library("TCA") library("ggplot2") library("ggpubr") library("pracma") library("matrixStats") prep_data <- function(data_path){ file_name1 <- paste(data_path,.Platform$file.sep,"hannum.chr22.RData",sep="") file_name2 <- paste(data_path,.Platform$file.sep,"liu.cd4.chr22.RData",sep="") file_name3 <- paste(data_path,.Platform$file.sep,"paquette.chr22.RData",sep="") file_names <- c(file_name1, file_name2, file_name3) if(any(!file.exists(file_name1, file_name2, file_name3))){ library("GEOquery") library("data.table") library("EpiDISH") } if (!file.exists(file_name1)){ # Download the Hannum et al. data gse <- GEOquery::getGEO("GSE40279", destdir = data_path, GSEMatrix = TRUE) # Extract methylation data X.hannum <- Biobase::exprs(gse[[1]]) # covariates; note that there's also 'ethnicity' covariate in the data, however, it is perfectly captured by the plateinformation plate.hannum <- as.numeric(as.factor((Biobase::pData(gse[[1]])[["plate:ch1"]]))) cov.hannum <- cbind(as.numeric((Biobase::pData(gse[[1]])[["age (y):ch1"]])), as.numeric(as.factor((Biobase::pData(gse[[1]])[["gender:ch1"]]))), indicator_vars(plate.hannum)) rownames(cov.hannum) <- colnames(X.hannum) colnames(cov.hannum) <- c("age", "gender", "plate1", "plate2", "plate3", "plate4", "plate5", "plate6", "plate7", "plate8") # Calculate principal components from control probes that reflect technical variability; since we are not working with IDAT files we don't have "real" control probes - instead, we use low variance sites that are not expected to capture any true biological variability. low_var_pcs.hannum <- low_var_pcs(X.hannum, rank = 10, p = 1000) cov.hannum <- cbind(cov.hannum, low_var_pcs.hannum) # estimate cell-type proportions usign a reference-based approach ref <- as.matrix(EpiDISH::centDHSbloodDMC.m[,c("Neutro","Eosino","CD4T","CD8T","Mono","B","NK")]) W.hannum <- EpiDISH::epidish(X.hannum, ref)$estF # merge Neutro and Eosino W.hannum.gran <- W.hannum[,"Neutro",drop=F] + W.hannum[,"Eosino",drop=F] colnames(W.hannum.gran) <- "Gran" W.hannum <- cbind(W.hannum.gran,W.hannum[,c("CD4T","CD8T","Mono","B","NK")]) # remove polymorphic sites, cross-reactive sites, and non-autosomal sites according to Chen et al.; in addition, remove low variance sites, as those are unlikely to demonstrate biological signal. X.hannum.processed <- filter_data(X.hannum) # keep only sites on chromosome 22 (so that tutorial can run quickly) map <- read.table("",sep=",",row.names = 1) chrs <- map[rownames(X.hannum.processed),1] chr22sites <- which(chrs == 22) X.hannum.processed.22 <- X.hannum.processed[chr22sites,] hannum <- list(X = X.hannum.processed.22, cov = cov.hannum, W = W.hannum) save(hannum, file = file_name1, compress = "bzip2") rm(hannum, gse, X.hannum, X.hannum.processed) file.remove(paste(data_path,.Platform$file.sep,"GPL13534.soft",sep="")) file.remove(paste(data_path,.Platform$file.sep,"GSE40279_series_matrix.txt.gz",sep="")) } if (!file.exists(file_name2)){ # Download the Liu et al. CD4 data # covariates gse <- GEOquery::getGEO("GSE56581", destdir = data_path, GSEMatrix = TRUE) liu.cd4.age <- as.matrix(as.numeric(Biobase::pData(gse[[1]])[["age (yrs):ch1"]])) colnames(liu.cd4.age) <- "age" # methylation data liu.cd4.methfile <- paste(data_path,.Platform$file.sep,"GSE56581_methylome_normalized.txt",sep="") download.file("", paste(liu.cd4.methfile,".gz",sep="")) gunzip(paste(liu.cd4.methfile,".gz",sep="")) X.liu.cd4 <- fread(liu.cd4.methfile) X.liu.cd4.rownames <- X.liu.cd4$ID_REF X.liu.cd4 <- as.matrix(X.liu.cd4[,2:ncol(X.liu.cd4)]) rownames(X.liu.cd4) <- X.liu.cd4.rownames X.liu.cd4 <- X.liu.cd4[,seq(1,ncol(X.liu.cd4),2)] # Calculate principal components from control probes that reflect technical variability; since we are not working with IDAT files we don't have "real" control probes - instead, we use low variance sites that are not expected to capture any true biological variability. low_var_pcs.liu.cd4 <- low_var_pcs(X.liu.cd4, rank = 10) cov.liu.cd4 <- cbind(liu.cd4.age, low_var_pcs.liu.cd4) # keep only sites on chromosome 22 (so that tutorial can run quickly) map <- read.table("",sep=",",row.names = 1) chrs <- map[rownames(X.liu.cd4),1] chr22sites <- which(chrs == 22) X.liu.cd4.22 <- X.liu.cd4[chr22sites,] liu.cd4 <- list(X = X.liu.cd4.22, cov = cov.liu.cd4) save(liu.cd4, file = file_name2) rm(liu.cd4, gse, X.liu.cd4.22, X.liu.cd4) file.remove(paste(data_path,.Platform$file.sep,"GSE56581_methylome_normalized.txt",sep="")) file.remove(paste(data_path,.Platform$file.sep,"GSE56581_series_matrix.txt.gz",sep="")) } if (!file.exists(file_name3)){ # Paquette et al. (Epigenetics 2016) gse <- GEOquery::getGEO("GSE75248", destdir = data_path, GSEMatrix = TRUE) # methylation data X.paquette <- Biobase::exprs(gse[[1]]) # Calculate principal components from control probes that reflect technical variability; since we are not working with IDAT files we don't have "real" control probes - instead, we use low variance sites that are not expected to capture any true biological variability. low_var_pcs.paquette <- low_var_pcs(X.paquette, rank = 10, p = 1000) # remove polymorphic sites, cross-reactive sites, and non-autosomal sites according to Chen et al.; in addition, remove low variance sites, as those are unlikely to demonstrate biological signal. X.paquette.processed <- filter_data(X.paquette) # keep only sites on chromosome 22 (so that tutorial can run quickly); Paquette et al. reported some signal in chromosome 16 map <- read.table("",sep=",",row.names = 1) chrs <- as.character(map[rownames(X.paquette.processed),1]) chr22sites <- which(chrs == "22") X.paquette.processed.22 <- X.paquette.processed[chr22sites,] # Extract covaraites gestational_age <-as.numeric(unlist(lapply(Biobase::pData(gse[[1]])[["gestational age:ch1"]], function(x) strsplit(x,";")[[1]][1]))) arousal <- as.numeric(Biobase::pData(gse[[1]])[["arousal:ch1"]]) batch <- as.numeric(as.factor((Biobase::pData(gse[[1]])[["batch:ch1"]]))) batch[] <- 3 batch <- indicator_vars(batch) # since gender information is not available on the GEO record, get gender information that was inferred from the IDAR files based on X chromosome methylation gender <- read.table("", row.names = 1) cov.paquette <- data.frame(gender,gestational_age,arousal,batch) colnames(cov.paquette) <- c("gender","gestational_age","arousal","batch1","batch2") rownames(cov.paquette) <- colnames(X.paquette.processed.22) # remove na values keep <- setdiff(1:nrow(cov.paquette) ,which(rowSums( > 0)) cov.paquette <- cbind(cov.paquette[keep,], low_var_pcs.paquette[keep,]) X.paquette.processed.22 <- X.paquette.processed.22[,keep] # Load cell-type proportions usign a reference-based approach; these were estimated using the raw IDAT files of the data (available on GEO) with the package ENmix. W.paquette <- read.table("", row.names = 1) W.paquette <- W.paquette[,2:ncol(W.paquette)] W.paquette[W.paquette < 0] <- 0 # remove lowly abundant cell types W.paquette <- W.paquette[keep, colMeans(W.paquette)>=0.01] rownames(W.paquette) <- rownames(cov.paquette) # normalize cell type proportions (output from the ENmix package didn't require the proportions of an individual to sum up to 1) W.paquette <- W.paquette/t(repmat(rowSums(W.paquette),ncol(W.paquette),1)) # get the set of cord blood reference CpGs that were used for estimating cell-type proportions; we will use these CpGs for re-estimating W library("FlowSorted.CordBlood.450k") ref.cord <- get("FlowSorted.CordBlood.450k") ref.cord <- preprocessRaw(ref.cord) ref.cord.cpgs <- rownames(FlowSorted.CordBlood.450k.ModelPars) ref.cord.cpgs.intersect <- intersect(ref.cord.cpgs, rownames(X.paquette)) paquette <- list(X = X.paquette.processed.22, cov = cov.paquette, W = W.paquette, X.ref_cpgs = X.paquette[ref.cord.cpgs.intersect,keep]) save(paquette, file = file_name3) rm(paquette, gse, X.paquette, X.paquette.processed, X.paquette.processed.22) file.remove(paste(data_path,.Platform$file.sep,"GSE75248_series_matrix.txt.gz",sep="")) ## note - the files W.paquette.txt and gender.paquette.txt were generated using the original IDAT files of the Paquette data. # Gender information was inferred from methylation levels frmo the X chromosome as it is not available on Tthe GEO record. # Code attched below; in order to run it, download the IDAT files from GEO accession number GSE75248 and set 'path' in 'readidat' below to the location of the files. # require("ENmix") # rgdat <- readidat(path = ".", manifestfile=NULL, recursive = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) # meth <- getmeth(rgdat); rm(rgdat) # W <- estimateCellProp(meth, refdata="FlowSorted.CordBlood.450k", cellTypes=NULL, nonnegative = TRUE, nProbes=50, normalize=TRUE, refplot=FALSE) # write.table(W, file = "W.paquette.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = " ") # beta <- getB(meth) # map <- read.table("",sep=",",row.names = 1) # chrs <- as.character(map[rownames(beta),1]) # sites.X <- which(chrs == "X") # sex_cpgs.pca.paquette <- prcomp(t(beta[sites.X,]), center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, rank = 2) # write.table(sex_cpgs.pca.paquette$x[,1:2], file = "sex_cpgs.pca.paquette.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = " ") # plot(sex_cpgs.pca.paquette$x[,1],sex_cpgs.pca.paquette$x[,2]) # shows a separation between males and females; note that the males/females ratio here perfectly match the one in the Paquette et al. paper. # df <-data.frame(as.numeric(x[,1] > 0)) # colnames(df) <-"gender"; rownames(df) <- rownames(x) # write.table(df,file = "gender.paquette.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = " ") } return(file_names) } indicator_vars <- function(x){ x.indicators <- matrix(0,length(x),length(unique(x))-1) counter <- 1 u <- unique(x) for (i in setdiff(u,u[length(u)])){ x.indicators[,counter] <- as.numeric(x == i) counter <- counter + 1 } return(x.indicators) } low_var_pcs <- function(X, rank = 10, p = 1000){ site.variances <- matrixStats::rowVars(X) names(site.variances) <- rownames(X) low.var.sites <- names(head(sort(site.variances), p)) low.var.pca <- prcomp(t(X[low.var.sites,]), center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, rank = rank) return(low.var.pca$x) } filter_data <- function(X, var_th = 0.0001){ nonspecific_probes <- read.table("")[,1] XY_probes <- read.table("")[,1] polymorphic_probes <- read.table("")[,1] # remove sites with very low variance that are unlikely to exhibit biological signal site.variances <- matrixStats::rowVars(X) names(site.variances) <- rownames(X) low_var_sites <- names(which(site.variances < var_th)) exclude <- union(nonspecific_probes,union(XY_probes,union(low_var_sites,polymorphic_probes))) return(X[setdiff(rownames(X),exclude),]) } plot_qq <- function(pvals, labels, ggarrange.nrow = 1, ggarrange.ncol = 1, alpha = 0.05, experiment_wide_line = TRUE){ significance_th <- list(alpha/length(pvals[[1]])) if(length(pvals)-1) significance_th[[2]] <- alpha/(length(pvals)*length(pvals[[1]])) qqplots <- lapply(1:length(pvals), function(p){ df <- data.frame(pvals.obs = -log10(sort(pvals[[p]])), pvals.exp = -log10(sort((1:length(pvals[[1]]))/length(pvals[[1]])))); qqplot <- ggplot(df, aes(x = pvals.exp, y = pvals.obs)) + stat_binhex(geom = "point", bins=1000, size=1) + geom_abline() + ggtitle(labels[p]) + xlab(expression(Expected~-log[10](P))) + ylab(expression(Observed~-log[10](P))) + theme_bw() + guides(fill="none") + geom_hline(yintercept=-log10(significance_th[[1]]), linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=1) if (length(significance_th)-1 & experiment_wide_line) qqplot <- qqplot + geom_hline(yintercept=-log10(significance_th[[2]]), linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=0.5) return(qqplot) }) ggarrange(plotlist = qqplots, ncol = ggarrange.ncol, nrow = ggarrange.nrow) } plot_scatter <- function(dfs, ggarrange.ncol, ggarrange.nrow, xlab, ylab, titles){ plots <- vector("list", length = length(dfs)) for (i in 1:length(dfs)){ df <- data.frame(y = dfs[[i]]$y, x = dfs[[i]]$x) plots[[i]] <- ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.6) + geom_smooth(method=lm) + stat_cor(method = "pearson", colour = "blue") + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) + ggtitle(titles[i]) } ggarrange(plotlist = plots, ncol = ggarrange.ncol, nrow = ggarrange.nrow) } if(FALSE){ # Set a path for storing data data_path <- "./" # Load the data filenames <- prep_data(data_path) for (filename in filenames) load(filename) ## Experiment #1: detecting CD4 differential methylation with age; working under the assumption X|Y (i.e. age affects methylation levels) # Apply the TCA model to the Hannum whole-blood data tca.mdl.hannum <- tca(X = hannum$X, W = hannum$W, C1 = hannum$cov[,c("gender","age")], C2 = hannum$cov[,3:ncol(hannum$cov)]) # Extract p-values of a joint test tca.mdl.hannum.pvals.joint <- tca.mdl.hannum$gammas_hat_pvals.joint[,"age"] # Extract p-values for each cell type, under a marginal conditional test tca.mdl.hannum.pvals.marg_cond <- tca.mdl.hannum$gammas_hat_pvals[,paste(colnames(hannum$W),".age",sep="")] # qq-plots - for the p-values of the joint test, and for the p-values in CD4, under a marginal conditional test plot_qq(list(tca.mdl.hannum.pvals.joint, tca.mdl.hannum.pvals.marg_cond[,"CD4T.age"]), labels = c("Joint test with age", "CD4 marginal conditional test with age"), ggarrange.nrow = 1, ggarrange.ncol = 2, experiment_wide_line = FALSE) # Run ReFACTor to capture more of the variation of cell-type composition refactor.mdl.hannum <- refactor(X = hannum$X, k = 6, C = hannum$cov[,3:ncol(hannum$cov)]) # Rerun TCA, this time include the