# RenderTree Sublime Text 3 plugin to render tree structures as text. Uses the excellent [anytree](https://github.com/c0fec0de/anytree) library. ## Usage ### Convert indented lines to tree Type your tree structure using indented lines to represent the levels of the tree. You can use any sequence of whitespace to represent an indention level but it must be consistent across all lines. The indentation sequence is inferred from the second line of the tree, since by definition that must be indented. In the example below each level is indented by four spaces but you could just as easily use three spaces, or even a mixture of tabs and spaces, as long as the same string is used on all lines. There must always be a single root node that has no identation ("Alpha" in the example below). ```text Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India ``` Select all the lines containing your indented text then open the command pallete and choose "Render Tree: Convert indented lines to tree". The tree structure will be inserted after your selected text. ```text Alpha ├── Bravo ├── Charlie │ ├── Delta │ └── Echo ├── Foxtrot └── Golf └── Hotel └── India ``` Error messages and informational messages are printed to the Sublime Text console. ## Install - Via Package Control: search for `Render Tree`. - Manual: clone this repo into your Sublime text 3 `Packages` folder.