[ { "id": 0, "text": "Protect yourself against an upcoming rug pull" }, { "id": 1, "text": "An airdrop will improve your moo-d" }, { "id": 2, "text": "Your portfolio will increase in value" }, { "id": 3, "text": "Keep buying Ether and its value will go up" }, { "id": 4, "text": "A questionable friend may be an enemy in a unicorn costume" }, { "id": 5, "text": "Your reputation is your wealth" }, { "id": 6, "text": "The satisfying sound of a cow will brighten your day!" }, { "id": 7, "text": "I see money in your future... but only if you trade on CoW Swap" }, { "id": 8, "text": "Don’t let others eat your sandwich" }, { "id": 9, "text": "A past trade will affect you in the near future" }, { "id": 10, "text": "You are making the MEV bots poorer" }, { "id": 11, "text": "A bull market in crypto is like a cow with a full udder – it's bound to attract some attention" }, { "id": 12, "text": "The early investor in crypto reaps the greatest reward" }, { "id": 13, "text": "The early cow gets the freshest grass" }, { "id": 14, "text": "A diversified crypto portfolio is the key to financial success" }, { "id": 15, "text": "The future belongs to those who understand the power of crypto" }, { "id": 16, "text": "Crypto is the currency of the future – invest wisely" }, { "id": 17, "text": "In the world of crypto, the bold shall prosper" }, { "id": 18, "text": "You will soon discover a new source of income through crypto" }, { "id": 19, "text": "The crypto market may be volatile, but those who persevere will be rewarded" }, { "id": 20, "text": "Your crypto investments will bring you great wealth and prosperity" }, { "id": 21, "text": "The secret to success in crypto is to buy low and sell high" }, { "id": 22, "text": "The world is changing, and crypto is at the forefront of this revolution" }, { "id": 23, "text": "The wise investor always keeps an eye on the crypto market" }, { "id": 24, "text": "Your crypto holdings will soon multiply, bringing you great fortune" }, { "id": 25, "text": "A wise man once said, 'In crypto, you snooze, you lose'" }, { "id": 26, "text": "Crypto is the future, be an early adopter and reap the rewards" }, { "id": 27, "text": "The only way to predict the crypto market is to be in it" }, { "id": 28, "text": "Don't be afraid to take risks in crypto, fortune favors the bold" }, { "id": 29, "text": "Invest in crypto now and secure your financial future" }, { "id": 30, "text": "In crypto, the only limit is the one you set for yourself" }, { "id": 31, "text": "The crypto market may be complex, but with patience and knowledge, you will prosper" }, { "id": 32, "text": "The future of finance is in crypto, be a part of it" }, { "id": 33, "text": "A wise cow once said, 'Moo-ve over stocks, crypto is the way to go'" }, { "id": 34, "text": "The cow who invests in crypto will graze in green pastures forever" }, { "id": 35, "text": "A crypto portfolio is like a herd of cows: diversify for maximum profit" }, { "id": 36, "text": "A cow that stands still will be left behind in the crypto market" }, { "id": 37, "text": "The crypto market is like a wild herd, but with a little research, you can milk it for all it's worth" }, { "id": 38, "text": "A cow that jumps into the crypto market early will enjoy the sweetest grass" }, { "id": 39, "text": "A crypto investment is like a calf: it may be small now but it will grow into a profitable herd" }, { "id": 40, "text": "The crypto market is like a CoW: it may seem complex at first, but with patience and understanding, you will milk the rewards" }, { "id": 41, "text": "The cow that is not afraid to take risks in crypto will have a bountiful future" }, { "id": 42, "text": "Just like a cow needs to graze to survive, you need to invest in crypto to secure your financial future" }, { "id": 43, "text": "The steaks are high, your portfolio deserves professional trading" }, { "id": 44, "text": "I am udderly thankful you chooose me for your swap" }, { "id": 45, "text": "The smart cow knows the true value of crypto, while the unicorn is still stuck in a fairy tale" }, { "id": 46, "text": "The wise cow knows the potential of crypto, while the unicorn is busy chasing rainbows" }, { "id": 47, "text": "The smart cow invests in crypto; the unicorn sits around waiting for a miracle" }, { "id": 48, "text": "The cow may not be as mystical as the unicorn, but it knows the smart way to invest in crypto" }, { "id": 49, "text": "The unicorn may chase fairy dust, but the cow knows the reality of crypto's potential" }, { "id": 50, "text": "The cow may not be able to fly like the unicorn, but it can help you find the greenest pastures in crypto" }, { "id": 51, "text": "The unicorn may be enchanted, but it's the holy cow who is truly blessed with the foresight to invest in crypto" }, { "id": 52, "text": "The unicorn may believe in magic, but the cow knows the real sorcery is in crypto investments" }, { "id": 53, "text": "While the unicorn is mesmerized by its own reflection, the cow is busy reaping the rewards of its crypto investments" }, { "id": 54, "text": "It’s the cow, not the naive unicorn, that’s wise enough to invest in crypto for the future" }, { "id": 55, "text": "You look moo-tiful today" }, { "id": 56, "text": "Take a deep breath and moo, it will brighten your day" }, { "id": 57, "text": "May the CoW be with you" }, { "id": 58, "text": "You will soon receive a cow-rie from someone unexpected" }, { "id": 59, "text": "You will soon have a herd of good luck" }, { "id": 60, "text": "You will soon be moo-ving up in the world" }, { "id": 61, "text": "You will soon be udder-ly content" }, { "id": 62, "text": "A cow-incidence will soon bring you good luck" }, { "id": 63, "text": "You will have an udder-ly amazing day" }, { "id": 64, "text": "Milk life for all it’s worth" }, { "id": 65, "text": "You are the moo-st interesting person in the world" }, { "id": 66, "text": "You are the moo-st interesting animal on the farm" }, { "id": 67, "text": "Eat mor’ chickin!" }, { "id": 68, "text": "You are cute, and you know it!" }, { "id": 69, "text": "All your hard work will soon pay off" }, { "id": 70, "text": "Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side!" }, { "id": 71, "text": "Why did the cow go to outer space? To see the moooon!" }, { "id": 72, "text": "Why did the farmer put bells on his cows? Because it wanted to hear some moo-sic!" }, { "id": 73, "text": "What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef" }, { "id": 74, "text": "What do you call a cow that's just given birth? De-calf-inated" }, { "id": 75, "text": "What do you call a cow that's just been milked? Udderly exhausted" }, { "id": 76, "text": "Why did the cow go to Hollywood? To see a moo-vie!" }, { "id": 77, "text": "Why did the cow go to Hollywood? To meet the moo-vie stars!" }, { "id": 78, "text": "What does an interrupting c… MOOOO!" }, { "id": 79, "text": "What do cows do in their free time? Listen to moo-sic" }, { "id": 80, "text": "What did the cow want to be when it grew up? A moo-sician" }, { "id": 81, "text": "Don’t worry, trade happy" }, { "id": 82, "text": "Don’t get milked" }, { "id": 83, "text": "You are handsome, and you know it!" } ]