ser revelada como una carta en guardia para cualquiera de sus efectos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "BlackVapour.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "BA-15": { "id": "BA-15", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Darkness Made by Malice", "es": "Oscuridad Tejida con Malicia", "de": "Die Dunkelheit des Bösen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Darkness Made by Malice", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company at or moving to a Ruins & Lairs <\/i><\/b>[{R}] or Under-deeps site, <\/i><\/b>if there are more Spawn cards in play than characters in the company.<\/i> Eliminated Spawn do not count. The company must do nothing during its site phase this turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se encuentre en o se esté moviendo hacia unas Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}] o un Lugar de las profundidades, <\/i><\/b>si hay en juego más cartas de Engendro que personajes en la compañía. <\/i>Los Engendros eliminados no cuentan. La compañía no puede hacer nada durante su fase de lugares este turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Night always had been, and always would be, and night was all.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Siempre había sido de noche, siempre sería de noche y todo era noche.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DarknessMadebyMalice.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Fritz Haas" }, "BA-16": { "id": "BA-16", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Desire All for Thy Belly", "es": "Desear el Mundo en la Barriga", "de": "Stopfe alles in Dich hinein", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Desire All for Thy Belly", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

To play this card, you must discard a Spawn card from your hand. Reveal to yourself a number of cards from the top of opponent’s play deck equal to the number of Spawn cards in play. Eliminated spawn do not count. Choose one card and show it to your opponent. He must choose to either: remove the card from the game or<\/b> decrease the number of cards he may hold in his hand by one for the rest of the game. Shuffle and replace all remaining cards back on top of his play deck. Remove this card from the game.<\/p>", "es": "

Para jugar esta carta, debes descartar una carta de Engendro de tu mano. Mira un número de cartas de la parte superior del mazo de juego de tu oponente igual al número de cartas de Engendro en juego. Los Engendros eliminados no cuentan. Elige una de las cartas y muéstrasela a tu oponente. Debe elegir entre: eliminar la carta del juego o<\/b> reducir en uno el número de cartas que puede mantener en su mano para el resto de la partida. Baraja y devuelve el resto de cartas a la parte superior de su mazo de juego. Elimina esta carta del juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DesireAllforThyBelly.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "BA-17": { "id": "BA-17", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Diminish and Depart", "es": "Menguar y Partir", "de": "Reduziert und Zerstreut", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Diminish and Depart", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an Elf, Hobbit, or Wizard.<\/i><\/b> All Elves and Hobbits in the target’s company have +1 mind, and a Wizard in the company has -1 direct influence. Tap target character at a Haven [{H}] during the organization phase to discard this card. Cannot be duplicated in a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Elfo, Hobbit, o Mago.<\/i><\/b> Todos los Elfos y Hobbits en la compañía del objetivo reciben +1 a la mente, y un Mago en la compañía recibe -1 a su influencia directa. Gira el personaje objetivo en un Refugio [{H}] durante la fase de organización para descartar esta carta. No puede ser duplicada en una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… if all the fair folk take to the Havens, it will be a duller world for those who are doomed to stay.’” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… si toda la hermosa gente se marcha a los Puertos, este mundo será muy monótono para los que están condenados a quedarse.’” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DiminishandDepart.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "BA-18": { "id": "BA-18", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Fled into Darkness", "es": "Huir hacia la Oscuridad", "de": "Flucht in die Dunkelheit", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Fled into Darkness", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable before the strike sequence on The Balrog facing a strike with a prowess higher than his.<\/i><\/b> The strike is canceled and The Balrog taps, if untapped. The next time The Balrog would otherwise untap, make him tapped instead and discard this card. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable antes de la secuencia de golpes sobre El Balrog al enfrentarse a un golpe con un poder superior al suyo.<\/i><\/b> El golpe es cancelado y El Balrog es girado, si estaba enderezado. En la siguiente ocasión en que El Balrog normalmente se enderezaría, déjalo girado y descarta esta carta. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a thing of terror… flying from Thangorodrim…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… una criatura espantada que había huido de Thangorodrim…” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FledintoDarkness.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "BA-19": { "id": "BA-19", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Glance of Arien", "es": "Mirada de Arien", "de": "Der Glanz von Arien", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Glance of Arien", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Environment. <\/i>Playable on The Balrog at or moving to a non-Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> -2\/-1 to his prowess\/body until the end of the turn. This modification is -4\/-2 if Gates of Morning<\/i> is in play. Cannot be duplicated on a given turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Ambiental. <\/i>Jugable sobre El Balrog si está en o se está moviendo hacia un lugar que no sea un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> -2\/-1 a su poder\/resistencia hasta el final del turno. Esta modificación es -4\/-2 si están en juego Las Puertas del Amanecer<\/i>. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The Black Enemy and his servants could not endure the glance of the Sun’s bright eyes.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El Enemigo Oscuro y sus sirvientes no pudieron soportar la mirada de los ojos brillantes del Sol.” —<\/i>Sabiruría kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GlanceofArien.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Lee Seed" }, "BA-20": { "id": "BA-20", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Imprisoned and Mocked", "es": "Encarcelado y Humillado", "de": "Gefangen und Verspottet", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Imprisoned and Mocked", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable before strikes are assigned on a non-detainment Orc or Troll attack with more strikes than characters and allies in the company. <\/i><\/b>If the attack is not canceled or defeated, make a roll following the attack adding two for each excess strike. If the result minus five is greater than the prowess of the highest mind character in the company (of your choice), place that character “off to the side” with this card and discard all cards on that character. Otherwise, discard this card. During that character’s next long-event phase, discard this card and return the character to its owner’s hand.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un ataque de Orcos o Trolls que no sea de retención antes de que se asignen los golpes, si el ataque tiene más golpes que personajes y aliados en la compañía.<\/i><\/b> Si el ataque no es cancelado o derrotado, haz una tirada tras el ataque añadiendo 2 por cada golpe en exceso. Si el resultado menos cinco es mayor que el poder del personaje con mayor mente de la compañía (a tu elección), coloca ese personaje “a un lado” con esta carta y descarta todas las cartas sobre el personaje. De lo contrario, descarta esta carta. Durante su siguiente fase de sucesos duraderos, descarta esta carta y devuelve el personaje a la mano de su propietario.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ImprisonedandMocked.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "BA-21": { "id": "BA-21", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Monstrosity of Diverse Shape", "es": "Monstruosidad de Formas Diversas", "de": "Schrecken in vielerlei Gestalt", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Monstrosity of Diverse Shape", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "spawn": true, "keywords": [ "Spawn" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Spawn. <\/i>The Drowning-deeps and Remains of Thangorodrim each have an additional automatic-attack: Spawn — 2 strikes with 15\/9. In addition, once per turn the hazard player may use one against the hazard limit to play a Wolf or Animal hazard creature from his discard pile. This card must have already attacked the company this turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Engendro. <\/i>Las Profundidades Anegadas y Restos de Thangorodrim ganan un ataque automático adicional: Engendro — 2 golpes de 15\/9.<\/p>

Además, una vez por turno el jugador de las adversidades puede reducir en 1 el límite de adversidades para jugar una adversidad criatura de Lobos o Animales desde su pila de descartes. Esa carta debe haber atacado a la compañía con anterioridad en este turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "MonstrosityofDiverseShape.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "BA-22": { "id": "BA-22", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Press-gang", "es": "Reclutamiento Forzado", "de": "Schanghait", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Press -gang", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

When a character would otherwise be discarded from play, discard all cards on him, place him “off to the side” with this card, and return any character already with this card to its owner’s hand. A character with this card gives his player negative character marshalling points. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cuando un personaje debería ser descartado del juego, descarta todas las cartas sobre él, colócalo “a un lado” con esta carta, y devuelve cualquier otro personaje que ya estuviese con esta carta a la mano de su propietario. Un personaje con esta carta proporciona a su jugador los puntos de victoria del personaje en negativo. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“They were a gang of the smaller breeds being driven unwilling to their Dark Lord’s wars…” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Era una banda de la raza más pequeña, arrastrados a pelear en las guerras del Señor Oscuro…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Pressgang.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-23": { "id": "BA-23", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Reek", "es": "El Hedor", "de": "Der Gestank", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Reek", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company at or moving to a Ruins & Lairs <\/i><\/b>[{R}] or Under-deeps site if you discard an Animal or Spider creature from your hand.<\/i><\/b> Tap all untapped characters in the company with a mind less than 2 plus the number of Spawn cards in play. Eliminated Spawn do not count. Does not affect Wizards or Ringwraiths.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se encuentre en o se esté moviendo hacia unas Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}] o un Lugar de las Profundidades si te descartas de una criatura del tipo Animal o Araña de tu mano.<\/i><\/b> Gira todos los personajes enderezados en la compañía con una mente menor que 2 más el número de cartas de Engendro en juego. Los Engendros eliminados no cuentan. No afecta a Magos o Espectros del Anillo.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a foul reek, as if filth unnameable were piled and hoarded in the dark within.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un hedor fétido y penetrante, como si allí, en la oscuridad, hubiesen acumulado montones de indecibles inmundicias.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheReek.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "April Lee" }, "BA-24": { "id": "BA-24", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Spawn of Ungoliant", "es": "Engendro de Ungoliant", "de": "Ungolliants Brut", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Spawn of Ungoliant", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "spawn": true, "keywords": [ "Spawn" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Spawn.<\/i> The Pûkel-deeps and The Gem-deeps each have an additional automatic-attack: Spawn — 3 strikes with 15\/8 prowess\/body. In addition, +1 to all body checks for Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, Dúnedain, and Men resulting from Spider attacks.<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Engendro.<\/i> Las Profundidades Pûkel y Los Subterráneos de las Gemas ganan un ataque automático adicional: Engendro — 3 golpes de 15\/8. Además, +1 a todos los chequeos de resistencia de Elfos, Enanos, Hobbits, Dúnedain, y Hombres resultantes de ataques de Arañas.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea…” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… la misma que en los días antiguos habitara en el País de los Elfos, en el Oeste que está ahora sumergido bajo el Mar…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SpawnofUngoliant.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Allen G. Douglas" }, "BA-25": { "id": "BA-25", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Sun Shone Fiercely", "es": "El Sol Brilla Fieramente", "de": "Die Sonne scheint grimmig", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Sun Shone Fiercely", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event", "keywords": [ "Environment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Environment. <\/i>-1 prowess to all Orc, Troll, Dwarf, and Ringwraith characters not at, nor moving to or from, an Under-deeps site. This modification is -2 if Doors of Night<\/i> is not in play. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Ambiental.<\/i> -1 al poder de todos los Orcos, Trolls, Enanos, y Espectros del Anillo que no se encuentren en, ni se estén moviendo desde o hacia un Lugar de las Profundidades. Esta modificación es -2 si no están en juego Las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ¡Vuelve a la Sombra! No puedes pasar.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheSunShoneFiercely.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "April Lee" }, "BA-26": { "id": "BA-26", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Unabated in Malice", "es": "Nunca Menos Malvada", "de": "Unverminderte Bosheit", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Unabated in Malice", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an automatic-attack or an attack from Shelob; <\/i><\/b>does not count against the hazard limit.<\/i> The attack receives +1 strike, +1 prowess, and -2 body. The first attempt to cancel this attack instead cancels the effects of this card. Cannot be duplicated on a given attack.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un ataque automático o un ataque de Ella-laraña; <\/i><\/b>no cuenta para el límite de adversidades. <\/i>El ataque recibe +1 golpe, +1 al poder, y -2 a la resistencia. El primer intento para cancelar ese ataque cancela en su lugar los efectos de esta carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo ataque.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Her vast belly was above him with its putrid light, and the stench of it almost smote him down.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El vientre enorme pendía sobre él con una pútrida fosforescencia, y el hedor le impedía respirar.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "UnabatedinMalice.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "BA-27": { "id": "BA-27", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Ungoliant’s Progeny", "es": "Progenie de Ungoliant", "de": "Ungoliants Nachkommen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Ungoliant's Progeny", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "spawn": true, "keywords": [ "Spawn" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Spawn.<\/i> The Wind-deeps and The Rusted-deeps each have an additional automatic-attack: Spawn — 2 strikes with 16\/8 prowess\/body. In addition, for each Spider attack your opponent faces, you can choose for it to be at +1 prowess and detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Engendro<\/i>. Los Subterráneos del Viento y Las Profundidades Oxidadas ganan un ataque automático adicional: Engendro — 2 golpes de 16\/8.<\/p>

Además, puedes elegir para cada ataque de Arañas al que se enfrente tu oponente que sea modificado con +1 al poder y sea de retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath…” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… la misma que Beren combatiera en Doriath en las Montañas del Terror…” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "UngoliantsProgeny.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-28": { "id": "BA-28", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Ungoliant’s Foul Issue", "es": "Maligno Legado de Ungoliant", "de": "Ungoliants ekelhafte Brut", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Ungoliant's Foul Issue", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "spawn": true, "keywords": [ "Spawn" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Spawn. <\/i>Ancient Deep-hold has an additional automatic-attack: Spawn — 2 strikes with 17\/7 prowess\/body. In addition, non-unique Spider creatures can be keyed to Under-deeps Ruins & Lairs [{R}] and Shadow-holds [{S}].<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Engendro.<\/i> La Antigua Fortaleza Subterránea gana un ataque automático adicional: Engendro — 2 golpes de 17\/7.<\/p>

Además, las criaturas Arañas que no sean únicas pueden ser situadas en Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}] y Bastiones de la Sombra [{S}] de las Profundidades.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… an evil thing in spider-form…” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… una criatura maligna de cuerpo de araña…”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "UngoliantsFoulIssue.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Allen G. Douglas" }, "BA-29": { "id": "BA-29", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Crept Along Carefully", "es": "Arrastrarse Cuidadosamente", "de": "Vorsichtig vorbei gekrabbelt", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Crept Along Carefully", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company during the organization phase.<\/i><\/b> The company cannot use starter movement or move to an Under-deeps site. In addition, if they move with region movement, they are limited in all cases to 3 regions maximum and <\/b>their hazard limit is reduced by one (to a minimum of two). Discard this card from play and make a roll to attempt to cancel an attack against them by an opponent’s company. If the roll plus the number of rangers in the company is greater than 7, the attack is canceled. Discard when any play deck is exhausted or, if you choose, during your organization phase.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía durante la fase de organización.<\/i><\/b> La compañía no puede usar el movimiento básico ni moverse a un Lugar de las Profundidades. Además, si se mueve utilizando el movimiento a través de regiones, está limitada en todo caso a un máximo de 3 regiones y<\/b> su límite de adversidades se reduce en uno (hasta un mínimo de dos). Descarta esta carta del juego y haz una tirada para intentar cancelar un ataque de una compañía de tu oponente contra la compañía. Si la tirada más el número de montaraces en la compañía es superior a 7, el ataque es cancelado. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego o, si lo deseas, durante tu fase de organización.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "CreptAlongCarefully.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "BA-30": { "id": "BA-30", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Longbottom Leaf", "es": "Hoja de Valle Largo", "de": "Langgrund-Blatt", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Longbottom Leaf", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Take up to two resources from your sideboard to your play deck and reshuffle. Remove this card from the game.<\/p>", "es": "

Coge hasta dos recursos de tu baraja complementaria y barájalos en tu mazo de juego. Elimina esta carta del juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘It is good!’ said Merry. ‘My dear Gimli, it is Longbottom Leaf!’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ¡Bueno!ʼ dijo Merry. ʻMi querido Gimli, ¡es de<\/i><\/p>

Valle Largo!ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LongbottomLeaf.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "BA-31": { "id": "BA-31", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Rumours of Rings", "es": "Rumores de Anillos", "de": "Gerüchte der Ringe", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Rumours of Rings", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "playableAsStartingMinorItem": true }, "text": { "en": "

During your organization phase, you may take one ring special item (except for The One Ring<\/i>) from your sideboard or discard pile and place it “off to the side” with this card. This item gives no marshalling points. A maximum of two items may be with this card at one time. You may play a ring special item placed with this card as though it were in your hand. You may start the game with this card in lieu of playing a minor item.<\/p>", "es": "

Durante tu fase de organización, puedes coger un objeto especial anillo (excepto El Anillo Único<\/i>) de tu baraja complementaria o tu pila de descartes y colocarlo “a un lado” con esta carta. Este objeto no da puntos de victoria. Puede haber un máximo de dos objetos a la vez con esta carta. Puedes jugar un objeto especial anillo de esta carta como si estuviese en tu mano. Puedes comenzar la partida con esta carta en lugar de jugar un objeto menor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "RumoursofRings.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "BA-32": { "id": "BA-32", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Show Things Unbidden", "es": "Mostrar Cosas no Pedidas", "de": "Zeige auch nichterbetene Dinge", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Show Things Unbidden", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the organization phase on Galadriel if untapped and at Lórien.<\/i><\/b> Tap Galadriel. Opponent must choose and reveal to you 3 non-environment hazards from his hand and shuffle them into his play deck. If these are not available, opponent must reveal his hand to you and shuffle all non-environment hazards there into his play deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre Galadriel si está enderezada y se encuentra en Lórien.<\/i><\/b> Gira a Galadriel. Tu oponente debe elegir y revelarte 3 adversidades de su mano que no sean ambientales y barajarlas en su mazo de juego. Si no es posible, el oponente debe revelarte su mano y barajar todas las adversidades que no sean ambientales en su mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ShowThingsUnbidden.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "BA-33": { "id": "BA-33", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "To Fealty Sworn", "es": "Juramento de Lealtad", "de": "Zur Treue verpflichtet", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "To Fealty Sworn", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Hobbit:<\/i><\/b> in the same company as Return of the King <\/i>or<\/i><\/b> during the same site phase his company plays a unique hero faction at a Free-hold <\/i>[{F}] (not Bag End). The Hobbit gains the warrior skill, +2 prowess, and +5 direct influence against the Hobbits <\/i>faction and characters with Bag End as a home site. Cannot be duplicated on a given Hobbit.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Hobbit:<\/i><\/b> en la misma compañía que El Retorno del Rey <\/i>o<\/i><\/b> durante la misma fase de lugares en la que su compañía haya jugado una facción única de héroes en un Bastión Libre <\/i>[{F}] (que no sea Bolsón Cerrado). El Hobbit gana la habilidad de guerrero, +2 al poder y +5 a la influencia directa contra la facción de los Hobbits <\/i>y personajes con Bolsón Cerrado como lugar natal. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo Hobbit.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ToFealtySworn.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "April Lee" }, "BA-34": { "id": "BA-34", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Elven Rope", "es": "Cuerda Élfica", "de": "Elbenseil", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Elven Rope", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "marshallingPoints": "(3)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Minor Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Tap Elven Rope<\/i> and a ranger bearer during your organization phase to allow his company to move an additional region.<\/p>

Instead of eliminating a creature the bearer’s company defeated (with a normal prowess less than 11), you may place the creature’s card with Elven Rope.<\/i> Discard the creature if Elven Rope’s<\/i> bearer becomes wounded. If stored with a creature, the creature stays with Elven Rope<\/i> and you receive three miscellaneous marshalling points. Otherwise, the creature has no effect on play.<\/p>", "es": "

Gira la Cuerda Élfica <\/i>y un portador montaraz durante tu fase de organización para permitir a su compañía moverse una región adicional.<\/p>

En lugar de eliminar una criatura derrotada por la compañía del portador (con un poder normal inferior a 11), puedes colocar la criatura con la Cuerda Élfica<\/i>. Descarta la criatura si el portador de la Cuerda Élfica<\/i> es herido. Si es almacenada con una criatura, la criatura permanece con la Cuerda Élfica<\/i> y recibes 3 puntos de victoria de la categoría “otros”. De lo contrario, la criatura no tiene ningún efecto en el juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ElvenRope.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-35": { "id": "BA-35", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Cave Troll", "es": "Troll de las Cavernas", "de": "Höhlen-Troll", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Cave Troll", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Ally", "mind": "2" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable at a tapped or untapped Under-deeps site with a Troll automatic-attack.<\/i><\/b> Its controlling character's company is overt. +1 to rolls required for its controller’s company to move to adjacent Under-deeps sites.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable en un Lugar de las Profundidades girado o enderezado con un ataque automático de Trolls.<\/i><\/b> La compañía del personaje que lo controla es descubierta. +1 a todas las tiradas realizadas por la compañía de su controlador para moverse a Lugares de las Profundidades adyacentes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘A great cave-troll, I think, or more than one.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻUn gran troll de las cavernas, creo, o más que uno.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CaveTroll.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "April Lee" }, "BA-36": { "id": "BA-36", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Ancient Secrets", "es": "Antiguos Secretos", "de": "Alte Geheimnisse", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Ancient Secrets", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Tap your Ringwraith to discard one hazard permanent-event. Alternatively, during your organization phase, tap your Ringwraith to take up to two resources from your sideboard to your play deck and reshuffle.<\/p>", "es": "

Gira tu Espectro del Anillo para descartar una adversidad de suceso permanente.<\/p>

Alternativamente, gira tu Espectro del Anillo durante tu fase de organización para coger hasta dos recursos de tu baraja complementaria y barajarlos en tu mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… the secret ways of Khazad-dûm: too well he knew them all.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… los caminos secretos de Khazad-dûm: demasiado bien los conocía.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AncientSecrets.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "William O'Connor" }, "BA-37": { "id": "BA-37", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Going Ever Under Dark", "es": "Yendo Siempre en la Oscuridad", "de": "Gang durch die Dunkelheit", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Going Ever Under Dark", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company during the organization phase.<\/i><\/b> The company cannot use starter movement. In addition, if they move with region movement, they are limited in all cases to 3 regions maximum and <\/b>their hazard limit is reduced by one (to a minimum of two). Discard this card from play and make a roll to attempt to cancel an attack against them by an opponent’s company. If the roll plus the number of scouts in the company is greater than 7, the attack is canceled. Discard during your organization phase if you choose. Cannot be duplicated on a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía durante la fase de organización.<\/i><\/b> La compañía no puede usar el movimiento básico. Además, si se mueve utilizando el movimiento a través de regiones, está limitada en todo caso a un máximo de 3 regiones y<\/b> su límite de adversidades se reduce en uno (hasta un mínimo de dos). Descarta esta carta del juego y haz una tirada para intentar cancelar un ataque de una compañía de tu oponente contra la compañía. Si la tirada más el número de exploradores en la compañía es superior a 7, el ataque es cancelado. Si lo deseas, puedes descartar esta carta durante tu fase de organización. No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GoingEverUnderDark.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-38": { "id": "BA-38", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Great Army of the North", "es": "Gran Ejército del Norte", "de": "Große Armee des Nordens", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Great Army of the North", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "(2)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event\/Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

As a permanent-event, +1 to your influence attempts against Orc and Troll factions. If you have at least 4 unique Orc and\/or Troll factions —none playable at a Darkhold [{D}]—you receive this card’s marshalling points. Cannot be duplicated as a permanent-event. Alternatively, as a short-event, you may choose any Orc and Troll factions from your discard pile and shuffle them into your play deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Como suceso permanente, +1 a tus intentos de influencia contra facciones de Orcos y Trolls. Si tienes en juego al menos 4 facciones únicas de Orcos y\/o Trolls—que no sean jugables en un Bastión de la Oscuridad [{D}]—recibes los puntos de victoria de esta carta. No puede ser duplicada como suceso permanente.<\/p>

Alternativamente, como suceso breve, puedes coger cualquier número de facciones de Orcos y Trolls de tu pila de descartes y barajarlas en tu mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GreatArmyoftheNorth.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "BA-39": { "id": "BA-39", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Grond", "es": "Grond", "de": "Grond", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Grond", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a unique Orc or Troll Faction.<\/i><\/b> -3 prowess to automatic-attacks at
Free-holds [{F}] and Border-holds [{B}] in the region containing the site where the faction is playable, and in all adjacent regions. Only one Grond <\/i>can so affect a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una facción única de Orcos o Trolls.<\/i><\/b> -3 al poder de los ataques automáticos de Bastiones Libres [{F}] y Bastiones Fronterizos [{B}] situados en la región que contenga el lugar donde la facción es jugable, y en todas sus regiones adyacentes. Sólo un Grond <\/i>puede afectar a un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“With a vast rush Grond was hurled forward by huge hands.” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“En una fuerte embestida, unas manos enormes empujaron a Grond hacia adelante.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Grond.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-40": { "id": "BA-40", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Long Grievous Siege", "es": "Largo y Crudo Asedio", "de": "Lange schmerzliche Belagerung", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Long Grievous Siege", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a unique non-Dragon faction.<\/i><\/b> Place a Border-hold [{B}] from your location deck “off to the side” with this card. The Border-hold must be in the same region or adjacent thereto as a site where the target faction is playable. Return any faction playable at the Border-hold to its owner’s hand. -5 to any attempt to play a faction at any version of the Border-hold. All versions of the Border-hold gain an additional automatic-attack: same type as your target faction — 5 strikes with 9 prowess (detainment against your companies). Cannot be duplicated on your faction.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una facción única que no sea de Dragón.<\/i><\/b> Coloca un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] de tu mazo de lugares “a un lado” con esta carta. El Bastión Fronterizo debe encontrarse en la misma región o una región adyacente al lugar donde la facción objetivo es jugable. Devuelve cualquier facción jugable en el Bastión Fronterizo a la mano de su propietario. -5 a cualquier intento de jugar una facción en cualquier versión del Bastión Fronterizo. Todas las versiones del Bastión Fronterizo ganan un ataque automático adicional: mismo tipo que la facción objetivo — 5 golpes de poder 9 (de retención contra tus compañías). No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma facción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LongGrievousSiege.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "BA-41": { "id": "BA-41", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "No Better Use", "es": "Sin un Mejor Uso", "de": "Kein besserer Gebrauch", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "No Better Use", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a character during your organization phase.<\/i><\/b> One time you may tap your character to place an opponent’s character “off to the side” with this card. Do this in lieu of making opponent’s character’s body check in company vs. company combat with your character’s company. Discard all cards on opponent’s character. If your character becomes wounded or leaves active play, discard this card—opponent’s character then forms a company at your character’s current or new site. During the site phase at Shelob’s Lair, your character may tap and discard this card to eliminate opponent’s character—whom you then receive as kill marshalling points.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje durante tu fase de organización.<\/i><\/b> Puedes girar tu personaje una vez para poner un personaje de tu oponente “a un lado” con esta carta. Haz esto en lugar de realizar un chequeo de resistencia de un personaje oponente durante un combate entre la compañía de tu personaje y una compañía oponente. Descarta todas las cartas jugadas sobre el personaje oponente. Si tu personaje es herido o abandona el juego, descarta esta carta—el personaje del oponente forma una compañía en el lugar actual o el nuevo lugar de tu personaje. Durante la fase de lugares si se encuentra en El Antro de Ella-laraña, tu personaje puede girarse y descartar esta carta para eliminar al personaje oponente—recibes sus puntos de victoria como puntos por muertes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "NoBetterUse.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "BA-42": { "id": "BA-42", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Prone to Violence", "es": "Propensos a la Violencia", "de": "Neigung zur Gewalt", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Prone to Violence", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Any minion company without a Ringwraith may attack another minion company without a Ringwraith. The attacking company may contain The Balrog. Discard when any play deck is exhausted. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Una compañía de servidores que no contenga un Espectro del Anillo puede atacar a otra compañía de servidores que no contenga un Espectro del Anillo. La compañía atacante puede contener El Balrog. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The ranks of the orcs had opened, and they crowded away, as if they themselves were afraid.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Las filas de los orcos se habían abierto y retrocedían como si ellos mismos estuviesen asustados.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "PronetoViolence.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-43": { "id": "BA-43", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Sauron", "es": "Sauron", "de": "Sauron", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Sauron", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "resourceAvatar": true }, "text": { "en": "

Manifestation of The Lidless Eye. <\/i>Playable if your opponent is a Wizard and you have not revealed a Ringwraith.<\/i><\/b> You are Sauron, not a Ringwraith. You may not reveal a Ringwraith or play Ringwraith followers. +10 to your general influence. Discards and prevents the subsequent play of Bade to Rule.<\/i> During your organization phase, you may bring a resource or character from your sideboard into your play deck and shuffle and <\/b>there is no limit to the number of characters you may bring into play. Cannot be duplicated. Cannot be included in a Balrog's\/Fallen-wizard's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Manifestación de El Ojo sin Párpado. <\/i>Jugable si tu oponente es un Mago y tú no has revelado tu Espectro del Anillo.<\/i><\/b> Eres Sauron, no un Espectro del Anillo. No puedes revelar ningún Espectro del Anillo ni jugarlos como seguidores. +10 a tu influencia general. Descarta y evita la puesta en juego de Orden de Gobernar.<\/i> Durante tu fase de organización puedes coger un recurso o personaje de tu baraja complementaria y barajarlo en tu mazo de juego y<\/b> no tienes límite de cantidad de personajes que puedes poner en juego. No puede ser duplicada. No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog\/Mago Renegado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Sauron.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "BA-44": { "id": "BA-44", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Whispers of Rings", "es": "Susurros de Anillos", "de": "Ringgeflüster", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Whispers of Rings", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "playableAsStartingMinorItem": true }, "text": { "en": "

During your organization phase, you may take one ring special item (except for The One Ring<\/i>) from your sideboard or discard pile and place it “off to the side” with this card. This item gives no marshalling points. A maximum of two items may be with this card at one time. You may play a ring special item placed with this card as though it were in your hand. You may start the game with this card in lieu of playing a minor item.<\/p>", "es": "

Durante tu fase de organización, puedes coger un objeto especial anillo (excepto El Anillo Único<\/i>) de tu baraja complementaria o tu pila de descartes y colocarlo “a un lado” con esta carta. Este objeto no da puntos de victoria. Puede haber un máximo de dos objetos a la vez con esta carta. Puedes jugar un objeto especial anillo de esta carta como si estuviese en tu mano. Puedes comenzar la partida con esta carta en lugar de jugar un objeto menor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "WhispersofRings.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-45": { "id": "BA-45", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Evil Things Lingering", "es": "Criatura Maligna Imperecedera", "de": "Schleichendes böses Ding", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Evil Things Lingering", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "9", "prowess": "9", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Sage", "mind": "4", "spawn": true, "keywords": [ "Spawn" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Balrog specific. Spawn. <\/i>Playable at The Under-galleries, The Under-courts, or Remains of Thangorodrim.<\/i><\/b> Its controlling character's company is overt. Discard this ally if its company moves using region or starter movement. If this ally’s controlling character is not The Balrog, your opponent makes a roll during your organization phase and subtracts four. The controlling character is eliminated if the result is greater than his mind.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Específica del Balrog. Engendro. <\/i>Jugable en Las Galerías Subterráneas, Los Palacios de las Profundidades, o los Restos de Thangorodrim.<\/i><\/b> La compañía del personaje que lo controla es descubierta. Descarta esta carta si su compañía se mueve utilizando el movimiento básico o a través de regiones. Si el personaje que controla este aliado no es El Balrog, tu oponente hace una tirada durante tu fase de organización y resta cuatro. El personaje que lo controla es eliminado si el resultado es superior a su mente.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "EvilThingsLingering.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-46": { "id": "BA-46", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Great Troll", "es": "Gran Troll", "de": "Großer Troll", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Great Troll", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "8", "prowess": "6", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Warrior", "mind": "3", "keywords": [ "Troll" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable at a non-Darkhaven Under-deeps site and only by The Balrog.<\/i><\/b> Troll.<\/i> Its controlling character's company is overt. Even if tapped or wounded, you may assign a strike to this ally as though it were untapped.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable en un Lugar de las Profundidades que no sea un Refugio Oscuro y solo por El Balrog.<\/i><\/b>Troll.<\/i> La compañía del personaje que lo controla es descubierta. Aunque esté girado o herido, puedes asignar un golpe a este aliado como si estuviese enderezado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Two great trolls appeared; they bore great slabs of stone, and flung them down to serve as gangways over the fire.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Dos grandes trolls se acercaron cargando unas pesadas losas y las echaron al suelo para utilizarlas como un puente sobre las llamas.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GreatTroll.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "David L. Sexton" }, "BA-47": { "id": "BA-47", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Nasty Slimy Thing", "es": "Cosa Viscosa Asquerosa", "de": "Scheußlich Schleimiges Ding", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Nasty Slimy Thing", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "9", "prowess": "4", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Ally", "mind": "2", "spawn": true, "keywords": [ "Spawn" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Balrog specific. Spawn. <\/i>Playable at a non-Darkhaven Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> Its controlling character's company is overt. Tap to cancel a Drake attack against his company. Discard this ally if its company moves using region or starter movement.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Específica del Balrog. Engendro. <\/i>Jugable en un Lugar de las Profundidades que no sea un Refugio Oscuro.<\/i><\/b> La compañía del personaje que lo controla es descubierta. Gíralo para cancelar un ataque de Draques contra su compañía. Descarta este aliado si su compañía se mueve utilizando el movimiento básico o a través de regiones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… also there are other things more slimy than fish.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y allí hay también criaturas más viscosas que peces.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "NastySlimyThing.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Nathalie Hertz" }, "BA-48": { "id": "BA-48", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "A More Evil Hour", "es": "Una Hora Más Maligna", "de": "Eine bösere Stunde", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "A More Evil Hour", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> Tap this card when an opponent plays a card normally giving him three or more marshalling points. This card does not untap. If tapped, you may discard this card during your organization phase to target a company allowed to move with region movement. The company may move up to two additional regions if moving to a site where an opponent’s company is present—and also, thereafter, when leaving this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> Gira esta carta cuando un oponente juegue una carta que normalmente proporcione tres o más puntos de victoria. Esta carta no se endereza. Si está girada, puedes descartar esta carta durante tu fase de organización para elegir como objetivo una de tus compañías, la cual puede utilizar el movimiento a través regiones. La compañía puede moverse hasta dos regiones adicionales si se mueve a un lugar en el que se encuentre una compañía de tu oponente—y también, posteriormente, cuando abandone el lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AMoreEvilHour.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "BA-49": { "id": "BA-49", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Angband Revisited", "es": "Retorno a Angband", "de": "Zurück nach Angband", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Angband Revisited", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> Untap a character in The Balrog’s company.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> Endereza un personaje en la compañía de El Balrog<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘In those days the Great Enemy, of whom Sauron of Mordor was but a servant, dwelt in Angband in the North…’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻEn aquellos días, el Gran Enemigo, de quien Sauron de Mordor no era más que un siervo, residía en Angband en el Norte…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AngbandRevisited.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Lee Seed" }, "BA-50": { "id": "BA-50", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Breach the Hold", "es": "Franquear las Defensas", "de": "Bruch der Festung", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Breach the Hold", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the site phase on The Drowning-deeps or The Rusted-deeps if The Balrog is there.<\/i><\/b> The Balrog’s company faces 3 attacks (Spawn — 1 strike with 15 prowess, Dwarves — 4 strikes with 9 prowess, 2 strikes with 12 prowess). Following the attacks, tap The Balrog or discard this card. The roll required to move to the surface site is reduced to zero. This site is never discarded or returned to its location deck. Cannot be duplicated on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre Las Profundidades Anegadas o Las Profundidades Oxidadas si El Balrog se encuentra allí.<\/i><\/b> La compañía de El Balrog se enfrenta a 3 ataques: (Engendro — 1 golpe de poder 15, Enanos — 4 golpes de poder 9, 2 golpes de poder 12). Tras los ataques, gira El Balrog o descarta esta carta. La tirada necesaria para moverse al lugar de superficie de este lugar se reduce a 0. Este lugar nunca se descarta ni regresa al mazo de localizaciones. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "BreachtheHold.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "William O'Connor" }, "BA-51": { "id": "BA-51", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Caverns Unchoked", "es": "Cavernas Despejadas", "de": "ausgeräucherte Höhlen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Caverns Unchoked", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable on an Under-deeps site during the organization phase.<\/i><\/b> This site is never discarded or returned to its location deck. Each other site (of yours) in the same region as its surface site is considered adjacent to this Under-deeps site. This only applies if the other site is normally a Shadow-hold [{S}], Ruins & Lairs [{R}], or Border-hold [{B}].<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> Este lugar nunca se descarta ni regresa al mazo de localizaciones. Cualquiera de tus lugares situados en la misma región que su lugar de superficie se considera adyacente a este Lugar de las Profundidades. Esto solo se aplica si el otro lugar es normalmente un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}], unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}], o un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Or released it from prison…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“O liberado de prisión…” —<\/i>SdlA Adpéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CavernsUnchoked.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "BA-52": { "id": "BA-52", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Challenge the Power", "es": "Desafiar al Poder", "de": "Herausforderung der Macht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Challenge the Power", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable on The Balrog if he bears The One Ring<\/i><\/b>. Make a roll adding one for each sage in his company and for each other Challenge the Power <\/i>in play. If the result is: less than 7, The Balrog is eliminated; 7 or 8, discard this card; 9 or 10, you gain 2 marshalling points and The One Ring<\/i> affects The Balrog; greater than 10, you win the game. Cannot be duplicated on a given turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable sobre El Balrog si es el portador de El Anillo Único<\/i><\/b>. Haz una tirada añadiendo uno por cada sabio en su compañía y por cada Desafiar al Poder <\/i>en juego. Si el resultado es: menor que 7, El Balrog es eliminado; 7 u 8, descarta esta carta; 9 o 10, ganas 2 puntos de victoria y El Anillo Único<\/i> afecta a El Balrog; mayor que 10, ganas la partida. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ChallengethePower.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "BA-53": { "id": "BA-53", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Cloaked by Darkness", "es": "Cubiertos por la Oscuridad", "de": "Eingehüllt in Dunkelheit", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Cloaked by Darkness", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable on a company if Great Shadow is in play.<\/i><\/b> You may bring this card from your sideboard into your play deck and reshuffle during your organization phase. The hazard limit against the company is reduced by one to no minimum.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable sobre una compañía si está en juego Gran Sombra.<\/i><\/b> Durante tu fase de organización puedes coger esta carta de tu baraja complementaria y barajarla en tu mazo de juego. El límite de adversidades contra la compañía se reduce en uno sin límite.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Fire claimed their hearts, but shadow cloaked the forms of the Valaraukar.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El fuego reclamó sus corazones, pero la sombra cubrió las formas de los Valaraukar.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CloakedbyDarkness.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Allen G. Douglas" }, "BA-54": { "id": "BA-54", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Crowned with Storm", "es": "Coronado por la Tormenta", "de": "Sturmeskrone", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Crowned with Storm", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable if The Balrog’s company is not at an Under-deeps site and is in company vs. company combat against a company with a Wizard. <\/i><\/b>Discard all allies with no body at the site. Make a roll: for each character at the site with a mind less than 8 and<\/b> for each ally normally worth less than 3 marshalling points. If the result minus 1 is greater than the character’s\/ally’s body, he is wounded or<\/b>, if already wounded, eliminated. Tap all untapped allies and characters with a mind stat.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable si la compañía de El Balrog no se encuentra en un Lugar de las Profundidades y se encuentra en un combate entre compañías contra una compañía con un Mago. <\/i><\/b>Descarta a todos los aliados sin resistencia que se encuentren en el lugar. Haz una tirada: por cada personaje que se encuentre en el lugar con una mente inferior a 8 y<\/b> por cada aliado que normalmente valga menos de 3 puntos de victoria. Si el resultado menos 1 es superior a la resistencia del personaje\/aliado, éste es herido o<\/b>, si ya estaba herido, eliminado. Gira todos los aliados y personajes enderezados con atributo de mente.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "CrownedwithStorm.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "BA-55": { "id": "BA-55", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Darkness Wielded", "es": "Esgrimir la Oscuridad", "de": "Im Schutze der Dunkelheit", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Darkness Wielded", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable on an attack against The Balrog’s company if Great Shadow is in play.<\/i><\/b> You may bring this card from your sideboard into your play deck and reshuffle during your organization phase. The attack receives -2 prowess, -1 body, and is reduced to one strike. Alternatively, cancel this attack and a latter attack of your choice against his company this turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable sobre un ataque contra la compañía de El Balrog si está en juego Gran Sombra.<\/i><\/b> Durante tu fase de organización puedes coger esta carta de tu baraja complementaria y barajarla en tu mazo de juego. El ataque recibe -2 al poder, -1 a la resistencia y es reducido a un golpe. Alternativamente, cancela este ataque y un ataque posterior a tu elección contra su compañía este turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DarknessWielded.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "BA-56": { "id": "BA-56", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Descent through Fire", "es": "Descendió por el Fuego ", "de": "Fall durch`s Feuer", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Descent through Fire", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the site phase if The Balrog is at an untapped The Under-galleries or The Under-courts.<\/i><\/b> Tap the site. The Balrog’s company faces 3 attacks (Trolls – 5 strikes with 8 prowess, 4 strikes with 10 prowess, 3 strikes with 12 prowess). Following the attacks, tap The Balrog or discard this card. If not discarded, place this card in your marshalling point pile. All your characters receive +1 prowess and all your leaders receive +1 direct influence. Cannot be duplicated at a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares si El Balrog se encuentra en Las Galerías Subterráneas o en Los Palacios de las Profundidades y el lugar está enderezado.<\/i><\/b> Gira el lugar. La compañía de El Balrog se enfrenta a 3 ataques (Trolls — 5 golpes de poder 8, 4 golpes de poder 10, 3 golpes de poder 12). Tras los ataques, gira El Balrog o descarta esta carta. Si no es descartada, coloca esta carta en tu pila de puntos de victoria. Todos tus personajes reciben +1 al poder y todos tus líderes reciben +1 a la influencia directa. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DescentthroughFire.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "BA-57": { "id": "BA-57", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Eddy in Fate’s Tide", "es": "Remolino en la Marea del Destino", "de": "Schicksalsstürme", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Eddy in Fate's Tide", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the site phase on an untapped site if The Balrog is there; <\/i><\/b>the site cannot be an Under-deeps site or surface site thereof<\/i>. Tap The Balrog and the site. This site is never discarded and never untaps for you. Before a company can play any ally or item at any version of this site, it must tap two characters during the site phase.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre un lugar enderezado si El Balrog se encuentra allí; <\/i><\/b>el lugar no puede ser un Lugar de las Profundidades o un lugar de superficie del mismo<\/i>. Gira El Balrog y el lugar. Este lugar nunca se descarta y nunca se endereza para ti. Antes de que una compañía pueda jugar cualquier aliado u objeto en cualquier versión de este lugar, debe girar dos personajes durante la fase de lugares.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "EddyinFatesTide.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "BA-58": { "id": "BA-58", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Flame of Udûn", "es": "Llama de Ûdun", "de": "Flamme von Udun", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Flame of Udûn", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Demon fána" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. Demon fána. <\/i>Playable during your organization phase on The Balrog.<\/i><\/b> Return this card to your hand: when you play another Demon fána card, or<\/b>, if you choose, during your organization phase. Discard his allies. No other characters or allies can be in his company outside of the organization phase. +3 prowess; -2 direct influence. +1 to all body checks resulting from failed strikes against The Balrog. If The Balrog attacks successfully in company vs. company combat, +1 to defending character’s body check.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. Fána de Demonio. <\/i>Jugable durante tu fase de organización sobre El Balrog.<\/i><\/b> Devuelve esta carta a tu mano: cuando juegues otra carta de Fána de Demonio o<\/b>, si lo decides, durante tu fase de organización. Descarta sus aliados. No puede tener personajes ni aliados en su compañía fuera de la fase de organización. +3 al poder; -2 a la influencia directa. +1 a todos los chequeos de resistencia de los golpes que fallen contra El Balrog. Si un ataque de El Balrog tiene éxito en un combate entre compañías, +1 al chequeo de resistencia del personaje defensor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FlameofUdun.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Jeffrey Reitz" }, "BA-59": { "id": "BA-59", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Foe Dismayed", "es": "Enemigo Desesperado", "de": "Das Erschrecken des Feindes", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Foe Dismayed", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> +1 prowess against an attack for all characters in a leader’s or The Balrog’s company or<\/b> +3 to an influence attempt by a leader or The Balrog.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> +1 al poder de todos los personajes en la compañía de un líder o de El Balrog contra un ataque o<\/b> +3 a un intento de influencia realizado por un líder o El Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“He gave a cry of dismay and fear.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… dando un grito de desesperación y terror.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FoeDismayed.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Carol Heyer" }, "BA-60": { "id": "BA-60", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Gangways over the Fire", "es": "Puente Sobre las Llamas", "de": "Stege über das Feuer", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Gangways over the Fire", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "playableAsStartingMinorItem": true }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> At the end of its movement\/hazard phase, each of your moving companies may attempt to move with Under-deeps movement to a new site they have not used yet this turn. Another site card is played and a movement\/hazard phase immmediately follows. Subtract the number of complete movement\/ hazard phases the company has taken so far this turn from its Under-deeps movement rolls. You may start the game with this card in lieu of playing a minor item. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> Al final de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades, cada una de tus compañías que se haya movido puede intentar moverse de nuevo, utilizando el movimiento por los Lugares de las Profundidades, a un nuevo lugar que aún no hayan utilizado en este turno. Se puede jugar una nueva carta de lugar e inmediatamente debe resolverse otra fase de movimiento\/adversidades. Resta a la tirada necesaria para moverse entre Lugares de las Profundidades el número de fases de movimiento\/adversidades que esa compañía haya completado hasta ese momento este turno. Puedes empezar la partida con esta carta en lugar de jugar un objeto menor. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GangwaysovertheFire.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Nathalie Hertz" }, "BA-61": { "id": "BA-61", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Great Fissure", "es": "Gran Fisura", "de": "Große Spalte", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Great Fissure", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> Target and cancel any effect (declared earlier in the same chain of effects) that would cancel an attack by The Balrog’s company against an opponent’s company. Alternatively, cancel an attack against a company at, or moving to or from, an Under-deeps site.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> Elige como objetivo y cancela cualquier efecto (declarado anteriormente en la misma cadena de efectos) que pudiese cancelar un ataque de la compañía de El Balrog contra una compañía oponente.<\/p>

