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T. Bayes", FULLAUTHOR = "Reverend Thomas Bayes", TITLE = "Essay Towards Solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances", JOURNAL = "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society", YEAR = "1763", } @BOOK{BEZOS02, AUTHOR = "J. Bezos", FULLAUTHOR = "Javier Bezos", TITLE = "The TITLEsec and TITLEtoc Packages", MONTH = "March", YEAR = "2002", } @ARTICLE{ELIDRISSI94, AUTHOR = "Elidrissi, M.C. and Roney, A. and Frigon, C. and et al", TITLE = "Measurements of total kinetic-energy released to the {N=2} dissociation limit of {H}$_2$ - evidence of the dissociation of very high vibrational {R}ydberg states of {H}$_2$ by doubly-excited states", JOURNAL = "Chem. Phys. Lett.", PAGES = "260-266", VOLUME = "224", YEAR = "1994", } @ARTICLE{MELLINGER96, AUTHOR = "Mellinger, A. and Vidal, C.R. and Jungen, Ch.", TITLE = "Laser reduced fluorescence study of the carbon-monoxide nd triplet {R}ydberg series - experimental results and multichannel quantum-defect analysis", JOURNAL = "J. Chem. Phys.", PAGES = "8913-8921", VOLUME = "104", YEAR = "1996", } @BOOK{OOSTRUM01, AUTHOR = "{P. Oostrum, ifuleyou@bbs.ctex.org~译}", FULLAUTHOR = "Piet van Oostrum", TITLE = "{\LaTeX}下的页面布局", MONTH = "August", YEAR = "2001", } @ARTICLE{SHELL02, AUTHOR = "Michael Shell", TITLE = "How to Use the {IEEEtran \LaTeX} Class", JOURNAL = "Journal of {\LaTeX} Class Files", VOLUME = "1", NUMBER = "11", MONTH = "November", YEAR = "2002", } @BOOK{TEXGURU99, AUTHOR = "{\TeX}Guru", TITLE = "{\LaTeX 2$\varepsilon$}用户手册", YEAR = "1999", } % English @ARTICLE{Joa1999, AUTHOR= "Joa-Ng, M. and I-Tai Lu", TITLE= "A novel spread spectrum-based synchronization and location determination method for wireless system", JOURNAL= "IEEE Communications Letters", YEAR= "1999", MONTH= "Jun.", VOLUME= "3", NUMBER= "6", PAGES= "177-179", } @ARTICLE{Fujinoki2001, AUTHOR= "Fujinoki, Hiroshi and , PhD", TITLE= "Performance evaluation of multicast routing algorithms to trade-off path length and bandwidth consumption and of a protocol to reduce messaging overhead", JOURNAL= "UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, 2001, 109 PAGES", YEAR= "2001", MONTH= " ", VOLUME= " ", NUMBER= " ", PAGES= " ", } @CONFERENCE{Altman1997, AUTHOR= "Altman, Eitan and Basar, Tamer", TITLE= "Multi-user rate-based flow control: Distributed game-theoretic algorithms", BOOKTITLE= "Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control", YEAR= "1997", MONTH= " ", VOLUME= "3", PAGES= "2916-2921", } @MANUAL{Hills, AUTHOR= "Willoughby Hills", TITLE= "Reconfigurable Assembly Cell(RAC)", NOTE= "OH 44094", YEAR= " ", MONTH= " ", } @MANUAL{Hills, AUTHOR= "PATRICK W. DALY", TITLE= "Graphics and Colour with ", NOTE= " ", YEAR= "1998", MONTH= "4", } @MANUAL{Hills, AUTHOR= "PATRICK W. DALY", TITLE= "TexFriend/Graphics插件", NOTE= " ", YEAR= "2003", MONTH= "12", } % Chinese @ARTICLE{Yang_Hy200215, AUTHOR= "杨洪勇 and 宗广灯 and 武玉强", TITLE= "多输入多输出网络系统的拥塞控制方法", JOURNAL= "计算机工程与应用", YEAR= "2002", MONTH= " ", VOLUME= " ", NUMBER= "15", PAGES= "27-30", } @BOOK{Zheng_wb200108, AUTHOR= "郑文波", TITLE= "控制网络技术", YEAR= "2001", MONTH= "8", } @BOOK{Xie_dy1997, AUTHOR= "薛定宇", TITLE= "\LaTeX 科学文件处理软件入门(修订版)", YEAR= "1997", MONTH= "5", } @BOOK{Deng_PC2001, AUTHOR= "邓建松 and 彭冉冉 and 陈长松", TITLE= "\LaTeX 2e 科技排版指南", YEAR= "2001", MONTH= "9", } @BOOK{Shang_dy2001, AUTHOR= "桑大勇 and 王瑛", TITLE= "科技文献排版系统:\LaTeX 入门与提高", YEAR= "2001", MONTH= "5", } @BOOK{Wang_2, AUTHOR= "王 磊", TITLE= "LATEX2e 插图指南", } \end{filecontents} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} % \def\cs#1{\textbackslash\texttt{#1}} \begin{document} \section*{ECNU} \stepcounter{section} \subsection{文献引用的演示} \par 本模板使用biblatex进行文献管理,这是一套相对较新的系统。另外,使用了hushidong制作的符合gb7714-2015标准的biblatex样式。在此对他的工作表示感谢,要完成这样的样式非常不容易。本模板中gb7714-2015.bbx与gb7714-2015.cbx即为他的作品,在这里打包发布以便使用。 \par 默认的bib文件位于~/reference/thesis-ref.bib,内容是由Wang Tianshu制作,在此仅作演示之用。关于bib文件的编写与管理请自行查找相关教程。 \par 下方的演示已经给出了正文中引用文献的基本方法,这与传统的cite命令是类似的。如有更多需求,请至\url{https://github.com/hushidong/biblatex-gb7714-2015}查找相关资料。 \par 文献\parencite{Yang_Hy200215}中提到xxxxxxx。 \par 文献\parencite{Joa1999}中提到yyyyyyy。 \par 文献\parencite{Altman1997}中提到zzzzzzz。 \par \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{\uline{本模板使用parencite而不是cite命令,因为这样能与脚注所产生编号进行区分。当然,如果你没有脚注或尾注,那么cite命令也是推荐使用的。}}} \printbibliography \end{document}