ReFACTor components as additional covariates tca.mdl.hannum.2 <- tca(X = hannum$X, W = hannum$W, C1 = hannum$cov[,c("gender","age")], C2 = cbind(hannum$cov[,3:ncol(hannum$cov)],refactor.mdl.hannum$scores)) # Extract the updated p-values of a joint test tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.joint <- tca.mdl.hannum.2$gammas_hat_pvals.joint[,"age"] # Extract the updated marginal conditional p-values tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.marg_cond <- tca.mdl.hannum.2$gammas_hat_pvals[,paste(colnames(hannum$W),".age",sep="")] # qq-plots - for the p-values of the joint test, and for the p-values in CD4, under a marginal conditional test plot_qq(list(tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.joint, tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.marg_cond[,"CD4T.age"]), labels = c("Joint test with age", "CD4 marginal conditional test with age"), ggarrange.nrow = 1, ggarrange.ncol = 2, experiment_wide_line = FALSE) # Extract the hits based on the joint test hits.joint <- names(which(tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.joint < 0.05/nrow(hannum$X))) # Extract the hits from hits.joint where CD4 cells demonstrate the lowest p-value across all cell types cd4.hits <- names(which(tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.marg_cond[hits.joint,"CD4T.age"] == rowMins(tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.marg_cond[hits.joint,]))) sprintf("Detected %d associations using a joint test, %d associations using a marginal conditional test, and %d associations in CD4 cells using a marginal conditional test.", sum(tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.joint <= 0.05/nrow(hannum$X)), sum(tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.marg_cond <= 0.05/(nrow(hannum$X)*nrow(hannum$W))), sum(tca.mdl.hannum.2.pvals.marg_cond[,"CD4T.age"] <= 0.05/(nrow(hannum$X)*nrow(hannum$W)))) # Replicate the CD4 hits in the Liu purified CD4 data cd4.hits.liu.pvals <- unlist(lapply(1:length(cd4.hits), function(x) summary(lm(y~., data.frame(y=liu.cd4$X[cd4.hits[x],], liu.cd4$cov)))$coefficients["age","Pr(>|t|)"])) # Plot adjusted methylation (i.e. adjusted for covariates) as a function of age in all four replicated CD4 associations dfs <- vector("list", length = 4) for (i in 1:4){ r <- scale(residuals(lm(y~., data.frame(y=liu.cd4$X[cd4.hits[i],], liu.cd4$cov[,2:ncol(liu.cd4$cov)])))) dfs[[i]] <- data.frame(x = liu.cd4$cov[,"age"], y = r) } plot_scatter(dfs = dfs, ggarrange.ncol = 2, ggarrange.nrow = 2, xlab = "Age", ylab = "Adjusted methylation level", titles = paste("CD4 methylation in ",cd4.hits,sep="")) # Verify that p-values are calibrated in the Liu data liu.cd4.regression.pvals <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(liu.cd4$X), function(x) summary(lm(y~.,data.frame(y = liu.cd4$X[x,],liu.cd4$cov)))$coefficients["age","Pr(>|t|)"])) plot_qq(list(liu.cd4.regression.pvals), labels = "Linear regression (sorted CD4)") ## Experiment #2: detecting differential methylation with infant arousal in granulocytes; working under the assumption Y|X (i.e. methylation levels affect or mediate components affecting infant arousal). # Apply the TCA model to the Paquette data tca.mdl.paquette <- tca(X = paquette$X, W = paquette$W, C1 = paquette$cov[,c("gender","gestational_age")], C2 = paquette$cov[,4:ncol(paquette$cov)], constrain_mu = TRUE) # Run tcareg with