Alternativamente, cancela un ataque contra una compañía que se encuentre en, o se este moviendo desde o hacia, un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… close to the feet of two huge pillars a great fissure had opened.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Justo ante ellos, a los pies de dos enormes pilares, se había abierto una gran fisura.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GreatFissure.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Allen G. Douglas" }, "BA-62": { "id": "BA-62", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Great Shadow", "es": "Gran Sombra", "de": "Großer Schatten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Great Shadow", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Demon fána" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. Demon fána. <\/i>Playable during your organization phase on The Balrog.<\/i><\/b> Return this card to your hand: when you play another Demon fána card, or<\/b>, if you choose, during your organization phase. +6 general influence; -2 prowess; -1 body. The Balrog gains scout skill and may have followers. During your end-of-turn phase, you may take one non-short-event resource or character from your discard pile (show it to your opponent) and shuffle it into your play deck. The Balrog may tap to cancel an attack against his company.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. Fána de Demonio. <\/i>Jugable durante tu fase de organización sobre El Balrog.<\/i><\/b> Devuelve esta carta a tu mano: cuando juegues otra carta de Fána de Demonio o<\/b>, si lo decides, durante tu fase de organización. +6 a la influencia general; -2 al poder; -1 a la resistencia. El Balrog gana la habilidad de explorador y puede tener seguidores. Durante tu fase final de turno, puedes coger un recurso que no sea de suceso breve de tu pila de descartes o un personaje (muéstraselo a tu oponente) y barajarlo en tu mazo de juego. El Balrog puede girarse para cancelar un ataque contra su compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GreatShadow.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Carol Heyer" }, "BA-63": { "id": "BA-63", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Heart of Dark Fire", "es": "Corazón de Fuego Oscuro", "de": "Ein Herz aus dunklem Feuer", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Heart of Dark Fire", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable if Strangling Coils is in play.<\/i><\/b> You may bring this card from your sideboard into your play deck and reshuffle during your organization phase. The Balrog receives +5 direct influence this turn while Strangling Coils<\/i> is in play. Cannot be duplicated on a given turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable si Espiral Constrictora está en juego.<\/i><\/b> Durante tu fase de organización puedes coger esta carta de tu baraja complementaria y barajarla en tu mazo de juego. El Balrog recibe +5 a la influencia directa este turno mientras esté en juego Espiral Constrictora<\/i>. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The fire in it seemed to die, but the darkness grew.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El fuego se extinguió y volvió la oscuridad.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HeartofDarkFire.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Luke" }, "BA-64": { "id": "BA-64", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Invade Their Domain", "es": "Invadir sus Dominios", "de": "Erstürmung Ihrer Domäne", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Invade Their Domain", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the site phase on the Blue Mountain or Iron Hill Dwarf-hold if The Balrog is there and Breach the Hold is on its adjacent Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> The Balrog’s company faces 3 attacks (Dwarves — 5 strikes with 9 prowess, 4 strikes with 10 prowess, 3 strikes with 12 prowess). Following the attacks, tap The Balrog or discard this card. If this card is not discarded, discard all unique factions playable at the site. Discard this card when the site is discarded or returned to its location deck. Cannot be duplicated on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre la Fortaleza Enana de las Montañas Azules o la Fortaleza Enana de las Colinas de Hierro si El Balrog se encuentra allí y Franquear las Defensas ha sido jugada sobre su Lugar de las Profundidades adyacente.<\/i><\/b> La compañía de El Balrog se enfrenta a 3 ataques (Enanos — 5 golpes de poder 9, 4 golpes de poder 10, 3 golpes de poder 12). Después de los ataques, gira El Balrog o descarta esta carta. Si esta carta no es descartada, descarta todas las facciones únicas jugables en el lugar. Descarta esta carta cuando el lugar sea descartado o regrese al mazo de localizaciones. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "InvadeTheirDomain.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Doug Kovacs" }, "BA-65": { "id": "BA-65", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Lord and Usurper", "es": "Señor y Usurpador", "de": "Herr und Usurpator", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Lord and Usurper", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "5", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the site phase on Invade Their Domain. <\/i><\/b>The company faces 2 attacks (Dwarves — 4 strikes with 9 prowess, 3 strikes with 10 prowess). Following the attacks, tap a character or discard this card. If this card is not discarded, discard all unique factions playable at the site. All versions of the associated site become a Shadow-hold [{S}], may have no factions played there, and lose all Dwarf automatic-attacks. Other versions gain an automatic-attack: Orcs
– 4 strikes with 7 prowess. Cannot be duplicated
on a given card.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre Invadir sus Dominios. <\/i><\/b>La compañía se enfrenta a 2 ataques (Enanos — 4 golpes de poder 9, 3 golpes de poder 10). Después de los ataques, gira un personaje o descarta esta carta. Si no es descartada, descarta todas las facciones únicas jugables en el lugar. Todas las versiones del lugar asociado se convierten en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}], no se pueden jugar facciones allí, y pierden todos los ataques automáticos de Enanos. El resto de versiones del lugar
gana un ataque automático: Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 7. No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LordandUsurper.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "William O'Connor" }, "BA-66": { "id": "BA-66", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Maker’s Map", "es": "Mapa del Hacedor", "de": "Karte des Meisters", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Maker's Map", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the site phase on an untapped ranger at an untapped site where Information is playable.<\/i><\/b> Tap the ranger and the site. +2 to all rolls for his company to move to adjacent Under-deeps sites.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre un montaraz enderezado en un lugar enderezado donde se pueda jugar Información. <\/i><\/b>Gira el montaraz y el lugar. +2 a todas las tiradas de su compañía para moverse a un Lugar de las Profundidades adyacente.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“It was well for the Company that they had such a guide.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Era bueno para la Compañía contar con un guía semejante.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "MakersMap.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Jeffrey Reitz" }, "BA-67": { "id": "BA-67", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Memories of Old Torture", "es": "Recuerdos de una Antigua Tortura", "de": "Erinnerungen an alte Qualen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Memories of Old Torture", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable on a Man, Drake, Orc, Troll, or Giant hazard creature attack with one strike for each of its attacks.<\/i><\/b> All attacks of the creature are canceled. The creature becomes an ally under the control of any character in the company. The character need not tap. The ally has a mind of 1, body of 7, and prowess equal to its normal prowess minus 7. It gives 1 ally marshalling point. Discard this card and the ally if the company moves through a Free-domain [{f}] or Dark-domain [{d}].<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable sobre el ataque de una adversidad criatura de Hombres, Draques, Orcos, Trolls, o Gigantes con un golpe por cada uno de sus ataques.<\/i><\/b> Todos los ataques de la criatura son cancelados. La criatura se convierte en un aliado bajo el control de un personaje de la compañía. El personaje no necesita girarse. El aliado tiene mente 1, resistencia 7, y poder igual a su poder normal menos 7. Éste proporciona 1 punto de victoria de tipo aliado. Descarta esta carta y el aliado si su compañía se mueve a través de una Región Libre [{f}] o una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "MemoriesofOldTorture.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Jeffrey Reitz" }, "BA-68": { "id": "BA-68", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Mine or No One’s", "es": "Mío o de Nadie", "de": "Meiner oder niemandes", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Mine or No One's", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> +10 to an influence attempt by The Balrog against an opponent’s: item, ally, Troll faction, or Orc faction. Cannot be duplicated on a given attempt.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> +10 a un intento de influencia realizado por El Balrog <\/i>contra un objeto, aliado, facción de Trolls, o facción de Orcos de un oponente. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo intento.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… if you really wish to destroy it…’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… esto siempre que quieras destruirlo de veras…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "MineorNoOnes.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "BA-69": { "id": "BA-69", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Obey Him or Die", "es": "Obedecerle o Morir", "de": "Gehorche oder Stirb", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Obey Him or Die", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the organization phase on a leader in The Balrog’s company.<\/i><\/b> The leader receives +2 direct influence and cannot be discarded by a body check. Discard whenever there is a character in his company with a higher mind. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre un líder en la compañía de El Balrog.<\/i><\/b> El líder recibe +2 a la influencia directa y no puede ser descartado por un chequeo de resistencia. Descartar en el momento en que haya un personaje en su compañía con una mente superior. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a huge orc-chieftain… leapt into the chamber; behind him his followers clustered in the doorway.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un enorme jefe orco… entró de un salto en la cámara; lo seguían otros, que se apretaron en la puerta.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ObeyHimorDie.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-70": { "id": "BA-70", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Orders from the Great Demon", "es": "Órdenes del Gran Demonio", "de": "Befehle des großen Teufels", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Orders from the Great Demon", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "playableAsStartingMinorItem": true }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable on a company.<\/i><\/b> May be played with a starting company in lieu of a minor item. This company may contain an additional leader who does not count against the company size maximum.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable sobre una compañía.<\/i><\/b> Puede ser jugada en una compañía inicial en lugar de un objeto menor. Esta compañía puede contener un líder adicional que no cuenta para el tamaño máximo de la compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Not our orders!’ said one of the earlier voices. ‘We have come all the way from the Mines to kill…’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ¡Pero no a nosotros!ʼ dijo una de las voces anteriores. ʻHemos recorrido todo el camino desde las Minas para matar…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OrdersfromtheGreatDemon.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-71": { "id": "BA-71", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Out He Sprang", "es": "Salió Fuera", "de": "Seine Herkunft", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Out He Sprang", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific.<\/i> If Great Shadow <\/i>is not in play, The Balrog may move with region movement (overriding his card) to an Under-deeps surface site or <\/b>from an Under-deeps surface site. Based on his marshalling point (MP) total, he may use the following number of regions: 0-8 MPs – 1 region; 9-16 MPs – 2 regions; 17-24 MPs – 3 regions; 25+ MPs – 4 regions. This region allowance may not be modified by any other effects except A More Evil Hour<\/i>.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog.<\/i> Si Gran Sombra <\/i>no está en juego, El Balrog puede usar el movimiento a través de regiones (ignorando las restricciones de su carta) hacia o desde el lugar de superficie de un Lugar de las Profundidades. Según sus puntos de victoria totales, puede utilizar el siguiente número de regiones: 0-8 puntos de victoria — 1 región; 9-16 puntos de victoria — 2 regiones; 17-24 puntos de victoria — 3 regiones; 25 o más puntos de victoria — 4 regiones. Este número de regiones no puede ser modificado por ningún efecto excepto por Una Hora Más Maligna<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "OutHeSprang.jpg", "rarity": "C3", "artist": "Steve Luke" }, "BA-72": { "id": "BA-72", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "People Diminished", "es": "Pueblo Diezmado", "de": "verminderte Bevölkerung", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "People Diminished", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the site phase on an untapped Free-hold <\/i><\/b>[{F}] or Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}]. Tap the site. The company faces 3 attacks (Men — 4 strikes with 8 prowess, 3 strikes with 10 prowess, 2 strikes with 12 prowess). Following the attacks, tap a character or discard this card. If this card is not discarded, discard all unique factions playable at the site. -5 to each attempt against any faction at any version of this site. This site is never discarded and never untaps for you. Cannot be duplicated on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre un Bastón Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}] o un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] enderezado. <\/i><\/b>Gira el lugar. La compañía se enfrenta a 3 ataques (Hombres — 4 golpes de poder 8, 3 golpes de poder 10, 2 golpes de poder 12). Después de los ataques, gira un personaje o descarta esta carta. Si esta carta no es descartada, descarta todas las facciones únicas jugables en el lugar. -5 a cualquier intento de jugar una facción en cualquier versión de este lugar. Este lugar nunca se descarta ni se endereza para ti. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "PeopleDiminished.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "BA-73": { "id": "BA-73", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Roam the Waste", "es": "Vagar por el Yermo", "de": "Durchstreift die Wildnis", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Roam the Waste", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the organization phase if Strangling Coils is in play.<\/i><\/b> You may bring this card from your sideboard into your play deck and reshuffle during your organization phase. Each of your companies this turn is considered to have one fewer Wilderness [{w}] and one fewer Shadow-land [{s}] in its site path.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de organización si Espiral Constrictora está en juego.<\/i><\/b> Durante tu fase de organización puedes coger esta carta de tu baraja complementaria y barajarla en tu mazo de juego. Se considera que cada una de tus compañías tiene una Tierra Salvaje menos [{w}] y una Región de la Sombra menos [{s}] en su itinerario.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "RoamtheWaste.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "BA-74": { "id": "BA-74", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Roots of the Earth", "es": "Raíces de la Tierra", "de": "Wurzeln der Erde", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Roots of the Earth", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "1(3)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the site phase on an Under-deeps site normally a Ruins & Lairs <\/i><\/b>[{R}] if The Balrog is there.<\/i><\/b> The Balrog’s company faces an attack (Drake — 2 strikes with 13 prowess). Following the attack, tap The Balrog or discard this card. The associated site is a Darkhaven [{H}] and loses all automatic-attacks. All other versions of the site become a Shadow-hold [{S}] and gain
an additional automatic-attack: Orcs — 5 strikes with
9 prowess. If Breach the Hold<\/i> is on the same site, this card gives 3 marshalling points. This site is never discarded or returned to its location deck. Cannot be duplicated
on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre un Lugar de las Profundidades que normalmente sea unas Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}] si El Balrog se encuentra allí.<\/i><\/b> La compañía de El Balrog se enfrenta a un ataque (Draque — 2 golpes de poder 13). después del ataque, gira El Balrog o descarta esta carta. El lugar asociado es un Refugio Oscuro [{H}] y pierde todos los ataques automáticos. Todas las demás versiones del lugar se convierten en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] y ganan un ataque automático adicional: Orcos — 5 golpes de poder 9. Si Franquear las Defensas<\/i> es jugada en el mismo lugar, esta carta proporciona 3 puntos de victoria. Este lugar nunca es descartado ni devuelto al mazo de lugares. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "RootsoftheEarth.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Nathalie Hertz" }, "BA-75": { "id": "BA-75", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Scourge of Fire", "es": "Azote de Fuego", "de": "Peitschen des Feuers", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Scourge of Fire", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable if Flame of Udûn is in play.<\/i><\/b> You may bring this card from your sideboard into your play deck and reshuffle during your organization phase. Choose and discard one item an opponent’s company bears if The Balrog is untapped and in company vs. company combat with that company. Cannot be duplicated on a given turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable si Llama de Ûdun está en juego.<\/i><\/b> Durante tu fase de organización puedes coger esta carta de tu baraja complementaria y barajarla en tu mazo de juego. Elige y descarta un objeto de una compañía oponente si El Balrog está enderezado y se está enfrentando contra dicha compañía. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ScourgeofFire.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-76": { "id": "BA-76", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Strangling Coils", "es": "Espiral Constrictora", "de": "Würgende Schlangen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Strangling Coils", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Demon fána" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. Demon fána. <\/i>Playable during your organization phase on The Balrog.<\/i><\/b> Return this card to your hand: when you play another Demon fána card, or<\/b>, if you choose, during your organization phase. +3 direct influence; -1 body. The Balrog gains the diplomat skill and may have followers. Once during his movement\/hazard phase, you may untap all tapped characters in The Balrog’s company. If then untapped, tap The Balrog.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. Fána de Demonio. <\/i>Jugable durante tu fase de organización sobre El Balrog.<\/i><\/b> Devuelve esta carta a tu mano: cuando juegues otra carta de Fána de Demonio o<\/b>, si lo decides, durante tu fase de organización. +3 a la influencia directa; -1 a la resistencia. El Balrog gana la habilidad de diplomático y puede tener seguidores. Una vez durante tu fase de movimiento\/adversidades, puedes enderezar a todos los personajes girados de la compañía de El Balrog. Si estaba enderezado, gira El Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "StranglingCoils.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Steve Luke" }, "BA-77": { "id": "BA-77", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Tempest of Fire", "es": "Tempestad de Fuego", "de": "Feuersturm", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Tempest of Fire", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the site phase on an untapped Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}] or Shadow-hold <\/i><\/b>[{S}]; <\/i><\/b>the site cannot be an Under-deeps site or surface site thereof<\/i>. Tap the site. The company faces three attacks (Men at a Border-hold [{B}], Orcs at a Shadow-hold [{S}] — 5 strikes with 8 prowess, 4 strikes with 9 prowess, 3 strikes with 10 prowess). Following these attacks: discard this card or<\/b> tap a character, place this card in your marshalling point pile, and return each unique faction playable at the site to its owner’s hand.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la Fase de lugares sobre un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] o un Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}] enderezado; <\/i><\/b>el lugar no puede ser un Lugar de las Profundidades ni un lugar de superficie adyacente<\/i>. Gira el lugar. La compañía se enfrenta a 3 ataques (Hombres en un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}], Orcos en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] — 5 golpes de poder 8, 4 golpes de poder 9, 3 golpes de poder 10). Después de los ataques, gira un personaje o descarta esta carta. Si no es descartada, coloca esta carta en tu pila de puntos de victoria, y devuelve a la mano de su propietario cualquier facción jugable en el lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TempestofFire.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "BA-78": { "id": "BA-78", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Terror Heralds Doom", "es": "Terror que Precede a la Perdición", "de": "Schrecken des Unglücksboten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Terror Heralds Doom", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable during the organization phase if Flame of Udûn is in play.<\/i><\/b> You may bring this card from your sideboard into your play deck and reshuffle during your organization phase. +2 to all influence attempts this turn by any of your characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable durante la fase de organización si Llama de Udûn está en juego.<\/i><\/b> Durante tu fase de organización puedes coger esta carta de tu baraja complementaria y barajarla en tu mazo de juego. +2 a todos los intentos de influencia realizados este turno por cualquiera de tus personajes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… he looked grey in the face, as one who has felt great fear.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… tenía la cara gris de quien ha sentido mucho miedo.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TerrorHeraldsDoom.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "BA-79": { "id": "BA-79", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Vanguard of Might", "es": "Vanguardia del Poder", "de": "Vorbote der Macht", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Vanguard of Might", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable if a company at or moving to an Under-deeps site is facing an attack and Flame of Udûn is not in play.<\/i><\/b> If not in the company, The Balrog immediately joins the company. This is considered movement for The Balrog with no movement\/hazard phase. The Balrog must face a strike from the attack, regardless of any conflicting effects. Following the attack, if untapped, tap The Balrog.<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable si una compañía que se encuentra en o se está moviendo hacia un Lugar de las Profundidades se enfrenta a un ataque y Llama de Udûn no está en juego.<\/i><\/b> Si no está en la compañía, El Balrog se une a ella inmediatamente. Esto se considera como movimiento para El Balrog sin fase de movimiento\/adversidades. El Balrog debe enfrentarse a un golpe del ataque, independientemente de cualquier otro efecto que pudiese estar en conflicto. Después del ataque, si está enderezado, gira El Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "VanguardofMight.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "BA-80": { "id": "BA-80", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "A Few Recruits", "es": "Algunos Reclutas", "de": "Ein paar Rekruten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "A Few Recruits", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "faction", "subtype": "Faction", "race": "Orc" }, "text": { "en": "

Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable at a tapped or untapped non-Dragon’s lair: Dark-hold<\/i> <\/b>[{D}], Shadow-hold<\/i><\/b> [{S}], or Ruins & Lairs<\/i><\/b> [{R}] —the site cannot be an Under-deeps site or surface site thereof— <\/i>if the influence check is greater than 8. Modifications:<\/i> The Balrog (+3), leader (+2).<\/p>", "es": "

Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable en un lugar que sea un Bastión de la Oscuridad<\/i> <\/b>[{D}], un Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}], o unas Ruinas y Guaridas<\/i><\/b> [{R}], girado o enderezado, que no sea una Guarida de Dragón <\/i><\/b>—el lugar no puede ser un Lugar de las Profundidades o un lugar de superficie del mismo— <\/i>si el chequeo de influencia es superior a 8.<\/p>

Modificaciones:<\/i> El Balrog (+3), líder (+2).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… led you here, and we shall lead you back by the way we choose.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… trajimos aquí la tropa y volveremos por el camino que nosotros decidamos.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AFewRecruits.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steve Luke" }, "BA-81": { "id": "BA-81", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Stabbing Tongue of Fire", "es": "Penetrante Lengua de Fuego", "de": "Stechende Feuerzungen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Stabbing Tongue of Fire", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable at any tapped or untapped non-Darkhaven Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> May only be borne by The Balrog. This item affects The Balrog. +1 prowess when tapping to face a strike. +1 to all body checks resulting from failed strikes against The Balrog. If The Balrog attacks successfully in company vs. company combat, +1 to the defending character’s body check.<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b> Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable en un Lugar de las Profundidades girado o enderezado que no sea un Refugio Oscuro.<\/i><\/b> Solo puede ser portado por El Balrog. Este objeto afecta a El Balrog. +1 al poder cuando es girado para enfrentarse a un golpe. +1 a todos los chequeos de resistencia de los golpes que fallen contra El Balrog. Si un ataque de El Balrog tiene éxito en un combate entre compañías, +1 al chequeo de resistencia del personaje defensor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "StabbingTongueofFire.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Jeffrey Reitz" }, "BA-82": { "id": "BA-82", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Whip of Many Thongs", "es": "Látigo de Muchas Colas", "de": "Neunschwänzige Katze", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Whip of Many Thongs", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "specific": "Balrog", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Balrog specific. <\/i>Playable at any tapped or untapped non-Darkhaven Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> May only be borne by The Balrog. This item affects The Balrog. +1 prowess when tapping to face a strike.<\/p>

If The Balrog is in company vs. company combat, tap this item to cancel all effects of one weapon of your choice (even declared in the same chain of effects) in an opponent’s company until the end of the combat. This does not discard the weapon.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Específica del Balrog. <\/i>Jugable en un Lugar de las Profundidades girado o enderezado que no sea un Refugio Oscuro.<\/i><\/b> Solo puede ser portado por El Balrog. Este objeto afecta a El Balrog. +1 al poder cuando es girado para enfrentarse a un golpe. Si El Balrog se encuentra en un combate entre compañías, gira este objeto para cancelar hasta el final del combate todos los efectos de un arma de la compañía oponente a tu elección (incluso si es declarado en la misma cadena de efectos). Esto no descarta ese arma.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "WhipofManyThongs.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "BA-83": { "id": "BA-83", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Ancient Deep-hold", "es": "Antigua Fortaleza Subterránea", "de": "Alte Festung der Tiefe", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Ancient Deep-hold", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "no surface site, one Under-deeps Ruins and Lairs chosen by you when playing this card (8)", "draw": "2", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)", "special": "Any Undead and Spider creatures may be keyed to this site. This site is never discarded or returned to its location deck.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Undead (1st attack) 4 strikes with 7 prowess; Undead (2nd attack) 3 strikes with 8 prowess; Undead (3rd attack) 2 strikes with 10 prowess. Each character wounded must make a corruption check modified by -2", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> no surface site, one Under-deeps Ruins & Lairs [{R}] chosen by you when playing this card (8)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (3):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Undead — 4 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Undead — 3 strikes with 8 prowess
(3rd) Undead — 2 strikes with 10 prowess
Each character wounded must make a corruption check
modified by -2.<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead and Spider creatures may be keyed to this site. This site is never discarded or returned to its location deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> sin lugar de superficie, unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}] de las Profundidades elegidas por ti cuando juegues esta carta (8)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (3):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Muertos Vivientes — 4 golpes de poder 7
(2º) Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 8
(3º) Muertos Vivientes — 2 golpes de poder 10
Cada personaje herido debe realizar un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -2.<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes o Arañas puede ser situada en este lugar. Este lugar nunca es descartado o devuelto a tu mazo de localizaciones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AncientDeephold.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Doug Kovacs" }, "BA-84": { "id": "BA-84", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Barad-dûr", "es": "Barad-dûr", "de": "Barad-dûr", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Barad-dûr", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "draw": "2", "region": "Gorgoroth", "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "4", "autoAttack": "Orcs 4 strikes with 7 prowess; Trolls 3 strikes with 9 prowess; Maia (cannot be canceled) 1 strike with 24 prowess. Any character wounded by the Maia's attack is automatically eliminated", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (3):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 4 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Trolls — 3 strikes with 9 prowess
(3rd) Maia (cannot be canceled) — 1 strike with
24 prowess. Any character wounded by the
Maia’s attack is automatically eliminated<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (3):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 7
(2º) Trolls — 3 golpes de poder 9
(3º) Maia (no puede ser cancelado) — 1 golpe de
poder 24. Cualquier personaje herido por el
ataque del Maia es automáticamente eliminado.<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Baraddur.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "BA-85": { "id": "BA-85", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Carn Dûm", "es": "Carn Dûm", "de": "Carn Dûm", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Carn Dûm", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "draw": "2", "region": "Angmar", "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Orcs 4 strikes with 7 prowess; Nazgul (cannot be canceled) 1 strike with 15 prowess", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 4 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Nazgûl (cannot be canceled) —
1 strike with 15 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 7
(2º) Nazgûl (no puede ser cancelado) — 1 golpe
de poder 15<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Before he could gain the shelter of Carn Dûm the cavalry of Gondor overtook him…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Antes de que pudiera llegar al refugio de Carn Dûm, la caballería de Gondor le dio alcance…”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CarnDum.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "BA-86": { "id": "BA-86", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Cirith Gorgor", "es": "Cirith Gorgor", "de": "Cirith Gorgor", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Cirith Gorgor", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "draw": "2", "region": "Udûn", "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Orcs 5 strikes with 8 prowess; Trolls 2 strikes with 10 prowess", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 5 strikes with 8 prowess
(2nd) Trolls — 2 strikes with 10 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site
attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 5 golpes de poder 8
(2º) Trolls — 2 golpes de poder 10<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>

“Nadie podía pasar por los Dientes de Mordor sin sentir su mordedura…” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“None could pass the Teeth of Mordor and not feel their bite…” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "" }, "image": "CirithGorgor.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Christopher Miller" }, "BA-87": { "id": "BA-87", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Cirith Ungol", "es": "Cirith Ungol", "de": "Cirith Ungol", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Cirith Ungol", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "draw": "2", "region": "Imlad Morgul", "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Orcs 4 strikes with 7 prowess", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (1):<\/i><\/b>
Orcs — 4 strikes with 7 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site
attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 7<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… here too the vigilance had failed, and treachery had yielded up the Tower to the Lord of the Ringwraiths, and now for long years it had been held by evil things.” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y la traición había entregado la Torre al Señor de los Espectros del Anillo; y ahora, desde hacía largos años, estaba en manos de seres maléficos.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CirithUngol.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "BA-88": { "id": "BA-88", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Dol Guldur", "es": "Dol Guldur", "de": "Dol Guldur", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Dol Guldur", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "draw": "2", "region": "Southern Mirkwood", "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Orcs 3 strikes with 7 prowess; Trolls 2 strikes with 8 prowess; Nazgul (cannot be canceled) 1 strike with 15 prowess", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (3):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 3 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Trolls — 2 strikes with 8 prowess
(3rd) Nazgûl (cannot be canceled) —
1 strike with 15 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (3):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 3 golpes de poder 7
(2º) Trolls — 2 golpes de poder 8
(3º) Nazgûl (no puede ser cancelado) — 1 golpe
de poder 15<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DolGuldur.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "BA-89": { "id": "BA-89", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Drowning-deeps", "es": "Las Profundidades Anegadas", "de": "Die Versunkenen Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Drowning-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold (13), The Under-vaults (8), Remains of Thangorodrim (9)", "draw": "1", "region": "Númeriador", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Creatures keyed to Coastal Sea and any Drakes may be keyed to this site.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Drake (1st attack) 2 strikes with 11 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Coastal Seas", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold (13), The Under-vaults (8), Remains of Thangorodrim (9)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Drake — 2 strikes with 11 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Coastal Seas [{c}].<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to Coastal Sea [{c}] and any Drakes may be keyed to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Fortaleza Enana de las Montañas Azules (13), Las Bóvedas Subterráneas (8), Restos de Thangorodrim (9)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Draque — 2 golpes de poder 11
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda ser
situada normalmente en una región de Costa [{c}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura que pueda ser situada en una región de Costa [{c}] y cualquier criatura Draque puede ser situada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheDrowningdeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-90": { "id": "BA-90", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Gem-deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos de las Gemas", "de": "Die Gemmen-Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Gem-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Glittering Caves (0), The Pûkel-deeps (8), The Under-gates (6)", "draw": "1", "region": "Gap of Isen", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, gold ring)", "special": "Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may be keyed to this site.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Undead (1st attack) 3 strikes with 9 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Glittering Caves (0), The Pûkel-deeps (8), The Under-gates (6)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Undead — 3 strikes with 9 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead creature or
Pûkel-creature may be keyed to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Cavernas Resplandecientes (0), Las Profundidades Pûkel (8), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (6)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 9
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda
ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes o Criatura Pûkel puede ser situada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheGemdeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-91": { "id": "BA-91", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Iron-deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos de Hierro", "de": "Die Eisen-Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Iron-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Carn Dûm (0), The Under-leas (6), The Under-vaults (7)", "draw": "2", "region": "Angmar", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment. Any Drake creature (except Sea Serpent) may be keyed to this site.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Trolls (1st attack) 3 strikes with 9 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Ruins and Lairs", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm (0), The Under-leas (6), The Under-vaults (7)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Trolls — 3 strikes with 9 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one
non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally
keyed to a Ruins & Lairs [{R}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site attack
normally, not as detainment. Any Drake creature (except Sea Serpent<\/i>) may be keyed to
this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm (0), Los Prados Subterráneos (6), Las Bóvedas Subterráneas (7)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Trolls — 3 golpes de poder 9
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda
ser situada normalmente en unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención. Cualquier criatura Draque (excepto Serpiente Marina<\/i>) puede ser situada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheIrondeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-92": { "id": "BA-92", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Minas Morgul", "es": "Minas Morgul", "de": "Minas Morgul", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Minas Morgul", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "draw": "2", "region": "Imlad Morgul", "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "4", "autoAttack": "Undead 3 strikes with 8 prowess; Nazgul (cannot be canceled) 1 strike with 15 prowess", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Undead — 3 strikes with 8 prowess
(2nd) Nazgûl (cannot be canceled) —
1 strike with 15 prowess
Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 8
(2º) Nazgûl (no puede ser cancelado) — 1 golpe
de poder 15
Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… and its cavernous gate, shaped like an open mouth with gleaming teeth, was gaping wide.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y la puerta cavernosa, como una boca flanqueada de dientes relucientes, estaba abierta.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "MinasMorgul.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Doug Kovacs" }, "BA-93": { "id": "BA-93", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Moria", "es": "Moria", "de": "Moria", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Moria", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "draw": "1", "region": "Redhorn Gate", "siteType": "{H}", "playable": "", "special": "Any Gold Ring stored at this site is automatically tested (modify the roll by -2). Creatures keyed to this site are detainment. If one of your companies is at this site, all attacks against it are canceled.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any gold ring stored at this site is automatically tested (modify the roll by -2). Creatures keyed to this site attack as detainment. If one of your companies is at this site, all attacks against it are canceled.<\/p>", "es": "

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier anillo de oro almacenado en este lugar es examinado automáticamente (modifica la tirada con un -2). Las criaturas jugadas en este lugar atacan como retención. Si una de tus compañías se encuentra en este lugar, todos los ataques contra ella son cancelados.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The Mines of Moria were vast and intricate beyond the imagination…” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Las Minas de Moria eran de una vastedad y complejidad que desalaban la imaginación…”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Moria.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "William O'Connor" }, "BA-94": { "id": "BA-94", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Pûkel-deeps", "es": "Las Profundidades Pûkel", "de": "Die Pûckel-Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Pûkel-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Dunharrow (0), The Gem-deeps (8), The Sulfur-deeps (9)", "draw": "2", "region": "Rohan", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, gold ring)", "special": "Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may be keyed to this site.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Pûkel-creature (1st attack) 2 strikes with 11 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Dunharrow (0), The Gem-deeps (8), The Sulfur-deeps (9)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Pûkel-creature — 2 strikes with 11 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead creature or
Pûkel-creature may be keyed to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> El Sagrario (0), Los Subterráneos de las Gemas (8), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (9)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Criatura Pûkel — 2 golpes de poder 11
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático
una adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única
y pueda ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes o Criatura Pûkel puede ser situada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ThePukeldeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-95": { "id": "BA-95", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "Remains of Thangorodrim", "es": "Restos de Thangorodrim", "de": "Trümmer von Thangorodrim", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Remains of Thangorodrim", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "no surface site, The Drowning-deeps (9)", "draw": "2", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "Creatures keyed to Coastal Seas may be keyed to this site.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Drake (1st attack) 2 strikes with 12 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Coastal Sea", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> no surface site, The Drowning-deeps (9)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Drake — 2 strikes with 12 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Coastal Sea [{c}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to Coastal Seas [{c}] may be keyed to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> sin lugar de superficie, Las Profundidades Anegadas (9)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Draque — 2 golpes de poder 12
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático
una adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y
pueda ser situada normalmente en una región de Costa [{c}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura que pueda ser situada en una región de Costa [{c}] puede ser situada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "RemainsofThangorodrim.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "BA-96": { "id": "BA-96", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Rusted-deeps", "es": "Las Profundidades Oxidadas", "de": "Die rostenden Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Rusted-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Iron Hill Dwarf-hold (13), The Wind-deeps (8)", "draw": "1", "region": "Iron Hills", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Any Dragon creature (except Ëarcaraxë) may be keyed to this site.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Drake (1st attack) 2 strikes with 11 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Iron Hill Dwarf-hold (13), The Wind-deeps (8)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Drake — 2 strikes with 11 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Dragon creature (except Eärcaraxë<\/i>) may be keyed to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Fortaleza Enana de las Colinas de Hierro (13), Los Subterráneos del Viento (8)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Draque — 2 golpes de poder 11
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático
una adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única
y pueda ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura Dragón (excepto Eärcaraxë<\/i>) puede ser situada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheRusteddeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-97": { "id": "BA-97", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Sulfur-deeps", "es": "Las Profundidades Sulfurosas", "de": "Die Pûckel-Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Sulfur-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Dol Guldur (0), The Under-gates (6), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-galleries (9), The Under-courts (7)", "draw": "1", "region": "Southern Mirkwood", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Troll (1st attack) 2 strikes with 9 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur (0), The Under-gates (6), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-galleries (9), The Under-courts (7)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Troll — 2 strikes with 9 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one
non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site attack
normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur (0), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (6), Las Profundidades Pûkel (9), Las Galerías Subterráneas (9), Los Palacios de las Profundidades (7)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Trolls — 2 golpes de poder 9
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheSulfurdeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-98": { "id": "BA-98", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Under-courts", "es": "Los Palacios de las Profundidades", "de": "Unterirdische Hallen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-courts", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Barad-dûr (0), The Under-galleries (6), The Sulfur-deeps (7)", "draw": "2", "region": "Gorgoroth", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "Trolls (1st attack) 3 strikes with 10 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Barad-dûr (0), The Under-galleries (6), The Sulfur-deeps (7)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Trolls — 3 strikes with 10 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Barad-dûr (0), Las Galerías Subterráneas (6), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (7)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Trolls — 3 golpes de poder 10
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático
una adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única
y pueda ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndercourts.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Christopher Miller" }, "BA-99": { "id": "BA-99", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Under-galleries", "es": "Las Galerías Subterráneas", "de": "Unterirdischen Stollen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-galleries", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Any site in Udûn (0), The Under-courts (6), The Sulfur-deeps (9)", "draw": "2", "region": "Ûdun", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Trolls (1st attack) 4 strikes with 9 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Any site in Udûn (0), The Under-courts (6), The Sulfur-deeps (9)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Trolls — 4 strikes with 9 prowess
(2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-
attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier lugar en Udûn (0), Los Palacios de las Profundidades (6), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (9)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Trolls — 4 golpes de poder 9
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda
ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndergalleries.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "BA-100": { "id": "BA-100", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Under-gates", "es": "Las Puertas de las Profundidades", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Tore", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-gates", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "adjacent": "Moria (0), The Gem-deeps (6), The Sulfur-deeps (6), The Under-leas (4), The Under-grottos (6)", "draw": "1", "region": "Redhorn Gate", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{H}", "playable": "", "special": "Any Gold Ring stored at this site is automatically tested (modify the roll by -2). Creatures keyed to this site are detainment. If one of your companies is at this site, all attacks against it are canceled.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Moria (0), The Gem-deeps (6), The Sulfur-deeps (6), The Under-leas (4), The Under-grottos (6)<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any gold ring stored at this site is automatically tested (modify the roll by -2). Creatures keyed to this site attack as detainment. If one of your companies is at this site, all attacks against it are canceled.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Moria (0), Los Subterráneos de las Gemas (6), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (6), Los Prados Subterráneos (4), Las Grutas Subterráneas (6)<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier anillo de oro almacenado en este lugar es examinado automáticamente (modifica la tirada con un -2). Las criaturas jugadas en este lugar atacan como retención. Si una de tus compañías se encuentra en este lugar, todos los ataques contra ella son cancelados.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndergates.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-101": { "id": "BA-101", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Under-grottos", "es": "Las Grutas Subterráneas", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Grotten", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-grottos", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Goblin-gate (0), The Under-leas (6), The Under-gates (6)", "draw": "1", "region": "High Pass", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, gold ring)", "special": "When a gold ring is tested in a company at this site, the result of the roll is modified by +1.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Undead (1st attack) 4 strikes with 7 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Goblin-gate (0), The Under-leas (6), The Under-gates (6)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Undead — 4 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one
non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally
keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> When a gold ring is tested in a
company at this site, the result of the roll is modified by +1.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> La Puerta de los Trasgos (0), Los Prados Subterráneos (6), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (6)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Muertos Vivientes — 4 golpes de poder 7
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda
ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cuando una compañía examina un anillo de oro en este lugar, el resultado de la tirada debe ser modificado con un +1.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndergrottos.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Doug Kovacs" }, "BA-102": { "id": "BA-102", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Under-leas", "es": "Los Prados Subterráneos", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Felder", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-leas", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Mount Gundabad (0), The Wind-deeps (5), The Iron-deeps (6), The Under-grottos (6), The Under-gates (4), The Under-vaults (5)", "draw": "1", "region": "Gundabad", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{S}", "playable": "Items (minor)", "special": "Creatures keyed to this site attack normally, not as detainment.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Orcs (1st attack) 5 strikes with 7 prowess (detainment); (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non- unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Ruins and Lairs", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Mount Gundabad (0), The Wind-deeps (5), The Iron-deeps (6), The Under-grottos (6), The Under-gates (4), The Under-vaults (5)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 5 strikes with 7 prowess (detainment)
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one non-unique hazard creature from his hand
normally keyed to a Ruins & Lairs [{R}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Creatures keyed to this site attack
normally, not as detainment.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Monte Gundabad (0), Los Subterráneos del Viento (5), Los Subterráneos de Hierro (6), Las Grutas Subterráneas (6), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (4), Las Bóvedas Subterráneas (5)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 5 golpes de poder 7 (retención)
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático una
adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y pueda ser situada normalmente en unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Las criaturas situadas en este lugar atacan normalmente, no como retención.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUnderleas.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-103": { "id": "BA-103", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Under-vaults", "es": "Las Bóvedas Subterráneas", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Gewölbe", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-vaults", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Mount Gram (0), The Iron-deeps (7), The Under-leas (5), The Drowning-deeps (8)", "draw": "1", "region": "Angmar", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Any Undead creature may be keyed to this site.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Undead (1st attack) 3 strikes with 8 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Mount Gram (0), The Iron-deeps (7), The Under-leas (5), The Drowning-deeps (8)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Undead — 3 strikes with 8 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one non-unique hazard creature from his
hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead creature may be
keyed to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Monte Gram (0), Los Subterráneos de Hierro (7), Los Prados Subterráneos (5), Las Profundidades Anegadas (8)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 8
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático
una adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y
pueda ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la
Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes puede ser situada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndervaults.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "BA-104": { "id": "BA-104", "set": "BA", "name": { "en": "The Wind-deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos del Viento", "de": "Die Wind-Tiefen", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "The Wind-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Balrog", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "The Wind Throne (0), The Under-leas (5), The Rusted-deeps (8)", "draw": "1", "region": "Grey Mountain Narrows", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "special": "Any Drake creature (except Sea Serpent) may be keyed to this site.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Orcs (1st attack) 3 strikes with 7 prowess; (2nd attack) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> The Wind Throne (0), The Under-leas (5), The Rusted-deeps (8)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 3 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack
one non-unique hazard creature from his
hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Drake creature (except
Sea Serpent<\/i>) may be keyed to this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> El Trono del Viento (0), Los Prados Subterráneos (5), Las Profundidades Oxidadas (8)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 3 golpes de poder 7
(2º) Tu oponente puede jugar como ataque automático
una adversidad criatura de su mano que no sea única y
pueda ser situada normalmente en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier criatura Draque (excepto Serpiente Marina<\/i>) puede ser situada en este lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheWinddeeps.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Nathalie Hertz" } }, "order": 7 }, "DM": { "id": "DM", "name": { "en": "Dark Minions", "es": "Servidores de la Oscuridad", "fr": "Sombres séides" }, "context": "standard", "extendsFromSetId": null, "isReleased": true, "imageBaseUrl": { "en": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/en-remaster\/dm\/", "es": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/es-remaster\/dm\/", "fr": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/DavRupprecht\/meccg-fr\/dm\/", "enOriginal": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/en-original\/dm\/", "esOriginal": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/es-original\/dm\/" }, "cards": { "DM-1": { "id": "DM-1", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Anarin", "es": "Anarin", "de": "Anarin", "fr": "Anarin", "it": "", "nl": "Anarin", "fi": "", "ja": "アナリン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "prowess": "4", "body": "8", "agent": true, "race": "Elf", "subtype": "", "mind": "7", "directInfluence": "3", "homeSite": { "en": "Moria", "es": "Moria" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent. Agent only:<\/i> may move to a Haven [{H}] and<\/b> may tap at a company’s new site to attack that company during opponent’s movement\/hazard phase.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente. Solo Agente:<\/i> puede moverse a un Refugio [{H}] y<\/b> puede ser girado en el nuevo lugar de una compañía para atacar a esa compañía durante la fase de movimiento\/adversidades del oponente.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… out of the thicket of young trees an Elf stepped, clad in grey, but with his hood thrown back; his hair glinted like gold in the morning sun.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un elfo salió de un macizo de arbustos; estaba vestido de gris, pero tenía la capucha echada hacia atrás, y los cabellos le brillaban como el oro a la luz de la mañana.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Anarin.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Stefano Baldo" }, "DM-2": { "id": "DM-2", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Baduila", "es": "Baduila", "de": "Badula", "fr": "Baduila", "it": "", "nl": "Baduila", "fi": "", "ja": "バドゥイラ" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "6", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "8", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Goblin-gate, Mount Gundabad", "es": "La Puerta de los Trasgos, Monte Gundabad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent. Agent only:<\/i> if you choose to discard Baduila at target company’s new site, company must return to its site of origin.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente. Solo Agente:<\/i> si eliges descartar a Baduila en el nuevo lugar de la compañía objetivo, la compañía debe regresar a su lugar de origen.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“They are valliant men and keep open the High Pass and the Ford of Carrock. But their tolls are high… and they are not overfond of dwarves.”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Son hombres valientes, y mantienen abierto el Paso Alto y el Vado de la Carroca. Pero el peaje es elevado… y no gustan mucho de los enanos.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Baduila.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Stephen Schwartz" }, "DM-3": { "id": "DM-3", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Bill Ferny", "es": "Bill Helechal", "de": "Lutz Farning", "fr": "Bill Fougeron", "it": "", "nl": "Bill Ferny", "fi": "", "ja": "しだ家のビル" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "2", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Bree, Cameth Brin", "es": "Bree, Cameth Brin" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… as for Ferny, he would sell anything to anybody; or make mischief for amusement.’”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘… en cuanto a Helechal, le vendería cualquier cosa a cualquiera; o haría daño por el placer de hacerlo.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "BillFerny.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Chris Cocozza" }, "DM-4": { "id": "DM-4", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Dâsakûn", "es": "Dâsakûn", "de": "Dâsakûn", "fr": "Dâsakûn", "it": "", "nl": "Dâsakûn", "fi": "", "ja": "ダーサクーン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "6", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Easterling Camp, Variag Camp, Shrel-Kain", "es": "Campamento Oriental, Campamento Variag, Shrel-Kain" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a fierce people… wholly under the shadow of Dol Guldur…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un pueblo feroz, completamente dominado por la sombra de Dol Guldur…” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Dasakun.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Stephen Schwartz" }, "DM-5": { "id": "DM-5", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Deallus", "es": "Deallus", "de": "Deallus", "fr": "Deallus", "it": "", "nl": "Deallus", "fi": "", "ja": "デアルルス" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "2", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Dunnish Clan-hold, Bree, Cameth Brin", "es": "Fuerte Dunlendino, Bree, Cameth Brin" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Red-haired and gifted with a marvelous tongue, Deallus of Dunfearan was the embodiment of the high hills’ soft beauty and strong, deep spirit.”<\/i> —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Pelirroja y dotada de una maravillosa voz, Deallus de Dunfearas era la personificación de la suave belleza y el fuerte espíritu de las colinas.”<\/i> —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Deallus.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "April Lee" }, "DM-6": { "id": "DM-6", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Drór", "es": "Drór", "de": "Drór", "fr": "Drór", "it": "", "nl": "Drór", "fi": "", "ja": "ドロール" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "agent": true, "race": "Dwarf", "subtype": "", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold", "es": "Fortaleza Enana de las Montañas Azules" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +2 direct influence against Dwarves and Dwarf Factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +2 a la influencia directa contra Enanos y facciones de Enanos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Ever low he sat, always abiding by greed… oaths are broken, vows refused, or solemn agreements abused.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Siempre permanecía sentado, siempre dominado por la codicia… se rompían juramentos, se negaban vínculos o se mancillaban acuerdos.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Dror.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Tom Cross" }, "DM-7": { "id": "DM-7", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Elerína", "es": "Elerína", "de": "Elerína", "fr": "Elerína", "it": "", "nl": "Elerína", "fi": "", "ja": "エレリーナ" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Sage\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "5", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "8", "directInfluence": "3", "homeSite": { "en": "Carn Dûm, Mount Gram", "es": "Carn Dûm, Mount Gram" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent. <\/i>Can use shadow-magic and spirit-magic. Agent only:<\/i> may tap for an extra strike.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Agente. <\/i>Puede utilizar magia de las sombras y magia espiritual. Solo Agente:<\/i> puede ser girada para tener un golpe adicional.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“When the kingdom ended the Dúnedain passed into shadows and became a secret and wandering people, and their deeds and labours were seldom sung or recorded.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Cuando el reino se deshizo, los dúnedain pasaron a la sombra y se convirtieron en un pueblo secreto y errante, y sus hechos y trabajos se contaron o registraron rara vez.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Elerina.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "DM-8": { "id": "DM-8", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Elwen", "es": "Elwen", "de": "Elwen", "fr": "Elwen", "it": "", "nl": "Elwen", "fi": "", "ja": "エルウェン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "agent": true, "race": "Elf", "subtype": "", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Dol Amroth, Minas Tirith", "es": "Dol Amroth, Minas Tirith" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +2 direct influence against Elves and Elf Factions. Agent only:<\/i> may move to a Haven [{H}].<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +2 a la influencia directa contra Elfos y facciones de Elfos. Solo Agente:<\/i> puede moverse hasta un Refugio [{H}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… Elves of this land were of a race strange to us of the silvan folk…” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… los elfos de esta tierra eran de una raza diferente a nosotros los silvanos…” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Elwen.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-9": { "id": "DM-9", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Eun", "es": "Eun", "de": "Eun", "fr": "Eun", "it": "", "nl": "Eun", "fi": "", "ja": "エウン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Vale of Erech, Lond Galen", "es": "Valle de Erech, Lond Galen" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Few knew the ancient paths and secrets of the White Mountains like Eun of Erech, a fair lass whose eyes reflected the fires hidden in the heart of the Black Stone of her home.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Pocos conocían los antiguos senderos y secretos de las Montañas Blancas tan bien como Eun de Erech, una hermosa muchacha cuyos ojos reflejaban el fuego que ardía en el corazón de la Piedra Negra de su hogar.”<\/i> —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Eun.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Val Mayerik" }, "DM-10": { "id": "DM-10", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Firiel", "es": "Firiel", "de": "Firiel", "fr": "Firiel", "it": "", "nl": "Firiel", "fi": "", "ja": "フィリエル" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Sage\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "3", "agent": true, "race": "Dúnadan", "subtype": "", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "3", "homeSite": { "en": "Pelargir, Vale of Erech", "es": "Pelargir, Valle de Erech" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> Can use shadow-magic. +2 direct influence against Dúnedain and factions that can be played in Anfalas, Anórien, Belfalas, Lamedon, and Lebennin.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> Puede utilizar magia de las sombras. +2 a la influencia directa contra Dúnedain y facciones que puedan ser jugadas en Anfalas, Anórien, Belfalas, Lamedon, y Lebennin.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“She made many voyages to the South, sailing even in the most dangerous of times.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Realizó muchos viajes hacia el sur, navegando incluso durante las épocas más difíciles.”<\/i> —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Firiel.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "DM-11": { "id": "DM-11", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Fori the Beardless", "es": "Fori el Imberbe", "de": "Fori der Bartlose", "fr": "Fori l'Imberbe", "it": "", "nl": "Fori the Beardless", "fi": "", "ja": "鬚なしフォリ" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "4", "agent": true, "race": "Dwarf", "subtype": "", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Iron Hill Dwarf-hold", "es": "Fortaleza Enana de las Colinas de Hierro" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +2 direct influence against Dwarves and Dwarf Factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +2 a la influencia directa contra Enanos y facciones de Enanos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Grór, Dáin’s third son, went away with many followers to the Iron Hills…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Grór, hijo de Dáin, se encaminó con muchos seguidores a las Colinas de Hierro.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ForitheBeardless.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "DM-12": { "id": "DM-12", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Gergeli", "es": "Gergeli", "de": "Gergeli", "fr": "Gergeli", "it": "", "nl": "Gergeli", "fi": "", "ja": "ゲルゲリ" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "3", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Shrel-Kain, Lake-town, Easterling Camp", "es": "Shrel-Kain, Ciudad del Lago, Campamento Oriental" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Wise-men say that Gergeli paddled every stream between the shrouded summits of the Hithaeglir and the jagged teeth of the Orocarni.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los sabios dicen que Gergeli había cruzado cada uno de los arroyos situados entre las nubladas cimas de las Hithaeglir y los escarpados riscos de las Orocarni.”<\/i> —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Gergeli.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "DM-13": { "id": "DM-13", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Gisulf", "es": "Gisulf", "de": "Gisulf", "fr": "Gisulf", "it": "", "nl": "Gisulf", "fi": "", "ja": "ギスルフ" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "5", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Woodmen-town, Lake-town, Dale", "es": "Ciudad de los Hombres del Bosque, Ciudad del Lago, Valle" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Moving like a spry deer, old Gisulf the Woodman ran hard to his home at Woodmen-town. But a dark pact compelled him to shield his kinsmen from the grave news of Shadows haunting the sacred grove around Watchman’s Well.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Moviéndose como un ciervo vivaracho, el viejo Gisulf el Hombre del Bosque recorría todos los confines de su hogar en la Ciudad de los Hombres del Bosque. Pero un oscuro pacto le obligó a no comunicar a sus congéneres las graves noticias relacionadas con las Sombras que habitaban en el claro sagrado cercano al Pozo del Vigilante.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Gisulf.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "DM-14": { "id": "DM-14", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Golodhros", "es": "Golodhros", "de": "Golodhros", "fr": "Golodhros", "it": "", "nl": "Golodhros", "fi": "", "ja": "ゴロズロス" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Sage\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "5", "agent": true, "race": "Dúnadan", "subtype": "", "mind": "9", "directInfluence": "4", "homeSite": { "en": "Minas Morgul, Cirith Ungol, Barad-dûr", "es": "Minas Morgul, Cirith Ungol, Barad-dûr" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> Can use spirit-magic. Agent only:<\/i> may tap to make an influence check on an ally, faction, or character.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> Puede utilizar magia espiritual. Solo Agente:<\/i> puede ser girado para realizar un chequeo de influencia sobre un aliado, facción, o personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Though an urbane courtier, Golodhros still maintained a home … not far from the black vale of Imlad Morgul. … How he could safely visit there, no one knew.”<\/i> —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Aunque era un cortesano de ciudad, Golodhros seguía manteniendo un hogar… no muy lejos del valle negro de Imlad Morgul… Cómo podía visitarlo con seguridad, nadie lo sabía…” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Golodhros.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "DM-15": { "id": "DM-15", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Grimburgoth", "es": "El Grimburgoth", "de": "Der Grimburgoth", "fr": "Le Grimburgoth", "it": "", "nl": "The Grimburgoth", "fi": "", "ja": "闇野伏の長" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger\/Sage", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "7", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "8", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Dol Guldur", "es": "Dol Guldur" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> Can use sorcery. Agent only:<\/i> may tap at a company's new site to attack that company during its movement\/hazard phase with +2 prowess.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> Puede utilizar brujería. Solo Agente:<\/i> puede ser girado en el nuevo lugar de una compañía para atacar a dicha compañía durante la fase de movimiento\/adversidades con un +2 al poder.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“A madness filled him, and his heart was thereafter governed by fear. …and in time he settled with his kinsman Khamûl in Dol Guldur.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Una locura se apoderó de él, y su corazón fue gobernado por el miedo a partir de entonces… y con el tiempo se uniría a su pariente Khamûl en Dol Guldur.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheGrimburgoth.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "DM-16": { "id": "DM-16", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Herion", "es": "Herion", "de": "Herion", "fr": "Herion", "it": "", "nl": "Herion", "fi": "", "ja": "へリオン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "5", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Lond Galen, Dol Amroth", "es": "Lond Galen, Dol Amroth" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Grandson of a renowned seafarer, Herion spent his early years in the verdant highlands near his wife’s home in the Pinnath Gelin. Her murder embittered him, and he returned to the sea to seek his reckless revenge.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Nieto de un renombrado marinero, Herion pasó sus primeros años en las verdes mesetas cercanas al hogar de su mujer, en Pinnath Gerlin. El asesinato de su esposa le convirtió en un ser amargado, y regresó al mar para buscar incansablemente su venganza.”<\/i> —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Herion.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Steven Cavallo" }, "DM-17": { "id": "DM-17", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Ivic", "es": "Ivic", "de": "Ivic", "fr": "Ivic", "it": "", "nl": "Ivic", "fi": "", "ja": "イヴィク" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Southron Oasis, Variag Camp, Pelargir", "es": "Oasis Sureño, Campamento Variag, Pelargir" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Southrons were bold men and grim, and fierce in despair…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los sureños eran hombres intrépidos y torvos, y feroces cuando estaban desesperados…”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Ivic.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "DM-18": { "id": "DM-18", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Jûoma", "es": "Jûoma", "de": "Jûoma", "fr": "Jûoma", "it": "", "nl": "Jûoma", "fi": "", "ja": "ユーオマ" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Lossadan Camp, Bree", "es": "Campamento Lossadan, Bree" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The Lossoth house in the snow…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los lossoth habitan en la nieve…” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Juoma.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "DM-19": { "id": "DM-19", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Leamon", "es": "Leamon", "de": "Leamon", "fr": "Leamon", "it": "", "nl": "Leamon", "fi": "", "ja": "レアモン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Cameth Brin, Dunnish Clan-hold", "es": "Cameth Brin, Fuerte Dunlendino" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Leamon grew up at Cameth Brin, in the shadow of the great ‘Troll Tower,’ and he carried an ageless spear a forefather won from a Dúnadan venturer of fabled Lond Daer.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Leamon creció en Cameth Brin, en las sombras de la gran ʻTorre de los Trollsʼ, y empuñaba una antiquísima lanza que uno de sus ancestros ganó a un aventurero dúnadan procedente de la fabulosa Lond Daer.”<\/i> —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Leamon.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "DM-20": { "id": "DM-20", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Nimloth", "es": "Nimloth", "de": "Nimloth", "fr": "Nimloth", "it": "", "nl": "Nimloth", "fi": "", "ja": "ニムロス" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "3", "agent": true, "race": "Elf", "subtype": "", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Thranduil’s Halls, Sarn Goriwing", "es": "Estancias de Thranduil, Sarn Goriwing" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +2 direct influence against Elves and Elf Factions. Agent only:<\/i> may move to a Haven [{H}].<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +2 a la influencia directa contra Elfos y facciones de Elfos. Solo Agente:<\/i> puede moverse a un Refugio [{H}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘White Blossom,’ they called her, for she was named after the kinswoman of Celeborn, the mother of Dior the Jewel-bearer’s children: Eluréd, Eluín, and fair Elwing, mother of Elrond.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“La llamaban ʻFlor Blancaʼ, pues así fue bautizada en recuerdo de la pariente de Celeborn, la madre de Dior y los hijos del Portador de la Joya: Eluréd Eluín y la hermosa Elwing, la madre de Elrond.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Nimloth.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-21": { "id": "DM-21", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Ôm-buri-Ôm", "es": "Ôm-buri-Ôm", "de": "Ôm-buri-Ôm", "fr": "Ôm-buri-Ôm", "it": "", "nl": "Ôm-buri-Ôm", "fi": "", "ja": "オム=ブリ=オム" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "2", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Drúadan Forest, Wose Passage-hold, Stone-circle", "es": "Bosque Drúadan, Fuerte de Paso de los Woses, Círculo de Piedras" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +3 direct influence against Wose Factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +3 a la influencia directa contra facciones de Woses.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Here was one of those old images brought to life…” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Era como si una de aquellas imágenes legendarias hubiese cobrado vida…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OmburiOm.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Daniel Horne" }, "DM-22": { "id": "DM-22", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Pôn-ora-Pôn", "es": "Pôn-ora-Pôn", "de": "Pôn-ora-Pôn", "fr": "Pôn-ora-Pôn", "it": "", "nl": "Pôn-ora-Pôn", "fi": "", "ja": "ポン=オラ=ポン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Ranger\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "1", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Drúadan Forest, Wose Passage-hold, Stone-circle", "es": "Bosque Drúadan, Fuerte de Paso de los Woses, Círculo de Piedras" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +3 direct influence against Wose Factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +3 a la influencia directa contra facciones de Woses.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… maybe a creature descended in true line through endless years from models used by forgotten craftsmen long ago.” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… quizá un auténtico descendiente de los hombres que sirvieron de modelos a las aristas hacía tiempo olvidados.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "PonoraPon.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Vicenç Luján" }, "DM-23": { "id": "DM-23", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Râisha", "es": "Râisha", "de": "Râisha", "fr": "Râisha", "it": "", "nl": "Râisha", "fi": "", "ja": "ライシャ" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "5", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Variag Camp, Easterling Camp, Southron Oasis", "es": "Campamento Variag, Campamento Oriental, Oasis Sureño" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Not all of those Southerners mean well…” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“No todos esos sureños tienen buenas intenciones…” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Raisha.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "DM-24": { "id": "DM-24", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Súrion", "es": "Súrion", "de": "Súrion", "fr": "Súrion", "it": "", "nl": "Súrion", "fi": "", "ja": "スリオン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Sage\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "5", "agent": true, "race": "Dúnadan", "subtype": "", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Minas Tirith, Pelargir", "es": "Minas Tirith, Pelargir" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +2 direct influence against Dúnedain and factions that can be played in Anfalas, Anórien, Belfalas, Lamedon, and Lebennin.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +2 a la influencia directa contra Dúnedain y facciones que puedan ser jugadas en Anfalas, Anórien, Belfalas, Lamedon, y Lebennin.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“…gravely courteous, saluting…after the manner of Gondor with bowed head and hands upon the breast…” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… seriamente corteses, saludando… según la manera de Gondor, con la cabeza inclinada y las manos sobre el pecho…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Surion.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "DM-25": { "id": "DM-25", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Taladhan", "es": "Taladhan", "de": "Taladhan", "fr": "Taladhan", "it": "", "nl": "Taladhan", "fi": "", "ja": "タラダン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Ranger\/Sage", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "4", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Sarn Goriwing, Dol Guldur", "es": "Sarn Goriwing, Dol Guldur" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> Can use shadow-magic. Agent only: chooses defending characters; <\/i>for each successful strike, the company must discard one item (of defender’s choice), but the defending character is not harmed.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> Puede utilizar magia de las sombras. Solo Agente: elige a los personajes objetivo; <\/i>por cada golpe que tenga éxito, la compañía debe descartarse de un objeto (a elección del defensor), pero el personaje defensor no resulta herido.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Taladhan.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Lissanne Lake" }, "DM-26": { "id": "DM-26", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Woffung", "es": "Woffung", "de": "Woffung", "fr": "Woffung", "it": "", "nl": "Woffung", "fi": "", "ja": "ウォフング" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Lake-town, Dale, Shrel-Kain", "es": "Ciudad del Lago, Shrel-Kain, Valle" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i><\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Shadowy Woffung called himself a juggler, but by trade he practiced anything bequeathing him easy wealth.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El sombrío Woffung se hacía pasar por un malabarista, pero en realidad se dedicaba a cualquier negocio que le pudiera reportar grandes beneficios con facilidad.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Woffung.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Angelo Montanini" }, "DM-27": { "id": "DM-27", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Wormtongue", "es": "Lengua de Serpiente", "de": "Schlangenzunge", "fr": "Langue de Serpent", "it": "", "nl": "Wormtongue", "fi": "", "ja": "蛇の舌" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Sage\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "1", "agent": true, "race": "Man", "subtype": "", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Edoras, Dunharrow, Isengard", "es": "Edoras, El Sagrario, Isengard" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +4 direct influence against Riders of Rohan<\/i> and any character or minion that has Edoras as a home site.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +4 a la influencia directa contra los Jinetes de Rohan<\/i> y contra cualquier personaje o servidor que tenga Edoras como lugar natal.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“At his feet upon the steps sat a wizened figure of a man, with a pale wise face and heavy-lidded eyes.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Sobre las gradas, a los pies del rey estaba sentado un hombre enjuto y pálido, con los ojos de párpados pesados y mirada sagaz.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Wormtongue.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "John Monteleone" }, "DM-28": { "id": "DM-28", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Lobelia Sackville-Baggins", "es": "Lobelia Sacovilla-Bolsón", "de": "Lobelia Sackheim-Beutlin", "fr": "Lobélia Sacquet de Besace", "it": "", "nl": "Lobelia Sackville-Baggins", "fi": "", "ja": "ロベリア・サックヴィル=バギンズ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "9", "prowess": "0", "agent": true, "race": "Hazard Agent", "subtype": "", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Bag End, Bree", "es": "Bolsón Cerrado, Bree" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Mistress Lobelia.<\/i> Agent.<\/i> +3 direct influence against Hobbits and Hobbit factions. May not move to any site other than Bree, Old Forest, The White Towers, or a site in The Shire.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Señora Lobelia.<\/i> Agente.<\/i> +3 a su influencia directa contra Hobbits y facciones de Hobbits. No puede moverse a ningún otro lugar que no sea Bree, Bosque Viejo, Las Torres Blancas, o un lugar en La Comarca.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Bilbo believed that she had acquired a good many of his spoons, while he was away on his former journey.” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Bilbo creía que Lobelia se había apoderado de una buena cantidad de sus cucharas mientras él estaba ausente, en el viaje anterior.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LobeliaSackvilleBaggins.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "DM-29": { "id": "DM-29", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "My Precious", "es": "Mi Precioso", "de": "Mein Schatz", "fr": "Mon Trésor", "it": "", "nl": "My Precious", "fi": "", "ja": "いとしいしと" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout", "marshallingPoints": "-1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "9", "prowess": "2", "agent": true, "race": "Hazard Agent", "subtype": "", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Goblin-gate, Moria, Shelob's Lair, Mt. Doom", "es": "Puerta de los Trasgos, Moria, El Antro de Ella-laraña, Monte del Destino" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Gollum. Agent. <\/i>If face-up, may take an extra agent action (not counting against the hazard limit) each time he normally takes an agent action. If he attacks successfully against a company with a ring, he and a ring (attacker's choice) are discarded. If My Precious<\/i> attacks and fails but is not defeated, the defender may tap a character in the target company to play Gollum (My Precious<\/i> is discarded). Any player whose character eliminates My Precious<\/i> receives -1 kill MPs.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Gollum. Agente.<\/i> Si está descubierto, puede realizar una acción de agente adicional (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades) cada vez que normalmente realice una acción de agente. Si ataca con éxito a una compañía con un anillo, él y un anillo (a elección del atacante) son descartados. Si Mi Precioso<\/i> ataca y falla pero no es derrotado, el defensor puede girar un personaje en la compañía objetivo para jugar Gollum<\/i> (Mi Precioso <\/i>es descartado). Cualquier jugador cuyos personajes eliminen a Mi Precioso<\/i> recibe -1 punto de victoria por muertes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "MyPrecious.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Tom Kidd" }, "DM-30": { "id": "DM-30", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Gem-deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos de las Gemas", "de": "Die Gemmen-Tiefen", "fr": "Les Abîmes de Cristal", "it": "", "nl": "The Gem-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "珠の奥" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Glittering Caves (0), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (6)", "draw": "2", "region": "Gap of Isen", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, gold ring)", "special": "Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may also be played at this site.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "(1st) Undead - 3 strikes with 9 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Glittering Caves (0), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (6)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Undead — 3 strikes with 9 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one
non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally
keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may also be played at this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Cavernas Resplandecientes (0), Las Profundidades Pûkel (9), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (6)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):
<\/i><\/b>(1º) Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 9
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-criatura
de su mano que no sea única y normalmente pueda ser
situada en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> En este lugar también se puede jugar cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes o Criatura Pûkel.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheGemdeeps.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "DM-31": { "id": "DM-31", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Haudh-in-Gwanûr", "es": "Haudh-in-Gwanûr", "de": "Haudh-in-Gwanûr", "fr": "Haudh-in-Gwanûr", "it": "", "nl": "Haudh-in-Gwanûr", "fi": "", "ja": "ハウズ=イン=グワァヌア" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Edhellond", "draw": "2", "region": "Harondor", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major)", "drawOpponent": "2", "autoAttack": "Undead - 1 strike with 10 prowess; each character wounded must make a corruption check", "subtype": "", "sitePath": "{w}{f}{c}{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Haven:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Undead — 1 strike with 10 prowess; each character wounded must make a corruption check<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Muertos Vivientes — 1 golpe de poder 10; cada personaje herido debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The Riders buried them after the fashion of their people, and they were laid in one mound, for they were twin brothers.”<\/i> —LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los Jinetes les enterraron según la costumbre de su pueblo, y fueron depositados en un túmulo, ya que eran hermanos gemelos.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HaudhinGwanur.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Pamela Shanteau" }, "DM-32": { "id": "DM-32", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Hermit’s Hill", "es": "Colina del Ermitaño", "de": "Hügel des Einsiedlers", "fr": "Colline de l'Ermite", "it": "", "nl": "Hermit's Hill", "fi": "", "ja": "隠者が丘" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Lórien", "draw": "1", "region": "Wold & Foothills", "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor)", "special": "During the site phase, a company may discard two minor items they bear to make any one major item (including a hoard item) playable here that turn.", "drawOpponent": "1", "autoAttack": "Men - 3 strike with 6 prowess", "subtype": "", "sitePath": "{w}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Haven:<\/i><\/b> Lórien<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor)<\/p>

Men — 3 strikes with 6 prowess<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> During the site phase, a company may discard two minor items they bear to make any one major item (including a hoard item) playable at this untapped site this turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Lórien<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Hombres — 3 golpes de poder 6<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Durante la fase de lugares, una compañía puede descartar dos objetos menores que porte para hacer jugable este turno en este lugar enderezado un objeto mayor cualquiera (incluyendo un objeto de botín).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "HermitsHill.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Alex Gunther" }, "DM-33": { "id": "DM-33", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Iron-deeps", "es": "Los Subterráneos de Hierro", "de": "Die Eisen-Tiefen", "fr": "Les Abîmes de Fer", "it": "", "nl": "The Iron-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "鉄の奥" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Carn Dûm (0), The Under-leas (6), The Under-vaults (7)", "draw": "1", "region": "Angmar", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "If the Witch-king of Angmar is in play as a permanent-event, it must be used as an additional automatic-attack (discard after use-ignore result of defeat).", "drawOpponent": "4", "autoAttack": "(1st) Trolls - 3 strikes with 9 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Ruins & Lairs", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm (0), The Under-leas (6), The Under-vaults (7)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Trolls — 3 strikes with 9 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-
unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to
Ruins & Lairs [r]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> If the Witch-king of Angmar<\/i> is in play as a permanent-event, it must be used as an additional automatic-attack (discard after use—ignore result of defeat).<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Carn Dûm (0), Los Prados Subterráneos (6), Las Bóvedas Subterráneas (7)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Trolls — 3 golpes de poder 9
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-criatura de su
mano que no sea única y normalmente pueda ser situada en
unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Si está en juego El Rey Brujo de Angmar<\/i> como suceso permanente, debe ser utilizado como ataque automático adicional (descartar después de ser utilizado — ignora el resultado de derrota).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheIrondeeps.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "DM-34": { "id": "DM-34", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Pûkel-deeps", "es": "Las Profundidades Pûkel", "de": "Die Pûkel-Tiefen", "fr": "Les Abîmes Biscornus", "it": "", "nl": "The Pûkel-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "プーケルの奥" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Dunharrow (0), The Gem-deeps (9), The Sulfur-deeps (9)", "draw": "2", "region": "Rohan", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, gold ring)", "special": "Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may also be played at this site.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "(1st) Pûkel-creature - 2 strikes with 11 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Shadow-holds", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Dunharrow (0), The Gem-deeps (9), The Sulfur-deeps (9)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Pûkel-creature — 2 strikes with 11 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one
non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally
keyed to Shadow-holds [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead creature or Pûkel-creature may also be played at this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> El Sagrario (0), Los Subterráneos de las Gemas (9), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (9)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Criatura Pûkel — 2 golpes de poder 11
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-
criatura de su mano que no sea única y normalmente
pueda ser situada en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> En este lugar también se puede jugar cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes o Criatura Pûkel.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ThePukeldeeps.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "DM-35": { "id": "DM-35", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Sulfur-deeps", "es": "Las Profundidades Sulfurosas", "de": "Die Schwefel-Tiefen", "fr": "Les Abîmes de Soufre", "it": "", "nl": "The Sulfur-deeps", "fi": "", "ja": "硫黄の奥" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Dol Guldur (0), The Under-courts (5), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (5), The Under-galleries (8)", "draw": "1", "region": "Southern Mirkwood", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "If Khamûl the Easterling or Adûnaphel is in play as a permanent-event, one must be used as an additional automatic-attack (attacker's choice, discard after use-ignore result of defeat).", "drawOpponent": "4", "autoAttack": "(1st) Trolls - 2 strikes with 9 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Shadow-holds", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur (0), The Under-courts (5), The Pûkel-deeps (9), The Under-gates (5), The Under-galleries (8)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Trolls — 2 strikes with 9 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique
hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Shadow-holds [S]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> If Khamûl the Easterling<\/i> or Adûnaphel<\/i> is in play as a permanent-event, one must be used as an additional automatic-attack (attacker’s choice, discard after use—ignore result of defeat).<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Dol Guldur (0), Los Palacios de las Profundidades (5), Las Profundidades Pûkel (9), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (5), Las Galerías Subterráneas (8)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Trolls — 2 golpes de poder 9
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-criatura de su mano
que no sea única y normalmente pueda ser situada en un Bastión
de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Si Khamûl el Oriental<\/i> o Adûnaphel<\/i> están en juego como suceso permanente, uno de ellos debe ser usado como ataque automático adicional (el atacante elige cuál, descartar después de ser utilizado — ignora el resultado de derrota).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheSulfurdeeps.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "DM-36": { "id": "DM-36", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Under-courts", "es": "Los Palacios de las Profundidades", "de": "Unterirdische Hallen", "fr": "La Cour des Abîmes", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-courts", "fi": "", "ja": "底の庭" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Barad-dûr (0), The Sulfur-deeps (5), The Under-galleries (4)", "draw": "1", "region": "Gorgoroth", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "If any Nazgul permanent-event is in play, one must be used as an additional automatic-attack (attacker's choice, discard after use-ignore result of defeat).", "drawOpponent": "4", "autoAttack": "(1st) Trolls - 3 strikes with 10 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Shadow-holds", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Barad-dûr (0), The Sulfur-deeps (5), The Under-galleries (4)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Trolls — 3 strikes with 10 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique
hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to
Shadow-holds [S]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> If any Nazgûl permanent-event is in play, one must be used as an additional automatic-attack (attacker’s choice, discard after use—ignore result of defeat).<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Barad-dûr (0), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (5), Las Galerías Subterráneas (4)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Trolls — 3 golpes de poder 10
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-criatura de su
mano que no sea única y normalmente pueda ser situada en un
Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Si está en juego cualquier suceso permanente Nazgûl, se debe utilizar uno de ellos como un ataque automático adicional (el atacante elige cuál, descartar después de ser utilizado — ignora el resultado de derrota).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndercourts.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "DM-37": { "id": "DM-37", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Under-galleries", "es": "Las Galerías Subterráneas", "de": "Unterirdischen Stollen", "fr": "Les Galeries des Abîmes", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-galleries", "fi": "", "ja": "底の廊" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Any site in Ûdun (0), The Under-courts (4), The Sulfur-deeps (8)", "draw": "1", "region": "Ûdun", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "Stolen Knowledge. When Under-galleries would be placed in your discard pile, place it in your marshalling points pile instead for 3 marshalling points-this card is considered stored.", "drawOpponent": "4", "autoAttack": "(1st) Trolls - 4 strikes with 9 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Shadow-holds", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Any site in Ûdun (0), The Under-courts (4), The Sulfur-deeps (8)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Trolls — 4 strikes with 9 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique
hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to
Shadow-holds [S]<\/p>

Special: Stolen Knowledge<\/i><\/b>. When Under-galleries would be placed in your discard pile, place it in your marshalling points pile instead for 3 marshalling points—this card is considered stored.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Cualquier lugar de Ûdun (0), Los Palacios de las Profundidades (4), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (8)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Trolls — 4 golpes de poder 9
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-criatura de su mano
que no sea única y normalmente pueda ser situada en un Bastión
de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial: Conocimiento Robado<\/i><\/b>. En las condiciones en que Las Galerías Subterráneas debería ser colocada en tu pila de descartes, colócala en tu pila de puntos de victoria y otorga 3 puntos de victoria — se considera que esta carta ha sido almacenada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndergalleries.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "DM-38": { "id": "DM-38", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Under-gates", "es": "Las Puertas de las Profundidades", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Tore", "fr": "Les Portes des Abîmes", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-gates", "fi": "", "ja": "底の門" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Moria (0), The Gem-deeps (6), The Sulfur-deeps (5), The Under-grottos (8), The Under-leas (6)", "draw": "1", "region": "Redhorn Gate", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{S}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)", "special": "If Balrog of Moria is in play or if it or Durin's Bane has been defeated, the first automatic attack is canceled.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "(1st) Balrog - 2 strikes with 16 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Ruins & Lairs", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Moria (0), The Gem-deeps (6), The Sulfur-deeps (5), The Under-grottos (8), The Under-leas (6)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Balrog — 2 strikes with 16 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-
unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to
Ruins & Lairs [{R}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> If Balrog of Moria<\/i> is in play or if it or Durin’s Bane<\/i> has been defeated, the first automatic attack
is canceled.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Moria (0), Los Subterráneos de las Gemas (6), Las Profundidades Sulfurosas (5), Las Grutas Subterráneas (8), Los Prados Subterráneos (6) <\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Balrog — 2 golpes de poder 16
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-criatura de su
mano que no sea única y normalmente pueda ser situada en
unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Si está en juego el Balrog de Moria<\/i> o si ha sido derrotado El Daño de Durin<\/i>, el primer ataque automático es cancelado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndergates.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "DM-39": { "id": "DM-39", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Under-grottos", "es": "Las Grutas Subterráneas", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Grotten", "fr": "Les Grottes des Abîmes", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-grottos", "fi": "", "ja": "底の洞" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Goblin-gate (0), The Under-leas (8), The Under-gates (8)", "draw": "1", "region": "High Pass", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, gold ring)", "special": "When a gold ring is tested in a company at this site, the result of the roll is modified by +2.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "(1st) Orcs - 4 strikes with 7 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to a Shadow-hold", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Goblin-gate (0), The Under-leas (8), The Under-gates (8)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 4 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one
non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally
keyed to a Shadow-hold [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> When a gold ring is tested in a company at this site, the result of the roll is modified by +2.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> La Puerta de los Trasgos (0), Los Prados Subterráneos (8), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (8)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 7
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-criatura de su
mano que no sea única y normalmente pueda ser situada en
un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Cuando una compañía examina un anillo de oro mientras se encuentra en este lugar, el resultado de la tirada debe ser modificado con un +2.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndergrottos.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-40": { "id": "DM-40", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Under-leas", "es": "Los Prados Subterráneos", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Felder", "fr": "Les Prairies des Abîmes", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-leas", "fi": "", "ja": "底の原" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Mount Gundabad (0), The Iron-deeps (6), The Under-grottos (8), The Under-gates (6), The Under-vaults (7)", "draw": "1", "region": "Gundabad", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{S}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, greater)", "special": "If the Witch-king of Angmar is in play as a permanent-event, it must be used as an additional automatic-attack (discard after use-ignore result of defeat).", "drawOpponent": "4", "autoAttack": "(1st) Orcs - 5 strikes with 7 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Ruins & Lairs", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Mount Gundabad (0), The Iron-deeps (6), The Under-grottos (8), The Under-gates (6), The Under-vaults (7)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, greater)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Orcs — 5 strikes with 7 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique
hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Ruins & Lairs [{R}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> If the Witch-king of Angmar<\/i> is in play as a permanent-event, it must be used as an additional automatic-attack (discard after use—ignore result of defeat).<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Monte Gundabad (0), Los Subterráneos de Hierro (6), Las Grutas Subterráneas (8), Las Puertas de las Profundidades (6), Las Bóvedas Subterráneas (7)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, grandes)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Orcos — 5 golpes de poder 7
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-criatura de su mano
que no sea única y normalmente pueda ser situada en unas
Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> Si está en juego El Rey Brujo de Angmar<\/i> como suceso permanente, debe ser utilizado como ataque automático adicional (descartar después de ser utilizado — ignora el resultado de derrota).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUnderleas.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-41": { "id": "DM-41", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Under-vaults", "es": "Las Bóvedas Subterráneas", "de": "Die Unterirdischen Gewölbe", "fr": "Les Voûtes des Abîmes", "it": "", "nl": "The Under-vaults", "fi": "", "ja": "底の蔵" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "adjacent": "Mount Gram (0), The Iron-deeps (7), The Under-leas (7)", "draw": "2", "region": "Angmar", "underDeeps": true, "siteType": "{R}", "playable": "Items (minor, major, gold ring)", "special": "Any Undead creature may also be played at this site.", "drawOpponent": "3", "autoAttack": "(1st) Undead - 3 strikes with 8 prowess (2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally keyed to Shadow-holds", "subtype": "" }, "text": { "en": "

Adjacent Sites:<\/i><\/b> Mount Gram (0), The Iron-deeps (7), The Under-leas (7)<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Items (minor, major, gold ring)<\/p>

Automatic-attacks (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1st) Undead — 3 strikes with 8 prowess
(2nd) Opponent may play as an automatic-attack one
non-unique hazard creature from his hand normally
keyed to Shadow-holds [{S}]<\/p>

Special:<\/i><\/b> Any Undead creature may also be played at this site.<\/p>", "es": "

Lugares Adyacentes:<\/i><\/b> Monte Gram (0), Los Subterráneos de Hierro (7), Los Prados Subterráneos (7)<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Objetos (menores, mayores, anillos de oro)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos (2):<\/i><\/b>
(1º) Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 8
(2º) El oponente puede jugar una adversidad-criatura de
su mano que no sea única y normalmente pueda ser situada en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}].<\/p>

Especial:<\/i><\/b> En este lugar también se puede jugar cualquier criatura de Muertos Vivientes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheUndervaults.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "DM-42": { "id": "DM-42", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Urlurtsu Nurn", "es": "Urlurtsu Nurn", "de": "Urlurtsu Nurn", "fr": "Urlurtsu Nurn", "it": "", "nl": "Urlurtsu Nurn", "fi": "", "ja": "ウルルルツ・ヌアン" }, "type": "Site", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "haven": "Edhellond", "draw": "3", "region": "Nurn", "siteType": "{D}", "playable": "Information, Items (minor, major)", "drawOpponent": "5", "autoAttack": "Orcs - 4 strikes with 7 prowess", "subtype": "", "sitePath": "{w}{f}{c}{w}{s}{d}" }, "text": { "en": "

Nearest Haven:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Playable:<\/i><\/b> Information, Items (minor, major)<\/p>

Orcs — 4 strikes with 7 prowess<\/p>", "es": "

Refugio más cercano:<\/i><\/b> Edhellond<\/p>

Jugable:<\/i><\/b> Información, Objetos (menores, mayores)<\/p>

Ataques Automáticos:<\/i><\/b>
Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 7<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Neither he nor Frodo knew anything of the great slave-worked fields away south in this wide realm, beyond the fumes of the Mountain by the sad waters of Lake Núrnen…”<\/i>—LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Ni él ni Frodo sabían nada de los extensos campos cultivados por esclavos en el extremo Sur del reino, más allá de las emanaciones de la Montaña y en las cercanías de las aguas sombrías y tristes del Lago Núrnen…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "UrlurtsuNurn.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Brian Snoddy" }, "DM-43": { "id": "DM-43", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "An Article Missing", "es": "Un Artículo Desaparecido", "de": "Ein Dieb in der Nacht", "fr": "Un objet manque", "it": "", "nl": "An Article Missing", "fi": "", "ja": "何かがなくなった" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Tap<\/i> a scout agent at target company’s new site. <\/i>Agent may attack (not counting against hazard limit) with a +4 modification to his prowess during the movement\/hazard phase. Attacker chooses defending characters. A successful strike doesn’t wound the defending character; instead the company must discard one item (defender’s choice). Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Gira<\/i> un agente explorador que se encuentre en el nuevo lugar de la compañía objetivo.<\/i> El agente puede atacar (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades) con una modificación de +4 a su poder durante la fase de movimiento\/adversidades. El atacante elige a los personajes objetivo. Un golpe exitoso no hiere al personaje defensor; en lugar de eso la compañía debe descartar un objeto (a elección del defensor).<\/p>

No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AnArticleMissing.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Alan Guitierrez" }, "DM-44": { "id": "DM-44", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Angmar Arises", "es": "El Despertar de Angmar", "de": "Angmar erhebt sich", "fr": "Angmar se dresse", "it": "", "nl": "Angmar Arises", "fi": "", "ja": "アングマール立つ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Any creature that can be keyed to a one single Shadow-land [{s}] may be keyed to Forochel, Arthedain, Angmar, Gundabad, or Rhudaur. Any creature that can be keyed to a Dark-domain [{d}] may be keyed to Angmar or Gundabad. Discard this card when a creature keyed to one of these regions (not to the region symbol) is defeated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cualquier criatura que pueda ser situada en una sola Tierra de la Sombra [{s}] puede ser situada en Forochel, Arthedain, Angmar, Gundabad, o Rhudaur. Cualquier criatura que pueda ser situada en una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}] puede ser situada en Angmar o Gundabad. Descarta esta carta cuando una criatura situada en una de estas regiones (no en el símbolo de región) es derrotada<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the power of Angmar arose again, and the Witch-king came down upon Arthedain…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… el poder de Angmar resurgió y el Rey Brujo descendió sobre Arthedain…”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AngmarArises.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Douglass Chaffee" }, "DM-45": { "id": "DM-45", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "An Unexpected Outpost", "es": "Una Avanzadilla Inesperada", "de": "Unerwarteter Vorposten", "fr": "Un avant-poste inattendu", "it": "", "nl": "An Unexpected Outpost", "fi": "", "ja": "予期せぬ見張り" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Bring one hazard from your sideboard or discard pile into your play deck and shuffle. If Doors of Night<\/i> is in play, you may do this twice.<\/p>", "es": "

Coge una adversidad de tu baraja complementaria o de tu pila de descartes y barájala en tu mazo de juego. Si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>, puedes hacer esto dos veces.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… in the high regions the West Wind still blew, but down on the stones behind the fences of the Black Land the air seemed almost dead, chill and yet stifling.” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… pues en las regiones altas soplaba el viento del oeste, pero abajo, sobre las piedras y en los recintos de la Tierra Tenebrosa, el aire parecía muerto, helado y a la vez sofocante.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AnUnexpectedOutpost.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "John Howe" }, "DM-46": { "id": "DM-46", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Aware of their Ways", "es": "Consciente de tus Costumbres", "de": "Die Pläne sind durchschaut", "fr": "Averti de leurs actes", "it": "", "nl": "Aware of Their Ways", "fi": "", "ja": "彼らのやり方を知る" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Opponent reveals four cards at random from his discard pile. You may choose a non-unique one and remove it from play. Opponent discards the other three.<\/p>", "es": "

El oponente revela cuatro cartas al azar de su pila de descartes. Puedes elegir una que no sea única y eliminarla del juego. El oponente descarta las otras tres.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Quickly now he drew off the cloth, wrapped the stone in it and kneeling down, laid it back by the wizard’s hand.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Retiró con presteza el lienzo, envolvió la piedra, y arrodillándose la puso al alcance de la mano de Gandalf.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AwareoftheirWays.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "DM-47": { "id": "DM-47", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Black Enemy’s Wrath", "es": "La Cólera del Enemigo Negro", "de": "Zorn des Schwarzen Feindes", "fr": "Fureur du Noir Ennemi", "it": "", "nl": "The Black Enemy's Wrath", "fi": "", "ja": "黒き敵の怒り" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Each Under-deeps site, Dark-hold [{D}], and Shadow-hold [{S}] has an additional automatic-attack (cannot be canceled): Lava Flows — 1 strike against each character with 6 prowess (weapons do not modify prowess against these strikes). The penalty for an untapped character not tapping against one of these strikes is -5.<\/p>

This card has no effect on a minion player. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cada Lugar de las Profundidades, Bastión de la Oscuridad [{D}] y Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] tiene un ataque automático adicional (no puede ser cancelado): Flujo de Lava — 1 golpe de poder 6 contra cada personaje de la compañía (las armas no modifican el poder contra estos golpes). La penalización si un personaje enderezado decide no girarse contra este ataque es de -5.<\/p>

Esta carta no tiene efecto en un jugador servidor. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheBlackEnemysWrath.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-48": { "id": "DM-48", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Bring Our Curses Home", "es": "Lleva Nuestras Maldiciones a Casa", "de": "Vom Fluch geplagt", "fr": "L'effet de nos malédictions", "it": "", "nl": "Bring Our Curses Home", "fi": "", "ja": "わしらの呪いを" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "3", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption.<\/i> Playable on a non-Wizard character whose company is facing a hazard creature attack.<\/i><\/b> Discard this card if no character is eliminated by the attack. If any character is eliminated, place creature’s card with this card—creature is considered off to the side. Target character’s company faces an attack from creature at the start of each movement\/hazard phase if creature is playable. Discard associated creature’s card if this card is discarded. Discard this card if associated creature is defeated.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción.<\/i> Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Mago cuya compañía se enfrente a un ataque de una adversidad-criatura.<\/i><\/b> Descarta esta carta si ningún personaje es eliminado por el ataque. Si algún personaje es eliminado, coloca la carta de la criatura junto con esta carta—se considera que la criatura está a un lado. La compañía del personaje objetivo se enfrenta a un ataque de la criatura al principio de cada fase de movimiento\/adversidades si la criatura es jugable. Descarta la carta de criatura asociada si esta carta es descartada. Descarta esta carta si la criatura asociada es derrotada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "BringOurCursesHome.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Mark Maxwell" }, "DM-49": { "id": "DM-49", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Chance of Being Lost", "es": "Posibilidad de Perderse", "de": "Der Weg ist schwer zu finden", "fr": "Risque de s'égarer", "it": "", "nl": "Chance of Being Lost", "fi": "", "ja": "道に迷うかもしれない" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a moving company using region movement if opponent is using the same type of location deck (minion\/hero) as yourself.<\/i><\/b> Make a roll modified by -2 for each ranger in the company. If the result is greater than 6, you must replace company’s new site card with a different site from your location deck that is located in the same region or an adjacent region as the company’s new site.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía en movimiento que utilice movimiento a través de regiones si tu oponente utiliza el mismo tipo de mazo de lugares que tú (heroe\/servidor). <\/i><\/b>Haz una tirada modificada con un -2 por cada montaraz que haya en la compañía. Si el resultado es superior a 6, debes reemplazar la nueva carta de lugar de la compañía por un lugar diferente de tu mazo de localizaciones que se encuentre en la misma región o una región adyacente al nuevo de lugar de la compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… they all left the path and plunged into the forest together.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… dejaron la senda y juntos se precipitaron bosque adentro.”<\/i> —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ChanceofBeingLost.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Tom Cross" }, "DM-50": { "id": "DM-50", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Cunning Foes", "es": "Adversarios Astutos", "de": "Die List des Feindes", "fr": "Ennemis sournois", "it": "", "nl": "Cunning Foes", "fi": "", "ja": "狡猾な敵ども" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Tap a warrior agent at target company's new site.<\/i> Agent attacks (not counting against hazard limit) with a +3 modification to his prowess during the movement\/hazard phase. Attacker chooses defending characters. Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Gira<\/i> un agente guerrero que se encuentre en el nuevo lugar de la compañía objetivo.<\/i> El agente ataca (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades) con una modificación de +3 a su poder durante la fase de movimiento\/adversidades. El atacante elige a los personajes objetivo. No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“At that moment there was a twang of bowstrings: several arrows whistled over them, and some fell among them…” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“En ese momento se oyó el ruido seco de unos arcos: algunas flechas pasaron por encima de ellos otras cayeron en las barcas…” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CunningFoes.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "DM-51": { "id": "DM-51", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Doubled Vigilance", "es": "Guardia Reforzada", "de": "Doppelte Wachsamkeit", "fr": "Vigilance redoublée", "it": "", "nl": "Doubled Vigilance", "fi": "", "ja": "警戒を強めよ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Shadow-hold <\/i><\/b>[{S}] (or on a Ruins & Lairs <\/i><\/b>[{R}] or Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}] if Doors of Night is in play).<\/i><\/b> If the company chooses to enter the site, its player must make a roll and subtract its company size. If the result is greater than 6, the company may enter the site as normal. Otherwise, the company must face an attack to be resolved before any automatic-attacks: Orcs — 4 strikes at 9 prowess. Discard when the site card is discarded or returned to its location deck. Can be revealed on-guard.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}] (o sobre unas Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}] o un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche).<\/i><\/b> Si la compañía decide entrar en el lugar, el jugador que la controla hace una tirada y resta el tamaño de la compañía. Si el resultado es superior a 6, la compañía puede entrar en el lugar de forma normal. De lo contrario, la compañía debe enfrentarse a un ataque que se debe resolver antes de cualquier ataque automático: Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 9. Descartar cuando la carta de lugar sea descartada o vuelva a su mazo de localizaciones. Puede ser revelada en guardia.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DoubledVigilance.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "DM-52": { "id": "DM-52", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Drums", "es": "Tambores", "de": "Trommeln", "fr": "Tambours", "it": "", "nl": "Drums", "fi": "", "ja": "太鼓の音" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

For each company at or moving to an Under-deeps site, the hazard limit is increased by one and the prowess of all attacks is increased by one. All automatic-attacks at sites in the following regions have their number of strikes and prowess increased by one (by two if Doors of Night<\/i> is in play): Angmar, Gap of Isen, Gorgoroth, Gundabad, High Pass, Redhorn Gate, Rohan, Southern Mirkwood, and Udûn. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Para cada compañía que se encuentre en o se mueva hacia un Lugar de las Profundidades, el límite de adversidades aumenta en uno y el poder de todos los ataques aumenta en uno. Todos los ataques automáticos de los lugares en las siguientes regiones aumentan en uno su poder y su número de golpes (en dos si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>): Angmar, Desfiladero del Isen, Gorgoroth, Gundabad, Paso Alto, Entrada al Cuerno Rojo, Rohan, Sur del Bosque Negro, y Udûn. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Drums.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "DM-53": { "id": "DM-53", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Earth-tremors", "es": "Temblores de Tierra", "de": "Die Erde bebt", "fr": "Secousses sismiques", "it": "", "nl": "Earth-tremors", "fi": "", "ja": "大地の震え" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Any company moving to or from an Under-deeps site faces an attack (cannot be canceled): Rock Fall — 1 strike with 7 prowess against each character (weapons do not modify prowess against these strikes). In addition, cancels the effects of Into Dark Tunnels, Old Road, Great Road<\/i>, and Bridge<\/i>. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cualquier compañía que se mueva hacia o desde un Lugar de las Profundidades se enfrenta a un ataque (no puede ser cancelado): Desprendimiento de Rocas — 1 golpe de poder 7 contra cada personaje (las armas no modifican el poder contra este ataque). Además, cancela los efectos de Hacia Túneles Oscuros, Viejo Camino, Gran Camino, <\/i>y Puente<\/i>. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the earth shook, the plain heaved and cracked.”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… la tierra tembló, la llanura se sacudió y agrietó.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Earthtremors.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "DM-54": { "id": "DM-54", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Endless Whispers", "es": "Susurros Interminables", "de": "Endloses Flüstern", "fr": "Murmure sans fin", "it": "", "nl": "Endless Whispers", "fi": "", "ja": "果てしなく囁く声" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Dark enchantment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Dark Enchantment.<\/i> Playable on a non-Wizard character wounded by an Undead attack this turn; <\/i><\/b>does not count against the hazard limit. <\/i>Target character can never become untapped while bearing this card. Any effect that would move him to an untapped state makes him tapped instead. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>

During the organization phase, a sage in target character’s company may tap to attempt to remove this card. Make a roll: if the result is greater than 7, discard this card.<\/p>", "es": "

Encantamiento Oscuro.<\/i> Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Mago herido por un ataque de Muertos Vivientes este turno; <\/i><\/b>no cuenta para el límite de adversidades. <\/i>El personaje objetivo no puede enderezarse nunca mientras tenga esta carta. Cualquier efecto que le hiciera pasar al estado enderezado, en su lugar le deja girado. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje. Durante la fase de organización, un sabio en la compañía del personaje objetivo puede girarse para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 7, descarta esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "EndlessWhispers.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "DM-55": { "id": "DM-55", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Exhalation of Decay", "es": "Hálito de Putrefacción", "de": "Odem der Verwesung", "fr": "Exhalaison fétide", "it": "", "nl": "Exhalation of Decay", "fi": "", "ja": "腐敗が撒き散らすもの" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an Undead hazard creature in your discard pile.<\/i><\/b> If target Undead can attack, bring it into play as a creature that attacks immediately (not counting against the hazard limit). The attack’s prowess is modified by -1.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una adversidad-criatura de Muertos Vivientes en tu pila de descartes.<\/i><\/b> Si el Muerto Viviente objetivo puede atacar, ponlo en juego como una criatura que ataca inmediatamente (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades). El poder del ataque es modificado con un -1.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… wavering and blowing like a noisome exhalation of decay, a corpse-light, a light that illuminated nothing.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… una luz trémula, un fuego fatuo de cadáveres que no alumbraba nada y que parecía vacilar como un nauseabundo hálito de putrefacción.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ExhalationofDecay.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "DM-56": { "id": "DM-56", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Eyes of the Shadow", "es": "Ojos de Sombras", "de": "Die Augen des Schattens", "fr": "Les yeux de l'ombre", "it": "", "nl": "Eyes of the Shadow", "fi": "", "ja": "影の目" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Environment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Environment.<\/i> May only be played if Gates of Morning<\/i> is not in play. The hazard limit is increased by two for each moving company with a size of less than four that also contains a Wizard or a non-ranger character with a mind of 6 or more. Cannot be duplicated. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Ambiental.<\/i> Solo se puede jugar si las Puertas del Amanecer<\/i> no están en juego. El límite de adversidades aumenta en dos para todas las compañías que se estén moviendo con un tamaño inferior a cuatro que también contengan un Mago o un personaje que no sea montaraz con una mente de 6 o más. No puede ser duplicada. Descartar cuando se agote un mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a whole regiment of birds had broken away suddenly from the main host…” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un regimiento entero de pájaros se había separado de repente de la hueste principal…” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "EyesoftheShadow.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "DM-57": { "id": "DM-57", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Faces of the Dead", "es": "Caras de los Muertos", "de": "Gesichter der Toten", "fr": "Visages de morts", "it": "", "nl": "Faces of the Dead", "fi": "", "ja": "死人の顔" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a non-Wizard character moving with at least two Wildernesses <\/i><\/b>[{w}] in his site path if you discard any Undead hazard creature from your hand (show opponent).<\/i><\/b> Target character's player makes a roll and adds character's mind. If the result is less than 13, that character splits off into a different company. This new company immediately returns to his original company’s site of origin.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Mago que se esté moviendo con un mínimo de dos Tierras Salvajes <\/i><\/b>[{w}] en su itinerario si te descartas de cualquier adversidad-criatura de Muertos Vivientes de tu mano (muéstrala a tu oponente). <\/i><\/b>El jugador que controla el personaje objetivo hace una tirada y añade la mente del personaje. Si el resultado es menor que 13, ese personaje se separa en una compañía diferente. Esta nueva compañía regresa inmediatamente al lugar de origen de su compañía original.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FacesoftheDead.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-58": { "id": "DM-58", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Flies and Spiders", "es": "Moscas y Arañas", "de": "Fliegen und Spinnen", "fr": "Mouches et araignées", "it": "", "nl": "Flies and Spiders", "fi": "", "ja": "ハエとクモ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a character facing a Spider attack.<\/i><\/b> If the strike is successful, target character is not harmed and is taken prisoner at a Ruins & Lairs [{R}]. During his untap phase, make a body check for that character modified by +1. If not eliminated, his player then makes a roll adding his body. If the result is greater than 15, the character is automatically rescued into his own company located at the rescue site.<\/p>

Rescue-attack: Spiders — 3 strikes with 9 prowess.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje que se enfrente a un ataque de Arañas. <\/i><\/b>Si el golpe tiene éxito, el personaje objetivo no es herido y es tomado prisionero en unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}]. Durante su fase de enderezamiento, haz un chequeo de resistencia para ese personaje modificado con un +1. Si no es eliminado, su jugador hace una tirada añadiendo su resistencia. Si el resultado es superior a 15, el personaje es automáticamente rescatado en su propia compañía situada en el lugar de rescate. Ataque de rescate: Arañas — 3 golpes de poder 9.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FliesandSpiders.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "DM-59": { "id": "DM-59", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Foes Shall Fall", "es": "Los Enemigos Caerán", "de": "Feinde werden fallen", "fr": "Que tombent les ennemis", "it": "", "nl": "Foes Shall Fall", "fi": "", "ja": "いかなる敵も立ち向かえぬ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "1(2)", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption.<\/i> Playable on a non-Wizard character facing a strike from a Dragon or Drake hazard creature attack.<\/i><\/b> If the strike is defeated, discard this card. If the strike is not defeated, place creature’s card with Foes Shall Fall<\/i>—creature is considered off to the side. Target character’s company faces an attack from creature at the start of each movement\/hazard phase if creature is playable. Discard associated creature’s card if Foes Shall Fall<\/i> is discarded. Discard Foes Shall Fall<\/i> if attached Dragon or Drake is defeated. If target character is a Dwarf, he receives 2 corruption points.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción.<\/i> Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Mago que se enfrente a un golpe de un ataque de una adversidad-criatura Dragón o Draque.<\/i><\/b> Si el golpe es derrotado, descarta esta carta. Si el golpe no es derrotado, coloca la carta de la criatura con Los Enemigos Caerán<\/i>—la criatura se considera a un lado. La compañia del personaje objetivo se enfrenta a un ataque de la criatura al principio de cada fase de movimiento\/adversidades si la criatura es jugable. Descarta la carta de criatura asociada si Los Enemigos Caerán<\/i> es descartada. Descarta<\/p>

Descarta Los Enemigos Caerán<\/i> si el Dagón o Draque asociado es derrotado. Si el personaje objetivo es un Enano, recibe 2 puntos de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FoesShallFall.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ron Miller" }, "DM-60": { "id": "DM-60", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Gnaw with Words", "es": "Roer con Palabras", "de": "Worte statt Taten", "fr": "Tenailler en paroles", "it": "", "nl": "Gnaw with Words", "fi": "", "ja": "セ葉で苦しめる" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Tap a sage if another sage is in his company or<\/b> at his current site or<\/b> at his new site.<\/p>