a joint test and extract p-values; generate a qq-plot C3_names <- c("gender","gestational_age","batch1","batch2") tcareg.mdl.paquette.joint <- tcareg(X = paquette$X, tca.mdl = tca.mdl.paquette, y = paquette$cov[,"arousal",drop=F], C3 = paquette$cov[,C3_names], test = "joint") plot_qq(list(tcareg.mdl.paquette.joint$pvals), labels = "Joint test with infant arousal") # Since there is an inflation in the qq-plot we try to re-estimate the cell-type proportions # First, run TCA using only the reference sites for getting a new estimate of W tca.mdl.paquette.refit_W <- tca(X = paquette$X.ref_cpgs, W = paquette$W, C1 = paquette$cov[,c("gender","gestational_age")], C2 = paquette$cov[,4:ncol(paquette$cov)], constrain_mu = TRUE, refit_W = TRUE, refit_W.features = rownames(paquette$X.ref_cpgs)) # Use the updated estimate of W in a new execution of TCA on the data tca.mdl.paquette.2 <- tca(X = paquette$X, W = tca.mdl.paquette.refit_W$W, C1 = paquette$cov[,c("gender","gestational_age")], C2 = paquette$cov[,4:ncol(paquette$cov)], constrain_mu = TRUE) # Run tcareg with a joint test and extract p-values; generate a qq-plot tcareg.mdl.paquette.joint.2 <- tcareg(X = paquette$X, tca.mdl = tca.mdl.paquette.2, y = paquette$cov[,"arousal",drop=F], C3 = paquette$cov[,C3_names], test = "joint") plot_qq(list(tcareg.mdl.paquette.joint.2$pvals), labels = "Joint test with infant arousal") # Run tcareg with a marginal conditional test; generate qq plots tcareg.mdl.paquette.2.marg_cond <- tcareg(X = paquette$X, tca.mdl = tca.mdl.paquette.2, y = paquette$cov[,"arousal",drop=F], C3 = paquette$cov[,C3_names], test = "marginal_conditional") plot_qq(split(tcareg.mdl.paquette.2.marg_cond$pvals,rep(1:ncol(paquette$W), each = nrow(paquette$X))), labels = paste(colnames(paquette$W)," marginal conditional with arousal", sep=""), ggarrange.nrow = 2, ggarrange.ncol = 2) # Exctract the hit we got from the joint test hit.joint <- rownames(paquette$X)[which(tcareg.mdl.paquette.joint.2$pvals < 0.05/nrow(paquette$X))] # The p-values of the marginal conditional test in the hit we found with the joint test suggest that the association is in granulocytes tcareg.mdl.paquette.2.marg_cond$pvals[hit.joint,] # Extract from the tca model the part that is relevant for the hit found tcasub.mdl.paquette.2 <- tcasub(tca.mdl = tca.mdl.paquette.2, features = hit.joint) # Calculate cell-type-specific methylation for the samples in the detected CpG tensor.mdl.hit <- tensor(tca.mdl = tcasub.mdl.paquette.2, X = paquette$X[hit.joint,,drop=F]) # Plot the estimated granulocyte-specific methylation with arasual; adjust methylation levels to covariates # Compare with using the bulk data r.gran <- scale(residuals(lm(y~., data.frame(y=tensor.mdl.hit[[2]][1,], paquette$cov[,setdiff(1:ncol(paquette$cov),3)])))) df.gran <- data.frame(y = r.gran, x = paquette$cov[,"arousal"]) # The bulk data should be further adjusted for cell-type composition (i.e. tca.mdl.paquette.2$W) r.bulk <- scale(residuals(lm(y~., data.frame(y=paquette$X[hit.joint,], tca.mdl.paquette.2$W, paquette$cov[,setdiff(1:ncol(paquette$cov),3)])))) df.bulk <- data.frame(y = r.bulk, x = paquette$cov[,"arousal"]) plot_scatter(dfs = list(df.bulk, df.gran), ggarrange.ncol = 2, ggarrange.nrow = 1, xlab = "Infant arousal", ylab = "Adjusted methylation level", titles = paste(c("Whole-blood methylation in ", "Granulocyte methylation in "),hit.joint,sep="")) }