Alternatively, tap a diplomat if another diplomat is in his company or<\/b> at his current site or<\/b> at his new site.<\/p>", "es": "

Gira un sabio si hay otro sabio en su compañia o<\/b> en su lugar actual o<\/b> en su nuevo lugar.<\/p>

Alternativamente, gira un diplomático si hay otro diplomático en su compañía o<\/b> en su lugar actual o<\/b> en su nuevo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Small comfort will those two have in their companionship: they will gnaw one another with words. … If Wormtongue ever comes out of Orthanc alive, it will be more than he deserves.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Magno consuelo encontrarán estos dos en mutua compañía: se roerán entre ellos con palabras… Si Lengua de Serpiente sale alguna vez con vida de Orthanc, será una suerte inmerecida” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GnawwithWords.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Eric David Anderson" }, "DM-61": { "id": "DM-61", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Good Sense Revolts", "es": "El Sentido Común se Rebela", "de": "Gegen jede Vernunft", "fr": "Le bon sens se révolte", "it": "", "nl": "Good Sense Revolts", "fi": "", "ja": "良識の反逆" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an untapped agent.<\/i> <\/b>Tap the agent who may then make an influence attempt against an ally, faction, or character. +4 to influence attempt. +8 if ally, faction, or character is playable at agent's home site.<\/p>

Alternatively, modify an influence attempt by an agent by +4. This card cannot serve both functions.<\/p>

Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un agente enderezado.<\/i> <\/b>Gira el agente, quien puede realizar un intento de influencia sobre un aliado, facción, o personaje: +4 al intento de influencia. +8 si el aliado, facción, o personaje es jugable en el lugar natal del agente.<\/p>

Alternativamente, modifica un intento de influencia por un agente con un +4. Esta carta no puede ser utilizada para ambos usos.<\/p>

No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GoodSenseRevolts.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "John Howe" }, "DM-62": { "id": "DM-62", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Great Need or Purpose", "es": "Grandes Necesidades o Propósitos", "de": "Verzweifelte Entschlossenheit", "fr": "Grand besoin ou dessein", "it": "", "nl": "Great Need or Purpose", "fi": "", "ja": "大いなる望みか目的が" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Each agent may take an extra agent action each time he normally takes an agent action. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cada agente puede realizar una acción adicional cada vez que realiza una acción normal de agente. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘So he is seeking it, seeking it, and all his thought is bent on it. It is his great hope and our great fear.’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Así que no hace otra cosa que buscarlo y buscarlo, incesantemente” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "GreatNeedorPurpose.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Margaret Organ-Kean" }, "DM-63": { "id": "DM-63", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Great Secrets Buried There", "es": "Muchos Secretos Enterrados Allí", "de": "Geheimnisse der Tiefe", "fr": "De grands secrets enterrés", "it": "", "nl": "Great Secrets Buried There", "fi": "", "ja": "でっかい秘密が埋もれている" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "playableAsResource": true }, "text": { "en": "

Playable if opponent has at least ten cards in his play deck.<\/i><\/b> Opponent reveals the top ten cards of his play deck to himself. If one is available, opponent must choose a non-special, non-hoard item from the revealed cards to place off to the side under this card (item does not give marshalling points and is considered out of play). If none are available, opponent must show you the cards he revealed to himself. Opponent shuffles all remaining revealed cards into his play deck. Opponent may play this item as though it were in his hand at any Under-deeps site where it could be normally playable.<\/p>

Alternatively, you may play this card as a resource on yourself if you have at least ten cards in your play deck. In this case, you and your opponent reverse roles.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable si tu oponente tiene al menos diez cartas en su mazo de juego.<\/i><\/b> Tu oponente revela para él las diez primeras cartas de su mazo de juego. Si hay alguno, tu oponente debe elegir un objeto no especial ni de botín entre las cartas reveladas y ponerlo a un lado bajo esta carta (el objeto no da puntos de victoria y se considera fuera de juego). Si no hay ninguno disponible, tu oponente debe enseñarte las cartas que ha revelado. Tu oponente baraja el resto de cartas reveladas en su mazo de juego. Tu oponente puede jugar este objeto como si estuviese en su mano en un Lugar de las Profundidades en el que pudiera ser jugado normalmente.<\/p>

Alternativamente, puedes jugar esta carta como un recurso sobre ti mismo si tienes al menos diez cartas en tu mazo de juego. En tal caso, se invierten los roles entre tú y tu oponente.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GreatSecretsBuriedThere.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Jeffrey Reitz" }, "DM-64": { "id": "DM-64", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Helms of Iron", "es": "Yelmos de Hierro", "de": "Eiserne Helme", "fr": "Heaumes de fer", "it": "", "nl": "Helms of Iron", "fi": "", "ja": "鉄の兜" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable only if you have a Nazgûl permanent-event in play. <\/i><\/b>Discard the Nazgûl when this card is brought into play. All Orc, Troll, and Man attacks with body have their body modified by +1; and all Orc, Troll, and Man attacks with no body have 4 body.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable si tienes un suceso permanente Nazgûl en juego. <\/i><\/b>Descarta el Nazgûl cuando esta carta entra en juego. Todos los ataques con resistencia de Orcos, Trolls, y Hombres tienen su resistencia modificada con un +1; todos los ataques sin resistencia de Orcos, Trolls, y Hombres tienen 4 de resistencia.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… on the front of their iron helms was an S-rune, wrought of some white metal.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… delante de sus yelmos de hierro había una runa ‘S’ grabada con algún metal blanco.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HelmsofIron.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-65": { "id": "DM-65", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "In Darkness Bind Them", "es": "Y Atarlos en las Tinieblas", "de": "Ins Dunkel zu treiben", "fr": "Dans les ténèbres les lier", "it": "", "nl": "In Darkness Bind Them", "fi": "", "ja": "暗闇の中につなぎ止める" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Any creature that can be keyed to one single Shadow-land [{s}] may be keyed to Ithilien, Harondor, Horse Plains, Khand, Imlad Morgul, Nurn, Gorgoroth, Udûn, or Dagorlad. Any creature that can be keyed to a Dark-domain [{d}] may be keyed to Khand, Imlad Morgul, Nurn, Gorgoroth, Udûn, or Dagorlad. Discard this card when a creature keyed to one of these regions (not to the region symbol) is defeated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cualquier criatura que pueda ser situada en una sola Tierra de la Sombra [{s}] puede ser situada en: Ithilien, Harondor, Llanuras de los Caballos, Khand, Imlad Morgul, Nurn, Gorgoroth, Udûn, o Dagorlad. Cualquier criatura que pueda ser situada en una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}] puede ser situada en: Khand, Imlad Morgul, Nurn, Gorgoroth, Udûn, o Dagorlad. Descarta esta carta cuando alguna criatura situada en alguna de estas regiones (no en el símbolo de región) es derrotada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "InDarknessBindThem.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Donato Giancola" }, "DM-66": { "id": "DM-66", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "In Great Wrath", "es": "Con Gran Cólera", "de": "Ungestüme Wut", "fr": "En grande fureur", "it": "", "nl": "In Great Wrath", "fi": "", "ja": "大いなる怒りに駆られ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Nazgûl in your discard pile that could immediately attack.<\/i><\/b> The Nazgûl attacks immediately (not counting against the hazard limit) with +2 prowess and -1 body.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Nazgûl en tu pila de descartes que pudiera atacar inmediatamente.<\/i><\/b> El Nazgúl ataca inmediatamente (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades) con un +2 al poder y un -1 a la resistencia.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the noise of hoofs broke out, and gathering to a gallop, went hammering away into the darkness.” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… se oyó un ruido de cascos, y enseguida un galope que se alejó martillando en las tinieblas.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "InGreatWrath.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Margaret Organ-Kean" }, "DM-67": { "id": "DM-67", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "In the Heart of his Realm", "es": "En el Corazón de su Reino", "de": "Im Herzen seines Reiches", "fr": "Au cœur de son royaume", "it": "", "nl": "In the Heart of his Realm", "fi": "", "ja": "闇の国の内奥にて" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Each company moving in a Dark-domain [{d}] draws one less card at the start of its movement\/hazard phase (to no minimum).<\/p>

Additionally, any sage at a site in a Dark-domain [{d}] or Gorgoroth, or moving with a Dark-domain [{d}] or Gorgoroth in his site path, loses his sage skill. No character at a site in a Dark-domain [{d}] or Gorgoroth, or moving with a Dark-domain [{d}] or Gorgoroth in his site path, can use spells, light enchantments, or rituals. Discard when any play deck is exhausted. This card has no effect on a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Cada compañía que se esté moviendo por una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}] roba una carta menos al principio de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades (sin mínimo).<\/p>

Además, cualquier sabio en un lugar situado en una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}] o en Gorgoroth, o que se esté moviendo con una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}] o Gorgoroth en su itinerario, pierde su habilidad de sabio. Ningún personaje en un lugar situado en una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}] o en Gorgoroth, o que se esté moviendo con una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}] o Gorgoroth en su itinerario, puede utilizar sortilegios, encantamientos de luz, o rituales. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego. Esta carta no tiene efecto en un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "IntheHeartofhisRealm.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Larry Elmore" }, "DM-68": { "id": "DM-68", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Inner Cunning", "es": "Astucia Interior", "de": "In den rauchenden Berg", "fr": "Perfidie", "it": "", "nl": "Inner Cunning", "fi": "", "ja": "内なる賢しさ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event\/Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

As a permanent-event, playable on a face-down agent who was brought into play this turn. <\/i><\/b>When the agent is revealed, and if his home site is a Shadow-hold [{S}] or a Dark-hold [{D}], the site where he came into play (which is not represented by a card) may legally be any Shadow-hold [{S}] or a Dark-hold [{D}]. Discard when the agent is revealed.<\/p>

Alternatively, as a short-event, take any agent who has a home site that is a Shadow-hold [{S}] or Dark-hold [{D}] from your play deck into your hand (reveal it to your opponent and reshuffle your play deck).<\/p>

Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Como suceso permanente, jugable sobre un agente boca abajo que haya entrado en juego este turno. <\/i><\/b>Cuando el agente es revelado, y si su lugar natal es un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] o un Bastión de la Oscuridad [{D}], el lugar donde entró en juego (el cual no está representado por una carta) puede ser legalmente cualquier Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] o Bastión de la Oscuridad [{D}]. Descartar cuando el agente sea revelado.<\/p>

Alternativamente, como suceso breve, coge cualquier agente cuyo lugar natal sea un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] o un Bastión de la Oscuridad [{D}] de tu mazo y ponlo en tu mano (revélaselo a tu oponente y baraja tu mazo de juego).<\/p>

No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "InnerCunning.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "DM-69": { "id": "DM-69", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Like the Crash of Battering-rams", "es": "Como el Retumbar de los Arietes", "de": "Mit der Wucht einer Ramme", "fr": "Tel le fracas des béliers", "it": "", "nl": "Like the Crash of Battering-rams", "fi": "", "ja": "破城槌の打撃のごとく" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a strike<\/i><\/b>. If the strike is successful, the wounded character’s body is reduced by one until the end of the turn for every complete increment of 5 the strike was successful by (subtract the character’s prowess plus dice roll from the strike’s prowess, divide by five, and drop any fractions).<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un golpe<\/i><\/b>. Si el golpe tiene éxito, la resistencia del personaje herido se reduce en uno hasta el final del turno por cada 5 puntos por los que el golpe haya tenido éxito (resta el poder del personaje más la tirada de dados al poder del golpe, divide entre cinco, y redondea hacia abajo).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“A sweep of his tail and the roof of the Great House crumbled and smashed down.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“La cola barrió el rejada de la Casa Grande, que se desmoronó y cayó.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LiketheCrashofBatteringrams.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "John Howe" }, "DM-70": { "id": "DM-70", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Long Dark Reach", "es": "Brazo Largo y Oscuro", "de": "Der lange Arm des Feindes", "fr": "Sombre influence", "it": "", "nl": "Long Dark Reach", "fi": "", "ja": "闇の長き腕" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a moving company with at least one Wilderness <\/i><\/b>[{w}] in its site path if you have at least 10 cards in your play deck.<\/i><\/b> Reveal the top seven cards of your play deck. One revealed Nazgûl, Dragon, or a non-unique creature of your choice must immediately attack the company regardless of its playability requirements (not count against the hazard limit). The creature must be playable in a region besides Coastal Sea [{c}]. If the creature could not normally be played on the company, modify its prowess by -4. Shuffle all unused cards and return them to the top of your play deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo, si su itinerario tiene al menos una Tierra Salvaje <\/i><\/b>[{w}] y si tu mazo de juego tiene al menos 10 cartas.<\/i><\/b> Revela las siete primeras cartas de tu mazo de juego. Un Nazgûl, Dragón, o cualquier criatura que no sea única revelada a tu elección debe atacar inmediatamente a la compañía sin importar cuáles sean los requisitos de su jugabilidad (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades). La criatura debe ser jugable en una región que no sea una Costa [{c}]. Si la criatura no pudiera ser jugada normalmente contra la compañía, modifica su poder con un -4. Baraja las cartas no usadas y devuélvelas a la parte superior de tu mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LongDarkReach.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "DM-71": { "id": "DM-71", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Moon Is Dead", "es": "La Luna Muerta", "de": "Mond des Todes", "fr": "Que la lune soit morte", "it": "", "nl": "The Moon Is Dead", "fi": "", "ja": "月が死ぬ時" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

All Undead attacks receive +1 strike and +1 prowess. All Undead automatic-attacks are duplicated (i. e., each must be faced twice, including all modifications). Discard this card when an Undead attack is defeated. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Todos los ataques de Muertos Vivientes reciben +1 golpe y +1 al poder. Todos los ataques automáticos de Muertos Vivientes se duplican (es decir, cada compañía debe enfrentarse a ellos dos veces, incluyendo todas las modificaciones). Descarta esta carta cuando un ataque de Muertos Vivientes sea derrotado. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Cold be hand and heart and bone… till the Sun fails and the Moon is dead.” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Que se te enfríen las manos, el corazón y los huesos… hasta que el Sol se apague y la Luna muera.<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheMoonIsDead.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "DM-72": { "id": "DM-72", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Mordor in Arms", "es": "Mordor en Armas", "de": "Mordor marschiert", "fr": "Mordor en armes", "it": "", "nl": "Mordor in Arms", "fi": "", "ja": "武装したモルドール" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "(2)", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Any company moving in Nurn faces three attacks: Orcs — 5 strikes with 8 prowess, Orcs — 4 strikes with 10 prowess, Trolls — 3 strikes with 12 prowess. If all three attacks are defeated by your opponent, he receives this card in his MP pile and 2 kill MPs. Any attempt by a character to influence a faction playable at a site in Horse Plains, Khand, Harondor, Nurn, Gorgoroth, Imlad Morgul, or Udûn is modified by -6 and cannot be done with Muster<\/i>. This card has no effect on a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Cualquier compañía que se esté moviendo por Nurn se enfrenta a tres ataques: Orcos — 5 golpes de poder 8, Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 10, Trolls — 3 golpes de poder 12. Si tu oponente derrota los tres ataques puede poner esta carta en su pila de puntos de victoria y recibe 2 puntos de victoria por muertes. Cualquier intento de influencia por un personaje contra cualquier facción jugable en un lugar de: Llanuras de los Caballos, Khand, Harondor, Nurn, Gorgoroth, Imlad Morgul, o Udûn, es modificado con un -6 y no puede hacerse con Acantonamiento.<\/i> Esta carta no tiene efecto sobre un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "MordorinArms.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "DM-73": { "id": "DM-73", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Neither so Ancient Nor so Potent", "es": "Ni tan Antiguo ni tan Poderoso", "de": "Weder so alt noch so mächtig", "fr": "Ni aussi ancien ni aussi puissant", "it": "", "nl": "Neither so Ancient Nor so Potent", "fi": "", "ja": "それほど古くもなく、役にも立たず" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a stored item.<\/i><\/b> Return item to opponent’s hand (discarding all attached cards). Place this card in opponent’s marshalling point pile. It gives 2 item marshalling points.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un objeto almacenado.<\/i><\/b> Devuelve el objeto a la mano de tu oponente (descartando todas las cartas adjuntas). Coloca esta carta en la pila de puntos de victoria de tu oponente. Ésta da 2 puntos de victoria de objeto.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Though it had been made in Imladris for Valandil, it was neither so ancient nor so potent as the one lost with King Isildur at the Gladden Fields.”<\/i> —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Aunque había sido creado en Imladris para Valandil, no era ni tan antiguo ni tan poderoso como el que se perdió con el Rey Isildur en los Campos Gladios.”<\/i> —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "NeithersoAncientNorsoPotent.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Stephen Hickman" }, "DM-74": { "id": "DM-74", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Never Seen Him", "es": "Nunca le he Visto", "de": "Von Niemandem gesehen", "fr": "Jamais vu", "it": "", "nl": "Never Seen Him", "fi": "", "ja": "その姿を見た者なし" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an agent. <\/i><\/b>Target agent may take an extra agent action (which does not count against the hazard limit) each time he normally takes an agent action. Cannot be duplicated on a given agent. Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un agente. <\/i><\/b>El agente objetivo puede realizar una acción de agente adicional (que no cuenta para el límite de adversidades) cada vez que normalmente realiza una acción de agente. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo agente.<\/p>

No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… We’ve never seen him, but he’s up at Bag End; and he’s the real chief now, I guess…’”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘… No lo hemos visto nunca, pero está allá arriba, en Bolsón Cerrado… ahora él es el verdadero jefe, supongo…’” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "NeverSeenHim.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "DM-75": { "id": "DM-75", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "No Way Forward", "es": "Ningún Camino a Seguir", "de": "Kein Weg führt weiter", "fr": "Pas de chemin", "it": "", "nl": "No Way Forward", "fi": "", "ja": "進む道が見つからぬ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Environment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Environment.<\/i> The number of region cards that may be played by a moving company using region movement is reduced by one (by two if Doors of Night<\/i> is in play) to a minimum of two. This card is effective during each player’s organization phase. Discard when any play deck is exhausted. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Ambiental.<\/i> El número de cartas de regiones que pueden ser jugadas por una compañía que utiliza el movimiento a través de regiones se reduce en uno (en dos si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>) hasta un mínimo de dos. Esta carta tiene efecto durante la fase de organización de cada jugador. Descartar cuando se agote un mazo de juego. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "NoWayForward.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "DM-76": { "id": "DM-76", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Nobody’s Friend", "es": "Amigo de Nadie", "de": "Ohne Freunde", "fr": "L'ami de personne", "it": "", "nl": "Nobody's Friend", "fi": "", "ja": "誰の友でもなく" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event\/Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

As a permanent-event, playable on a face-down agent who was brought into play this turn. <\/i><\/b>When the agent is revealed, and if his home site is a Border-hold [{B}] or a Free-hold [{F}], the site where he came into play (which is not represented by a card) may legally be any Border-hold [{B}] or a Free-hold [{F}]. Discard when the agent is revealed.<\/p>

Alternatively, as a short-event, take any agent who has a home site that is a Free-hold [{F}] or Border-hold [{B}] from your play deck into your hand (reveal it to your opponent and reshuffle your play deck).<\/p>

Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Como suceso permanente, jugable sobre un agente boca abajo que haya entrado en juego este turno. <\/i><\/b>Cuando el agente es revelado, y si su lugar natal es un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] o un Bastión Libre [{F}], el lugar en el que entró en juego (el cual no está representado por una carta) puede legalmente ser cualquier Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] o Bastión Libre [{F}]. Descartar cuando el agente es revelado.<\/p>

Alternativamente, como suceso breve, coge cualquier agente cuyo lugar natal sea un Bastión Libre [{F}] o un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] de tu mazo y ponlo en tu mano (revélaselo a tu oponente y baraja tu mazo de juego).<\/p>

No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "NobodysFriend.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "DM-77": { "id": "DM-77", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Out of the Black Sky", "es": "Desde el Cielo Negro", "de": "Vom schwarzen Himmel", "fr": "Tombé du ciel noir", "it": "", "nl": "Out of the Black Sky", "fi": "", "ja": "黒々とした空から" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "5", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable if Doors of Night is in play on a Nazgûl permanent-event that could immediately attack as if it were in your hand as a creature.<\/i><\/b> The Nazgûl immediately attacks as a creature from its permanent-event state (not counting against the hazard limit) and chooses defending characters. If the Nazgûl is defeated, place this card in opponent’s marshalling point pile and remove the Nazgûl from play. Otherwise, discard this card. This can be used on an opponent’s Nazgûl permanent-event as well as on your own.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche sobre un suceso permanente Nazgûl que pudiese atacar inmediatamente como criatura como si estuviese en tu mano. <\/i><\/b>El Nazgûl ataca inmediatamente como criatura desde su estado de suceso permanente (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades) y tú eliges a los personajes defensores. Si el Nazgûl es derrotado, coloca esta carta en la pila de puntos de victoria de tu oponente y elimina al Nazgûl del juego. De lo contrario, descarta esta carta. Puede ser jugada tanto sobre un suceso permanente Nazgûl tuyo como sobre uno de tu oponente.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "OutoftheBlackSky.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Daniel Horne" }, "DM-78": { "id": "DM-78", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Pale Dream-maker", "es": "Pálido Soñador", "de": "Dunkle Träume", "fr": "Pâle rêveur", "it": "", "nl": "Pale Dream-maker", "fi": "", "ja": "青白き夢の紡ぎ手" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "2", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption", "Dark enchantment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption. Dark Enchantment.<\/i> Playable on a non-Wizard character wounded by an Undead attack this turn; <\/i><\/b>does not count against the hazard limit.<\/i> Target character receives 2 corruption points and makes a corruption check each time his player discards a card from his hand during his turn. His direct influence is zero while bearing this card. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>

During the organization phase, a sage in target character’s company (other than character) may tap to attempt to remove this card. Make a roll: if the result is greater than 6, discard this card.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción. Encantamiento Oscuro.<\/i> Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Mago herido por un ataque de Muertos Vivientes este turno; <\/i><\/b>no cuenta para el límite de adversidades.<\/i> El personaje objetivo recibe 2 puntos de corrupción y debe realizar un chequeo de corrupción cada vez que el jugador que lo controla se descarte de una carta durante su turno. Su influencia directa es cero mientras tenga esta carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>

Durante la fase de organización, un sabio en la compañía del personaje objetivo (no puede ser el mismo personaje) puede ser girado para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 6, descarta esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "PaleDreammaker.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "DM-79": { "id": "DM-79", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Pierced by Many Wounds", "es": "Atravesado por Muchas Heridas", "de": "Zahllose Wunden", "fr": "Percé de maintes blessures", "it": "", "nl": "Pierced by Many Wounds", "fi": "", "ja": "幾多の傷を負いながら" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an attack with more strikes than defending characters before strikes are assigned; <\/i><\/b>does not count against the hazard limit.<\/i> The first excess strike assigned to each character gives a -4 modification to his prowess instead of -1. Cannot be duplicated on a given attack.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un ataque con más golpes que personajes defensores antes de que se asignen los golpes; <\/i><\/b>no cuenta para el límite de adversidades.<\/i> El primer golpe adicional asignado a cada personaje proporciona una penalización de -4 al poder en lugar de -1. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo ataque.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… he was pierced by many black-feathered arrows…” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… estaba atravesado por muchas flechas empenachadas de negro…” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "PiercedbyManyWounds.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-80": { "id": "DM-80", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Rank upon Rank", "es": "Fila tras Fila", "de": "Mann auf Mann", "fr": "En rangs innombrables", "it": "", "nl": "Rank upon Rank", "fi": "", "ja": "幾列にも隊伍を組み" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

All non-agent Man attacks receive +1 prowess and +1 strikes. If Doors of Night<\/i> is in play, all Giant attacks also receive these bonuses. Discard this card when such an affected attack (automatic, hazard creature, or otherwise) is defeated. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Todos los ataques de Hombres que no sean agentes reciben +1 al poder y +1 golpe. Si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>, todos los ataques de Gigantes también reciben las mismas bonificaciones. Descarta esta carta cuando uno de los ataques afectados (automático, adversidad-criatura, u otro) sea derrotado. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… rank upon rank… passing outwards in an endless stream.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… pequeñas figuras negras que marchaban en filas apretadas… fluyendo como un río interminable.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "RankuponRank.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Nicholas Jainschigg" }, "DM-81": { "id": "DM-81", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Reaching Shadow", "es": "Sombra Alargada", "de": "Der Schatten wächst", "fr": "L'ombre s'étend", "it": "", "nl": "Reaching Shadow", "fi": "", "ja": "広がる影" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Any creature that can be keyed to one single Shadow-land [{s}] may be keyed to Anduin Vales, Northern Rhovanion, Southern Rhovanion, Grey Mountain Narrows, Woodland Realm, Western Mirkwood, Heart of Mirkwood, Southern Mirkwood, Brown Lands, or Dagorlad. Any creature that can be keyed to a Dark-domain [{d}] may be keyed to Heart of Mirkwood, Southern Mirkwood, Brown Lands, or Dagorlad. Discard this card when a creature keyed to one of these regions (not to the region symbol) is defeated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cualquier criatura que pueda ser situada en una sola Tierra de la Sombra [{s}] puede ser situada en: Valles del Anduin, Norte de Rhovanion, Sur de Rhovanion, Pasos de las Montañas Grises, Reino del Bosque, Oeste del Bosque Negro, Corazón del Bosque Negro, Sur del Bosque Negro, Tierras Pardas, o Dagorlad. Cualquier criatura que pueda ser situada en una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}] puede ser situada en: Corazón del Bosque Negro, Sur del Bosque Negro, Tierras Pardas, o Dagorlad. Descarta esta carta cuando una criatura situada en una de estas regiones (no en el símbolo de región) sea derrotada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ReachingShadow.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-82": { "id": "DM-82", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Reach of Ulmo", "es": "El Alcance de Ulmo", "de": "Ulmos Reich des Wassers", "fr": "Sous l'emprise d'Ulmo", "it": "", "nl": "The Reach of Ulmo", "fi": "", "ja": "ウルモの版図" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

The roll required to move between adjacent Under-deeps sites is increased by 2. In addition, cancels the effects of Great Ship<\/i> and Ford<\/i>. May be played when an Under-deeps site is revealed as a new site card (before the roll is made). Discard when any play deck is exhausted or<\/b> when an Under-deeps site is reached from another Under-deeps site or<\/b> at the end of the turn after Great Ship<\/i> or Ford<\/i> was played. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

La tirada necesaria para moverse entre dos Lugares de las Profundidades adyacentes aumenta en 2. Además, cancela los efectos de Gran Barco<\/i> y Vado<\/i>. Puede ser jugada cuando se revele un Lugar de las Profundidades como nueva carta de lugar (antes de hacer la tirada). Descarta cuando se agote un mazo de juego o<\/b> cuando una compañía se mueva con éxito a un Lugar de las Profundidades desde otro Lugar de las Profundidades o<\/b> al final del turno en el que se haya jugado Gran Barco<\/i> o Vado<\/i>. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheReachofUlmo.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David Monette" }, "DM-83": { "id": "DM-83", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Redoubled Force", "es": "Hueste Reforzada", "de": "Mit doppelter Kraft", "fr": "Force redoublée", "it": "", "nl": "Redoubled Force", "fi": "", "ja": "さらに倍する敵" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

All Orc and Troll automatic-attacks receive +3 strikes and +2 prowess. Discard this card when such an automatic-attack is defeated. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Todos los ataques automáticos de Orcos y Trolls reciben +3 golpes y +2 al poder. Descarta esta carta cuando uno de estos ataques automáticos sea derrotado. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>

“La guardia personal de Bolg cayó aullando sobre ellos, introduciéndose entre los enanos como olas que golpean acantilados de arena.”<\/i>—Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The bodyguard of Bolg came howling against them, and drove in upon their ranks like waves upon cliffs of sand.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "" }, "image": "RedoubledForce.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "DM-84": { "id": "DM-84", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Reluctant Final Parting", "es": "Separación Final", "de": "Ein letztes Lebewohl", "fr": "Séparation finale", "it": "", "nl": "Reluctant Final Parting", "fi": "", "ja": "辛い別れ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Discard any ally if its current site is an Under-deeps site or<\/b> if its current site’s nearest Haven\/Darkhaven [{H}] is not the same as the nearest Haven\/Darkhaven [{H}] for the site at which the ally can be played. Determine nearest Haven using site cards of the same alignment (minion\/hero) as the ally. Discard this card when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>

Cannot be duplicated. This card has no effect on The Balrog<\/i> ally and cannot be played if your opponent is a Balrog player.<\/p>", "es": "

Descarta cualquier aliado si su lugar actual es un Lugar de las Profundidades o<\/b> si el Refugio\/Refugio Oscuro [{H}] más cercano a su lugar actual no es el mismo que el Refugio\/Refugio Oscuro [{H}] más cercano del lugar en el que se puede jugar el aliado. Determina el Refugio más cercano usando las cartas de lugar del mismo alineamiento (servidor\/heroe) que el aliado. Descarta esta carta cuando se agote algún mazo de juego.<\/p>

No puede ser duplicada. Esta carta no tiene efecto sobre El Balrog<\/i> aliado y no puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“A deep loneliness and sense of loss was on them. They stood silent, reluctant to make the final parting…” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "" }, "image": "ReluctantFinalParting.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "DM-85": { "id": "DM-85", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Revealed to all Watchers", "es": "Revelado a Todos los Vigilantes", "de": "Aug' in Aug' mit der Gefahr", "fr": "Révélé à tous les regards", "it": "", "nl": "Revealed to all Watchers", "fi": "", "ja": "全ての見張りに知られ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Reveal your hand to opponent. Place all non-hazard cards from your hand off to the side. Draw cards from your play deck until your hand size is reached. Place the non-hazard cards from off to the side face down on top of your play deck in any order you choose.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Revela tu mano a tu oponente. Coloca todas las cartas de tu mano que no sean adversidades a un lado. Roba cartas de tu mazo de juego hasta alcanzar el tamaño de tu mano. Coloca las cartas que dejaste a un lado en la parte superior de tu mazo de juego en el orden que elijas (boca abajo).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘If there are any to see, then I at least am revealed to them,’ he said. ‘I have written Gandalf is here in signs that all can read from Rivendell to the Mouths of Anduin.’”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻSi alguien ha estado mirándonos, entonces yo al menos me he revelado a él,ʼ dijo. ʻHe escrito Gandalf está aquí en unos caracteres que cualquiera podría leer, desde Rivendel hasta las Bocas del Anduin. ʼ”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "RevealedtoallWatchers.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Lissanne Lake" }, "DM-86": { "id": "DM-86", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Scimitars of Steel", "es": "Cimitarras de Acero", "de": "Stählerne Säbel", "fr": "Cimeterres d'acier", "it": "", "nl": "Scimitars of Steel", "fi": "", "ja": "鋼の半月刀" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable only if you have a Nazgûl permanent-event in play.<\/i><\/b> Discard the Nazgûl when this card is brought into play. All Orc, Troll, and Men attacks receive +1 prowess.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo se puede jugar si tienes un suceso permanente Nazgûl en juego.<\/i><\/b> Descarta el Nazgûl cuando entre en juego esta carta. Todos los ataques de Orcos, Trolls, y Hombres reciben un +1 al poder.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Day drew on. The goblins gathered again in the valley. There a host of Wargs came ravening and with them came the bodyguard of Bolg, goblins of huge size with scimitars of steel.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El día avanzó. Otra vez los trasgos se reunieron en el valle. Luego vino una horda de huargos, brillantes y negros como cuervos, y con ellos la guardia personal de Bolg, trasgos de enorme talla, con cimitarras de acero.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ScimitarsofSteel.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "DM-87": { "id": "DM-87", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Seek without Success", "es": "Búsqueda Infructuosa", "de": "Erfolglose Suche", "fr": "Recherche sans succès", "it": "", "nl": "Seek without Success", "fi": "", "ja": "成算なき追跡" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Discard<\/i> a ranger agent at target company's new site.<\/i> Company must immediately return to its site of origin.<\/p>

Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Descarta<\/i> un agente montaraz que se encuentre en el nuevo lugar de la compañía objetivo.<\/i> La compañía debe regresar inmediatamente a su lugar de origen.<\/p>

No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… Together we sought for Gollum down the whole length of Wilderland, without hope, and without success.’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… juntos buscamos a Gollum por todas las Tierras Ásperas, sin esperanza. y también sin éxito.ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SeekwithoutSuccess.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "DM-88": { "id": "DM-88", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Seized by Terror", "es": "Dominado por el Terror", "de": "Von Grauen ergriffen", "fr": "Saisi par la terreur", "it": "", "nl": "Seized by Terror", "fi": "", "ja": "恐怖に捉えられ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a non-Wizard character, non-Ringwraith character moving in a Shadow-land <\/i><\/b>[{s}] or Dark-domain <\/i><\/b>[{d}].<\/b> Target character's player makes a roll and adds character's mind. If the result is less than 12, that character splits off into a different company. This new company immediately returns to his original company’s site of origin.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Mago ni Espectro del Anillo que se esté moviendo por una Tierra de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{s}] o una Región de la Oscuridad <\/i><\/b>[{d}].<\/b> El jugador que controla el personaje objetivo hace una tirada y añade la mente del personaje. Si el resultado es inferior a 12, el personaje se separa en una compañía diferente. Esta nueva compañía regresa inmediatamente al lugar de origen de la compañía original.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Terror seized him. He shrank back, and for a moment he stood trembling in the hall.” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "" }, "image": "SeizedbyTerror.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "April Lee" }, "DM-89": { "id": "DM-89", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Shadow out of the Dark", "es": "Sombras de la Oscuridad", "de": "Schatten aus der Dunkelheit", "fr": "Ombre venue des ténèbres", "it": "", "nl": "Shadow out of the Dark", "fi": "", "ja": "闇から現れた影" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a face-up agent who can use shadow-magic.<\/i><\/b> If agent is revealed and not in a Free-hold [{F}] or Haven [{H}], he can tap to allow any Undead hazard creatures to be played at his site this turn. Any Undead hazard creatures so played do not count against the hazard limit. Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un agente revelado que pueda usar magia de las sombras.<\/i><\/b> Si el agente está revelado y no se encuentra en un Bastión Libre [{F}] o un Refugio [{H}], puede ser girado para permitir que cualquier adversidad criatura de Muertos Vivientes pueda ser jugada en ese lugar durante este turno. Cualquier criatura jugada de esta forma no cuenta para el límite de adversidades. No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“A shadow came out of dark places far away… Barrow-wights walked in the hollow places with a clink of rings on cold fingers, and gold chains in the wind.”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“De sitios lejanos y oscuros vino una sombra… Los Tumularios se paseaban por las oquedades con un tintineo de anillos en los dedos fríos y cadenas de oro al viento.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ShadowoutoftheDark.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Brom" }, "DM-90": { "id": "DM-90", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Spells of the Barrow-wights", "es": "Hechizo de los Tumularios", "de": "Schrecken der Grabunholde", "fr": "Charmes des Êtres des Galgals", "it": "", "nl": "Spells of the Barrow-wights", "fi": "", "ja": "塚人の呪文" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a character facing an Undead strike.<\/i><\/b> If the strike is successful, target character is not harmed and is taken prisoner at a Ruins & Lairs [{R}] or Shadow-hold [{S}]. Character must discard any rings along with his other items. At the start of each of his untap phases, make a body check for that character.<\/p>

Rescue-attack: Undead — 3 strikes with 8 prowess.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje que se enfrente a un golpe de Muertos Vivientes.<\/i><\/b> Si el golpe tiene éxito, el personaje objetivo no resulta herido y es tomado prisionero en unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}] o un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}]. El personaje debe descartarse de todos sus anillos y de cualquier otro objeto. Al principio de su fase de enderezamiento, el personaje debe hacer un chequeo de resistencia.<\/p>

Ataque de rescate: Muertos Vivientes — 3 golpes de poder 8.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "SpellsoftheBarrowwights.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "DM-91": { "id": "DM-91", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Sudden Fury", "es": "Furia Repentina", "de": "Plötzliche Wut", "fr": "Fureur soudaine", "it": "", "nl": "Sudden Fury", "fi": "", "ja": "唐突な怒り" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a site.<\/i><\/b> Until the end of the turn, any attack by a scout agent at this site has its number of strikes increased by one and attacker chooses defending characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un lugar.<\/i><\/b> Hasta el final del turno, cualquier ataque de un agente explorador en este lugar tiene el número de golpes incrementado en uno y el atacante elige a los personajes defensores.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Gollum and Frodo were locked together. Gollum was tearing at his master, trying to get at the chain and the ring. … He fought back with a sudden fury that amazed Sam, and Gollum also.”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Gollum y Frodo estaban en el suelo, trabados en lucha. De bruces sobre Frodo, Gollum manoteaba, tratando de aferrar la cadena y el Anillo… Él se <\/i><\/p>

debatía con una furia repentina que dejó atónita a <\/i><\/p>

Sam, y también a Gollum.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SuddenFury.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Donato Giancola" }, "DM-92": { "id": "DM-92", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "To Get You Away", "es": "Para Llevarte Conmigo", "de": "Hab' ich Dich", "fr": "Pour vous emporter", "it": "", "nl": "To Get You Away", "fi": "", "ja": "お前たちを連れて行く" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Tap an agent at target company’s new site.<\/i> Agent may attack (not counting against hazard limit) during the movement\/hazard phase. Attacker chooses defending characters. A successful strike doesn’t wound the defending character, instead the character is taken prisoner at one of the agent’s home sites (attacker’s choice, regardless of site’s location) and<\/b> the agent returns to the same site.<\/p>

Rescue-attack: Same race as agent — 3 strikes with 8 prowess. Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Gira<\/i> un agente en el nuevo lugar de la compañía.<\/i> El agente puede atacar (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades) durante la fase de movimiento\/adversidades. El atacante elige a los personajes defensores. Si algún golpe tiene éxito no hiere al personaje, en su lugar lo toma prisionero en uno de los lugares natales del agente (a elección del atacante, independientemente de la ubicación del lugar) y<\/b> el agente regresa al mismo lugar. Ataque de rescate: Misma raza que el agente — 3 golpes de poder 8. No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ToGetYouAway.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "April Lee" }, "DM-93": { "id": "DM-93", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Tribal Banner", "es": "Estandarte Tribal", "de": "Stammesbanner", "fr": "Etendard tribal", "it": "", "nl": "Tribal Banner", "fi": "", "ja": "部族の旗印" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an Orc or Troll attack before strikes are assigned; <\/i><\/b>does not count against the hazard limit<\/i>. The prowess and body of target attack are each reduced by one. All body checks resulting from successful strikes of this attack are modified by +1. Cannot be duplicated on a given attack.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un ataque de Orcos o Trolls antes de asignar los golpes; <\/i><\/b>no cuenta para el límite de adversidades<\/i>. El poder y la resistencia del ataque objetivo se reducen en uno. Todos los chequeos de resistencia resultantes de los golpes con éxito de ese ataque son modificados con un +1. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo ataque.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TribalBanner.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-94": { "id": "DM-94", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Tribal Totem", "es": "Tótem Tribal ", "de": "Stammestotem", "fr": "Totem tribal", "it": "", "nl": "Tribal Totem", "fi": "", "ja": "部族の象徴" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an Orc or Troll attack before strikes are assigned; <\/i><\/b>does not count against the hazard limit.<\/i> The prowess and body of target attack and of all Orc and Troll attacks against this company for the rest of the turn are each reduced by three. Any body check resulting from a successful strike of such a modified attack is modified by +2. Cannot be duplicated against a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un ataque de Orcos o Trolls antes de asignar los golpes; <\/i><\/b>no cuenta para el límite de adversidades<\/i>. El poder y la resistencia del ataque objetivo y de todos los ataques de Orcos y Trolls contra esta compañía durante el resto del turno se reducen en tres. Cualquier chequeo de resistencia resultante de un golpe con éxito de alguno de estos ataques es modificado con un +2. No puede ser duplicado sobre una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a big fighting-orc… bearing the token of the Eye.”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un enorme luchador orco… llevaba el símbolo del Ojo.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TribalTotem.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-95": { "id": "DM-95", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Troll-purse", "es": "Saco de los Trolls", "de": "Trolltaschen", "fr": "Bourse de Troll", "it": "", "nl": "Troll-purse", "fi": "", "ja": "トロルの財布" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a site with an Orc or Troll automatic-attack.<\/i><\/b> When any item is played at this site, the company must face all automatic-attacks of the site again with the attack’s prowess modified by +3. Any successful strike does not harm the character, but rather the character is taken prisoner at the site. The rescue-attack equals all automatic-attacks of the site at the time of rescue.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un lugar con un ataque automático de Orcos o Trolls.<\/i><\/b> Cuando se juega cualquier objeto en este lugar, la compañía debe enfrentarse de nuevo a todos los ataques automáticos del lugar con el poder del ataque modificando con un +3. Cualquier golpe que tenga éxito no hiere al personaje, sino que lo toma prisionero en ese mismo lugar. El ataque de rescate es igual a todos los ataques automáticos del lugar en el momento del rescate.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Trollpurse.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-96": { "id": "DM-96", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Twisted Tales", "es": "Historias Aviesas", "de": "Verfälschte Berichte", "fr": "Contes pervertis", "it": "", "nl": "Twisted Tales", "fi": "", "ja": "真実を歪めた話" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an untapped diplomat agent.<\/i><\/b> Tap the agent who may then make an influence attempt against a faction playable at the agent’s site. +6 to influence attempt. Attempt is automatically successful if target faction is playable at the agent’s home site. Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un agente diplomático enderezado. <\/i><\/b>Gira el agente, quien puede realizar un intento de influencia contra una facción jugable en el lugar del agente. +6 al intento de influencia. Si la facción objetivo es jugable en el lugar natal del agente, el intento de influencia tiene éxito automáticamente.<\/p>

No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Too long have you sat in shadows and trusted to twisted tales and crooked promptings.’”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻDemasiado tiempo habéis permanecido entre las sombras prestando oídos a historias aviesas e instigaciones tortuosas.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TwistedTales.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "April Lee" }, "DM-97": { "id": "DM-97", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Two or Three Tribes Present", "es": "Dos o Tres Tribus Presentes", "de": "Zwei oder drei Stämme", "fr": "Deux ou trois tribus", "it": "", "nl": "Two or Three Tribes Present", "fi": "", "ja": "二つか三つの部族が" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company moving with at least two Wildernesses<\/i><\/b> [{w}], one Shadow-land<\/i><\/b> [{s}], or one Dark-domain<\/i><\/b> [{d}] in their site path.<\/i><\/b> When played, announce a creature type except Nazgûl, Undead, or Dragons (like Orcs, Men, Slayers, Drakes, etc.). For this turn, any hazard creatures of this type played against target company do not count against the hazard limit.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo y tenga en su itinerario al menos dos Tierras Salvajes<\/i><\/b> [{w}], una Tierra de la Sombra<\/i><\/b> [{s}], o una Región de la Oscuridad<\/i><\/b> [{d}]. Cuando es jugada, anuncia un tipo de criatura excepto Nazgûl, Muertos Vivientes, o Dragones (por ejemplo Orcos, Hombres, Exterminadores, Draques, etc.). Durante este turno, cualquier adversidad-criatura de dicho tipo jugada contra la compañía objetivo no cuenta para el límite de adversidades.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TwoorThreeTribesPresent.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Donato Giancola" }, "DM-98": { "id": "DM-98", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Way is Shut", "es": "El Camino está Cerrado", "de": "Der Weg ist versperrt", "fr": "Le passage est bloqué", "it": "", "nl": "The Way is Shut", "fi": "", "ja": "道は閉ざされた" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

A company moving to or from an Under-deeps site must return to its site of origin.<\/p>

Additionally, cancels the effects of Secret Passage<\/i> and Secret Entrance<\/i>. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Una compañía que se mueva hacia o desde un Lugar de las Profundidades debe regresar a su lugar de origen.<\/p>

Además, cancela los efectos de Pasaje Secreto<\/i> y Entrada Secreta<\/i>. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Many coiling arms seized the doors on either side, and with horrible strength, swung them around. With a shattering echo they slammed, and all light was lost.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… cuando unos brazos serpentinos aferraron los lados de las puertas y con una fuerza terrible las hicieron girar. Las puertas batieron resonando, y la luz se desvaneció.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheWayisShut.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-99": { "id": "DM-99", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Waylaid, Wounded, and Orc-dragged", "es": "Cansados, Heridos y Arrastrados por los Orcos", "de": "Von Orks verschleppt", "fr": "Enlevés par les Orques", "it": "", "nl": "Waylaid, Wounded, and Orc-dragged", "fi": "", "ja": "襲われ、傷つき、オークに引かれ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Hobbit facing a strike from an Orc attack.<\/i><\/b> Target Hobbit receives +2 prowess against the strike. If strike is successful, he is not harmed and is taken prisoner at a Dark-hold [{D}], Shadow-hold [{S}], or Ruins & Lairs [{R}]. If the Hobbit bears a ring, his player makes a roll at the start of each of his untap phases—if the result is less that 7, discard the ring.<\/p>

Rescue-attacks (3): Orcs — 3 strikes with 6 prowess, Orcs — 4 strikes with 7 prowess, Orcs — 5 strikes with 8 prowess.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Hobbit que se enfrente a un ataque de Orcos. <\/i><\/b>El Hobbit objetivo recibe +2 al poder contra el golpe. Si el golpe tiene éxito, él no resulta herido y es tomado prisionero en un Bastión de la Oscuridad [{D}], Bastión de la Sombra [{S}], o Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}]. Si el Hobbit porta un anillo, su jugador debe hacer una tirada al principio de cada una de sus fases de enderezamiento—si el resultado es inferior a 7, descarta el anillo. Ataques de rescate (3): Orcos — 3 golpes de poder 6, Orcos — 4 golpes de poder 7, Orcos — 5 golpes de poder 8.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "WaylaidWoundedandOrcdragged.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Stephen Hickman" }, "DM-100": { "id": "DM-100", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Which Might Be Lies", "es": "Que Podrían Ser Mentira", "de": "Es könnte eine Lüge sein", "fr": "Mensonges", "it": "", "nl": "Which Might Be Lies", "fi": "", "ja": "嘘であったのかも知れぬ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a stored resource permanent-event that required an information site to be played.<\/i><\/b> Discard event.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un recurso de suceso permanente almacenado que requiera un lugar donde se pueda jugar Información para ser jugado.<\/i><\/b> Descarta el suceso.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… ‘But Saruman said nay, and repeated what he had said to us before: that the One would never again be found in Middle-earth.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Pero Saruman dijo no, repitiendo lo que ya nos había dicho antes: que el Único nunca aparecería de nuevo en la Tierra Media.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WhichMightBeLies.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "DM-101": { "id": "DM-101", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Will not Come Down", "es": "No descenderá", "de": "Verweigerte Gefolgschaft", "fr": "Il ne veut pas redescendre", "it": "", "nl": "Will not Come Down", "fi": "", "ja": "下に降りてこようとはしない" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an untapped agent.<\/i><\/b> Tap the agent who may then make an influence attempt against an ally, faction, or character. Unused general influence modification does not apply. If successful, the target is not discarded, but rather it is returned to its owner’s hand. Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un agente enderezado.<\/i><\/b> Gira el agente, quien puede realizar un intento de influencia sobre un aliado, facción, o personaje. No se aplica la modificación de la influencia general sin utilizar. Si tiene éxito, el objetivo no es descartado sino que vuelve a la mano de su propietario.<\/p>

No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… He has gone up into the high places, among the birches that he loves best, and he will not come down.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Ha subido a los lugares altos, entre los abedules que él prefiere, y no descenderá.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WillnotComeDown.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "DM-102": { "id": "DM-102", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Wound of Long Burden", "es": "Herida de Graves Secuelas", "de": "Tiefe Wunden", "fr": "Vieille blessure", "it": "", "nl": "Wound of Long Burden", "fi": "", "ja": "永き重荷の傷" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption.<\/i> Playable on a character facing a strike with a prowess of 12 or greater.<\/i><\/b> If the strike is not successful, discard this card. Otherwise, target character receives 1 corruption point and his body is lowered by 1.<\/p>

During his organization phase, a character at a Haven\/Darkhaven [{H}] with this card may tap to attempt to remove it. Make a roll: if this result is greater than 7, discard this card.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción.<\/i> Jugable sobre un personaje que se enfrente a un golpe de poder 12 ó más.<\/i><\/b> Si el golpe no tiene éxito, descarta esta carta. De lo contrario, el personaje objetivo recibe 1 punto de corrupción y su resistencia se reduce en 1.<\/p>

Durante su fase de organización, un personaje en un Refugio\/Refugio Oscuro [{H}] con esta carta puede ser girado para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 7, descarta esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "WoundofLongBurden.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Lissanne Lake" }, "DM-103": { "id": "DM-103", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Wraith-lord", "es": "Señor de los Espectros", "de": "Der Geisterfürst", "fr": "Seigneur des Esprits", "it": "", "nl": "Wraith-lord", "fi": "", "ja": "幽鬼たちの首領" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a moving company with two Dark-domains <\/i><\/b>[{d}] in its site path.<\/i><\/b> Each Nazgûl that attacks target company this turn receives +2 prowess and lowers the body of any characters it wounds by one (for the rest of the turn). Each Nazgûl so played does not count against the hazard limit. Cannot be duplicated on a given turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo con dos Regiones de la Oscuridad <\/i><\/b>[{d}] en su itinerario.<\/i><\/b> Cada criatura Nazgûl que ataque a la compañía objetivo este turno recibe un +2 al poder y reduce la resistencia de cualquier personaje que hiera en uno (durante el resto del turno). Ninguno de los Nazgûl jugados cuenta para el límite de adversidades. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“This way and that turned the dark head helmed and crowned with fear, sweeping the shadows with its unseen eyes.”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Aquí y allá se giraba la oscura cabeza bajo el yelmo, coronada por el miedo, agitando las sombras con sus ojos invisibles.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Wraithlord.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Brom" }, "DM-104": { "id": "DM-104", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Your Welcome Is Doubtful", "es": "Tu llegada es Dubitativa", "de": "Falsches Willkommen", "fr": "Votre accueil est douteux", "it": "", "nl": "Your Welcome Is Doubtful", "fi": "", "ja": "歓迎はおぼつかない" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an untapped agent.<\/i><\/b> Tap the agent who may then make an influence attempt against an ally or character. +6 to influence attempt (+10 if the agent is a diplomat). An additional +7 to the attempt if target character has the same home site as the agent or if target ally is playable at the agent’s home site. Cannot be played if your opponent is a minion player.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un agente enderezado.<\/i><\/b> Gira el agente, quien puede realizar un intento de influencia sobre un aliado o un personaje. +6 al intento de influencia (+10 si el agente es diplomático). Un +7 adicional si el personaje objetivo tiene el mismo lugar natal que el agente o si el aliado objetivo es jugable en el lugar natal del agente. No puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… all his thought is bent on it. It is his great hope and our great fear.’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… vive de esa esperanza y esa esperanza es nuestro temor. ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "YourWelcomeIsDoubtful.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Douglas Beekman" }, "DM-105": { "id": "DM-105", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Bûthrakaur the Green", "es": "Bûthrakaur el Verde", "de": "Bûthrakaur der Grüne", "fr": "Bûthrakaur le Vert", "it": "", "nl": "Bûthrakaur the Green", "fi": "", "ja": "緑のブースラカウル" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "strikes": "1", "playable": "{S}", "body": "6", "prowess": "15", "race": "Trolls", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Troll.<\/i> One strike. Also playable at Moria and The Under-gates. If Doors of Night<\/i> is in play, playable at any Under-deeps site. Any non-unique Orc or Troll hazard creature can be played (not counting against the hazard limit) on a company that has faced Bûthrakaur<\/i> that turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Troll<\/i>. Un golpe. También jugable en Moria y en Las Puertas de las Profundidades. Si las Puertas de la Noche<\/i> están en juego, puede ser jugado en cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades. Cualquier adversidad criatura no única de Orcos o Trolls puede ser jugada (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades) sobre una compañía que se haya enfrentado Bûthrakaur<\/i> este turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The Uruk flew to the floor and offered the troll-king anything and any kin in return for his pitiful salvation.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los uruk se postraron en el suelo y ofrecieron al rey de los trolls cualquier cosa o cualquier botín a cambio de su piadosa salvación.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ButhrakaurtheGreen.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "DM-106": { "id": "DM-106", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Chill Douser", "es": "Frío Apagado", "de": "Eisiger Schatten", "fr": "Bouffée de vent froid", "it": "", "nl": "Chill Douser", "fi": "", "ja": "冷気を浴びせるもの" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{R}{S}", "body": "-", "prowess": "8", "strikes": "3", "race": "Undead", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Undead.<\/i> Three strikes. Unless Chill Douser’s<\/i> attack is canceled, all other Undead attacks against the company for the rest of the turn receive +1 strike and +1 prowess.<\/p>", "es": "

Muertos Vivientes.<\/i> Tres golpes. A menos que el ataque de Frío Apagado <\/i>sea cancelado, todos los otros ataques de Muertos Vivientes contra la compañía durante el resto del turno reciben +1 golpe y +1 al poder.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… then a chill blast came in which the torches flickered and went out, and could not be rekindled.” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y luego sopló una ráfaga fría que estremeció y apagó las antorchas, y fue imposible volver a encenderlas.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ChillDouser.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Romas Kukalis" }, "DM-107": { "id": "DM-107", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Durin's Bane", "es": "El Daño de Durin", "de": "Durins Fluch", "fr": "Fléau de Dúrin", "it": "", "nl": "Durin's Bane", "fi": "", "ja": "ドゥリンの禍" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "5", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "9", "prowess": "18", "strikes": "2", "race": "Balrog,Spawn", "subtype": "Creature", "keywords": [ "Spawn" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Balrog of Moria.<\/i> Balrog.<\/i> <\/i><\/b>Two strikes—all body checks resulting from a successful strike are modified by +1. May be played at The Under-gates and at all of its adjacent sites. If Doors of Night<\/i> is in play, Durin's Bane<\/i> may be played at any Under-deeps site.<\/p>

Cannot be included in a Balrog's deck and cannot be played if your opponent is a Balrog player.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b>Manifestación del Balrog de Moria.<\/i> Balrog.<\/i> <\/i><\/b>Dos golpes—todos los chequeos de resistencia resultantes de un golpe con éxito son modificados con un +1. Puede ser jugado en Las Puertas de las Profundidades y en todos sus lugares adyacentes. Si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>, El Daño de Durin<\/i> puede ser jugado en cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/p>

No se puede incluir en un mazo Balrog y no puede ser jugada si tu oponente es un jugador Balrog.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… even as mithril was the foundation of their wealth, so also it was their destruction: they delved too greedily and too deep, and disturbed that from which they fled, Durin’s Bane.’”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "" }, "image": "DurinsBane.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Stefano Baldo" }, "DM-108": { "id": "DM-108", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Little Snuffler", "es": "Pequeño Husmeador", "de": "Kleine Schnüffler", "fr": "Petit renifleur", "it": "", "nl": "Little Snuffler", "fi": "", "ja": "ちびの嗅ぎ鼻" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{s}{d}{R}{S}{D}", "prowess": "5", "strikes": "1", "race": "Orcs", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Orc.<\/i> One strike. Attacker chooses defending characters. Each ranger in attacked company lowers Little Snuffler’s<\/i> body by 2. If attack is not defeated, any resource that requires a scout in target company cannot be played for the rest of the turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Orco.<\/i> Un golpe. El atacante elige a los personajes defensores. La resistencia del Pequeño Husmeador <\/i>se reduce en 2 por cada montaraz en la compañía atacada. Si el ataque no es derrotado, durante el resto del turno no se puede jugar ningún recurso que requiera un explorador en la compañía objetivo.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a small breed, black-skinned, with wide and snuffling nostrils: evidently a tracker of some kind.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… era de una raza más bien pequeña, negro de tez, y la nariz, de orificios muy dilatados, husmeaba el aire sin cesar; sin duda una especie de rastreador.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LittleSnuffler.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Mark Maxwell" }, "DM-109": { "id": "DM-109", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Nameless Thing", "es": "Ser Innombrable", "de": "Namenloses Wesen", "fr": "Chose sans nom", "it": "", "nl": "Nameless Thing", "fi": "", "ja": "名前も持たぬ者" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "4", "prowess": "10", "strikes": "2", "race": "Drake", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Drake.<\/i> 3 attacks of 2 strikes each. A character can tap to cancel one of these attacks. Playable at any Under-deeps site. If Doors of Night<\/i> is in play, also playable at an adjacent site of any Under-deeps site or keyed to a Coastal Sea [{c}].<\/p>", "es": "

Draque.<\/i> 3 ataques de 2 golpes cada uno. Un personaje puede ser girado para cancelar uno de estos ataques. Jugable en cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades. Si las Puertas de la Noche<\/i> están en juego, también puede ser jugado en un lugar adyacente a cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades o situado en una región de Costa [{c}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. …’”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘Abajo, más abajo que las profundas moradas de los enanos, unas criaturas sin nombre roen el mundo…’” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "NamelessThing.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "DM-110": { "id": "DM-110", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Spider of the Môrlat", "es": "Araña de Môrlat", "de": "Spinne des Môrlat", "fr": "Araignée du Môrlat", "it": "", "nl": "Spider of the Môrlat", "fi": "", "ja": "モールラトのクモ" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "9", "prowess": "16", "strikes": "2", "race": "Spiders", "subtype": "Creature\/Permanent-event", "spawn": true, "keywords": [ "Spawn" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Spider. Spawn.<\/i> May be played as a hazard creature (with two strikes) or as a permanent-event. As a creature, she may be played at Dol Guldur and The Sulfur-deeps. If Doors of Night <\/i>is in play, she may also be keyed to Southern Mirkwood, Heart of Mirkwood, or Woodland Realm; or at any adjacent site of The Sulfur-deeps.<\/p>

If played as a permanent-event, all Spider attacks receive +1 strike. Additionally, any company moving in Southern Mirkwood, Heart of Mirkwood, Woodland Realm, Dagorlad, or Brown Lands faces a Spider attack of 2 strikes with 10 prowess (detainment against minion companies). You can return Spider of the Môrlat<\/i> as a permanent-event to your hand—which counts as one against the hazard limit.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Araña. Engendro.<\/i> Puede ser jugada como una adversidad criatura (con dos golpes) o como un suceso permanente. Como criatura, puede ser jugada en Dol Guldur y en Las Profundidades Sulfurosas. Si las Puertas de la Noche <\/i>están en juego, también puede ser situada en: Sur del Bosque Negro, Corazón del Bosque Negro, o Reino del Bosque; o en cualquier lugar adyacente a Las Profundidades Sulfurosas.<\/p>

Si es jugada como un suceso permanente, todos los ataques de Arañas reciben +1 golpe. Además, cualquier compañía que se mueva por: Sur del Bosque Negro, Corazón del Bosque Negro, Reino del Bosque, Dagorlad, o Tierras Pardas, se enfrenta a un ataque de Arañas de 2 golpes con poder 10 (de retención contra compañías de servidores). Como suceso permanente puedes devolver Araña de Morlat<\/i> a tu mano—cuenta como uno para el límite de adversidades.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "SpideroftheMorlat.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "DM-111": { "id": "DM-111", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Stirring Bones", "es": "Huesos Agitados", "de": "Rastlose Gebeine", "fr": "Ossements remuants", "it": "", "nl": "Stirring Bones", "fi": "", "ja": "うごめく骸" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{s}{d}{R}{S}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "strikes": "2", "race": "Undead", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Undead.<\/i> Two strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Muertos Vivientes.<\/i> Dos golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Round the corner a long arm was groping, walking on its fingers towards Sam, who lay nearest, and towards the hilt of the sword that lay upon him.” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Allí un brazo largo caminaba a tientas apoyándose en los dedos y venía hacia Sam, que estaba más cerca, y hacia la empuñadura de la espada puesta sobre él.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "StirringBones.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Angelo Montanini" }, "DM-112": { "id": "DM-112", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Umagaur the Pale", "es": "Umagaur el Pálido", "de": "Umagaur der Bleiche", "fr": "Umagaur le Blafard", "it": "", "nl": "Umagaur the Pale", "fi": "", "ja": "白きウマガウル" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{S}", "body": "8", "prowess": "14", "strikes": "1", "race": "Trolls", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Troll.<\/i> One strike. Also playable at Moria and The Under-gates. If Doors of Night<\/i> is in play, playable at any Under-deeps site. Any non-unique Orc or Troll hazard creature can be played (not counting against the hazard limit) on a company that has faced Umagaur<\/i> that turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Troll<\/i>. Un golpe. También jugable en Moria y en Las Puertas de las Profundidades. Si las Puertas de la Noche<\/i> están en juego, puede ser jugado en cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades. Cualquier adversidad criatura no única de Orcos o Trolls puede ser jugada (no cuenta para el límite de adversidades) sobre una compañía que se haya enfrentado a Umagaur<\/i> este turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Then came Umagaur the Warlord, ‘Werewolf-slayer,’ self-proclaimed ‘Troll-king of the Hithaeglir.’ And in his wrath he slew most of the Dwarf-company.”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Después llegó Umagaur, el Señor de la Guerra… Y en su ira, mató a la mayor parte de la compañía de enanos.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk <\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "UmagaurthePale.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "DM-113": { "id": "DM-113", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Wisp of Pale Sheen", "es": "Fuego Fatuo", "de": "Blasse Irrlichter", "fr": "Traînée de pâle luminosité", "it": "", "nl": "Wisp of Pale Sheen", "fi": "", "ja": "青白く光る小さな火" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{s}{d}{c}{R}{S}", "body": "-", "prowess": "6", "strikes": "1", "race": "Undead", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Undead.<\/i> One strike. Attacker chooses defending characters. Any character facing a strike whose mind is equal to or lower than the strike’s prowess must tap if untapped following the strike (unless the strike is canceled).<\/p>", "es": "

Muerto Viviente.<\/i> Un golpe. El atacante elige a los personajes defensores. Cualquier personaje que se enfrente a un golpe cuya mente sea igual o inferior al poder del ataque debe ser girado si se encuentra enderezado después de resolverse el golpe (a menos que el golpe sea cancelado).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a wisp of pale sheen that… twisted like ghostly sheets unfurled by hidden hands.” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un fuego fatuo… se retorcían como sábanas fantasmales desplegadas por manos ocultas.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WispofPaleSheen.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-114": { "id": "DM-114", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "An Unexpected Party", "es": "Una Tertulia Inesperada", "de": "Unvorhergesehenes Fest", "fr": "Une réception inattendue", "it": "", "nl": "An Unexpected Party", "fi": "", "ja": "予期せぬ見張り" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Only playable during the organization phase on a company.<\/i><\/b> There is no limit to the size of this company. Dwarves with a mind of 2 or less in this company do not require influence to be controlled; and there is no limit to how many Dwarves may be brought into play on a given turn with the company. Discard this card if the company has more than one non-Wizard character with a mind greater than 5 or<\/b> more than two non-Dwarf characters or<\/b> no Dwarf with a mind greater than 5. Cannot be duplicated on a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo se puede jugar durante la fase de organización sobre una compañia.<\/i><\/b> No hay limite para el tamaño de esta compañía. Los Enanos con una mente de 2 o menos de esta compañia no requieren influencia para ser controlados; y no hay ningún límite de cuántos Enanos pueden entrar en juego en un solo turno con esta compañia. Descarta esta carta si la compañia tiene más de un personaje no Mago con mente superior a 5 o<\/b> más de dos personajes no Enanos o<\/b> ningún Enano con una mente superior a 5. No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma compañia.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AnUnexpectedParty.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "John Howe" }, "DM-115": { "id": "DM-115", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Ancient Stair", "es": "Antiguas Escaleras", "de": "Vergessene Treppe", "fr": "Antique escalier", "it": "", "nl": "Ancient Stair", "fi": "", "ja": "太古の階段" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable only at the end of the organization phase on a company that starts its turn at an untapped adjacent site of an Under-deeps site. <\/i><\/b>Opponent may draw up to twice the normal number of cards for this company during the movement\/hazard phase. If company moved to an Under-deeps site, at the end of the turn the company may replace its site card with the site card at which it began the turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable al final de la fase de organización sobre una compañía que comience el turno en un lugar enderezado adyacente a un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> El oponente puede robar hasta el doble de cartas de lo normal durante la fase de movimiento\/adversidades de esta compañía. Si la compañía se ha movido hasta un Lugar de las Profundidades, al final del turno la compañía puede reemplazar su carta de lugar por la carta de lugar en la que comenzó el turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AncientStair.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-116": { "id": "DM-116", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Armory", "es": "Armería", "de": "Waffenkammer", "fr": "Armurerie", "it": "", "nl": "Armory", "fi": "", "ja": "武器庫" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "(1)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Only you and your companies can use Armory<\/i>. You may place any minor items from your hand under Armory<\/i> during your organization phase. A character at a Haven [{H}] can store a minor item under Armory<\/i> instead of to your marshalling point pile. When you otherwise would be allowed to play a minor item from your hand at a Border-hold [{B}], Free-hold [{F}], or Haven [{H}], you may play an item from under Armory<\/i> instead. If you have at least three minor items under Armory<\/i>, gain 1 marshalling point.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo tú y tus compañías podéis utilizar Armería<\/i>. Puedes colocar cualquier número de objetos menores que tengas en tu mano debajo de Armería<\/i> durante la fase de organización. Un personaje que se encuentre en un Refugio [{H}] puede almacenar un objeto menor bajo Armería<\/i> en lugar de tu pila de puntos de victoria. En los casos en que podrías jugar un objeto menor de tu mano en un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}], un Bastión Libre [{F}], o un Refugio [{H}], puedes jugar un objeto que se encuentre bajo Armería<\/i>. Si al menos tienes tres objetos menores bajo Armería<\/i> ganas 1 punto de victoria.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Armory.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "DM-117": { "id": "DM-117", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Await the Advent of Allies", "es": "Esperar la Llegada de los Aliados", "de": "Warten auf Hilfe", "fr": "Dans l'attente des alliés", "it": "", "nl": "Await the Advent of Allies", "fi": "", "ja": "同盟の到来を待ちながら" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a non-Wizard character with a mind of six or less at a non-Haven site.<\/i><\/b> The character’s company may not move. Target character does not count against general influence and its marshalling points do not count. Discard this card when the character leaves play or becomes wounded, or when you play a resource that taps or requires the site (as an active condition of playing the resource itself). Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Mago con una mente de 6 o menos y que se encuentre en un lugar que no sea un refugio.<\/i><\/b> La compañía del personaje no puede moverse. El personaje objetivo no cuenta para la influencia general y sus puntos de victoria no cuentan. Descarta esta carta cuando el personaje deje el juego o resulte herido, o cuando juegues un recurso que gire o requiera el lugar (como una condición activa para jugar el recurso en sí). No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AwaittheAdventofAllies.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Michael Apice" }, "DM-118": { "id": "DM-118", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Balance Between Powers", "es": "Equilibrio entre Poderes", "de": "Kampf der Mächte", "fr": "Equilibre des pouvoirs", "it": "", "nl": "Balance Between Powers", "fi": "", "ja": "二つの力の均衡" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Environment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Environment.<\/i> No environment cards can be played. At the start of your organization phase, discard this card or<\/b> keep it in play by discarding an environment card from your hand. Your opponent can then discard an environment card from his hand to discard this card, which you can counter by discarding two environment cards from your hand, which he can counter by discarding one, which you can counter with two, he with one, etc. Discard when any play deck is exhausted.<\/p>", "es": "

Ambiental<\/i>. No se puede jugar ninguna carta ambiental. Al principio de tu fase de organización, descarta esta carta o<\/b> mantenla en juego tras descartarte de una carta ambiental de tu mano. Tu oponente puede a continuación descartarse de una carta ambiental de su mano para descartar esta carta, cosa que puedes contrarrestar descartándote de dos cartas ambientales de tu mano, cosa que él puede contrarrestar descartándose de una carta, cosa que tú puedes contrarrestar descartándote de dos, él de una, etc. Descarta esta carta cuando se agote algún mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "BalanceBetweenPowers.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Nicholas Jainschigg" }, "DM-119": { "id": "DM-119", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Barrow-blade", "es": "Hoja de Tumulario", "de": "Klinge aus dem Hügelgrab", "fr": "Lame des galgals", "it": "", "nl": "Barrow-blade", "fi": "", "ja": "塚山の刃" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Tap the bearer of a Dagger of Westernesse<\/i> during the site phase at a Ruins & Lairs [{R}] and play this with the Dagger<\/i>. Dagger<\/i> receives +1 prowess (+3 versus Undead and Nazgûl). Cannot be duplicated on a given Dagger<\/i>.<\/p>", "es": "" }, "quote": { "en": "

“No other blade… would have dealt that foe a wound so bitter…”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

Gira el portador de una Daga de Oesternese<\/i> durante la fase de lugares en unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}] y juega esta carta sobre la Daga<\/i>. La Daga<\/i> recibe un +1 al poder (+3 contra Muertos Vivientes y Nazgûl). No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma Daga<\/i>.<\/p>

“Ninguna otra hoja… podría haber causado tanto daño a tal enemigo…”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Barrowblade.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "DM-120": { "id": "DM-120", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Choice of Lúthien", "es": "La Elección de Lúthien", "de": "Lúthiens Wahl", "fr": "Choix de Lúthien", "it": "", "nl": "Choice of Lúthien", "fi": "", "ja": "ルシアンの選択" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable on Arwen in Minas Tirith.<\/i><\/b> She receives +2 direct influence and her mind increases by 2. Discard if Arwen moves to a site not in Anórien, Lebennin, Lamedon, Belfalas, or Anfalas. Tap Arwen to take one item, ally, or faction playable at her current site from your play deck or discard pile into your hand (reshuffle play deck if searched).<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Jugable sobre Arwen en Minas Tirith.<\/i><\/b> Ella recibe un +2 a la influencia directa y su mente aumenta en 2. Descartar si Arwen se mueve a un lugar que no se encuentre en Anórien, Lebennin, Lamedon, Belfalas, o Anfalas. Gira a Arwen para coger un objeto, aliado, o facción jugable en su lugar actual de tu mazo de juego o pila de descartes y ponerlo en tu mano (debes volver a barajar el mazo de juego si has buscado).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ChoiceofLuthien.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-121": { "id": "DM-121", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Crown of Flowers", "es": "Corona de Flores", "de": "Blütenkrone", "fr": "Couronne de fleurs", "it": "", "nl": "Crown of Flowers", "fi": "", "ja": "花の王冠" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Environment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Environment.<\/i> Crown of Flowers<\/i> has no effect until you play a resource with it. You can play one resource from your hand with this card. The resource is considered to be played and to be in play as though Gates of Morning<\/i> were in play and Doors of Night<\/i> were not. Crown of Flowers<\/i> does not affect the interpretation of any card except the resource played with it. Discard Crown of Flowers<\/i> when the resource is discarded. Discard the resource if Crown of Flowers<\/i> is discarded.<\/p>", "es": "

Ambiental<\/i>. La Corona de Flores<\/i> no tiene efecto hasta que no juegas un recurso sobre ella. Puedes jugar un recurso desde tu mano con esta carta. Se considera que el recurso ha sido jugado y se encuentra en juego como si estuvieran en juego las Puertas del Amanecer<\/i> y las Puertas de la Noche<\/i> no lo estuvieran. La Corona de Flores<\/i> no afecta a la interpretación de ninguna carta salvo el recurso jugado con ella. Descarta la Corona de Flores<\/i> cuando el recurso sea descartado. Descarta el recurso si la Corona de Flores<\/i> es descartada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "CrownofFlowers.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "DM-122": { "id": "DM-122", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Cup of Farewell", "es": "Copa de la Despedida", "de": "Abschiedsbecher", "fr": "Coupe des adieux", "it": "", "nl": "Cup of Farewell", "fi": "", "ja": "別れの杯" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company at a Haven<\/i><\/b> [{H}] during the organization phase.<\/i><\/b> Once during each of your turns, you can tap a character in this company, if the company is at a Haven [{H}], to take a minor item from your sideboard into your hand (show opponent). Cannot be duplicated on a given company.<\/p>", "es": "" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… I have brought in my ship gifts which the Lord and Lady of the Galadrim now offer you…”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se encuentre en un Refugio <\/i><\/b>[{H}] durante la fase de organización. <\/i><\/b>Una vez durante cada uno de tus turnos, puedes girar uno de los personajes de esa compañía, si la compañía se encuentra en un Refugio [{H}], para coger un objeto menor de tu baraja complementaria y ponerlo en tu mano (se lo debes enseñar al oponente). No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma compañia.<\/p>

“‘… he traído en mi barca unos regalos que el Señor y la Dama de los Galadrim os ofrecen ahora…”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CupofFarewell.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "David A. Cherry" }, "DM-123": { "id": "DM-123", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Dark Numbers", "es": "Legiones Oscuras", "de": "Truppen des Bösen", "fr": "Sombres troupes", "it": "", "nl": "Dark Numbers", "fi": "", "ja": "闇の兵力" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Stolen Knowledge" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Stolen Knowledge.<\/i> Playable on an untapped scout immediately after facing an Orc, Troll, or Man attack.<\/i><\/b> Tap scout. Can be stored at a Haven [{H}]. If not stored, discard to give +3 to an influence attempt against a faction by a character in the same company.<\/p>", "es": "

Conocimiento Robado.<\/i> Jugable sobre un explorador enderezado inmediatamente después de enfrentarse a un ataque de Orcos, Trolls, u Hombres.<\/i><\/b> Gira el explorador. Puede ser almacenada en un Refugio [{H}]. Si no es almacenada, descarta para dar un +3 a un intento de influencia contra una facción por parte de un personaje en la misma compañia.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The orcs were going at a great pace. Those in the foremost files bore torches.” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los orcos avanzaban a grandes trancos. Los de las primeras filas llevaban antorchas.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DarkNumbers.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "John Howe" }, "DM-124": { "id": "DM-124", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Dwarves Are upon You!", "es": "¡Los Enanos Están Cerca!", "de": "Kampfrausch der Zwerge", "fr": "Les Nains sont sur vous!", "it": "", "nl": "The Dwarves Are upon You!", "fi": "", "ja": "ドワーフが汝等を討つぞ!" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company containing Dwarves facing an attack.<\/i><\/b> All Dwarves in the company receive +2 prowess and -1 body against the attack. Cannot be duplicated against a given attack.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que contenga Enanos y se enfrente a un ataque.<\/i><\/b> Todos los Enanos en la compañía reciben +2 al poder y -1 a la resistencia contra el ataque. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo ataque.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Out leapt the King under the Mountain, and his companions followed him… they were in shining armour, and red light leapt from their eyes.”<\/i> —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El Rey bajo la Montaña apareció en el umbral, y sus compañeros lo siguieron… llevaban brillantes armaduras y una luz roja les brillaba en los ojos.”<\/i> —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheDwarvesAreuponYou.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "DM-125": { "id": "DM-125", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Enduring Tales", "es": "Relatos Perecederos", "de": "Ewige Geschichten", "fr": "Histoires immuables", "it": "", "nl": "Enduring Tales", "fi": "", "ja": "いつまでも続く物語り" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

When any player discards a card from his hand, he may discard it to the top of his play deck (and always face down) instead of to his discard pile.<\/p>", "es": "

Cuando cualquier jugador descarta una carta de su mano, puede descartarla en la parte superior de su mazo de juego (y siempre boca abajo) en lugar de su pila de descartes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Then tell us some other tale of the old days,’ begged Sam; ‘a tale about the Elves before the fading time…’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘Entonces cuéntanos alguna otra historia de los viejos días,’ suplicó Sam; ‘una historia de los Elfos antes de la declinación…’”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "EnduringTales.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Nicholas Jainschigg" }, "DM-126": { "id": "DM-126", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Eyes of Mandos", "es": "Ojos de Mandos", "de": "Mandos Augen", "fr": "Les yeux de Mandos", "it": "", "nl": "Eyes of Mandos", "fi": "", "ja": "マンドスの目" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on Pallando during the organization phase.<\/i><\/b> Tap Pallando and reveal up to 8 cards from the top of your play deck. Choose one to put into your hand and shuffle the remaining ones into your play deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre Pallando durante la fase de organización.<\/i><\/b> Gira a Pallando y revela hasta 8 cartas de la parte superior de tu mazo de juego. Elige una para ponerla en tu mano y baraja las demás en tu mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“And so the Blue Wizard sat on a carved stone seat on a stone terrace, before a clear, dark pool, viewing Fate as if through the eyes of his mentor.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Y así el Mago se sentaba sobre un asiento de piedra tallado en una grada de piedra, delante de un estanque limpio y oscuro, examinando el Destino como si estuviera viendo a través de los ojos de su mentor.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "EyesofMandos.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "DM-127": { "id": "DM-127", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Face Out of Sight", "es": "Apartar la Cara", "de": "Geh mir aus den Augen", "fr": "Vilaine figure", "it": "", "nl": "Face out of Sight", "fi": "", "ja": "物陰に隠れた顔" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

All on-guard cards are returned to owner’s hands. At the end of any turn, all wounded agents and tapped agents are returned to their owner’s hand. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Todas las cartas en guardia vuelven a la mano de sus propietarios. Al final de cualquier turno, todos los agentes heridos y girados vuelven a la mano de sus propietarios. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“With a sudden flick, quick as lightning, an apple left his hand and hit Bill square in the nose. He ducked too late, and curses came from behind the hedge.” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Con un movimiento repentino, rápido como un relámpago, una manzana salió de la mano de Sam y golpeó a Bill en plena nariz. Bill se echó a un lado demasiado tarde y detrás de la cerca se oyeron unos juramentos.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FaceOutofSight.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "DM-128": { "id": "DM-128", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Fate of the Ithil-stone", "es": "Destino de la Piedra de Ithil", "de": "Schicksal des Ithil Steins", "fr": "Destin de la Pierre d'Ithil", "it": "", "nl": "Fate of the Ithil-Stone", "fi": "", "ja": "イシルの石の運命" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "(7)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company at Minas Tirith if the company discards (for no effect) a Lost Knowledge card it controls.<\/i><\/b> Tap this card if the company plays a Palantír; this card never untaps. If this card is tapped, invert it on the playing surface (rotate it 180°) if the company enters Barad-dûr and plays a Stolen Knowledge<\/i> card during the same site phase. If this card is inverted, it can be stored at a Haven [{H}]—only if stored do you receive its marshalling points. If stored, all Palantíri give one less corruption point. Once inverted, no other copy of this card can be inverted.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía en Minas Tirith si la compañia se descarta (sin efecto) de una carta de Conocimiento Perdido que controle.<\/i><\/b> Gira esta carta si la compañía juega una Palantír; esta carta nunca se endereza. Si esta carta está girada, inviértela en la superficie de juego (rotarla 180°) si la compañia entra en Barad-dûr y juega una carta de Conocimiento Robado<\/i> durante la misma fase de lugares. Si esta carta está invertida, puede ser almacenada en un Refugio [{H}]—solo otorga sus puntos de victoria si es almacenada. Si está almacenada, todas las Palantíri otorgan un punto de corrupción menos. Una vez invertida, no se puede invertir ninguna otra copia de esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FateoftheIthilstone.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Stephen Hickman" }, "DM-129": { "id": "DM-129", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees", "es": "Quince Pájaros en Cinco Abetos", "de": "Fünfzehn Vögel in fünf Föhren", "fr": "Quinze oiseaux dans cinq sapins", "it": "", "nl": "Fifteen Birds in Five Firtrees", "fi": "", "ja": "モミの木五本に、小鳥が十五羽" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a moving company facing a non-unique hazard creature if Gates of Morning is in play.<\/i><\/b> All attacks of the creature are cancelled and<\/b> all attacks of the next non-unique hazard creature the company faces this turn are also canceled. An untapped character in the company must tap to face any strike from a subsequent hazard creature attack for the rest of the turn. The company can do nothing during its site phase unless it contains a Wizard or<\/b> you discard Eagle-mounts<\/i> from your hand. Cannot be duplicated on a given turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo y se enfrente a una adversidad-criatura que no sea única si las Puertas del Amanecer están en juego.<\/i><\/b> Todos los ataques de la criatura son cancelados y<\/b> todos los ataques de la siguiente adversidad-criatura que no sea única a la que se enfrente la compañía durante este turno también son cancelados. Un personaje enderezado de la compañía debe ser girado para enfrentarse a cualquier golpe procedente de cualquier ataque de una adversidad-criatura subsiguiente durante el resto del turno. La compañía no puede hacer nada durante la fase de lugares a menos que contenga un Mago o<\/b> te descartes de Viaje en Águilas <\/i>de tu mano. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FifteenBirdsinFiveFirtrees.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "DM-130": { "id": "DM-130", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Fireworks", "es": "Fuegos de Artificio", "de": "Feuerwerk", "fr": "Feux d'artifice", "it": "", "nl": "Fireworks", "fi": "", "ja": "花火" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Ritual" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Ritual.<\/i> Playable on an untapped sage at a tapped Border-hold<\/i><\/b> [{B}] or Free-hold<\/i><\/b> [{F}]. Tap sage. Make a roll and add the mind of the sage (+10 if a Wizard)—if the result is greater than 12, the site untaps. The next time the sage would otherwise become untapped make him tapped instead and discard this card.<\/p>", "es": "

Ritual.<\/i> Jugable sobre un sabio enderezado que se encuentre en un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] o un Bastión Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}] girado.<\/i><\/b> Gira el sabio. Haz una tirada y añade la mente del sabio (+10 si es un Mago)—si el resultado es superior a 12, el sitio se endereza. En la siguiente ocasión en que el sabio normalmente se enderezaría, déjalo girado y descarta esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Not the man that used to make such particularly excellent fireworks! …’” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘¡No el hombre que acostumbraba a fabricar aquellos fuegos de artificio!…’” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Fireworks.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "DM-131": { "id": "DM-131", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "First of the Order", "es": "Primero de la Orden", "de": "Erster seines Ordens", "fr": "Chef de l'Ordre", "it": "", "nl": "First of the Order", "fi": "", "ja": "最上位者" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on Saruman.<\/i><\/b> Saruman receives +2 to all corruption checks for the rest of the turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre Saruman.<\/i><\/b> Saruman recibe un +2 a todos los chequeos de corrupción durante el resto del turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“He gave up wandering about and minding the affairs of Men and Elves… and he settled at Angrenost, or Isengard as the Men of Rohan call it.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Dejó de vagar y preocuparse por los asuntos de los hombres y los elfos… y se estableció en Angrenost, o Isengard, como la llaman los Hombres de Rohan.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FirstoftheOrder.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "David A. Cherry" }, "DM-132": { "id": "DM-132", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Forewarned Is Forearmed", "es": "Avisados Significa Armados", "de": "Rechtzeitige Warnung", "fr": "Un homme averti en vaut deux", "it": "", "nl": "Forewarned is Forearmed", "fi": "", "ja": "警戒はすなわち武装" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Any non-Dragon Lair site with more than one automatic-attack is reduced to having one automatic-attack of the hazard player’s choice (this attack cannot be canceled). Any creature or other hazard with more than one attack is reduced to one attack of the hazard player’s choice (this attack cannot be canceled). Discard when such an isolated attack is defeated. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cualquier lugar que no sea una Guarida de Dragón con más de un ataque automático pasa a tener solo un ataque automático, a elección del jugador que juega las adversidades (este ataque no puede ser cancelado). Cualquier criatura u otra adversidad con más de un ataque pasa a tener un solo ataque, a elección del jugador que juega las adversidades (este ataque no puede ser cancelado). Descartar cuando uno de dichos ataques es derrotado. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ForewarnedIsForearmed.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Daniel Frazier" }, "DM-133": { "id": "DM-133", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Free to Choose", "es": "Libre de Elegir", "de": "Die Entscheidung ist Frei", "fr": "Libre de choisir", "it": "", "nl": "Free to Choose", "fi": "", "ja": "選択権" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an item that normally gives 3 corruption points or more.<\/i><\/b> Target item gives 2 fewer corruption points (3 fewer if Gates of Morning<\/i> is in play). Discard after its bearer makes a corruption check. Cannot be duplicated on a given item.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un objeto que normalmente otorgue 3 puntos de corrupción o más.<\/i><\/b> El objeto otorga 2 puntos de corrupción menos (3 menos si están en juego las Puertas del Amanecer<\/i>). Descartar después de que su portador realice un chequeo de corrupción. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo objeto.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Frodo… free to choose… He took the Ring off his finger.”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Frodo… libre de elegir… Se sacó el Anillo del dedo.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FreetoChoose.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "DM-134": { "id": "DM-134", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Hall of Fire", "es": "Sala de Fuego", "de": "Halle des Feuers", "fr": "Salle du Feu", "it": "", "nl": "Hall of Fire", "fi": "", "ja": "火の広間" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Haven <\/i><\/b>[{H}]. Any company at this Haven [{H}] immediately following its movement\/hazard phase may choose for one of its characters to untap or heal (from wounded to tapped). Discard Hall of Fire<\/i> when the site card is returned to the location deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Refugio <\/i><\/b>[{H}]. Cualquier compañía que se encuentre en este Refugio [{H}] inmediatamente después de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades puede elegir que uno de sus personajes se enderece o se cure (de herido a girado). Descarta Sala de Fuego<\/i> cuando la carta de lugar regresa al mazo de localizaciones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… people come here who wish for peace, and thought. There is always a fire here…’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘… vienen aquí quienes buscan tranquilidad y recogimiento. La chimenea está encendida todo el año…’” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HallofFire.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "DM-135": { "id": "DM-135", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Healing of Nimrodel", "es": "Curación de Nimrodel", "de": "Heilung des Nimrodel", "fr": "Guérison de Nimrodel", "it": "", "nl": "Healing of Nimrodel", "fi": "", "ja": "ニムロデルの癒し" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the organization phase on a moving company whose site of origin is a Haven <\/i><\/b>[{H}]. If the company moves to another Haven [{H}] this turn, at the end of the movement\/hazard phase all wounded characters in the company heal (from wounded to untapped) and all tapped characters untap.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre una compañía que se vaya a mover cuyo lugar de origen es un Refugio <\/i><\/b>[{H}]. Si la compañía se mueve a otro Refugio [{H}] este turno, al final de la fase de movimiento\/adversidades todos los personajes heridos de la compañía se curan (de heridos a enderezados) y todos los personajes girados se enderezan.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "HealingofNimrodel.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "DM-136": { "id": "DM-136", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Herb-lore", "es": "Conocimiento de las Hierbas", "de": "Kräuterkunde", "fr": "Connaissance des plantes", "it": "", "nl": "Herb-lore", "fi": "", "ja": "薬草学" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on Radagast while moving during his movement\/hazard phase if there is at least one Wilderness <\/i><\/b>[{w}] in his site path.<\/i><\/b> If untapped, tap Radagast afterwards. During any organization phase, Radagast can tap and discard this card to heal all characters in his company from wounded to untapped and to untap all tapped characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre Radagast mientras se está moviendo durante su fase de movimiento\/adversidades y si hay al menos una Tierra Salvaje <\/i><\/b>[{w}] en su itinerario.<\/i><\/b> Si está enderezado, gira a Radagast. Durante cualquier fase de organización, Radagast puede ser girado y descartar esta carta para curar a todos los personajes de su compañía, que pasan de heridos a enderezados y de girados a enderezados.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Radagast is… a master of shapes and changes of hue; and he has much lore of herbs and beasts…’”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘Radagast es… un maestro de las formas y los cambios de tonalidad; y tiene mucho conocimiento de hierbas y bestias…’”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Herblore.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "John Monteleone" }, "DM-137": { "id": "DM-137", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Here Is a Snake!", "es": "¡Aquí hay una Serpiente!", "de": "Hier ist eine Schlange!", "fr": "Vous avez là un serpent!", "it": "", "nl": "Here Is a Snake!", "fi": "", "ja": "蛇めがいたぞ!" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company during its <\/i><\/b><\/p>

movement\/hazard phase after cards have been drawn.<\/i><\/b> Opponent may reveal to you any number of hazards from his hand. He may only play hazards he revealed to you (including on-guard cards) for the remainder of target company’s movement\/hazard phase.<\/p>

Alternatively, a face-down agent is tapped and revealed.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía durante su fase de movimiento\/adversidades después de que se hayan robado las cartas.<\/i><\/b> El oponente puede revelarte cualquier número de adversidades de su mano. Solo puede jugar adversidades que te haya revelado (incluyendo cartas en guardia) durante el resto de la fase de movimiento\/adversidades de la compañía objetivo. Alternativamente, un agente boca abajo es girado y revelado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "HereIsaSnake.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Michael Apice" }, "DM-138": { "id": "DM-138", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Hidden Knife", "es": "Puñal Escondido", "de": "Verborgenes Messer", "fr": "Poignard cache", "it": "", "nl": "Hidden Knife", "fi": "", "ja": "隠していた短剣" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on any face up agent during your site phase.<\/i><\/b> You may play a hazard creature from your hand keyed to a face up agent's current site which immediately attacks the agent as if the agent were a character. You do not receive marshalling points if the agent is eliminated.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre cualquier agente descubierto durante tu fase de lugares.<\/i><\/b> Puedes jugar una adversidad-criatura de tu mano situada en el lugar actual de un agente descubierto, que ataca inmediatamente al agente como si éste fuera un personaje. No recibes ningún punto de victoria si el agente es eliminado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… Wormtongue rose up, drawing a hidden knife…” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… Lengua de Serpiente se irguió de pronto, y sacó un puñal escondido…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HiddenKnife.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Romas Kukalis" }, "DM-139": { "id": "DM-139", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Hobbit-lore", "es": "Conocimiento de los Hobbits", "de": "Hobbitkunde", "fr": "Connaissance des Hobbits", "it": "", "nl": "Hobbit-lore", "fi": "", "ja": "ホビット学" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on Gandalf during the organization phase while at a Haven <\/i><\/b>[{H}]. If untapped, tap Gandalf afterwards. He receives +2 direct influence against Hobbits and Hobbit factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre Gandalf durante la fase de organización mientras se encuentra en un Refugio <\/i><\/b>[{H}]. Si está enderezado, gira a Gandalf. Recibe un +2 a la influencia directa contra Hobbits y facciones de Hobbits.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Gandalf in the meantime was still standing outside the door, laughing long but quietly. After a while he stepped up, and with the spike of his staff scratched a queer sign on the hobbit’s beautiful green front-door.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Gandalf, mientras tanto, seguía en la puerta, riéndose larga y apaciblemente. Al cabo de un rato subió, y con la punta del bastón dibujó un signo extraño en la hermosa puerta verde del hobbit.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Hobbitlore.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Larry Elmore" }, "DM-140": { "id": "DM-140", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Horns, Horns, Horns", "es": "Cuernos, Cuernos, Cuernos", "de": "Hörner, Hörner, Hörner", "fr": "Des cors, des cors, des cors", "it": "", "nl": "Horns, Horns, Horns", "fi": "", "ja": "角笛が響きわたる" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Each player removes all factions from his discard pile and shuffles them into his play deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Cada jugador saca todas las facciones de su pila de descartes y las baraja en su mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“And straightway all the horns in the host were lifted up in music, and the blowing of the horns of Rohan in that hour was like a storm upon the plain and a thunder in the mountains.” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Y al instante se elevaron juntas las voces de todos los cuernos del ejército, y el sonido de los cuernos de Rohan en esa hora fue como una tempestad sobre la llanura y como un trueno en las montañas.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HornsHornsHorns.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Margaret Organ-Kean" }, "DM-141": { "id": "DM-141", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Hour of Need", "es": "Movimiento Desesperado", "de": "Stunde der Not", "fr": "Moments difficiles", "it": "", "nl": "Hour of Need", "fi": "", "ja": "危急存亡の時" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the organization phase on an untapped non-warrior, non-Wizard diplomat at an untapped non-Under-deeps site, if you have a faction in your hand.<\/i><\/b> Play a faction from your hand. Tap diplomat who then makes an influence attempt on this faction. Count out the number of contiguous regions from the diplomat’s site to the site where the faction is normally playable (including the regions containing both sites)—subtract two plus this number from the diplomat’s attempt. If the attempt is unsuccessful, discard the diplomat and faction. If the attempt is succesful you cannot play a minor item and you must tap the character's site. Cannot be included in a Fallen-wizard's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de organización sobre un diplomático enderezado que no sea Mago ni guerrero, que se encuentre en un lugar enderezado que no sea de las Profundidades, y si tienes una facción en la mano.<\/i><\/b> Juega una facción de tu mano. Gira el diplomático, quien hace entonces un intento de influencia sobre esta facción. Cuenta el número de regiones contiguas desde el lugar donde se encuentra el diplomático hasta el lugar donde se jugaría normalmente la facción (incluyendo las regiones que contienen ambos lugares)—resta dos más ese número del intento del diplomático. Si el intento no tiene éxito, descarta el diplomático y la facción. Si el intento tiene éxito no puedes jugar un objeto menor y debes gira el lugar del personaje. No se puede incluir en un mazo de Mago Renegado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "HourofNeed.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Eric David Anderson" }, "DM-142": { "id": "DM-142", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Hundreds of Butterflies", "es": "Cientos de Mariposas", "de": "Hunderte von Schmetterlingen", "fr": "Des centaines de papillons", "it": "", "nl": "Hundreds of Butterflies", "fi": "", "ja": "何百何千という蝶々" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a moving character during his movement\/hazard phase.<\/i><\/b> Untap the character and increase the hazard limit against his company by one.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje en movimiento durante su fase de movimiento\/adversidades.<\/i><\/b> Endereza el personaje e incrementa el límite de adversidades contra su compañía en uno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“He looked at the ‘black emperors’ for a long time, and enjoyed the feel of the breeze in his hair and on his face…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Observó a la ‘emperador negra’ durante largo rato, y disfrutó sintiendo la brisa en el cabello y la cara…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HundredsofButterflies.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-143": { "id": "DM-143", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Hunt", "es": "La Caza", "de": "Die Jagd", "fr": "La chasse", "it": "", "nl": "The Hunt", "fi": "", "ja": "狩\",\"かり" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on Alatar during the organization phase.<\/i><\/b> Name a specific hazard creature card your opponent revealed to you through a mechanism of the game and discarded. Unless eliminated or prevented from being in play, your opponent then finds this particular card (reshuffling his play deck if it was searched). This creature immediately attacks Alatar as though he were a one-character company. Alatar cannot use or benefit from spells against the attack. If untapped, tap Alatar afterwards.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre Alatar durante la fase de organización.<\/i><\/b> Nombra una carta de adversidad-criatura específica que tu oponente te haya revelado mediante un mecanismo del juego y haya descartado. A menos que esté eliminada o no pueda estar en juego, tu oponente debe encontrar esta carta en particular (barajando su mazo de juego si ha buscado en él). Esta criatura ataca inmediatamente a Alatar como si fuera una compañía de un personaje. Alatar no puede usar o beneficiarse de ningún sortilegio contra el ataque. Si está enderezado, gira a Alatar a continuación.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheHunt.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Romas Kukalis" }, "DM-144": { "id": "DM-144", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "I Know Much about You", "es": "Sé Mucho Sobre Ti", "de": "Ich weiß viel über Dich", "fr": "J'en connais long sur vous", "it": "", "nl": "I Know Much about You", "fi": "", "ja": "お前さんのことについては知っておる" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Cancels any agent attack or<\/b> any hazard effect that requires tapping an agent declared earlier in the same chain of effects or<\/b> one attack from a hazard creature with multiple attacks (e. g., Slayer, Nameless Thing<\/i>).<\/p>", "es": "

Cancela cualquier ataque de agente o<\/b> cualquier efecto de adversidad que requiera girar un agente declarado anteriormente en la misma cadena de efectos o<\/b> un ataque de una adversidad-criatura con múltiples ataques (por ejemplo Exterminador<\/i> o Ser Innombrable<\/i>).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… out of the mist there rode a man on an old tired horse; and he looked a queer twisted sort of creature himself…’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘… pero el que salió de la bruma fue un hombre montado en un caballo viejo y cansado; y también él parecía ser un personaje extraño y tortuoso…’”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "IKnowMuchaboutYou.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Donato Giancola" }, "DM-145": { "id": "DM-145", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Into Dark Tunnels", "es": "Hacia Túneles Oscuros", "de": "Tiefe Verschlagenheit", "fr": "Dans de sombres tunnels", "it": "", "nl": "Into Dark Tunnels", "fi": "", "ja": "暗いトンネルの中へ" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable at the end of the movement\/hazard phase on a company that has moved to an Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> That company may attempt to move to an additional site on the same turn. Another site card may be played and a movement\/hazard phase immediately follows.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable al final de la fase de movimiento\/adversidades sobre una compañía que se haya movido hasta un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> Esa compañía puede intentar moverse a un lugar adicional en el mismo turno. Se puede jugar otra carta de lugar e inmediatamente sigue una fase de movimiento\/adversidades.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… there where fissures and chasms in the walls and floor…” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘… había fisuras y abismos en las paredes y el techo…” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "IntoDarkTunnels.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "DM-146": { "id": "DM-146", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Into the Smoking Cone", "es": "Hacia el Cono Humeante", "de": "Durch dunkle Tunnel", "fr": "Dans le cône fumant", "it": "", "nl": "Into the Smoking Cone", "fi": "", "ja": "煙吐く山へ" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "(6)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company with a sage during the site phase at a site where gold ring items are playable.<\/i><\/b> Tap this card if the company plays a ring special item; this card never untaps. If this card is tapped, the company can discard (for no effect) a Lost Knowledge<\/i> card it controls during its site phase at Mount Doom and invert this card on the playing surface (rotate it 180°). If inverted, you can store this card at a Haven [{H}]—only if stored do you receive its marshalling points. If stored, all ring items give one less corruption point. Once inverted, no other copy of this card can be inverted.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía con un sabio durante la fase de lugares en un lugar en el que se puedan jugar anillos de oro.<\/i><\/b> Gira esta carta si la compañía juega un objeto especial de anillo; esta carta nunca se endereza. Si esta carta está girada, la compañia puede descartar (sin efecto) una carta de Conocimiento Perdido<\/i> que esté controlando durante su fase de lugares en el Monte del Destino e invertir esta carta sobre la superficie de juego (rotarla 180°). Si está invertida, puedes almacenar esta carta en un Refugio [{H}]—solo otorga sus puntos de victoria si es almacenada. Si está almacenada, todos los objetos anillos dan un punto de corrupción menos. Una vez invertida, no se puede invertir ninguna otra copia de esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "IntotheSmokingCone.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Angelo Montanini" }, "DM-147": { "id": "DM-147", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Knowledge of the Enemy", "es": "Conocimiento del Enemigo", "de": "Wissen über den Feind", "fr": "Connaissance de l'ennem", "it": "", "nl": "Knowledge of the Enemy", "fi": "", "ja": "敵についての知識" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "(1)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Stolen Knowledge" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Stolen Knowledge.<\/i> Playable on an untapped character at a Shadow-hold <\/i><\/b>[{S}] or Dark-hold <\/i><\/b>[{D}] or if his company faced an agent attack and all of its strikes failed.<\/i><\/b> Tap character. Can be stored at a Haven [{H}]—only if stored do you receive its marshalling point. If stored, you may discard this card and force one non-unique hazard to be removed from the game as you see your opponent discard it through a mechanism of the game.<\/p>", "es": "

Conocimiento Robado.<\/i> Jugable sobre un personaje enderezado que se encuentre en un Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}], un Bastión de la Oscuridad <\/i><\/b>[{D}], o si su compañía se ha enfrentado a un ataque de agente y todos sus golpes fallaron.<\/i><\/b> Gira el personaje. Puede ser almacenada en un Refugio [{H}]—solo otorga su punto de victoria si es almacenada. Si está almacenada, puedes descartar esta carta para forzar a que sea eliminada del juego una adversidad que no sea única cuando veas a tu oponente descartarse de ella por causa de algún mecanismo del juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "KnowledgeoftheEnemy.jpg", "rarity": "U3", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-148": { "id": "DM-148", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Mallorn", "es": "Mallorn", "de": "Mallorn", "fr": "Mallorn", "it": "", "nl": "Mallorn", "fi": "", "ja": "マルローン樹" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at Bag End only if Earth of Galadriel’s Orchard is stored there.<\/i><\/b> Bag End becomes a Haven [{H}] for the purposes of healing and bringing characters into play. Bag End can untap during its owner’s untap phase. If Bag End is discarded, return it to its location deck. All Hobbit factions are worth +1 marshalling points.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Jugable en Bolsón Cerrado si la Tierra del Jardín de Galadriel se encuentra almacenada allí.<\/i><\/b> Bolsón Cerrado se convierte en un Refugio [{H}] para propósitos de curación y de poner personajes en juego. Bolsón Cerrado puede enderezarse durante la fase de enderezamiento de su propietario. Si Bolsón Cerrado es descartado, devuélvelo al mazo de localizaciones. Todas las facciones de Hobbits valen 1 punto de victoria adicional.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“In the Party Field, a beautiful young sapling leaped up: it had silver bark and long leaves and burst into golden flowers in April.”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“En el Campo de la Fiesta, despuntó un hermoso retoño: tenía la corteza plateada y hojas largas y se cubrió de flores doradas en abril.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Mallorn.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-149": { "id": "DM-149", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Memories Recalled", "es": "Recuerdos Recuperados", "de": "Wiedergekehrte Erinnerungen", "fr": "Souvenirs retrouvés", "it": "", "nl": "Memories Recalled", "fi": "", "ja": "呼び覚まされた記憶" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a character with a sage in his company.<\/i><\/b> All dark enchantments on target character are discarded.<\/p>

Alternatively, a sage can tap and you can discard this card from your hand to fulfill the requirement that Lost Knowledge<\/i> be discarded for any card played with the sage’s company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje con un sabio en su compañía.<\/i><\/b> Todos los encantamientos oscuros sobre el personaje objetivo son descartados.<\/p>

Alternativamente, un sabio puede girarse y puedes descartarte esta carta de tu mano para cumplir el requisito de que un Conocimiento Perdido<\/i> sea descartado para jugar cualquier carta con la compañía del sabio.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "MemoriesRecalled.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Daniel Frazier" }, "DM-150": { "id": "DM-150", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "More Alert than Most", "es": "Más Alerta que la Mayoría", "de": "Wachsamer als die meisten", "fr": "Plus alerte que d'autres", "it": "", "nl": "More Alert than Most", "fi": "", "ja": "油断するな" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

The number of strikes of any attack that chooses defending characters is reduced by one (by 2 if Gates of Morning<\/i> is in play) to a minimum of one. Discard when such an attack is defeated. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

El número de golpes de cualquier ataque que elija a los personajes defensores se reduce en uno (en dos si están en juego las Puertas del Amanecer) <\/i>hasta un mínimo de uno. Descartar cuando uno de estos ataques es derrotado. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Biter and beater!’ they shrieked; and soon they were all confusion, and most of them were hustling back the way they had come.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘¡Mordedora y Demoledora!’ chillaron; y pronto todos estuvieron envueltos en una completa confusión, y la mayoria se apresuró a regresar por donde había venido.”<\/i> —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "MoreAlertthanMost.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "DM-151": { "id": "DM-151", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "No Waiting to Wonder", "es": "No Esperó a Pensar", "de": "Keine Zeit zu verlieren", "fr": "Sans hésitation", "it": "", "nl": "No Waiting to Wonder", "fi": "", "ja": "遅疑逡巡せず" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an untapped Hobbit when another character in his company is facing a strike (during other character’s strike sequence).<\/i><\/b> Tap Hobbit. The prowess of the strike is modified by -4 and its body by -1. If the strike is successful, the Hobbit must make a body check (in addition to the other effects of the successful strike).<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Hobbit enderezado cuando otro personaje de su compañía se enfrente a un golpe (durante la secuencia de golpes del otro personaje).<\/i><\/b> Gira el Hobbit. El poder del golpe es modificado en un -4 y su resistencia en un -1. Si el golpe tiene éxito, el Hobbit debe hacer un chequeo de resistencia (además de los otros efectos del golpe que tiene éxito).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "NoWaitingtoWonder.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "John Howe" }, "DM-152": { "id": "DM-152", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Ordered to Kill", "es": "Orden de Matar", "de": "Tötungsbefehl", "fr": "Ordre de tuer", "it": "", "nl": "Ordered to Kill", "fi": "", "ja": "殺戮命令" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Each face up agent must attack if a company enters a site where he is located.<\/p>

Additionally, any unrevealed on-guard cards are discarded instead of being returned to their owner’s hand. Discard when any play deck is exhausted. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Cada agente descubierto debe atacar si una compañía entra en el lugar en el que se encuentra.<\/p>

Adicionalmente, cualquiera de las cartas en guardia que no estén reveladas son descartadas en lugar de regresar a la mano de su propietario. Descartar cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Worm killed your Chief, poor little fellow, your nice little Boss. Didn’t you, Worm? Stabbed him in his sleep, I believe.’”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘Serpiente mató a vuestro jefe, mis pobres amiguitos, a vuestro pequeño patrón. ¿No es verdad, Serpiente? Lo apuñaló mientras dormía, creo.’”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OrderedtoKill.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Douglas Beekman" }, "DM-153": { "id": "DM-153", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Palm to Palm", "es": "Palmo a Palmo", "de": "Hand in Hand", "fr": "Paume contre paume", "it": "", "nl": "Palm to Palm", "fi": "", "ja": "掌と掌を" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company without a Wizard at a Haven <\/i><\/b>[{H}]. Any character designated as tapping in support gives +1 to an influence attempt or to an attempt to remove a corruption card by any other character in the company. The mind of each character and ally in the company is increased by one. Discard when any play deck is exhausted, a Wizard joins the company, or any character in the company splits off into another company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía sin un Mago y que se encuentre en un un Refugio<\/i><\/b> [{H}]. Cualquier personaje designado como girado para ayudar da un +1 a un intento de influencia o a un intento de eliminar una carta de corrupción por parte de cualquier otro personaje de la compañia. La mente de cada personaje y aliado de la compañía aumenta en uno. Descarta cuando se agote cualquier mazo de juego, un Mago se una a la compañía, o cualquier personaje de la compañía se separe para formar otra compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "PalmtoPalm.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "David A. Cherry" }, "DM-154": { "id": "DM-154", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur", "es": "Cruzar las Puertas de Dol Guldur", "de": "Durch die Tore von Dol Guldur", "fr": "Franchir les portes de Dol Guldur", "it": "", "nl": "Pass the Doors of Dol Guldur", "fi": "", "ja": "ドル・グルドゥアの門を越えて" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "(4)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Stolen Knowledge" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Stolen Knowledge.<\/i> Playable on a company if the company discards (for no effect) a Stolen Knowledge card it controls.<\/i><\/b> You can tap this card during the same site phase the company successfully plays Rescue Prisoners<\/i> at Dol Guldur (or rescues characters taken prisoner if the rescue site is Dol Guldur); this card never untaps. If tapped, this card can be stored at a Haven [{H}]—only if stored do you receive its marshalling points. If stored, all automatic-attacks at all Dark-holds [{D}] and all Shadow-holds [{S}] are with one less prowess and one less strike (to a minimum of one). Once tapped, no other copy of this card can be tapped.<\/p>", "es": "

Conocimiento Robado.<\/i> Jugable sobre una compañía si la compañía se descarta (sin efecto) de una carta de Conocimiento Robado que controle.<\/i><\/b> Puedes girar esta carta durante la misma fase de lugares en la que la compañía juegue Rescate de Prisioneros<\/i> en Dol Guldur (o rescata personajes tomados prisioneros si el lugar de rescate es Dol Guldur); esta carta nunca se endereza. Si está girada, esta carta puede ser almacenada en un Refugio [{H}]—solo recibes sus puntos de victoria si está almacenada. Si está almacenada, todos los ataques automáticos de todos los Bastiones de la Oscuridad [{D}] y de todos los Bastiones de la Sombra [{S}] tienen menos uno al poder y un golpe menos (hasta un mínimo de uno). Una vez girada, no puede girarse ninguna otra copia de esta carta.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "PasstheDoorsofDolGuldur.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "John Howe" }, "DM-155": { "id": "DM-155", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Rebuild the Town", "es": "Reconstruir la Ciudad", "de": "Wiederaufbau der Stadt", "fr": "Reconstruire la ville", "it": "", "nl": "Rebuild the Town", "fi": "", "ja": "町を再建せよ" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable during the site phase on a non-Dragon’s lair, non-Under-deeps Ruins & Lairs<\/i><\/b> [{R}]. The site becomes a Border-hold [{B}] and all automatic-attacks are removed.<\/p>

Discard Rebuild the Town<\/i> when the site is discarded or returned to its location deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable durante la fase de lugares sobre unas Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}] que no sean una Guarida de Dragón ni un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> El lugar se convierte en un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] y todos los ataques automáticos son eliminados. Descarta Reconstruir la Ciudad<\/i> cuando el lugar es descartado o regrese al mazo de localizaciones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the desolation was now filled with birds and blossoms in spring and fruit and feasting in autumn.”<\/i> —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y en la desolación de Smaug había pájaros y flores en primavera, y fruta y festejos en otoño.”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "RebuildtheTown.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Pascal Yung" }, "DM-156": { "id": "DM-156", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Saw Further and Deeper", "es": "Ver más Lejos y con más Profundidad", "de": "Er blickte weiter und tiefer", "fr": "Clairvoyant et perspicace", "it": "", "nl": "Saw Further and Deeper", "fi": "", "ja": "誰よりも遠く深く見て" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable only if your Wizard is not revealed.<\/i><\/b> Your general influence is increased by 5. Your Wizard may only be brought into play at his home site. Discard when you bring your Wizard into play. Cannot be duplicated by a given player.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo se puede jugar si no has revelado tu Mago.<\/i><\/b> Tu influencia general es incrementada en 5. Tu Mago solo puede entrar en juego en su lugar natal. Descartar cuando entre en juego tu Mago. No puede ser duplicada por un mismo jugador.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… he welcomed Mithrandir at the Grey Havens, knowing whence he came and whither he would return.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… dio la bienvenida a Mithrandir en los Puertos Grises, pues sabía de dónde venia y a dónde retornaría.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SawFurtherandDeeper.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Alan Guitierrez" }, "DM-157": { "id": "DM-157", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Secret Ways", "es": "Caminos Secretos", "de": "Geheime Wege", "fr": "Chemins secrets", "it": "", "nl": "Secret Ways", "fi": "", "ja": "秘密の抜け道" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

The roll required to move between adjacent Under-deeps sites is decreased by 4. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

La tirada necesaria para moverse entre Lugares de las Profundidades adyacentes es reducida en 4. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘In that despair, my enemy was my only hope, and I pursued him, clutching at his heel. Thus he brought me at last to the secret ways of Khazad-dûm too well he knew them all…’”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘En aquella desesperanza, mi enemigo era la única salvación, y fui detrás de él, pisándole los talones. Terminó al fin por llevarme a los caminos secretos de Khazad-dûm; demasiado bien los conocía…’”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SecretWays.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Larry Elmore" }, "DM-158": { "id": "DM-158", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Sentinels of Númenor", "es": "Centinelas de Númenor", "de": "Schildwachen von Númenor", "fr": "Sentinelles de Númenor", "it": "", "nl": "Sentinels of Númenor", "fi": "", "ja": "ヌーメノールの番人" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Place this card in your marshalling points pile. Any attempt (by any player) to influence a faction playable at a site in Anórien, Lebennin, Lamedon, Belfalas, or Anfalas (except Army of the Dead<\/i>) is modified by -2 and cannot be attempted with Muster<\/i>. Place any such faction you successfully influence (while this card is in play) under this card. All factions under this card give an additional marshalling point. Discard when any faction under this card is discarded (all other contained factions remain). Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Coloca esta carta en tu pila de puntos de victoria. Cualquier intento (por cualquier jugador) de influir una facción jugable en un lugar de: Anórien, Lebennin, Lamedon, Belfalas, o Anfalas (excepto el Ejército de los Muertos<\/i>), es modificado con un -2 y no se puede intentar con Acantonamiento<\/i>. Coloca cualquiera de estas facciones influenciada con éxito (mientras esta carta esté en juego) bajo esta carta. Todas las facciones bajo esta carta dan un punto de victoria adicional. Descartar cuando se descarte cualquier facción bajo esta carta (todas las demás facciones contenidas permanecen). No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "SentinelsofNumenor.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "DM-159": { "id": "DM-159", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Smoke Rings", "es": "Anillos de Humo", "de": "Rauchringe", "fr": "Ronds de fumée", "it": "", "nl": "Smoke Rings", "fi": "", "ja": "煙の輪" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Bring one resource or character from your sideboard or discard pile into your play deck and shuffle.<\/p>", "es": "

Coge un recurso o un personaje de tu baraja complementaria o tu pila de descartes y barájalo en tu mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Then Gandalf’s smoke-ring would go green and come back to hover over the wizard’s head. … and in the dim light it made him look strange and sorcerous.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Luego el anillo de Gandalf tomaba un color verde, y bajaba a flotar sobre la cabeza del mago… y a la luz indistinta parecía una figura extraña y fantasmagórica.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SmokeRings.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Stephen Schwartz" }, "DM-160": { "id": "DM-160", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Token of Goodwill", "es": "Prenda de Buena Voluntad", "de": "Zeichen guten Willens", "fr": "Preuve de bonne volonté", "it": "", "nl": "Token of Goodwill", "fi": "", "ja": "善意のしるし" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event", "keywords": [ "Offering attempt" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Offering Attempt.<\/i> Playable on a diplomat whose company is facing an attack of the type listed below.<\/i><\/b> Target diplomat makes a corruption check. If he does not fail, discard an item from his company (as listed below) to make a roll adding the diplomat’s unused direct influence. If the result is greater than the listed values, the attack is canceled, and you may take one resource from your play deck or discard pile into your hand (reshuffle play deck if searched). Against a Dragon: greater item\/5, against a Drake: major item\/6, against Men, Slayer, or any Agent: minor item\/7.<\/p>", "es": "

Intento de Oferta.<\/i> Jugable sobre un diplomático cuya compañía se enfrente a un ataque del tipo indicado a continuación.<\/i><\/b> El diplomático objetivo hace un chequeo de corrupción. Si no lo falla, descarta un objeto de su compañía (como se indica a continuación) para hacer una tirada añadiendo la influencia directa sin utilizar del diplomático. Si el resultado es superior que los valores enumerados, el ataque es cancelado, y puedes coger un recurso de tu mazo de juego o pila de descartes y ponerlo en tu mano (baraja el mazo de juego si has buscado en él). Contra un Dragón: gran objeto\/5, contra un Drake: objeto mayor\/6, contra Hombres, Exterminadores, o cualquier Agente: objeto menor\/7.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TokenofGoodwill.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Lori Deitrick" }, "DM-161": { "id": "DM-161", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "To the Uttermost Foundations", "es": "Hasta las Extremas Fundaciones", "de": "Bis zu den Grundfesten der Erde", "fr": "Aux fondements les plus reculés", "it": "", "nl": "To the Uttermost Foundations", "fi": "", "ja": "いやはての石の土台の上へ" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "(3)", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company at an Under-deeps site during its organization phase<\/i><\/b>; tap site if untapped. This card is played tapped and can only be untapped during your organization phase if the company is at a different Under-deeps site. If untapped and at a Haven [{H}], this card may be stored in your marshalling point pile—only if stored do you receive its marshalling points. Cannot be duplicated on a given company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía en un Lugar de las Profundidades durante su fase de organización;<\/i><\/b> gira el lugar si está enderezado. Esta carta es jugada girada y solo se puede enderezar durante tu fase de organización si la compañía está en un Lugar de las Profundidades diferente. Si está enderezada y en un Refugio [{H}], esta carta puede ser almacenada en tu pila de puntos de victoria—solo recibes sus puntos de victoria si está almacenada. No puede ser duplicada sobre una misma compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TotheUttermostFoundations.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "John Howe" }, "DM-162": { "id": "DM-162", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Vein of Arda", "es": "Vena de Arda", "de": "Die Adern der Welt", "fr": "Veine d'Arda", "it": "", "nl": "Vein of Arda", "fi": "", "ja": "アルダの鉱脈" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Sage or Dwarf only during the site phase at any Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> Tap the sage or Dwarf. Tap the site if it is not already tapped. Sage or Dwarf may not untap until Vein of Arda<\/i> is stored at a Haven [{H}]. Cannot be duplicated at a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo sabios o Enanos durante la fase de lugares en cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> Gira el sabio o el Enano. Gira el lugar si no se encuentra ya girado. El sabio o el Enano no puede enderezarse hasta que Vena de Arda<\/i> sea almacenada en un Refugio [{H}]. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… gems and crystals and veins of precious ore glint in the polished walls…”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… gemas y cristales y venas de mineral precioso resplandecían en las paredes pulimentadas…”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "VeinofArda.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "DM-163": { "id": "DM-163", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "When You Know More", "es": "Cuando Sepas Más", "de": "Wenn ihr mehr wißt", "fr": "Quand vous en saurez plus", "it": "", "nl": "When You Know More", "fi": "", "ja": "もっと事情をお知りになれば" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Light Enchantment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Light enchantment.<\/i> Playable on a sage during the site phase at a site where Information is playable.<\/i><\/b> Tap sage and site.<\/p>

Tap sage to modify one influence attempt by a character in his company by +2. Sage makes a corruption check.<\/p>", "es": "

Encantamiento de Luz. <\/i>Jugable sobre un sabio durante la fase de lugares en un lugar en el que se pueda jugar Información.<\/i><\/b> Gira el sabio y el lugar.<\/p>

Gira el sabio para modificar con un +2 un intento de influencia realizado por un personaje de su compañía. El sabio debe realizar un chequeo de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘When you know more you will understand why you have angered my companions. We intend no evil…’”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘Cuando sepas más, entenderás por qué has molestado a mis compañeros. No queremos ningún mal...’” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WhenYouKnowMore.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Eric David Anderson" }, "DM-164": { "id": "DM-164", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "The Windlord Found Me", "es": "El Señor del Viento me Encontró", "de": "Der Herr der Winde eilt herbei", "fr": "Le Seigneur des Vents me trouva", "it": "", "nl": "The Windlord Found Me", "fi": "", "ja": "風早彦が見つけてくれた" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "miscellaneous", "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable at an untapped Isengard, Shadow-hold <\/i><\/b>[{S}], or Dark-hold <\/i><\/b>[{D}] during the site phase.<\/i><\/b>Tap the site. The company faces an Orc attack (4 strikes with 9 prowess). Afterwards, a character may tap and place this card under him. If you do not place this card with a character after the attack, discard it. That character may not untap until after this card is stored in a Haven [{H}] during the organization phase. When this card is stored, and if your Wizard is not already in play, you may search your play deck or discard pile for a Wizard and play him at that Haven [{H}] (does not count towards the one character per turn limit). Cannot be duplicated by a given player. Cannot be included in a Fallen-wizard's deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable en Isengard, un Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}], o un Bastión de la Oscuridad <\/i><\/b>[{D}] durante la fase de lugares si está enderazado.<\/i><\/b> Gira el lugar. La compañía se enfrenta a un ataque de Orcos (4 golpes de poder 9). A continuación, un personaje puede girarse y colocar esta carta debajo suyo. Si no colocas esta carta con un personaje después del ataque, descártala. Ese personaje no se puede enderezar hasta después de que esta carta sea almacenada en un Refugio [{H}] durante la fase de organización. Cuando esta carta es almacenada, y si tu Mago todavía no está en juego, puedes buscar en tu mazo de juego o tu pila de descartes un Mago y jugarlo en ese Refugio [{H}] (no cuenta para el límite de un personaje por turno). No puede ser duplicada por un mismo jugador. No se puede incluir en un mazo de Mago Renegado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheWindlordFoundMe.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Vicenç Luján" }, "DM-165": { "id": "DM-165", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Withdrawn to Mordor", "es": "Retirada a Mordor", "de": "Zurück nach Mordor", "fr": "Ramené au Mordor", "it": "", "nl": "Withdrawn to Mordor", "fi": "", "ja": "モルドールへの撤退" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a face-up agent.<\/i><\/b> If the agent has a mind of 5 or less, it is discarded. If its mind is 6 or greater, return the agent to its owner’s hand.<\/p>

Alternatively, an on-guard card is discarded.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un agente descubierto.<\/i><\/b> Si el agente tiene una mente de 5 o menos, es descartado. Si su mente es de 6 o más, devuelve el agente a la mano de su propietario.<\/p>

Alternativamente, una carta en guardia es descartada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘He was loth to speak and his tale was unclear, but it is beyond all doubt that he went to mordor, and there all that he knew was forced from him.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘Se resistía a hablar, y su relato no era claro, pero no hay ninguna duda de que estuvo en Mordor, y que allí le sacaron todo lo que sabía.’” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WithdrawntoMordor.jpg", "rarity": "C1", "artist": "Donato Giancola" }, "DM-166": { "id": "DM-166", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Aiglos", "es": "Aiglos", "de": "Aiglos", "fr": "Aiglos", "it": "", "nl": "Aiglos", "fi": "", "ja": "アイグロス" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "3", "marshallingPoints": "5", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "body": "+1", "prowess": "+2(5)", "subtype": "Special Item", "directInfluence": "+2" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at any Under-deeps Dark-hold <\/i><\/b>[{D}] or Shadow-hold <\/i><\/b>[{S}]. Weapon. Warrior only:<\/i> +2 prowess (+5 if Doors of Night<\/i> is in play) (to a maximum of 11); +1 body (to a maximum of 10); -2 to target's body; +3 direct influence against Elves and Elf factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Jugable en cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad <\/i><\/b>[{D}] o Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}] de las Profundidades<\/i><\/b>. Arma. Solo guerreros:<\/i> +2 al poder (+5 si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>) hasta un máximo de 11; +1 a la resistencia (hasta un máximo de 10); -2 a la resistencia de los oponentes; +3 a la influencia directa contra Elfos y facciones de Elfos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… for the Spear of Gil-galad and the Sword of Elendil, Aiglos and Narsil, none could withstand.’”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“‘… pues nada podía resistirse a la lanza de Gil-galad y a la espada de Elendil: Aiglos y Narsil’”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Aiglos.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-167": { "id": "DM-167", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Dragon-helm", "es": "Yelmo de Dragón", "de": "Drachenhelm", "fr": "Heaume-Dragon", "it": "", "nl": "Dragon-helm", "fi": "", "ja": "竜の兜" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "2", "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "body": "+2", "prowess": "+1", "subtype": "Special Item", "directInfluence": "+3" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable at any Under-deeps Dark-hold<\/i><\/b> [{D}] or Shadow-hold <\/i><\/b>[{S}]. Helmet. Warrior only:<\/i> +1 prowess; +2 body (to a maximum of 10); +3 direct influence. Tap Dragon-helm<\/i> to cancel one Dragon or Drake attack against the bearer's company.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Jugable en cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad <\/i><\/b>[{D}] o Bastión de la Sombra <\/i><\/b>[{S}] de las Profundidades<\/i><\/b>. Yelmo. Solo guerreros:<\/i> +1 al poder; +2 a la resistencia (hasta un máximo de 10); +3 a la influencia directa. Gira el Yelmo de Dragón<\/i> para cancelar un ataque de Dragones o Draques contra la compañía del portador.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“It was Túrin who, grim in heart, wore the Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin in battle on the marches of Doriath and fought beside Beleg Cúthalion.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Fue Turín Turambar quien, con el corazón torvo, llevó el Yelmo de Dragón de Dor-lómin en combate por las fronteras de Doriath y luchó junto a Beleg Cúthalion.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Dragonhelm.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-168": { "id": "DM-168", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Dwarven Light-stone", "es": "Piedra de Luz Enana", "de": "Zwergenlampe", "fr": "Pierre de lumière des Nains", "it": "", "nl": "Dwarven Light-stone", "fi": "", "ja": "ドワーフの明かり石" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable at any Under-deeps site. <\/i><\/b>+2 to all rolls required for bearer’s company to move to an adjacent site in the Under-deeps. Tap Dwarven Light-stone:<\/i> to modify by -2 the prowess of one Orc or Troll attack or <\/b>to modify by -2 the prowess of one attack for which “weapons do not modify the target’s prowess” (e. g., Trap, Lava Flow, etc.).<\/p>", "es": "" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… as once shone in Khazad-dûm; and when we wished we would drive away the night…”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

Jugable en un Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> +2 a todas las tiradas realizadas por la compañía del portador para moverse hasta un Lugar de las Profundidades adyacente. Gira la Piedra de Luz Enana:<\/i> para modificar con un -2 el poder de un ataque de orcos o trolls o<\/b> modificar con un -2 el poder de un ataque para el que “las armas no modifican el poder del objetivo” (como Trampa, Flujo de Lava, etc.).<\/p>" }, "image": "DwarvenLightstone.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "N. Taylor Blanchard" }, "DM-169": { "id": "DM-169", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Forgotten Scrolls", "es": "Pergaminos Olvidados", "de": "Vergessene Schriften", "fr": "Parchemins oubliés", "it": "", "nl": "Forgotten Scrolls", "fi": "", "ja": "忘れ去られた巻きもの" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Minor Item", "keywords": [ "Lost Knowledge" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Lost Knowledge.<\/i> Can also be played at Minas Tirith if the site is tapped.<\/i><\/b> Cannot be included with a starting company. After this item is played, the bearer faces an attack (cannot be canceled): Trap — 1 strike with 8 prowess (weapons do not modify prowess against this strike). If its bearer is at a Ruins & Lairs [{R}], discard Forgotten Scrolls<\/i> to make information playable at the site until the end of the turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Conocimiento Perdido.<\/i> También puede ser jugado en Minas Tirith si el lugar está girado.<\/i><\/b> No puede ser incluido en una compañía inicial. Después de jugar este objeto, el portador debe enfrentarse a un ataque (que no puede ser cancelado): Trampa — 1 golpe de poder 8 (las armas no modifican el poder contra este golpe). Si el portador se encuentra en unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}], descarta Pergaminos Olvidados<\/i> para poder jugar información en ese lugar hasta el final del turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ForgottenScrolls.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-170": { "id": "DM-170", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Gems of Arda", "es": "Gemas de Arda", "de": "Gemmen von Arda", "fr": "Gemmes d'Arda", "it": "", "nl": "Gems of Arda", "fi": "", "ja": "アルダの宝石" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "corruption": "3", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable at The Gem-deeps. If you have a stored Vein of Arda, playable at any Under-deeps site.<\/i><\/b> During any organization phase in which you store Gems of Arda<\/i>, you may immediately tap a character in the same company and play a non-special item with him from your hand or discard pile. This item must be identical to an item that your opponent has already stored. Your opponent's stored item is discarded, and you may never store the item you played.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable en Los Subterráneos de las Gemas. Si has almacenado una Vena de Arda, se puede jugar en cualquier Lugar de las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> Durante una fase de organización en la que almacenes Gemas de Arda<\/i>, puedes girar inmediatamente un personaje de la misma compañía y jugar sobre él un objeto no especial desde tu mano o desde la pila de descartes. Dicho objeto debe ser idéntico a un objeto que tu oponente haya almacenado. El objeto de tu oponente se descarta, y tú nunca puedes almacenar el objeto que acabas de jugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GemsofArda.jpg", "rarity": "R3", "artist": "Tom Cross" }, "DM-171": { "id": "DM-171", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Leaf Brooch", "es": "Broche de Hojas", "de": "Elbenbrosche", "fr": "Broche-feuille", "it": "", "nl": "Leaf Brooch", "fi": "", "ja": "木の葉のブローチ" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Only playable at Lórien<\/i><\/b>. If a non-special item must be discarded from the company of Leaf Brooch’s<\/i> bearer (according to any hazard or resource effect), you may discard Leaf Brooch<\/i> instead to fulfill this requirement.<\/p>", "es": "

Solo se puede jugar en Lórien.<\/i><\/b> Si se debe descartar un objeto que no sea especial de la compañía del portador del Broche de Hojas<\/i> (de acuerdo con cualquier efecto de adversidad o recurso), puedes descartar el Broche de Hojas<\/i> para cumplir dicho requisito.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“It looked like the new-opened leaf of a beech tree, fair and strange in that treeless plain.”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Parecía como la hoja recién florecida de una haya, hermoso y extraño en aquella llanura sin arboles.”<\/i> —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LeafBrooch.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-172": { "id": "DM-172", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Lost Tome", "es": "Tomo Perdido", "de": "Verlorene Bücher", "fr": "Grimoire perdu", "it": "", "nl": "Lost Tome", "fi": "", "ja": "失われた本" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Minor Item", "keywords": [ "Lost Knowledge" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Lost Knowledge.<\/i> Cannot be included with a starting company. After this item is played, the bearer faces an attack (cannot be canceled): Trap — 1 strike with 9 prowess (weapons do not modify prowess against this strike). If its bearer is at a Shadow-hold [{S}] or Dark-hold [{D}], discard Lost Tome<\/i> to make information playable at the site until the end of the turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Conocimiento Perdido.<\/i> No puede ser incluido en una compañía inicial. Después de jugar este objeto, el portador debe enfrentarse a un ataque (que no puede ser cancelado): Trampa — 1 golpe de poder 9 (las armas no modifican el poder contra este golpe). Si el portador se encuentra en un Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] o un Bastión de la Oscuridad [{D}] descarta el Tomo Perdido<\/i> para poder jugar información en ese lugar hasta final de turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LostTome.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-173": { "id": "DM-173", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Mithril", "es": "Mithril", "de": "Mithril", "fr": "Mithril", "it": "", "nl": "Mithril", "fi": "", "ja": "ミスリル" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "3", "marshallingPoints": "3(7)", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable with a Sage or Dwarf only during the site phase at The Under-gates if you have a stored Vein of Arda. <\/i><\/b>Sage or Dwarf may not untap until Mithril<\/i> is stored at a Haven [{H}]. Mithril<\/i> is worth 7 marshalling points when stored. During any organization phase in which you store Mithril<\/i>, <\/i><\/b>you may immediately tap a character in the same company and play with him a non-unique, non-special weapon, armor, shield, or helmet from your hand or discard pile. When Mithril<\/i> is stored, each Dwarf in play must immediately make a corruption check modified by -3.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Jugable sobre un sabio o un Enano durante la fase de lugares en Las Puertas de las Profundidades si has almacenado una Vena de Arda. <\/i><\/b>El sabio o el Enano no puede enderezarse hasta que Mithril<\/i> sea almacenado en un Refugio [{H}]. Otorga 7 puntos de victoria cuando es almacenado. Durante cualquier fase de organización en la que almacenes Mithril<\/i>, puedes girar un personaje de la misma compañia y jugar sobre él un arma, armadura, escudo, o yelmo que tengas en tu mano o en tu pila de descartes y que no sea único ni especial. Cuando se almacena todos los enanos que estén en juego deben hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -3.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Mithril.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Jeffrey Reitz" }, "DM-174": { "id": "DM-174", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Necklace of Girion", "es": "Collar de Girion", "de": "Halsschmuck von Girion", "fr": "Collier de Girion", "it": "", "nl": "Necklace of Girion", "fi": "", "ja": "銀と真珠の首飾り" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "3", "marshallingPoints": "4", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item", "directInfluence": "(+4)", "keywords": [ "Hoard Item" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Only playable at The Lonely Mountain.<\/i><\/b> Bearer receives +3 direct influence against Dwarves\/Men and Dwarf\/Man factions. If bearer is at a Free-hold [{F}] or Border-hold [{B}], he can make a corruption check, and, if successful, you may discard Necklace of Girion<\/i> to play any non-special item from your hand with its bearer.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Solo se puede jugar en La Montaña Solitaria.<\/i><\/b> El portador recibe un +3 a la influencia directa contra Enanos\/Hombres y facciones de Enanos\/Hombres. Si el portador se encuentra en un Bastión Libre [{F}] o Bastión Fronterizo [{B}], puede realizar un chequeo de corrupción y, si tiene éxito, puedes descartar el Collar de Girion<\/i> para jugar cualquier objeto no especial que tengas en la mano sobre su portador.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the necklace of Girion, lord of Dale, made of five hundred emeralds green as grass…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… el collar de Girion, señor de Valle, hecho de quinientas esmeraldas verdes como la hierba…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "NecklaceofGirion.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Jeffrey Reitz" }, "DM-175": { "id": "DM-175", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Noldo-lantern", "es": "Linterna Noldo", "de": "Laterne der Noldo", "fr": "Lanterne noldo", "it": "", "nl": "Noldo-lantern", "fi": "", "ja": "ノルドのランタン" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "corruption": "2", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable at any Under-deeps site. <\/i><\/b>+2 to all rolls required for bearer’s company to move to an adjacent site in the Under-deeps. Tap Noldo-lantern<\/i> to give -2 prowess and one less strike (to a minimum of one) to any Undead, Nazgûl, Orc, or Troll attack against the bearer's company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable en cualquier Lugar en las Profundidades.<\/i><\/b> +2 a todas las tiradas realizadas por la compañía del portador para moverse a un Lugar de las Profundidades adyacente. Gira la Linterna Noldo<\/i> para dar -2 al poder y un golpe menos (hasta un mínimo de uno) a cualquier ataque de Muertos Vivientes, Nazgúl, Orcos, o Trolls contra la compañia del portador.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… one of them uncovered a small lamp that gave out a slender silver beam.”<\/i> —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… uno de ellos descubrió un farol pequeño que emitía un delgado rayo de plata.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Noldolantern.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Audrey Corman" }, "DM-176": { "id": "DM-176", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Phial of Galadriel", "es": "Luz de Galadriel", "de": "Galadriels Phiole", "fr": "Fiole de Galadriel", "it": "", "nl": "Phial of Galadriel", "fi": "", "ja": "ガラドリエルの瓶" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "corruption": "0", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "item", "subtype": "Special Item" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. Playable on a non-Wizard, non-Dwarf bearer of Star-glass at a Haven <\/i><\/b>[{H}] in the same company as an untapped Galadriel.<\/i><\/b> Tap Galadriel, replace Star-glass<\/i> with Phial of Galadriel,<\/i> and remove Star-glass<\/i> from play. Tap Phial<\/i> to cancel any Undead attack against the bearer's company. Tap Phial<\/i> to modify the prowess of any hazard creature attack against the bearer's company keyed to a Dark-domain [{d}], Shadow-land [{s}], Dark-hold [{D}], or Shadow-hold [{S}] by -2 — you choose targets of such an attack’s strikes (regardless of tapped status, wounded status, and the normal abilities of the attack). Tap Phial<\/i> to give +2 to any corruption check by its bearer. Cannot be transferred.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. Jugable sobre un portador de un Vial de Galadriel que no sea Mago ni Enano y que se encuentre en un Refugio <\/i><\/b>[{H}] y en la misma compañía que Galadriel, que debe estar enderezada.<\/i><\/b> Gira a Galadriel, reemplaza el Vial de Galadriel<\/i> por la Luz de Galadriel<\/i>, y elimina del juego el Vial de Galadriel<\/i>. Gira la Luz de Galadriel<\/i> para cancelar cualquier ataque de Muertos Vivientes contra la compañía del portador. Gira la Luz de Galadriel <\/i>para modificar en un -2 el poder de cualquier ataque de adversidad-criatura contra la compañía del portador situada en una Región de la Oscuridad [{d}], Tierra de la Sombra [{s}], Bastión de la Oscuridad [{D}], o Bastión de la Sombra [{S}] — tú eliges los objetivos de los golpes del ataque (sin importar que estén girados, heridos, ni las habilidades normales del ataque). Gira la Luz de Galadriel<\/i> para dar +2 a cualquier chequeo de corrupción realizado por su portador. No puede ser transferido.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "PhialofGaladriel.jpg", "rarity": "R2", "artist": "Romas Kukalis" }, "DM-177": { "id": "DM-177", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Lindion the Oronín", "es": "Lindion el Oronín", "de": "Lindion der Oronín", "fr": "Lindion l'Oronin", "it": "", "nl": "Lindion the Oronín", "fi": "", "ja": "オロニンのリンディオン" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "9", "prowess": "3", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Warrior", "mind": "2" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique<\/i>. Playable at Stone-circle.<\/i><\/b> Tap Lindion the Oronín<\/i> to cancel an Animal or Spider attack against his company. Eagle-mounts<\/i> can be played on his company regardless of their site or the presence of a diplomat.<\/p>", "es": "

Único<\/i>. Jugable en el Círculo de Piedras.<\/i><\/b> Gira a Lindion el Oronín<\/i> para cancelar un ataque contra su compañía de Animales o Arañas. Se puede jugar Viaje en Águilas<\/i> sobre su compañia, no importa el lugar en el que se encuentre o que haya un diplomático.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The fays of the mountains pipe melodies that harmonize with wind and weather, pleasing to the ears of all creatures aloft on wings.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los duendes de las montañas entonan melodías que armonizan con el viento y el tiempo, agradando los oídos de todas las criaturas dotadas de alas.”<\/i> <\/i><\/b>—<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LindiontheOronin.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Ron Miller" }, "DM-178": { "id": "DM-178", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Mistress Lobelia", "es": "Señora Lobelia", "de": "Lobelia", "fr": "Madame Lobelia", "it": "", "nl": "Mistress Lobelia", "fi": "", "ja": "ロベリア奥様" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "9", "prowess": "0", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Scout", "mind": "3" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. <\/i>May only be played at Bag End or Bree. <\/i><\/b>Discard this card if her company moves to any site other than Bree, Old Forest, The White Towers, or a site in The Shire. Tap Mistress Lobelia<\/i> to search your discard pile or play deck for any one item, ally, or faction playable at her current site. Place the resource in your hand and reshuffle your play deck.<\/p>", "es": "

Única.<\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Lobelia Sacovilla-Bolsón. <\/i>Solo puede ser jugada en Bolsón Cerrado o en Bree.<\/i><\/b> Descartar esta carta si su compañía se mueve a cualquier lugar que no sea Bree, el Bosque Viejo. Las Torres Blancas, o un lugar de La Comarca. Gira a Señora Lobelia<\/i> para buscar en tu pila de descartes o tu mazo de juego un objeto, aliado, o facción jugable en el lugar en el que se encuentre. Pon el recurso en tu mano y vuelve a barajar tu mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "MistressLobelia.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "John Howe" }, "DM-179": { "id": "DM-179", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Noble Hound", "es": "Noble Sabueso", "de": "Treuer Hund", "fr": "Noble chien", "it": "", "nl": "Noble Hound", "fi": "", "ja": "気高き猟犬" }, "type": "Resource", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "ally", "body": "6", "prowess": "3", "subtype": "Ally", "skills": "Ally", "mind": "1" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable at any tapped or untapped Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}]. In all cases, Noble Hound<\/i> must be assigned a strike before any strike can be assigned to its controlling character. If Noble Hound<\/i> is tapped or wounded, treat it as though it were untapped for the purposes of assigning strikes. Discard Noble Hound<\/i> to cancel any effect that would take its controlling character prisoner (does not protect other characters from being taken prisoner).<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable en cualquier Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] girado o enderezado<\/i><\/b>. En todos los casos, el Noble Sabueso<\/i> debe ser asignado como objetivo de un golpe antes de que lo sea el personaje que lo controla. Si el Noble Sabueso<\/i> está girado o herido, trátalo como si estuviera enderezado para propósito de asignación de golpes. Descarta el Noble Sabueso<\/i> para cancelar cualquier efecto que hiciera tomar prisionero al personaje que lo controla (no protege a otros personajes de ser tomados prisioneros).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "NobleHound.jpg", "rarity": "C2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "DM-180": { "id": "DM-180", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Folco Boffin", "es": "Folco Boffin", "de": "Folco Boffin", "fr": "Foulque Bophin", "it": "", "nl": "Folco Boffin", "fi": "", "ja": "フォルコ・ボフィン" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Hero", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "0", "race": "Hobbit", "subtype": "", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Bag End", "es": "Bolsón Cerrado" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Unless he is one of the starting characters, he may only be brought into play at his home site. All of his corruption checks are modified by +2. You may discard Folco Boffin at a Haven to play any Hobbit from your hand with his company.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> A menos que sea uno de los personajes iniciales, sólo puede entrar en juego en su lugar natal. Todos sus chequeos de corrupción son modificados con un +2. Puedes descartar a Folco Boffin en un Refugio para jugar cualquier Hobbit de tu mano con su compañía.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Some of Frodo’s friends came to stay and help him with the packing…” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Algunos amigos de Frodo llegaron para ayudarle a embalar…” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "FolcoBoffin.jpg", "rarity": "U2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "DM-181": { "id": "DM-181", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Baugúr", "es": "Baugúr", "de": "Baugúr", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Baugúr", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "prowess": "4", "body": "8", "agent": true, "race": "Orc", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Isengard", "es": "Isengard" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b>Half-orc. Agent. Leader.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 8. +2 direct influence against Orcs and Orc factions. Agent only:<\/i> Cannot move to Free-holds [{F}] and Border-holds [{B}].<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b>Medio-orco. Agente. Líder.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8. +2 a su influencia directa contra Orcos y facciones de Orcos. Solo Agente:<\/i> No puede moverse a un Bastión Libre [{F}] y Bastión Fronterizo [{B}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘But these creatures of Isengard, these half-orcs and goblinmen that the foul craft of Saruman has bred, they will not quail at the sun,’ said Gamling.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻPero estas criaturas de Isengard, estos semi-orcos y hombres-bestiales fabricados por las artes inmundas de Saruman, no retrocederán a la luz del solʼ, dijo Gamelin” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Baugur.jpg", "rarity": "P", "artist": "Jo Hartwig" }, "DM-182": { "id": "DM-182", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Freca", "es": "Freca", "de": "Freca", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Freca", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Man", "agent": true, "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Edoras, Dunnish Clan-hold", "es": "Edoras, Fuerte Dunlendino" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +1 direct influence against Riders of Rohan <\/i>and Dunlendings<\/i>.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +1 a su influencia directa contra la facción de los Jinetes de Rohan<\/i> y los Dunlendinos<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Only in Dunland did Men of this race hold to their old speech and manners: a secret folk, unfriendly to the Dúnedain, hating the Rohirrim.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Sólo en las Tierras Brunas los Hombres de esta raza conservaron su propia lengua y costumbres; era éste un pueblo poco comunicativo, estaba enemistado con los Dúnedain, y odiaba a los Rohirrim.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Freca.jpg", "rarity": "P", "artist": "Jo Hartwig" }, "DM-183": { "id": "DM-183", "set": "DM", "name": { "en": "Wolf", "es": "Wolf", "de": "Wolf", "fr": "", "it": "", "nl": "Wolf", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "race": "Man", "agent": true, "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Edoras, Dunnish Clan-hold", "es": "Edoras, Fuerte Dundlendino" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Agent.<\/i> +2 direct influence against Dunlendings<\/i>.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Agente.<\/i> +2 a su influencia directa contra la facción de los Dunlendinos<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Yet there are many that cry in the Dunland tongue,’ said Gamling. ‘… Hark! They hate us, and they are glad;…ʼ” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻSin embargo hay muchos que gritan en la lengua de las Tierras Pardasʼ, dijo Gamelin… ʻ¡Escucha! Nos odian y están contentos;…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Wolf.jpg", "rarity": "P", "artist": "Jo Hartwig" } }, "order": 3 }, "LE": { "id": "LE", "name": { "en": "The Lidless Eye", "es": "El Ojo sin Párpado", "fr": "L'oeil de Sauron" }, "context": "standard", "extendsFromSetId": null, "isReleased": true, "imageBaseUrl": { "en": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/en-remaster\/le\/", "es": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/es-remaster\/le\/", "fr": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/DavRupprecht\/meccg-fr\/le\/", "enOriginal": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/en-original\/le\/", "esOriginal": "https:\/\/cdn.jsdelivr.net\/gh\/council-of-rivendell\/meccg-remaster\/es-original\/le\/" }, "cards": { "LE-1": { "id": "LE-1", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Asternak", "es": "Asternak", "de": "Asternak", "fr": "Asternak", "it": "", "nl": "Asternak", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "prowess": "5", "body": "7", "race": "Man", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Variag Camp", "es": "Campamento Variag" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +2 direct influence against any faction playable at Variag Camp.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +2 a su influencia directa contra cualquier facción jugable en el Campamento Variag.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Killer and slave-trader, Asternak knew all the roads and ways in both Khand and Nurn.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻAsesino y mercader de esclavos, Asternak conocía todos los caminos y senderos de Khand y Nurn.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Asternak.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Stephen Schwartz" }, "LE-2": { "id": "LE-2", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Belegorn", "es": "Belegorn", "de": "Belegorn", "fr": "Belegorn", "it": "", "nl": "Belegorn", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Sage\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "race": "Dúnadan", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Carn Dûm", "es": "Carn Dûm" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Can use spirit-magic.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Puede utilizar magia espiritual.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… some single power and will was directing the assault from many quarters upon the survivors of Númenor.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… algún poder o voluntad dirigía el ataque desde diferentes frentes sobre los supervivientes de Númenor.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Belegorn.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Stephen Schwartz" }, "LE-3": { "id": "LE-3", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Bróin", "es": "Bróin", "de": "Bróin", "fr": "Bróïn", "it": "", "nl": "Bróin", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "3", "race": "Dwarf", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Moria", "es": "Moria" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +1 prowess against Orcs and Elves.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +1 a su poder contra Orcos y Elfos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Though they could be slain or broken, they could not be reduced to shadows enslaved to another will…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Aunque podían ser muertos o quebrantados, no era posible reducirlos a sombras esclavizadas a otra voluntad…” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Broin.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "LE-4": { "id": "LE-4", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Calendal", "es": "Calendal", "de": "Calendal", "fr": "Calendal", "it": "", "nl": "Calendal", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Sage", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Elf", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Dol Guldur", "es": "Dol Guldur" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> May tap to use a Palantír he bears. +2 direct influence against Elves and Elf factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Puede ser girado para utilizar una Palantír que él porte. +2 a su influencia directa contra Elfos y facciones de Elfos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… lingered in the twilight of our Sun and Moon but loved best the stars…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Miraba el crepúsculo de nuestro sol y nuestra luna, pero amaba más las estrellas…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Calendal.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Rebecca Guay" }, "LE-5": { "id": "LE-5", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Carambor", "es": "Carambor", "de": "Carambor", "fr": "Carambor", "it": "", "nl": "Carambor", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "race": "Elf", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Carn Dûm", "es": "Carn Dûm" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> May tap at the end of his company's movement\/hazard phase to allow it to move to an additional site on the same turn. Another site card may be played and another movement\/hazard phase immediately follows for his company. The new site path must contain at least one Wilderness [{w}].<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Puede ser girado al final de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades para permitir que su compañía se mueva a un lugar adicional este mismo turno. Puede jugarse una nueva carta de lugar y la compañía realiza inmediatamente otra fase de movimiento\/adversidades. El nuevo itinerario de la compañía debe tener al menos una Tierra Salvaje [{w}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Carambor.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Tom Cross" }, "LE-6": { "id": "LE-6", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ciryaher", "es": "Ciryaher", "de": "Ciryaher", "fr": "Ciryaher", "it": "", "nl": "Ciryaher", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Sage", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "2", "race": "Dúnadan", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Barad-dûr", "es": "Barad-dûr" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Can use shadow-magic.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Puede utilizar magia de las sombras.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Thus the shadow deepened, and the thought of death darkened the hearts of the people.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Así, la sombra creció y el pensamiento de la muerte oscurecía el corazón de la gente.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Ciryaher.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "John C. Duke" }, "LE-7": { "id": "LE-7", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Dôgrib", "es": "Dôgrib", "de": "Dunländischer Spion", "fr": "Dôgrib", "it": "", "nl": "Dôgrib", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "4", "race": "Man", "mind": "2", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Lossadan Camp", "es": "Campamento Lossadan" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> -1 to all corruption checks.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> -1 a todos sus chequeos de corrupción<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… you may stay here till the Witch-king goes home. For in summer his power wanes; but now his breath is deadly, and his cold arm is long.’” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… podrás quedarte aquí hasta que el Rey Brujo vuelva a casa. Porque en verano pierde poder; pero ahora su aliento es mortal y muy largo su brazo frío.ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Dogrib.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "LE-8": { "id": "LE-8", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Dorelas", "es": "Dorelas", "de": "Dôgrib", "fr": "Dorelas", "it": "", "nl": "Dorelas", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Sage", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "2", "race": "Man", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Lond Galen", "es": "Lond Galen" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the sun went down like blood behind Pinnath Gelin…” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… el sol se puso teñido de sangre tras el Pinnath Gelin…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Dorelas.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "LE-9": { "id": "LE-9", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Dunlending Spy", "es": "Espía Dunlendino", "de": "Dorelas", "fr": "Espion dunéen", "it": "", "nl": "Dunlending Spy", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "2", "race": "Man", "mind": "1", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Bree", "es": "Bree" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a squint-eyed ill-favoured fellow…” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… un individuo bizco de aspecto sospechoso…”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DunlendingSpy.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "LE-10": { "id": "LE-10", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Eradan", "es": "Eradan", "de": "Eradan", "fr": "Eradan", "it": "", "nl": "Eradan", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Dúnadan", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Sarn Goriwing", "es": "Sarn Goriwing" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… fearless and strong, but caring little for love, save the tales of old battles.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… feroces y fuertes, pero poco preocupados por el amor salvo en los relatos de viejas batallas.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Eradan.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "LE-11": { "id": "LE-11", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Gorbag", "es": "Gorbag", "de": "Gorbag", "fr": "Gorbag", "it": "", "nl": "Gorbag", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "6", "race": "Orc", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Leader", "Uruk-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Minas Morgul", "es": "Minas Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai. Leader.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 9. +3 direct influence against Orcs and Orc factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai. Líder.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +3 a su influencia directa contra Orcos y facciones de Orcos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… you and me’ll slip off and set up somewhere on our own with a few trusty lads, somewhere where there’s good loot nice and handy, and no big bosses.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… si tenemos alguna oportunidad de escapar tú y yo por nuestra cuenta, con algunos muchachos de confianza, a algún lugar donde haya un botín bueno y fácil de conseguir, y nada de grandes patrones.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Gorbag.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "LE-12": { "id": "LE-12", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Grishnákh", "es": "Grishnákh", "de": "Grishnákh", "fr": "Grishnákh", "it": "", "nl": "Grishnákh", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Orc", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Imlad Morgul", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Imlad Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 8.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘They might agree with me, with Grishnákh their trusted messenger…’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻEstarán de acuerdo conmigo, Grishnákh, el mensajero de confianza…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Grishnakh.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-13": { "id": "LE-13", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Gulla", "es": "Gulla", "de": "Gulla", "fr": "Gulla", "it": "", "nl": "Gulla", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "race": "Dwarf", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Carn Dûm", "es": "Carn Dûm" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +1 prowess against Orcs and Elves.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +1 a su poder contra Orcos y Elfos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a great anger without hope burned him as he smote the red iron on the anvil.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y un gran odio sin esperanza ardía en él, mientras golpeaba el hierro rojo sobre el yunque.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Gulla.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "LE-14": { "id": "LE-14", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Hador", "es": "Hador", "de": "Hador", "fr": "Hador", "it": "", "nl": "Hador", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Sage", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "5", "race": "Dúnadan", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Dol Guldur", "es": "Dol Guldur" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Can use sorcery.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Puede utilizar brujería.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… he bought the knowledge dearly…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… pagó caro el conocimiento…”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Hador.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "LE-15": { "id": "LE-15", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Hendolen", "es": "Hendolen", "de": "Hendolen", "fr": "Hendolen", "it": "", "nl": "Hendolen", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Sage\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "race": "Elf", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Minas Morgul", "es": "Minas Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> May tap to cancel a detainment attack against his company. +2 direct influence against Elves and Elf factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Puede ser girado para cancelar un ataque de retención contra su compañía. +2 a su influencia directa contra Elfos y facciones de Elfos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the history of those that returned to Middle-earth in exile was grievous…” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… la historia de quienes regresaron en exilio a la Tierra Media fue azarosa…” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Hendolen.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "LE-16": { "id": "LE-16", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Horseman in the Night", "es": "Jinete Nocturno", "de": "Reiter in der Nacht", "fr": "Cavalier dans la nuit", "it": "", "nl": "Horseman in the Night", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "race": "Man", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

+1 direct influence against any faction.<\/p>", "es": "

+1 a su influencia directa contra cualquier facción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Then about a year ago a messenger came to Dáin, but not from Moria—from Mordor: a horseman in the night, who called Dáin to his gate. The Lord Sauron the Great, so he said, wished for our friendship’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Más tarde, hace un año, un mensajero llegó a Dáin, pero no de Moria—de Mordor: un jinete nocturno que llamó a las puertas de Dáin. El Señor Sauron, el grande, así dijo, deseaba nuestra amistad.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "HorsemanintheNight.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "John Howe" }, "LE-17": { "id": "LE-17", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Jerrek", "es": "Jerrek", "de": "Jerrek", "fr": "Jerrek", "it": "", "nl": "Jerrek", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "race": "Man", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Southron Oasis", "es": "Oasis Sureño" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +1 direct influence against any faction playable at Southron Oasis.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +1 a su influencia directa contra cualquier facción jugable en el Oasis Sureño.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘You speak of the false cripple Sen Jerrek, dark arbitrator, ambassador to thieves, spy for any and all who trade in darkness.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Hablas del falso tullido Sen Jerrek, oscuro mediador, embajador de los ladrones y espía de cualquiera que sirva a la Oscuridad.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Jerrek.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "LE-18": { "id": "LE-18", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lagduf", "es": "Lagduf", "de": "Lagduf", "fr": "Lagduf", "it": "", "nl": "Lagduf", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "race": "Orc", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Uruk-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Imlad Morgul", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Imlad Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 8.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… Gorbag’s swine got to the gate first, and none of ours got out. Lagduf…” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… los cerdos de Gorbag fueron los primeros en llegar a la puerta, y de los nuestros no salió ninguno. Lagduf…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Lagduf.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "LE-19": { "id": "LE-19", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Layos", "es": "Layos", "de": "Layos", "fr": "Layos", "it": "", "nl": "Layos", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Sage\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "3", "race": "Man", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Shrel-Kain", "es": "Shrel-Kain" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +2 direct influence against the Men of Dorwinion<\/i> faction.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +2 a su influencia directa contra la facción de los Hombres de Dorwinion<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘He offered a fine, rich wine and soothing words filled with subtle malice.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻLes ofreció ricos y valiosos vinos y suaves palabras llenas de una sutil malicia.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Layos.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "LE-20": { "id": "LE-20", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lieutenant of Angmar", "es": "Lugarteniente de Angmar", "de": "Statthalter von Angmar", "fr": "Lieutenant d'Angmar", "it": "", "nl": "Lieutenant of Angmar", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "8", "race": "Troll", "mind": "9", "directInfluence": "1", "keywords": [ "Leader", "Olog-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Carn Dûm", "es": "Carn Dûm" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Olog-hai. Leader. Manifestation of Rogrog.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 9. +4 direct influence against Trolls, Orcs, Troll factions, and Orc factions. When he is at Carn Dûm, you may keep one more card than normal in your hand.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Olog-hai. Líder. Manifestación de Rogrog.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +4 a su influencia directa contra Trolls, Orcos, facciones de Trolls, y facciones de Orcos. Cuando se encuentra en Carn Dûm puedes mantener una carta más de lo normal en la mano.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LieutenantofAngmar.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "LE-21": { "id": "LE-21", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lieutenant of Dol Guldur", "es": "Lugarteniente de Dol Guldur", "de": "Statthalter von Dol Guldur", "fr": "Lieutenant de Dol Guldur", "it": "", "nl": "Lieutenant of Dol Guldur", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Sage", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "7", "race": "Troll", "mind": "9", "directInfluence": "3", "keywords": [ "Leader", "Olog-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Dol Guldur", "es": "Dol Guldur" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Olog-hai. Leader. Manifestation of Gorfaur the Lame.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 9. +2 direct influence against Trolls, Orcs, Troll factions, and Orc factions. When he is at Dol Guldur, you may keep one more card than normal in your hand.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Olog-hai. Líder. Manifestación de Gorfaur el Cojo.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +2 a su influencia directa contra Trolls, Orcos, facciones de Trolls, y facciones de Orcos. Cuando se encuentra en Dol Guldur puedes mantener una carta más de lo normal en la mano.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LieutenantofDolGuldur.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Angelo Montanini" }, "LE-22": { "id": "LE-22", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lieutenant of Morgul", "es": "Lugarteniente de Morgul", "de": "Statthalter von Morgul", "fr": "Lieutenant de Morgul", "it": "", "nl": "Lieutenant of Morgul", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "8", "race": "Troll", "mind": "9", "directInfluence": "2", "keywords": [ "Half-troll", "Leader" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Minas Morgul", "es": "Minas Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Half-troll. Leader. Manifestation of Gothmog.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 9. +3 direct influence against Trolls, Orcs, Troll factions, and Orc factions. When he is at Minas Morgul, you may keep one more card than normal in your hand.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Medio-troll. Líder. Manifestación de Gothmog.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +3 a su influencia directa contra Trolls, Orcos, facciones de Trolls, y facciones de Orcos. Cuando se encuentra en Minas Morgul puedes mantener una carta más de lo normal en la mano.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LieutenantofMorgul.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-23": { "id": "LE-23", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Luitprand", "es": "Luitprand", "de": "Luitprand", "fr": "Luitprand", "it": "", "nl": "Luitprand", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "race": "Man", "mind": "1", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Lake-town", "es": "Ciudad del Lago" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The men of the lake-town Esgaroth were mostly indoors, for the breeze was from the black East and chill, but a few were walking on the quays, and watching, as they were fond of doing, the stars…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los hombres de Esgaroth, la Ciudad del Lago, estaban casi todos dentro de las casas, pues la brisa soplaba del este negro y era desapacible: pero unos pocos charlaban en los muelles y miraban, como de costumbre, las estrellas…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Luitprand.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Stephen Schwartz" }, "LE-24": { "id": "LE-24", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "The Mouth", "es": "La Boca", "de": "Der Mund", "fr": "La Bouche", "it": "", "nl": "The Mouth", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "3", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "6", "race": "Man", "mind": "9", "directInfluence": "4", "homeSite": { "en": "Barad-dûr", "es": "Barad-dûr" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Manifestation of Mouth of Sauron.<\/i> +2 direct inlfuence against any faction. Tap during your organization phase to move one resource or character from your discard pile to your play deck and reshuffle. Return The Mouth<\/i> to your hand when Mouth of Sauron<\/i> is played; you may automatically transfer one item he bears to a character in the same company (discard the rest).<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Manifestación de La Boca de Sauron.<\/i> +2 a su influencia directa contra cualquier facción. Gira La Boca <\/i>durante la fase de organización para coger un recurso o personaje de tu pila de descartes y barajarlo en tu mazo de juego. Devuelve La Boca<\/i> a tu mano si La Boca de Sauron <\/i>es jugada; puedes transferir automáticamente un objeto que porte a un personaje en la misma compañía (descarta el resto).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheMouth.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Alan Rabinowitz" }, "LE-25": { "id": "LE-25", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Muzgash", "es": "Muzgash", "de": "Muzgash", "fr": "Muzgash", "it": "", "nl": "Muzgash", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Orc", "mind": "2", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Uruk-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Imlad Morgul", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Imlad Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 8.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Lagduf and Muzgash ran through…’” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Lagduf y Muzgash consiguieron escapar…”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Muzgash.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "LE-26": { "id": "LE-26", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Náin", "es": "Náin", "de": "Náin", "fr": "Náïn", "it": "", "nl": "Náin", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Sage", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "3", "race": "Dwarf", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Dol Guldur", "es": "Dol Guldur" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +1 direct influence against Dwarves and Dwarf factions. +1 prowess against Orcs and Elves.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +1 a su influencia directa contra Enanos y facciones de Enanos. +1 a su poder contra Orcos y Elfos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The lust for gold was ever in his mind.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“No pensaba en otra cosa que en el oro.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Nain.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-27": { "id": "LE-27", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Nevido Smôd", "es": "Nevido Smôd", "de": "Nevido Smôd", "fr": "Nevido Smôd", "it": "", "nl": "Nevido Smôd", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Man", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Easterling Camp", "es": "Campamento Oriental" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +2 direct influence against any faction playable at Easterling Camp.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +2 a su influencia directa contra cualquier facción jugable en el Campamento Oriental.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the Balchoth, having built many great boats and rafts on the east shores of Anduin, swarmed over the River and swept away the defenders.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… los Balchoth, habiendo construído muchos grandes botes y balsas en las costas orientales del Anduin, cruzaron el río como un enjambre y barrieron a los defensores.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "NevidoSmod.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "LE-28": { "id": "LE-28", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Odoacer", "es": "Odoacer", "de": "Odoacer", "fr": "Odoacre", "it": "", "nl": "Odoacer", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "6", "prowess": "4", "race": "Man", "mind": "1", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Woodmen-town", "es": "Ciudad de los Hombres del Bosque" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +3 direct influence against the Woodmen<\/i> faction.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +3 a su influencia directa contra la facción de los Hombres del Bosque<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… as the Shadow grew deep in Greenwood… many evil things reappeared, signs of the arising of Sauron.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… mientras la sombra se hacía mucho más profunda en Bosqueverde… muchas criaturas malignas reaparecieron entonces, signos del despertar de Sauron.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Odoacer.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "LE-29": { "id": "LE-29", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Old Troll", "es": "Viejo Troll", "de": "Alter Troll", "fr": "Vieux Troll", "it": "", "nl": "Old Troll", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "5", "race": "Troll", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Discard on a body check result of 8. +1 direct influence against Trolls, Orcs, Troll factions, and Orc factions. -1 to all corruption checks.<\/p>", "es": "

Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8. +1 a su influencia directa contra Trolls, Orcos, facciones de Trolls, y facciones de Orcos. -1 a todos sus chequeos de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Troll sat alone on his seat of stone, And munched and mumbled a bare old bone…’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El Troll estaba sentado en un asiento de piedra, mordiendo y masticando un viejo hueso desnudo…”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OldTroll.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "LE-30": { "id": "LE-30", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Orc Brawler", "es": "Soldado Orco", "de": "Orkischer Randalierer", "fr": "Lutteur orque", "it": "", "nl": "Orc Brawler", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "3", "race": "Orc", "mind": "1", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Discard on a body check result of 7 or 8. -1 to all corruption checks.<\/p>", "es": "

Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 7 u 8.<\/p>

-1 a todos sus chequeos de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… long-armed crook-legged Orcs.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… orcos patizambos de brazos largos… ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OrcBrawler.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Douglas Beekman" }, "LE-31": { "id": "LE-31", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Orc Captain", "es": " Capitán Orco", "de": "Ork-Anfüherer", "fr": "Capitaine orque", "it": "", "nl": "Orc Captain", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "race": "Orc", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Leader" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Leader.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 8. +3 direct influence against Orcs and Orc factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Líder.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8. +3 a su influencia directa contra Orcos y facciones de Orcos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Their masters would not dare give such plain orders to Orcs, even if they knew so much themselves… they are not trusty servants.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Sus amos no se atrevían a dar órdenes tan sencillas a los orcos, ni siquiera aunque supieran tanto… no son sirvientes de confianza.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OrcCaptain.jpg", "rarity": "U+F1", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-32": { "id": "LE-32", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Orc Chieftain", "es": "Jefe Orco", "de": "Ork-Häuptling", "fr": "Chef orque", "it": "", "nl": "Orc Chieftain", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Orc", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Leader" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Leader.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 8. +3 direct influence against Orcs and Orc factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Líder.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8. +3 a su influencia directa contra Orcos y facciones de Orcos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“But if his family wish to know who is now king here, the name is written on his face. I wrote! I killed him! I am the master!” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻPero si su familia desea saber quién es ahora el rey aquí, el nombre está escrito en su cara. ¡Yo lo escribí! ¡Yo lo maté! ¡Yo soy el amo!ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OrcChieftain.jpg", "rarity": "U+F1", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "LE-33": { "id": "LE-33", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Orc Sniffler", "es": "Orco Maloliente", "de": "Ork-Schnüffler", "fr": "Renifleur orque", "it": "", "nl": "Orc Sniffler", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior\/Scout", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "2", "race": "Orc", "mind": "2", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Discard on a body check result of 7 or 8. -1 to all corruption checks.<\/p>", "es": "

Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 7 u 8. -1 a todos sus chequeos de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“He stooped over Pippin, bringing his yellow fangs close to his face.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Se inclinó hacia Pippin, acercándole a la cara las garras amarillas… ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OrcSniffler.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "LE-34": { "id": "LE-34", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Orc Tracker", "es": "Rastreador Orco", "de": "Ork-Fährtenleser", "fr": "Pisteur orque", "it": "", "nl": "Orc Tracker", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "3", "race": "Orc", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Discard on a body check result of 7 or 8. -1 to all corruption checks.<\/p>", "es": "

Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 7 u 8.<\/p>

-1 a todos sus chequeos de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búbhosh skai.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻUglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búbhosh skai.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OrcTracker.jpg", "rarity": "CB+F5", "artist": "John Luck" }, "LE-35": { "id": "LE-35", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Orc Veteran", "es": "Veterano Orco", "de": "Ork-Veteran", "fr": "Vétéran orque", "it": "", "nl": "Orc Veteran", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Orc", "mind": "2", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Discard on a body check result of 8. -1 to all corruption checks.<\/p>", "es": "

Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8.<\/p>

-1 a todos sus chequeos de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… tough thick legs going up and down, up and down, unresting, as if they were made of wire and horn, beating out the nightmare seconds of an endless time.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y piernas gruesas y macizas que bajaban y subían y bajaban y subían sin descanso, como si fueran de alambre y cuerno marcando los segundos de pesadilla de un tiempo interminable.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "OrcVeteran.jpg", "rarity": "CB+F5", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "LE-36": { "id": "LE-36", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ostisen", "es": "Ostisen", "de": "Ostisen", "fr": "Ostisen", "it": "", "nl": "Ostisen", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "3", "race": "Man", "mind": "2", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Vale of Erech", "es": "Valle de Erech" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… of the Outlands… the uplands of Morland, the great Blackroot Vale…” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… de las Tierras Lejanas… las mesetas de Morthond, el ancho valle de la Raíz Negra…”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Ostisen.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "LE-37": { "id": "LE-37", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Pon Opar", "es": "Pon Opar", "de": "Pon Opar", "fr": "Pon Opar", "it": "", "nl": "Pon Opar", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger\/Sage", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "race": "Man", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Southron Oasis", "es": "Oasis Sureño" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +2 direct influence against any faction playable at Southron Oasis.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +2 a su influencia directa contra cualquier facción jugable en el Oasis Sureño.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Horse-tamer and Horse-slayer, Chieftain of the Gusar, he knew the hidden waters beneath the earth better than anyone in Far Harad.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Domador de caballos y exterminador de caballos, jefe de los Gusar, conocía las aguas ocultas por debajo de la tierra mejor que cualquier otra persona de todo el Lejano Harad.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "PonOpar.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Ron Walotsky" }, "LE-38": { "id": "LE-38", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Radbug", "es": "Radbug", "de": "Radbug", "fr": "Radbug", "it": "", "nl": "Radbug", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "5", "race": "Orc", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Uruk-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Imlad Morgul", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Imlad Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 8.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Come here, and I’ll squeeze your eyes out, like I did to Radbug just now.ʼ” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻVen y te arrancaré los ojos, como se los acabo de arrancar a Radbug.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Radbug.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "LE-39": { "id": "LE-39", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Shagrat", "es": "Shagrat", "de": "Shagrat", "fr": "Shagrat", "it": "", "nl": "Shagrat", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "6", "race": "Orc", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Leader", "Uruk-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Cirith Ungol", "es": "Cirith Ungol" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai. Leader.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 9. +4 direct influence against Orcs and Orc factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai. Líder.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +4 a su influencia directa contra Orcos y facciones de Orcos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… evil face… slaver dripped from its protruding fangs; the mouth snarled like an animal.” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… cara maligna… de los colmillos salientes le goteaba la baba; la boca gruñía como un animal.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA III <\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Shagrat.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "LE-40": { "id": "LE-40", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Shámas", "es": "Shámas", "de": "Shámas", "fr": "Shámas", "it": "", "nl": "Shámas", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "2", "race": "Man", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "1", "homeSite": { "en": "Dunnish Clan-hold", "es": "Fuerte Dunledino" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +1 direct influence against Man factions. Additionally, +2 direct influence against the Dunlendings<\/i> faction.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +1 a su influencia directa contra facciones de Hombres. Además, +2 a su influencia directa contra la facción de los Dunlendinos<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Only in Dunland did Men of this race hold to their old speech and manners: a secret folk, unfriendly to the Dúnedain, hating the Rohirrim.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Solo en las Tierras Brunas los hombres de esta raza conservaron su propia lengua y costumbres; éste era un pueblo poco comunicativo, estaba enemistado con los Dúnedain, y odiaba a los Rohirrim.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Shamas.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Brian Durfee" }, "LE-41": { "id": "LE-41", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Snaga", "es": "Snaga", "de": "Snaga", "fr": "Snaga", "it": "", "nl": "Snaga", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "5", "race": "Orc", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Uruk-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Imlad Morgul", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Imlad Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 9.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘I’m not going down those stairs again… be you captain or no. Nar!’” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻNo pienso volver a bajar por esa escalera… seas o no mi capitán. ¡Nooo!ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Snaga.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Q. Hoover\/R. Gallegos" }, "LE-42": { "id": "LE-42", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Tarcil", "es": "Tarcil", "de": "Tarcil", "fr": "Tarcil", "it": "", "nl": "Tarcil", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Dúnadan", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Minas Morgul", "es": "Minas Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The power and wealth… continued to increase; but their years lessened as their fear of death grew, and their joy departed.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El poder y la riqueza… siguieron aumentando, pero la edad que alcanzaban fue decreciendo a medida que crecía el temor a la muerte, y la alegría los abandonó.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Tarcil.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Michael Kucharski" }, "LE-43": { "id": "LE-43", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Threlin", "es": "Threlin", "de": "Threlin", "fr": "Threlïn", "it": "", "nl": "Threlin", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "4", "race": "Dwarf", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "2", "homeSite": { "en": "Minas Morgul", "es": "Minas Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +2 direct influence against Dwarves and Dwarf factions. +1 prowess against Orcs and Elves.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +2 a su influencia directa contra Enanos y facciones de Enanos. +1 al poder contra Orcos y Elfos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… all other good things seemed profitless, and they were filled with wrath and desire for vengeance on all who deprived them.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… todo otro bien les parecía desdeñable, y se llenaban de cólera y de deseos de venganza contra quienes los privaban de ellas.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Threlin.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "LE-44": { "id": "LE-44", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Troll Lout", "es": "Troll Palurdo", "de": "Trolltölpel", "fr": "Lourdaud troll", "it": "", "nl": "Troll Lout", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "4", "race": "Troll", "mind": "3", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Discard on a body check result of 8. -1 to all corruption checks.<\/p>", "es": "

Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8.<\/p>

-1 a todos los chequeos de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘My lad,’ said Troll, ‘this bone I stole. But what be bones that lie in a hole? Thy nuncle was dead as a lump o’ lead, Afore I found his shinbone.’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻCompañero,ʼ dijo el Troll, ʻes un hueso robado, ¿pero de qué sirve un hueso en un agujero? Tu tío estaba muerto como un lingote de plomo mucho antes de que yo encontrara esta tibia.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TrollLout.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Douglas Beekman" }, "LE-45": { "id": "LE-45", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Troll-chief", "es": "Jefe Troll", "de": "Troll-Häuptling", "fr": "Chef troll", "it": "", "nl": "Troll-chief", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "6", "race": "Troll", "mind": "6", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Leader", "Olog-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Any Dark-hold", "es": "Cualquier Bastión de la Oscuridad" } }, "text": { "en": "

Olog-hai.<\/i> Leader.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 9. +3 direct influence against Trolls, Orcs, Troll factions, and Orc factions.<\/p>", "es": "

Olog-hai.<\/i> Líder.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +3 a su influencia directa contra Trolls, Orcos, facciones de Trolls, y facciones de Orcos.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘They are mighty. But Trolls are only counterfeits, made by the Enemy in the Great Darkness, in mockery of Ents…’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻPero los trolls son solo una impostura, fabricados por el Enemigo en la Gran Oscuridad, una falsa imitación de los Ents…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Trollchief.jpg", "rarity": "U+F1", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-46": { "id": "LE-46", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Tros Hesnef", "es": "Tros Hesnef", "de": "Tros Hesnef", "fr": "Tros Hesnef", "it": "", "nl": "Tros Hesnef", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "5", "race": "Man", "mind": "2", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Easterling Camp", "es": "Campamento Oriental" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +1 direct influence against any faction playable at Easterling Camp. -1 to all corruption checks.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +1 a su influencia directa contra cualquier facción jugable en el Campamento Oriental. -1 a todos los chequeos de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Exiled with his family at the age of fifteen, he returned a year later and assassinated the High Chieftain Pos Ari. This slaying spawned a reign of sorrow and bloodshed.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Exiliado con su familia a la edad de quince años, regresó un año más tarde y asesinó al Sumo Jefe Pos Ari. Ese asesinato provocó un reinado de sufrimiento y derramamientos de sangre.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TrosHesnef.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Stephen Daniele" }, "LE-47": { "id": "LE-47", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Uchel", "es": "Uchel", "de": "Uchel", "fr": "Uchel", "it": "", "nl": "Uchel", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "0", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "7", "prowess": "2", "race": "Man", "mind": "1", "directInfluence": "0", "homeSite": { "en": "Cameth Brin", "es": "Cameth Brin" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> +4 direct influence against the Hillmen<\/i> faction.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> +4 a su influencia directa contra la facción de los Montañeses<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘The king, the king!’… ‘We will take their king. Death to the Forgoil! Death to the Strawheads! Death to the robbers of the North!’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ¡El rey! ¡El rey!ʼ… ʻ¡Capturaremos al rey! ¡Muerte para los Forgil! ¡Muerte para los Cabeza-de-Paja! ¡Muerte para los ladrones del Norte!ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Uchel.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "LE-48": { "id": "LE-48", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ufthak", "es": "Ufthak", "de": "Ufthak", "fr": "Ufthak", "it": "", "nl": "Ufthak", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout\/Ranger", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "8", "prowess": "4", "race": "Orc", "mind": "4", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Uruk-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Imlad Morgul", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Imlad Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 8.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Uruk-hai.<\/i><\/p>

Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 8.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Then we found him in a corner; hanging up he was, but he was wide awake and glaring.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻPor último lo encontramos en un rincón; colgado, sí, pero bien despierto, y echando fuego por los ojos.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Ufthak.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-49": { "id": "LE-49", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ulkaur the Tongueless", "es": "Ulkaur el Mudo", "de": "Ulkaur der Zahnlose", "fr": "Ulkaur le Sans-Langue", "it": "", "nl": "Ulkaur the Tongueless", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "character", "body": "9", "prowess": "6", "race": "Troll", "mind": "5", "directInfluence": "0", "keywords": [ "Leader", "Olog-hai" ], "homeSite": { "en": "Barad-dûr", "es": "Barad-dûr" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique.<\/i><\/b> Olog-hai. Leader.<\/i> Discard on a body check result of 9. +2 direct influence against Trolls, Orcs, Troll factions, and Orc factions. -1 to all corruption checks.<\/p>", "es": "

Único.<\/i><\/b> Olog-hai. Líder.<\/i> Descartar con un chequeo de resistencia de 9. +2 a su influencia directa contra Trolls, Orcos, facciones de Trolls, y facciones de Orcos. -1 a todos sus chequeos de corrupción.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Hee now! See now! I’m tired o’ gnawing old bones and skins; I’ve a mind to dine on thee now.’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻEstoy cansado de roer viejos huesos y cueros. Tengo ganas de comerte ahora mismoʼ” —<\/i>SdlA<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "UlkaurtheTongueless.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "LE-50": { "id": "LE-50", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Adûnaphel the Ringwraith", "es": "Adûnaphel la Espectro del Anillo", "de": "Adûnaphel der Ringgeist", "fr": "Adûnaphel la Spectre", "it": "", "nl": "Adûnaphel the Ringwraith", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout\/Diplomat", "body": "10", "prowess": "8", "race": "Ringwraith", "subtype": "", "directInfluence": "4", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "Urlurtsu Nurn", "es": "Urlurtsu Nurn" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Adûnaphel.<\/i> Can use spirit-magic. +2 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. -2 prowess in Fell Rider mode. As your Ringwraith, if at a Darkhaven [{DH}], she may tap to cancel one hazard creature attack not played at a site against any one of your companies.<\/p>", "es": "

Única. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Adûnaphel.<\/i> Puede utilizar magia espiritual. +2 a su influencia directa en modo Señor de los Hombres. -2 a su poder en modo Jinete Maligno. Como tu Espectro del Anillo, si se encuentra en un Refugio Oscuro [{DH}], puede ser girada para cancelar un ataque de una adversidad-criatura que no esté situado en un lugar contra una de tus compañías.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AdunapheltheRingwraith.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "LE-51": { "id": "LE-51", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Akhôrahil the Ringwraith", "es": "Akhôrahil el Espectro del Anillo", "de": "Akhôrahil der Ringgeist", "fr": "Akhôrahil le Spectre", "it": "", "nl": "Akhôrahil the Ringwraith", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Sage", "body": "9", "prowess": "8", "race": "Ringwraith", "subtype": "", "directInfluence": "3", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Nurn", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Nurn" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Akhôrahil.<\/i> Can use sorcery, spirit-magic, and shadow-magic. +3 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. +1 prowess in Fell Rider mode. As your Ringwraith, when a magic card used by him has to be discarded, return it to the play deck and reshuffle.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Akhôrahil.<\/i> Puede utilizar brujería, magia espiritual, y magia de las sombras. +3 a su influencia directa en modo Señor de los Hombres. +1 a su poder en modo Jinete Maligno. Como tu Espectro del Anillo, cuando utilice una carta de magia, barájala en tu mazo de juego en lugar de descartarla.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "AkhorahiltheRingwraith.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "LE-52": { "id": "LE-52", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Dwar the Ringwraith", "es": "Dwar el Espectro del Anillo", "de": "Dwar der Ringgeist", "fr": "Dwar le Spectre", "it": "", "nl": "Dwar the Ringwraith", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout\/Sage", "body": "10", "prowess": "9", "race": "Ringwraith", "subtype": "", "directInfluence": "5", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Udûn", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Udûn" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Dwar of Waw.<\/i> Can use sorcery. -3 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. -1 prowess in Fell Rider mode. As your Ringwraith, if at a Darkhaven [{DH}], he may tap to give +1 prowess and +1 body to all characters in any one of your companies until the end of the turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Dwar de Waw.<\/i> Puede utilizar brujería. -3 a su influencia directa en modo Señor de los Hombres. -1 a su poder en modo Jinete Maligno. Como tu Espectro del Anillo, si se encuentra en un Refugio Oscuro [{DH}], puede ser girado para dar +1 al poder y +1 a la resistencia a todos los personajes de una de tus compañías hasta el final del turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DwartheRingwraith.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Donato Giancola" }, "LE-53": { "id": "LE-53", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Hoarmûrath the Ringwraith", "es": "Hoarmûrath el Espectro del Anillo", "de": "Hoarmûrath der Ringgeist", "fr": "Hoarmûrath le Spectre", "it": "", "nl": "Hoarmûrath the Ringwraith", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Scout\/Ranger\/Sage", "body": "9", "prowess": "8", "race": "Ringwraith", "subtype": "", "directInfluence": "3", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Udûn", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Udûn" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Hoarmûrath of Dír.<\/i> Can use sorcery. +1 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. +2 prowess in Fell Rider mode. As your Ringwraith, if at a Darkhaven [{DH}], you may keep one more card than normal in your hand.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Hoarmûrath de Dír.<\/i> Puede utilizar brujería. +1 a su influencia directa en modo Señor de los Hombres. +2 a su poder en modo Jinete Maligno. Como tu Espectro del Anillo, si se encuentra en un Refugio Oscuro [{DH}], puedes mantener una carta más de lo normal en la mano.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "HoarmuraththeRingwraith.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-54": { "id": "LE-54", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Indûr the Ringwraith", "es": "Indûr el Espectro del Anillo", "de": "Indûr der Ringgeist", "fr": "Indûr le Spectre", "it": "", "nl": "Indûr the Ringwraith", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Diplomat", "body": "10", "prowess": "9", "race": "Ringwraith", "subtype": "", "directInfluence": "5", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Udûn or Imlad Morgul", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Udûn o Imlad Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Indûr Dawndeath.<\/i> Can use sorcery and spirit-magic. -1 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. -3 prowess in Fell Rider mode. As your Ringwraith, at the beginning of each of his end-of-turn phases, he may tap to take a magic card from your discard pile to your hand.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Indûr Muerte del Alba.<\/i> Puede utilizar brujería y magia espiritual. -1 a su influencia directa en modo Señor de los Hombres. -3 a su poder en modo Jinete Maligno. Como tu Espectro del Anillo, al principio de cada una de sus fases de final de turno, puede ser girado para coger una carta de magia de tu pila de descartes y ponerla en tu mano.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "IndurtheRingwraith.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Tom Kidd" }, "LE-55": { "id": "LE-55", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Khamûl the Ringwraith", "es": "Khamûl el Espectro del Anillo", "de": "Khamûl der Ringgeist", "fr": "Khamûl le Spectre", "it": "", "nl": "Khamûl the Ringwraith", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Ranger\/Diplomat", "body": "9", "prowess": "9", "race": "Ringwraith", "subtype": "", "directInfluence": "4", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "Dol Guldur", "es": "Dol Guldur" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Khamûl the Easterling.<\/i> Can use sorcery. -2 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. +1 prowess in Fell Rider mode. -2 to the body of any Elf character targeted by a strike from Khamûl. As your Ringwraith, one Ringwraith follower in his company may be controlled with no influence. You may bring this follower into play during your organization phase.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Khamûl el Oriental.<\/i> Puede utilizar brujería. -2 a su influencia directa en modo Señor de los Hombres. +1 a su poder en modo Jinete Maligno. -2 a la resistencia de cualquier personaje Elfo que sea objetivo de un golpe de Khamûl. Como tu Espectro del Anillo, puede controlar sin influencia un Espectro del Anillo seguidor. Puedes poner en juego este seguidor durante tu fase de organización.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "KhamultheRingwraith.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "John Howe" }, "LE-56": { "id": "LE-56", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ren the Ringwraith", "es": "Ren el Espectro del Anillo", "de": "Ren der Ringgeist", "fr": "Ren le Spectre", "it": "", "nl": "Ren the Ringwraith", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Sage\/Diplomat", "body": "10", "prowess": "8", "race": "Ringwraith", "subtype": "", "directInfluence": "4", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Gorgoroth", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Gorgoroth" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Ren the Unclean.<\/i> Can use sorcery and shadow-magic. -2 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. +2 prowess in Fell Rider mode. As your Ringwraith, if at a Darkhaven [{DH}], he may tap during your organization phase to modify all corruption checks made this turn by minions in any one of your companies by +2.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Ren el Impío.<\/i> Puede utilizar brujería y magia de las sombras. -2 a su influencia directa en modo Señor de los Hombres. +2 a su poder en modo Jinete Maligno. Como tu Espectro del Anillo, si se encuentra en un Refugio Oscuro [{DH}], puede ser girado durante tu fase de organización para modificar con +2 todos los chequeos de corrupción realizados este turno por servidores en cualquiera de tus compañías.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "RentheRingwraith.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Romas Kukalis" }, "LE-57": { "id": "LE-57", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ûvatha the Ringwraith", "es": "Ûvatha el Espectro del Anillo", "de": "Ûvatha der Ringgeist", "fr": "Uvatha le Spectre", "it": "", "nl": "Ûvatha the Ringwraith", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Scout\/Ranger", "body": "9", "prowess": "9", "race": "Ringwraith", "subtype": "", "directInfluence": "5", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Khand", "es": "Cualquier lugar de Khand" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of Ûvatha the Horseman.<\/i> Can use spirit-magic. -3 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. -1 prowess in Fell Rider mode. He may join another Ringwraith’s company during your organization phase and requires no influence to control. As your Ringwraith, if at a Darkhaven [{DH}], he may tap during your organization phase to move one resource event card from your discard pile to your play deck and reshuffle.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de Ûvatha el Jinete.<\/i> Puede utilizar magia espiritual. -3 a su influencia directa en modo Señor de los Hombres. -1 a su poder en modo Jinete Maligno. Puede unirse a la compañía de otro Espectro del Anillo durante tu fase de organización sin que requiera influencia para ser controlado. Como tu Espectro del Anillo, si se encuentra en un Refugio Oscuro [{DH}], puede ser girado durante tu fase de organización para coger una carta de recurso de suceso de tu pila de descartes y barajarlo en tu mazo de juego.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "UvathatheRingwraith.jpg", "rarity": "F1", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "LE-58": { "id": "LE-58", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "The Witch-king", "es": "El Rey Brujo", "de": "Der Hexenkönig", "fr": "Le Roi-Sorcier", "it": "", "nl": "The Witch-king", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Character", "alignment": "Minion", "attributes": { "unique": true, "skills": "Warrior\/Sage\/Diplomat", "body": "12", "prowess": "9", "race": "Ringwraith", "subtype": "", "directInfluence": "3", "avatar": true, "homeSite": { "en": "Any site in Imlad Morgul", "es": "Cualquier lugar en Imlad Morgul" } }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Manifestation of The Witch-king of Angmar.<\/i> Can use spirit-magic and shadow-magic. +3 direct influence in Heralded Lord mode. +1 prowess in Fell Rider mode. As your Ringwraith, up to two Ringwraith followers in his company may be controlled with no influence. You may bring these followers into play during separate organization phases.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Manifestación de El Rey Brujo de Angmar.<\/i> Puede utilizar magia espiritual y magia de las sombras. +3 a su influencia directa en modo Señor de los Hombres. +1 a su poder en modo Jinete Maligno. Como tu Espectro del Anillo, puede controlar sin influencia hasta dos Espectros del Anillo seguidores en su compañía. Puedes poner en juego estos seguidores durante dos fases de organización separadas.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "TheWitchking.jpg", "rarity": "F2", "artist": "Daniel Horne" }, "LE-59": { "id": "LE-59", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ambusher", "es": "Emboscada", "de": "Hinterhalt", "fr": "Coupe-jarret", "it": "", "nl": "Ambusher", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{f}{b}", "body": "-", "prowess": "10", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Men.<\/i> Two strikes. Attacker chooses defending characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Hombres.<\/i> Dos golpes. El atacante elige a los personajes defensores.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… stealing up the slopes, singly or in long files, keeping always to the shade of grove or thicket, or crawling, hardly visible in their brown and green raiment, through grass and brake.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… rondando por las colinas, en solitario o en largas filas, siempre a la sombra de los bosques o los arbustos, o arrastrándose, casi invisibles con su atuendo pardo o verde, a través de la hierba y el brezo.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Ambusher.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "LE-60": { "id": "LE-60", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Arthadan Rangers", "es": "Montaraces de Arthedain", "de": "Waldläufer aus Arthedain", "fr": "Gardes-frontières", "it": "", "nl": "Arthadan Rangers", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1\/each", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "6", "prowess": "10", "race": "Dúnedain", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Dúnedain.<\/i> Each character in the company faces one strike (detainment against covert and hero companies). May be played keyed to Arthedain, Rhudaur, Cardolan, Hollin, and The Shire; and may also be played at sites in these regions. May not be played against a company containing a character with Bree as a home site.<\/p>", "es": "

Dúnedain.<\/i> Cada personaje de la compañía se enfrenta a un golpe (de retención contra compañías encubiertas o de héroe). Pueden ser jugados situados en: Arthedain, Rhudaur, Cardolan, Acebeda, y La Comarca; y también pueden ser jugados en los lugares de dichas regiones. No pueden ser jugados contra una compañía que contenga un personaje cuyo lugar natal sea Bree.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ArthadanRangers.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Alan Guitierrez" }, "LE-61": { "id": "LE-61", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Barrow-wight", "es": "Tumulario", "de": "Grabunhold", "fr": "Octroi des Beornides", "it": "", "nl": "Barrow-wight", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{s}{d}{S}{D}", "body": "-", "prowess": "12", "race": "Undead", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Undead.<\/i> One strike. After the attack, each character wounded by Barrow-wight<\/i> makes a corruption check modified by -2.<\/p>", "es": "

Muerto Viviente.<\/i> Un golpe. Después del ataque, cada personaje herido por el Tumulario<\/i> debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -2.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… evil spirits out of Angmar and Rhudaur entered into the deserted mounds and dwelt there.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y los malos espíritus salidos de Angmar y Rhudaur entraron en los túmulos desiertos y se instalaron allí.” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Barrowwight.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "John Howe" }, "LE-62": { "id": "LE-62", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Beorning Toll", "es": "Peaje Beórnida", "de": "Wegzoll der Beorninger", "fr": "Être des galgals", "it": "", "nl": "Beorning Toll", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1\/each", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "6", "prowess": "11", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Men.<\/i> Each character in the company faces one strike (detainment against covert and hero companies). May be played keyed to Anduin Vales, Wold & Foothills, High Pass, and Redhorn Gate; and may also be played at non-Haven sites in these regions. May not be played against a company containing a character with Beorn’s House as a home site.<\/p>", "es": "

Hombres.<\/i> Cada personaje de la compañía se enfrenta a un golpe (de retención contra compañías encubiertas o de héroe). Pueden ser jugados situados en: Valles del Anduin, Páramo y Colinas, Paso Alto, y Entrada al Cuerno Rojo; y también pueden ser jugados en los lugares que no sean Refugios de dichas regiones. No pueden ser jugados contra una compañía que contenga un personaje cuyo lugar natal sea la Casa de Beorn.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "BeorningToll.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Mia Tavonatti" }, "LE-63": { "id": "LE-63", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "The Border-watch", "es": "La Guardia Fronteriza", "de": "Grenzwachen", "fr": "Rôdeurs d'Arthedain", "it": "", "nl": "The Border-watch", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "5", "marshallingPoints": "1*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{f}{b}{F}{B}", "body": "-", "prowess": "7", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Men.<\/i> Five strikes (two strikes and detainment against hero companies).<\/p>", "es": "

Hombres.<\/i> Cinco golpes (dos golpes y retención contra compañías de héroes).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘It is against our law to let strangers wander at will in our land, until the king himself shall give them leave, and more strict is the command in these days of peril.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“La ley no permite a los extranjeros vagar libremente por nuestro reino hasta que el rey les haya dado permiso, y la prohibición es ahora todavía más estricta en estos días de peligro.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TheBorderwatch.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "John Monteleone" }, "LE-64": { "id": "LE-64", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Brigands", "es": "Forajidos", "de": "Gesetzlose", "fr": "Brigands", "it": "", "nl": "Brigands", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{b}{w}", "body": "-", "prowess": "8", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Men.<\/i> Two strikes. If any strike of Brigands<\/i> wounds a character, the company must immediately discard one item (of defender’s choice).<\/p>", "es": "

Hombres.<\/i> Dos golpes. Si cualquier golpe de los Forajidos<\/i> hiere a un personaje, la compañía debe descartarse inmediatamemte de un objeto (a elección del defensor).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… most were bad men, full o’ thievery and mischief.’” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… la mayoría eran hombres malvados, ladrones y traicioneros.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Brigands.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "LE-65": { "id": "LE-65", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Cave Worm", "es": "Gusano de las Cavernas", "de": "Höhlen-Lindwurm", "fr": "Serpent des cavernes", "it": "", "nl": "Cave Worm", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "-", "prowess": "16", "race": "Drake", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Drake.<\/i> One strike. May be played keyed to Redhorn Gate, High Pass, Gap of Isen, Angmar, Gundabad, Grey Mountain Narrows, Withered Heath, Númeriador, and Iron Hills.<\/p>", "es": "

Draque.<\/i> Un golpe. Puede ser jugado situado en: Entrada al Cuerno Rojo, Paso Alto, Desfiladero del Isen, Angmar, Gundabad, Pasos de las Montañas Grises, Brezal Marchito, Numeriador, y Colinas de Hierro.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Hay criaturas más antiguas y horribles que los orcos en las profundidades del mundo.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "CaveWorm.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-66": { "id": "LE-66", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Cave-drake", "es": "Dragón de las Cavernas", "de": "Höhlendrache", "fr": "Drake des cavernes", "it": "", "nl": "Cave-drake", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{R}", "body": "-", "prowess": "10", "race": "Dragon", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Dragon.<\/i> Two strikes. Attacker chooses defending characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Dragón.<\/i> Dos golpes. El atacante elige a los personajes defensores.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Long and slow is the life of Cave-drakes.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻLarga y lenta es la vida del dragón de las cavernas.ʼ” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Cavedrake.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "LE-67": { "id": "LE-67", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Corpse-candle", "es": "Vela Cadavérica", "de": "Leichenlicht", "fr": "Chandelle de cadavre", "it": "", "nl": "Corpse-candle", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{s}{d}{S}{D}", "body": "-", "prowess": "7", "race": "Undead", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Undead.<\/i> One strike. If this attack is not canceled, every character in the company makes a corruption check before defending characters are selected.<\/p>", "es": "

Muerto Viviente.<\/i> Un golpe. Si este ataque no es cancelado, cada personaje de la compañía debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción antes de elegir a los personajes defensores.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘In the pools when the candles were lit. They lie in all the pools, pale faces, deep deep under the dark water.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“En los estanques donde arden las velas. Yacen en todos los manantiales, caras pálidas en las profundidades del agua oscura.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Corpsecandle.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Steven Cavallo" }, "LE-68": { "id": "LE-68", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Dire Wolves", "es": "Lobos Salvajes", "de": "Wilde Wölfe", "fr": "Loups sombres", "it": "", "nl": "Dire Wolves", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "4", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{s}", "body": "-", "prowess": "8", "race": "Wolves", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Wolves.<\/i> Four strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Lobos.<\/i> Cuatro golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“A shuddering howl broke from him, as if he were a captain summoning his pack to assault.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Soltó un escalofriante aullido, como si fuera un capitán convocando a su manada para el ataque.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DireWolves.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "LE-69": { "id": "LE-69", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Elf-lord Revealed in Wrath", "es": "Señor Élfico Encolerizado", "de": "Elbenlord in Zorn und Wut", "fr": "Seigneur elfe en courroux", "it": "", "nl": "Elf-lord Revealed in Wrath", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "3*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}", "body": "9", "prowess": "15", "race": "Elves", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Elf.<\/i> One strike (detainment against hero companies). +4 prowess versus Ringwraiths. If Doors of Night<\/i> is not in play, may also be played keyed to Shadow-lands [{s}].<\/p>", "es": "

Elfo.<\/i> Un golpe (de retención contra compañías de héroes). +4 al poder contra Espectros del Anillo. Si no están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>, también puede ser jugado situado en una Tierra de la Sombra [{s}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… the Elven-wise, lords of the Eldar from beyond the furthest seas. They do not fear the Ringwraiths, for those who have dwelt in the Blessed Realm live at once in both worlds, and against both the seen and the Unseen they have great power.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… los Sabios Elfos, Señores de los Eldar, de más allá de los mares lejanos. Ellos no temen a los Espectros del Anillo, pues quienes han vivido en el Reino Bienaventurado viven a la vez en ambos mundos, y tienen grandes poderes” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ElflordRevealedinWrath.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Matthew Innis" }, "LE-70": { "id": "LE-70", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Elves upon Errantry", "es": "Elfos Errantes", "de": "Umherirrende Elben", "fr": "Elfes en errance", "it": "", "nl": "Elves upon Errantry", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "4", "marshallingPoints": "1*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{b}{f}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "race": "Elves", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Elves.<\/i> Four strikes (playable only against minion companies).<\/p>", "es": "

Elfos.<\/i> Cuatro golpes (jugable solo contra compañías de servidores).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘We have been keeping watch on the rivers, ever since we saw a great troop of Orcs going north toward Moria…’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻHemos estados vigilando los ríos desde que vimos una gran tropa de orcos yendo hacia el norte, en dirección a Moria…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ElvesuponErrantry.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Rebecca Guay" }, "LE-71": { "id": "LE-71", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ent in Search of the Entwives", "es": "Ent en Busca de las Ent-Mujeres", "de": "Ent auf Suche nach Entfrauen", "fr": "Ent en quête des Ents-Femmes", "it": "", "nl": "Ent in Search of the Entwives", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{b}{f}", "body": "8", "prowess": "14", "race": "Awakened Plant", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Awakened Plant.<\/i> One strike (detainment against covert and hero companies). If Doors of Night<\/i> is not in play, may also be played keyed to Shadow-lands [{s}].<\/p>", "es": "

Árbol Animado.<\/i> Un golpe (de retención contra compañías encubiertas o de héroe). Si las Puertas de la Noche <\/i>no están en juego, también puede ser jugado situado en una Tierra de la Sombra [{s}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… we used to go out every now and again and look for the Entwives, walking far and wide and calling…’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻDurante muchos años mantuvimos la costumbre de salir del bosque de cuando en cuando y buscar a las Ent-mujeres, caminando de aquí para allá…ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "EntinSearchoftheEntwives.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Liz Danforth" }, "LE-72": { "id": "LE-72", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ghosts", "es": "Fantasmas", "de": "Geister", "fr": "Fantômes", "it": "", "nl": "Ghosts", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{s}{d}{S}{D}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "race": "Undead", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Undead.<\/i> Three strikes. After attack, each character wounded by Ghosts<\/i> makes a corruption check modified by -1.<\/p>", "es": "

Muertos Vivientes.<\/i> Tres golpes. Después del ataque, cada personaje herido por los Fantasmas <\/i>debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción modificado con un -1.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The Dead are following… I see shapes of Men and of horses, and pale banners like shreds of cloud, and spears like winter-thickets on a misty night. The Dead are following.” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los Muertos nos siguen… Veo formas de hombres y de caballos, y estandartes pálidos como jirones de nubes, y lanzas como zarzas invernales en una noche de niebla. Los Muertos nos siguen.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Ghosts.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Rebecca Guay" }, "LE-73": { "id": "LE-73", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Ghouls", "es": "Necrófagos", "de": "Guhle", "fr": "Goules", "it": "", "nl": "Ghouls", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "5", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{s}{d}{S}{D}", "body": "-", "prowess": "7", "race": "Undead", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Undead.<\/i> Five strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Muertos Vivientes.<\/i> Cinco golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Yes, yes… all dead, all rotten.’” —<\/i>LotRIV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻSí, sí… Todos muertos, todos putrefactos… Hubo una gran batalla en tiempos lejanos… Hombres altos con largas espadas, y elfos terribles, y orcos que aullaban.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Ghouls.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-74": { "id": "LE-74", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Giant", "es": "Gigante", "de": "Riese", "fr": "Géant", "it": "", "nl": "Giant", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}", "body": "-", "prowess": "13", "race": "Giants", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Giant.<\/i> One strike.<\/p>", "es": "

Gigante.<\/i> Un golpe.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the sounds were those of shrill cries, and wild howls of laughter.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… los sonidos parecían chillidos agudos, o salvajes estallidos de risa. Unas piedras comenzaron a caer desde la falda de la montaña, silbando sobre las cabezas de los viajeros, o estrellándose en la senda.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Giant.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "LE-75": { "id": "LE-75", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Giant Spiders", "es": "Arañas Gigantes", "de": "Riesenspinnen", "fr": "Araignées géantes", "it": "", "nl": "Giant Spiders", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}", "body": "-", "prowess": "10", "race": "Spiders", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Spiders.<\/i> Two strikes. If the body check for a non-Wizard, non-Ringwraith character wounded by Giant Spiders<\/i> equals his body, the character is discarded. May also be played keyed to Heart of Mirkwood, Southern Mirkwood, Western Mirkwood, and Woodland Realm; and may also be played at Ruins & Lairs [{R}], Shadow-holds [{S}], and Dark-holds [{D}] in these regions.<\/p>", "es": "

Arañas.<\/i> Dos golpes. Si el chequeo de resistencia de un personaje (que no sea Mago ni Espectro del Anillo) herido por las Arañas Gigantes<\/i> es igual a su resistencia, el personaje es descartado. También pueden ser jugadas situadas en: Corazón del Bosque Negro, Sur del Bosque Negro, Oeste del Bosque Negro, y Reino del Bosque; y también pueden ser jugadas en las Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}], Bastiones de la Sombra [{S}], y Bastiones de la Oscuridad [{D}] en estas regiones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GiantSpiders.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "LE-76": { "id": "LE-76", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Gondorian Rangers", "es": "Montaraces Gondorianos", "de": "Waldläufer von Gondor", "fr": "Rôdeurs de Gondor", "it": "", "nl": "Gondorian Rangers", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1\/each", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "6", "prowess": "9", "race": "Dúnedain", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Dúnedain.<\/i> Each character in the company faces one strike (detainment against covert and hero companies). May be played keyed to Ithilien, Dagorlad, Harondor, Mouths of the Anduin, and Brown Lands; and may also be played at sites in these regions. May not be played against a company containing a character with Henneth Annûn as a home site.<\/p>", "es": "

Dúnedain.<\/i> Cada personaje de la compañía se enfrenta a un golpe (de retención contra compañías encubiertas o de héroe). Pueden ser jugados situados en: Ithilien, Dagorlad, Harondor, Bocas del Anduin, y Tierras Pardas; y también pueden ser jugados en los lugares de estas regiones. No pueden ser jugados contra una compañía que contenga algún personaje cuyo lugar natal sea Henneth Annûn.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "GondorianRangers.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Pat Morrissey" }, "LE-77": { "id": "LE-77", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Hobgoblins", "es": "Grantrasgos", "de": "Hobgoblins", "fr": "Hobgobelins", "it": "", "nl": "Hobgoblins", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}", "body": "-", "prowess": "10", "race": "Orcs", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Orcs.<\/i> Two strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Orcos.<\/i> Dos golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… devouring people waked suddenly from their sleep.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… devorando a gente que despertaba repentinamente de su sueño… Y mucho antes, dijeron, los soldados trasgos vendrían, bajando de las montañas; y los trasgos pueden trepar a los árboles, o derribarlos.”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Hobgoblins.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "LE-78": { "id": "LE-78", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Horse-lords", "es": "Señores de los Caballos", "de": "Pferdeherren", "fr": "Seigneurs des chevaux", "it": "", "nl": "Horse-lords", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1\/each", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "6", "prowess": "10", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Men.<\/i> Each character in the company faces one strike (detainment against covert and hero companies). May be played keyed to Rohan, Wold & Foothills, Gap of Isen, and Anórien; and may also be played at non-Haven sites in these regions. May not be played against a company containing a character with Edoras as a home site.<\/p>", "es": "

Hombres.<\/i> Cada personaje de la compañía se enfrenta a un golpe (de retención contra compañías encubiertas o de héroe). Pueden ser jugados situados en: Rohan, Páramo y Colinas, Desfiladero del Isen, y Anórien; y también pueden ser jugados en los lugares que no sean Refugios de dichas regiones. No pueden ser jugados contra una compañía que contenga un personaje cuyo lugar natal sea Edoras.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Horselords.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "LE-79": { "id": "LE-79", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Huorn", "es": "Ucorno", "de": "Huorn", "fr": "Huorn", "it": "", "nl": "Huorn", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}", "body": "-", "prowess": "10", "race": "Awakened Plant", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Awakened Plant.<\/i> One strike. May also be played at Drúadan Forest, Old Forest, and Wellinghall. May also be played keyed to Heart of Mirkwood, Southern Mirkwood, Western Mirkwood, and Woodland Realm; and may also be played at Ruins & Lairs [{R}] and Shadow-holds [{S}] in these regions.<\/p>", "es": "

Árbol Animado.<\/i> Un golpe. También puede ser jugado en: Bosque Drúadan, Bosque Viejo, y Sala del Manantial. También puede ser jugado situado en Corazón del Bosque Negro, Sur del Bosque Negro, Oeste del Bosque Negro, y Reino del<\/p>

Bosque; y también puede ser jugado en las Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}] y Bastiones de la Sombra [{S}] en estas regiones.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Huorn.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Gail McIntosh" }, "LE-80": { "id": "LE-80", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Land-drake", "es": "Dragón de Tierra", "de": "Landdrache", "fr": "Drake de terre", "it": "", "nl": "Land-drake", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{R}", "body": "-", "prowess": "8", "race": "Drake", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Drake.<\/i> One strike. Attacker chooses defending characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Draque.<\/i> Un golpe. El atacante elige a los personajes defensores.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘He came with great thunder, and lightning, and a tempest of doom.’” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻLlegó con un gran trueno, y con relámpagos, envuelto en una tempestad de perdición.ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Landdrake.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "LE-81": { "id": "LE-81", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Landroval", "es": "Landroval", "de": "Landroval", "fr": "Landroval", "it": "", "nl": "Landroval", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "unique": true, "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{b}{s}", "body": "6", "prowess": "12", "race": "Animals", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Unique. <\/i><\/b>Animal.<\/i> Two strikes (playable only against an overt minion company). Attacker chooses defending characters.<\/p>", "es": "

Único. <\/i><\/b>Animal.<\/i> Dos golpes (jugable solo contra una compañía descubierta de servidores). El atacante elige a los personajes defensores.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… and Landroval his brother, greatest of all the Eagles of the North, mightiest of the descendants of old Thorondor…” —<\/i>LotRVI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y a su hermano Landroval, las más grandes de todas las Águilas del Norte, los descendientes más poderosos del viejo Thorondor…” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Landroval.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Pamela Shanteau" }, "LE-82": { "id": "LE-82", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lawless Men", "es": "Proscritos", "de": "Gesetzlose Menschen", "fr": "Hors-la-loi", "it": "", "nl": "Lawless Men", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{b}{w}{s}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Men.<\/i> Two strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Hombres.<\/i> Dos golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… a most unsavory variety of brigands, rogues, and wanderers roam the Wilderlands, wresting their livelihood from the trunks of unwary or unfortunate travellers of means.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… toda una serie de desagradables forajidos, bribones y vagabundos acechan por las tierras salvajes, ganándose la vida a costa de los incautos o desafortunados viajeros o mercaderes.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LawlessMen.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "LE-83": { "id": "LE-83", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lesser Spiders", "es": "Arañas Menores", "de": "Große Spinnen", "fr": "Araignées mineures", "it": "", "nl": "Lesser Spiders", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "4", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{s}{R}", "body": "-", "prowess": "7", "race": "Spiders", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Spiders.<\/i> Four strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Arañas.<\/i> Cuatro golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… along the ground and the branches, hairy legs waving, nippers and spinners snapping, eyes popping, full of froth and rage.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… por el suelo y por las ramas, agitando las piernas peludas, chasqueando las pinzas, los ojos desorbitados, rabiosas, echando espuma.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LesserSpiders.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "LE-84": { "id": "LE-84", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Marsh-drake", "es": "Dragón de las Marismas", "de": "Sumpfdrache", "fr": "Drake de marais", "it": "", "nl": "Marsh-drake", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{c}{s}", "body": "-", "prowess": "11", "race": "Drake", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Drake.<\/i> Two strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Draque.<\/i> Dos golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… that is the dragons’ way, he has piled it all up in a great heap far inside, and sleeps on it for a bed.’” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… esas son las costumbres del dragón, lo ha amontonado todo en una gran pila en el interior, y lo utiliza como lecho para dormir.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Marshdrake.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "LE-85": { "id": "LE-85", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Orc-raiders", "es": "Incursores Orcos", "de": "Ork-Räuberbande", "fr": "Maraudeurs orques", "it": "", "nl": "Orc-raiders", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "4", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{b}{w}{R}", "body": "-", "prowess": "6", "race": "Orcs", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Orcs.<\/i> Four strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Orcos.<\/i> Cuatro golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Orcs began to raid… and slay or steal horses.” —<\/i>LotR<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y la sombra de Mordor llegaba a Rohan. Los Orcos empezaron a invadir las regiones orientales y mataban o robaban caballos. Otros bajaban también de las Montañas Nubladas… ” —<\/i>SdlA Apéndices<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Orcraiders.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Heather Hudson" }, "LE-86": { "id": "LE-86", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Orc-warband", "es": "Hueste Orca", "de": "Ork-Kriegmeute", "fr": "Escouade orque", "it": "", "nl": "Orc-warband", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "5", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{s}{d}{R}{S}{D}", "body": "-", "prowess": "4", "race": "Orcs", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Orcs.<\/i> Five strikes. If played on a company that has already faced an Orc attack this turn, Orc-warband<\/i> receives +3 prowess.<\/p>", "es": "

Orcos.<\/i> Cinco golpes. Si se juega sobre una compañía que ya se ha enfrentado a un ataque de Orcos en este turno, la Hueste Orca<\/i> recibe +3 al poder.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Fierce and shrill rose the yells of the Orcs, and suddenly the horn-calls ceased.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Feroces y escalofriantes se oyeron los gritos de los orcos, y repentinamente el sonido de los cuernos cesó.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Orcwarband.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Angelo Montanini" }, "LE-87": { "id": "LE-87", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Orc-watch", "es": "Centinelas Orcos", "de": "Ork-Wache", "fr": "Sentinelles orques", "it": "", "nl": "Orc-watch", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{s}{d}{S}{D}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "race": "Orcs", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Orcs.<\/i> Three strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Orcos.<\/i> Tres golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… Whiteskins have better night-eyes than most Men… They can see the night-breeze, or so it’s said.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… esos Pálidos ven mejor de noche que la mayoría de los hombres… Pueden ver la brisa nocturna, se dice por ahí.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Orcwatch.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "LE-88": { "id": "LE-88", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Pirates", "es": "Piratas", "de": "Piraten", "fr": "Pirates", "it": "", "nl": "Pirates", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{c}{R}", "body": "-", "prowess": "7", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Men.<\/i> Three strikes. If any strike of Pirates<\/i> wounds a character, the company must immediately discard one item (of defender’s choice). Pirates<\/i> receives +2 prowess when keyed to Coastal Seas [{c}].<\/p>", "es": "

Hombres.<\/i> Tres golpes. Si algún golpe de los Piratas <\/i>hiere a un personaje, la compañía debe descartarse inmediatamente de un objeto (a elección del defensor). Los Piratas<\/i> reciben +2 al poder cuando son situada en una Costa [{c}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The reavers of the Inland Sea are adept at using fogs and mists to elude the bounty hunters chartered by the Realm-master in Shrel-Kain.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Los piratas del Mar Interior saben muy bien cómo utilizar la niebla o la bruma para esquivar a los cazadores de recompensas enviados por el Regente del Reino en Shrel-Kain.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Pirates.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Pat Morrissey" }, "LE-89": { "id": "LE-89", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Sellswords Between Charters", "es": "Mercenarios sin Trabajo", "de": "Söldner", "fr": "Mercenaires en relâche", "it": "", "nl": "Sellswords Between Charters", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{B}{S}", "body": "-", "prowess": "11", "race": "Men", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Men.<\/i> Two strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Hombres.<\/i> Dos golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The Silver Age of the Mercenaries is said to have begun when the remaining Raggers besieged the first Canotar to collect their back pay.” —<\/i>Kuduk Lore<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Se dice que la Edad de Plata de los Mercenarios comenzó cuando los últimos Andrajosos sitiaron al primer Canotar para reclamar sus pagas.” —<\/i>Sabiduría Kuduk<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SellswordsBetweenCharters.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Stephen King" }, "LE-90": { "id": "LE-90", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Slayer", "es": "Exterminador", "de": "Totschläger", "fr": "Meurtrier", "it": "", "nl": "Slayer", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "2", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{b}{B}", "body": "-", "prowess": "11", "race": "Slayer", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Slayer.<\/i> Two attacks (of one strike each) all against the same character. Attacker chooses defending character. The defender may tap any one character in the company to cancel one of these attacks. This may be done even after a strike is assigned and after facing another attack.<\/p>

If an attack from Slayer<\/i> is given more than one strike, each additional strike becomes an excess strike (-1 prowess modification) against the attacked character.<\/p>", "es": "

Exterminador.<\/i> Dos ataques (de un golpe cada uno), todos contra el mismo personaje. El atacante elige al personaje defensor. El defensor puede girar cualquier personaje en la compañía para cancelar uno de estos ataques. Esto puede hacerse incluso después de que se haya asignado un golpe y después de haberse enfrentado a otro ataque.<\/p>

Si un ataque del Exterminador<\/i> tiene más de un golpe, cada golpe adicional se convierte en un golpe adicional (modificación de -1 al poder) para el personaje atacado.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Slayer.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Stephen Graham Walsh" }, "LE-91": { "id": "LE-91", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Sons of Kings", "es": "Hijos de Reyes", "de": "Erben des Könige", "fr": "Fils de rois", "it": "", "nl": "Sons of Kings", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{f}{b}{B}{F}", "body": "-", "prowess": "10", "race": "Dúnedain", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Dúnedain.<\/i> Three strikes (playable only against minion companies).<\/p>", "es": "

Dúnedain.<\/i> Tres golpes (jugable solo contra compañías de servidores).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Stout men and lordly they are, and the Riders of Rohan look almost as boys beside them; for they are grim men of face, worn like weathered rocks for the most part…’” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻHombres fuertes y señoriales, junto a los cuales los Jinetes de Rohan parecen niños; pues tienen caras torvas, desgastadas por el paso del tiempo en su mayor parte…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "SonsofKings.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "April Lee" }, "LE-92": { "id": "LE-92", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Stirring Bones", "es": "Huesos Agitados", "de": "Rastlose Gebeine", "fr": "Ossements remuants", "it": "", "nl": "Stirring Bones", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{s}{d}{R}{S}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "race": "Undead", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Undead.<\/i> Two strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Muertos Vivientes.<\/i> Dos golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Gold was piled on the biers of dead kings and queens; and mounds covered them, and the stone doors were shut…” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El oro se apiló sobre los catafalcos de reyes y reinas, y los montículos los cubrieron, y las puertas de piedra se cerraron...” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "StirringBones.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Robin Wood" }, "LE-93": { "id": "LE-93", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Thranduil’s Folk", "es": "El Pueblo de Thranduil", "de": "Thranduils Volk", "fr": "Gens de Thranduil", "it": "", "nl": "Thranduil's Folk", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1\/each", "marshallingPoints": "2*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "body": "6", "prowess": "10", "race": "Elves", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Elves.<\/i> Each character in the company faces one strike (detainment against covert and hero companies). May be played keyed to Woodland Realm, Western Mirkwood, Heart of Mirkwood, Northern Rhovanion, and Grey Mountain Narrows; and may also be played at sites in these regions. May not be played against a company containing a character with Thranduil’s Halls as a home site.<\/p>", "es": "

Elfos.<\/i> Cada personaje de la compañía se enfrenta a un golpe (de retención contra compañías encubiertas o de héroe). Pueden ser jugados situados en: Reino del Bosque, Oeste del Bosque Negro, Corazón del Bosque Negro, Norte de Rhovanion, y Pasos de las Montañas Grises; y también pueden ser jugados en los los lugares de estas regiones. No puede ser jugada contra una compañía que contenga un personaje cuyo lugar natal sea Estancias de Thranduil.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "ThranduilsFolk.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "David A. Cherry" }, "LE-94": { "id": "LE-94", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Thunder’s Companion", "es": "El Compañero del Trueno", "de": "Gefährten des Donners", "fr": "Compagnon du tonnerre", "it": "", "nl": "Thunder's Companion", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "3", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "race": "Giants", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Giants.<\/i> Three strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Gigantes.<\/i> Tres golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… there are fell voices on the air; and these stones are aimed at us.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻQue llamen a esto el viento, si así lo desean; hay voces siniestras en el aire y estas piedras están dirigidas contra nosotros.ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ThundersCompanion.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "LE-95": { "id": "LE-95", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "True Fire-drake", "es": "Dragón de Fuego Verdadero", "de": "Wahrer Feuerdrache", "fr": "Véritable drake de feu", "it": "", "nl": "True Fire-drake", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{w}", "body": "-", "prowess": "13", "race": "Drake", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Drake.<\/i> Two strikes. Only two Wildernesses [{w}] in site path are required if Doors of Night<\/i> is in play.<\/p>", "es": "

Draque.<\/i> Dos golpes. Solo son necesarias dos Tierras Salvajes [{w}] en el itinerario si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Fire leaped from the thatched roofs and wooden beam-ends as he hurtled down and past and round again…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“El fuego se elevaba de los tejados de paja y los extremos de las vigas mientras Smaug bajaba y pasaba y daba la vuelta…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "TrueFiredrake.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Quinton Hoover" }, "LE-96": { "id": "LE-96", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Uruk-lieutenant", "es": "Lugarteniente Uruk", "de": "Uruk-Unterhäuptling", "fr": "Lieutenant uruk", "it": "", "nl": "Uruk-lieutenant", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{s}{R}{S}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "race": "Orcs", "subtype": "Creature", "keywords": [ "Uruk-hai" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Orc.<\/i> One strike. If played on a company that has already faced an Orc attack this turn, Uruk-lieutenant<\/i> receives +3 prowess. Orc-lieutenant<\/i> receives an additional +3 prowess if played on a company that has already faced Uruk-lieutenant<\/i> this turn.<\/p>", "es": "

Orco.<\/i> Un golpe. Si se juega contra una compañía que ya se ha enfrentado a un ataque de Orcos este turno, el Lugarteniente Uruk <\/i>recibe un +3 al poder.<\/p>

El Lugarteniente Orco<\/i> recibe un +3 al poder adicional si es jugado contra una compañía que ya se ha enfrentado a un Lugarteniente Uruk<\/i> este turno.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… he turned Boromir’s sword and bore him backwards…” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… desvió la espada de Boromir y lo hizo retroceder…” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Uruklieutenant.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "LE-97": { "id": "LE-97", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Wandering Eldar", "es": "Eldar Errantes", "de": "Eldar auf Wanderschaft", "fr": "Eldar errants", "it": "", "nl": "Wandering Eldar", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1\/each", "marshallingPoints": "1*", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{b}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "race": "Elves", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Elves.<\/i> Each character in the company faces one strike (detainment against covert and hero companies). If Doors of Night<\/i> is not in play, may also be played keyed to Free-domains [{f}].<\/p>", "es": "

Elfos.<\/i> Cada personaje de la compañía se enfrenta a un golpe (de retención contra compañías encubiertas y de héroe). Si no están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>, también pueden ser jugados situados en una Región Libre [{f}].<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘They don’t live in the Shire, but they wander into it in Spring and Autumn, out of their own lands…’” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻNo viven en la Comarca, pero suelen viajar hasta aquí, en primavera y verano, desde sus propios reinos…ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WanderingEldar.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Stephen Hickman" }, "LE-98": { "id": "LE-98", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Wargs", "es": "Huargos", "de": "Warge", "fr": "Ouargues", "it": "", "nl": "Wargs", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{b}{w}{s}", "body": "-", "prowess": "9", "race": "Wolves", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Wolves.<\/i> Two strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Lobos.<\/i> Dos golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“In a minute there was a whole pack of them yelping all around the tree and leaping up at the trunk, with eyes blazing and tongues hanging out.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Un minuto después una manada entera gruñía alrededor del árbol y saltaba hacia el tronco, los ojos encendidos y las lenguas fuera.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "Wargs.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Ron Walotsky" }, "LE-99": { "id": "LE-99", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Watcher in the Water", "es": "Centinela del Agua", "de": "Der Wächter im Wasser", "fr": "Guetteur de l'Eau", "it": "", "nl": "Watcher in the Water", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "1\/each", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{c}", "body": "-", "prowess": "8", "race": "Animals", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Animal.<\/i> Each character in the company faces one strike. May also be played at Moria.<\/p>", "es": "

Animal.<\/i> Cada personaje en la compañía se enfrenta a un golpe. También puede ser jugado en Moria.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… the arms were all guided by one purpose. Something has crept, or has been driven out of dark waters under the mountains.’” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… todos los brazos tenían un solo propósito. Algo ha venido arrastrándose o ha sido sacado de las aguas oscuras bajo las montañas.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WatcherintheWater.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "John Howe" }, "LE-100": { "id": "LE-100", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Wild Trolls", "es": "Trolls Salvajes", "de": "Wilde Trolle", "fr": "Trolls sauvages", "it": "", "nl": "Wild Trolls", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "strikes": "2", "marshallingPoints": "1", "marshallingPointsType": "kill", "playable": "{w}{w}{R}", "body": "-", "prowess": "10", "race": "Trolls", "subtype": "Creature" }, "text": { "en": "

Trolls.<\/i> Two strikes.<\/p>", "es": "

Trolls.<\/i> Dos golpes.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘It’s trolls!… They’re hiding in the bushes with sacks…’” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻSon trolls!… Están escondidos entre los arbustos, con sacos…ʼ” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "WildTrolls.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Steve Otis" }, "LE-101": { "id": "LE-101", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Arouse Defenders", "es": "Perturbar a los Defensores", "de": "Aufstacheln der Verteidiger", "fr": "Rameuter les défenseurs", "it": "", "nl": "Arouse Defenders", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Free-hold <\/i><\/b>[{F}] or Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}]. This turn, the prowess of one automatic-attack (your choice) at target site is increased by 2 and cannot be canceled. Cannot be duplicated on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Bastión Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}] o un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}]. Este turno, el poder de un ataque automático (a tu elección) en el lugar objetivo aumenta en 2 y no puede ser cancelado. No puede ser duplicada en un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘Come!’ said Aragorn. ‘This is the hour when we draw swords together!’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ¡Vamos!ʼ dijo Aragorn ʻ¡Ha llegado la hora de las espadas!ʼ” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ArouseDefenders.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Nicholas Jainschigg" }, "LE-102": { "id": "LE-102", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Arouse Denizens", "es": "Perturbar a los Moradores", "de": "Aufstacheln der Bewohner", "fr": "Rameuter les résidents", "it": "", "nl": "Arouse Denizens", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Ruins & Lairs<\/i><\/b> [{R}]. This turn, the prowess of one automatic-attack (your choice) at target site is increased by 3.<\/p>

Cannot be duplicated on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre unas Ruinas y Guaridas<\/i><\/b> [{R}]. Este turno, el poder de un ataque automático (a tu elección) en el lugar objetivo aumenta en un 3.<\/p>

No puede ser duplicada en un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… hundreds of black bears dancing slow heavy dances round and round in the moonlight…” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… cientos de osos negros bailando lentas danzas en corros bajo la luz de la luna.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ArouseDenizens.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Pamela Shanteau" }, "LE-103": { "id": "LE-103", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Awaken Defenders", "es": "Despertar a los Defensores", "de": "Erwachen der Verteidiger", "fr": "Éveiller les défenseurs", "it": "", "nl": "Awaken Defenders", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

The number of strikes for each automatic-attack at a Free-hold [{F}] or Border-hold [{B}] is doubled. Additionally, each detainment automatic-attack at a Free-hold [{F}] or Border-hold [{B}] becomes a normal automatic-attack. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Se dobla el número de golpes de cada ataque automático en un Bastión Libre [{F}] o un Bastión Fronterizo [{B}]. Además, cada ataque automático de retención en un Bastión Libre [{F}] o Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] se convierte en un ataque automático normal. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… the light of the fires showed up many a mark for archers of such skill as Gondor once had boasted.” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… la luz del fuego era suficiente para llamar la atención de arqueros como los que antaño había tenido Gondor.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AwakenDefenders.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "John C. Duke" }, "LE-104": { "id": "LE-104", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Awaken Denizens", "es": "Despertar a los Moradores", "de": "Erwachen der Bewohner", "fr": "Éveiller les résidents", "it": "", "nl": "Awaken Denizens", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

The number of strikes for each automatic-attack at a Ruins & Lairs [{R}] site is doubled.<\/p>

Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Se dobla el número de golpes para cada ataque automático en unas Ruinas y Guaridas [{R}]. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“‘… I have a sense of watchfulness, and of fear, that I have never had here before.’” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“ʻ… tengo una sensación de que me están vigilando, y un miedo que nunca hasta ahora había sentido.ʼ”<\/i><\/p>

—<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "AwakenDenizens.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "David Monette" }, "LE-105": { "id": "LE-105", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Call of Home", "es": "La Llamada del Hogar", "de": "Ruf der Heimat", "fr": "Appel du foyer", "it": "", "nl": "Call of Home", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a non-Ringwraith, non-Wizard character not bearing The One Ring. <\/i><\/b>The character's player makes a roll. The character returns to his player’s hand if the result plus his player’s unused general influence is less than 10.<\/p>

Any one item held by the removed character may automatically be transferred to another character in his company (all other non-follower cards he controls are discarded).<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Mago, Espectro del Anillo, ni el portador de El Anillo Único.<\/i><\/b> El jugador que controla el personaje hace una tirada. El personaje vuelve a la mano de su jugador si el resultado más la influencia general sin utilizar del jugador es inferior a 10.<\/p>

Cualquier objeto portado por el personaje eliminado puede ser transferido automáticamente a otro personaje de su compañía (todas las demás cartas que controle el personaje objetivo y que no sean seguidores son descartadas).<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "CallofHome.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Jon Foster" }, "LE-106": { "id": "LE-106", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Chill Them with Fear", "es": "Atemorizarles", "de": "Kraft der Verzweiflung", "fr": "Faites-leur peur", "it": "", "nl": "Chill Them with Fear", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event" }, "text": { "en": "

All Elf, Dwarf, Dúnadan, and Hobbit attacks receive +2 prowess and +2 strikes (+1 prowess and +1 strike if Doors of Night<\/i> is in play). Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Todos los ataques de Elfos, Dúnedain, Enanos y Hobbits reciben un +2 al poder y +2 golpes (+1 al poder y +1 golpe si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>). No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… yet another weapon, swifter than hunger… dread and despair.” —<\/i>LotRV<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… tenía otra arma, más rápida que el hambre: el miedo y la desesperación.” —<\/i>SdlA III<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "ChillThemwithFear.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Christina Wald" }, "LE-107": { "id": "LE-107", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Covetous Thoughts", "es": "Pensamientos Ávidos", "de": "Eifersucht", "fr": "Cupidité", "it": "", "nl": "Covetous Thoughts", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "1", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption. <\/i>Playable only on a minion. <\/i><\/b>At the end of each of his turns, target minion makes a corruption check for each item his company bears that he does not bear. For each check, modify the roll by subtracting the corruption of that item. During his organization phase, the minion may tap to attempt to remove this card. Make a roll—if the result is greater than 5, discard this card. Cannot be duplicated on a given minion.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción. <\/i>Jugable sobre un servidor. <\/i><\/b>Al final de cada uno de tus turnos, el servidor objetivo hace un chequeo de corrupción por cada objeto que haya en su compañía y no esté en su poder. Modifica cada chequeo restando los puntos de corrupción de ese objeto.<\/p>

Durante su fase de organización, el servidor puede girarse para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 5, descarta esta carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo servidor.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "CovetousThoughts.jpg", "rarity": "U", "artist": "Cortney Skinner" }, "LE-108": { "id": "LE-108", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Darkness Under Tree", "es": "Oscuridad Bajo los Árboles", "de": "Dunkelheit unter Bäumen", "fr": "Ténèbres sous les arbres", "it": "", "nl": "Darkness Under Tree", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on an untapped Orc, Troll, or Man character if Doors of Night is in play.<\/i><\/b> Tap the character.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje Orco, Troll, u Hombre enderezado si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche.<\/i><\/b> Gira el personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… there now a forest loomed. Great trees, bare and silent, stood, rank on rank, with tangled bow and hoary head; their twisted roots were buried in the long green grass. Darkness was under them.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… allí se elevaba un bosque. Grandes árboles, pelados y silenciosos, se elevaban, fila tras fila, con sus ramas enredadas y sus copas tupidas: sus retorcidas raíces se enterraban bajo la larga hierba verde. Bajo ellos reinaba la oscuridad.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DarknessUnderTree.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "David Monette" }, "LE-109": { "id": "LE-109", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Despair of the Heart", "es": "Desesperanza del Corazón", "de": "Verzweiflung des Herzens", "fr": "Désespoir du coeur", "it": "", "nl": "Despair of the Heart", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "2", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption. <\/i>Playable on a non-Hobbit, non-Wizard, non-Ringwraith character.<\/i><\/b> Target character receives 2 corruption points and makes a corruption check each time a character in his company becomes wounded. During his organization phase, the character may tap to attempt to remove this card. Make a roll—if the result is greater than 4, discard this card. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción. <\/i>Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Hobbit, Mago ni Espectro del Anillo.<\/i><\/b> El personaje objetivo recibe 2 puntos de corrupción y hace un chequeo de corrupción cada vez que uno de los personajes de su compañía resulta herido.<\/p>

Durante su fase de organización, el personaje puede girarse para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 4, descarta esta carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "DespairoftheHeart.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "LE-110": { "id": "LE-110", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Doors of Night", "es": "Puertas de la Noche", "de": "Tore der Nacht", "fr": "Portes de la Nuit", "it": "", "nl": "Doors of Night", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Environment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Environment.<\/i> When Doors of Night<\/i> is played, all resource environment cards in play are immediately discarded, and all resource environment effects are canceled.<\/p>

Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Ambiental.<\/i> Cuando las Puertas de la Noche<\/i> son jugadas, todas las cartas de recursos ambientales en juego son descartadas inmediatamente, y todos los efectos de recursos ambientales son cancelados.<\/p>

No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“One by one white stars sprang forth as the sky faded.” —<\/i>LotRII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Una tras otra fueron asomando las estrellas blancas, en el cielo que se apagaba” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "DoorsofNight.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "John Howe" }, "LE-111": { "id": "LE-111", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Fell Winter", "es": "Crudo Invierno", "de": "Grausamer Winter", "fr": "Hiver féroce", "it": "", "nl": "Fell Winter", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event", "keywords": [ "Environment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Environment. <\/i>Each Border-hold [{B}] receives an additional automatic-attack: Wolves — 3 strikes with 7 prowess. Additionally, if Doors of Night<\/i> is in play, treat all Free-domains [{f}] as Border-lands [{b}] and<\/b> all Border-lands [{b}] as Wildernesses [{w}]. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Ambiental. <\/i>Cada Bastión Fronterizo [{B}] gana un ataque automático adicional: Lobos — 3 golpes de poder 7.<\/p>

Adicionalmente, si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>, trata todas las Regiones Libres [{f}] como Tierras Fronterizas [{b}] y <\/b>todas las TierrasFronterizas<\/p>

Fronterizas [{b}] como Tierras Salvajes [{w}]. No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FellWinter.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Ronald Chironna" }, "LE-112": { "id": "LE-112", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Foolish Words", "es": "Palabras Necias", "de": "Törichte Worte", "fr": "Paroles stupides", "it": "", "nl": "Foolish Words", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Permanent-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a character. <\/i><\/b>Any riddling roll, offering attempt, or influence attempt by target character is modified by -4. If placed on-guard, it may be revealed and played when a character in the company declares such an attempt. During his organization phase, the character may tap to attempt to remove this card. Make a roll—if the result is greater than 7, discard this card. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un personaje.<\/i><\/b> Cualquier tirada de acertijos, intento de oferta, o intento de influencia por parte del personaje objetivo es modificada con un -4. Si es colocada en guardia, puede ser revelada y jugada cuando un personaje de la compañía declara uno de dichos intentos. Durante su fase de organización, el personaje puede girarse para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 7, descarta esta carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "FoolishWords.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "LE-113": { "id": "LE-113", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Greed", "es": "Codicia", "de": "Gier", "fr": "Convoitise", "it": "", "nl": "Greed", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a site. <\/i><\/b>Until the end of the turn, each non-Hobbit, non-Wizard, non-Ringwraith character at the site must make a corruption check each time an item is played at the site. The character playing an item need not make a corruption check. When a character makes one of these checks, it is modified by subtracting the corruption points the item would normally give the character if he controlled it. Cannot be duplicated on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un lugar. <\/i><\/b>Hasta el final del turno, cada personaje que no sea Hobbit, Mago, ni Espectro del Anillo en el lugar debe hacer un chequeo de corrupción cada vez que se juega un objeto en el lugar. El personaje que pone en juego el objeto no necesita hacer el chequeo de corrupción. Cuando un personaje realiza uno de estos chequeos, es modificado restando los puntos de corrupción que el objeto otorgaría normalmente al personaje si lo controlara. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "Greed.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS2", "artist": "Donato Giancola" }, "LE-114": { "id": "LE-114", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Heedless Revelry", "es": "Jolgorio Descuidado", "de": "Maßlose Ausschweifungen", "fr": "Festivités insouciantes", "it": "", "nl": "Heedless Revelry", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a non-Ringwraith company that is not moving. <\/i><\/b>Make a roll for each untapped non-Wizard character in the company; modify this roll by -2 for hero characters. If the result is greater than the character’s mind, the character becomes tapped. Alternatively, may be revealed as an on-guard card on a company in response to the play of an item, ally, or faction (does not interfere with the playing of the card it is revealed in response to). Tap all untapped non-Ringwraith, non-Wizard characters in the company.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que no contenga ningún Espectro del Anillo y no se esté moviendo. <\/i><\/b>Haz una tirada por cada personaje enderezado que no sea Mago; modifica esa tirada con un -2 para personajes héroes. Si el resultado es superior a la mente del personaje, el personaje queda girado.<\/p>

Alternativamente, puede ser revelada como una carta en guardia sobre una compañía en respuesta a la puesta en juego de un objeto, aliado, o facción (no interfiere con la puesta en juego de la carta a la que responde). Gira a todos los personajes enderezados de la compañía que no sean Magos ni Espectros del Anillo.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "HeedlessRevelry.jpg", "rarity": "R", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "LE-115": { "id": "LE-115", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Incite Defenders", "es": "Incitar a los Defensores", "de": "Aufwiegeln der Verteidiger", "fr": "Animer les défenseurs", "it": "", "nl": "Incite Defenders", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Border-hold <\/i><\/b>[{B}] or Free-hold <\/i><\/b>[{F}]. An additional automatic-attack is created at the site until the end of the turn. This is an exact duplicate (including all existing and eventual modifications to prowess, etc.) of an existing automatic-attack of your choice at the site. This automatic-attack is faced immediately following its original.<\/p>

Cannot be duplicated on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre un Bastión Fronterizo <\/i><\/b>[{B}] o un Bastión Libre <\/i><\/b>[{F}]. Se crea un ataque automático adicional en el lugar hasta el final del turno. Se trata de un duplicado exacto (incluyendo todas las modificaciones existentes y eventuales al poder, etc.) de uno de los ataques automáticos existentes en el lugar (a tu elección). La compañía debe enfrentarse a este ataque automático inmediatamente después del original. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "InciteDefenders.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Brad Williams" }, "LE-116": { "id": "LE-116", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Incite Denizens", "es": "Incitar a los Moradores", "de": "Aufwiegeln der Bewohner", "fr": "Animer les résidents", "it": "", "nl": "Incite Denizens", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a Ruins & Lairs<\/i><\/b> [{R}]. An additional automatic-attack is created at the site until the end of the turn. This is an exact duplicate (including all existing and eventual modifications to prowess, etc.) of an existing automatic-attack at the site of your choice. This automatic-attack is faced immediately following its original. Cannot be duplicated on a given site.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una Ruinas y Guaridas <\/i><\/b>[{R}]. Se crea un ataque automático adicional en el lugar hasta el final del turno. Se trata de un duplicado exacto (incluyendo todas las modificaciones existentes y eventuales al poder, etc.) de uno de los ataques automáticos existentes en el lugar (a tu elección). La compañía debe enfrentarse a este ataque automático inmediatamente después del original. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo lugar.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "InciteDenizens.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Angus McBride" }, "LE-117": { "id": "LE-117", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Long Winter", "es": "Largo Invierno", "de": "Langer Winter", "fr": "Long hiver", "it": "", "nl": "Long Winter", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Long-event", "keywords": [ "Environment" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Environment.<\/i> Each moving company that has at least two Wildernesses [{w}] in its site path must return to its site of origin unless it contains a ranger. Additionally, if Doors of Night<\/i> is in play, each non-Haven\/non-Darkhaven site in play with at least two Wildernesses [{w}] in its site path is tapped. Cannot be duplicated.<\/p>", "es": "

Ambiental.<\/i> Cada compañía que tenga al menos dos Tierras Salvajes [{w}] en su itinerario debe regresar a su lugar de origen a menos que contenga un montaraz. Además, si están en juego las Puertas de la Noche<\/i>, cada lugar en juego que no sea un Refugio\/Refugio Oscuro con al menos dos Tierras Salvajes [{w}] en su itinerario es girado.<\/p>

No puede ser duplicada.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LongWinter.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "LE-118": { "id": "LE-118", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lost in Border-lands", "es": "Perdidos en las Tierras Fronterizas", "de": "Verirrt in Grenzlanden", "fr": "Perdus en terres frontalières", "it": "", "nl": "Lost in Border-lands", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a moving company. <\/i><\/b>Its hazard limit increases by one for every Border-land [{b}] in its site path.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo. <\/i><\/b>Su límite de adversidades aumenta en uno por cada Tierra Fronteriza [{b}] en su itinerario.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“But now all the land was empty, and there was a silence that did not seem to be the quiet of peace.” —<\/i>LotRIII<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Pero ahora todas aquellas tierras estaban vacías, y reinaba un silencio que no se parecía en nada a la tranquilidad de la paz.” —<\/i>SdlA II<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LostinBorderlands.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Stephen Daniele" }, "LE-119": { "id": "LE-119", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lost in Free-domains", "es": "Perdidos en las Regiones Libres", "de": "Verirrt in Freien Reichen", "fr": "Perdus dans les domaines libres", "it": "", "nl": "Lost in Free-domains", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a company moving with a Free-domain <\/i><\/b>[{f}] in its site path.<\/i><\/b><\/p>

The company may do nothing during its site phase.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo con una Región Libre <\/i><\/b>[{f}] en su itinerario.<\/i><\/b><\/p>

La compañía no puede hacer nada durante su fase de lugares.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“… and they were also no longer certain of the direction in which they were going.” —<\/i>LotRI<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“… y ya no estaban seguros de en qué dirección estaban avanzando.” —<\/i>SdlA I<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LostinFreedomains.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "LE-120": { "id": "LE-120", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lost in Shadow-lands", "es": "Perdidos en las Tierras de la Sombra", "de": "Verirrt in Schattenlanden", "fr": "Perdus en terre de l'ombre", "it": "", "nl": "Lost in Shadow-lands", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a moving company. <\/i><\/b> Its hazard limit increases by one for every Shadow-land [{s}] in its site path.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo. <\/i><\/b> Su límite de adversidades aumenta en uno por cada Tierra de la Sombra [{s}] en su itinerario.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“The nights were the worst… really pitch; so black that you really could see nothing.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“Las noches eran lo peor… realmente negras; tan oscuras que no se podía ver nada” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LostinShadowlands.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "R. Ward Shipman" }, "LE-121": { "id": "LE-121", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lost in the Wilderness", "es": "Perdidos en las Tierras Salvajes", "de": "Verlaufen in der Wildnis", "fr": "Perdus dans les contrées sauvages", "it": "", "nl": "Lost in the Wilderness", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "subtype": "Short-event" }, "text": { "en": "

Playable on a moving company. <\/i><\/b> Its hazard limit increases by one for every Wilderness [{w}] in its site path.<\/p>", "es": "

Jugable sobre una compañía que se esté moviendo. <\/i><\/b> Su límite de adversidades aumenta en uno por cada Tierra Salvaje [{w}] en su itinerario.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "

“Not far ahead were dreary hills, rising higher and higher, dark with trees. On some of them were old castles with an evil look, as if they had been built by wicked people.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>", "es": "

“No mucho más adelante se elevaban, a gran altura, unas ominosas colinas, coronadas por oscuros árboles. Sobre algunas de ellas se elevaban antiguos castillos de aspecto maléfico, como si hubieran sido construidos por gente perversa.” —<\/i>Hob<\/i><\/b><\/p>" }, "image": "LostintheWilderness.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Ted Nasmith" }, "LE-122": { "id": "LE-122", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lure of Expedience", "es": "Atracción de la Avaricia", "de": "Versuchung der Gelüste", "fr": "Attrait de l'opportunité", "it": "", "nl": "Lure of Expedience", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "2", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption. <\/i>Playable on a non-Ringwraith, non-Wizard, non-Hobbit character. <\/i><\/b>Target character receives 2 corruption points and makes a corruption check each time a character in his company gains an item (including a ring special item). During his organization phase, the character may tap to attempt to remove this card. Make a roll—if the result is greater than 5, discard this card. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción. <\/i>Jugable sobre un personaje que no sea Espectro del Anillo, Mago ni Hobbit. <\/i><\/b>El personaje objetivo recibe 2 puntos de corrupción y hace un chequeo de corrupción cada vez que un personaje de su compañía gana un objeto (incluyendo un<\/p>

objeto especial anillo).<\/p>

Durante su fase de organización, el personaje puede girarse para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 5, descarta esta carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LureofExpedience.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Rob Alexander" }, "LE-123": { "id": "LE-123", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lure of Nature", "es": "Atracción de la Naturaleza", "de": "Versuchung der Natur", "fr": "Attrait de la nature", "it": "", "nl": "Lure of Nature", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "2", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption. <\/i>Playable on a non-Hobbit, non-Dwarf, non-Orc, non-Ringwraith character. <\/i><\/b>Target character receives 2 corruption points and makes a corruption check at the end of his movement\/hazard phase for each Wilderness [{w}] in his company’s site path. During his organization phase, the character may tap to attempt to remove this card. Make a roll—if the result is greater than 4, discard this card. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción. J<\/i>ugable sobre un personaje que no sea Hobbit, Enano, Orco, ni Espectro del Anillo. <\/i><\/b>El personaje objetivo recibe 2 puntos de corrupción y hace un chequeo de corrupción al final de su fase de movimiento\/adversidades por cada Tierra Salvaje [{w}] en el itinerario de su compañía. Durante su fase de organización, el personaje puede girarse para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 4, descarta esta carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LureofNature.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Omar Rayyan" }, "LE-124": { "id": "LE-124", "set": "LE", "name": { "en": "Lure of the Senses", "es": "Atracción de los Sentidos", "de": "Versuchung der Sinne", "fr": "Attrait des sens", "it": "", "nl": "Lure of the Senses", "fi": "", "ja": "" }, "type": "Hazard", "alignment": "Neutral", "attributes": { "corruption": "2", "subtype": "Permanent-event", "keywords": [ "Corruption" ] }, "text": { "en": "

Corruption. <\/i>Playable on a non-Ringwraith character. <\/i><\/b>Target character receives 2 corruption points and makes a corruption check at the end of his untap phase if at a Haven\/Darkhaven [{H}].<\/p>

During his organization phase, the character may tap to attempt to remove this card. Make a roll—if the result is greater than 6, discard this card. Cannot be duplicated on a given character.<\/p>", "es": "

Corrupción. J<\/i>ugable sobre un personaje que no sea Espectro del Anillo. <\/i><\/b>El personaje objetivo recibe 2 puntos de corrupción y hace un chequeo de corrupción al final de su fase de enderezamiento si se encuentra en un Refugio\/Refugio Oscuro [{H}]. Durante su fase de organización, el personaje puede girarse para intentar eliminar esta carta. Haz una tirada—si el resultado es superior a 6, descarta esta carta. No puede ser duplicada sobre un mismo personaje.<\/p>" }, "quote": { "en": "", "es": "" }, "image": "LureoftheSenses.jpg", "rarity": "CB+CS1", "artist": "Chris Trevas" }, "LE-125": { "id": "LE-125", "set": "LE", "name": {